Sharp-O's One-Shots! "A Matter of Memory" 05/01/24


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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Cordially Invited - Act 9" 8/1/16

Post by Alpacalypse »

To quote Griff, of Red Vs Blue fame: "Dammit. Dammit! GOD FUCKING DAMMIT! WE WERE SO CLOSE!"
You really are sadistic, sometimes :cry:

Welp, no way I'm getting off the train now. Let's see what happens!
I am the harbinger of your destruction... By herbivorous, mountain dwelling quadrupeds... fear me
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Cordially Invited - Act 9" 8/1/16

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Yup, that last chapter was pretty heavy but fear not! It's smooth sailing from here on out and look!
Was that supposed to be sarcastic? :-P
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Cordially Invited - Act 9" 8/1/16

Post by Sharp-O »

Alpacalypse wrote:To quote Griff, of Red Vs Blue fame: "Dammit. Dammit! GOD FUCKING DAMMIT! WE WERE SO CLOSE!"
You really are sadistic, sometimes :cry:
Why do we fall, Master 'Paca? :D
Mirage_GSM wrote:Was that supposed to be sarcastic? :-P
Why Mirage, whatever do you mean? :roll:
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Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Cordially Invited - Finale" 10/1/16

Post by Sharp-O »



The discontented murmurs and whispers are summarily silenced as a tall blonde woman and a shorter, navy-haired woman stand side-by-side before the congregation.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Lilly begins with an inherent air of authority that only her and her cousin — Shizune signing beside her for the benefit of the few deaf guests amongst the Yamaku alumni — uniquely possess. “We apologise profusely for the delay but there will be a brief postponement of the ceremony as we deal with an unforeseen circumstance. If you would kindly follow the groomsmen and bridesmaids to your left, we will address the situation and the ceremony will continue shortly. We appreciate your patience.”

The duo bow respectfully and the guests look around confused for a second but eventually do as they are asked, shuffling out of the side exit, and leaving the chapel all but empty.

The crushing sense of shame and disappointment Hanako feels churning inside is nothing to the disappointment she imagines on the faces of the gathered guests as they left — if she were currently capable of even looking at them. She sits, kneeling in the aisle, her hands covering her face as her ragged breathing echoes through the now quiet room. She splays open her fingers to peek out, only to see the one other person in the large room. Akio.

“Hey there.” He says, an imperturbable smile across his face as he stands with his hands firmly planted in his suit pockets, looking as nonchalant as he possibly could. “How are you feeling?”

“A-A-Akio… I-I-I’m s-s-s-suh-sorr—”

“I was just wondering…” He interjects and Hanako looks up as he gazes around the room. “Y’see, I’m waiting for someone. A girl, actually. I was just wondering if you could help me find her.” His eyes come to rest on the mortified Hanako and he takes a step forward unaided by his cane.

“Whu-wh-what?” She stammers, her hands falling from her face slowly the groom takes a slow steps toward her down the aisle.

“This girl… Man, I don’t even know where to begin,” Akio chuckles, removing one hand to rub the back of his neck. “She’s amazing, there’s really no other word for her. I met her at school; sat right next to each other every day but we weren’t really friends for a long time. We barely knew each other, in fact. She was always so… timid. And frightened, I think, but I daren’t ask her what was wrong in case she ran out of the room.”

His dry laugh cuts deep into the already hurting Hanako but he continues regardless.

“I can’t recall us ever sharing more than a handful of pleasantries for more than two years but when you sit beside someone for that long; you get a feel for them, you know? I could tell she had it rough, rougher than me anyway but I was still too damn scared and too wrapped up in my own bullshit to take the time to get to know her properly…” Akio sighs lamentably as he recalls his younger self; a damaged boy who hid his pain with gallows humour and privately dulled it with cheap sake.

“But then something happened. I made this stupidly huge mistake and while I was still licking my wounds, this girl approached me. It was the bravest thing I’d ever seen in hindsight. That this timid girl, who was little more than a stranger, would walk up to me and ask for my help.”

