Learning To Fly - A Saki pseudo-route (New NSFW Art 2/22)


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Re: Learning To Fly - A Saki pseudo-route (New Art 10/14)

Post by Eurobeatjester »

“Really?” I ask, shocked again.

Saki nods, a bit guiltily, as if she knew all along this revelation would have this impact on myself and others. “I haven't been there for the last week at all, and even before then, I was missing out on meetings. Besides,” she offers weakly, “there's nobody to take me like Chisato does with band.”

“I could stop by your class after school and make sure you make it over there, if you're still in the wheelchair for a few more days,” I volunteer. It would be something I could easily do.

Saki ponders this, but then shakes her head. “Thank you, but...no. I've made up my mind. I was never in it for the art anyway. It was just something I was doing as part of my therapy, I guess.”

I nod automatically, but Saki can see I'm not really comprehending. She sighs, then continues.

“When I first came to Yamaku, the doctors that were treating me suggested I get into the arts club, because it would be good for my hands and motor control. So I did, mainly to keep them and my parents happy, but I never did give up the violin. That's better therapy anyway, and whatever I can't do with it, I can do on my own time...but...”

Her voice takes on the monotone of someone giving an explanation for something personal while trying to remain detached from it. It's one I've heard from her before, and one I've used myself more often than I probably should.

“After what happened that night, I did a lot of thinking this last week. I realized I just don't have the time for both clubs, especially with the recording project with Chisato. Art club was kind of fun, but it's just not as important as the other things to me.”

“I'm sorry,” I say, more to fill the silence on my part.

“Don't be,” she replies with a shrug that sends ripples out from around her body. “It's just the way it is.”

A few more seconds go by.

“Are you doing anything after classes today?” Saki asks, looking up.

I check my mental calendar and find it blank. “I don't think I am, why?”

“If you were serious...could you take me to the art club after school? I need to talk to Nomiya and make it official, I guess. I could use the emotional support.”

“Of course,” I say. “Why, is he bad?”

Saki shudders. “He takes art and what he does very personally. I've been in his club for over two years now, and if I tell him I'm leaving like this, I don't think he's going to take it too well.”

“Alright. I'll take you there, and then to band afterwards, if that's where you want to go.”

“Thanks,” she says, the traces of her thousand-watt smile visible again. “Well, enough about me. What about you? Get in all your laps yet?”

“Ah, no...” I sheepishly reply.

“A few minutes ago you said you were faster. Try one now. I'll time you,” she says teasingly.

“How do you know how fast I am?”

“What, you think you're the only one checking out the available eye candy in the morning?” she winks.

Ah, there it is. That feeling that I'm being teased, but not quite; the constant on-edge feeling I have around her that challenges me to keep my own wits sharp.

I didn't realize how much I've missed it this last week.

“Alright then,” I answer, my voice filled with a fake confidence as I move back towards the end of the pool. “Let's see how I do.”

I reach the edge and get into my facsimile of a starting position, taking deep, measured breaths. Saki watches the clock at the end of the pool, and when the second hand sweeps past the top of its arc, shouts the word “go!”

I take off, rocketing off the wall with a powerful kick. When the water starts to slow me, I paddle with all the strength I have, trying to time my kicks to keep me surging through the water. A few seconds later I start breathing in time with every stroke, the sound of my blood rushing in my ears. I can feel my heart beating strong.

I mentally count down the seconds in my head since I started. I should be reaching the end of the pool about now...

No sooner does that thought occur than I slap the edge. I know I'm making great time. I turn around and power back, giving it everything I have. I feel my body starting to protest, but I ignore it.

It's only for a few seconds, but it stretches out to so much more. I reach the end of my lap and stand up, brushing my hair back out of my eyes. “How'd I do?” I pant, looking at Saki.

“Not bad! You're two seconds faster than you were when you started a few weeks ago!”

“That's it?" I say, crestfallen. “I put everything I had into that, and all I managed to shave off was two lousy seconds?”

“Hey, don't feel bad! That's a huge improvement for only a few weeks.”

“I thought I'd be faster than that,” I groan.

“You aren't going to be much faster while you're wearing a shirt,” she says, raising an eyebrow.

Just come right out and say it, why don't you?

I look down at the fabric clinging to me, feeling it pull on me, suddenly self conscious. “I guess I won't, will I?” I muse, turning to look at Saki.

