Sharp-O's One-Shots! "A Matter of Memory" 05/01/24


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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Snowblind Part I"17/3/16

Post by Sharp-O »

swampie2 wrote:This is what you get for calling a character Rika :lol:
That's my own damn short-sightedness at play haha Still, it should be pretty obvious that this isn't Katayama since she's not albino and her condition is much different! (Once it's revealed)
swampie2 wrote:It's pretty strange to see my own writing with touches of your style, but I like it! Interesting to see how you finish it. I wonder if the crossover point between writers will be obvious. :wink:
What you already had was great, I only touched it up with little bits here and there in this chapter. The second part had more of my influence but I'll give it the once-over just to see what can be done. :D

I've got a few ideas how it will play out but rest assured that I'll try to do us both justice.
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Snowblind Part I"17/3/16

Post by Feurox »

Well, I feel I've been absent too long for me to just swoop in, but catching up on my Sharp-O fill was like binge watching my favourite show. I never really had any improvements for you before, since your writing always had me near enough the edge or laughing so much I fall off of it. So I'm really just gonna pat you on the back and say job well done yet again, and I must say a collaboration between you and Swampie is a combination of greatness. Well done to the both of you!
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Snowblind Part I"17/3/16

Post by Sharp-O »

Feurox wrote:Well, I feel I've been absent too long for me to just swoop in, but catching up on my Sharp-O fill was like binge watching my favourite show. I never really had any improvements for you before, since your writing always had me near enough the edge or laughing so much I fall off of it. So I'm really just gonna pat you on the back and say job well done yet again, and I must say a collaboration between you and Swampie is a combination of greatness. Well done to the both of you!
It's great to see you still knocking around, Feurox! I'm glad that you're enjoying what I've been putting out (and what me and Swamp did here) :lol:
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Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Snowblind Part II" 24/3/16

Post by Sharp-O »


"So how many times have you been... chaperoning these little dates for Kenji?" Taro questions as we set off, walking a now well-trodden path towards Midnight.

"Once a week. For four weeks." I sigh, my palm meeting my face with a dull thud.

"You're fuckin' kidding!" Miki explodes as she jogs a little to catch up to us before matching our pace.

"I wish I were. Still, he is making progress breaking that whole 'feminists are out to get me' idea..." I raise my head up to the sky and keep my eyes there for a second, the orange from the setting sun is starting to dye the clouds, it's quite pretty.

"Didn't you think about bringing Shizune with you?" Miki ponders, both arms resting in the pockets of her well-worn green hoodie. Both myself and Taro share a laugh as Miki looks on, her face twisted into confusion.

"This is Kenji we're talking about; prolonged exposure to Shizune may just kill him." Taro chokes out between chuckles and I find it hard to disagree. I love Shizune but she'd definitely be too intense, especially at this critical stage. "He's about as good at being around women as I am at boxing. That's why I said it'd be a bad idea for you to come." He snickers as Miki begins to pout.

"Well, I'm here — whether he likes it or not. And you're not all that great with women either, dumbass!" She growls back before throwing an unexpectedly hard punch into Taro's bad arm. He winces at the impact but nods in agreement. He's had a rough couple weeks from what Miki has said but he seems to be holding up pretty well.

"Well, I'm always happy to have you guys around so it shouldn't be a problem. Since starting this little… experiment, I've been speaking to Molly about something called systematic desensitization." I explain, only for both Taro and Miki to raise an eyebrow each. Oh, boy…

"In layman's terms; we're gradually easing Kenji into interacting with women more. It's been going well for the most part and only Noriko and Rika are coming today. I'll be translating for Nori and Kenji won't risk coming near me if I'm near you." I elaborate with a pointed finger to Miki.

"Risk?" Miki turns her head and growls at me, sending a chill rocketing up my spine. Luckily, she doesn't throw a punch my way — That'd be a one-way trip to the hospital, no doubt.

"But what stops Rika from sticking with Noriko?" Taro hastily offers a counter point, and I'm stumped.

"Well... I'm not a master of romance but it seems like she's into him... for some damn reason." I shrug.

"Remind me why I'm wasting my Saturday on this?" Miki ponders aloud as Taro and I ignore her outbursts.

"Not a master of romance, my ass! You had at least two girls a week after you the whole time you were at Yamaku! I bet even Miki thought about it." He jibes, causing Miki to once again turn and throw a punch at Taro. Miki begins to grumble a 'did not' but stops herself, either because she did think about it or she's trying not to hurt my feelings. It's most likely the latter; I barely spoke to Miki before I befriended Hanakio during university. Same with all of their group, really.

Taro and I share a laugh as we push through the door and enter the jazz bar. Near our usual table, we see Kenji and Rika playing a game of pool, occasionally exchanging a couple words. I cast my gaze to the left to find Noriko lounging on a nearby sofa, smartphone in hand and a rather bored expression on her face.

"God, Hisao, I think this party needs to calm the fuck down." Miki says, a sarcastic smirk pulling at her lips as she pushes past Taro and I, who had accidentally blocked the doors when we stopped to see Kenji and Rika playing together.

"We should probably get our drinks before we disturb them." Taro suggests and Miki pats him on the back.

"Now you're talking, tons-of-fun! You're buyin'."

After each of us grab a drink, Taro and Miki both choosing a cider while I opt for a non-alcoholic beer, we make our way over. Kenji cheers as he pots his last ball and the game is over. He turns towards us and I can practically see his body tense up when he catches sight of Miki.On the opposite side of the scale, Noriko explodes from her seat when she notices Taro, skipping over and embracing him in a hug.

"'It's so good to see you again, Taro.'" I translate for her as she signs with both hands behind his back. Miki stares onward, a slight grimace finding it's way onto her face as Nori and Taro continue hugging for an awkwardly long time.

"Sooo, this is the Noriko I've been hearing about?" She shoots me a sideways glance but quickly hides her expression as the two break apart from their hug.

"Certainly is. 'And this must be Miki.'" I mash the confirmation and Nori's sign into one sentence. Hopefully it wasn't too hard to understand.

