Scattered Scenes - 'Rin's Itch' added 5/20


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Scattered Scenes - 'Rin's Itch' added 5/20

Post by BlackRockHanako »

Renamed, for reasons mostly being that these aren't stories at all, most tending to be a single scene at best.

Okay, I figure as I seem to be coming up with so many little pieces I'd keep them in one place to avoid clutter. :) I hope you can enjoy some of the little things I write here (both the silly parodies and the more serious stuff), and I'd love comments/constructive criticism on EEEEEEEEVERYTHING. Thanks.

Just for some clarity, I should probably say that most stuff here is written on impulse usually. I'm sure some of you guys know what I mean, when sometimes an idea just smacks you in the face and you have to write it down, no matter how silly it may seem, just to get it out of your goddamn head. Unfortunately most of mine seem to hit whilst i'm at work, and I spend the whole rest of the day thinking about that one silly thing and it drives me crazy until I can get home and just Write! Write! Write!

Putting the links at the top of every post is too much effort, I'll just keep them all linked in the first post now.
The Collector
Call Me Lilly
Treading Water
Unfamiliar Gestures
Strange Tastes
The Letter
Hanako, The Ultimate Weapon
Rin's Itch

The Collector

Yet another little story to while away time that should be spent doing more constructive things.


'Any obvious cause of death?' I ask, running a hand through my unruly black hair, already knowing the answer.
'No, same as all the others. He was a healthy young man with no life threatening disabilities, and there's no sign of physical injuries or a struggle of any kind. Kid even has a smile on his face - I’d wager he didn't even know he was dead before he found himself at the Pearly Gates.'
Moving my gaze from the lumpy white sheet on the floor I meet the gaze of the schools head nurse. 'Let me know if the autopsy brings up anything.'
'Sure - but I'm not banking on it, it hasn't yet after all.'
Bidding him a quick goodbye I turn to walk back to room, my eyes lingering for a second on the blurry form of a mural, painted across a nearby wall.
Ninth one in the last month, each one seemingly dying from out of the blue. The corpses had started turning up about a month ago, just after the festival.
Opening the door to the corridor leading to my room, a familiar figure comes out from the door opposite mine.
'Oh, hey Kenji.' he greets me hurriedly, seemingly in a rush to be somewhere.
Sighing inwardly I put on the familiar act I adopt around people. 'Hey bro, what's up?'
'Oh, not a lot. Just going to hang out with Rin, actually.'
An uninterested 'Oh.' is the only response I can muster in my current state.
Noticing him looking at me with something like shock and expectation, I add 'Careful of them feminists bro.'
Seemingly satisfied at my reply, he nods and carries on past me, a slight spring in his step. Well, one person isn’t listening to my rants about feminists – should probably keep the act going anyway, it seems to keep him away from my room.
Turning the key in the lock, I enter my room, stopping to slide shut the ten dead bolts and chains behind me. Sitting down at my desk I remove my glasses and rub the balls of my hands against my eyes, as if trying to force some energy in straight to my brain.
‘C’mon body, just stay awake a while longer.’ I mumble to myself, flicking the screen of my PC on and entering the familiar algorithm that makes up my nigh-unbreakable password. Well, unbreakable to anyone in this school, anyway.
As the screen buzzes to life my old internet session looms on the screen, multiple tabs open along the top, with headers ranging from ‘Undetectable poisons’ to ‘Spirits – Are you being haunted?’.
With a familiar sigh I start working my way through the tabs, not really paying attention to the more superstitious sources, but some others definitely turn up some leads that would be worth looking into.
Feeling the bottle of whiskey on the desk next to me with my hand I twist the top off in a few fluid movements, moving the bottle to my mouth. It’s gonna be another long night.


Upon opening my eyes they instantly clamp shut again when met with the bright morning sun, sending a blinding pain through my neural pathways.
Squinting them open slightly slower this time, I look around for the source of my awakening, my eyes finally settling on the phone on the desk next to me, shaking the whole surface and making the sound of an angry bee.
Wait, my phone? Checking the caller ID I flip it open and move it to my ear.
‘Nurse, sup?’
‘Not good news, Kenji.’ Comes the response, his voice missing the cheerful undertone it usually carries.
‘Not another one so soon, surely?’
‘Unfortunately so. You might wanna come down and see this one, just outside the doors to the boys dorm.’ With that he hangs up, leaving the sound of static on the line.
What would I wanna go and see? One stiff is the same as the rest as far as I’m concerned, leave all the gruesome bits to medical practitioners.
Still, it must be pretty important, maybe something was different about this one? The thought spurning me on I get up from my chair, popping a couple of pills in my mouth and ducking my head under the tap to swallow them. That should take care of last night’s whiskey.
Making sure the computer is locked and seemingly turned off; I start the painstakingly long process of opening my door. Better safe than sorry.