Hanako smiles a little, remembering the day well. She’d been an outside observer to Akio, Taro and Ritsu’s little group but the close proximity meant she could vicariously enjoy their banter. She thought they were nice. Taro was kind and gentle, Ritsu was passionate and talented and Akio… Well, she thought Akio was a bit of an asshole but not a mean one. More of a sardonic joker that she would find herself tittering quietly at whenever he made a joke.

“I helped, of course, and it was the start of something wonderful that lead right here.” Akio says, as he gingerly sits in front of Hanako, crossing his legs. “The woman I’m going to marry is the bravest, sweetest, kindest soul I have ever met. She’s beautiful and clever and you wouldn’t believe how easily she can shut me down with just a look! Scares the crap out of me, I swear!” He laughs and Hanako joins in, her small smile broadening significantly.

“Sh-She sounds t-t-too g-good for you.” Hanako remarks, a courageous little barb to let Akio know she’s feeling a little better.

“And don’t I know it! She’s waaaay out of my league. Why she puts up with me I’ll never know…” Akio looks into his bride’s big violet eyes and sees a familiar shimmer that he was hoping to see.

“M-Maybe it’s because you’re f-funny? Wait, no, that can’t be right…” Hanako raises a gloved hand to her chin in thought. “You seem more l-like you have a heart of copper than gold so that can’t be it either and you’re not especially handsome…” Hanako smiles devilishly, Akio returning it in kind.

“Must be because I’m so good in bed!”

“Narcissism isn’t an attractive trait, Akio.” Hanako sighs in an exaggerated manner before giving him a sultry smirk “Even if it’s true.”

There you are.” Akio says, rewarding Hanako with a prideful smile. Rising to his feet with a grunt, he simultaneously offers his hand out. “I thought I told you not to be late, Ikezawa!”

“I wasn’t, Hayashi!” Hanako giggles as she accepts his hand gladly and rises. “A bride is never late, you were simply too early. An all-too-regular problem of yours.”

“Wooow! Give with one hand, take with the other. Is this what being married to you is going to be like?” He asks incredulously and receives a slap to his arm for his snark.

“You had your ch-chance to escape but like I told you already; I’m keeping you.”

“And I don’t get a say in the matter, right.” Akio nods, remembering their conversation from a few days ago. They link hands affectionately and press their foreheads together. “I can live with that.”

“You’re going to have to. ‘Till d-death do us part’, remember?” Hanako nuzzles Akio’s nose with a bright smile as a dark-skinned head pokes in from the side exit.

“You guys all good?” Miki calls out, receiving smiling nods from the bride and groom. Her head disappears from sight but her voice carries back into the room, causing the pair to laugh uproariously.

“Take Two, losers! Everyone back inside! First positions, chop-chop!”


“By the power vested in me, I pronounce you man and wife.” The portly officiant smiles warmly and steps backwards, allowing Akio and Hanako to lean toward one another and kiss. Their friends and family applaud loudly, and follow the newly married couple out to the front of the chapel.

Hearty congratulations, hugs and welcomes to the family are shared as Hanako is prodded and coddled by Akio’s extended family; meanwhile he shares a quiet moment with the Satous.

Away from the familial fracas, all of which is meticulously documented by Misaki, the bridesmaids and groomsmen stand together.

“I can’t believe they actually did it.” Ritsu comments, her arms folded across her chest.

“Right? Who’d have thought it would be those two to tie the knot first?” Molly comments, leaning on the smaller woman’s shoulder casually. “But I guess the old saying is true: ‘patience is a virtue’.”

“I’ve always been fond of ‘love is a game two can play and both can win’.” Shizune sighs with a smile, her arms wrapped around her boyfriend who smiles down at her, squeezing her shoulder gently. “Yeah, I like that one too.”

“God, Miki, were you always this weepy or are you getting soft in your old age?” Taro jokes as he hands Miki the handkerchief out of his breast pocket. She accepts and blows her nose noisily. “Fuck you, fat-ass. If that didn’t sniff melt your heart then there’s something sniff wrong with you.”

“There’s clearly something wrong with you.” He laughs, nudging the emotional bridesmaid and receiving a stump to the chest for his trouble, Ritsu casting a sideways glance to Miki and Taro when she thinks no one is looking.

