Questions about Japan & other things (Big Topic)

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Questions about Japan & other things (Big Topic)

Post by megavipersnake »

I am doing a bit of research of searching behind Japan (where KS takes place even tough Yakamu Academy is fiction and the word is not a real japenese word) before I write my fanfic. To avoid multiple threads and overspamming the discussion with question threads, I have put all my questions into segments in this topic and numbered them. If you want to answer my questions in please say which segment you are answering. The reason for this is be organized in here.

I have only played the Lily and Hanako route so far and this where my fic will take place. I am also asking other questions that and one exclusively to Death Note, keep in mind to when I ask such a question I will say that the events in Katawa Shoujo take priority and the maybe the other universe is then Non-Cannon in my story verse (for example the Kira Case did not happen since the 'damage' KIRA has made to the world is irreversible and too drastic to fit in KS). The second reason is that Katawa Shoujo is very realistic I am keeping down anything paranormal.

Segment Number 1: Education related Questions

I know now how the Education System works thanks to some searching and I am comparing now it to Europe (and mine Education in my country). Now the question is what are the difficulties of transferring from Europe's to Japan's Education System? I know that you need to write/speak Japanese of course (In KS we see the text in English but I assume that they are speaking Japanese). Also how many years does Yamaku Academy High school actually have, What I meant is because the wikia say it is a High School but there are two kinds of High Schools (Junior(Lower Secondary) and High School (Upper Secondary)) and we actually see only two classes (3-3 Hisao, 3-2 where Lily and Kenji are in and it was the class for people with disabilities related to sight). Could I assume this is then a Higher Secondary School having the last 3 years of High School (where you have classes x-y, x being the number of the year and y being the number of the class)?
Segment Number 2: Wammy' House (Death Note series)
Wammy's House is one of several orphanages established by Quillsh Wammy (also known as Watari), located in Winchester, England.
OK this a question that has to do with the Death Note Series noticed that I have underlined a certain Part of the text and that is the question that I want to ask: Could Watari have established such a orphanage in Japan (for plot convenience)? There is another thing about Wammy's House is that orphanage was also a training facility. No I am not making my OC super smart like L and such other things (maybe he adores him/, what I am asking is if Watari would let the orphanage have the capability's say to give Elementary Schooling (and in case Yakamu is High Upper Secondary, Lower Secondary Schooling)?
Segment Number 3: The Yakamu Staff 24 hour watch and maintenance of Prosthetics

I get it that Hisoa had to be watched because of his condition and because of his medication to report if anything should happen but does this 24 hour watch system for Yakamu also include experimental things (even for say if the person volunteered), like a medication that still is being tested or an experimental prosthetic that has to be maintenances, would Yamaku have such a facility for prosthetics there?
Segment Number 4: Prosthetic, time of therapy and adjusting

I get it that prosthetics are in different shape and forms and some are
kind of expensive, not to mention you have to undergo physical therapy especially for a leg prosthetic (even more so for two). Even with the different times needed how much therapy time for say a hand Prosthetic (that can be moved) (debating about adding feeling receptors since that has been proved in depends on the question of the answer in Question Segment 5) and the person determination does not matter as a factor?

Segment Number 5: Time related questions (Time Line Hanako and Lily)

I know so far that KS takes place in Modern Japan but can I assume it does take place around 2013-2015 or is much earlier.Or can I totally assume this takes much earlier than that? If this is still open for debate I will keep it to 2013-2015. If you have evidence to support a certain time then please let me know. I for one can understand that because of Northern Japan's region being know (traditionally) the least developed (Tōhoku region) that there is not enough evidence.
Also there is another question how much far in Lily's route does Hanako meet and befriend Noami, I know for one thing that Hanako is more open and speaks more compared to the Hanako's route herself but that is because of Hisao's influence missing (which or which not be replaced : I have already said too much).