By the time I make it downstairs Nurse is already there, standing next to a familiar looking white sheet on the floor.
‘So, what did you want me here for?’ I ask, staring down at the white plastic.
‘I’m sorry Kenji, but…I think you should see this.’
Leaning down and pulling back the top of the sheet, the nurse takes a step back.
Can’t say I can recognise much, hangover and general lack of eyesight considered, all I can make out is a mop of messy brown hair.
Messy brown hair. Making his way back to the dorms between last night and this morning?
‘Hisao.’ I mutter to myself, kneeling down to the lifeless body on the floor.
‘I’m sorry Kenji, I know he was your friend…’
‘In my line of work you can’t afford friends, Nurse, I’m sure you understand the sentiment. But still, he was a good guy. Liked his whiskey. And anyway, he had a wonky heart. We can’t rule out a heart attack, can we?’ I ask, although I know the answer. This is exactly like the others.
Nodding, Nurse turned around and pulls out his cell phone, walking off as the conversation starts, although I can just make out, ‘Yep, another one…’
I wasn’t lying when I said you couldn’t afford friends in my business, but this kid lying on the floor was the closest thing to I had. Now, It’s personal.
I’m about to stand up again when a flash of red catches my eyesight, barely visible on the shirt collar mostly hidden under the sheet. Reaching my hand slowly out I grab hold of the sheet, pulling it down a bit further. More of the red marks, splashed all over his shirt.
Blood? Well, that’s different.
Scratching the dried substance with one fingernail I hold it up in the air and squint at it, finally bringing it to my nose.

No, not blood. Paint.

Well, he did say he was going to see that Tezuka chick last night, maybe I should go talk to her, she was the last one to see him alive. Whether or not I can get a straight answer out of her is another question.
That’s settled then. When the nurse returns I excuse myself while he stays over the body until the ambulance arrives from the small town down the hill. Yamaku may have excellent facilities for taking care of the needs of a few hundred disabled kids, but it doesn’t have a morgue, as far as I know.
Making my way down the path leading from the boys dorms, I pause as I find myself in front of the main school building. Where from here?
I guess the art room is as good as any place to start to find that weird girl, so I start making my way there, passing by the odd group of students milling around before doing whatever it is they do on Sundays.
When I’ve made my way to the art room on the third floor of the school building, I knock on the closed door to see if anybody is inside.
‘Come in.’ comes the monotone voice I instantly place as Tezuka’s, despite having only talked to her once or twice.
Opening the door with a slight creak of its hinges, I step inside the room. Lined along one wall is a series of portraits, and though I can’t make out exactly who they’re meant to be, the subjects in them are clearly screaming, their eyes wide in pain and shock.
How fucked up is this girl?
Noticing her staring at me I move my attention back to her.
‘Hi, I’m Kenji Setou…mind if I ask you some questions about Hisao?’ I ask her, her only response for a few seconds silence.
‘I’ve seen you about. Sure.’
‘Well, uh, how well did you know h-‘ I start to ask, before she cuts me off with a question of her own.
‘What’s wrong with you?’ she asks, the tone of her voice staying perfectly level.
‘What’s wrong with me…? Oh, right, I’m legally blind.’ I reply, confirming my suspicions that this girl isn’t all there.
‘Oh, that’s a shame, I already have a blind person…’ she says, a hint of disappointment breaking through to her words.
‘Already have a blind person? What do you mean?’ I ask her, moving closer to the portrait hanging on the far left of the wall, something in it inviting me for a closer look.
‘Oh, I’m a collector. I collect people. But I as I said, I already have somebody who’s blind, so…what do I do with you?’ She asks, seeming asking herself the rhetorical question, not me.
My breath catches in my throat when I recognise the picture – it’s Hisao, but he looks to be in great pain, his normal indifferent features contorted in pain.
Scanning along the other pictures, I recognise in turn the faces of the nine other dead bodies that have been found around the school grounds recently.
‘Tezuka…what do you mean you collect people?’ I ask carefully, turning around to see her staring at me, a paintbrush held between two of her toes.
‘I collect them. Their souls. I trap them in paintings.’ She tells me this as if she’s describing her lunch to me, her tone devoid of emotion.
‘But I already have someone blind.’ She repeats her earlier lamentation. ‘So I’ll just have to kill you. Sorry.’
Before I can even process what she’s saying she’s moved the paintbrush to her mouth and is making her way over to me.
The handle of that paintbrush looks kinda sharp…shit.
Throwing myself to the side I narrowly avoid the paintbrush that is thrust into the position my neck was in a second before, instead scratching a shallow cut into my shoulder. Before I know it she’s on straddled me, and I throw my arms up to keep the sharp weapon in her mouth away from me, planting them firmly on her small shoulders and pushing.
The shock makes the paintbrush fall out of her mouth and clatter to the floor, but she uses her backwards momentum to bring her legs up and wrap them around my neck.
She squeezes, her powerful thighs crushing my windpipe while she looks on with a hungry look in her eyes.
Flailing my arms out wildly a searing pain shoots across one of my hands as it comes into contact with a small cylindrical object. The paintbrush.
Closing my hand carefully around the brush end, I lift it up, twisting my body to get better leverage.
She doesn’t see the stab coming, taking the sharpened wooden handle deep into her left eye socket, her legs around my neck instantly sagging loose.
Feeling my consciousness slipping away, I take one last look up to the paintings on the wall to see them rattling, followed by a bunch of translucent figures bursting free and disappearing through the roof of the art room.