"Uh, right. Tell her I said 'Nice to meet you'." Miki's drink raises to her lips and takes a gulp as she waits for me to sign. I simply turn my head towards Noriko and wait for her response, which she delivers with an amused smirk on her face.

"'Nice to meet you too.'" I translate as Noriko offers her right hand towards Miki. As they shake, Miki becomes more and more confused by the second.

"She can hear you, she's just mute." I chuckle, as does Noriko. Miki heaves a sigh and takes another large gulp of her drink. At this rate she'll be done with it in a couple more sentences.

"I never thought I'd ever say 'I've gotten used to Shizune' but there we go." Miki chuckles dryly. We seat ourselves and I see Kenji and Rika have moved over to the bar. Together. I offer a wave to catch his attention. He offers a subdued wave of his own back and returns his attention back to Rika. Snubbing me for a girl? Despite the inherent sting, I'd say that's progress. He certainly has loosened up during the time that he's spent with Rika; they're at least able to have semi-functioning conversations now.

Last week they even secluded themselves from us to talk about history together, a topic they both seem comfortable talking about. To that end, Kenji is wearing his military jacket, the one that's plastered with badges and patches. My attention is drawn away by a tap on the shoulder and I turn to see Noriko signing towards me.

[Hey, Hisao… What's the deal with those two anyway? Is Taro dating her?]

As she finishes the sentence, I take a large gulp. Here we go. The one thing I've learned about Noriko in these past four weeks is how competitive she is. Maybe it's from having my own personal experience or maybe all mutes end up with a competitive streak? Taro said that Noriko reminded him of Miki and Ritsu mixed together but, personally, I can't help but be reminded of Shizune. Maybe with a tiny bit of Miki.

And in the other corner of the ring is Miki, herself. She's always been aggressive when it comes to competition, but less in a calculating way. Driven, stubborn and fiercely protective of the people she cares about. If she sees Noriko as a threat to Taro — physically or emotionally — you can be damn sure she'll throw down.

And stuck in the middle, no doubt oblivious to what will transpire, is Taro. For someone as smart as he is; he can be awfully ignorant of his surroundings. And there was me thinking Kenji would give me trouble today…

[Well... No.] I respond, cautiously. I see the faintest tug of a smirk in her cheek as she glances over to Taro and Miki, the pair having a rather animated conversation while setting up the pool table. It's like I can almost see the gears turning behind those big cobalt eyes, a devious plan formulating already. I think it'd be fair to warn her…

[They have a history though! They're like... brothers-in-arms, or war veterans, if you get what I mean.] I hastily sign, but Noriko's confused shrug tells me I didn't do a good job explaining their unique relationship. [They've got this whole thing because their disabilities are kind of mirrored and they're kinda opposed personality-wise… They'd be able to explain it better…] I give up. I don't know the hand signals for whatever the hell they are and simply 'friends' always seems too small a word.

[Okaaaay… I guess I'll have to ask them then!] Noriko signs with a playful wink before stepping up to the table. I sigh and follow, morbidly curious as to what Noriko is cooking up and how Miki will react. Probably with punches. I hope it doesn't come to that but I don't want to miss it if it does.

"… And I'm telling you; you won't beat her. She's stupid-good! Hanako-tier, even." Taro urges as Miki drops the last ball into the black guide triangle. She plucks it away from the neatly assembled balls and tucks into under the table.

"Oh, Taro…" She sighs with a derisive tone, hopping to the rack of cues and plucking two cues of roughly equal size. "You're good at a lot of stuff but you're a total mark, especially for a pretty girl." She throws a teasing smirk his way while holding a cue out to Noriko, the thick handle practically being thrust into her chest, hovering there suggestively. "I wanna see if she's still good against someone who she can't distract with a bit of cleavage."

"Oh boy…" Taro groans, pinching the bridge of his nose as I sidle up next to him. "Don't say I didn't warn you…" Noriko accepts the cue with a confident smile, crooking her elbow around the tip to sign at Miki, who looks to me in turn.

"She says 'ladies first'." I chuckle along with Noriko's opening salvo and Miki, true to her nature, returns fire while gesturing to the table. "Off you go, then."

Noriko nods in appreciation and moves to the far end of the table, behind the cue ball. Years of being with Shizune has taught me a lot about body language and every move Noriko makes — the way her hips cock as she takes her stance, the slow and careful arc of her back as she leans and even the considered movements of her hands sliding into position along the wooden shaft in her hands s — is an exercise in provocation.

She wants a reaction. Whether it be from Taro, who I can see blush slightly in my periphery or from Miki, who taps her foot impatiently as Noriko lines her shot up. A pre-match game to test her wits against those around her. Very Shizune.

"Just take the shot already, will ya!?" Miki finally snaps and, just like that, Noriko has no doubt already won in her mind.
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Snowblind Part II" 24/3/16

Post by freddy753 »

So far, I like this story. It's a shame you've killed Hisao off in the least dignified way possible in your earlier story. Also, it seems like in this, Hisao is a lot closer to Taro's gang than you portrayed him in Monomyth.
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Snowblind Part II" 24/3/16

Post by Sharp-O »

Hisao and Shizune's introduction to the group is mostly Swamp. He included Akio and Hanako as part of Shizune in the Snow and thus created this weird shared/parallel universe between that and Monomyth. In his version, Hisao does survive into the realm of Miraimyth and considering this is a collaborative work, I'm not sure which of our respective timelines it takes place in. Yet.

But yeah, Hisao's (and by extension, Shizune and Kenji) inclusion is mostly because of Swamp and but I don't think it's that far a stretch to imagine Taro's group welcoming them in. :D
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Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Snowblind Part III" 27/3/16

Post by Sharp-O »


The glint in her eyes just pisses me off. She leans forward even more and thrusts her cue forward; slamming it into the cue ball and, shortly after, into the neat triangle at the other side of the table. She flicks a glance over to Taro and I have to take a deep breath. Okay, it's not just the glint; everything about her pisses me off and I've only known her for all of half an hour. Get your head back in the game, Miura, because if this girl is anything like Shizune then she'll be giving her all 'til the very end.

