Miraimyth: The Miniseries - [Concluded!]


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Miraimyth: The Miniseries - 12/10/15

Post by Sharp-O »

Chapter 03: Serendipity


I half-expect Endo to be waiting for my return. I pass a rather disgruntled Kyoko and smirk. Maybe he was here and had to evade capture. Good man.

I enter my room and place the stack of research materials onto my desk and begin changing into my pyjamas. I don’t plan on leaving tonight and I have enough snacks to last until tomorrow. The sudden knock on my door conjures a strange sensation, a pulse of anxiety rippling through my body. I never have visitors. No, except Endo. He visits.

I reach for the door instinctively but think better of myself. “What’s the password?” I ask through the door only to be answered by a female voice on the other side.

“Password? Hikari didn’t mention a password… Look, I’m Natsuki, one of your neighbours. Hikari came looking for you earlier, just thought I’d let you know.”

Two of four locks are unlatched and I slide the door open, revealing a small brunette with a quizzical look to her. “Thank you, Natsuki. I appreciate you telling me.” I smile, crouching down to meet her eyes as a courtesy and she seems pleased to have done her duty.

“No problem. Getting an early night?” She asks and I giggle.

“Oh no, planning quite a long one in fact, just getting comfy.” I explain and she nods with a certain degree of understanding.

“Okay, I won’t keep you but if you ever feel like hanging out, let me know, ‘kay?” She offers sweetly and I paint on a smile. Maybe.

“Sure.” I respond politely and give a wave as she walks away. I close the door and lock it again. Meeting two new people in the same day. Must be a new record for me. They seem nice enough, but then, everyone seems nice here. I have no doubt that people will fall into the same tired cliques that you find in most schools. I wonder where those two fit into the grand puzzle of Yamaku?

I turn on my desktop and sit cross-legged in my luxurious leather chair; a wonderful gift from my father, who knew I always adored sitting in it while in his study. I spread the newspapers across the desk and consider the headlines as well as the sparse information given to me by Miss Suzu. It’s an odd tale, to be sure, and it all begins with Hanako Ikezawa.

I pull my chair closer to the desk and begin the search, which is remarkably easy. Just googling her name brings up her professional website. Huh, she went from reporting to fiction writing. Double-barrelled name, that’s… Unique. Scouring the information, most of which is synopses for her light novel series, I find the contact page and copy the email address into my mail client.

Dear Mrs Ikezawa-Hayashi…


Suzu was very helpful for a change, but that may have something to do with getting me out the door as soon as Miss Kapur walked in. I don’t really know how many of the students know they’re dating but from the way Miss Kapur dotes on the sleepy librarian, it’s kind of obvious.

I wistfully sigh at the idea of them being old class-mates, finding each other and ending up here. Together. It’s a nice story, a classic romantic tale rather than the ludicrous situation I found myself in earlier. Not that I’m opposed to that kind of thing. It’s a little trite, sure, but there are worse ways to begin a story. I’m just opening the door to the boys’ dorms when my attention is drawn behind me.

“Hold the door!” I look over my shoulder to see a black-haired boy barrelling up the ramp toward the door. He leans to open the other and looks up to me. “Thanks!”

“N-no problem.” I respond automatically but now he’s stopped, I realise this must be the boy that Kyoko is after.

“Are you okay?” He asks and I realise I’ve been staring.

“S-sorry, just realised I haven’t sp-spoken to many of the newbies.” I deflect with a chuckle and offer my hand out. “I’m Akira.”

“Hikari.” He responds with a smile and a really firm handshake. “Meeting all sorts of people today, a short girl in the girls’ dorms just saved my skin from that crazy Kyoko girl.” He laughs and I think about it before realising who he means.

“About yay-high?” I ask, placing my hand at about waist height, as if planted on the head of my best friend. “Really l-loud?”

“You know Natsuki?” He asks surprised and I chuckle.

Unfortunately…” I half-joke and he grins widely.

“Ah, so you’re her shy friend.” Between his warm smile and Natsuki talking to him about me, I have to pull my scarf up to hide my burning cheeks. “It’s okay, man. She didn’t say anything bad about you.” He assures but that’s not what I’m worried about…

“Sorry, it’s a n-nervous habit. Working on it.” I apologise and he holds his hands up.

