Sharp-O's One-Shots! "A Matter of Memory" 05/01/24


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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "The Harmonic Heroine" - 25/7/15 Up

Post by swampie2 »

Ahh, Justin Timberlake, it's been a while since I've heard of him :lol:
I should give drums a try next time...
Hahaha! I like it. :wink:

I'm actually a musician, played drums for a year in a band. It's not fun even without CT, my wrists were messed up for a while. :lol:

Nice little look into how Ritsu is taking things.
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "The Harmonic Heroine" - 25/7/15 Up

Post by Sharp-O »

Yeah, I kinda realised that Ritsu has gotten the short end of the stick in terms of characterisation. I want to do more with her but I'm struggling to think up stuff to do. Hell, I have more stuff to do with Suzu and Molly than I do with Ritsu! :lol:
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Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Reverie" - 26/7/15 Update

Post by Sharp-O »

Author's note: Again, this takes place on the same day as Reverse/Re:birth



“I think it all started once Akio started dating Hanako. I hate to admit it but I’m quite jealous of her, stealing away my prize club member and making him join the Newspaper Club.” I took a double dose of meds today and I’m mainlining coffee just to make sure I can get through the day. It’s never worked in the past but hey, stranger things have happened.

Like Hanakio, as Molly calls them.

“Well, he can’t exactly join them officially because he’s already a Literature Club member but he’s with them more than us and it’s getting quieter all the time… People have started to leave and it feels like there’s only two members left. Hell, I’m not sure about there’s even two at the moment…”

I think back to shortly before the summer break. I was running late for the regular meeting because of a sleep attack near the end of day. Thankfully, the ever-faithful Miki watched over me and even walked with me to the club room. I was just about to open the door when I heard the first moan. Miki looked to me confused when she heard the second. I cautiously tried to turn the door knob only to find it was locked.

“Only two club members have a key.” I whispered, furrowing my brow. “Me and Lezard.”

“I can always pick the lock…” Miki offered and I threw her a look of disapproval. Not only because I know from experience how Miki personally ‘picks’ locks and I’d rather not have to explain how my club room’s door got kicked off its hinges but also…

“I said I have a key, dumbass!” I fished out the old mortice key from my bag and unlocked the door as quietly as possible. I take a breath to steady myself before turning the knob and throwing the door open inwards. What I found was shocking to say the least. Lezard Valeth was dry-humping Ikuno Komaki. In my club room.

I don’t know what I hated more; the audacity of their brazen act or that I wasn’t the first to do it… They quickly moved to cover themselves and Lezard tried to offer an excuse but I cut him off.

“I hope you get a priapism and your dick falls off, you fucking asshole!” I screamed before trying to make a dramatic exit. I took three steps before I had an anger-induced cataplexy attack. Thank god Miki was there to catch me…

Lezard and I haven’t spoken since.

“Do you know what I think the real problem is? It’s me. I’m bitter that I haven’t dated a single guy in three years at this damn school. You’d think that here, of all places, a narcoleptic girl could find romance but noooooo. Even people like Hanako and Taro have found love. Hell, he’s got his own harem! Why can’t I have a harem full of cute boys, huh?”

The outburst hangs in the air, only the breeze and the distant tac-tac-tacking of Emi in the distance filling the silence. Miki is just a foot behind her, like always. I breathe a lamenting sigh.

“That’s not fair… Taro is a good guy, a lot better than most of the guys in our class and I’m sure Hanako is a real sweetheart underneath the shyness. See what I mean? Bitter. I think reading too many light novels has given me unrealistic expectations…” I admit, taking a look at my audience.

“Do you ever worry about finding romance, Rin?” I ask the redhead seemingly sleeping next to me on the bleachers. She almost looks like I do when I sleep, except in a boy’s uniform and sans arms. I lean back on my elbows and chuckle a little.

Hell, I think I’d settle for a misguided fumble behind the track shed at this point.” I confess in a whisper, slyly smiling to myself.

“I think art and love are the same thing. Both are equal parts passion and soul and, in that respect, I am never without romance.” Rin announces with surprising lucidity, scaring me a little. She opens one big verdant eye to look at me.

“That… That’s quite profound, Rin. Thanks for sharing.” I admit with utter astonishment. For a split-second, I think I heard the poet buried in Rin’s muddled mind.