She moves around the table with long steps before repeating the process as slowly as she can, potting the purple four and examining the table. Taro and Hisao both 'oooh' as the ball clatters through the table, but stay silent otherwise. At least I don't have Akio here cracking one liners every other second though I could probably use some tips from Hanako the Hustler. Noriko fumbles her second shot and draws air through her teeth as the cue ball skews to one side, landing right by a collection of striped balls.

"Hm." I smugly smile to myself and move to the best part of the table and lean down, positioning the cue with my one hand along my bandaged stump.

Crack. The balls smash together with some considerable force as I pot number eleven. I examine the table carefully. I can't let her get an upper hand. After a moment, I see my next shot and move around to the other side of the table. Perfect.

I lean down to position the cue, and point my butt right towards Taro. After a second or two of pretending to line up my shot, I turn my head back towards Taro. Hisao quickly chugs the last of his drink and turns to walk to the bar, a slight blush on his face while Taro just offers a smile and a wave with the three fingers free of the bottle in his hand. I guess that's something.

A grin finds itself onto my face as I turn back to the table, where I see Nori at the other end, an impassive look on her face as she examines the scene. My muscles tense and I take the shot, potting number thirteen with ease. At this point Noriko's mouth has transformed from a flat line to a slight frown. Just as I'm about to take my third shot, I notice her signing towards the two guys, then Hisao promptly bursts into laughter.

"You threw off my shot!" I spin on my heel after the ball clatters around uselessly. "What did she even say?" I frown slightly as Hisao's laughter dies down.

"Don't worry about it, Miki." He chuckles before following up with some more Sign that causes Noriko to bounce slightly with that irritating silent laughter. Taro offers a sympathetic shrug as I move over towards them to grab my drink again. I can't be mad at him because he has no fucking clue what they're saying either. Then again, he knows some Sign and I can't say I'm too thrilled with the knowledge that one of the few words he can sign to Noriko is 'fuck'. Curse that guy's talented hand…



Miki angrily sips at her drink with a pout before setting her sights on Hisao, attempting to find out what we were talking about. I'll freely admit that the joke about Mayumi's lost prosthetic was meant to be a distraction and rattle Miki's cage a little.

Sorry for putting you in her crosshairs, Hisao…

I gotta admit though; despite her handicap, she's pretty damn good. Better than Taro for sure. With her temporarily distracted, I set up my shot and take it, potting number seven, shortly followed by the orange five.

I grin, satisfied at my performance and flick my eyes over to the three spectators. Hisao is leaning against a nearby beam, glancing at the table with analytical eyes, working the angles like usual. Taro and Miki are both distracted from the game, chatting to each other happily. At least I'm winning the game right now.

Before I know it, my turn is over with no extra balls potted. Eugh, so much for winning. Taro and Miki continue to chatter to the point where I have to have Hisao grab their attention. Miki shrugs and places her drink on the high table before stomping back over to the table and examining it. After another sigh to catch her attention, I tap my wrist. Time is running out, Miki.

"Yeah, yeah." She grunts as she positions herself over the table, her cue resting on her arm haphazardly. A couple balls clatter around before one drops into a corner, and another into one of the side pockets. My mouth almost falls open as she somehow manages to pot two balls in one shot. She raises an eyebrow as she realizes and immediately turns around to Taro and Hisao.

"Great shot, Miki!" Taro offers an overly enthusiastic thumbs up while Hisao provides a subdued clap, both of their hands free from drinks. Guess we've both spent a while setting up our shots, they must have finished them. Miki returns to the table and attempts another shot before fumbling her cue. I attempt to hide my grin as she swears about her arm. It's always more frustrating when the other person has no response.



"Shit." I sigh as the cue ball veers away from my target and slows to a stop. Noriko's grin just heats up the blood in my veins. She's definitely as competitive as Shizune at pool... If she's got her eyes set on the big guy like I think then watching his back may be a little tougher than I thought. He can say he's fine all he wants but I can see he's still cut up about Ritsu and I'm not gonna let some random hurt him more.

"You want a drink, Miki?" Hisao asks, he and Taro ready to walk over to the bar.

"Yeah… Get me a beer, thanks." I respond and turn back to watch Noriko's shot. As she's lining up her shot, she glares at me. I may not know Sign, but I know what that glare means. I cast a sweeping glance around me and spot her drink, some girly cocktail with a little olive in it. Is she being pissy because I ordered a beer?

"Got something to say, Nori?" I snort, and her glare moves back towards her cue. She deftly manoeuvres the cue between the knuckles on her left hand and takes a shot, sending number one careening into a corner pot. Hate to admit it but we're only even because of that lucky shot I got earlier. Taro wasn't lying; she's damn good. She grins as she stands upright again, observing the table carefully. After a good thirty seconds, she still hasn't decided on a shot to take.

"Can't see anything?" I jibe with a grin, one that she returns with her own. She signs a few motions before leaning back over and potting number two with vigour, almost sending the cue ball bouncing off the table. Shortly after, number three follows and she only needs to pot two more balls to win. Crap.



[You're not gonna win and I'm taking Taro as my own cuddly prize.] Noriko's signs are teasing and maybe a little childish. I'm sure Miki has no clue what she's saying, but she still seems to get angrier at her. She pots two balls in quick succession as Miki stares on in disbelief.

"What did she just sign?" Taro pipes up as he comes to a stop.

"She just said that she was going to win." I respond. It's not like I'm flat-out lying…

"This is going to get out of hand, I can tell. I can feel Miki bristling from here." He breathes a weary sigh through his nose as a worried expression finds its way onto his face.

"A little competition never hurt anyone, sir. Last week Shizune challenged me to a 'who can look the best in a dress' competition." Taro stifles a laugh as he sips his beer. "I won." I wink, causing him to almost choke.

"Who's wearing a dress?" Miki walks over and takes the bottle from my hand with a 'thanks'.

"Thanks… I got beer in my nose, asshole." Taro chuckles as he wipes at his face with a paper town from the nearby table.

