Sprite Removal for the Closed-Minded

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Re: Sprite Removal for the Closed-Minded

Post by Cirnobyl »

Daitengu wrote:How does one enjoy the VN as you did, if you take out content? It'd be like you eating an apple, then wanting to serve an apple to a friend sliced and peeled expecting them to get the same flavor. Totally different experiences. You're deluding yourself.

If your friends are willing to read sex content, but not willing to see nude sprites, they're rather twisted, and on the side of childish. If they aren't willing to see either, then they miss plot and character development. If they are willing to watch things with death and violence, but get grossed out by nudity and sex, then they are idiots and totally childish.
Well, of course, the sex scenes would be disabled.
My thought was to keep the "after-the-moment" scenes in-tact, but simply not show the actual nudity. Basically, to keep the background, the interface, and the script, but not the characters' images.
Sexual content is another entirely different thing. Reading about how Hanako went out to get breakfast and folded your clothes in the corner is much different than reading about what transpired the night before.
Simply put, it's difficult for me to show my girlfriend drawings of naked girls. That's an uncomfortable moment no one wants, trust me. :lol:
Yeah, Hanako's route won't make as much impact without the sex scene. But, it's easy enough to follow without it. For example, if someone was dense enough not to notice the regret hanging in the air the following morning, Hisao realizes later on and the reader is told it is so. It's not as if the story is broken without such content.
Aura wrote:Of course we're not okay with it, it breaks the game license. If your friends are not okay with nudity and sex, maybe KS just is not a game for them.
But, Mom... Do I really gotta?
Well, merde. Alright. Can't say I didn't try.
Like The O.H.L. was saying, I do empathize with you folks. I don't want someone censoring the music I make without my permission. It's my music. I made it, and they did not. No one should try to seize control, because I intend for it to be heard how I wrote it.
It's unfortunate that I have to keep your work to myself, but, I guess that's how it's going to be...
Thanks anyway.
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Re: Sprite Removal for the Closed-Minded

Post by WorldlyWiseman »

The Act 1 Only download is still available, to my knowledge. If you're introducing the game to people who don't even know what a VN is, then completing Act 1 is really all you can demand of a person. It stands on its own pretty well and there's no sexual content beyond Rin's tacklebox comment.
If they are familiar with VNs and are somehow unable to handle the idea that there might be some nudity, then I don't know what rock they have been living under.
Hanako's favorite joke is The Aristocrats, but she never tells it because Lilly finds it really offensive. Instead, she practices her delivery in front of a mirror when she's alone. It's the only time she never stammers.
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Re: Sprite Removal for the Closed-Minded

Post by Murkglow »

Althamus wrote:Rin's art is very abstract though. I don't recall the picture in question, but at best it's implied partial nudity in the background of the Katawa Shoujo scene, at worst it's partial nudity. As opposed to full frontal nudity of a sprite which is the subject of the picture.

It has fully visible and not at all abstract breasts in it (though how long they are on camera exactly is unknown to me)... I mean aside from maybe one or two very quick glances (the only full body nude sprite that comes to mind is Lilly's) most of the sprite nudity is breasts with the lower half off camera. So I don't really see the difference.

If you're worried about sprite nudity, Rin's route doesn't have any as far as I remember (outside the mural/sex scenes of course). Her "post sex" sprite has a shirt on (unbuttoned but eh). At least if my memory is correct. Then again Rin's sex scenes are fairly important to the story so missing them is a bit... :? I mean where does the censoring start in her first scene (I've never gone through it with the censor on)? If it describes her grinding on herself but cuts Hisao's fingering it kinda seems pointless (after all I'd think both parts are equally "inappropriate" to some) but if it cuts both then how does the story play out? Huh now I almost want to go look and see.
Favorite Routes:
Rin > Emi > Hanako > Shizune > Lilly
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