“Hey! Get over here for the pictures!” Akio calls with a wave, Hanako similarly beckoning them over. “We w-want everyone in this one!”


Hanako and Akio reach the centre of the dance floor and face each other, hand in hand. “Are you ready for our last dance, Mrs Hayashi?” Akio smiles, Hanako simply pouting in response. “Sorry, sorry, Mrs Ikezawa-Hayashi. That’s going to take some getting used to…”

“You should be used to saying a mouthful, Mr Hayashi.” Hanako whispers as they press themselves close together as the soft tickling piano, guitar and flute of Pride~Nageki no Tabi begins. “Why our last dance?”

“Just covering my bases in case I eat shit trying to impress you.” Akio smiles a little cheekily, Hanako shaking her head with an understanding smile. “You already got me, Akio. You don’t need to impress me anymore…” She says, resting her head on Akio’s chuckling chest as they slowly spin.

In the darkness of the hall surrounding the spot-lit couple; Ritsu, Miki and Molly drink and watch.

“How is it that I’m the only one not bringing drama to this fucking wedding?” Miki rhetorically asks, frustrated with the one-two punch of Ritsu and Molly’s joint announcements.

“Hanging around Taro too much makes you dull, I can attest to that.” Ritsu snorts with laughter, Miki frowning defensively. “Kidding! Geez… But you don’t have to look so worried, I’m just going to visit my dad for a while, it’s not like I’m going for good! Besides, I think some distance will be good for everyone.” She peers through the darkness to see Taro talking with Emi and Rin on the far side of the hall at the buffet table.

“If you say so…” Miki couldn’t help but feel this was a mistake on Ritsu’s part but she didn’t have a better opinion to offer. “I’ll keep an eye on tons-of-fun for you.”

“I know you will, Meeks. You always have.” Ritsu smiles at her friend earnestly before looking off to the left. “Oh! Saki’s here! I’ll catch you guys in a bit!”

“I told you not to call-- Ah, forget it.” As the song comes to an end, effortlessly mixed into the next slow dance song, Miki turns to Molly.

“So! What are you going to do about that.” Miki gestures towards Suzu, who leads her tardy boyfriend to the dance floor. Molly sips at her wine slowly, watching Suzu wrap her arms around Toshi with a smile.

“Absolutely nothing.” Molly responds with a sigh but much more cheerily than Miki expected. “I’m not going to interfere and I’m certainly not going to pursue her. If they break up, we’ll see what happens but for now…”

“Patience is a virtue, right? That’s what you said earlier?” Miki comments, watching more couples join the dance floor. Shizune and Hisao, Naomi and Natsume, Komaki and Maeda — even the giddy Emi gets invited to dance by one of Akio’s cousins, leaving Taro with Rin, watching from the sidelines. Miki sighs wistfully as she gazes at the man who has been her best friend for as long as she cares to remember; who all but dragged her into adulthood by the scruff of her neck and helped her become a pretty decent human being, not that she’d ever admit anything approaching that to him.

She hates seeing him look so low and her frown could’t be hidden from Molly, who follows her line of sight and chuckles, loud enough to break Miki’s concentration. “Huh, what? You say somethin’?”

“No, not at all…” Molly smiles, almost sinisterly as a plan formulates in her head. “Though I was just thinking of another phrase, one from good old Blighty… ‘She who dares, wins’.”

“What are you…?”

“Just go ask him to dance, you silly sod!” Molly laughs at Miki and her dumbfounded expression as the self-proclaimed and undisputed bad-ass of their little family turns crimson from embarrassment.

“What? Fuck no! I don’t dance, and neither does he! Why, why would I do that anyway?” She asks, almost looking for a reason to be given.

“Because it’d be sweet, you guys being such good friends and all…” Molly teases with a sultry look that Miki doesn’t quite appreciate.

“C’mon, Molls… Don’t you think it’s a little soon to be making a move on him?” Miki gives an unsure frown, rubbing the back of her neck in thought as she looks over again.

Would you be making a move on him? I just suggested you dance…” Molly continues her cheeky inference, much to Miki’s chagrin.