"What kind of kinky bullshit has Shizune got you into now?" Miki laughs and I have no answer for her. Not one I'd like to share in public anyway. "How's the game going?" I ask as Taro makes his way back to the pool table and Nori starts typing on her phone to him.

"She's got me on the ropes; no two ways about it. She's just… Gah, she's pissing me off, man, and I don't know why…" She grumbles, leaning back against the bar casually as she watches Taro and Nori converse.

"Probably because she's got her sights on more than the game." Stating the obvious and Miki knows it. Her eyes bore into mine accusingly before she relents, turning and slumping against the bar.

"Shit, you see it too?"

"See it? She told me so. Several times." I offer, further adding fuel to the fire because apparently I'm as much of a sadist as my girlfriend.

"And you didn't warn her off? Tell her he's off-limits?" She growls and I'm starting to regret my actions a smidge.

"Well, no… Why would I? Taro says he's in a good place right now and a little female attention won't hurt him."

"For a scientist, you can be real fuckin' dense, Hisao. Taro would say he's fine if he broke his one good arm!" She grumbles and looks back at Taro and Nori. She looks conflicted, that's for sure.

"I've been getting to know her slowly for the past few weeks and I can safely say that I don't think she wants to hurt Taro, if that's what you're worried about. She does genuinely like him as far as I can tell." I offer, placing a hand on Miki's shoulder. She peeks back at me and then looks down.

"She better not hurt him," She sighs, guzzling her beer and slamming the bottle down on the bar before storming towards the pool area once more. "Otherwise I'll break her god damn hands."

Does… Does she want the rest of this beer or…?
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Snowblind Part III" 27/3/16

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Oooh... This is going to be ugly... :-)

One correction:
as she pushes past Taro and I
"past Taro and me"
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Snowblind Part IV" 31/3/16

Post by Sharp-O »


"Things are heating up." Kenji smiles as he sums up Nori and Taro's friend's not-so-friendly game, each fighting for bragging rights as hard as they can. He raises his glass of whiskey to his lips and takes a measured sip while considering the scene unfolding around us.

"Nori's always been like that." I shrug before sipping at my own whiskey. "She never liked to lose."

"Neither has Miura; she used to scare the crap out of me." Kenji casts his eyes down and chuckles dryly. "Alright, maybe she still does."

"Scare you? I don't believe it." A giggle escapes from me as Kenji's cheeks grow redder.

"I used to be pretty... different. Ask Hisao about it." He shrugs before taking another sip and casting his gaze down to the rich wooden bar. "Actually, on second thought, don't do that."

"Got some skeletons in your closet?" I ask coyly as he thinks about his answer.

"…You, uh, you could say that, yeah." He remains impassive, despite how long it took him to think of what he was going to say.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I think we all do to some extent… But it's not like we should let our past dictate who we are, Ken. Those who don't learn from history, etcetera, etcetera!" I smile as sweetly as I can to reassure him. He still seems pretty sad about whatever he's thinking about, so I place my hand on his. He flinches before taking a deep breath. "Just… be you."

"I'll, um, try. Thanks." He smiles back. Even though his eyes are cloudy and hidden behind pretty thick corrective lenses, I can still see the emotions churning inside him. Our eyes linger together for another moment before he draws his away, as well as his hand.

Kenji is a strange little riddle, that's for damn sure. He can go from stand-offish to shy in the space of ten seconds. He's funny when he's not over-thinking whatever's in that secretive little brain of his. I know I'm not one to talk about secrets and lacking social grace but still…

What the hell are you thinking, Kenji and how can I get you to tell me?



Fantastic job, 'Ken', now she's suspicious! She'll be keeping an even closer eye on you and don't even get me started on that lazy eye of hers… You've just blown this entire operation.

Shut up.

I scratch the back of my head nervously, my hand tensing a little around the tumbler of amber sweetness in my hand. "I, uh, I'll be right back. I need to visit the men's room." I excuse myself as politely as I can and Rika raises her glass with a small smile.

"Don't fall in!" She giggles and I find myself smiling.

"If I'm not back in ten minutes…" I begin a joke of my own and, true to form, Rika is quick to finish it.

"I'm stealing your drink. Then I might send a search party."

I laugh, genuinely, and tap the bar as I turn, hop off my stool and head for bathroom. The iridescent lights flicker to life as the motion sensors catch me stepping through the door. I quickly tug my tie loose and begin unbuttoning the collar of my shirt.


I give my haggard reflection a quick glance before tossing my glasses to the side of the sink. I slam my fist onto the plunger of the cold water faucet and cup my hands beneath it.

I bring the ice cold water to my face and rub it thoroughly. Fuck, that's good… I feel like I'm melting out there… Hold it together, buddy. You're doing great! Rika totally digs you and you dig her and things are going to be fine.

Except it's not and you're going to fuck this up and even Hisao's friends will hate you for it…

And there he is again; that nagging little prick in the back of my mind. Coke-bottle glasses and all, the snivelling little weasel who keeps telling me things are going to go wrong. My anxiety made manifest. He nags and gnaws and spits bile and tries to grind me down. Make me think that the whole damn world is against me.

Fuck that guy and fuck what he has to say; I'm not him. Not anymore. I am better. I'm trying to be anyway. And it's not just because Hisao sees something in me worth saving, or that Rika sees something in me worth liking

It has to be for me. I'm tired of living in fear of an enemy that isn't there. That… never was… I'm exhausted, if I'm honest with myself. So tired all the time. At least those sleepless nights help with my job but still…

I splash my face one more time and grab a few paper towels. I brush my fingers through my hair a couple time and replace my glasses. Not too shabby… Ken.

Try not to screw this up.



[Your friend is certainly… fiesty.]

"Yeah, that's one word for her." I chuckle as Noriko retracts her phone and types again. She taps out a sentence and then seems think better and deletes it, typing out a new one only to delete that as well. "You okay?" I ask and she lolls her head around a little before typing something and finally showing it to me.

[Just thinking about the irony that I'm lost for words…] She sighs, which is about the only noise I've ever heard her make.

"What's up, Nori? I'm a pretty good listener. Hm, I guess reader is the better word in this case." I frown at my fumbling of words but it seems to perk Noriko up a little, her shoulders shaking in that familiar way.