Her eyes are sparkling with the same look of encouragement I've seen from her when she challenges me to push myself. My heart skips a beat under its intensity, as it always does.

“Want to try it again?” she offers, her voice soft.

I know what she's implying.

My fingers come up to my collar, absently brushing it, feeling the roughness of the fabric enchaining my neck.

This shirt is weighing me down in more ways than one. I'm scared, but the answer is yes.

I do.

I do want to try again.

Before I can change my mind or think myself out of it, I reach down to the bottom of the shirt and pull it up over my head in one smooth motion, water streaming from it. I crumple it up in my hands and throw it to the side, the sodden garment coming to rest on the concrete with a wet smack that echoes through the room.

Now that I've made the decision, I don't want to think too hard about it. Don't think about the cool air on your bare chest. Don't think about how the water feels against it directly. Don't think about the scar you've exposed for the first time to anyone since your operation. Don't think about the girl who can see it.

“Go!” Saki shouts.

Revitalized by adrenaline, I take off again, the water streaming around me. The lack of drag on my body is immediate, and I can feel the difference as I seem to slice through the water, and it just ignites something in me.

Powering through, focusing with everything, pushing myself as hard as I possibly can...for the first time in months, I'm truly cutting loose, physically and mentally.

It's primal. It's visceral. It's liberating.

Excitement swells in my chest with my thundering heartbeat. Nothing can stop me!

I push harder...

I mentally note that in a few more seconds I should be at the edge of the po-



White hot pain sears through my head while white hot stars sear behind my vision. I try to cry out, but instead I suck in a lungful of water, and start flailing, trying to figure out what the hell just happened...

I'm completely disoriented, and oh god, my head my head my head!

I vaguely think I hear someone shouting, but it's muffled, as if from a great distance...

Don't panic!

My feet manage to find something hard, like concrete, and I desperately hope it's the bottom of the pool. I push up break the above the surface of the water, coughing violently. The coughs rack me so hard I retch, blinking hard to drive back the waves of nausea.

I feel hands on my shoulder.

“Calm down Hisao! Just breathe, you're okay!” Saki's voice rings in my head next to me, its urgency cutting through the fog of agony in my head. I tense up, trying to at least hold still while my body calms down so I don't end up accidentally lashing out and hitting Saki.

“You're okay,” she says, her hand moving up to the one I have firmly clamped on the top of my head. “Let me see...”

I try to calm down, sucking air in through my teeth to combat the throbbing in the top of my skull. The pain isn't helped by realization of what just happened and how stupid it was.

I was going so much faster than I thought that I slammed headfirst into the wall at full tilt.

“Hisao, let me see,” Saki says again, with more force.

I move my hand away from my head, and I can feel Saki tenderly probing through my hair with her fingertips. I grimace in pain as she touches my scalp and hiss loudly.

<<Art by rtil>>

“No blood,” she comforts, her tone soothing. “Breathe, okay?”

I nod, trying to control my breathing, the tickling in the back of my throat threatening to start another coughing fit. Slowly, slowly, my heartbeat calms down along with my breathing. My head is still pounding, but it's becoming more of a dull roar. With a final slow exhale, I try to regain some equilibrium.

That's when I notice where Saki's hands are; one on my shoulder, one splayed out across my chest.

Right over my scar.

I tense up like a deer in the headlights, my face turning hot.

Saki goes quiet when she senses the change in my demeanor. I can't look her in the eyes, so I sense - rather than see – her staring at it.

I logically know I can't be like this forever. Someone besides my doctors and family is going to have to see this sooner or later. I even know that it's not practical to wear a shirt in the pool, if for no other reason how harsh the chemicals are on fabric that isn't designed for it.

I logically know all this, but damn me if I was hoping it wouldn't come up so soon, and definitely not like this.

Last edited by Eurobeatjester on Wed May 27, 2020 5:15 am, edited 3 times in total.
Stuff I'm currently writing: Learning To Fly: A Saki Enomoto Pseudo Route
Two Turtledoves - A Lilly/Hisao Christmas Oneshot
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Re: Learning To Fly - A Saki pseudo-route (New Art 10/14)

Post by Eurobeatjester »

Saki backs off, her hands sliding back into the water. “You okay?” she asks.

I nod stiffly, my face still hot.

“Well, you were definitely faster that time, right up until you hit the wall,” she says, in a lighthearted tone.