End of all questions.
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Re: Questions about Japan & other things (Big Topic)

Post by brythain »

Segment Number 1: Education related Questions

Japanese is first language and most education is in Japanese; English has a strong second language presence in most schools.
Yamaku is definitely Senior High at least (ages about 16-18, just before university/college), classes as you say.

Segment Number 2: Wammy' House (Death Note series)


Segment Number 3: The Yakamu Staff 24 hour watch and maintenance of Prosthetics

Non-canon, but unlikely experimental.

Segment Number 4: Prosthetic, time of therapy and adjusting

There's likely some amount of therapy and maintenance (Nurse checks Emi every day, almost).

Segment Number 5: Time related questions (Time Line Hanako and Lily)

KS takes place in 2007-08; several have calculated that Hisao's first day was 04 June 2007. Hanako and Naomi are friends. Not much further detail.


Have fun!
Post-Yamaku, what happens? After The Dream is a mosaic that follows everyone to the (sometimes) bitter end.
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Re: Questions about Japan & other things (Big Topic)

Post by Silentcook »

I don't want to be mean, but I'd say that you need to improve your English quite a bit before you even think of writing fanfiction. :?

That aside:

1) The events narrated in KS canonically deal with (upper secondary) high school. Your assumption is correct.

3) Your question is somewhat unclear, but Yamaku isn't ever canonically shown to have experimental or cutting-edge facilities.

5) The events narrated in KS canonically happen in 2007.
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Re: Questions about Japan & other things (Big Topic)

Post by megavipersnake »

brythain wrote:Segment Number 1: Education related Questions

Japanese is first language and most education is in Japanese; English has a strong second language presence in most schools.
Yamaku is definitely Senior High at least (ages about 16-18, just before university/college), classes as you say.

Segment Number 2: Wammy' House (Death Note series)


Segment Number 3: The Yakamu Staff 24 hour watch and maintenance of Prosthetics

Non-canon, but unlikely experimental.

Segment Number 4: Prosthetic, time of therapy and adjusting

There's likely some amount of therapy and maintenance (Nurse checks Emi every day, almost).

Segment Number 5: Time related questions (Time Line Hanako and Lily)

KS takes place in 2007-08; several have calculated that Hisao's first day was 04 June 2007. Hanako and Naomi are friends. Not much further detail.


Have fun!
Segment 1:
What about foreigners and letting them switch over to this Education System Could someone who had Elementary and then perfected his Japanese and then move to Japan to study there? Sorry If I ask this but my country's education systems is more or less the same only that the translation of the school names are different. Kindergarten and Elementary is the same with years however High School also 6 years total but its more organized in grade's (literal translation). Each Grade is two years but there is no separation of the years and there are three types of education levels in High School (ASO, BSO, and TSO). I am from Belgium by the way so I sadly cannot translate them to English but I can give you a short description if you would like? But that is besides the point right now what I want to know is there problems by going from England Education system to Japan Education system from lets say Elementary?

Segment 2:
So Watari could not have created orphanages in Japan huh, I was thinking about that a Japanese couple could have adopted
my OC and had studied Japanese before then. There is a segment about special education in. Till my OC goes to Yamaku after experiencing an Incident, heck I am over thinking things. I will make up my back story as I go on.
Segment 3:
Ok I get but what about wounds that need to be monitored over some time and need medication to prevent further damage?
Segment 5:
Ok then, that gives me a sense of time but also a dent what I had in mind. Is there a calender somewhere that can at least give me an Idea how to plan the rest of my story? Since I really find it confusing that Japan has a different school calender then where I am from and that from England.
Silentcook wrote:I don't want to be mean, but I'd say that you need to improve your English quite a bit before you even think of writing fanfiction. :?

That aside:

1) The events narrated in KS canonically deal with (upper secondary) high school. Your assumption is correct.

3) Your question is somewhat unclear, but Yamaku isn't ever canonically shown to have experimental or cutting-edge facilities.

5) The events narrated in KS canonically happen in 2007.
I can understand that and no I am not offended. I can speak English very well but writing it will take some more time than usual. I always try to check for spelling mistakes but even with the dictionary system it is difficult to erase them.