[You're so funny, Taro! It's kinda rare for people to make jokes around me, especially about my condition. It's both funny and sad that most people think those without a voice can't laugh. It's nice that you don't treat me like that.]

"People didn't expect a one-armed leftie to be able to draw but I like to think I can disarm them with my charm!" I offer a lame joke worthy of Akio, waving my good hand at her. She giggles and waves back. "Let people think what they want; it only makes it better when you prove the bastards wrong." I pick up my bottle again and proffer it to Noriko, who smiles broadly; quickly grabbing her cocktail glass and clinking against the neck of my bottle while typing one-handed.

[I'll drink to that.]

We take swigs of our drinks and, once done, our eyes settle on each others' again. Last time we met, I know she said she didn't mean anything by the kiss on the cheek she gave me but… I dunno. She delicately brushes some stray strands of hair out of her face and smiles demurely.

"Yo! You ready to finish this, Noriko?" Miki crashes through the atmosphere that was steadily heating up between me and Nori and I'm not sure if I'm thankful for that or not. Nori looks a little startled but soon picks up where she left off; kicking Miki's butt. Miki's been getting agitated since the game began and as she takes a guarded stance next to the opposite corner nearer to me, I grimace a little at her back.

Noriko gets into position and flits her eyes up to me for a second before taking what will be her penultimate shot; the cue ball flies the table but the trajectory looks wrong, there's too much spin on one side. Noriko winces as the cue ball strikes the eight-ball and sends it clattering into a side pocket. Damn, that's a pretty bad screw-up… Noriko practically collapses at the end of the table in embarrassment and Miki looks to me for confirmation.

"Did I just win?" She asks and I nod, a broad smile spreading across her lips. "Oh, fuck yeah! BOOM!" The fist-pumping is a bit much, Miki…

Noriko rises, tossing her cue onto the table and placing both hands on her hips looking quite dejected. Miki moves around the table and thrusts her hand out with a grin. Nori looks at the hand before tilting her head up to look at Miki.

"That's some shit luck, Nori, but you still played great. You almost had me!" Miki nods and Nori takes her hand, shaking it firmly with a flat smile. "Cheer up, blue-eyes! Tell ya what; I'm gonna get us some shots to celebrate a good game." Miki slaps Nori's back, making her stumble a little. Offering up an OK sign, Miki almost skips over to Hisao, Kenji and Rika at the bar while Nori sidles up to me, phone already in hand with an amused look that betrays her actions.

"You threw the game, didn't you?" I ask with a raised brow and Noriko throws me a devilish smirk in response.

[Would I insult one of your friends like that? What do you take me for, Taro?] I chortle at the message written on the phone and look up at its holder.

"You're incorrigible, Noriko… Someone should really keep an eye on you."

[Is that an insult or an offer?]

I tilt my head with a shrug in a 'maybe' gesture and Noriko smiles, bumping my shoulder with hers. [Be careful then, big guy. You never know what you might get to see…]

"Are you flirting with me, Nori?" I ask with a bemused look and she gives me the same 'maybe' shrug I gave her.

"Oi! Come and get your shots, nerds!" Miki calls from across the bar and I make a move towards her. I look back over my shoulder to Noriko.

"Just so you know, I like what I've seen so far."



The late afternoon becomes the early evening, the jazz club steadily filling with patrons and noise and forcing our little group further into the corner with the pool table. The live band arrives and begins playing at some point but I'm far too buzzed to say when that happened.

I touched base with Rika shortly before she and her new boyfriend got into a doubles match with Hisao and Taro. It's a pretty pitiful display all around but if they're having fun, who am I to judge? I was still playing a game of my own as Miki and I sit either side of this ridiculously comfy couch. I could curl up and go to sleep on it, I swear.

"Not boring you, am I?" Miki laughs and my eyes flutter back open. She's had at least twice as much to drink as me; how is she still conscious!? Taro, sure, because of his size is pretty stable and Hisao's drinking non-alcoholic and the love-birds have been supping the same glasses of whiskey for the past hour but this girl… Hate to admit it but I'm a little impressed by her.

[Nah, I'm just tired is all.] I type carefully, my eyes focusing in and out on the screen. Thank god I enabled auto-correct after last time… [You were saying something about the big guy's ex?]

"I was going to show you this." Miki responds, passing her phone to me sideways. I have to stop myself from wincing at the poor little device she hands to me. The touch screen is scratched to shit and it even has the beginnings of a nasty crack in one corner. The initial titles of the video Miki wanted me to see, which I hadn't been paying attention to, fades out to reveal a woman with light brown hair sitting behind a piano on a folding stand.

She's cheery and smiles sweetly as she introduces what song she's going to play and why before striking up the tune. She does piano covers on YouTube? I thumb at my own phone as I watch, holding it up to Miki.

[This is her? Ritsu, right?]

"Uh-huh. She started doing this a while ago, while she was still dating Taro. My buddy Suzu filmed her doing some song and posted it online. Believe it or not, this is her job!" She laughs, as if it's the silliest thing ever. It's not that surprising nowadays. Pretty girl playing anime covers — geeks eat that shit up.

[She's really talented. Pretty too.] I type, handing Miki's phone back to her. [And Taro broke up with her? That's kinda surprising. You'd assume it would be the other way around. What happened?]

"I shouldn't really say… But let's just go with they had a difference of opinion on a certain subject and leave it there." Miki says grimly and I tilt my head curiously at her. "He thought, like the stupid dumbass that he is, that giving Ritsu an out would be the best thing for her. For both of them. He's stupidly selfless like that." She rolls her eyes.

[And you don't agree with what he did?] I would have thought you'd like him being a free agent…

"I think he coulda handled it better but that's Taro for you. He's the smartest and most noblest guy I know but fuck me he thinks he has to bear the responsibility for everything!" She gripes, shaking her head. "Not that Ritsu would've handled it better. She could be really fucking jealous and bitchy at times, probably woulda ended in a screamin' match." Miki doesn't pull her punches when talking about her friends, which leads me to my next question.