I chuckle at how absurd what she just said was...and it's a crack in the dam I've tried to erect. I think about the whole situation, about the shirt, the scar, smacking my head, the whole last week and how uptight I've been...

There's an old anecdote I remember hearing once.

A man buys a brand new car. He drives it to his friend's house, eager to show it off. He's proud of the car, but he can't fully enjoy it because he's obsessed about the first dent that will end up damaging the beautiful paint job.

The friend bends down and picks up a rock. He throws it at the car, leaving a small dent in the door.

The man flips out, and asks his friend why he would do something like that.

The friend replies. “There, now you can stop worrying about it.”

Before I know it, I'm laughing. Laughing hard.

Saki starts too, and soon we're both laughing our heads off, the sound echoing off the walls and ceiling. It doesn't last long because it hurts like hell to laugh, but for the few seconds it does...everything just seems right in the world.

“Hey,” Saki giggles as she calms down, trying to get my attention.

“Hm?” I ask, brushing a tear out of the corner of my eye.

Saki's eyes soften as she gives me a smile. “Good job.”

I blush a bit, and unconsciously sink down into the water. It's said in such a way that I know she isn't just talking about shaving seconds off my lap, but something a lot more.

A feeling of relief and happiness washes over me. The laughter, the talking, the joking...all if it completely bleeds away the tension over the past week.

Now that the hurdle of someone seeing my scar for the first time has been cleared, it all combines to give me an overwhelming feeling of how we're going to be alright.

I just wish reaching this point was a bit less painful.

I cast another glance in her direction.

What exactly are my feelings for this girl?

Complex would be a good word to start with. For starters, she's not only been kind to me, but there's a sincerity and genuine aspect to it that I haven't felt much from others. She had no reason or motivation to talk to me the day I met her while searching for art supplies. She had no reason to walk me back to the art wing, or rescue me from the wrath of Shizune and Lilly when they were dragging me into their fight. Granted, she's made use of me since then when it comes to helping her out, but none of it seems forced.

It seems natural, like what you would do for anyone you were friends with.

You need help, so you ask for it. You can offer help, so you do.

Everyone talks about how any form of relationship is give-and-take, but I don't think I've ever been in one that meant it quite so literally as this one.

Saki has quickly become one of my good friends here, and indeed, a better friend than some of the people I knew at my old school. While a huge part of it is due to Saki being so openly honest and friendly, I know now that it's just as much on me for choosing to open up to her.

For letting her climb the ladder.

The more I learn about this girl, and the incredible person she is...the more I want to know. I want to climb higher.

“Got one more in you?” she asks.

I put up my hands in protest. “No thank you. I'm done for the day.”

Saki laughs. “I figured that was pushing it. Hope that won't put you off trying again tomorrow.”

It only takes a minute before I answer. “Not a chance. Just...not today.”

“Yeah, I think I'm done too...we don't have much time before we have to get to class,” she observes, looking at the clock again.

“Let me get out and I'll give you a hand,” I say, but Saki's already shaking her head.

Saki points to the chair lift across the pool and starts to move towards it. “No, not this time. I need to use that. Can you grab my crutches for me, though?”

“Alright,” I answer, swimming towards the stairs to climb out. I keep an eye on Saki though, my curiosity getting the better of me as I've never seen one of these things in action.

Saki reaches the metal contraption, and reaches out to push a button on its base. It comes to life with a whir and a slight hissing noise, and I watch the nest of gleaming pipes start to unfold. The seat takes a few seconds to swing up in an arc and come down, lowering itself into the water. After a few seconds, Saki hoists herself into it and presses a second button on the arm of the chair, causing it to reverse its previous motions, a bit louder with the added strain.

I almost forget what I'm supposed to be doing. I take a few long steps over to grab her crutches and towel as an afterthought, and make my way around the perimeter of the pool. I reach Saki as the chair returns to its original position with a metallic clunk.

Saki stays seated and takes the towel from me. She briefly runs it over her arms, legs, and feet before reaching a hand up to me, an expectant look in her eyes.

“Can we move to the bench? The floor's too wet here,” she says, looking down. The puddle from the chair and our combined bodies has thoroughly soaked the concrete where we're standing, and I can see why she doesn't want to take the risk of trying to get her crutches under her.

“Sure,” I say, taking her hand in mine. I help her to her feet, and she puts her arm around my shoulder again, the way she did the night she hurt herself. Unlike that night though, she's able to put weight – albeit a little – on her right ankle. We make our way to the bench by the entrance of the locker room and I gingerly help her to take a seat.

