Sharp-O's One-Shots! "A Matter of Memory" 05/01/24


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Sharp-O's One-Shots! "The Parent Trap" - 30/8/15

Post by Sharp-O »

The Parent Trap


I can’t help but fuss over Hanako as we stand at the rendezvous point. I tug at her scarf and hat, making sure they’re neat and straight. She narrows her eyes and grabs my wrists.

“Akio. If you futz with my hat one more god damn time, I will slap you.” Every wisp of warm breath in the cold air hits me like a slap in and of themselves. I smile apologetically and settle for fixing my own scarf, even though I know that no matter what I do, it’ll never be straight.

“Why are you more nervous than I am?” Hana chuckles, taking my hand and holding it firm at my side.

“Because I know what’s coming… Have I…?” I turn to ask and she nods slowly.

“You’ve told me to expect a neurotic mess who will pick apart every stray strand of hair or thread of cloth. You also told me to stand perfectly still if I want to avoid her. So… I’m expecting a Tyrannosaurus Rex with obsessive compulsive disorder.” She giggles and it warms my heart of this frigid day.

“A T-Rex with OCD, eh? Now there’s a new one!” A voice calls from behind us and a fresh chill runs through my body. I turn and force a nervous smile at the woman standing five feet behind us.

“Hi, mom.” I smile warily, both in fear for myself and for Hana. My mom wraps her arms around my shoulders and Hana’s hand leaves mine.

“It’s so good to see you, Aki. And don’t worry, I’ve been told to be on my best behaviour around your girlfriend so you can relax.” She whispers in a playful tone that reminds me of old times. She releases me from her clutches and turns to Hana.

“It’s a p-pleasure to meet you, Mrs Hayashi.” Hana bows with her hands held together in front of her, standing straight again with a smile. She’s come a long way from the spastic introduction she gave to my grandparents. I hope it’s enough.

“It’s nice to meet you too, Hanako. My mom and dad spoke very highly of you!” My mom smiles widely, tilting her head slightly. “But please, it’s Ms Hayashi. Or Hina if that’s more comfortable for you?”

I flinch slightly but Hanako nods, not even batting an eye at her faux pas.

“Thank you, Hina. Akio has t-told me a lot about you.”

“I imagine he has.” She says, glancing at me as she does. “Not all of it good either.”

“Barring the o-obvious, he’s shared nothing but fond memories.” I am in awe of Hana’s continued charm offensive. I envy her composure right now.

“Well then…” My mom closes her eyes and smiles softly. I brace myself for what I imagine will come next. “What say we find a nice place to chat and I can share all of my little Aki’s embarrassing toddler stories!”

That’s exactly what I was afraid of.



Suzu sits across from me as we wait patiently for her parents to arrive. Her hands are clasped firmly around her hot chocolate. I don’t trust public cafés to make tea how I like it so I opted for a latte. Suzu’s been nervous all morning… Bless her. I reach across the table and place my hands around hers, offering a reassuring smile.

“How are you not freaking out?” She asks with a look of disapproval at my nonchalant demeanour.

“Because I have Indian parents. Believe me; no one can be as bad, or as pushy, as Indian parents.” I chuckle, thinking about how mum and dad would constantly try to sell me on the available sons of their friends. Some clichés are so prevalent for a reason, unfortunately.

My joke makes Suzu laugh and I rub my thumbs along the back of her hands a little, meeting her eyes with affection. I’ll admit that this is definitely too early to be meeting the parents but I think she’s okay with me suggesting that she not reveal our relationship just yet. Our friends know and that’s the main thing.

“Heads up. Time to put on our game faces…” Suzu says, peering over my shoulder towards the door. I follow her gaze to see a well-dressed couple enter. I turn back to Suzu and give a scowling pout.

“What are you doing?” She asks nervously.

“That’s my game face!” I smirk and she giggles before scooting out of the booth and greeting her parents.

“Hi mom! Hi dad!” She grins widely and hugs her parents in turn, they smile and greet her back but give each other a weird glance when they spot me. “This is Molly, a friend of mine from Yamaku.”