“I get it, we’ve all got hang-ups. You’re looking at Yamaku’s newest, and fastest apparently, track star who can’t win a race.” He tilts his head with a bemused smile and I release a snort of amusement through my nose.

“There’s a t-terrific psychologist on staff if you f-feel you need to talk to someone about it…” I offer in the most nonchalant way I can muster without accusing the guy of being a nutcase.

“Nah, Miss Ibarazaki already suggested Miss Kapur and I declined. I don’t think it’s that big a deal. When it comes to a real race, I’ll win.” He vaguely explains as we reach the elevator. We step inside, hitting our floors buttons and I notice he’s on the floor below mine.

“Well, if not the staff, you c-can always talk to me. Or Nat, since she’s already h-helped you out of a jam once already.” I laugh and he nods.

“Okay, you got it. I’ve gotta go but I’ll see you around, yeah?” He smiles, rolling out of the elevator.

“Sure thing. Nice meeting you, Hikari.” I wave and as soon as the elevator doors close, I finally think I get what the female students, and especially Kyoko, have been whispering about.

A soft smile tugs at the corners of my mouth as the elevator dings, arriving at my floor.



[Thanks for covering for me, Endo. I appreciate it.] I type into the messaging app that sits hovering above the window where my inbox is displayed.

[No problem, but can we run through excuses some time? I don’t think menstrual cramps will work two times in a row.] He responds and I chuckle, giving thought to my next statement.

[I’m surprised you weren’t pressed on the issue.]

[What do you mean?]

[How would you, personally, know about my periods? I’m going to come back to class tomorrow as the subject of several scurrilous rumours, aren’t I?] I close my eye and sit tittering to myself until I hear the response chime through my headphones.

[Hardly, I had a private word with the teachers. Hopefully you can get away with it this time.]

[Again, thank you.] I type genuinely. He’s been a fantastic ally… No, friend… Since my arrival. Surprising really. We’re like oil and water. Under normal school conditions, we probably wouldn’t mix but I guess there’s bigger mysteries in the world than the monsters I chase.

[Met a couple interesting peeps today. Nat, your short neighbour and her best friend, Akira.] He states and I raise an eyebrow curiously.


[Maybe. Scarf, dirty blonde hair, stutter.] Well I’ll be damned. Maybe it’s more than coincidence after all. What are the chances that we both meet the same two people on the same day? Astronomical, I’m sure.

[You could say that we ran into each other at the library.]

[You literally ran into him, didn’t you? ¬_¬]

I puff out my cheeks indignantly at his sarcastic comment and use of emoji. He knows I don’t like them.

My browser window updates and I see that I finally got a response to my earlier email. I type out a quick goodbye to Endo and promise to see him before class before minimising the messenger window. I open the email and begin to read it.

Hello, Mono!

Thank you for emailing me. It’s wonderful to hear from a Yamaku student, especially one who read my silly old articles.

I was quite surprised to hear about the proliferation of the Nocturne Joker story, naturally. I assume you’re aware of the origin thanks to Suzu and the three outings that I wrote about during my time as a student reporter but I was unaware of anyone else using the alias after my husband and I graduated. Quite the mystery you have on your hands!

Given the amount of time that has passed, I doubt our immediate successors will remember the stories they published ten plus years ago but I’ll reach out and pass on any information I find. I hope you will do the same too. Akio and I would be very interested to see the other newspaper stories and your findings so please keep us in the loop. If you require any further details, please don’t hesitate to ask.

All the best,
Hanako Ikezawa-Hayashi

Well, I didn’t expect much in response but given her connection to the entity, it’s nice to know I’ll have at least some back-up. It is very odd though.

Three appearances during 2007, all written by the original creator. But then a reappearance in late 2008, after her graduation, then another in 2010, and so on. Sporadic appearances, no more than two years apart. Can fictional characters take on a life of their own? There’s many examples in fiction but in reality? Maybe some ghost stories and urban legends, many long debunked.

I type out a thank you and say I will definitely scan the stories for them before hitting send. I rest my back and tent my fingers together in thought. This is a big story. Maybe too big for me. An urban legend permeated across multiple generations of students, many of whom may be the conspirators of the ongoing narrative.

Curiouser and curiouser.
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Re: Miraimyth: The Miniseries - 12/10/15

Post by Alpacalypse »

Hm. I wonder what the Nocturne Joker thing is. A mystery indeed...

