'Rough and Soft'


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Carelessly Cooking You
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'Rough and Soft'

Post by Silentcook »

This came out with much more difficulty than usual, plus I tried to be all experimental and ambitious. Also, Lilly is the character I have the most trouble getting a handle on.
So, yeah. Likely a steaming pile.
Storycodes: hi li nosex



...And finally, I button up snugly the pair of jeans and stand up from sitting on my bed. I giggle at the picture I must make. Lilly Satou, firstborn of the Satou family, proper lady, honors student, etcetera etcetera... in a flannel shirt, jeans, and hiking boots. Mother would probably faint dead away.
Which is, I think, exactly the reason why I'm doing this.
It's not that I want to shock anyone or disappoint my family, but now and then the pressure of being always ladylike and correct gets so... stifling. I don't want to be like that all the time. I want to have some fun.
Even though I must admit maybe I should have picked something a little less daring this time...


'Ah... Lilly? Could I have a minute?'
'My, certainly, Hisao-san. What do you wish to talk about?'
'Um, I was wondering... if you'd like to... come picnicking with me.'
Uh oh, she looks blank. 'Ah, we would not go anywhere too hard to reach. I thought you liked quiet places.'
'And er, I'm told the place I had in mind is quite b..nice... Sorry, I'll be going now...'
'No, no, Hisao-san, please don't. Your idea is quite interesting.'
'It is?'
'Yes. The prospect of having some exercise and eating while taking in some fresh air and sun is quite appealing. To tell the truth, I'm rather tired of cafeteria food, and would enjoy some variation. What did you have in mind, exactly?'


*snort* I wonder if he really even THOUGHT about what he was asking. That's Hisao-kun for you though. He has this habit of speaking his mind... I suppose that makes him very honest, even too honest for his own good at times.
But it's also why I can feel comfortable doing this. I can tell all he really has in his mind is having a good time together.
And you wouldn't be entirely averse to THAT either.
Shush, me. The boy is endearing the way he is. Plenty of time to think about more later.
So... appropriate clothing, check. My cane...
I reach my hand confidently to the usual spot, but think again.
Shoot. That's right, the heavier one, the usual would be useless. I feel around for it, and contact the sturdier, rougher wooden rod. Check.
And my bag... I find it right were I had set it last night, ready for the taking. Nevertheless, I quickly finger through its contents to make sure.
All set. Now to meet Hisao-kun and get to the destination... I slip out through the door and lock it behind myself.


Think of something. Dammit, Hisao, think of something.
I can't let things go on like this. I have stooped to actually thinking it's a good thing Lilly is blind, because otherwise I'd have been caught staring at her. Thank my lucky stars I managed not to drop our stuff or make too much of an ass of myself. I think.
Can't help it though. She's so... different from the usual, she seems even more approachable. And she is still so feminine and graceful, even in those clothes. People everywhere have been staring at us. Small wonder, with her looks.
End result, I am nervous. After we settled in the train compartment, small talk died down, and now there's an uncomfortable silence.
Think! Damn you, think!


The rythmic *click-clack* sound of the train is soothing in its own way, and together with the silence puts me into a contemplative mood.
I'm starting to feel a little trepidation. I have grown comfortable with the environs of Yamaku Academy, maybe too comfortable, and going into unknown territory after this long is making me edgy. I keep making small mistakes, small misjudgements.
I'm also getting bothered by all the comments. I know I shouldn't, but I am. I wanted to forget about people being rude at me behind my back because they think I can't hear them whisper.
I nearly let out a sigh, but barely catch myself in time. Poor Hisao-kun will probably wither in consternation if I seem disappointed. I could practically warm myself with the heat of his blush when we met.
That makes me smile faintly instead. I'll need to thank Hana-chan later - whatever she picked for colors and patterns surely coordinates well.
...Oh, is the train slowing down? We might be almost there then.


...I'm an idiot. I didn't manage to think of anything worth talking about with Lilly after all.
At least now that we're done with the train trip, we can start to really enjoy ourselves. Carrying this food is going to become worthwhile.
The path is easy to follow, the morning is picking up, and the sun is warm. The woodland surrounding us is really lush and beautiful too. We occasionally cross other people, singly or in small groups, but there are no crowds. We couldn't have hoped for better. I just need to find a really good spot... one that feels right.
I feel a gentle tug on my arm. 'Hisao-san?'
'Ah, sorry, Lilly. Right here, let me.'
I shouldn't have let my attention wander too much. Lilly is relying on me to guide her.
I carefully skirt the small muddy puddle she felt in front of her. Lilly follows my cue, leaning on my arm.