“Oh, fuck off with that reverse psychology voodoo!” Miki chuckles, bopping Molly in the arm. “I’m gonna ask him to dance but only because I think it’ll cheer him up, not because of what you think. Which is stupid. And wrong.” Miki narrows her eyes at Molly as she begins to walk around the dance floor. Molly smiles, thinking about the strange relationship Taro and Miki once had. It always fascinated her that they had something that always seemed lacking in Taro and Ritsu’s; mutual respect and absolute trust, first and foremost.

Or maybe she was just biased because Ritsu screamed like a banshee at her once. She hadn’t really decided which was the biggest contributing factor to her playing a devilish cupid but she figured the end result couldn’t be as bad what had played out in the last couple of days.

“So yeah… That’s what I’ve been doing.” Taro smiles crookedly as Rin nods slowly with seeming understanding.

“So you have a problem with your tackle?” The armless woman, dressed in a smart women’s suit, asks curiously. Taro looks at the huge verdant eyes staring at him expectantly and he nods. “Yeah, I guess so.”

Scandalous.” Rin closes her eyes, the smallest and smuggest of smiles aimed directly Taro. He furrows his brow in confusion before remembering one of Rin’s quirks and bringing his left hand to his face. “God damn it, Rin…” He groans, despite his amused smile betraying him.

“‘Sup, nerds?” Miki calls, striding over with a purpose unknown to Taro. “Not much, Rin just… Nevermind. What brings you to our quiet, little neck of the woods?” Taro smirks, his mood a little lighter after Rin’s joke and seeing Miki’s confident grin.

“Oh, I’ll tell you what my neck’s doing in your woods.” Miki steps closer, getting uncomfortably — almost menacingly — close to Taro. “You’re gonna ask me to dance, Arai.”

“I am?” Taro chuckles nervously, Miki nodding slowly in response. He couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of déjà vu about a confident woman challenging him to do something. He looks to Rin and shrugs. “Do you mind?”

“I don’t mind, Taro. I think.” Rin states matter-of-factly, before opening one eye to glare at him. “I thought you knew words.”

“You heard her, tons-of-fun. So, c’mon! Out with it already.” Miki’s eyes pierce Taro’s in a daring fashion and he acquiesces, his chubby cheeks turning scarlet. “R-Right, sure… Miki, would you like to dance?”

“Why, Taro! That would be lovely.” Miki says demurely, offering a hook arm out which Taro takes. The pair make their way onto the dance floor just as the previous slow dance song ends. To their shared surprise, a heart-thumping rock riff kicks into life and the idea of something nice and slow evaporates in a chorus of trumpets.

“Damn, I was hopin’ for something more your speed…” Miki huffs, watching everyone around them switch gears to match the upbeat music.

“What? You’re saying this isn’t my speed?” Taro grins goofily as he rocks his shoulders from side-to-side with the beat, his head bobbing along. Miki raises her hand and stump to her mouth as she laughs. “Oh my god, you look so stupid!”

“I thought you wanted to dance, Miura! Don’t tell me you can’t keep up with these slick moves!” Taro shrugs with a challenging stare of his own. Miki narrows her eyes and smirks.

“All right, fat-ass; watch and learn!” She steps closers, pulling the hair clips from her neatly arranged wedding form and shaking her hair out. She shimmies closer to Taro, grinding against him as she literally dances circles around him. Her wild mane of violet hair flares with every movement and Taro can’t help but match her rhythm.

Hisao and Shizune’s hands never leave each other’s bodies as they scoot around the dance floor nearby and a certain blue-clad Brit puts her drink down, intent on joining the fun.

“‘Scuse me, mate but I was hoping I could nick Suzu for a bit!” Molly grins as she plucks Suzu’s hand out of Toshi’s and drags the exhausted girl back onto the dance floor. “Molls! Let me reeeeeeest!” Suzu shrieks with laughter as Molly twirls her into a spot near Taro and Miki, swaying her hips to the beat as she does.