“I don’t think I can help with the fumbling though.” She waggles her arms a little and then raises an eyebrow in thought. “Though I guess having no arms would make me better at fumbling…” She goes silent again as I turn scarlet. I didn’t think she heard that.

“Never mind about that… F-forget I said it.” I chuckle nervously as the two runners jog over to us.

“So what are you guys up to?” Miki asks, pulling a towel out of her gym bag and wrapping it around her shoulders.

I look at Rin, who is now cloud-gazing and then back to my stalwart companion.

“Just… Chatting.” I smile.


“So what are you going to do about Akio?” Miki asks as we make our way to the Shanghai.

“I dunno. If he doesn’t want to be in the club, I can’t exactly force him to stay. I’m not Shizune!” I imitate her silent laugh before breaking into an audible chuckle. “I should talk to him when I next see him.”

“Well if you’re going to let Akio leave, you should probably talk to Lez--”

“Fuck him, I hope he catches the clap.” I scowl, making Miki laugh.

“C’mon, are you still pissed about that? Is it that big a deal? Or is it because you wanted to knock boots in there first or something?” Sometimes, just sometimes, Miki can be incredibly insightful in her observations. This is one of the times I hate that.

“N-no! Don’t be r-ridiculous.” I stammer as my cheeks become flushed. I stare at the ground and Miki laughs harder.

“Jeez, I knew you could be a little pervy sometimes but woooow! For all your talk of romance, all you really want is a good, deep dic--” ShutUpShutUpShutUpShutUp!



Oop, down she goes. I catch Suzu as her legs buckle. I think this might be a cataplexy attack given how worked up she was getting.

“Sorry, Suzy… Didn’t mean to push you so far.” I say as I drape her arms around my neck and carry her in a piggyback. I know she’s at least a little aware of what I’m doing and can even hear me so I’ll reassure her a bit.

“Sorry for teasing you. I’m sure you’ll find a nice romantic guy eventually. But I have to warn you… I will give him the third degree! Only the best for you, Suzy.”


Suzu still isn't awake when I slide her off my back into a booth at the Shanghai. The Not-Yuuko waitress comes over and I politely order our usual drinks as well as a sandwich for myself. She bows and goes about her duty as a few curious old ladies look at us. I smile and make a sleeping gesture which they seem to accept.

I slip into the booth on the opposite side and look at the sleeping girl in front of me. I really feel for her. I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed but I at least recognise smarts when I see them. She’s damned clever but her condition makes people not take her seriously and that’s a crying shame. Clever, funny and with a huge heart. If she has a flaw, it’s probably her private reading material that I’m not supposed to know about. Some of that stuff makes me blush.

“Is your friend going to be okay? Do you need me to call anyone?” The waitress asks as she brings our order.

“No, but thanks. She’s just had a narcolepsy episode.” I reassure her and she nods.

“Okay, let me know if you need anything else.” She bows and goes to attend another table.

A cerulean head of hair pops up from the other side of the table. “Whudimiss?” She groggily asks, heaving herself into a sitting position.

“Not a lot. Got you your usual.” I smile as I tuck into my sandwich.

“Thanks, Miki…” She rubs her eyes. “For carrying me and for what you said.” She smiles meekly.

“No problem.” I say with a mouth full, causing her to shake her head.

“So uncouth…” Suzu replies with a wry smile. She’s back.



I split off from Miki when we returned to Yamaku and made a visit to the club room. I slowly pace around the Literature Club room, running my fingers across every surface. I wonder if this place will be equally as empty once the new semester starts. I hope not. I want this room to be full of members and for the club to be successful. After all, I am the president and this is my club room. My kingdom. My empty, lonely kingdom.

I guess I’m more like Shizune than I hoped. Shit.

I waltz over to the bookshelves and browse our collection. Fiction and Non-Fiction borrowed from the library is mixed with books and manga we’ve either bought for or lent to the club for the time being, each labelled with small stickers on their spines. I find a small bundle of Bleach manga, all marked with half-shaded orange stickers on the spines.

These are Akio’s. I delicately run my fingers across the oddly-numbered collection of volumes. According to him, these are some of the best chapters. His personal top-ten. Given that there are no sequential parts present, I pluck one at random and take a seat in the blue bean bag near the shelves. Akio’s favourite spot. Seems appropriate.

