Bad Hanako (Pt5, 20/2)


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Re: Bad Hanako (Pt3, 6/2)

Post by Sea »

GorisTheKing wrote:I'm soooo bored! At least I stopped thinking about.... oh.
This happens to me every damn time.
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Re: Bad Hanako (Pt3, 6/2)

Post by GorisTheKing »

Here's the next part, hope you all enjoy.


I was announced in class today that a memorial service would be held on school grounds on the upcoming Monday, only one weekend between then and now. A private funeral service was to take place the week after, for her closest friends and family. I wondered if Hisao would go to that one, he only just got together with Emi, it was unlikely that her family knew they were together, or even that he was her friend.

After the bell for lunch rings I reach of my book while I wait for Lilly, until I see Shizune walking over to see me. Ohhh, not again. Can't she just leave me alone. I pack up my things, hoping to get away as fast as possible. Just when she is almost oppon me a hand taps her shoulder. Muto! My savior, I hurry out the door, hearing the two of them talking about some student council matters.

After a short while I stumble on Lilly in the hall, “Hi Lilly”

“Hanako? I usually don’t find you in the halls. Eager for lunch today?”

“S-Shizune was harassing me...”

Lilly scowls, and turns around, heading for the stairs, “You haven’t been missing classes again have you?”

“What? N-No. She wanted me to do some s-stuff.”

Lilly looks suspicious, “What stuff?”

“She said Misha and H-Hisao wouldn't help her with the student council. She wanted me to help.”

“Really? That..seems...odd.”

“I t-thought so too, so I ran away before she could ask me today.”, I look a little guilty as I say it. Maybe I should have heard her out, she might have been trying to talk to Lilly through me,

“Well, I don't quite know what to make of that. Why don't I bring it up with her after tonight’s class president meeting?”

“Y-you don't have too. I-It doesn't bother me that m-much.”, Okay it bothered me quite a lot.

“I'm Happy to do it Hanako, curiosity is getting the better of me. It is quite unusual for her to talk to the two of us, let alone the quiet one.”

“Just don't get into a fight” I never like it when they fight, it's always over the most trivial things and Lilly would always be in a bad mood for hours afterwards.

“She obviously wanted to talk to you, she never needs help with the council. I'm sure if she doubled her duties she would just stop sleeping until they were finished. That’s one good thing about her, she is dedicated to her work. Any ideas about what she wanted to say?”

I shake my head, but I knew exactly what she was going to say. I should have seen it before, she would have done her own investigations into Emi's disappearance and discovered I was the one with her yesterday. Shy Hanako losing her temper is a rather rare occurrence. It happened three times this year, once Shizune was arguing with Lilly and I shouted at them to shut up then ran away. The other time Miki was being rather forward with me. I didn't shout at her, but when I got to the library someone tried to comfort me, only to get shoved away and shouted at. And then there was Emi. Rare enough that Shizune would want to know what happened. I couldn't tell her though, Lilly would hear about it, she would wonder why I didn't tell her. I would loose her trust and I couldn't bare that, she is the only person I have that I can confide in and when I really need to confide in her, I can't.

“Hanako? Are you alright? Where are you”

Lilly has stopped a few meters ahead of me. I must have stopped walking. I catch up to her, there's something I need to do, “Lilly, I'm feeling a bit queasy. I think It was my breakfast. Is it okay if I head back to my room?”

She looks concerned, I wish she didn't, she always looks like that when I'm around. “Sure Hanako, I hope you feel better after a rest.”

Where would Shizune be? I run back to class first but it is empty, she must be on her way to the council room. There she is, I spot her and Misha head into the council room. You can do this Hanako, be brave. With a deep breath I knock on the door. “I wonder who that is.” Misha shouts, thumping her way over.

Hide, don't be seen. I leap away from the door then slow my pace. Look casual, walk away Hanako. I feel Misha's eyes drilling into the back of my head. Does she know I knocked?

“Hmpf” Misha turns back to the class, deciding it there was nobody there. Or so I thought, just when I gathered the courage to knock again Shizune pops her head out of the door with a card saying [Hello.]

Enough of this! I turn and run, back to my room. I'll be safe there, nobody will disturb me. I keep my head down ignoring the stares from students mingling in the halls. Too many people, I have to get away from all this.

Just I as I open my door a realize how silly I was being. How could Shizune hear the knocking? Stupid, stupid, stupid.