[What about you and Taro? You dated for a while, right?]

Miki raises an eyebrow at the question and takes a final swig of beer before putting it on the floor beside the sofa. "We didn't date; we just… hung out and fucked a few times during our first year at Yamaku."

[Sounds like dating to me.] I chuckle as I hold the phone up and Miki smiles a little, fondly almost.

"Yeah, maybe, but we finished it and been best friends ever since. Lending each other a helping hand when we need it."

[Hisao said you guys were close, like brothers or something. Didn't seem like he knew how to explain it.]

"Wanna know a secret?" Miki smirks, leaning in. I mirror her actions, casting a quick glance to Taro before focussing on Miki. "I have no god damn clue how to explain it either. All I know is that if he needs me, or if I need him, we've got each other's backs."

Miki looks away from me towards Taro and I follow her gaze. She smiles in that same way as before and I realise what she clearly doesn't, or doesn't want to admit. I don't know if it's just platonic or what but that's definitely love right there. She looks back and her expression turns a little more serious.

"Let's cut the shit, shall we? Do you wanna get with Taro?" Again, not pulling punches and, depending on my answer, will probably throw an actual punch. I type carefully, casting quick glances up at the expectant Miki.

[He's really nice, he makes me laugh and he's pretty cute too. In that cuddly kinda way, y'know?]

"I know; he is really nice but he's also still getting over his ex. I just wanna make sure that you're not gonna fuck him over." She cares a hell of a lot, that's plain to see but is this protectiveness or marking her territory… Testing the water can't hurt, right?

[You can drop the 'over'. As for the rest… I'm not making any promises 😉] I smirk a little and offer the message to Miki. She furrows her brow at it, like she's trying to decipher it, her eyebrows raising when she does. Miki raise her stump to her face before she bursts out laughing. I guess she appreciates directness as much as she dishes it out.

"Word-play… No wonder you guys are getting on so well. He's always loved a bit of banter." She smirks before settling her violet eyes on me. "You seem cool, Nori, so I wanna let you know that what I'm about to say is in no way anything against you, 'kay?" I gulp and nod nervously.

"Good. Because if you do hurt that wonderful, stupid asshole over there; I will break your hands. For starters. We clear?"

What the fuck! How can a threat not be personal? I guess that answers how much she cares…

[Crystal… Did Ritsu get this threat too?] I ask and Miki cackles, slumping back into the plush cushions.

"You bet your ass; but not before we had a fight out on the track in the middle of the night!"

[What!? Seriously!?]

"Buckle up, buttercup, because this story isn't even in the top three scrapes me and the big guy have been in!" She adjusts herself and leans forward, like she was telling an old war story.

Just what the hell have I gotten myself into?
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Snowblind Part IV" 31/3/16

Post by Hesmiyu »

I'm assuming I'm not the only one who's liking Noriko. I like this 'one-shot' seems to have grown into another Sharp-O story. Also can't wait to see which stories Miki'll tell :)
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Snowblind Part IV" 31/3/16

Post by swampie2 »

Nori and Taro's friend's not-so-friendly game
Nori and Miki?

You've taken this story in a much cheerier direction than I was thinking of doing, I had the fistfight scene all thought out. :lol:
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Snowblind Part IV" 31/3/16

Post by Sharp-O »

Hesmiyu wrote:I'm assuming I'm not the only one who's liking Noriko. I like this 'one-shot' seems to have grown into another Sharp-O story. Also can't wait to see which stories Miki'll tell :)
This is the first chapter that I wrote solo, the rest were what Swamp (with a little bit of help from me) had already written. It was always going to be a miniseries.
swampie2 wrote:Nori and Miki?

You've taken this story in a much cheerier direction than I was thinking of doing, I had the fistfight scene all thought out. :lol:
Rika doesn't know Miki, hence the qualifier. As for how cheery it is... You just had to go a jinx it, didn't you? :lol:
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Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Snowblind Part V" 19/4/16

Post by Sharp-O »

Author note: Hey guys, sorry for the lack of updates but shit's not been great recently. My illness is really kicking my ass and, because of the amount of time I was taking in sick days, I lost my job so I've been scrambling to try and get something sorted so I can survive. On the bright side, at least I might have more time to write and the sudden influx to fill up free time has given me the impetus to do a voice demo reel, something I've wanted to do for a long time. Anyway, here is the penultimate chapter of Snowblind and the next chapter of Flutter should be with you sometime later this week. Peace!



"Are you sure about this, man?" Miki asks for the umpteenth time. I sigh and look past her to Noriko and Hisao; who are getting just as annoyed as me trying to arrange cabs home for the utterly wasted Kenji and Rika. They've gotten pretty clingy, giggling and winding up their respective friends.

"Oi! Pay attention!" The swift jab to my bad arm brings my admittedly blurred focus back to Miki. She looks worried for some damn reason. I don't see the problem.

"Yeah, yeah, it'll be fine. While you and Hisao get those two home safe, I'll head back with Nori." I grin. It's a great plan. Miki doesn't seem convinced though. "C'moooon, Meeks! What's the worst that could happen?"

"First; don't ever call me that again or I will kick your shit in." She points with a scowl. "Second; I just want to make sure you wanna do this."

"Course I do! Nori's hot as hell and she totally digs me! I'd be stupid to pass this up." I chuckle and Miki smiles in response. Not a big one, just a little one, as she plants her stump on her hip.

"Whatever you say, Taro." She sighs before pulling me into a hug. I pat her back gently with my good hand. She breaks free and smirks, shrugging. "I guess I'll see you in the morning then, ladies' man."


"Roger." I respond in English with an affirmative nod. I see Noriko peek curiously at me from behind Miki and give her a little wink, causing her rosy cheeks to bunch up into a smile.



The dark night air is pretty chilly but Kenji was nice enough to bundle me up with his scarf. He's so nice. And cute. Maybe it's the drink talking but I just wanna smooch his face off but while we're with the others, I'll behave. Kenji looks impatient, hopping from side to side as I hang from his arm.