How am I gonna explain this? I wonder, the last thought going through my head as I lose consciousness on the art room floor, still under the motionless body of Tezuka.
Last edited by BlackRockHanako on Sun May 20, 2012 3:21 pm, edited 23 times in total.
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Re: The Collector

Post by MystiKnight »

Oh, wow. Great as always, BlackRockHanako.

I'd write some more, but it's 5 in the morning here, and insomnia combined with the mental image of a Knife/Paintbrush in Rin's eye have left me slightly speechless.
Cuteness Overload!

Currently Writing : Katawa Ikkou A Katawa Shoujo / Corpse Party Crossover. Up to it's 4th chapter since 11/5!

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Re: The Collector

Post by BlackRockHanako »

MystiKnight wrote:Oh, wow. Great as always, BlackRockHanako.

I'd write some more, but it's 5 in the morning here, and insomnia combined with the mental image of a Knife/Paintbrush in Rin's eye have left me slightly speechless.
Thanks for the kind comment!
And I feel you on the whole exhaustion thing, I've come down with a cold that has me waking up every hour during the night to remind me my throat is lined with razorblades, combine that with long work days and...yep.
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Re: The Collector

Post by DanjaDoom »

BlackRockHanako wrote: ‘I collect them. Their souls. I trap them in paintings.’ She tells me this as if she’s describing her lunch to me, her tone devoid of emotion.
‘But I already have someone blind.’ She repeats her earlier lamentation. ‘So I’ll just have to kill you. Sorry.’
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Re: The Collector

Post by Ascended Flutist »

This fanfic needs an appropriate cover art.

So here :

And to live in Peace A post Hanako Good End fanfiction. That about sums it up.

Fanfics Thou shalt not regret reading : Bloodline, Doomish's Misha Pseudo-route, Rika's Story, A Pseudo-pseudo Suzu Route.
There are many other apocryphas worth reading in the fanfiction section. Do yourself a favor, dig them up and read them. Reading is good.

Nice hat.
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Re: BRH Story Collection

Post by BlackRockHanako »

The Collector
Call Me Lilly
Treading Water
Unfamiliar Gestures


Not sure where this came from, guess I was just thinking about my own walls, and this is what ended up coming out onto paper. It's short.


I read somewhere that a broken heart heals itself anew given enough time, that the cracks are filled and smoothed over, and for all of that, the heart turns out stronger than ever before.

Was this such a bad thing, then?