Also since KS takes place in 2007 it puts quit a dent in my character but I will figure something out.
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Re: Questions about Japan & other things (Big Topic)

Post by Megumeru »

Although I'm glad there's someone who's interested about Japan and all...

First things first:

Are you seriously planning on transferring a character from Europe into Yamaku? Please tell me this isn't a self-insert either...

Because your research will have to expand more than just education--you'll have to go deeper into culture, life-style, tradition, and what-not. Also, keep in mind that we are 'kinda' have this 'raise-an-eyebrow-time' when a westerner visits Japan and act like it's their place (tourists, I'm looking at you) and may be frowned upon by some (Okinawa is especially going a bit haywire against American and its military presence recently after another chopper accident, I heard). Yes, we have that 'ooh westerner!'-thing going on, and usually girls here are prone to be attracted to them, but those are usually the more 'riajyuu'-type (I don't know the English word for that or how to describe it).

Also, language. Don't expect most of us to be fluent in English; I am one of the small, minority lucky ones who had the chance to live abroad and sharpen my English in my early years.

Not to discourage you from writing goes.
megavipersnake wrote: ----------------------------------------------------------------
Segment Number 1: Education related Questions

I know now how the Education System works thanks to some searching and I am comparing now it to Europe (and mine Education in my country). Now the question is what are the difficulties of transferring from Europe's to Japan's Education System? I know that you need to write/speak Japanese of course (In KS we see the text in English but I assume that they are speaking Japanese). Also how many years does Yamaku Academy High school actually have, What I meant is because the wikia say it is a High School but there are two kinds of High Schools (Junior(Lower Secondary) and High School (Upper Secondary)) and we actually see only two classes (3-3 Hisao, 3-2 where Lily and Kenji are in and it was the class for people with disabilities related to sight). Could I assume this is then a Higher Secondary School having the last 3 years of High School (where you have classes x-y, x being the number of the year and y being the number of the class)?
In this case, it's divided into three sections; Junior school, middle school, high school with a 'rank' of 1, 2, to 3 (1 is freshman, 2 is middle, 3 is senior). Depending on the school, the class number can be 'numbers' or alphabets--my old high school uses numbers, so it's 3-1, 3-2,3-3, 3-4, etc. Local schools can have a lot of classes, so the number can go up to 9--that's the most, I believe.

By 18 you should be stressing on what university you're going to, what you're planning to work, and how much you want to cram in your head to get it done; most universities here has seriously strict screening aside from the language that prevents westerners from just jumping the band-wagon. Yes, most of us are still homophobic. I'll give a bonus, being a senior in your high school years is the most stressing feeling you can have since whatever happens next determines whether you're going to higher education, or end up as a ronin taking small part-times, or--worst--a NEET. So you really can't blame Shizune for stressing over her work in the Student Council and studies--she knows her priority. :lol:

Also, uniforms. Some schools allows you to customize it a *bit*, but outside of it uniforms is a must (except universities). If your character just learned Japanese (or studied for 1-year-ish and still unable to read kanji), good luck even passing or getting admitted. Although, English classes (although the textbook is in Japanese) can be laughably easy. A thing about Japanese language is that it is easy to speak, but not easy to write (assuming you understand the structure; pronunciation is always the Achilles heel of most westerners trying to speak), and it takes more than two years+ to be really fluent (this includes its usage that differs between you, your seniors, parents, and bosses).

You need to research about schedules and holidays too since we have it entirely different here (e.g.our winter vacation starts at 23rd of December and ends at January 5th).
megavipersnake wrote: ------------------------------------------------------------------
Segment Number 2: Wammy' House (Death Note series)
Wammy's House is one of several orphanages established by Quillsh Wammy (also known as Watari), located in Winchester, England.
OK this a question that has to do with the Death Note Series noticed that I have underlined a certain Part of the text and that is the question that I want to ask: Could Watari have established such a orphanage in Japan (for plot convenience)? There is another thing about Wammy's House is that orphanage was also a training facility. No I am not making my OC super smart like L and such other things (maybe he adores him/, what I am asking is if Watari would let the orphanage have the capability's say to give Elementary Schooling (and in case Yakamu is High Upper Secondary, Lower Secondary Schooling)?
Yamaku is high school. Higher upper? You mean cram schools? Those are what you take during your senior years if you want to be an overachiever or planning to go to school abroad. You can say bye-bye to your social life until you hit the university you want--otherwise, it's the dishwasher, konbini cashier, any McJob, or NEET.

