Love is a Choice - An Emi/Rin post-Yamaku story - 04/05/2024: Two new chapters


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Love is a Choice - An Emi/Rin post-Yamaku story - 04/05/2024: Two new chapters

Post by Retornodelogay »

Welp, I don't know how this will go but here it is.

First of all, I think an introduction is customary, since I'm relatively new to the forums even though I'm a long time fan of the VN. I read KS way back in 2013-14 when I was but a teenager and didn't even know what a VN was. Even though I was a seemingly healthy teen (we'll get back to that) the themes and especially Rin's characterization immediately struck a chord with me (we'll get back to that too). Flash forward a couple years, after an autism and an Ehlers-Danlos syndrome diagnoses and right after moving in with my girlfriend I decided to download the novel on my Steam Deck to read it again with having-seen-some-shit eyes, expecting little more than shock value and an uncomfortable representation of disability and sexuality.

Of course, I was incredibly wrong, and happily so! Not only did I understand why I liked Rin so much, but I thoroughly enjoyed the tasteful portrayal of disability and everything it entails, even after having lived through a lot of the things the novel talks about. Also, media is still after all these years so incredibly afraid of, well, disabled people getting some. Using a cane doesn't mean I'm a sexless angel that needs to have relationships explained to them like a child, so in that sense a 10+ year old novel is still painfully refreshing.

Upon finishing the routes I wanted to I, as the raging lesbian I am, dutifully browsed fanfic sites in search of Emi/Rin fanfic... only to find that it's apparently incredibly niche and that nothing more than a couple oneshots and short stories had been published. Now, I'm not a fiction writer, not by any stretch; these muscles are stiff, so I'm going to apologize in advance for any stumbles I may have in writing this fanfic. But I want to do it nonetheless, and if anyone else finds any of it enjoyable well, that's a very nice bonus!

Just some finishing words: I'm a Spaniard and as such, not a native English speaker, so if anything sounds a bit weird or off feel free to point it out! I'm also not going to focus so much on "worldbuilding" or creating a believable and well researched space because I want to focus squarely on characters. Also, the chapters are really short because they're easier for me to write and I have a short attention span. Finally, I'm publishing this first on AO3, but the version on these forums will be the edited and revised one and will probably lag behind, but will hopefully be better as a result. In any case, any feedback is welcome!

CHAPTER 1 (this post)

TL;DR: disabled lesbian tries to write a fanfic about Emi and Rin, please be kind

And with that,


Light started appearing through the curtains, marking the beginning of another long day, at least for one of them. Emi never needed an alarm to wake up, and proudly so. Mornings are always the best part of the entire day, because that’s when she’s able to get the entire track for herself, even in a faculty with the bulk of students majoring in sports sciences. Trying not to make too much noise (as if that would make a difference) she puts on her tracksuit and her running legs, and off she goes.

As expected, the track is empty, which gives her free reign to run… and be alone with her own thoughts. Something’s been happening as of late: she’s been looking forward to running as much as finishing her morning laps. Not that a thought like that has made her go any slower; if anything, the distraction and the dangling prize at the end makes her go even faster.

The sticky clothes and slow arrival of other students signal the time to return to her dorm. Still trying to be as sneaky as possible she manages to reach her roommate’s bed, kneeling so as to be face to face.

“Hey,” she says in a soft but slightly loud tone. Of course, no response. Why does she even try not to be heard in the morning?

“Hey?” Only a snore in response. Well, that’s better, somehow. “RIN.”

“Hey,” she responds, as if she’d been awake the whole time. “Why are you shouting? I’m already awake”

“You were snoring”

“People snore when they’re awake,” a statement that, as usual with Rin, isn’t strictly false. “Did you go running already?”

“Why would I be waking you up if I didn’t?”

“Maybe there’s a fire. That would explain the blinding light.”

“But that’s the Sun.”

“Another valid explanation.”

Emi had become used to these sorts of conversations ages ago. Trying to follow Rin’s train of thought had become a game of logic cat and mouse, and a fun one at that.

“Wanna get ready to go to class?” asks Emi in her typically enthusiastic tone.

Answering seems too much of a hassle for Rin, who just straightens herself up. No words are needed, as Emi already knows exactly what to do.

The rest of the morning goes as expected. One semester later and Emi is still trying to figure out how could anyone manage to make something as fun as exercise so incredibly boring. At least it’s lunch time, which means it’s time to meet with Rin again. Sometimes Emi misses the feeling of having a ‘spot’ in the form of a roof, someplace to just be alone with her food… and Rin, of course. Some people may think that being with Rin would be basically the same thing as being by oneself, but nothing further from the truth. Emi and Rin may be on different wavelengths of thought, but one cannot conceive the beauty of the rainbow fully realized with a single color.

They meet in a small park near campus, which while not as isolated as Yamaku’s roof still gives them some privacy and space away from their fellow students.

“Did you have a good morning, Rin?” Emi always starts lunch with these words, a surefire way to get Rin’s synapses firing to produce thoughts that rarely have to do with the question asked.

“I did not know the human body had so many parts.”

Rin obviously isn’t studying any degree in particular, let alone anything related to art. While her arts grant is paying for her student fees and residence on campus, she’s chosen to take a variety of courses, ranging from physics to architecture or medicine. In this case, Emi guesses, she’s talking about the latter.

“Yeah, right? So many organs and muscles, it’s kind of irritating,” Emi responds, trying to follow where she’s going. At least this is a subject they have in common.

“I mean, does a leg cell know it belongs to a leg? Does it know about eyes?”

“About eyes?”

“They would get along,” she retorts, matter-of-factly.

Silence follows, but not the awkward kind. Rin is eating without uttering a word, very focused on her food, while Emi just observes.

“Do you miss Yamaku?”