Was this the price I had to pay to be stronger, to be a person that people could rely on, who didn’t need to be protected or pitied. Would this heartbreak make me the person I’ve always wanted to be, the person who could make her father proud, wherever he was?

He and mother are all I have, and I know now they’re all I need. Anybody else will just let you down. They’ll get close to you, creeping through gaps and whispering lies into your ears whilst you sleep, and before you know it they’re the other side of you walls.

Your walls, the ones that were meant to be unbreachable. The walls that you spent years putting up, and in a matter of weeks of months they’re broken through like they were made of nothing more than paper.

And once one person gets through? The whole wall starts shaking, threatening to fall down. Because that person doesn’t know that when they came through to your side, they slowly started destroying the barriers very foundations.

Before you know it, other people are making their way through that wall, slowly at first, but they come through. People who you thought of only as acquaintances before are now standing firmly beside you, understanding you and seeing you more than they ever have before.

All because that one person opened the way for them. And when that one person leaves? When they betray you so deeply that the wall goes back up again, stronger than ever before, so high that nobody can climb it, so thick that nobody can find their way through it? When that wall becomes wrapped in chains, held in place by a thousand locks, the keys for each one utterly destroyed.

Well, everyone else suddenly realised they didn’t like it anymore. Felt like you were locking them in with you, and they didn’t enjoy that. Oh, when they could come and go from your life as they pleased, then they were happy to know you. But when you were at your darkest point, when the walls blocked out any light apart from the meagre source coming from within?

People got claustrophobic.

You can keep people out of your heart, but you can’t keep them in. No chains can hold that tightly.


‘Emi? Emi!’

White. Is this heaven? I don’t remember dying, but I suppose that’s how it is with these things. White around me, white below me, white above me. The sun shining bright in the sky, beating down onto my weightless body. Ah, this is heaven after all.

‘Emi? Can you hear me?’

A male voice? Is it god? No, it’s familiar…

‘Father!’ I shout out, whipping my head frantically about to find the source of the voice, to find the man who had left my life all those years ago.

‘Where are you?’ I ask, my voice cutting through the silence around me, no hints of it echoing back at me. ‘I want to see you! Please…’ a tear makes its way down my face.

‘Not yet, Emi. Not for a long time yet. But when you do get here, I’ll be waiting for you, I promise. But not yet, you have to look after your mother for a while longer yet. She relies on you more than you might think…she sees me in you, you know. And that’s why her love for you is the deepest love in the world. Her love for you is love for her daughter, and love for her husband.’

‘Please, dad…I miss you. Just once, I…I want to see you.’

‘No, Emi.’ The voice is much harsher this time. ‘Your mother needs you. The world needs you. Take care of yourself, don’t be neglectful. If I see you back here in the next, oh, 60 years, I’ll send you right back again. So don’t even think about it, okay?’

‘Dad, I…I’m sorry…I love you.’

‘I love you too, Emi. I always have. Now go and live your life, and on days where the sun isn’t shining, look for the light in your heart. I’ll never leave your side. In your darkest days, I’ll be there. I can be your strength, because I’m inside your walls, aren’t I Emi? Goodbye, my precious daughter.’


‘Emi? Mei-uh, Mrs Ibarazaki, she’s coming around.’

Where am I? Why am I lying down? My thoughts are cut short by a body being thrown on me, practically suffocating me.

‘Emi!’ my mother’s voice cries out, planting kiss after kiss on my forehead as something wet drips onto my cheek.

‘M…mum? Where am I?’ I ask groggily, pushing up against the woman on top of me, who takes a step backwards allowing me to sit up a little.

‘You’re in the medical room at Yamaku…you collapsed. Emi, how long has it been since you’ve eaten something?’

Frowning, I cast my mind back…could it have been when I was back home with Hi…him? Yeah, that seems likely actually. The time since then has passed by in such a blur I’m not even sure how long ago it was. ‘It was when we…I…came back home for dinner.’ I tell her in a small voice.

‘What? That was three days ago!’ She shouts; the volume and harsh tone making me wince. ‘You haven’t eaten for three days and you decided to sprint around a track until you collapsed? What were you thinking?’ She asks, her voice turning from anger to worry.

‘I just forgot to eat.’ I mumble, ‘And I wanted to run and just got a bit carried away I suppose…’

‘So you’re saying it was just an accident, Emi? Truly?’ She asks, staring into my eyes.