Also, these characters are entertaining as all hell. Especially Mono. She's fun. :)
I am the harbinger of your destruction... By herbivorous, mountain dwelling quadrupeds... fear me
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Re: Miraimyth: The Miniseries - 12/10/15

Post by Sharp-O »

Alpacalypse wrote:Hm. I wonder what the Nocturne Joker thing is. A mystery indeed...
I wanted something from the original story to carry over and it made the most sense that the character Hanakio made up somehow continued on after they left.
Alpacalypse wrote:Also, these characters are entertaining as all hell. Especially Mono. She's fun. :)
I'm really digging her too. She's equal parts Rin and Kenji. :D Thanks for reading, Al!
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Miraimyth: The Miniseries - 15/10/15

Post by Sharp-O »

Chapter 04: Prey


I’m already at my desk when Mono finally graces me with her presence. She weaves through the thigh-high maze of desks, avoiding the student-shaped dead ends until she finally takes her seat behind me. I swivel my chair around to look at her more closely and sure enough, she’s got thick bags under her eyes. Another late night.

If I hadn’t seen it before, the curved bruise-like skin blemish under the patch of skin where her right eye should be would weird me out. Okay, it still kinda does but not as much as the first time.

“I know, Endo… I should have gotten more sleep…” She yawns, robbing me of the chance to chastise her.

“At least you’re here. Mrs Todoroki would have been on my ass otherwise.” I sigh, watching Mono sluggishly empty the contents of her bag onto the desk and begin to sort it into her usual peculiar order. Organised chaos, that’s Mono in nutshell.

“Sorry I missed you yesterday. Miss Suzu was spinning a yarn about her time as a student. It was surprisingly helpful to my new research.” Mono drones and I lean sideways, my elbow perched along the edge of her desk.

“The Twist-turn Polka, right?” I smirk and she musters enough energy to bat my arm accompanied by an unimpressed scowl.

Nocturne Joker.” She mutters before leaning in conspiratorially. She looks around a little and I do the same before leaning closer to hear her whispered explanation. “It started as a cunning ruse to foil a book-thief, made-up by a rookie Newspaper Club member and her boyfriend. They used it twice more before they graduated. Apparently they were unaware of it continuing on after that.”

“Really? So some character they made up just… What? Came to life?” I ask, mildly confused. Honestly, I wouldn’t put it past Mono to be thinking along that line.

“That’s one possibility.” Called it. “But there’s also the possibility that someone took up the mantle, inspired by the legend of the year before.”

“Huh. That’s kind of a cool concept.” I admit and Mono smiles slightly.

“Agreed. I’m waiting on some details but what I have so far looks very promising.” Her smile grows wider as she leans back. Our home room teacher walks in just as the bell chimes to begin today’s lessons.



Endo returns with our drinks from the vending machine as I finish placing our desks front-to-front. He places an S-CUP energy drink where my watermelon soda should be. I frown at the medicine-like bottle and then at Endo, who dispels my ire with a smirk.

“This isn’t what I wanted.” I explain as he slides his legs under his desk opposite me.

“No, but it is what you need. You look beat, Mono.” He raises his eyebrows in an expression of sympathy and concern. Understandable, even welcome, but this is still not what I ordered.

“I would’ve preferred a soda…” I mutter as I pull the bottle towards me. Endo chuckles as he shifts in his chair and reveals a metal can, practically sweating with condensation. “I see where this is going…” I sigh.

“Clever girl. Drink all of that and you get this as a treat.” He taunts, placing it just out of my reach.

“You can be a real jerk you know that, Endo?” I puff out my cheeks and he laughs, softening my attempt at a scowl. I know he’s just looking out for me. Like the big brother I never had. My eye flickers over his left shoulder as a familiar figure rolls through the classroom door.

“Oh dear.” I say with mild surprise as I twist off the cap of the energy drink. “The rolling reporter’s here.” A visible shudder runs through my companion and he looks at me with the desperation of a cornered animal.

“There’s no escape this time, is there?” He asks and I look towards the window.

“Depends how you feel about broken legs.” I smile slightly, knowing full well that we’re only on the first floor but the eight-foot sheer drop might be enough to break his limp legs if he landed wrong.

“It’s not like I’m using them, right?” He jokes with a crooked smile as he lowers his head.