I vaguely remember about death note, but...huh...not sure. Don't expect to establish it somewhere in the meadows though.
megavipersnake wrote: -----------------------------------------------------------------
Segment Number 3: The Yakamu Staff 24 hour watch and maintenance of Prosthetics

I get it that Hisoa had to be watched because of his condition and because of his medication to report if anything should happen but does this 24 hour watch system for Yakamu also include experimental things (even for say if the person volunteered), like a medication that still is being tested or an experimental prosthetic that has to be maintenances, would Yamaku have such a facility for prosthetics there?
none of those whatsoever--just staffs.
megavipersnake wrote: -----------------------------------------------------------------
Segment Number 4: Prosthetic, time of therapy and adjusting

I get it that prosthetics are in different shape and forms and some are
kind of expensive, not to mention you have to undergo physical therapy especially for a leg prosthetic (even more so for two). Even with the different times needed how much therapy time for say a hand Prosthetic (that can be moved) (debating about adding feeling receptors since that has been proved in depends on the question of the answer in Question Segment 5) and the person determination does not matter as a factor?
The best prostethics we have at the time that are known are dummies. I don't know, I'm not sure about prosthetics so someone can take over on this one.
megavipersnake wrote: -----------------------------------------------------------------
Segment Number 5: Time related questions (Time Line Hanako and Lily)

I know so far that KS takes place in Modern Japan but can I assume it does take place around 2013-2015 or is much earlier.Or can I totally assume this takes much earlier than that? If this is still open for debate I will keep it to 2013-2015. If you have evidence to support a certain time then please let me know. I for one can understand that because of Northern Japan's region being know (traditionally) the least developed (Tōhoku region) that there is not enough evidence.
Also there is another question how much far in Lily's route does Hanako meet and befriend Noami, I know for one thing that Hanako is more open and speaks more compared to the Hanako's route herself but that is because of Hisao's influence missing (which or which not be replaced : I have already said too much).
Yamaku is located in Sendai, a city in Miyagi prefecture which has been established for...I don't know, a long time? If you mean by 'least developed', then it's the region--and that's not to add the earthquake we had in 2011. The city itself is pretty bustling--it's something like Oita in Kyuushu. I've never been there personally, but I expect as much the same like Fukuoka or something close. And there's a thread discussing about Hanako around the forum somewhere--my take is that Lilly's lack of babysitting Hanako and her attention to Hisao pretty much allows the girl to explore and reach outward herself. If I am to make a guess, it should be around... June? It should still be in the middle since graduation of seniors takes place the next year in spring, and we all know that the routes of most girls doesn't even reach that far (except Shizune's route as the only one who actually covers up until graduation).

Other than that...have fun! Remember that your character needs to have a limit as well; weaknesses, silly things he does, etc. Be very-very careful when creating one, handle with care and love as you do not want your character to end up as an a-typical Mary/Marty Stu. Good luck! :)
They say they hate Shizune? What is this? BLASPHEMY!