Hanako, meanwhile, struggles with the quick beat of the song in her extravagant gown but Akio tries his best to make up for it with ludicrous movements, making her giggle. He takes one wrong step and feels his legs buckle, sending himself and Hanako spilling onto the floor. The duos around them freeze, only for their concern to be met with laughter.

“I guess that makes us even, huh?” Akio winks and Hanako throws her arms around her husband with glee.

“You d-dumbass!” She laughs.



Author's notes: Boy, that went on for longer than I first imagined... I felt that the switch to a narrative style to be pretty hard, especially to keep consistent with tenses and such but I hope that everyone enjoyed this little indulgence into an important chapter in the Monomyth story.

Is Monomyth finished for good? It feels like this is a good stopping point for now at the very least. We've seen the third year of Yamaku, the group's early adulthood and even ten years into the future! I mean, what else is there to tell? Only time will tell but as always; thank you so much to each and everyone one of you who contributed and to everyone who reads, regardless of if you enjoy it or not. Love, Sharp-O
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Cordially Invited - Finale" 10/1/1

Post by swampie2 »

It's here! My F5 button can rest. :lol:

Maeda got invited? Hmm. How does Rin slowdance? I need to know.

Well, as always, it's sad to see a series end, especially with this cast that now inhabit a small portion of my heart, but I think this was a fantastic way to end things. I've gotta say, your choices of music were great. Not only did they match the writing, I could easily see those songs at an actual wedding. This entire series has been a real experience, one I think I'll remember for a very, very long time, as you can see by the fact that almost everyone one of my own fics features some monomyth elements. Even though this is the end, I hope we see some one shots here and there.

Awesome work sharp, I've said it about every chapter, but it really is just an awesome piece of writing. You've really set the bar high for anything you may write in the future. No pressure.

Also, what happened with that thing you showed me? :wink:
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Cordially Invited - Finale" 10/1/1

Post by Sharp-O »

swampie2 wrote:Maeda got invited? Hmm. How does Rin slowdance? I need to know.
Komaki's Plus-One, what can you do? :roll: I like to think Rin dances to really eclectic stuff when no one is looking, like Michigan J. Frog. :lol:
swampie2 wrote:Well, as always, it's sad to see a series end, especially with this cast that now inhabit a small portion of my heart, but I think this was a fantastic way to end things. I've gotta say, your choices of music were great. Not only did they match the writing, I could easily see those songs at an actual wedding. This entire series has been a real experience, one I think I'll remember for a very, very long time, as you can see by the fact that almost everyone one of my own fics features some monomyth elements. Even though this is the end, I hope we see some one shots here and there.
I've had Nageki no Tobi in my head for one of their song for a while, and Flyers was a literal last minute addition because fuck that song is toe-tappingly awesome. It's incredibly humbling to have elements of my dumb story leak out into other people's work so believe me when I say the honour is all mine, Swamp :)
swampie2 wrote:You've really set the bar high for anything you may write in the future. No pressure.
Geez, man... I've got some ideas but we'll just have to see what happens :)
swampie2 wrote:Also, what happened with that thing you showed me? :wink:
Shhhhh! Play it cool, man. Play it cooooool.... :wink:
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Cordially Invited - Finale" 10/1/1

Post by Hesmiyu »

3 stories completed within your Monomyth universe, well done on the quality. I don't think you're truly done with this universe seeing as 2 of the couples aren't together and Hisao/Shizune aren't married yet (if I read this right) :P.

Good luck on your future writings :)
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Cordially Invited - Finale" 10/1/1

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Hesmiyu wrote:3 stories completed within your Monomyth universe, well done on the quality. I don't think you're truly done with this universe seeing as 2 of the couples aren't together and Hisao/Shizune aren't married yet (if I read this right) :P.
Personally, I don't believe ending a story when every single character is happily married, has seven kids, won the lottery and singlehandedly cured cancer and achieved world peace is a good idea...
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Cordially Invited - Finale" 10/1/1

Post by Hesmiyu »

Mirage_GSM wrote:-snip-
Personally, I don't believe ending a story when every single character is happily married, has seven kids, won the lottery and singlehandedly cured cancer and achieved world peace is a good idea...[/quote]