“One sec,” I say, looking up and searching the room. I find what I'm looking for, huddled up against the wall. I take a few seconds to walk over to where my shirt figuratively and literally puddled on the ground, and bend down to pick it up.

Saki has taken the tail out of her hair and is vigorously drying it with the towel, her motions uncharacteristically frantic. I'm walking back towards her when she moves the towel away, and I come to a dead stop when I see the results of her efforts. Her hair is drier than it was before, for sure.

It's also poofed out and pointing in every conceivable direction.

I laugh again. I can't help it. Saki knows exactly why I'm laughing, and shoots me a death glare as she tries to comb back the unruly mess with her fingers.

“See, this is why I wear a swim cap,” she growls in frustration, meeting with little success in trying to control the situation. She finally settles for pulling it back into another tail just to get it out of her eyes, but it's not nearly as neat or orderly as the one she walked in with a while ago.

Still chuckling, I wring my shirt out as I walk back to the bench, the drops of water leaving a trail on the concrete. I give it a shake to spread it out and slip it on, realizing too late that the shirt has turned ice cold from landing right under the air conditioning vent.

“Damn, that's cold!” I say, grabbing my own towel and wrapping myself up in it.

“Serves you right for laughing,” Saki chides, sticking her tongue out at me.

“Well, I'm supposed to have somewhat messy hair,” I shoot back. “How are you going to handle that?” I ask, raising my eyebrows at the barely contained bird nest adorning her head.

“Give me ten minutes in the shower and I'll work miracles,” she answers pridefully. I laugh and continue to dry myself off, having much better success with my own hair than Saki did with hers, apparently. Fortunately my hair will be back to normal with just a little clean water and a comb.

“I'm sure I'll see later today,” I say, bending down to get my legs. Bad idea.

The change in posture sends blood rushing to my head. The pain from earlier comes surging back, eerily pounding in time with my pulse. I quickly stand back up, resolving to check in the mirror. I know I'm going to have a lump. I'm just hoping it won't be too bad, or noticeable.

With everything else that happened this morning though, I feel it might just be worth it.

Saki's already on her feet, one crutch firmly wedged under each armpit. She's clearly favoring her right leg again, her ankle lifted on the ground, but she looks in good spirits.

“I'll meet you after class, then?” I ask, as we walk and cli-chack our way towards the locker rooms. Since her class is right on the way to the art room, it makes more sense, especially if she's going to be in her wheelchair again.

“Then band after, right?” she confirms, looking up at me. I nod my approval.

“Need any more help?” I habitually ask, looking down at Saki's crutches.

“I think I can manage the shower myself...but...I'll keep the offer in mind,” she ends with a giggle.

I'm so used to it now that I don't even blush, but instead roll my eyes. “Yeah, yeah, realized it the moment I said it.”

“Maybe you're the one who could use a hand? You did hit your head pretty hard...”

Alright, that one gets to me. I should have learned by now not to fight it. I only end up more shocked when she raises the stakes.

When I don't answer, she continues, her voice teasing me again. “It's only been a few weeks since you started this, but there's already a difference. You're looking pretty good, you know.”

I'm reminded of the fact that she saw – and touched – my chest earlier. I dip my chin a little lower, wishing my hair was a little longer so it would cover my cheeks which are now completely red from embarrassment.

“Hey,” she says, gently elbowing me in the ribs, forcing me to look at her. She smiles mischievously and winks at me.

“Don't you know? Chicks dig scars.”

“Damnit,” I exhale, smiling and silently cracking up inside at how she manages to completely take the edge off a situation by attacking it head on. “I still have no idea how you do that.”

“Good,” she says, with a self satisfied smug. “Keep 'em guessing.”

I shake my head and laugh, despite the pain.

“See you after class, Saki.”