Hikari Endo!” The boisterous announcement resonates around the nearly empty class-room, disturbing a couple of our classmates. “You, sir, are a tough guy to catch.”

Think I can still make it out the window?” Endo asks quietly and I chuckle softly before shaking my head. He takes a breath, putting on his most debonair smile and turns his chair to face the enemy.

“You’ll be happy to know you’re the first, Kyoko.” He says with a smile that would melt any young woman’s heart, and often does. I take the brief pause in conversation to consider the pair from the Newspaper Club.

Kyoko Nozama, a second-year reporter with a tenacious attitude but little-to-no actual deductive skill. It took her much longer than I would have to find Endo. I suppose she could be considered attractive, brunette hair tied into a high ponytail and long, slender legs. Much like Endo, she is confined to a wheelchair but due to a fall rather than an accident. Nasty business, that.

The tall boy beside her is Eiji Something-or-other; her second-in-command, the Club’s proof-reader and the epitome of non-descript. He’s so bland that I don’t even have the words to describe him, let alone remember his last name. No real distinguishing features or quirks, just a dark-haired student with a cane. How boring.

“To what do I owe the pleasure?” Endo pours on the charm and Kyoko reacts with a slight blush.

“Well, I’ve been after you for a while, Hikari…” She begins, the complete lack of subtlety in her tone and words is astounding. Is this how she flirts? Because she’s got about as much guile as punch to the face.

Putting it mildly…” I mutter under my breath and Eiji bristles at my comment, seemingly the only one to have caught it.

“And I know our readers are just dying to know more about the fastest track star Yamaku has seen since Emi Ibarazaki. Do you have time for a one-on-one this afternoon?” She practically purrs the question and Endo rubs the back of his head.

“Unfortunately, I’m going to be training this afternoon and then I have to head into town…” Endo rambles, making excuses on the spot. Luckily, he reacts quickly to Kyoko’s sceptical gaze and switches gears, going on the charm offensive. “We can do it later in the week, if that works for you of course.” Credit where it’s due, he knows how to use his own wiles to counter hers.

“That sounds… Perfect. Saturday afternoon, one-on-one, Hi-ka-ri En-do.” She types the notes into her phone with coy smile and thanks Endo for his time. She offers a cursory goodbye to me before dragging her henchman off.

“Holy crap, I feel like I’ve just had every drop of joy drained out of me.” He gasps, as he turns to face me again. He braces himself against the desk, emotionally drained by the act of feigned enthusiasm.

“I think that’s her plan for you in general. What have I told you about succubi, Endo?” I remind him, mildly amused at his terrified expression.

“You’re not funny, Mono…” He groans, planting his forehead firmly on the desk. “At least now I have until Saturday to get her off my case…”

I stand on my tip-toes, reaching across our desks and retrieving my soda, cracking it open as I plonk down in my seat. The noise catches Endo’s attention and I point to the empty energy drink before I guzzle down the soda, the sweet carbonated burn running down my throat in triumph.



“Oh my god, I can’t believe you just said that!” I whisper-shout at Akira who avoids my gaze, pulling up his scarf to hide his crimson cheeks. Our English teacher is busy with Hitomi, Jiro and Makoto’s group so I get away with it this time.

“It’s not a big d-deal, okay? I just said I can see the appeal.” Akira mutters, trying to focus on his worksheet but looking up when Touka taps the desk rapidly to catch his attention. The onyx-haired girl signs something to him and he responds with curt hand movements and a roll of his eyes. She giggles silently, her shoulders quaking as she covers her mouth. Akira sighs and goes back to his work.

[What did he tell you?] I write on a note and slide it to Touka, who scribbles her response and passes it back.

[He admitted that he thought that boy you like is cute.]

“I don’t like him, Akira! And you do realise you could have lied to her.” I whisper and Akira’s piercing eyes meet mine.

“You’d have only told her s-something worse if I’d lied so what the hell? Besides, I didn’t say he was c-cute, I said I can see the appeal.” He grumbles, casting a disparaging glare at the impish Touka who sticks her tongue out at him and I see the faintest hint of a smile in his cheeks.


Walking back to the dorms, Akira catches sight of Hikari and Mono approaching. He nudges my shoulder with the back of his hand and mutters “Here comes your boyfriend” before throwing the same hand up in the air.