Rin’s straightforward question catches Emi off-guard.

“Well… sometimes. I miss having a nurse on premises, not having to take a bus to go to the doctor, and-”

“Not that”, Rin interjects, “I mean Yamaku, not Yamaku’s things. I miss Yamaku”

“What do you miss about it?”


“Its people?”

“That too.”

Emi stops to wonder what Yamaku really means, if anything. But in some capacity, Rin’s right. Commodities were nice, but not what keeps her thinking about the academy. The people? It’s true that they get way more looks and uncomfortable questions now that they’re in university, but it’s not like she wasn’t used to that before. Maybe it’s just the nostalgia of times past.

“I’m glad I managed to keep you close, though,” Emi concludes.

“Me too.”

Rin’s words of affection are hard to come by, and while she shows it in other ways, Emi holds a special place in her memory for them.

Time has flown by, as it usually happens when they’re together, and they each have to get back to class. Emi’s not in the mood for paying attention, especially after the conversation she just had with Rin. She keeps going at it in her head: what does she miss about Yamaku? There’s one thing that her mind keeps coming back to, but it doesn’t seem to make much sense. Why would she miss Rin? She’s right there, they’re even sharing a room now. It’s not like she’s changed that much, she’s the same head-in-the-clouds but incredibly insightful kind of person. Still, she isn’t able to avoid coming back to that thought, again and again.

Afternoon classes end without much fanfare and Emi goes straight to the library. Finals aren’t anywhere close, but her notes are starting to pile up… even though she spends most days at the library. Why was she doing this again? Whose idea was it to join sport and science in a single phrase? Who’s the audience exactly? Hours go past her like the wind on a good sprint until she’s too tired to keep going, well into the night. She keeps getting surprised at how much more tiring it is to study than to run.

Rin is in their room when she arrives, studying. Or something like that. Three books, fifty browser tabs, what seems like a History podcast and Rin trying to go at it all at once. When she finally realizes Emi is staring at her with a wide smile on her face she opens her mouth.

“I was waiting for you, I want to go to sleep.”

“Hello to you too, Rin.”


Of course Emi gets right into action. She unbuttons Rin’s shirt, gets her jeans off and helps her put her pajamas on. They brush their teeth together, as they usually do, and get to their respective beds, not a single word exchanged. No need, really. Emi takes her legs off, probably the second best time of the day after her morning run, and gets under her sheets.

“Good night, Emi,” says Rin, following her night ritual.

“Night, Rin.”

Rin falls asleep fast. Really fast. Emi usually follows suit, but not tonight. She’s staring right at the ceiling, eyes wide open. It finally dawned on her and there’s no way she’s thinking about anything else in the next eight hours.

Last edited by Retornodelogay on Sat May 04, 2024 5:42 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Love is a Choice - An Emi/Rin post-Yamaku story

Post by guthrum06 »

I love it so far!

I'm always happy to see more yuri content in my favorite fandom. You're right, Emi x Rin stuff is surprisingly limited.

Writing Rin is pretty tough (at least for me), but I think you nailed here. Looking forward to the rest!

My FanFics
Learning to Run (Complete) - Emi x Hisao in their 30s
Yamaku: the Next Generation (Complete) - Emi and Hisao's daughter goes to Yamaku.
Oil & Vinegar - Mutou and Nurse buddy one-shot

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Re: Love is a Choice - An Emi/Rin post-Yamaku story

Post by Retornodelogay »

guthrum06 wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2024 10:31 am

I love it so far!

I'm always happy to see more yuri content in my favorite fandom. You're right, Emi x Rin stuff is surprisingly limited.

Writing Rin is pretty tough (at least for me), but I think you nailed here. Looking forward to the rest!

Thank you!! Writing Rin is actually super fun because I basically turn off my masking and go nuts. The next chapter is actually from Rin's perspective which is something I don't see all that often, and I try to keep the changing Emi/Rin perspective throughout.

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Re: Love is a Choice - An Emi/Rin post-Yamaku story

Post by Retornodelogay »

Welp, here it goes, the second, once again short chapter. Written from Rin's perspective since it's something I usually don't get to see, and I thought it would be fun to do it!

<<Chapter 1
Rin wakes up unceremoniously, after a long night of incredibly light sleep. Opening her eyes is out of the question though, at least until Emi is back. She enjoys the soundscape that arises from Emi waking up, the changing of clothes, the fitting of the legs, she can almost hear her facial expression, so there’s no need for visuals. Once she leaves for her morning run, Rin likes to imagine the path Emi takes, the steps necessary to start running, what she sees, what the wind in her face must feel like at that speed; and above all else, what it’s like to run being Emi. Not physically, of course, just… what her brain processes when she’s doing all of those things.

Before she’s had time to even start cracking Emi’s brain, she’s back. She likes to act sneaky, probably to test her coordination, since Rin is usually awake when she finishes her run. As usual, Emi approaches her bed and…


Rin likes the sound of that voice, soft but sure. She can even feel the air of her roommate reaching her skin.

“Hey, morning Rin.”

“Can you tiptoe with your legs?” Rin responds, with her eyes still half open.

“You know what? That’s actually a great question.”

“Why would it not be? You are sneaky, so you probably tiptoe if you’re able.”

“Since these blades are made for running,” Emi continues, ignoring Rin’s remarks, “and you run using the front of your feet, when using these I’m technically tiptoeing all the time.”

“Stealth legs,” Rin finishes, matter of factly.

“Yes, stealth legs,” Emi’s smile almost reaches her ears.

Emi helps Rin prepare for class, following their morning routine. Rin usually gets absorbed in Emi’s fine motor skills. Their university doesn’t have a uniform but Rin insists on using a button up shirt anyway just to watch Emi’s abilities in action. Her hand movements are almost hypnotic, with a rhythm and cadence that resembles a calm sea. It’s definitely Rin’s favorite part of her routine.