I lean on Hisao-kun's arm, trusting in his guidance. 'Thank you.'
I reward him with a smile, and get a polite mumble in return. He's such a nice boy. He's been treating me like I'm made of glass. I wouldn't have been overjoyed at making my way by following the sound of his steps, but I would have managed. Instead, right after we got off the train, he started putting out his hand to prompt me around obstacles, then pulling it back as if touching me scalded him.
After about ten minutes of this nonsense, I simply didn't let go of him, of course. As expected, he didn't protest.
Lilly Satou, you're officially mean.
I wonder though... we've been walking for quite a while, and I know we have passed some empty open spots, from the feel of the wind and the sun. We've also skipped over several picnic spots, judging by the chatter of the people already there. I understand Hisao-kun wanting us to be alone, but what is he looking for exactly...?
Well, nevermind. This feels good, and the nearness to Hisao-kun warms me as much as the sun does. I'll just wait and see what he has in mind.


Is that...
I caught a glimpse of bright color off to the side. Keeping my eyes peeled, I keep strolling, hoping to get another from a different angle.
Again. This could be it. I need to go check it out.
'Lilly, forgive me, but can you let me go off by myself for a few minutes? I promise I'll be right back.'
'My, certainly, Hisao-san. I'll be fine, you take care of your business as you like.'
I blush. 'I, uh, am not...'
I'm interrupted by a tinkling giggle. 'I'm just teasing you, Hisao-san. Go right ahead, I'll be waiting for you.' Lilly lets go of me and smiles, leaning on her white cane instead.
I nod dumbly, realize that it's not going to do any good, and flee the scene instead. Carefully picking my way through the greenery and underbrush, I try to go in the direction I decided before. At the same time, I look for the easiest way to get there - it won't be any good if I have to force Lilly to push through vegetation.
I'm lucky enough. Aside from a couple rough spots, I'm able to reach the place I noticed without much trouble. As I take in the view, I feel a grin forming on my face. Yep, this is perfect!
I hurriedly crash back towards a puzzled-looking Lilly. 'Here I am! This way, it's a little bit harder but I think it's worth it.'
'Hisao-san?' She looks perplexed at my enthusiasm, but follows along docilely.
As we slowly close on the target, I can see her face going from doubt to concentration to happiness. The process is wonderful to watch.
'So... do you like this place?'


'My... oh my.'
My senses are assaulted. The woods here feel cool, probably shady. A riot of smells hits me - grassy from the trampled undergrowth, sweet from two or more different kinds of flowers, tangy from pine amber sap, earthy from soft mud, and the oddly fishy stink of horse-chestnuts. The breeze makes leaves rustle, and I hear a trickling sound.
'Hisao-san... is that running water I hear?'
'Hm? You know, I'm not sure... let me check.'
He goes, making more crashing noises. I want to point him in the correct direction, but that would be really impolite. In a little while, he has found it.
'...You are right. There's a small brook, barely more than a trickle. I guess it's fed from somewhere uphill, maybe an overflowing stream or something like that.'
*Rustle rustle*, back he comes. 'Do you approve then, Lilly?'
'Oh, yes. Very much so.'
'Great! Let me set up our stuff then, there's a sunny spot over here.'
'Here, let me help you.' I have a sneaking suspicion. 'Hisao-san, how's the view for you?'
A brief silence. I must have guessed right. '...Well, we're kind of secluded here. Mostly I can see trees, and a little bit of the trail where we came from. The flowers are really pretty though'.
As I thought. 'My my, you're going to make me feel guilty. You were looking for this sort of place on purpose, didn't you. Because of how it feels, not of how it looks.'
'I - ummm...'
I reach out with my hand, and caress his cheek gently.
'That was really sweet of you. Thank you.'
Instant warmth. Hisao-kun, you are really kind, but you need to learn how to take compliments. 'Let's eat now - I'm really getting famished...'