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Last edited by Eurobeatjester on Thu Dec 10, 2015 4:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
Stuff I'm currently writing: Learning To Fly: A Saki Enomoto Pseudo Route
Two Turtledoves - A Lilly/Hisao Christmas Oneshot
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Re: Learning To Fly - A Saki pseudo-route (Updated 10/15)

Post by freddy753 »

Well, that was a nice chapter. Seems like you put a lot of work in. Good to see you back in action, EBJ.
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Re: Learning To Fly - A Saki pseudo-route (Updated 10/15)

Post by Mirage_GSM »

This continues to be my favourite Saki Story on the forums.
Thanks for having him hit his head instead of the ubiquitious heart attack :-)

Also, nice picture!
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Re: Learning To Fly - A Saki pseudo-route (Updated 10/15)

Post by Alpacalypse »

I alternated between having a big, stupid grin on my face and laughing throughout that whole chapter. It's really good. :D

Looking forward to the next one, too. I'm okay with a wait if we keep getting stuff this good. :wink:
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Re: Learning To Fly - A Saki pseudo-route (Updated 10/15)

Post by Eurobeatjester »

I'm glad I'm not the only one who enjoys seeing Hisao in pain :)
Stuff I'm currently writing: Learning To Fly: A Saki Enomoto Pseudo Route
Two Turtledoves - A Lilly/Hisao Christmas Oneshot
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Eurobeatjester wrote:I doubt my ability to write convincing lesbian erotica
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Re: Learning To Fly - A Saki pseudo-route (Updated 10/15)

Post by timetravelzero »

An excellent update, as always.

Not to mimic the others, but I cackled at Hisao's speedy headbutt into the pool wall. So much justice for the Master of Romance :lol:
I know my art is low-level, but here. This was inspired by your prior update and by rewatching the original Fate/Stay Night anime.
I know my art is low-level, but here. This was inspired by your prior update and by rewatching the original Fate/Stay Night anime.
Saber-Saki.png (12.9 MiB) Viewed 6911 times
Akira>Lilly=Shizune>Emi>Hanako>Mutou=Nurse>Saki>Misha=Rika>Yuuko>Meiko=Miki>Suzu>Kenji>Rin=Iwanako>Jigoro>Nomiya>{POWERGAP}>Hisao Eh, my opinion anyway
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Re: Learning To Fly - A Saki pseudo-route (Updated 10/15)

Post by Blackmambauk »

Just spent most of the day re-reading your entire story just to remind myself of the finer details when it comes to your latest chapter.

Great chapter overall, there was comedy, drama and overall some development here. Thought there was some nice progress for Hisao in this chapter, of course as always ever remains clueless to the fact that he has got a thing for Saki. Throughout his monologue for the first quarter of the chapter. My reaction to Hisao apart from wanting to smack his head was this.


Seriously Hisao was being that dense that a face palm would be a wasted effort.

Though I can understand some of his complex thoughts when his interactions with Saki have been, how should I say this was more in the friend zone at first but has grown more into sexual and romantic tension with each passing chapter.

With this chapter now allowing that subtext between Hisao and Saki to be let out between them.

Hopefully the smack to the wall via head will help Hisao to get a clue. Really liked how that came out of nowhere when Hisao was having his rocky type moment of going the distance with his swimming. I really liked that this chapter had him remove his shirt in a sign of being more comfortable and relaxed around Saki in private, but also showing his scar to her as well. Showing that he is no longer treating his condition as much as an issue as it was before.

With the wall incident, I really liked how the roles between helper and helpless were reversed this time between Hisao and Saki. Hisao has been the one helping her these last few chapters, now it's Saki who gets to be the one in the helper position. This reminds me of one of my favourite lines from Emi's route, the one where Hisao convinces Emi that they are knights who help and support each other. This I believe is what Saki and Hisao's relationship is shaping up to be and I really like that. Since some writers would have gone the route of Hisao being the helper and supporting Saki with her condition and Saki just being the helpless sweet girl who's going to die younger than most.

It's a trap that's easy to walk into for a number of writers, but in this chapter you have really shown to me that you are going to avoid that with Hisao and Saki. That they both will need each other to confront the issues that await them.

Saki definitely had the Emi vibe of running away from her problems in this chapter. What with quitting the art club, being a bit uncomfortable in talking about her ankle and just waving off the week like it's not a lot.

It's clear like Emi she is very frustrated in being in the wheelchair and that sooner or later her attempts to just continue on like nothing aren't going to work. I really liked how she describes swimming as in a way freeing her from her condition for just a little bit, where as she said can fly, she can stay afloat in her own way and not need a rock like her cane to maintain her balance. Her words fit with the art title for act two with her on her back. Saki is in her zone when she is in the pool, where she doesn't have to force herself to keep balance, to maintain everything is fine. To lose that ability even a sight bit would make anyone cranky, but for Saki it's like her wing's have been clipped.