“Volume Twenty: ‘end of hypnosis’?” I ponder aloud as I look at the cover. I look at the creepy-looking fellow in a kimono with white hair, leaning against the cover as if it were a window, peering past the fourth wall at the reader. It’s quite a striking image. Okay, you have my interest…


I wake slowly, feeling a little weak in the limbs. I look around the darkening room and realise I’ve been here for a while. Was that narcolepsy or did this manga bore me that much? I groan as I shift in my seat and rearrange my clothes, pulling my t-shirt down over my exposed midriff and stroking my skirt back into a less dishevelled state. Must have been a pretty restless catnap…

I rub my eyes and look around to find the manga face down next to the bean bag. I lift myself out of the comfy beanbag and stretch before replacing the manga on the shelf. I walk across to my purse and rustle around for my phone. One new message?

[Yo, Sleeping Beauty. Heard you wanted to speak to me so I swung by the club room but you were pretty out of it. Think we need to have a chat about some stuff. Let me know when you’re free. - Akio]

My heart skips a beat to see his name. I’m surprised he knew I wanted to see him, he always seems busy with his girlfriend… I respond immediately.

[Sorry, I guess had an episode or something (*´ω`*) Any time’s good for me!]

Maybe he’ll come back to the club after all? That’s some odd wording though. Wouldn’t he just say ‘asleep’ if I was?

I furrow my brow and scratch my chin, thin trail of dried saliva running from the corner of my mouth to my chin catches my attention. Was I drooling while I was asleep? Oh god, he didn’t see that did he? That would be mortifying… Wait, he’s seen me sleep a bunch of times, it’s not that big a deal. I shake my head a little and whip my phone open when a fresh message comes in.

[Cool. I locked the door on my way out so you wouldn’t be disturbed. Used your key and slid it back under the door from the outside. Should be right in front of the door.]

My eyes dart to the door and my small mortice key lies on the floor. I breath a sigh of relief and retrieve it.

[Thanks for looking out for me, Akio.] I text with a small smile before leaving the room and locking it up.

[No problem, Club Prez. See you soon.]

I close my phone and break into a skip down the hall.
Last edited by Sharp-O on Thu Jul 30, 2015 8:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Reverie" - 26/7/15 Update

Post by swampie2 »

I can foresee some Hanako vs Suzu powerplay, this could end badly :lol:
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Reverie" - 26/7/15 Update

Post by Alpacalypse »

Oh boy, I've been that way before. This is gonna go badly, Snoozu. Sorry :(

Also, this:
Sharp-O wrote:My empty, lonely kingdom.
Having finished Fate/ Zero only yesterday, that line gave me flashbacks to Saber's misfortunes. Oh dear.

Not much else to say, really, other than nice work yet again, Sharp!
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Reverie" - 26/7/15 Update

Post by Sharp-O »

Alpacalypse wrote:
Sharp-O wrote:My empty, lonely kingdom.
Having finished Fate/ Zero only yesterday, that line gave me flashbacks to Saber's misfortunes. Oh dear.
I tried to give the Fate series a go but it just couldn't grip me. I don't think the first episode did it any favours.

Thanks for reading! :lol:
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Reverie" - 26/7/15 Update

Post by Mirage_GSM »

I liked Zero better than the original series, but the ending was abysmal^^°

Anyway I liked this piece. You managed to give Suzu more characterization in those few paragraphs than other writers did in 50K+ words.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Elementary" - 27/7/15 Update

Post by Sharp-O »

Author's note: This is follows directly on from Ascalon



I make a mad dash for the girls’ dorms, as fast as my wonky legs will carry me. Who was that guy? How have I never noticed him before? Questions I want answers to and I know just the roving reporter to assist me.


“Hana? It’s Molly, I really need your help with something.” I call out through the door and listen intently for a response.

“C-Could you come b-back later please?” Her timid voice calls back.

“But I have a problem that only Yamaku’s best news-hound can help me with!” I respond.

“I’m a little b-busy…”

“C’mon, Hana! I need yo--”

“She’s a little tied up right now, Molly! Literally, in fact.” A cheery masculine voice declares from behind the door before crying out in pain. Oh. Ohhhhh.

“I’ll come back later then…” I announce with a nervous sing-song voice as I turn on my heels and walk back down the hall. I vaguely hear Hanako chastising Akio in the distance. I don’t know whether I should be sorry for interrupting them or for inadvertently getting Akio in trouble.


“You ass-hat! You c-contemptible, detestable…” I laugh as I bat Akio with my pillow.

“Lovable?” He offers before I throw the pillow across the room at him desperately trying to escape across the floor.