“Hello! Nice to meet you!” I offer a genuine smile and a little wave from my seat.

“H-hello, Molly.” The mother says sheepishly while Suzu’s father nods silently. I pull Suzu’s drink to my side of the table as her parents take a seat where she sat and Suzu slides in next to me.

“Thanks.” She smiles as I place her drink in front of her. A waitress dutifully comes over to take their order and hurries off, leaving a really awkward silence. Suzu picks up on it as well and tries her best to get a conversation going.

“How was your trip? I hope the weather didn’t play havoc with the roads.”

“The trip was fine, thanks Suzu.” Her mother says before silence takes hold again. Her father seems to be trying his best to look everywhere except at me.

“It’s nice to meet you both. Suzu tells me you’re both architects?” I try my hand at getting them to talk and they share an uneasy look with each other.

“Why, y-yes. We work for the same firm. We met there too as it happens.” Her mother gives an uneasy smile and I nod.

“Wow, really? I bet that was quite the workplace romance! Now I get where Suzu gets her obsession from.” I smirk at the cerulean-haired girl beside me who giggles. “And architecture, eh? Have you worked on any famous buildings or anything?” I ask with genuine interest and they clam up.

“N-not really…” Her mother says, looking to her husband as if looking for approval, which she finds when he nods.

“Okay, what’s up with you guys? You’re acting really weird.” Suzu frowns, finally had her fill of the stop-start nature of the conversation.

“We’re not acting w-weird. We j-just weren’t expecting you to bring a… friend.” She stammers, her eyes flittering between me and Suzu as she does.

Bloody hell, this is because of me… Or rather, what I look like. I thought I’d escaped this bullshit when I flew five thousand miles to come to a new school. I pinch the bridge of my nose and sigh heavily, leaning back into the booth.

“I apologize if my presence makes you uncomfortable, Mr and Mrs Suzuki.” I say, slightly annoyed. Her mother goes to speak but I cut her off. “But, if my being here is causing you enough distress as to become all but mute around your own daughter, then I’ll be going.”

I look to Suzu who can’t decide on an emotion as her father finally speaks up.


“Yes, excuse me.” I snap back. “If you would be so kind, Suzu.” I gesture that I’d like to get out of the booth and Suzu shakes her head.

“You’re not going anywhere, Molls. You’ve done nothing wrong.” Her voice turns to something a little sterner as I sit back down.

“Why would Molly being here freak you out so much? She’s my friend and I don’t appreciate you treating her like she doesn’t belong!”

“It’s just that she’s--” I register what her father is probably about to say but before I can say a single word, Suzu is on the attack.

“Don’t you dare. Don’t you fu--” I reach out and catch Suzu as she has a cataplectic episode while jumping to my defence. You’re a silly sod, Suzu but thank you for trying.

“Suzu…” Her mother whispers and her father looks at me dourly. I rest Suzu back against the soft seat of the booth. The waitress, oblivious to the huge upset that just happened, returns with Suzu’s parents’ drinks.

“Can I get you anything else?” She asks sweetly and I shake my head with a smile. She bows and carries on with her duties.

“So…?” I say, turning my attention back to the Suzukis and picking up my coffee, bringing it to my lips and raising an eyebrow. They keep shtum and I take a long sip of my latte. Not really a coffee girl but I like this kind well enough. The silence hangs heavy in the air and Suzu’s parents try to avoid my stare by looking at their daughter.

“Don’t worry, she’ll reboot soon enough.” I follow their gaze to Suzu who is now slumped against me.

“You kn-know…?”

“We’ve been in the same class for two years, I’ve got an idea.” I say sarcastically. Her mother’s face softens, despite my barb, and she gives me a small smile. “I’m glad to know someone is looking out for her.”

“She’s got plenty of support, not that she needs it. Your daughter is pretty strong-willed.”

“Stubborn too.” Her father chimes in and I can’t help but smirk.

“Like you wouldn’t believe.”