"It's cold as balls, man! Where's that cab, Hisao?!" He calls to his friend, who responds with a scowl first before his face becomes placid.

"A couple more minutes, sir. Me and Miki will see you guys home." He says and I roll my eye. I tug on Kenji's arm and step backwards a little, his back facing the rest of the group.

"Aren't you getting tired of being babysat by everyone? We're adults, dammit! We can look after each other!" I say and Kenji thinks on it for a second before staring at me and nodding. Pretty sure he's buzzing like me, which makes what I have in mind even funner.

"Yeaaaah! We can get home on our own. We're not kids!"

"Exactly! So what say we ditch our babysitters as soon as the cab gets here. I mean, Nori's going with Taro and Hisao lives nearby, right? I'm sure they won't get mad if we sneak off!" I whisper, giggling as I do, pressing against Kenji.

"Nori's going home with Taro? Daaaamn, guess he's still got game!" He waggles his eyebrows, getting a laugh out of me. "And you're right, the walk won't kill Hisao. Let's do it!" Kenji whispers back. That's exactly what I wanted to hear.



The two cabs arrive and I'm in the middle of getting a bear hug from Taro when the first one drives off. I see two cheeky faces sticking their tongues out at us as it leaves without me and Miki.

"Wha—Did they do that on purpose?" I turn to ask Miki who shrugs, equally surprised and then I notice Noriko over Miki's shoulder waving. Miki follows my line of sight and shakes her head.

"Aaaand we're not getting a ride with them. Looks like we're walkin'." She says, slipping her hand and stump into the pockets of her well-worn green hoodie. "It's not that far, right? Let's go!"

I guess it'll be quicker than calling for a third cab but still… I jog lightly to catch up to Miki before matching her pace.

"I can't believe Kenji and Rika went off like that. What're they even thinking?" I ask rhetorically but Miki deems to answer anyway.

"Probably that they're out to get lucky. It's going around tonight." She says, peeking over her shoulder.

"I take it you want to crash on our couch then?" I chuckle and her eyes snap to me.

"I was just going sleep in my car; it's still outside your place." She says and I hold up my hand.

"Screw that! It's gonna freeze tonight. We have a perfectly good couch you can sleep on." I offer and she smiles wistfully.

"Thanks, Hisao. Sorry to be a bother but with that going on at home, I figure I'd be better making myself scarce. For a few hours at least."

"Well, you're always welcome if you're hard up." I smile but Miki decides to test my good will as she raises her hand to her gasping mouth.
"Hisao! You can't just proposition me like that! What would Shizune say?"

Oh, I have an idea…



"What have I told you about bringing home strays?" My girlfriend quietly grumbles as I make drinks in the kitchen area — Miki having already made herself at home on the couch, laying on her back and watching TV. Shizune is always grumpy when she wakes up but even more so if caught napping, as she was, so I'm already on the backfoot.

"She couldn't go home and since her car is here, I didn't think it would be a problem." I shrug, stirring both mine and Shizune's mugs of coffee and then Miki's hot chocolate. I never would have pegged her for it when we were at Yamaku but after getting to know her through Akio and Hanako, I shouldn't be surprised; she's softer than she would appear.

"Would you feel better if I let her sleep in her car?" I ask Shizune while handing her mug over the counter.

"I suppose not, no." She says in her usual whispered tone. After accepting the mug and blowing on the contents, Shizune places it down and switches to sign. [I don't know how she could drive that deathtrap, let alone sleep in it.]

[Making do with what you've got; I kind of admire that.] I sign in response before picking up the two mugs in front of me and carrying them to the living room. I place Miki's mug near her and take a seat on the free part of our plush corner sofa. Shizune places her mug down on the coffee table next to mine and cuddles up to me, her legs curled up under her butt.

"How's work, Miki?" Shizune asks, leaning past me a little to direct her question. Miki slides up into a laid back sitting position and brushes her hair behind her ears.

"It's exhausting but it's an absolute blast. I mean, sure, it's a pain in the ass to wear a prosthetic for eight-plus hours a day but it keeps me in shape! Check out my abs!" She grins before tugging up her flannel shirt and white t-shirt to reveal her toned stomach.

"Wow-oooow…" My admiration for Miki's physique gets me a nasty pinch to my ribs from Shizune, who looks equally impressed but doesn't like that I am.

"Very impressive, Miki." She smiles, maintaining her grip on my flesh through my clothes. "I wouldn't even know where to begin to get in that kind of shape."

"It's hard work but — to be honest — I think you have the tougher job, Shiz. I could never do all that hard math shit you do. It may as well be another language!" She laughs.

"Administration is indeed gruelling but what can I say? I have a gift for it!" She beams smugly, moving to adjust her glasses in that cocky way she always does; only to realise she isn't wearing them. The move goes unnoticed by Miki but I caught it and give Shizune a teasing smirk.

[Old habits die hard, huh?] I sign and her right eye closes a little, her subtle scowl that she reserves for when we have company. She releases me to free up her hands.

[Any slither of a chance you had of getting sex tonight just flew out the window, mister.]

I laugh loudly and catch Miki off guard, who shrugs when she sees Shizune scowling harder at me. I'm just thankful that Miki doesn't understand Sign any more than she does math; otherwise she'd be fully aware of how quickly mine and Shizune's smack talk becomes dirty talk.

[You mean there was a chance? Seriously? With a guest in the house?] I ask after a minute or two, Shizune giggling silently next to me before giving me that alluring smile that makes my heart race.

[Unlike you, Hisao, I know how to be quiet.] She signs before nuzzling close, her hand stroking my thigh as she turns her attention to the TV while I'm left flustered.

This girl will be the death of me…



"God damn, motherfuckin', razza-frazzin'!" Poor Kenny cusses as he fumbles trying to hit his target

"Do you always have this much trouble getting it in?" I snicker with a cheeky smile. He stops dead and looks at me confused. A few moments pass and he still hasn't gotten it. "Geez, Kenny, it's not that difficult…" I tease, taking hold of his hand and hitting the mark first time.