“Hi guys!” He cheerfully calls out as blood rushes to my face.

You sonuvabitch, I’m gonna kick yourOh hi, guys! Heading into town?” I half-threaten and half-greet the first-years who greet us just as warmly.

“Yeah, you guys need anything since we’re heading to the Aura Mart?” Hikari offers and I look sheepishly at the ground, remembering an essential I forgot the other day.

“Um, yeah…” I admit.

“I’m good but if you three are going, I m-might as well come along.” Akira says, adjusting the bag on his back. “Mind if I get changed first?”

“Not at all, Nomura. It’ll be fun.” Mono says with a small smile, her hands tucked neatly into the pockets of her hoodie.

“Okay, we’ll go dump our stuff and meet you at the front gates, okay?” I announce and they agree. Ten minutes later, we’re all heading down to town, talking about Hikari’s awful day.
Last edited by Sharp-O on Thu Oct 05, 2023 4:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Miraimyth: The Miniseries - 15/10/15

Post by swampie2 »

“He comes your boyfriend”
Here comes your boyfriend.

We've got the four together, I'm looking forward to where things go!
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Re: Miraimyth: The Miniseries - 15/10/15

Post by Sharp-O »

swampie2 wrote:Here comes your boyfriend.
Fuck me, I'm gradually getting worse! Clearly my powers are draining from me. Everyone lift your hands to the sky and give me your energy!
swampie2 wrote:We've got the four together, I'm looking forward to where things go!
The same place Monomyth went: Shenanigans, romance and bullshit :lol:
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Re: Miraimyth: The Miniseries - 15/10/15

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

For some reason, after the four of them got together at the end, my first thought was "Well, the gangs all here! Now we can all die together!". My mind is weird sometimes. :lol:
Best girl

Best route
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Re: Miraimyth: The Miniseries - 15/10/15

Post by Sharp-O »

AntonSlavik020 wrote:For some reason, after the four of them got together at the end, my first thought was "Well, the gangs all here! Now we can all die together!". My mind is weird sometimes. :lol:
He... Hehe... Yeah, just you being weird, Anton *tugs at collar* But rest assured, I'm not going to kill off any of the kids. :)
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Re: Miraimyth: The Miniseries - 15/10/15

Post by Alpacalypse »

Sharp-O wrote:The same place Monomyth went: Shenanigans, romance and bullshit
I'm down with this :D
Sharp-O wrote:rest assured, I'm not going to kill off any of the kids.
I'm now suspicious -_- <-- Squint of distrust
I am the harbinger of your destruction... By herbivorous, mountain dwelling quadrupeds... fear me
I also write now, apparently. Since everyone else does it, I'm putting it here
I have also discovered that I'm a decent proofreader. Anybody with SPaG problems is free to PM me their work for a thorough analysis and/or evisceration. Depends on how I'm feeling.
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Re: Miraimyth: The Miniseries - 15/10/15

Post by Sharp-O »

Alpacalypse wrote:
Sharp-O wrote:The same place Monomyth went: Shenanigans, romance and bullshit
I'm down with this :D
Somehow, I thought that'd be the case :wink:
Alpacalypse wrote:
Sharp-O wrote:rest assured, I'm not going to kill off any of the kids.
I'm now suspicious -_- <-- Squint of distrust
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Re: Miraimyth: The Miniseries - 15/10/15

Post by Hesmiyu »

Sharp-O wrote:But rest assured, I'm not going to kill off any of the kids. :)
What about the adults? :P. I'm not sure why but I have a feeling one of the kids may get injured in some way.
The line below is false.
The line above is true.

Being disabled is just differently abled differently labelled.

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Re: Miraimyth: The Miniseries - 15/10/15

Post by Sharp-O »

Hesmiyu wrote:
Sharp-O wrote:But rest assured, I'm not going to kill off any of the kids. :)

What about the adults? :P. I'm not sure why but I have a feeling one of the kids may get injured in some way.
Now you're thinking with portals.
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Miraimyth: The Miniseries - 17/10/15

Post by Sharp-O »

Chapter 05: Questions


We wave off our blonde friends as Mono drags a bewildered Akira towards the main building.

“That’s going to be trouble, I can just tell.” Natsuki comments, turning to face me with an adorable smile. Her diminutive figure is only accentuated by her strange choice of clothes, dressed like she jumped into her hamper and came out like this. “Eyes up here, slick.” She titters as my eyes dart from her cut-off denim shorts to her big brown eyes.