Silence again but her mother finally looks me in the eyes as I take another sip of coffee.

“I’m sorry, Molly. We’ve been very rude. It’s just… when Suzu said she was bringing bring a… friend with her we didn’t expect…”

Someone dark-skinned?

“A girl.” I almost choke as her father says the words.

“Wait, you’ve been weird because she brought a female friend with her?” I furrow my brow in confusion and they share a bemused smile with each other.

“Actually, her exact words were ‘someone special’.” Her mother says and my eyes go wide. I look at the girl on my shoulder who is still out for the count.

“{You told them I was your bloody girlfriend, didn’t you}?” I default to English in my utter surprise and annoyance while her face remains still. You better wake up soon, Suzu. This has turned into a right cock-up.


Oh dear… Did I let the cat out of the bag? Heeheehee. Whoops. I'll make it up to you, Molls. As soon as my body can move again…
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "The Parent Trap" - 30/8/15

Post by swampie2 »

I default to English
That was a bold move, what if Suzu's parents know english? I expect better from you, Molly.

This was real roller-coaster of a chapter and I loved every second. Great job! It seems Hanako has shifted her anxiety to the Suzukis. :lol:
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "The Parent Trap" - 30/8/15

Post by Hesmiyu »

And now for fan art of a t-rex with ocd :P
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "The Parent Trap" - 30/8/15

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

Can't say enough how much I'm looking forward to the next part. I figured the Suzuki were talking about her being female, not her skin tone.
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "The Parent Trap" - 30/8/15

Post by Sharp-O »

swampie2 wrote:That was a bold move, what if Suzu's parents know english? I expect better from you, Molly.

This was real roller-coaster of a chapter and I loved every second. Great job! It seems Hanako has shifted her anxiety to the Suzukis. :lol:
Molly has always had a tendency to slip into English when surprised. She probably didn't think more about it since it seems Suzu already let it slip in her excitement to be finally dating someone. :lol:
AntonSlavik020 wrote:Can't say enough how much I'm looking forward to the next part.
Oh dear... Sorry to say, Anton but this is all I've got for this. I was pushing it with this little one-shot because I had basically nothing about the Suzukis until I started writing. I figured I'd set-up Hina because she's going to be an element for an upcoming chapter but apart from that, no more one-shots for Monomyth for the foreseeable future. :(
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "The Parent Trap" - 30/8/15

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

Oh, OK. If you don't have anything else, that's fine. Like I said, I'm just a big fan of this kind of stuff, and I thought Molly and Suzu coming out to her parents would have been really interesting. It's just the way you ended them I thought there was going to be more.
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "The Parent Trap" - 30/8/15

Post by Decadent Albatros »

Ok, both of the stories are very good, or at least I liked them a lot. I'm curious to see if Akio will survive the embarassment and how Hana will tease him for those stories :lol:
But, regardless for my love for Hanak(i)o, the Suzu and Molly part gets the cake, still in my opininon. I liked how you made it unclear at why the parents where acting weird. I mean, I kinda got an idea but I was never 100% sure of that. Anyway, yeah another good oneshot(s?) and let's hope Monomyth and its oneshots ends with a bang!

P.S.: I hope you still make oneshots in the future, like to write about a future situations of the various pairings. It would be nice!... I think. :roll:
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Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Child's Play" - 23/9/15

Post by Sharp-O »

Author's Note: This story takes place after the Mirai chapters of Monomyth. Enjoy!

Child’s Play


“Are you sure she’s going to be alright?” I ask warily as we reach the car, the soft chorus of crunching leaves coming to a stop as we open our respective doors. Hanako simply smiles as she slips into the driver’s seat.

“She said she could handle it!” Taro shrugs with an almost unsure smile as he slips into the passenger seat next to my wife. He’s still a broad guy, sitting in the front seat is more comfortable for him so I’ll let him have it this time. Next time though, I’ll remember to call shotgun.

“She entertains kids for a living, dear.” Hanako offers as I slip into the backseat behind Taro.