Loathsome! I was going to tell her we were st-studying!”

“But that’s not funny!” He retorts, brushing his fingers through his shaggy red hair. I close my open textbook and threaten to throw that too when he backs down.

“Okay! Okay! Jeez, you’re ornery today.” He chuckles, sliding back to the table in the middle of the room, throwing my pillow back onto the bed.

“I wouldn’t be if my boyfriend would actually help me study instead of goofing off!” I give him a half-serious glare. “Do you realise how much work I’ve had to catch up on thanks to my panic attacks? Not to mention all my new club activities and spending the whole summer with you…”

“I’m here to help, aren’t I? I’m helping!” He chuckles, picking up his pencil again.

“You’ve been playing footsie under the table for the past half an hour!” I chide with a weary smile.

“Oh, you actually felt that? I thought you’d suddenly lost the use of your legs…” He smirks. I just can’t stay mad at this boy.

“You vex me something fierce, Akio Hayashi…” I admit with a sigh.

“I know. It’s part of my charm. Do you want to call it a day and go chase after Molly Poppins?” He asks, confident in his new nickname. Let’s fix that.

“Think you need to work on that one more but yeah, it did sound important…” I chuckle at his cute pout before stretching my arms and legs.

“To be continued?” He packs his stuff away before crawling around the table and nuzzling my nose. Heehee

“Count on it.” I wink and give him a peck on the lips.


I find Molly in her room, watching something on her bed. It’s a little dark so she can watch her laptop a little better.

“Hi, Molly… You needed me f-for something?” I ask through her open door.

“Oh! Hi, Hana! Sorry about earlier…” She blushes, stroking her left braid. I’ve never seen her stroke the right one.

“D-don’t be, Akio was being an ass. We were just studying, promise.” I offer a genuine smile and she’s more than happy with the explanation.

“I don’t know how you put up with such a pain in the {arse}…” She laughs, bouncing off her bed and onto her prosthetics. She removes her red-rimmed glasses and slides them into her pocket.

“He’s incredibly s-sweet when he’s not talking, believe me…” I giggle. “What did you need help with?”

“I need help finding something out and who better than a member of the Newspaper Club to do that?” She grins, striding towards me and hooking her arm around mine, leading me out of the room.

“O-okay… But what do you want to find out?” I ask with a quizzical eyebrow as we walk towards the elevator.

“I want you to help me find a cute boy.” Her brazen statement catches me off guard and my cheeks go crimson. What have I gotten myself into?


After calming Hana down a little, assuring her that I don’t want her to be my wing-woman, we made our way out into the school grounds to find one of Hana’s ‘contacts’.

Apparently her work with the Newspaper Club has given her the confidence to build up a small network of them. Her own little group of Baker Street Irregulars. Her words, not mine. I shouldn’t be surprised that she’s read Sherlock Holmes, she always had her nose in a book before she started dating Akio. Heh, kinda funny how she coincidently ended up dating a member of the Literature Club.

We reach one of the many trees on the grounds, cast in the golden hue of the late afternoon sun and find Misaki Kawana resting under one of them, toying with her camera. She’s clearly in her ‘free time’, the four hours a day she can spend out of her body brace so I feel bad for intruding.

“Hello, Misaki. Enjoying the b-breeze?” Hana bows politely with a smile. Is this her contact?

“Like you wouldn’t believe, Hanako!” Misaki stretches a little with a contented sigh. “What can I do for you ladies?”

“I require your assistance with a… c-case, of sorts. Strictly off the r-record.” Hana kneels down and I follow suit. Misaki raises in eyebrow, a mischievous glint in her eye.

“Oh really? The last time you asked for help like this was with the book thief follow-up. I didn’t see anything in the paper so I assume that was a bust?”

“Unfortunately…” Hana gives an irritated sigh. “B-but your help was much appreciated all the same.” She smiles and Misaki nods at the compliment. This is such a surreal conversation, like I’m in the middle of a detective story…

“Molly is looking for a… b-boy.” Hanako gets back on track with a slight blush. “I w-wondered if you had your rogues gallery to hand?”

“A manhunt, is it?” Misaki beams and digs into her camera bag, producing a handful of photographs, notes scrawled over them in black marker. “Take a look through those, see if any tickle your fancy.” She winks at me and it’s my turn to blush but I tentatively take the photos. I slip on my glasses and slowly begin flicking through them.