“Sorry, just thought you looked really nice.” I offer sheepishly and she twists her body to take a good look at herself.

“Thanks, you don’t look too bad yourself.” She responds with a playful wink. “Who knew you had a half-decent fashion sense.” I pull at my hooded vest and the stylish t-shirt underneath.

“Eh, this is what I always wear when I’m facing a firing squad.” I joke, checking my phone for the time. “Thanks for coming with me, Nat. I’d have asked Mono but…” I gesture in the direction my one-eyed friend had gone, earning a giggle from Nat.

“I don’t mind, Hikari!” She waves dismissively. “Besides, I figure I saved your ass once from Kyoko, I can do it again.”

“Since you’re playing my bodyguard, I’ll treat you to lunch in town.” I start rolling and allow Natsuki to set the pace. She’s quick for having such short legs but as we exit the school gates and reach the apex of the hill, she stops to catch her breath.

“Are you okay?” I ask as she leans against the thigh-high wooden barrier that runs along the side of the footpath that becomes a perilous grassy verge.

“Yeah, just wish I’d brought my cane now…” She huffs, rubbing her thighs. “Problem with being half the size, you gotta travel twice the distance.”

I look down the hill and see a fair number of students also making the trip to town on this sunny Saturday afternoon. I twist my chair and look back up the footpath to see more following us.

“C’mon, I’ll give you a lift.” I sigh, leaning as far forward as I can and backing my chair onto the road. I don’t think we’re in any danger since I’ve never seen a car on this road. I pull my fingerless leather gloves out of a side pocket in the chair and tug them on.

“I’m not seeing a passenger seat, slick…” She mutters as she sidles up to me. I thrust my hands under her armpits and lift her onto my lap, the surprised girl shrieking a little as I do so. “Hikariwhatareyoudoingputmedown!”

“It’s a wheelchair, Nat, the whole thing is a passenger seat.” I laugh, a couple students giving us funny looks as they catch up to us and pass. Natsuki’s face becomes a deep crimson and she glares at me.

“You could have warned me, jackass! And how are you so freakishly strong? You picked me up like I was nothing!” She rambles, both flustered and annoyed at my boldness. “And why am I sitting in your god damn lap?”

“Like I said, I’m giving you a lift.” I explain with a smile but it doesn’t alter her sour face.

“I bet you use that line with all the girls…” She pouts, folding her arms and looking away.

“Only the cute ones I know. So just Mono and you.” I laugh and she looks at me bemused.

“You let Mono sit in your lap?”

“Only when we’re in a hurry!” I cackle as I start the chair rolling, the sudden movement causing Natuski to wrap her arms around me.

“Hikari, you bastard!” She cries and laughs in equal measure as we begin to pick up speed down the hill. With her hands holding tight, my own hands are pressed lightly against the metal grips on my wheels as they turn, the hardy leather covering my palms keeping us at a decent pace while gravity does the rest of the work.

I think this is my favourite thing to do at Yamaku. The speed, the rush of wind and the confused looks of those confined to using their legs. Racing down this hill, I feel faster than light.

“Can we do that again?” Natsuki grins up at me with the same kind of excitement that my little sister and Mono have done before as we come to a rolling stop just short of the Aura Mart, her laughter dying down a little as we slowed.

“Not right now, my hands are running a little hot.” I say, pulling the gloves off and wincing at my reddening palms.

“Holy crap, are you okay?” She takes my left hand into hers and looks at it closely.

“Yeah, it’ll pass.” I reassure her, clenching my fist and pulling it back. She gives me an unsure look and slides off my lap onto her feet.

“Let me go buy a couple cold drinks.” She suggests and I nod, watching her waddle the short distance toward the supermarket.


“How’re your hands?” Nat asks as I cradle the unopened can of soda, the once ice-cold metal now much warmer. I look at my palms and smirk.

“All better. Thanks for the drink!” I crack open the drink and take a big gulp. “Aaaaah, that’s the stuff.”

The park is peaceful, with the odd family and a small group of students loitering on the grass. I parked next to a bench that Natsuki picked out and we’ve been chatting for a while. It’s been nice.