“Yeah but that’s on-screen, in a costume, without having to actually interact with them.” I groan, growing ever more anxious that I’ve just left my little girl in the hand of Miki Miura. Taro and Hanako simply laugh it off as we pull out of Taro’s driveway.

“Trust me, Akio, she’s perfectly safe. Plus we’re only going to the supermarket! We’ll be twenty minutes, tops!” Taro peers over his shoulder, chortling to himself. “What’s the worst that could happen?”



I wave at the leaving car through the window, knowing full well that they probably can’t see me that well. Rather them than me, it’s cold as balls out today so I’m perfectly happy to stay home where it’s warm. I turn away from the window and look to Alice’s spot on the plush white couch.

“Okay, Ali! What do you want to doooooowherethehell’dyougo?” My eyes scan the living room for the child left in my care only to find her gone. “Alice? C’mon, sweetie!” I call out and hear nothing in response.

I’ve been responsible for a child for all of twenty seconds and it’s already gone. “FUUUUUUUUdge…” I purposely tone down my language, just on the off-chance that she’s within ear shot. Akio’s already given me the third degree for swearing near Alice. Kids just say shit sometimes, just because I’d said it earlier in the day doesn’t mean it’s my fault… I dash around the living room and adjoining kitchen area and find no trace of her.

Okay… She couldn’t have gotten far. She didn’t go out, I would have heard the door so she has to be in the house. I hope she’s still in the house… I peek at the entrance way and see that her tiny little sneakers are still there.

“Shoes’re still here. Good.” I race around a couple of the other rooms before vaulting upstairs, calling her name. All the doors are closed bar one, which has the faint sound of giggling coming out of it. Of course it had to be that room…

I creep towards it but this old house betrays me and the floorboard creeks, silencing the giggling.

“Gotcha now, Ali…” I announce as I nudge the door, the wooden barrier gliding open with a low squeak. I look at the room that was once Taro’s childhood bedroom, now his home office. Just replace the broken single bed with a desk and not much has changed. It’s still full of books and toys. Granted, this is more research material, photo compendiums and props, plus his own collection of nerd shit. Alright… Our collection of nerd shit…

“Come out, come out, wherever you aaaaaaare…” I call as I tip-toe into the room. I see that the wardrobe has been opened and a large plastic container with its lid removed, revealing its contents. Props and toys from shows we’ve worked on at the studio, either separately or together.

“Digging through Uncle Taro’s war chest, huh? He’s gonna be super-mad, Ali!” I jeer but the tell-tale squeak of the door gives away her abysmal attempt to sneak out from behind the door. I look over my shoulder and smirk at the sight that I’m faced with.

The tenacious little five year-old had gathered up an assortment of Rider and Sentai devices and had donned one of my old stunt helmets. ShiroNinger? Yeah, I think that’s right…

“What were you planning on doing, Alice?” I smile, placing my hands on my hips and looking downwards at her.

“I’m going to beat the baddie!” She announces, waving around a toy axe from a Rider show I think Taro did work on. “Are you gonna help or were you sent to stop me?”

I can’t help but laugh at the muffled declaration of the tiny hero-in-training. I thumb my nose and crouch down.

“You’d really accept my help?” I ask and the helmet bobbles comically as she nods and quickly straightens it.

“Every hero needs a sidekick!”

“Sidekick, am I? What if I want to be the hero? Or better yet… the bad guy!” I growl and raise my arms menacingly at her, sending her running from the room squealing with laughter. Okay, what do we have in here that can outmatch her arsenal… I dig through the items still in their zip-locked bags and pick out a few. Oh yeah… These’ll work.



I slide my good arm through several plastic bags to carry them inside as Akio grabs a couple of the lighter ones for himself. Hanako closes the trunk of her car and follows us towards the door.

“I will kill you, you damn midget!” Miki shouts from inside, followed by the shrill squeal of Alice. We all share horrified looks and barge into the house to find Miki on her back with Alice sitting on her chest, swatting at her helmet with Signal Axe toy.