“Same time, same place for lunch?” Emi asks.

“Can we go to the sea today?”

“What, for lunch?”


“We need to hurry, it’s a bus ride to and from and we have classes in the evening.”

“I don’t.”

“Rin, I’m seeing your calendar, it’s in front of you.”

“If you don’t go to class you don’t have it.”

“Hmm… Okay, I’ll go with you but I’ll have lunch and come straight back. I do have classes.”

“That’s okay.”

Rin’s morning passes by uneventfully. With the amount of courses she’s taking at the same time it’s quite rare to keep the same classmates hour to hour. While it’s a side effect of Rin’s approach to university she appreciates it nonetheless, as she’s in it for people-watching as much as she is for knowledge pursuit. Before coming here she wondered if the people would be as interesting as they were back in Yamaku, and whether she would be able to keep playing what-is-wrong-with-you in a place so full of able-bodied people. Her conclusions as of now were that able-bodiedness isn’t as common as she expected and that, even without taking that into consideration, there’s plenty wrong with people for her to keep playing for the foreseeable future.

Besides, the important thing now is that she’s going to have lunch by the sea with Emi, and that’s probably what has occupied more time in her head since they each went to their classes this morning. No matter how many people she observes, meets or gets to know, Emi is always the one she keeps coming back to. Her base. Rin thought a lot about this, especially once the decision to go to university came up. Every university she applied to had assured her that she would have proper support during her stay, but Emi’s presence massively tipped the scale. It’s not like she needs that much anyway, she’s way more independent than people usually assume, but the loss of her base would be far greater than any potential gains in comfort. It’s not about her hands, but her Emi-ness.

“Earth to Rin, repeat, Earth to Rin, do you copy?” Emi is signaling in front of her.

“I would still share a room with you if you couldn’t use your hands.”

“Well that’s good to know, although it would be kind of awkward. Want to catch the bus? You know we have to hurry.”

The bus leaves them right in front of the sea, where they easily find a bench to eat comfortably. Lunch is delicious, as usual, and the smell of the sea seems to further enhance the flavors. It’s perfect. Rin’s mesmerized by the ocean, its back and forth, the softness with which the waves seem to touch the coast, only to retreat immediately, as if they got scared. And yet, it all pales in comparison, as if a tasteless imitation of the real thing.

“Can you button my shirt up?”

“Huh? Rin, your shirt is all buttoned up.”

“Can you do it anyway?”

“What, like unbuttoning just to do it again? We’re in public, I can’t do that!” Emi seems perplexed at the idea, as if she’s asking for something impossible.

“You can do it with the one at the bottom of the shirt, you don’t have to do the whole row.”

“W… Why do you want me to do it? Did I not get it right this morning or something? Is this related to what you said before taking the bus?”
Rin starts to think that there may really be a problem with her hands. Did she mention it into existence?

“Can you do it? Are your hands okay?”

“It’s not that, it’s just that I don’t see the point of doing it.”

Rin really can’t tell if she’s getting mad for some unknown reason or if she really doesn’t know.

“I like to see your hands doing it. That’s why we’re here, remember?”

Emi is frozen in place. Also, her face has taken on a red tint. Rin really starts to think that she may need medical assistance. But before she starts shouting for someone to call an ambulance, she catches Emi delicately undoing her last button.

“I really don’t know what you mean by us being here because of your shirt. Like, even less so than usual”, Emi stops to sigh, “but I’m really glad we are”.

Rin doesn’t answer. She registers what Emi just said, but she’s way too focused on her hands, her back and forth, her smell and the occasional light contact of her fingers with her belly.

“You’re my base,” Rin says, almost without meaning to.

Emi immediately stops playing with the button and looks straight into Rin’s eyes, but her focus quickly switches back to the fingers.

“Shit, the time. Rin, I have to get back to campus, I’m sorry.”

“I’m coming with you.”

“I thought you were going to skip this evening’s lectures.”

“Seeing the imitation isn’t the same when you’ve just had the original.”

“If that’s your reasoning for attending classes, you know what? I’ll take it.”

Last edited by Retornodelogay on Sat May 04, 2024 5:44 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Love is a Choice - An Emi/Rin post-Yamaku story - 21/03/2024

Post by guthrum06 »

It's another good chapter.
I'm enjoying the slow burn.

My FanFics
Learning to Run (Complete) - Emi x Hisao in their 30s
Yamaku: the Next Generation (Complete) - Emi and Hisao's daughter goes to Yamaku.
Oil & Vinegar - Mutou and Nurse buddy one-shot

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Re: Love is a Choice - An Emi/Rin post-Yamaku story - 21/03/2024

Post by Retornodelogay »

<<Chapter 2

How could she miss Rin? She’s right there, all the time. She’s the person she sees the most, the one constant in her life. And what the hell did she mean by her being Rin’s base? Unfortunately asking her may create as many questions as it does answers, if it even does the latter. Maybe she’ll do it anyway, if only to clear her thoughts a little.

“Ibarazaki, are you ok?”

Emi hears whispering far away, but it makes her come back to reality anyway.

“Eh? Yes, I was just… really focused on something,” she whispers back.

“Your face was spelling the suffering kind of focus, are you sure you’re ok?”

“Yeah, no need to worry.”

The person whispering to her is Fujisawa Sayo, basically the only other person in her class with whom she had bonded to some extent. They started talking after she noticed them watching during one of her morning runs, since their side shaved hair and bright smile had made them impossible to miss.

“Okay, but you know you can tell me anything, right?”

Their big black eyes are really hard to say no to.

“After class, okay?”