"Th-thanks…" He blushes as he pushes the door to his apartment easily. He ushers me in and kicks off his shoes, taking my coat as and hanging it up with his jacket. I follow his drunken shuffle into his tiny apartment.


"Sorry about the mess…" Kenji mutters and I look around the room to see a few errant books and DVD cases. Messy? I'm kinda glad we chose to come here. This place is pristine compared to my place…

"It's okay, Kenny!" I beam as I collapse onto his futon. He grabs two bottles of cider out of his fridge and joins me, handing one bottle to me before switching on the TV. We twist off the bottle tops in unison, clinking the necks of the bottles as we stare at the screen.

I peer around the room at the various trinkets on display when something catches my eye. On a shelf above his bed… I place my beer down and struggle to my feet.

"What're you doin'?" Kenny chuckles as I amble across the room, stepping onto his bed and plucking the curiosity off it's perch. "Oh no. Rika, please, put those back!" He groans as I slip on a pair of thick, wire-framed glasses. If I wasn't drunk already, these would definitely help. Woof.

"Man, these awful! These must be old. Really old. Old as balls." I chuckle, pulling them from my face. Kenji has gotten up off from his perch to snatch them from my hands and toss them back on the shelf.

"I told you to put them back." He sneers and I step back defensively.

"Whoa, sorry! Didn't realise they meant so much to you…" I sheepishly reply, rubbing one arm and casting my gaze off to the side.

"I… No, I should be sorry. That wasn't what I wanted to say it's just…" He looks from me with guilt to the glasses with disdain. "Those are… a loooong story." He sighs, shuffling back to the futon and sitting forlornly. I follow him and take my place beside him again, looking at his sad expression as he removes his newer, much trendier glasses.

"Remember what you said earlier? About everyone having skeletons in their closet? Those are mine. Well, those and what they represent. If I told you about them… About me and all the horribleness around me… You'd probably want nothing to do with me." He says, in a low serious voice that rings of defeat and sadness.

Oh. Oh wow. This took a turn for the serious. I came here just looking to do some kissing and stuff… Can't turn back now though, I suppose. I did say I wanted to know more about him.

"You make it sound like you were a monster or something." I say nervously and he looks to me with cocked brow.

"I was worse than a monster. I was an asshole." He says with all the gravitas of a TV drama and I can't help but giggle. "I'm being serious, Rika!"

"Sorry, sorry! It just sounded funny the way you said it." I smile and he responds in kind, despite his sad eyes.

"I guess so… I really don't want to tell you all this. Like, this is my darkest and most terrible secret. Like, 'I'd tell you but I'll have to kill you afterwards' shit."

"It can't be that bad, Kenny. I seriously doubt that, whatever it is, can override the nice idea I have of you already." I explain in the softest, gentlest tone I can with a drunken slur. He combs his fingers back through his hair and sighs.

"Okay. But don't say I didn't warn you…"



Hot damn! This place is the tits! Who knew being an artist paid so well? If I wasn't already sold on this idea, I would be now. Such an upgrade from my ex…

"Watch your step." Taro leans past me and drags what look like black boxing pads from my path. "Those are my room-mates, sorry." He says and I tap away at my phone. Room-mate, huh? That makes sense. This place looks expensive!

[Room-mate? Is he here?]

"Well, no, but…" Taro begins and I silence him with a solitary finger. I type one-handed and flash it to the big guy.

[Your room?]

"Tha' way." He mumbles against my finger, indicating with a nod of his head. I silently giggle and slip my phone into my pocket, taking his lone working hand. Follow me, cutie…

I make sure I have the right door with a wordless look before pulling him inside. Kicking the door closed, I throw my arms around his neck and plant passionate kiss on his lips. His stubble tickles and he seems surprised at first but he quickly pulls me closer, his huge hand firmly grabbing my ass.

I throw my head back and noiselessly gasp, leaving myself open to an assault of kisses down my neck to my shoulders, his hand sliding up my back under my tank top. It's weird to have only one hand touching me. Feels lop-sided, almost. Still, he seems to be quite handy at this. Ugh, I bet he'd laugh at that joke.

"Are you enjoying this? I've never really done this without… Sounds. Can't tell if I'm doing well or not." He offers a self-deprecating grin, clearly unsure of himself.

I push him towards the bed and flat on his back, mounting him. You are doing very well, Taro, I express with a nod and a flirty smile. I yank my tank-top free of my shorts and pull it over my head. His expression is a treat in itself but I've not even got to the good stuff. He rises and his arm winds around my back while he plants kisses on my chest. I run my hands through his hair but the quick tug behind my back surprises me, only to watch him pull my bra away effortlessly. I look down at him in shock and he just smiles.

"Just a little trick I picked up." His coyness proves too much and I force myself against him, deeply kissing him while I claw at his belt. Oh, I'll show you a trick…

With his belt unbuckled and his fly down, I can see the thick bulge in his boxers. Guess I don't need to ask if he's enjoying this. With one final stroke of his face and peck on the lips, I slide off his legs to the floor, kneeling between his legs. I pull at his jeans and boxers until my prize stands proudly before me. Not the biggest but it looks pretty thick… I take him in hand and he gasps. I giggle a little before looking up at him, brushing my hair behind my ears. I lick my lips seductively and take him into my mouth. The noises he makes lets me know he likes it and I like that he strokes my hair. He's gentle, despite his size. He's warm and funny and I think he's actually really into me—

"Nngh, Ritsu…" He growls quietly through gritted teeth. What

It takes him a few seconds but he realises just how badly he's fucked up when he locks eyes with me.

You son of bitch.
Last edited by Sharp-O on Tue Apr 19, 2016 10:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Snowblind Part V" 19/4/16

Post by swampie2 »

It was all going so well :cry:

I'm glad you took the story in a different direction than I was going to. That doesn't mean I forgive you for that cliffhanger though. :wink:

Sad to hear things aren't going well in real life, I hope you get things sorted out soon freind!
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Snowblind Part V" 19/4/16

Post by Mirage_GSM »

as it leaves without Miki and I.
You know what I mean, don't you? :-)

Nice artwork. Where'd you get Shizune from? She looks familiar...
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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