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Re: Questions about Japan & other things (Big Topic)

Post by Zarys »

You are really japanase ? I am surprised. (Even if it is stupid to think that I can see that someone is Japanese on Internet, exept if you said it. :mrgreen: )

The stereotype of "The best time of life is Highschool, when you join the worforce you are like dead" is true, false, based on something true in your society ?
A particularly high number of japanese males are sexually desperate ? you're all lonely otaku with Dakimakura ? the maid cafes really exist and the maids here are really pretty or not ? You really eat rotten soy beans ? Overall, life in Japan is like here, worse or better ? I have the right to think that the international public has sometimes a better taste in anime/manga than the japanase one ?
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Re: Questions about Japan & other things (Big Topic)

Post by megavipersnake »

Megumeru wrote:words
This is not actually a self insert: I was thinking about using an English character to make a connection Wanny's House if there was a possibility that Watari never made an establishment/donation to a Japanese orphanage. I am not introducing the events of Death Note Kira Incident in KS I am just using a alternate universe version of Death Note where those events did not happen. Because Death Note without the paranormal things could be set in the KS universe. I just like to make crossover's where possible but making the main universe lore and story cannon. There is no evidence to suggest he did not establish one somewhere else the quote he posted even states there is more than one but it could have a different name.

OK then that give some clarification But here is a question about that weakness thing: that is the biggest problem I have with my character, he mostly keeps to himself (but is not really anti-social, still polite and being a gentleman), the problem is I cannot seem to see what a weakness really is sure Nakai was physically weak with his condition. I just do not actually get it does a character weakness need to be in his personality and physical. Or more like that he is so thoughtful he get easily started when someone tries to say hi to him when he is in thought. Granted Nakai had trouble adjusting and maybe my character should too but at the same time I do not want to copy him. Actually when mostly I try to create a character I take something from that character add something one and so on. As you might have guessed from my spelling, I am an amateur at writing but it is something I want to do because I always try to fantasize (not THAT WAY you) what would happen if you cross that with that. But at the same thing I want to make it public and so that other people can enjoy it, the other reason is also I do not want to make Fanmade work get a much worse reputation and to go against "it's fan made work give it some slack" mentality. No Offence meant to anyone here if you felt offended, if you feel like raging my apologies for it.
Last edited by Silentcook on Tue Aug 26, 2014 4:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Holy overquoting, Batman.
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Re: Questions about Japan & other things (Big Topic)

Post by Silentcook »

Topic moved to Fan Works on grounds of it being heavily fanfiction-related, but not fanfiction. Carry on.
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Re: Questions about Japan & other things (Big Topic)

Post by Megumeru »

Zarys wrote:
The stereotype of "The best time of life is Highschool, when you join the worforce you are like dead" is true, false, based on something true in your society ?
A particularly high number of japanese males are sexually desperate ? you're all lonely otaku with Dakimakura ? the maid cafes really exist and the maids here are really pretty or not ? You really eat rotten soy beans ? Overall, life in Japan is like here, worse or better ? I have the right to think that the international public has sometimes a better taste in anime/manga than the japanase one ?
1. Based on something true in society.
High school is fun, part-time is good for extra allowance if you want to survive.

Then there's 3rd year high school..and the stress of finding a uni...and what to do with your life.
Maid cafes exist, and depends on your taste--they are cute imo, but can get pretty draining for your own economy. Some shops have themes going at certain time and seasons or promotions, so it really depends. And I can't answer about desperate males, and no I am not a lonely 'otaku'. I have 2 part-time jobs to support myself and a career in education to pursue. Again, depends.

Rotten soybean? Oh, natto. They're not rotten--they're fermented soy bean, and they're healthy--they are tasty, eat it with rice. Again, depends on taste; personally, I like it.

Also, English boards tend to be interesting and not too weird--plus, I get to hone my secondary language.
They say they hate Shizune? What is this? BLASPHEMY!

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Re: Questions about Japan & other things (Big Topic)

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Because Death Note without the paranormal things could be set in the KS universe.
If you remove all the paranormal stuff from Death Note - what's left?

Any I'm not quite sure if Zarys is trolling a bit with those questions^^°
you're all lonely otaku with Dakimakura ?
Actually, when I was in Japan I knew more anime than the majority of my coworkers. And I don't think I qualify as what the Japanese would call an Otaku.
Overall, life in Japan is like here, worse or better ?
That depends on what you consider good and bad - basically it's a cultural thing.
For my part I could see myself living in Japan - not considering the language barrier - but I'm not sure I'd want to have to work there. The hours people there have to put in are not comparable with a 9-5 job.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: Questions about Japan & other things (Big Topic)

Post by megavipersnake »

If you remove all the paranormal stuff from Death Note - what's left?