Each picture is an amazing candid shot of a student, every one a small window into the lives of the subject. Miki’s steely gaze as she chases Emi on the track. Rin painting the mural. Lilly, Shizune and brunette girl I vaguely recognise…

Aww, this is a nice shot of Hana kissing Akio in front of the dorms. I flash the picture to Hanako and she turns crimson, taking the picture out of the pile and smiling demurely at it. Misaki gestures for Hana to keep it as I continue through the pictures, the quality astounds me until I see a shock of dirty blonde hair.

“This one! This is him!” I cry cheerily, waving the photo at Hana who takes it from my hand to examine it. I quickly tidy the stack of photos and hand them back to Misaki.

“Hmmm. Don’t think I’ve m-met him before…” Hana comments, passing the photo to Misaki who wolf-whistles.

“I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure but I’d like to! You’ve got good taste, Molly.” She grins and I blush profusely.

“S-s-so do you know who he is?” I stutter, stroking my left braid nervously.

She flips the photo around and reads the sparse notes on the back. “Florian? Dang and he was almost a perfect ten too…”

“Th-that can’t be his real name… P-please tell me you made that up.” Hana stifles a giggle and I’m right there with her. It's pretty dumb.

“Nope, Florian Brzenska. German, clearly. Enrolled a couple years ago, so he’s in the same year as us. Rendered mute after undefined accident and communicates solely through Sign.” She lists off the information scribbled on the back.

Only through Sign?” I ask, my heart sinking a little. There goes my shot at talking to him then.

“That’s what I’ve got written down, though that may be wrong. I only write what I’m told. It’s mostly hearsay and scuttlebutt to be honest.” I furrow my brow and look to Hana, who shrugs with a slight smile.

“Misaki might not be the most effective info b-broker but I work with what I g-got.” She playfully jabs at Misaki.

“Hey! Have I ever steered you wrong?” She chuckles and Hana giggles with her.

“Thanks anyway, Misaki…” I put on a brave smile and rise, dusting off my knees. Hana follows suit and bows.

“The offer to j-join the Newspaper Club is still there, Misaki. Your talents would be a huge benefit.” Hana smiles, almost like she knows the answer already.

“Tell your editors that they don’t pay enough to lure me away from the Photography Club.” She chortles. “Did you see that picture they took of Tezuka hugging Taro? My head was in the corner of the shot! Amateur hour.” She shakes her head with a wry smile and Hanako laughs.

We walk away and my shoulders slump. I guess there’s nothing more I can do about this… Florian. It’s a silly name anyway…

“Take h-heart, Molly.” Hana smiles, cautiously putting her arm around my shoulders.

“Well it’s not like Britain and Germany have the best history to begin with…” I joke a little.

“D-don’t tell me you’re giving up?” She tilts her head.

“He only speaks Sign, probably German Sign Language at that, and I haven’t learned either. How am I supposed to talk to someone with not one, but two language barriers?” I grimly ask and Hana chuckles.

“Why don’t we just ask h-him…” She gestures in front of us and I look up to find Florian Brzenska walking across our field of view. What are the bloody chances?

Hana lets go of my shoulder and trots over, giving a small wave to catch his attention. I stop dead in my tracks. What the bloody hell is she doing?


C’mon Hana, you’ve watched Shizune and Misha do this for three years, you can at least say hello!

The tall blonde boy smiles as I approach and offers what I recognise as a hello in American Sign Language. Well, that’s a start. I gulp hard and concentrate on my hands.

[Hello. Can. You. H-E-L-P. Me.] I sign slowly and sloppily but he seems to understand, nodding with a nice smile. I suppose he is quite handsome, if you like blondes… I prefer red heads.

[Do. You. W-R-I-T-E. In…] Damn, what’re the words for Japanese and English in Sign. Gaaaah, where’s Misha when you actually need her?

Florian seems to get the gist and makes a writing gesture. I rummage in my denim jacket’s inner breast pocket and retrieve the notepad I use for NC assignments. I offer it to him and he quickly scribbles on it before handing it back.


{Hello, I’m Florian. Yes, it’s silly and yes, I can write in both English and Japanese. How can I help you?}

I read the two identical sentences with a huge grin, offering a thumbs up and then a [Wait. Here.] in Sign.


Well she’s looking pretty pleased with herself… Hanako jogs back over, thrusting a notepad into my hands.

“What did you… Oh!”