I wonder if her leg will be fine as she say's it will be, or if she is not being as honest with Hisao as he thinks. Besides having Hisao helping her into the pull might suit her very well in enjoying his warmth and scar.

Liked how she teased Hisao about his scar and a potential visit to the showers, oh yes I do imagine that they both need to remove some fluids and chemicals from their bodies.

So I imagine part of the next chapter will see Hisao and Saki going to the art club. That should prove to be interesting to see, for a few reasons, potential Rin cameo, the likihood of Maeda appearance and some harsh words to be said between him, Hisao and Saki. Finally of course Mr Nomiya, the fat bastard who quite frankly comes off as a paedo in so many ways with the way he acts and looks at times. He's like that one teacher at school that you just think someday your going to find some dark secret about him out. Looking forward to seeing how you use him.

Okay I have rambled on long enough, another great chapter and I really cannot wait for the second half of Act two's finale.


ps. I love that red dress picture, now that she empathises all of Saki's attractive features, along with looking like she's about to tango or dance with Hisao. or have a formal dinner. That is if it's a hint of what's coming.
"I think the greatest skill a writer can have is simply having confidence in themselves to tell the story they want to tell, and to have confidence that their audience will make up their own minds on their story and characters." Blackmambauk

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Re: Learning To Fly - A Saki pseudo-route (Updated 10/15)

Post by Peorth »

Noticed a typo:
I reach Saki as the chair returns to its original permission with a metallic clunk.
should be 'position', I imagine.
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Re: Learning To Fly - A Saki pseudo-route (Updated 10/15)

Post by Eurobeatjester »

Peorth wrote:Noticed a typo:
I reach Saki as the chair returns to its original permission with a metallic clunk.
should be 'position', I imagine.
Caught it! Silly little gremlins!
Stuff I'm currently writing: Learning To Fly: A Saki Enomoto Pseudo Route
Two Turtledoves - A Lilly/Hisao Christmas Oneshot
Blank Mage wrote:
Eurobeatjester wrote:I doubt my ability to write convincing lesbian erotica
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Re: Learning To Fly - A Saki pseudo-route (Updated 10/15)

Post by Eurobeatjester »

Anyway, some time to respond :D Thank you for the feedback so far. I took this chapter in a bit of a different direction and I'm glad it's being received positively.
Hisao being dense
I tried to use this chapter to show that he was actively trying to move away from being so dense, mostly by realizing just how dense he was being and having a few things fall into place for him. As the VN progresses, he still has the Master Of Romance moments, but overall he seems to become a lot more aware and empathetic to what's going on around him. I also wanted to present the teenage (oh hell, who am I kidding, I'm sure we all do it as adults too) awkwardness that comes when you take a step forward in a relationship without either of you actively meaning to do so. You kind of get paralyzed in place because you're scared that you could lose what you have, but you both know that things really can't go back to the way they were and it creates an uncomfortable situation for everyone involved.

At any rate, I hope the exasperation that was felt towards Hisao was because it was in-character.
Hisao the Juggernaut and aftermath
I'm really happy none of you saw that coming - neither did Hisao :lol: I thought it would be funny to have him come out of his shell and get smacked down a peg, but not in a mean-spirited way. I'm glad it made several of you actually laugh out loud :) I admit, I drew from personal experience from this, and let me tell you - that shit HURTS.

I didn't start writing this chapter intending for it to play out the way it did. I had originally planned for the scar reveal to happen later, and I didn't have any thoughts of the role reversal of Hisao being helped...but after I decided to write Hisao slamming his head into the wall, that's just the way it progressed.
Saki's problems
It's definitely not her running away from them the way that Emi does. I thought I dropped a hint but it might have been a bit too subtle to be seen as foreshadowing. Ah, well. A little more on that next chapter.

It wouldn't be Saki if she didn't throw out a teasing line once or twice. It's strange, because it's not something you'll hear many authors say, because it comes off as extremely pretentious...but the characters that an author defines grow on them as much as they grow on an audience. I love Saki's sense of wit and humor and her ability to deflate situations with humor, and to not have her do that for Hisao in that moment just seems wrong. She's an absolute joy to write.

Replaying Rin's route to get a handle on Nomiya's personality is fucking exhausting. Him and Kenji are the two characters I dread writing the most because I know they're going to be very difficult for me to get a handle on.