“Helloooo, Hikari~” The nice mood had to end some time. Kyoko trundles towards me, still clad in her uniform blazer and skirt but wearing a low cut top, the faintest hint of a black bra peeking out from it. I hold up my hand with the fakest sincere smile I can muster.

“Afternoon, Kyoko.” Natsuki peeks past me to greet the approaching Kyoko, who slows noticeably. Ha! She wasn’t expecting me to bring company.

“Hey there, Natsuki. I didn’t know you knew Hikari.” Kyoko hides her disappointment well as Nat chuckles.

“I didn’t until about a week ago. We kind of ran into each other.”

“Well, well, well. Our readers will be interested to know that story!” Kyoko’s smile turns decidedly sinister as she pulls out her phone. “Are you okay to do the interview here?”


“I’ll go grab us some fresh drinks.” Natsuki offers and I hand her some change out of my pocket to cover mine. Once Natsuki is out of ear-shot, Kyoko begins her assault, hitting record on her phone.

“So, Hikari Endo, Class 1-1. Being the newest ‘fastest thing on no legs’ to race around our esteemed track must be quite the culture shock for a first-year, how are you adapting to life at Yamaku?” She asks in the upbeat insincere way you hear from most amateur reporters. I’ll play along if for no other reason than to get this over with as quickly as possible.

“It’s been intense, to be honest. Hitting the ground running, so to speak, with Miss Ibarazaki’s coaching has been a massive honour though.” I answer sincerely. “But all the students I’ve met have been really friendly and helpful, especially second-years like yourself, Kyoko.”

“Such a charmer, Hikari! It’s no wonder that our female readership has been clamouring to ask you questions!”

“Really?” I gulp hard and she just smirks.

“Uh-huh! We’ve been inundated with tweets and emails from the student body asking all manner of questions about you. Would you care to answer a few?” She asks, pulling out a second phone. Who has two phones? She begins flicking her finger across the screen and I have to wonder if this is some sort of trap.

“Um, sure, I guess.” I respond warily.

“This one comes from Hiromu in Class 3-4: As a relative newcomer to the school, what would you say is your favourite part of Yamaku?”

“I guess… I guess it would be being normal, for lack of a better term. Back home I was always the odd one out but here? I’m just another student. Nothing special, really.”

“Now don’t be so modest! This one is from Hitomi in Class 2-3! She asks: How do you unwind after training at the track?”

“Well… I just like to hang out with my friends, play video games, watch movies… Just the usual stuff.”

“That’s good! Good… Aaaaand I think we have time for one final one from… Oh yes, this is a naughty one from Kaede in Class 1-1! Are you dating anyone and if not, who would be the perfect girl for you?” Kyoko asks with a seductive smile and I simply laugh.

“I knew at least one of my classmates would ask a silly question… No, I’m not dating anyone and as for who I would date… Well, that’s for me to know, sorry.”

“Okay, well that’s all we have time for but thank you again, Hikari and I hope you’ll have time for us again in the future.” She presses stop on her recording and breathes the faintest of sighs.

“Really? That’s it? The way you were hounding me, I thought it would be a lot more in depth.” I say, genuinely surprised as Kyoko giggles and placing her phones away.

“Nah, it’s just a little fluff piece. Thanks for meeting me though.”

“Why did you want to meet here in the park anyway? That could have taken all of five minutes at school.” I have a sneaking suspicion and she confirms it when she leans forward, placing a hand on my knee.

“I would think that would be obvious, Hikari. I think you’re hot and I wanted to get to know you personally.” She begins to stroke my leg as her current position gives me an eyeful of cleavage. Mono was right, she’s got all the subtlety of a brick.

“I’m flattered Kyoko, really, but I’m not interested.” I say, rolling backwards out of her reach, her face contorting into a mix of confusion and hurt.

“What? Why?! I thought it’d be super-cute if we hooked up.” And there it is. Not because of who I am but what I am. Mono was right againFucking fantastic.

“Because I’m more than a pretty set of wheels and I don’t think it’d be cute at all to pander to the whims of a sick fetishist.” I hiss as her face twists into shock, eyes wide in realisation.

“Wh-what are you t-talking about, Hikari?” She tries to giggle but she knows that I’m on to her.

“I’m saying, Kyoko, I know why you’re at Yamaku. I know about your fall and, frankly, I don’t think you belong here.” I growl, the nearby rustling of a plastic bag drawing my attention away from the despicable girl in front of me to Natsuki, who looks confused by the change in mood.