Same, but who knows what goes on in Sharp-O's story telling mind :)
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Cordially Invited - Finale" 10/1/1

Post by Alpacalypse »

Akio's method of getting Hanako back on her feet was... unorthodox, but ludicrously effective (anybody who gets that reference gets a cookie)
Wasn't this supposed to be the last Monomyth story? Well, guess we'll just have to see what comes next. I'm game. :D

And now I have to go watch Death Parade, because that song is amaziiiiiing!
Hesmiyu wrote:Hisao/Shizune aren't married yet
Hisao died after getting shot in the chest with a t-shirt cannon, remember?
I am the harbinger of your destruction... By herbivorous, mountain dwelling quadrupeds... fear me
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Cordially Invited - Finale" 10/1/1

Post by Hesmiyu »

Alpacalypse wrote:
Hesmiyu wrote:Hisao/Shizune aren't married yet
Hisao died after getting shot in the chest with a t-shirt cannon, remember?
I had actually forgotten that.

When I reread the universe, I read the Monomyth, then this one followed by the future one right?
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Cordially Invited - Finale" 10/1/1

Post by Sharp-O »

Hesmiyu wrote:I don't think you're truly done with this universe seeing as 2 of the couples aren't together and Hisao/Shizune aren't married yet (if I read this right) :P.
Mirage_GSM wrote:Personally, I don't believe ending a story when every single character is happily married, has seven kids, won the lottery and singlehandedly cured cancer and achieved world peace is a good idea...
I'm definitely not giving everyone a happy ending, just look at Shizune/Hisao. Ritsu doesn't get a bad ending, she just ends up on a different path. I imagine the Molly/Suzu story doesn't play out quite as smoothly as they'd hope and Taro/Miki... Maybe there's a story there.

Hanako and Akio get the happy ending in my mind, but that's not to say they don't have their own problems at certain points, it's just that they get the best ending out of the group. Marriage, family, children, the whole she-bang.
Alpacalypse wrote:Wasn't this supposed to be the last Monomyth story? Well, guess we'll just have to see what comes next. I'm game. :D
Perhaps the last Monomyth story, since I've already futzed with the naming convention with Miraimyth and Swamp's started Mirrormyth... It's turning into more of a Mytholgy :wink:
Alpacalypse wrote:And now I have to go watch Death Parade, because that song is amaziiiiiing!
Spoilers: that songs is the cheeriest part of the show :lol:
Hesmiyu wrote:When I reread the universe, I read the Monomyth, then this one followed by the future one right?
I've amended the original Monomyth post with the intended timeline for everyone's convenience :)

Thanks a lot everyone! Your input and continued support is what has kept this story going for as long as it has.
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Cordially Invited - Finale" 10/1/1

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Spoilers: that songs is the cheeriest part of the show :lol:
By a loooong shot :-)

Hadn't heard the english version of that OP before. Is there already an english release? Because I might have to get that...
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Cordially Invited - Finale" 10/1/1

Post by Sharp-O »

Mirage_GSM wrote:Hadn't heard the english version of that OP before. Is there already an english release? Because I might have to get that...
First season has been, started watching it the other night. Pretty solid voice cast.
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Cordially Invited - Finale" 10/1/1

Post by Texaboose »

Well done Sharp! The thing I love most about your writing is the dialogue; it's so witty, snappy and shhhaarp. It's the thing that truly makes your characters and it's makes everything a damn fun read. The emotional Miki made me giggle, the heartfelt moments with Lilly and Shizune, and later Hanako and Akio, made me tear up and the drunken antics just made me laugh. Probably my one complaint, is that Ritsu's story felt on the light side, but she seems a really difficult character to write beyond "jealous bitch with daddy issues". I remember her having some good qualities about her, and it's shame they have never resurfaced to redeem her in the readers eyes.

Still, a good epilogue... prologue to the epilogue...pre-epilogue... continuation with all the gang.
Currently reading (and being thoroughly depressed by): After the Dream by brythain
Also currently reading (sans depression):
The Benefit of Hindsight by Puncyclopedia
Learning to Fly by Eurobeatjester
Flutter by Sharp-O
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