The class happens in the background while Emi tries really hard for her thoughts not to show on her face. The lecture ends early and the rest of the students don’t lose any time to go for lunch, so Fujisawa and her are effectively alone.

“Okay, so what’s going through your head?” Their face shows how keen they’re on helping.

“It’s not that easy to sum up and I’m not the greatest when it comes to expressing my feelings, so be patient”, Emi states, trying to buy as much time as possible so as to avoid precisely the latter.

“Lay it on me!”

Fujisawa was maybe a bit overwhelming in their enthusiasm and boundary stepping, but they have a big heart and a voice that makes it seem like everything’s going to be ok. After pondering for a second, Emi decides to, indeed, lay it on them.

“Okay, so you know Rin?”

“Your roommate?”

Somehow that way of referring to Rin doesn’t seem right to her, but she continues nonetheless.

“Yes, exactly. Well, we see each other every single day, obviously. But this one time we were talking about whether or not we miss Yamaku, our former school, and I could not for the life of me come up with why I did. And it turns out I get it now, but it’s… weird, because the thing I miss is her.”

“Maybe because you don’t see her as often?”

“I thought about that, but we see each other as often as before. We still have lunch together every single day.”

“Oh, then maybe it’s routine? You go back a long while, maybe you’re settled on a routine and don’t experience the thrills you had when you were getting to know each other!”

“Well… I do love our routines but there may be some truth to that. I’ll try to dig a bit deeper I guess. Thanks, Fujisawa.”

“Anytime!” They say, winking adorably. “Wanna come to the cafeteria with me? You have at least five minutes until meeting Rin if I’m not mistaken.”

“Sure thing.”

Fujisawa takes the cane resting on their desk and makes an effort to stand up. Emi’s first instinct is to help, but she knows very well how that feels when you don’t ask for it, so she stops in her tracks.

With her mind made up, Emi meets Rin at the usual spot. The latter is lost in her thoughts, looking at nothing in particular. Amazingly she doesn’t get surprised when Emi speaks up.

“Rin, we’re eating out today!”


“Do we need a reason? I just want to do something with you!”

“Having lunch at the park is something,” she says, clearly not thrilled at the idea. “Also, you’ve already made lunch and the birds at the park can’t eat chicken, that would be cannibalism.”

“We can just save it for tomorrow. I’ve seen great reviews for a curry place nearby, why are you so resistant?”

“I like what we usually do. But if you want to try that place we can go.”

Rin’s tone and expression don’t really align with what she’s saying, but Emi insists on going. Even if it doesn’t really feel like either of them want to.

The restaurant is packed. Not really a surprise given the reviews, the time and how close it is to the campus, but still bothersome. It’s noisy, full of unfamiliar faces and even the air feels slightly heavy. The clerk manages to seat them and they each order their food, but Rin is clearly not having a good time. And in turn, neither is Emi.

“Too noisy. Too many people. The food isn’t good.”

“The food hasn’t arrived yet, Rin…”

“I know already.”

A couple of awkward minutes pass by. Rin is rocking back and forth slightly and really focused on playing with her slippers.

“Look, I’m sorry. I just wanted to do something different with you,” Emi says, finally admitting defeat.

“We can do different things. We do them all the time. Why did we have to come here?” Rin pauses, and slowly raises her head. “Do you not like to have lunch like we usually do?”

“What? Rin I love having lunch with you, it’s my favorite time of the day!”

“Then what is it?”

The waiter arrives with their food, causing an incredibly tense pause.

“I just don’t want our relationship to become routine, to take it for granted.”

“I don’t.”

Rin stands up and leaves, and Emi knows better than to go after her. With her stomach completely shut, Emi requests a container for their food, pays and leaves while maintaining her composure. It’s only upon reaching her bedroom that she starts crying.

It’s the middle of the night and Rin is still nowhere to be seen. Emi knows that she likes to have time for herself, especially when she feels overwhelmed, but she can’t help feeling uneasy about her being alone so late. Just as Emi is reaching for her clothes to head out, Rin appears at the bedroom door. Her face is serene, but her swollen eyes betray her attempts to hide that she has been crying.

“I don’t take you for granted,” Rin says, without even giving Emi the opportunity to say hello.

“I’m sorry Rin… that was bad phrasing on my part.”

“But it wasn’t. There’s no good phrase to say that.”

Rin finally steps into the room and lies on her bed. Emi is unable to do anything but to stare at her, so an awkward couple of silent minutes pass by until Emi decides to speak.

“Rin, remember the other day when you asked about what I miss about Yamaku?”


“Well I’ve been thinking… and I do miss Yamaku, but the thing I miss most about it is you?”

Rin opens her eyes wide while she sits up.

“But I’m right here.”

“Yeah, I don’t get it either. Fujisawa thought it would be a good idea to change our routines, but that was clearly the wrong call.”

At this, Rin looks down while changing into her unmistakable thinking face.

“But our routines change up every day.”

“I know you like routine more than I do, but… we really do the same things every single day. We did go to the sea yesterday, and I was worried the whole time about your mental state.”

“That’s not true. We never talk about the same things. Sometimes you start from the bottom of my shirt, other times you start from the top. You have a hundred different expressions on your face for every situation. We’re always changing. We’re never the same people two days in a row.”

“I… I really never thought of it that way," this really was one of those rare times in which Emi feels that she’s operating in the same reality as her partner.

“And I like meeting you everyday,” Rin finishes, laying down again.

Emi’s face instantly reddens. She slowly stands up and goes to Rin’s bed.

“Is it okay to hug you right now?”


Emi lies with Rin and hugs her while she notices her friend’s legs surrounding her waist, reciprocating Emi’s gesture. They stay like that, in silence, for what seems like an eternity and a couple of moments at the same time.

“I’m sorry about today, Rin. And about missing you,” Emi whispers.