“He’s t-t-trilingual like you!” Hana announces excitedly. She moves around behind me, placing her hands firmly on my shoulders and pushing me towards Florian.

W-w-wait, Hana! You can’t just…” My protests are to no avail as I find myself standing in front of the same blonde-haired boy from earlier.

“I’ll l-let you g-guys get to know each other~.” Hana says, barely stifling a squeal of delight before darting off. Some wing-woman she turned out to be, she just throw me under the double-decker bus!

“Um, hi. We kinda bumped into each other earlier…” I say sheepishly and he reacts in a very animated way. His eyebrows raise, he points to me and then nods, acknowledging that we did.

“Yeah… I just wanted to say… Hi.” I start stroking my left braid out of sheer embarrassment. His pretty smile isn’t helping matters. He offers his hand and I realise he can’t talk to me without the pad.

“S-sorry! I forgot…” His upper body shakes like he’s laughing. I guess that’s how he does it.

[Not to worry. Would you prefer English or Japanese?] He scrawls in kanji.

“Um… Japanese, I guess?” I offer. Might as well stay consistent with the country we’re currently in.

[Okay. I’m Florian. I know, it’s a silly name…] He shows the pad and I giggle a little, before looking up at his gorgeous green eyes.

“I’m Molly. It’s nice to meet you.” I say with a demure smile.

[Molly? It’s cute. Like your laugh.] Ooooh, so he’s a smooth talker… Writer… Whatever.


I watch from a safe distance as Molly begins twirling her right braid through her fingers, her hips subtly rocking back and forth. I guess she only does it when she’s attracted to someone.

“So this is the important thing she needed your help with? Chasing boys?” Akio asks incredulously as he sidles up beside me, placing his hand in mine.

“I must be good at it… Caught you, didn’t I?” I tease with a gentle nudge.

“Touché. So is that the guy? Pretty cute but I’ve never been a fan of blondes. I much prefer violet.” He admits with a wink.

“Cute. I said the same thing but about red heads…” He blushes slightly with a smile. “But I hope they get along. I found out he’s trilingual like she is.” I say with a small amount of pride.

“Tall, blonde and a cunning linguist? Molly certainly is a lucky girl.” I nudge him a little harder for his crass remark but giggle all the same.

“D-don’t go getting ideas, Akio… Besides, you wouldn’t like him, he doesn’t backchat.” I refer to Florian’s mutism.

“You’re right. Where’d be the fun in that?” He laughs before giving me an alluring smile and we share a tender kiss on the lips.

“It’d be no fun at all, I imagine. Peaceful though.” He didn’t like that one. Got yoooou~.

“C’mon, Sassako, we’ve got a date with a math assignment.” He pouts, gently tugging my hand.

“All work and no play…” I sarcastically lament, following him towards the boys' dorms.

“Work first, play later…” He purrs as incentive and I squeeze his hand a little tighter.
Last edited by Sharp-O on Mon Aug 03, 2015 6:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Elementary" - 27/7/15 Update

Post by swampie2 »

♪ Love Shack, baby, Love Shack~ ♪
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Elementary" - 27/7/15 Update

Post by Alpacalypse »

I currently have a big, stupid grin on my face - that was great! :D
I like having Misaki be involved, too. She doesn't get enough screen time anywhere.

One problem I noticed:
That name is, to the best of my knowledge, not German. Polish, maybe, but not German.

Anyway, besides that, very nice work :D
I am the harbinger of your destruction... By herbivorous, mountain dwelling quadrupeds... fear me
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Elementary" - 27/7/15 Update

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Well, we have a lot of polish people living here and even more Polish names close to the polish border.
I wouldn't bat an eyelash if someone with that name told me they were German. Same for Turkish, Italian or Arab names, really.

Good job on the Japanese line by the way.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Elementary" - 27/7/15 Update

Post by Alpacalypse »

Mirage_GSM wrote:Well, we have a lot of polish people living here and even more Polish names close to the polish border.
I wouldn't bat an eyelash if someone with that name told me they were German. Same for Turkish, Italian or Arab names, really.
Fair 'nough. Whoopsie daisie :oops:
I am the harbinger of your destruction... By herbivorous, mountain dwelling quadrupeds... fear me
I also write now, apparently. Since everyone else does it, I'm putting it here
I have also discovered that I'm a decent proofreader. Anybody with SPaG problems is free to PM me their work for a thorough analysis and/or evisceration. Depends on how I'm feeling.
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