Putting all my willpower into not flinching, into keeping my eyes locked with my mother’s, I nod, forcing out an agreement in barely a whisper.

‘Please be more careful Emi, I…I can’t lose you too. I can’t say goodbye to anyone else, you’re all I have…’ she whispers, burying her face into my shoulder.

‘Mum,’ I say softly into her ear, ‘You’re not alone. Dad’s still with us. He still loves you a lot, and he wants you to be happy. Please mum, stop crying, I won’t do it again I swear. We have each other, okay?’

Standing beside the bed I swear the Nurse’s eyes are glittering more than usual, but with a blink it’s gone, replaced with his usual warm smile, the clipboard in his hand hanging to his side forgotten as he watches the scene before him.
Last edited by BlackRockHanako on Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:04 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: BRH Short Story Collection - 'Call me Lilly' added 4/15

Post by BlackRockHanako »

The Collector
Call Me Lilly
Treading Water
Unfamiliar Gestures

Call Me Lilly

This one stemmed from another fanfic I was reading, when I misread Hisao asking Hanako, 'Do you want me to call Lilly?' as 'Do you want to call me Lilly?'
And thus, this little piece was born...I don't even know.


‘Hanako, are you sure about this?’ I ask the girl lying next to me, who looks up at me and nods with a big smile on her face.

‘Y-yes. It’s n-nice to have her a-around again.’ She says, nuzzling her face into the two mounds on my chest with a contented sigh, her eyes fluttering closed.

Still unsure I reach a hand down and gently stroke her hair, running my fingers through it and tussling her bangs a little, which makes her giggle as she reaches up to push it back over to the right of her face.

It’s hard to say exactly how healthy this is for her, but she was the one who bought it up, and times like these she seems genuinely happy, perhaps even more-so than ever since Lilly left for Scotland. Well, this way she gets to be with her two best friends again I guess.

Unwrapping an arm from around her I adjust the padded bra on my chest, a dark blue thing that clearly wasn’t designed with a male chest in mind. I debate undoing the top few buttons of my blouse, but ultimately the bow would be too much trouble. Well, up it is. Working my hand up under the top, I fiddle around with the bra a bit until it’s sitting more comfortably on my chest, eliciting a small giggle from Hanako.

‘Problem?’ I ask, to which she blushes a little before replying.

‘N-no. It just l-looked rude.’ She says, stifling yet another giggle.

Shaking my head in mock disappointment I try to keep a straight face, but all those efforts go to nothing and before you know it we’re both roaring with laughter, long blonde hair falling in front of my face and obscuring my vision. Wiping the stray strands from the wig out of my face, I feel a new sensation on my legs, looking down to see Hanako’s slightly shaking hand resting just below my thigh, working up at a snail’s pace.

I’m not entirely sure whether shaving my legs was necessary for this, but Hanako insisted on it…just how much did she know about Lilly’s body, and how did she know it?

The though, along with a hand trailing slowly, gently upwards, causes something to stir under the green skirt I’m wearing, all of my willpower going into counteracting it.

Think of something else, anything! Kenji! Conspiracy theories! Lilly’s legs! Wait, no-

There’s no hiding the unmistakable bulge in the skirt now, and with something like curiosity on her face Hanako’s hand touches the edge of the green fabric, and after waiting for a few seconds, she flips the skirt up so it lays to rest over the lower half of my torso.

Reaching her slightly shaking hand slowly out, she rests it barely touching on the blue panties I’m wearing, gripping me lightly through the fabric.

I should probably mention at this point that Hanako procured most of the stuff I’m wearing now. The actual uniform is something Lilly left, having no use for it anymore I assume she was simply going to get rid of it, but Hanako managed to come up with an excuse to ask her if she could have it.

The underwear she bought online, guessing my measurements – apparently Lilly had a very similar set of dark blue panties and bra, making me wonder again just how much of Lilly she had seen. The long blonde wig was also an online purchase.

My thoughts are bought back to the present by a slow sliding movement, gently rubbing me up and down. Looking down I can see Hanako is refusing to meet my eyes, her stare locked onto her hands with more than a hint of red in her cheeks as she works.

‘I-is that nice, L-Lilly?’ she asks me, still not looking up to meet my face.