Whew. Things turned out all right in the end. Lilly didn't object to the simple fare I brought, as I feared she would. We chatted about silly things, laughed, and wolfed down our food, our appetite whetted by the walk.
*Urp* Actually, maybe we overdid it a little. Then again, we are in no hurry, and dozing half-sitting, half-leaning on a tree feels fine. We just take it easy, and enjoy the moment.
'Hey, Lilly...?'
No response.
I peek in her direction.
Oops, someone is enjoying the moment even more than me. I let out a quiet chuckle. Lilly's sleeping, as cliché as this sounds, like an angel, her blond curls messy against the trunk, her hands curled in her lap.
She must have been more tired by the walk than she thought.
Maybe this is a good time...


As I return to consciousness from the quiet of sleep, I stretch a little. What was that just now?
Something woke me... oh darn. I went to sleep on poor Hisao. Some company I turned out to be.
No response.
I raise my voice. 'Hisao-kun?'
Nothing again. I grope for my cane and start standing up.
I'm getting alarmed. Where has he gone? Has something happened? And how can I help him, if it has...?
I can't seem to fill my lungs enough to summon a proper scream.
'Whoof~!. Here!!'
...And with that, I feel limp with relief, except for my throat, which seems to be uncomfortably stuck.
The trampling sound of Hisao-kun's steps comes into being, and grows louder by the second. I'd want to go hug him, if I didn't also want to strangle him instead. What was he thinking, wandering off on his own? Has he no consideration at all, leaving me sleeping by myself? What if... what if...
Huffing, he comes to a halt in front of me.
I'm preparing to launch into a tirade, but I check myself. Something is wrong. Under Hisao's sweaty smell, is that smell... blood?
'Hisao? ...Are you hurt?'
A scratching sound. 'Oh? Ah, naw, not really. It's just a few scrapes.'
''Just a few scrapes'? What on earth were you doing...?'
'Umm, well - here.'
A faint, honey-sweet smell is thrust in front of me, and I feel feather-thin things as I reach for it.
'...I saw those earlier, and thought I'd go pick out one to surprise you with. I know this doesn't mean much, but well... they're white. No idea what they are. I just hoped you would like it. It was just a little harder than I thought to reach them.'
I will not tear up. I will not tear up. I will not tear up.
Damn you, Hisao - white knights went out of fashion centuries ago. You don't have a horse, you don't have the physique, you don't fill the part...
...And why am I sure you'd still put yourself in harm's way to keep me from getting hurt?
Everything else forgotten, I'm thinking up ways to conserve the flower as long as it will keep.

Shattering your dreams since '94. I also fought COVID in '20 and '21, and all I got was this lousy forum sig.

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Re: 'Rough and Soft'

Post by Suriko »

You nailed Lilly's personality very well, and it's nice to see a nice, sweet oekaki for her. Nice job.
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Re: 'Rough and Soft'

Post by TheHivemind »

Absolutely adorable.
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Re: 'Rough and Soft'

Post by Peorth »

aawwwwww <3333

That was adorable, loved it!
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Re: 'Rough and Soft'

Post by Sgt_Frog »

Silentcook wrote: Lilly Satou, firstborn of the Satou family, proper lady, honors student, etcetera etcetera...

Um...isn't Akira Lilly's older sister?
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Re: 'Rough and Soft'

Post by kosherbacon »

This was probaly written before that was established.
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Re: 'Rough and Soft'

Post by Csihar »

I apologize for any contribution I may have made to the necro'ing of this thread. >_<

Nonetheless, this is still a really lovely story.
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Re: 'Rough and Soft'

Post by neumanproductions »

Csihar wrote:I apologize for any contribution I may have made to the necro'ing of this thread. >_<

Nonetheless, this is still a really lovely story.
And i'm sure cook doesn't mind. I probably wouldn't have known this was here without your contribution.
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Re: 'Rough and Soft'

Post by Nottooanon »


D..don't see that happening.

Fun to read though.
Carelessly Cooking You
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Re: 'Rough and Soft'

Post by Silentcook »

Copypasta powers, GO!
This was written before I became a developer (I was an Alpha tester then), and follows the version of the KS style manual that was in use at the time - honorifics were still in and nicknames were slightly different.
I could easily edit things to make them in line with the current version, but I severely dislike doing that. I prefer things I write to remain time-sensitive, and I loathe unpublishing.
Shattering your dreams since '94. I also fought COVID in '20 and '21, and all I got was this lousy forum sig.

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Re: 'Rough and Soft'

Post by Loki »

Well I'm glad it got necro'd; I'd never seen this story before, and I feel much happier for seeing it.
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