Rin doesn’t respond verbally, but she does try to get closer to Emi while tightening her grip around her, and that’s answer enough for her.

“Can we sleep like this today?” Rin asks, seemingly realizing how late it is.

“Thought we weren’t big on changing our routines,” answers Emi, with a slight smirk on her face.

“We can make an exception.”

“I still have to take my legs off, though. Is that okay?”

A couple seconds go by with no answer, and Rin’s grip is tight as it ever was.

“Yes,” she half-whispers back, releasing her hostage.

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Re: Love is a Choice - An Emi/Rin post-Yamaku story - 21/03/2024

Post by Retornodelogay »

guthrum06 wrote: Sat Mar 30, 2024 2:18 pm

It's another good chapter.
I'm enjoying the slow burn.

Thank you! I've been reading your Learning to Run for the last couple of days and I'm honestly amazed at the breakneck speed you achieve. I really struggle with not stopping at every minute detail!

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Re: Love is a Choice - An Emi/Rin post-Yamaku story - 21/03/2024

Post by guthrum06 »

Retornodelogay wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2024 3:53 pm
guthrum06 wrote: Sat Mar 30, 2024 2:18 pm

It's another good chapter.
I'm enjoying the slow burn.

Thank you! I've been reading your Learning to Run for the last couple of days and I'm honestly amazed at the breakneck speed you achieve. I really struggle with not stopping at every minute detail!

I'm glad you're enjoying it. If you reach the end of that and have it in you to read even more, I'd be pretty interested on your take on Yamaku: The Next Generation, which is a sequel. I don't want to spoil anything, but I think you'll understand why once you get there.

My FanFics
Learning to Run (Complete) - Emi x Hisao in their 30s
Yamaku: the Next Generation (Complete) - Emi and Hisao's daughter goes to Yamaku.
Oil & Vinegar - Mutou and Nurse buddy one-shot

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Re: Love is a Choice - An Emi/Rin post-Yamaku story - 04/04/2024

Post by hdkv »

I think you got in a wrong thread, gunthrum :)

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Re: Love is a Choice - An Emi/Rin post-Yamaku story - 04/04/2024

Post by Retornodelogay »

Extra chonky update today, since I've decided to have AO3 and the forum on par. Hope you enjoy it!

<<Chapter 3

One, two… there’s the third. Rin’s become accustomed to the crows at the park and tries her best to be polite towards them. At some point she thought of giving them names, but if that concept doesn’t convince her already there’s probably not much point in forcing it onto a different species, no matter how much they have in common.

“Tezuka, aren’t you coming?,” a student Rin doesn’t really recognize asks her.

“Day off,” she answers as the unnamed student shrugs his shoulders and leaves.

Too much to think about to go to class today. Probably tomorrow too. Today should be off completely. Just staring at the sky, watching the crows and observing the coming and going of people. And yet, Emi keeps appearing in her thoughts, as if an uninvited guest arriving just when you were about to have dinner. But last night was probably the best sleep she’s ever had.

The crows seem to be playing with some sticks while arguing about it. If only she could speak crow. Would learning Japanese crow language allow her to communicate with overseas crows? Emi probably knows. And if she doesn’t know she’ll smile and guess.

Rin tries to focus on the leaves. She could try to translate their dance, their back and forth in oil and canvas. It really wasn’t that different from the sea. And that dance…

Class 3-1, Sports Philosophy. That should be the one. It hasn’t started yet, and from what she can see several seats are vacant.

“Rin? What are you doing here? Don’t you have classes today?” Emi’s eyes are wide open while her face has taken on a slight red tint.

“Day off today.”

“Well… I’m glad you want to learn about Sports Philosophy in your free time, but I don’t even know if you’re allowed to be here…” she tries to warn while Rin takes a seat.

A black haired girl is seated right beside Emi, looking at Rin with a wide smile and bright eyes.

“Nice meeting you, Tezuka. I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m Fujisawa Sayo. I go by neutral pronouns these days, by the way.”

“I see,” Rin closes her eyes as if internalizing that information. “People use she for me. So, what’s the cane for?”

“RIN!” Emi shouts at her. “That wasn’t appropriate in Yamaku, less so here. I thought we talked about this.”

“But they know about my arms and your legs. It's only fair.”

“That’s not how it–,” a hand on Emi’s shoulder followed by a smile stops her talking.

“I appreciate and am aware of how straightforward you usually are,” the smile never leaves their face as they continue, “but I’m not in the mood to talk about it. Maybe some other time.”

“That’s ok.” Rin is convinced, but Emi remains tense. “I’m here to be with Emi. I’m not able to focus on anything else.”

Fujisawa’s laugh is so loud that Rin’s able to feel the vibration on her seat, but it’s cut short by a middle-aged woman entering the classroom. She looks briefly at Rin, but she doesn’t seem to want to look in her direction any further.

Sports Philosophy could probably be a field of interest to Rin, judging from the brief snippets of information she’s able to gather. But most of her attention is focused on Emi. She seems so intent on taking notes, on listening to the professor, and even asking some questions. Rin likes it when that happens, as if watching a play after spending too much time backstage. Her voice remains soft and sure of herself, but in a different way. Emi even manages to throw some quick glances and smiles to Rin in between all the other stuff, which seems like a feat of planning to her.

“We need to move to a different class, are you coming too?” Emi asks Rin.

“I’ll wait for lunch.” After receiving an appropriate dose of her partner she feels content, and capable of returning to her day off.

“It was nice meeting you, Tezuka. As unorthodox as I was led to believe. Hope we can hang out sometime!” Fujisawa is saying goodbye with their hand too.

“This evening?” Rin offers.

“Huh, eh… sure! Didn’t have plans or anything. You up, Ibarazaki?”