“What’s going on in here!?” Akio demands, dropping his bags. The pair look at us, Alice’s ill-fitting helmet tilting as she does.

“We were just playing, daddy!” She removes the ShiroNinger stunt helmet and grins. She hops off Miki and runs to her dad, throwing her arms around his hips. “Auntie Miki was going to destroy the house so I had to stop her!”

“You were going to destroy the house?” Hanako asks, snickering slightly as my girlfriend sits up, unclasping the buckles on her own ToQ San-Go stunt helmet.

“Hey, she started it!” Miki accuses with a slight smile, a couple beads of sweat rolling down her forehead from under her mess of hair. Hanako and I laugh as Akio kneels down to his grinning daughter.

“C’mon, honey. Time to put Taro’s stuff back.” He says with a warm smile but Alice retreats back towards Miki, shaking her head.

“But we’re still playing!” Alice groans, looking down at the hardwood floor.

“Play time’s over, Alice.” He says, easing himself up on his cane.

“Got that right! Looks like we’ll have to team-up against a new bad guy and his cronies, Alice! You ready?” Miki pats the girl on the back. Alice grins and takes up a fighting stance as Miki does the same. Oh boy…

“We’re unarmed though!” Hanako waves her hands in mock resistance and Miki gives me a knowing smirk. There's plenty of other stuff up there.

“Then go grab something, Hana!” Miki says and, with the encouragement of their daughter, Akio and Hanako head upstairs while I take the shopping bags into the kitchen with Miki’s help.

“I knew she’d have a blast with you.” I smile genuinely and she chuckles, wiping her forehead.

“I’m just glad she didn’t fall down the stairs or some shit. I almost lost her as soon as you guys left!” She explains and I throw my arm around her, planting a kiss on her forehead.

“You did great, Miki. I think you’ve cemented yourself as Alice’s favourite aunt.”

“You bet your ass I did!” She grins up at me before kissing me softly on the lips. “So how do I look?” She cocks her hip, around which she wears a Sengoku Driver, as well as holding a ridiculously out of scale Banaspear.

“Like the hottest nerd I know.” I whisper with a small blush, earning me a playful stumping from Miki who scowls with a smirk.

“We’re back and you’re in for it now, Miki! The whole Hayashi clan stands against you!” Akio announces cockily with his wife and daughter by his side; Akio wearing a Lost Driver and Hana holding a rather beat-up GanGan Saber prop by her side.

“Shame we’ve got the home field advantage.” I say, plucking one of the Lock Seeds from the belt around Miki’s waist.

“You can’t beat us! We’re the good guys!” Alice declares and I smirk.

“Yeah we can, it’ll be child’s play! Henshin!” Miki shouts and the room is filled with the cacophonous roar of several electronic devices going off at once.
Last edited by Sharp-O on Thu Sep 24, 2015 4:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Child's Play" - 23/9/15

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

That was fun. I imagine Miki would be a really fun babysitter, though I'm not sure how long I would trust her to watch my kid. I can't imagine she'd be a very good disciplinarian. Just for an hour or so is fine, though.
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Child's Play" - 23/9/15

Post by Alpacalypse »

Miki as babysitter may not be the obvious choice, but my big stupid grin tells me that that was great! Thanks, Sharp! :D
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Child's Play" - 23/9/15

Post by Sharp-O »

I did think about how Lilly would fair but that would just be 1000 words of Alice pulling Home Alone shenanigans on a blind person and even I'm not that much of a sadist.

I imagine Miki would be the best/worst kind of not-aunt. Like Akira would be. God, teenage Alice would have the worst role-models... :lol:

Glad you enjoyed it, guys! I have more ideas for Monomyth Mirai chapters and one BIG ONE that I may save for Christmas time so y'know... save the date. :wink:
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Child's Play" - 23/9/15

Post by swampie2 »

the hand of Miki Miura.
from the belt around Miki waist.
Miki's waist?

Great chapter, nice to see more from Monomyth Mirai!
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