ANYWAY, Next chapter is DEFINITELY the end of the act. I'll do my best to have it out in November.
Stuff I'm currently writing: Learning To Fly: A Saki Enomoto Pseudo Route
Two Turtledoves - A Lilly/Hisao Christmas Oneshot
Blank Mage wrote:
Eurobeatjester wrote:I doubt my ability to write convincing lesbian erotica
believe in yourself
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Re: Learning To Fly - A Saki pseudo-route (Updated 10/15)

Post by Mirage_GSM »

I'm really happy none of you saw that coming...
To be honest, I already expected it to happen on his first timed try - when I read that he wasn't actually looking where he was swimming, I knew that wouldn't end well.
When he tried again after taking off his shirt, the line before the accident ("I mentally note that in a few more seconds and I should be") already had me grinning. :twisted:
This reminds me of one of my favourite lines from Emi's route, the one where Hisao convinces Emi that they are knights who help and support each other.
Yup, same here. My second favourite scene in that route after "Putting the Fun in Funeral"
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: Learning To Fly - A Saki pseudo-route (Updated 10/15)

Post by brythain »

"Learning To Swim — The Saki Actual (Not Pseudo) Route" :D
Post-Yamaku, what happens? After The Dream is a mosaic that follows everyone to the (sometimes) bitter end.
Main Index (Complete)Shizune/Lilly/Emi/Hanako/Rin/Misha + Miki + Natsume
Secondary Arcs: Rika/Mutou/AkiraHideaki | Others (WIP): Straw—A Dream of SuzuSakura—The Kenji Saga.
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Re: Learning To Fly - A Saki pseudo-route (Updated 10/15)

Post by Blackmambauk »

Eurobeatjester wrote: I tried to use this chapter to show that he was actively trying to move away from being so dense,
Overall I felt you succeeded in doing that, Hisao really was a lot more aware that he felt something for Saki, something more than friendship and you are right that he is debating about whether he is ready to cross that line between friendship and the next thing that many struggle to do in life. For as you said fear of ruining a good thing.

On not seeing Hisao go into the wall, I had assume that his heart would give out like when he ran in Emi route, you avoiding that and going for the head was a nice twist overall and made more sense.
Eurobeatjester wrote: It's definitely not her running away from them the way that Emi does.
I overall misread the bits of where Saki was being coy in the last chapter, it's more overall of downplaying them the way Lilly would do rather than running from them like Emi would, though sometimes your writing of Saki cans witch from emi vibe to Lilly vibe sometimes in the same scene that it's uncanny at times. Which I consider a good thing as it keeps Saki's main issues from being easy to figure out, along with making her more original and matching the description of her character in the joke blog.

I love how Saki throw's out tease lines and uses humour to deflate situations as a number of people including myself do in real life. That sort of person is very attractive in my eyes and makes them great company to be round. Plus it's a great way of showing chemistry between Saki and Hisao.
Eurobeatjester wrote: Replaying Rin's route to get a handle on Nomiya's personality
The hard thing about writing for a character like Nomiya, Kenji and I include Jigoro here as well. Is that because their personalities and attributes are over the top, abrasive in a number of ways and can border on just being too much. That it can be hard to balance when they are being comical and enjoyable to read, and when you basically want to just punch them and get them off your page.

As while Nomiya in my view is the most unpleasant character in KS for reasons ranging from him being obnoxious overall to his treatment of Rin being borderline abusive. He has a few moments in Rin's route where I concede he had a point or things that myself can attest to in real life i.e. when he talks about the event and informing the public about Rin's lack of arms, and how hard it is to balance of not being seen to be what's the word... "special person Savant event" but to not hide the fact that Rin paints with her feet.

Overall I think you will do fine with writing Nomiya as you have been good with the other characters so far and I'm sure you have an idea of what you want the context to be when Nomiya appears. As the man isn't without one or two softer traits, and this is coming from someone who hates the man with a vigor.

Rin's route overall is quite exhausting to go though for reason's we all know. Hence why I have only been through it 3 times despite me liking Rin's character a lot.

Looking forward to seeing the finale, whenever it's ready.

"I think the greatest skill a writer can have is simply having confidence in themselves to tell the story they want to tell, and to have confidence that their audience will make up their own minds on their story and characters." Blackmambauk

Favourite Route= All the Routes were done well. Each had it's strengths and weak points. But none were bad, a brilliant achievement by the KS Team.
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