“Yeah, sounds great but… Rin, are you ok? Seems weird to tell you of all people, but you’re behaving… erratically.”

“Yeah,” she answers, already standing up from her seat.

One, two… she can’t find the other one. Probably had some business to attend. Not everyone has the privilege of spending the whole day at the park. Part of Rin wants to follow Emi to her next class, but that wouldn’t accomplish much. Besides, was she angry? They did talk about how inappropriate it was to ask people about their disabilities, but it still feels so unfair. Everyone knows what’s wrong with her at a glance, she’s just asking for reciprocity. And it’s not such an uncomfortable subject as Emi makes it out to be. Rin and her talk about their arms and legs a lot, and they don’t feel bad about it.

Or does she? Rin doesn’t know what it’s like to have arms, but Emi does know what it’s like to have legs. She’s told her about her traffic accident and talks about her prostheses often, but always in a practical way. The accident isn’t much more than something that kind of happened. Now that she thinks about it, as emotional and expressive as Emi tends to be, feelings never seem to be allowed when discussing anything surrounding her legs. That would explain why she’s uncomfortable when Rin asks other people about it. She will try to bring all of this up with her.

“Alright Rin, please explain what is going on with you today. Is it because of what happened yesterday?” Emi is walking towards her, bentos in hand signaling lunchtime.

“No. Yes. I had a great sleep.”

“Run me through your train of thought, how does that end up with you coming to class with me? Not that I’m against it, I was just surprised.”

“Aren’t you angry?” Rin finds herself more worried about this than she realized.

“No, but you owe Fujisawa an apology. They don’t mind, and I’ve told them about you, but it still wasn’t nice to ask so directly.”

They go to their usual spot to have lunch, which is soon interrupted by Rin.

“We should sleep together more often.”

“I, ummm… thought that was a one time thing,” Emi answers, looking away from Rin. “That’s more of a couples thing, don’t you think?”

“What’s the difference between a couple and two good friends?” Rin asks, out of genuine curiosity.
“That’s a way more difficult question than you imagine. The short answer is that friends and couples have different expectations when it comes to commitment and often physical contact,” she bites a piece of tofu, followed by a resounding sigh, “the long answer is probably too complicated for me to give.”

A long silence follows, with the pair focusing intently on their food, but it’s once again broken by Rin.

“Are we a couple or two good friends?”

Emi chokes a bit on her rice, turning red from coughing. Rin’s aware of the Heimlich maneuver, but isn’t sure if she would be capable of pulling it off with just her legs. As she’s readying herself it luckily seems to pass and Emi returns to normal. Before Rin even has time to check on her, Emi speaks.

“We’re friends, Rin. It’s true we’re always together, and we get along great… but we’re friends.”

“Does that mean we won’t be friends in the future?”

“What? Why would you say that?” Emi seems upset at her proposition.

“Commitment. You said that’s the difference.”

“I said it’s way more complicated than that. Besides, I don’t know what the future holds. We may share a room today and then not see each other in ten years.”

Another silence. This one, unlike most, feels uncomfortable to Rin.

“I wouldn’t like that,” she states, with what feels like a weight in her esophagus that she can’t attribute to her lunch.

“Me neither, Rin,” Emi answers with a calm voice, “but things are too uncertain to make promises. I wouldn’t want to hurt you with those.”

“So we’re not a couple because you don’t want to make promises.”

“Hell no! I didn’t say that! It’s more complicated than that!” Rin notices she’s said something she shouldn’t have and is only able to open her mouth in surprise. “Sorry Rin, I didn’t mean to lash out. I-”

“I don’t get it, but it’s okay. We’re together now.”

“Yeah, guess we are…”

The pair is about to wrap up lunch and return to class after what seems to be the most exhausting food they’ve ever had, when Rin’s head and eyes light up again.

“But we can sleep together without the commitment,” Rin’s caught off-guard by Emi’s laugh, but continues, “if you want.”

“You oughta hear yourself with my ears sometimes, I swear,” Emi responds, holding back her laughter. “Okay, we can do it occasionally. I did have a great sleep last night, but it was a pain to put my legs on this morning without waking you up. And I guess some good friends do sleep together from time to time.”

“It’s settled,” Rin finishes, as the pact is established.

“Oh, right, don’t forget,” Emi says, already leaving, “we’re doing… something with Fujisawa this evening. Honestly I don’t know what you have in mind but I know better than to ask.”


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Re: Love is a Choice - An Emi/Rin post-Yamaku story - 04/04/2024

Post by Retornodelogay »

<<Chapter 4

“I would love to swear she’s not usually like that but… well, she is. I wouldn’t have her any other way but I know it can be uncomfortable to-”

“Relax. I know,” Fujisawa is calm as ever and trying to instill the same feeling on Emi. “It’s not like when a random person asks, it just took me off-guard. I mean, she has a point, people only need a glance at your legs or her arms to get all the info they need. Well, that and a quick conversation when it comes to Tezuka’s autism.”

“Autism?” Emi’s idea of autism was way different. It’s true that Rin’s kind of an oddball but she can speak and interact normally. Okay, somewhat normally.

“Oh, she isn’t diagnosed? Sorry, not my place to say something like that.”

“No, it’s okay, just… never thought about it like that,” she pauses a bit to reflect on the implications. “Hey if she makes you uncomfortable this evening just say it. She might seem aloof but I swear she’s great, and she doesn’t mean any harm.”

“Ibarazaki, you don’t need to be her advocate. She comes out strong, but she’s not your responsibility. I want to hang out with her, it’s not an obligation. We’re not on that level of friendship yet.”

“Okay, right, yeah.”

“It’s actually kind of surprising how much we’ve hung out ourselves and that you haven’t inquired about this thing yet,” they say, holding their cane.

