is ks ren'py compatible? (as it is currently)

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is ks ren'py compatible? (as it is currently)

Post by saikkussu »

With ks as it is now, is it possible to run on ren'py for android? Im really glad it's out and enjoy it very much on my comp. I also realise its not going to be ported to anything anywhere. I was just hoping, without applying additional work for the dev team, that I could play it anytime for kicks and giggles.

And again, thank you dev team! :3 your hard work really paid off. Ks is epic no matter what it can,and can't play on.
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Re: is ks ren'py compatible? (as it is currently)

Post by Aerin »

I'd love an answer to this question myself, actually. I have a Kindle Fire and I'd love trying to side boot it onto that device.

I've done quite a bit of looking, but the only answer I see as far as the devs are concerned is "If you can get it running on anything else, be our guest. We're not going to do the work ourselves of making it compatible." Which is fine, of course. They've put more than enough work into it as is (for free, no less!) and have no desire to put even MORE time into it just for novelty's sake.

This leaves it up to the fans to figure it out, I'm assuming. Whether that's making it compatible with the version of Ren'py that supports Android or completely porting it over to that platform, I don't know. All I'm hoping is that it does, eventually, come. It'll take someone with more knowledge and dedication than me, that's for sure.

If it's as simple as installing Ren'py then dragging KS onto your device, then awesome.

Has anyone tried this? Additionally, are there any people working on a different solution?
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Re: is ks ren'py compatible? (as it is currently)

Post by Silentcook »

From the FAQs:

Q: I want to port KS to a different platform, what do you think about it?
A: The answer is no. Don't bother asking. Additionally, don't talk about it here.
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Re: is ks ren'py compatible? (as it is currently)

Post by antiandrew »

I just did some light research, and It's definitely possible to build it for android. However without the source files, building it would be a challenge. It isn't enough, sadly, to copy linux files to the android sd card. Only the creators can do this with ease. Though, I might have posted too soon as I'm not 100% sure this is the case.
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Re: is ks ren'py compatible? (as it is currently)

Post by aspheric »


You CAN simply throw the linux files onto your sdcard

My thread on it was just deleted~

My S2 running ubuntu 10:10



(full screen)


I get this because I ran it on 64bit ubuntu by mistake

I have a new version of ubuntu but I forgot one of the things I had to install because my thread was deleted.

So I'm currently just sitting here procrastinating.

i didn't get sound or video in the when running it on the x64 version of ubuntu but i think that was because it was x64
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Re: is ks ren'py compatible? (as it is currently)

Post by antiandrew »

wows. thats pretty cool. too bad we were talking about the android platform. which means getting ks to work on the phone would be quite a bit of work, because of getting ubuntu to work on the phone would be quite a hassle. Plus, I only just noticed this, but the creation team seems uncomfortable with us using ks in unintended ways.

... kinda off topic. How does ubuntu run on your s2? can you call people and all that jazz? any lag? I've never bothered trying it worth the time investment?
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Re: is ks ren'py compatible? (as it is currently)

Post by aspheric »

ubuntu runs ontop of android.

I'm simply emulating Ubuntu and even though my phone's a beast you can do this on plenty of others.

This is the ONLY work around that doesn't break the rules.

is an example of what I originally started with

I'm using a new build of Ubuntu though cause the one from this vid wouldn't work.
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Re: is ks ren'py compatible? (as it is currently)

Post by Formedras »

As far as I know, if the required capabilities of a Ren'Py game can be fulfilled by the Android version, it's trivial to take it, even without the game/*.rpy sources, and use it on Ren'Py for Android. All it needs is the android.txt, icon.png, and .nomedia files to be supplied yourself. (The Ren'Py documentation says to also include the file, but I found that seemingly a red herring.)

That said, I tried it; it doesn't work. But I think I know why. After the presplash, the game goes straight to a video file. If my guess is right, Ren'Py for Android will hang when one needs to be played; I'd guess that also applies to the three methods listed as not supported, and I wouldn't be surprised if KS used all three.

I'm certain that, if the Android version of Ren'Py was up to feature-parity with the CPython version (and, with PyTom having to program his Python/Android virtual machine himself, why would it be?), the quick 2-minute "port" would work perfectly. (Katawa Shoujo, it seems, actually uses the base Ren'Py 6.10.1 release.)
With 4LS saying that they won't do any porting work whatsoever and not releasing the .rpy sources, the only thing we can do is look to PyTom to make it compatible. (Certain video formats will probably never be ABLE to be compatible due to the probable need for hardware-decoding, so if KS uses AVIs, MKVs, or possibly OGVs, we're just screwed.) Some skilled person may be able to craft a .rpy file with an "init early" block to prevent videos from playing and do other required workarounds, but I'm not that person.

Re: is ks ren'py compatible? (as it is currently)

Post by O »

I, as others, am very interested in running this on my tablet under ren'py as my access to a desktop computer is often exclusive of times when I could relax and play a game or read a book. Does anyone know if there is someone who could be authorised access to the source for a recompile with disabled/converted videos or slight changes to incompatible functions?

I certainly don't wish to burden the original developers, but what we are discussing here is not a major rewrite, re-licensing, or a request to distribute source. If there is a more appropriate location to discuss this I am open to suggestions.
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