“What’s going on?” She asks and I take one last disdainful look at Kyoko, who is stunned into silence, before spinning in place to face away.

“Interview’s over. C’mon, Nat, I think owe you lunch.”



“I don’t th-think this is a g-good plan. Scratch that, I d-don’t think this a plan at all.” I tug my scarf down to fully express my concern and Mono looks up at me from her crouched position, her face pressed against the old lock only second before.

“I never said I had a plan, Nomura.” She rises and slides the door to the Newspaper Club room open. “Coast is clear, come on.”

She pulls me by my hood into the room and closes the door behind us. Mono lets go and plants herself in front of a computer, booting it up. I can’t believe I agreed to this digital smash and grab.

“Relax, Nomura. You’ll live longer.” Mono’s big blue eye peers over her shoulder at me and I throw my hands in the air.

“I c-c-can’t relax, we’re st-stealing!” I exclaim and Mono chuckles as the desktop comes to life. She plugs a USB stick into the keyboard and begins tapping away.

“We’re not stealing anything, just copying. You had plenty of time to back out…” She shrugs and I sigh. She’s kind of right, we had to wait a little bit for the clubroom to empty out, I could have left any time.

“Yeah, well, I didn’t w-want you to g-get into trouble…” Alone. If we get caught, I can at least try to make it look like my fault.

“Thanks, Nomura. I do appreciate your assistance.” She mutters and I smile.

“F-Found what you were looking for?” I ask, leaning on the back of her chair.

“And then some. There’s more material here than was even printed. I guess some stories were shot down for whatever reason.”

“Huh. So you’ve g-got plenty to sift through then. Any m-more ideas on what the narrative is?” I ask and she tilts her head back towards me.


“Yeah, the ongoing story.”

“Oh,” She turns back to the screen. “Mrs Ikezawa-Hayashi was kind enough to find me some contact details so I’ll talk to those people first but I don’t have any concrete info on the why right now. Just theories.” She unplugs the USB stick and sets the computer to shutdown. She hops onto her feet and holds the USB stick up to me. “Mission Complete!”

“Good, let’s g-get the hell out of he--” The sound of footsteps stops at the door and a shadowy figure stands in front of the frosted glass. My eyes go wide in terror, we’re so busted. The door slides open but before I can see who it is, my shirt is yanked sideways and my vision fills with hay-colour strands of hair, a warm soft pressure on my lips.

“Oi! Take your make-out sessions to someone else’s clubroom!” An annoyed male voice chides and I’m finally released from Mono’s grip, only to be dragged by the hand out the door, Mono offering up an apology as we streak past the frowning third-year boy. Somewhere down the hall, I finally wrench my hand free of Mono’s, the force making her turn.

“Don’t y-you ever d-d-do that a-a-again!” I point a finger violently at her face with a scowl. She looks at me shocked for a moment before shaking her head.

“I’m so sorry, Nomura. That was just a diversionary tactic to get us out of there. I didn’t mean anything by it.” She whispers, ruefully rubbing the back of her head. I can’t believe she did that…

“J-Just… Don’t d-do it again, okay?” I mutter, pulling my scarf up over my mouth and look away from her.

“Was it… Bad?” She asks and I look back at her, looking about as cute and innocent as you could imagine. God damn it…

“Nuh-no… It’s j-j-just…” My voice catches on the words. “You’re n-n-not my type.”

Oh. Well I’m really sorry, Nomura.” She bows deeply and I can’t stay mad at her. She really didn’t mean anything by it.

“Let’s g-get out of h-here before you think up another excuse to k-kiss me…” I smirk a little under the scarf as Mono giggles and we head towards the stairs.
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Re: Miraimyth: The Miniseries - 17/10/15

Post by Alpacalypse »

So, I assume that Kyoko's at Yamaku because she has a disability fetish and broke her back to get in? Fucking hell, mate, but if I'm right, that's dark. :shock:

Also, Mono is now cemented in my head as being this universe's incarnation of Satako Houjo from Higurashi. just maybe without the whole familial trauma and hate plague thing. And a bit of extra flirtatiousness (that's a word, right?)
I am the harbinger of your destruction... By herbivorous, mountain dwelling quadrupeds... fear me
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