“I know it’s uncomfortable, figured you’d bring it up if you wanted to talk about it.”

“Wouldn’t it be uncomfortable too if I picked a random moment now to say ‘oh, by the by, I’m kinda dying’?”

“Are you!?”

“Everyone is,” a mischievous smile draws on their face.

“Oh, come on, don’t give me that.”

The clock is already at ten past, making it apparent that for one reason or another the class might not happen, and the students are already leaving. They could go find Rin, but there’s no telling where she might be and their class seems as good a spot as any to wait for her until the bell rings.

“You really are uncomfortable with it, huh?” Fujisawa asks.

“What do you mean?”

“Disability. You don’t want to acknowledge or talk about it.”

“What? I don’t hide it or anything, it’s actually the opposite. Anyone can see I use prostheses. In fact I bring it up as soon as possible with new people just in case.”

“The best defense is a good offense, or so they say.”

“I don’t even know what you’re talking about.”

“And yet you haven’t asked about the cane even though I gave you an obvious opening.”

Emi frowns while trying to connect those two things, but doesn’t manage to reach a satisfying conclusion.

“Okay, fine. So, what’s wrong with you? See, I’m as comfortable as one can be.”

“That’s a rude way of asking.”

“Fujisawa, I swear to-”

“It’s neuromyelitis optica, relapsing. No, ironically it hasn’t affected my eyes, yet. I have a big old spinal cord lesion. No, I’m not dying, not anytime soon at least. Yes, there is treatment, and it’s mostly effective at preventing further damage, but not curative. There, it wasn’t that hard, was it?”

“Crap, I’m sorry,” Emi is taken aback by the barrage of information, but one thing stands out. “You really have practiced this speech, haven’t you?”

“Takes one to know one. It’s not the most comfortable thing to talk about on my end either, but at least I admit it. And while it’s not great for other reasons, having someone else ask shares the burden of uncomfortability somewhat. See? Now it’s awkward for the both of us.”

A loud voice is heard from the hall, surprising both Emi and Fujisawa, who assumed they were alone.

“Are you on azathioprine or mycophenolate?”

“Rin, what are you doing here? And what the hell did you say?” Emi is shouting at the door while walking towards it.

“I got bored at the park. Radiology is fun. I like the pictures.”

Fujisawa’s laugh echoes through the classroom, releasing the tension on Emi’s shoulders built out of fear of Rin having said something inappropriate again. Thank God.

“Eculizumab, actually. I’m on the fancy stuff.”

“I see,” Rin is already inside the classroom, with her usual processing-information face.

“Well, as you can probably tell we are apparently free,” Emi says, “so did you have anything in mind for this evening?”

“Specialty coffee.”

“I didn’t know you liked coffee. Is it that good?”

“The milkshakes are good.”

“Alright then, I do love me some overpriced bean juice,” Fujisawa says, standing up. “Shall we go then?”

Rin leads the group through a surely overcomplicated series of streets, staying silent and observant throughout the short trip. Fujisawa and Emi’s conversation naturally derails to academics, with Emi becoming aware of Rin’s exclusion only upon reaching the small establishment, with not a single soul inside other than the barista.

“I see your reasoning now, Rin-”

“Banana milkshake, please,” Rin says as she enters, cutting off Emi.

“Oh, umm, I guess I’ll have the… specialty coffee?” Fujisawa’s usual confidence is nowhere to be found.

“A macchiato for me, thank you!”

“That sounds better, one of those then,” the barista nods back to signal she’s got it all down, although she doesn’t manage to hide a cheeky smile.

The three sit down at one of the only two tables, but before Emi or Fujisawa have an opportunity to break the ice Rin surprises them by speaking.


“That’s what they usually call me,” the joking tone doesn’t align with how tense their body is.

“I’m… I’m sorry I asked you about the cane I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable and Emi and I had talked about this but I didn’t realize until now that it’s different for people who have a before and after and I guess that if everyone had wings including me and one day I lost them it would make me feel bad even if the person asking wasn’t able to fly from the beginning-”

“Tezuka, Tezuka, it’s okay, really,” Fujisawa’s body loosens at the first mention of wings, and a somewhat concerned expression starts to appear on their face. “It just took me by surprise, I don’t mind talking about it, nor that you were listening, just in case.”

“You’re not angry?”

“No, I swear. You’re fine. Just… don’t go doing that to everyone, okay? It might make some people uncomfortable.”

Just then the barista arrives with their beverages. Rin locks in on her milkshake, as if the previous conversation just never happened, and with her teeth locked on the straw she shoots a glance at Emi. “Thee?”

“Hey don’t get all high and mighty, they told you not to do it, just like me.”

“Okay, okay, enough about me. I want to know more about you two. I know you went to the same school and all that, but how did you become so close?”

“They put us in rooms next to each other because I have no arms and she has no legs,” Rin doesn’t even look up from her milkshake to say that.

“That’s… kind of fucked up.”

“Well, that’s just a joke we made up, they never told us that,” Emi tries to course correct Rin’s statement, even though she’s not so convinced herself that it isn’t the truth. “But we really did hit it off. The school never made me help Rin or anything, it kind of happened naturally. She’s always been a really interesting person.”

“The school uniform had a button-up shirt that I struggled with,” Rin adds.

“Oh, but you’re wearing a button-up shirt now. Is it a different kind?”

“No, I like seeing Emi’s hands button it up.”

Emi’s flustered at this comment, and Fujisawa is looking at her with a mischievous smile.

“You know? From the way she talked about you the first few weeks I would’ve sworn you were a couple.”


“We’re not, we talked about it. We do things couples do because we’re very close friends,” Rin interrupts Emi, probably without even noticing her tone.

“Wait, what things?”

“Sleep together.”

