A small picture (Mostly SFW)

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A small picture (Mostly SFW)

Post by marybell »

I commissioned the following picture for a "Vampire the Masquerade" game that I ran. For those not familiar with the game, I apologise for any confusion caused

Some terms you should know:

Nosferatu: A clan of vampires well known for their physical ugliness, but also their ability to gain alot of information, including owning hundreds of books

Toreador: A clan of vampires dedicated into artistry of all types - singing, painting, dancing, etc.

Primogen : The head of a certain family clan within a particular city. They report to the head Vampire (Prince)

In this long campaign, Violet was the Nosferatu Primogen - who also had a very high status in the city. She was usually quite shy and docile, except with her childe vampire, Joey Vandal, who she'd swat for getting out of control. She is based upon Hanako

The Toreador Primogen's name is Alice. She's a very oddball painter who has a very strange sense of doing things... she's based upon Rin.

The players eventually found out that Alice and Violet were friends back when they were humans. They were best closest friends from their time in a burlesque show in the 1800's. Alice was turned by her sire, who promised to also consider Violet, but fate had other plans. A fire destroyed the Burlesque theatre and almost killed Violet, another passing vampire, this one a Nosferatu, took pity on her and gave her a second chance at existence.

Anyways...this is mean to be a candid photo of them taken before they were turned into vampires. XD I did not draw this...but I did pay for it. :)
001b.png (2.43 MiB) Viewed 4913 times
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