Any I'm not quite sure if Zarys is trolling a bit with those questions^^°
Well not exacly removing it: but just that the kira incident did not happen and Death Note's not have been dropped. You get the Idea it will not focus on Death Note but the OC will have a connection to L in some way.
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Re: Questions about Japan & other things (Big Topic)

Post by Guest Poster »

Hooboy...crossovers. I can hear Silentcook sharpening the knives already.
The stereotype of "The best time of life is Highschool, when you join the worforce you are like dead" is true, false, based on something true in your society ?
I've heard that...assuming you can get is considered a good time because it's just between two hectic times of one's life. No more cramming in order to pass entrance exams, but no work-related stress yet either. At least until the time comes where you have to start applying for a job, which for many large companies is actually before you graduate university.
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Re: Questions about Japan & other things (Big Topic)

Post by Megumeru »

I don't mean weakness per-say, but something that keeps your character to be a believable human. A marty/mary stu is when a character is apparently:
1. Loved by all
2. Able to solve any problems
3. Always get what he wants
4.and things that seem to work in the character's favor--everytime

There's so much you can throw at a character before people starts to see it as 'unbelievable'. It doesn't have to be physical defect--it can also be personality.

For example, my OC Miyazaki has an eye disease. Personality wise, he is a known procrastinator who hates procrastinators, has an intimidating face due to his eye patch--all that sort of things.

It's like a circle; mary/marty stu tends to feel and as interesting like a block of wood.
Mosy importantly, have fun. You have to start somewhere :)
They say they hate Shizune? What is this? BLASPHEMY!

"A writer is a light that reveals the world of his story from darkness. Shapes it from nothingness. If the writer stops, the world dies with it." - Alan Wake
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Re: Questions about Japan & other things (Big Topic)

Post by Guest Poster »

Basically: what personality flaw does your character have?

In the VN, each main character has at least one:
- Emi runs from her problems and pushes people away who get too close.
- Hanako is extremely shy, has no sense of self-worth and has difficulty trusting people on a deeper level.
- Lilly tends to mother people to the point of appearing overbearing and has difficulty letting people look at the person behind her lady-like front.
- Rin can't express herself to people in ways they can understand and her common sense is all over the place, but often missing.
- Shizune is overly competitive, tends to have a one-track mind and her compartmentalized thinking makes her appear as unempathic.
- Misha hides her pain and loneliness behind a mask of bubbliness and is unable to get over her crush to the point where it's consuming her life.
- Hisao tends to be a little too passive and often screws up whenever he's forced to lead. He also suffers from occasional bouts of naivete.

These flaws are not cute little gimmicks like having trouble getting out of bed in the morning, they're prominent enough to drive the plot. Ask yourself (no need to tell us yet) what personality flaws your character has and how it affects the story.

A Marty/Gary/Mary Sue/Stu does not have any flaws aside from some superficial ones. They always appear in control of the situation, they can handle every problem that comes their way, the world completely revolves around them and sometimes established characters break character just to accomodate them. The more ridiculous ones immediately beat Emi in a running race and manage to drag Hanako out of her shell just by being around her. The appeal of a story is that a main character grows and is able to transcend his flaws and weaknesses. A perfect character has no growth, so they're boring.
Sisterhood: True Edition. Hanako epilogue I wrote. Now expanded with additional chapters.
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Re: Questions about Japan & other things (Big Topic)

Post by megavipersnake »

I will keep that in mind then, I still need to create some kind of backstory for him and therfore his struggles, I am also trying to figure out if I should have him transfer at the same time as well as Hisao or earlier than Hisao replacing a character (most likely one of the cameo's) in the class. Anyway could you answer my other questions in the main Post?
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