“Rin, we’ve only slept together once.”

“But I thought we were going to do it again.”

“Well… yeah, sure. But friends sleep together all the time! Slumber parties are all about that!”

“Not in the same bed, unless we’re talking about a different kind of slumber party,” Fujisawa is clearly enjoying the conversation and their face shows it.

“Watch it, Fujisawa,” if looks could kill, her classmate would be long gone. “Besides, we haven’t kissed or anything, and even straight girls do that sometimes. We’ve shared a lot and are very close and that’s that.”

“Okay, okay, sorry, I was just messing with you. I for one am glad that you don’t just take offense at the idea of not being straight, and of course your relationship is yours. Sorry if I overstepped,” they take the first sip of coffee. “Oh damn, it really is good.”

“I mean, people already treat us like crap more often than not,” Emi reaches her legs, and rubs them slightly. “It would be kind of weird on our part to be homophobic, or transphobic for that matter,” Emi shoots a slightly apologetic look at Fujisawa, “wouldn’t you say so, Rin?”

“Straight girls kiss sometimes?” She’s clearly surprised at the idea and has been ruminating on it since it came up.

“It’s kind of a stereotype, but I actually don’t know if it really happens,” Emi answers.

“I don’t think it does, at least not here. Not that I have that much experience with that either. Sorry, Tezuka,” the mischievous smile appears again.

“It’s okay, I’m happy with just sleeping together.”

“Wait, so you would be okay with kissing!?” Emi notices, once again, a sudden increase in temperature on her face.

“Yes. Your lips seem soft and your breath always smells good.”

“Oh man, Ibarazaki really did undersell how fun you were,” Fujisawa adds, a sparkle in their eyes. “Come on, Ibarazaki, wouldn’t you?”

“Your apologies about overstepping are starting to ring a bit hollow, Fujisawa. But… I mean, I guess? Just to try, it doesn’t have to mean anything, of course. We’ve never kissed other girls, so I guess that would be a new experience?”

“I have,” Rin interrupts Emi, her eyes still focused on the milkshake.

“Oh,” she stops for a second. ”And you never told me about it!?”

“I don’t know.”

“Rin, we have a lot to talk about when we get to our room.”

“And some other things, too,” adds Fujisawa with a smirk.

“You’re lucky to have a spinal cord injury because I would have beaten your ass otherwise.”

“Is that not a rude thing to say?” Rin asks with a concerned expression on her face.

“Well… it can be. It depends on the context. Since we’ve joked about similar things before, an unspoken rule is established, by which we can bring these sorts of things up when we’re poking fun at each other. In any case, if I didn’t like it I would either not laugh or say it outright, so as to prevent a similar thing in the future. Just so we’re clear, it’s okay to joke about it in this context,” Fujisawa’s tone has rapidly shifted towards one that is more caring and soft, and their smile has taken on a warmer note. Emi is amazed at their ability to decipher the social intricacies for Rin.

“I see,” Rin seems to reciprocate.

“Also, Ibarazaki seems to really underestimate how hard I can hit with this thing, which will one day be her downfall,” Fujisawa adds, holding their cane and shifting the tone again.

The banter between Emi and Fujisawa continues for a while, with Rin mostly watching from the sidelines, until the three realize the Sun starting to go down.

“Well, I guess we should be going,” Fujisawa is the first one to bring the time up. They seem way more tired to Emi than when they left the campus.

“Yeah, guess we do. Want us to go back to the bedrooms together?” Emi offers.

“Oh, right, I don’t really live there, I’m renting a flat a few bus stops away. We’re going in opposite directions, then.”

“Want us to go with you anyway?” Emi is trying her best to hide her concern.

“Oh, man, do I really look that bad?” Fujisawa lets a loud but somewhat awkward laugh out. “It’s fine, Ibarazaki, I’m just a bit tired. But thank you for the offer, really. I’ll text you once I get home, is that okay?”

“Yeah, sure!”

“Tezuka, it’s been a pleasure. I’m looking forward to hanging out with you again.”

“Okay,” she responds in a seemingly unenthusiastic tone. “We will.”

“In Rin’s language that means she’s really enjoyed the time with you, by the way,” Emi clarifies.

“No need to tell me, I know. See you two!” Fujisawa says as they leave.

Emi and Rin pay and leave right after, with at least one of them looking forward to the promised conversation once they get home.

Last edited by Retornodelogay on Sun May 12, 2024 4:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Love is a Choice - An Emi/Rin post-Yamaku story - 04/05/2024: Two new chapters

Post by guthrum06 »

Love the new chapters too. Fujisawa seems like a great OC, and Rin clearly being in love with Emi but not understanding it is pretty adorable.

Also love what you're doing with Emi, who still hasn't fully opened up to anyone, so she's surprisingly awkward about asking Fujisawa about her disability.

Hopefully she realizes she can with Rin and lots of adorable times can be had.

My FanFics
Learning to Run (Complete) - Emi x Hisao in their 30s
Yamaku: the Next Generation (Complete) - Emi and Hisao's daughter goes to Yamaku.
Oil & Vinegar - Mutou and Nurse buddy one-shot

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Re: Love is a Choice - An Emi/Rin post-Yamaku story - 04/05/2024: Two new chapters

Post by Retornodelogay »

Thank you! I'm really enjoying writing a clearly alexythimic character very much in love. Rin's super fun to write and I hope I'm making her justice.

Emi is an interesting case, because there's a lot of contrast between her and Rin. Both characters have interest and traits that go against what would be expected of their disabilities, but while Rin's come from just not caring, Emi's come from pure unadulterated denial. In all honesty I relate to both, and I really want to talk about both approaches in a way that doesn't just go over what the original work did.

Thank you so much for the nice comments, I really do appreciate them :)

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