‘Y-yes Hanako.’ I stutter slightly, surprised at being called Lilly. Well, I didn’t try and put on a feminine voice or anything like that, it would probably just sound silly, and I wouldn’t be able to pull off Lilly’s air of composure.

She looks up then, a shy smile forming on her face as she brings her other hand up, tugging loose the bow around my neck which falls uselessly onto the bed beside me. After fumbling around single handedly for a while with the buttons I decide to help her out, removing my arms from around her and undoing the buttons myself. With the padded bra on my chest now exposed she buries her head into it once more, sighing contentedly as she whispers, ‘Not as big as Lilly’s…’ breaking out in another fit of giggling.

‘Sorry.’ I say, smiling down at her.

‘I-it’s fine Hisao. I m-mean Lilly.’
Last edited by BlackRockHanako on Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:04 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Re: BRH Short Story Collection - 'Call me Lilly' added 4/15

Post by MaskedWriter »

I'm not sure whether you meant for 'Call Me Lilly' to be funny or not, but I for one can't stop laughing.
It's just so perfectly demented and yet sweet at the same time!
Well done, BlackRock!
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Re: BRH Short Story Collection - 'Call me Lilly' added 4/15

Post by BlackRockHanako »

MaskedWriter wrote:I'm not sure whether you meant for 'Call Me Lilly' to be funny or not, but I for one can't stop laughing.
It's just so perfectly demented and yet sweet at the same time!
Well done, BlackRock!
It definitely wasn't meant to be taken seriously. :lol:

Thanks for the comment.
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Re: BRH Short Story Collection - 'Call me Lilly' added 4/15

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Three stories; about as different as can be, yet all of them excellent.
It's little gems like these that I like more than 50-page epics!
About walls - is it supposed to be after Emi's bad ending or between the fight and the reconciliation? I assume the former,but the latter would also fit nicely...
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: BRH Short Story Collection - 'Call me Lilly' added 4/15

Post by BlackRockHanako »

Mirage_GSM wrote:Three stories; about as different as can be, yet all of them excellent.
It's little gems like these that I like more than 50-page epics!
About walls - is it supposed to be after Emi's bad ending or between the fight and the reconciliation? I assume the former,but the latter would also fit nicely...
Honestly, it was just written as a look into her view on relationships and developed from there, just with a 'post argument' setting. Does Hisao get off his ass and go talk to her, persuading her those walls really are worth smashing down, and give her the power to do so?

Who knows?

[/vague answer]

Thanks for the comments, I always appreciate people taking the effort to read my little scribbles and letting me know what they think. :D
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Re: BRH Short Story Collection - 'Call me Lilly' added 4/15

Post by BobBobberson »

BlackRockHanako wrote: With the padded bra on my chest now exposed she buries her head into it once more, sighing contentedly as she whispers, ‘Not as big as Lilly’s…’ breaking out in another fit of giggling.
Dafuq did I just read?
If Hanako did do something like this when Lilly left, I'd definitely send her to the damn loony bin D:

These 1-shots are amusing to read though.
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Re: BRH Short Story Collection - 'Call me Lilly' added 4/15

Post by BlackRockHanako »

BobBobberson wrote:
BlackRockHanako wrote: With the padded bra on my chest now exposed she buries her head into it once more, sighing contentedly as she whispers, ‘Not as big as Lilly’s…’ breaking out in another fit of giggling.
Dafuq did I just read?
If Hanako did do something like this when Lilly left, I'd definitely send her to the damn loony bin D:

These 1-shots are amusing to read though.
Wait, it's not normal for teenage girls to dress their boyfriend up like their best (female) friend after she moves away? :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: BRH Short Story Collection - 'Call me Lilly' added 4/15

Post by Breaker deGodot »

I know it's been said already, but I honestly think it's the only appropriate response in this situation:

What the FUCK did I just read?!
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Re: BRH Short Story Collection - 'Call me Lilly' added 4/15

Post by MystiKnight »

Ahahahaha! That was HILARIOUS! Ahahaha!

It's great to see you writing so many stories of such a high quality! Keep it up!
Cuteness Overload!

Currently Writing : Katawa Ikkou A Katawa Shoujo / Corpse Party Crossover. Up to it's 4th chapter since 11/5!

"I know how you're feeling. Anybody will get nervous on their first time."
~ A girl talking to a boy about volunteer work.
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