Getting People into Katawa Shoujo

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Getting People into Katawa Shoujo

Post by Khantalas »

Hi, new guy, both to Katawa Shoujo and the forums (though the last four months feel like they have taken forever without more KS).

So, I started taking Japanese about eight months ago. It mostly went well, but a bit slow for my tastes, since the presence of classmates makes everything go slower for some reason. As such, I asked some friends a way of studying Japanese - preferably some sort of visual novel with Japanese text. Curse his heart forever, one of those friends linked me to Katawa Shoujo, and ruined my life. In days of playing the game, I fell in love and wanted to share the love with everyone I know. Because hey, who doesn't like a good story?

Apparently, though, I lack the words to get people to like Katawa Shoujo. My initial description of "cripple porn visual novel" apparently doesn't help, and I have trouble making it sound good without either spoiling the thing or completely avoiding the central premise. I've had some success getting my cousins to play it (one of them has taken an immediate dislike to Misha's laugh, even though it's not even audible, and she is sad she locked herself out of Lilly's path early on), but it's more difficult for people who I believe will actually enjoy the game more (since they actually know English).

So, I turn to you and ask: how do you get people to play Katawa Shoujo? Is there a trick to it I'm not aware of? Does it only have a very niche audience and trying to get other people to like it is pointless? Is there a way to overcome people's prejudices and embrace the lovable bundle of fictional awesome that is Shizune?

((Also, Shizune has invaded my computer. If you know a computer expert or exorcist, please ask them how I can get her out of it.))
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Re: Getting People into Katawa Shoujo

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Usually I just sum up the two introduction chapters (Out Cold & Bundle of Hisao) when I tell anyone about KS.
If that doesn't get them interested, adding spoilers probably won't help.
So far I didn't think it necessary to add the information that the full version will include sexual content - It's a non-issue for me and if someone likes the story, they probably won't mind either.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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Re: Getting People into Katawa Shoujo

Post by Sajomir »

Honestly, I just tell them what I like about the story. I go into a little more detail, but:
It's a story about a high school student who has a heart attack in his junior year. After missing the whole year being in the hospital, he transfers to a specialized school that's equipped to handle students with disabilities. (emergency medical staff, equipment, etc) While he's there, he has to come to terms with his own condition, and how his life will change. He might also fall in wub <3 (insert some note about the 5 heroines and how they each have a different situation)

Before doing any of that, though, describe what a visual novel is. Usually I compare it to a choose-your-own adventure book, but with way cooler presentation. (visuals, music, and in pro VN's, voice acting, etc)

As for the porn... only describe it as a porn game if you are playing it specifically because of the porn. o.O
If the individual has a reason that the adult scenes might bother them (offended by, maybe religious, etc), just mention that there are some scenes, but they can be turned off. Tell them the demo is 100% clean and invite them to check it out, if that helps.

For what it's worth, I got my girlfriend into Fate/Stay Night by just being honest about it. She liked the anime, told her about the game, and before she played it I just made sure to mention there were a few scenes in there. She chose to skip through them, and that was that.

There's really no magic trick, just know the person you're talking to. Share the game and the story with them, and only bring up the rest if they might be concerned with it. If someone told me a game was cripple porn, I would NOT play it, and if that's how I had heard of KS, I would not be here.
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Re: Getting People into Katawa Shoujo

Post by Silentcook »

Posters and leaflets with the website's address. Yes, actually printed ones. :twisted:
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Re: Getting People into Katawa Shoujo

Post by Worthington »

Hooray for new threads.
I don't exactly remember how I got my friends to play KS. I think I just told them that it was a dating sim about crippled girls done in a tasteful way. My friends are all extremely liberal, so that may have played a factor.
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Re: Getting People into Katawa Shoujo

Post by ContinualNaba »

Apparently, though, I lack the words to get people to like Katawa Shoujo.
My initial description of "cripple porn visual novel" apparently doesn't help

How can you be so-

Jesus Christ.
[19:33] <!Suriko> i think i could go my whole life without putting my mouth on someone's ass voluntarily

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Re: Getting People into Katawa Shoujo

Post by Bara »

Hmm, I guess I'm a greedy, self-centered bastard since I've never breathed a word of this game to anyone I know. Just not the way I am to go go out and try to "recruit" people. While I'm more than willing to discuss things; books, movies or such, with others who mention that they have seen them, I just do not volunteer my opinions uninvited. Doing so does tend to invite others to feel that I think their opinion of "American Idol", "Survivor", or "Dancing with the Stars" means a gnats fart in a hurricane to me. :mrgreen:

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Re: Getting People into Katawa Shoujo

Post by purple haired Katawa Shoujo character »

Khantalas wrote:My initial description of "cripple porn visual novel" apparently doesn't help
Every time I tell somebody that, they have this lock of astonishment as if it is too good to be true. I don't understand how it doesn't work for you.
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Re: Getting People into Katawa Shoujo

Post by damienthedevil »

well, normally I just explained a visual novel as a novel with graphics and voice acting.

Regarding katawa shoujo.... well i only introduced it to one of my friends that plays VNs as well so i just told him there was a VN that's very unique and just gave him a link.
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Re: Getting People into Katawa Shoujo

Post by muramasa13 »

I suck at explaining pretty much everything anyways
I just ramble on about the awesomeness that is Katawa Shoujo
Surprisingly enough, it works eight times out of ten, or so

Re: Getting People into Katawa Shoujo

Post by Guest »

"cripple porn visual novel" Jesus.... If someone told me that I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. There are better ways to describe it then being that offensive.
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Re: Getting People into Katawa Shoujo

Post by Lattyware »

Guest wrote:"cripple porn visual novel" Jesus.... If someone told me that I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. There are better ways to describe it then being that offensive.
"Cripple date rape simulator" is both hilarious and informative. If anyone is going to be put off by that - even if you later go on to explain it's a joke, they are probably going to be offended either way (and they are probably not the right person to introduce to KS).
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Re: Getting People into Katawa Shoujo

Post by G3n0c1de »

Lattyware wrote:"Cripple date rape simulator" is both hilarious and informative. If anyone is going to be put off by that - even if you later go on to explain it's a joke, they are probably going to be offended either way (and they are probably not the right person to introduce to KS).
Being that offensive is going to shut the door for a lot of people. They won't even give the game a chance. What if you just had them play it without describing it at all? I'm sure a lot of those offended people would like KS. They wouldn't know that they're 'supposed' to be offended by it.
It's a good thing Shizune is deaf, she is the only one who can stand (not) hearing "Wahaha~!" over and over.
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Re: Getting People into Katawa Shoujo

Post by Saraquill »

I've described VNs as like a choose-your-own adventure, but with pictures and music. For KS specifically, I describe the circumstances around Hisao's entry to the school, why he needs to have a date before the end of the week, and Rin's first scene. I've also mentioned the game's 4chan connection, and how very tasteful the storyline is.
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Re: Getting People into Katawa Shoujo

Post by Khantalas »

Most people I know are (perhaps blissfully) unaware of 4chan. Having them play it without describing it is difficult, since they usually ask what it is about whenever I mention it. The only way I can do that is if I meet them in person, and most people I can meet in person don't know English that well, which means I have to translate everything for them.

((I had a fairly fruitful session teaching one of my cousins English through Katawa Shoujo, though, so it has its uses there.))
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