It's not long until I hear a rap on my door. Lilly, come to cheer me up I think. I roll over on my bed, facing the wall. I wish I was braver. All I wanted to do was talk to Shizune and make sure she didn't tell Lilly I argued with Emi. That wasn't going to happen now though, Lilly would talk to her at their meeting tonight, and she would hear whatever Shizune knew, and she wouldn't trust me anymore.

I cry silently before hearing another knock. Maybe I can keep Lilly here tonight, away from Shizune. A sleepover would be fun, I force a smile on my face and wipe it clean with the collar of my blouse.

As soon as the door opens I spot some dark blue hair through the crack. Before I can close the door a foot is jammed in the gap. I hear some rapid scribbling before a pad of paper is thrust in the gap. [Can we talk?]

Well this is what I wanted earlier, I look outside to make sure it is just her, Misha is the last person I would want to join us. Once my fears are assuaged I open the door shutting it after Shizune takes a seat at my desk, swiveling the chair to face my bed. Taking her prompt I sit down, playing with my finger and avoiding her eyes. The pad and a pen is thrust into my hands, [Your room looks nice]

[Thanks] I write, handing it back.

[Thanks for coming to talk to me. That was brave.]

[I still ran away though.]

[Blame it on Misha, I'm the only person she doesn't scare.]

Smiling at her joke I write [Talking to you isn't so bad when it's you.]

She frowns, [That was the pleasantries, do you know why I wanted to talk to you?]

Straight to business then, I put on a worried face. Come to think of it, I didn't put that face on, I am worried. I need her to lay her cards first, 'Is it about by attendance?'

She shakes her head, we both knew that, did she know I knew that? If so then that was my first mistake, she would think I'm evasive. Hisao said she was overly fond of games, I hope she isn't playing one now. [You were with Emi yesterday. I talked to the other purple haired students, but none of them spoke to her. That leaves you.]

It's good I get time to respond, this slow paced conversation allows me to say what I want, rather than blurting out the first think to come to my head. [She was talking to me before class.]

[People said you were dragging her away. They didn't hear any talking.]

That's good so I can make up what was said then. But what can I say? Planning something? Uh, date, for Hisao? That will do. [She wanted me to help with ideas for her-]

Shizune snatched the pad from me and crosses out what I wrote and adding to it before making two harsh underscores, [The Truth.]

I scowl at her and begin to write the same thing, [Emi wanted me to give her ideas for Hisao's date. Because I'm his friend.]

She looks back at me, crossing out what I wrote. [I lied, people said you were shouting at her.]

I stare at her without writing anything and sigh, why did she have to lay a trap for me? Maybe people would like her more if she didn't fish for information and play games with people, not that I'm the best example to take after. Who does she have anyway? Misha, I think that’s it. She talks to other people but Misha and maybe Hisao are her only friends. Smirking I realize I have more friends than her. Lilly and Hisao. Thats Two.

[Whats got you in a good mood?]

“I'm more popular than you.” That felt sooo good.

[A one way conversation is pointless. Care to share?]

“No, I don't. You are mean and manipulative and I don't like you.”

Shizune starts to get angry, tearing another sheet off her pad and starting anew. [What you are doing is very rude Hanako!]

Rude? What about her? When is she ever polite? [What about you! You are always rude. Here today you tricked me with pleasantries and than start interrogating me. You even called me a liar.]

My face is turning red again, this time with anger, just because she is the council president does not mean she can walk over people and get whatever she wants.

Shizune abruptly stands up, staring over her glasses. She throws the pad back to me. [Why are you making this so hard? Just tell me the truth and I will go away. You are hiding something and I want to know what!]

[What could I possibly be hiding!]

[I don't know but you have been trying so hard to hide it that it can't be good]


[Tell me or I will tell Lilly.] She knows she has me here, I can see it all over her face. Well, I won't give her the satisfaction.

I need to get rid of her so I can make a convincing story for Lilly, [Meet me on the dormitory roof. I will tell you there.] She looks suspicious, and spends time mulling over her thoughts.

[I won't fall for that. You will just lock your door after me and hide away.]

[I can't tell you without showing you. On the roof.]

[No. Here. Now!] She quickly latches the door and stands in front, blocking my only exit.

My mind is racing. This is My sanctuary, My room, MINE. She can't control me in my own room. She needs to go now! I stand up and shove her to the side, she looks stunned, laying there with a dazed look in her eyes. I am about to open the door when I remember through my rage why I wanted to talk to her. Why she came here. Lilly. She cant leave, I only have one thing I can do.

Looking around my room I see nothing suitable, but outside, just at the end of the hall is a fire extinguisher. I look back to Shizune and watch her blindly grasp about the floor, looking for her now broken spectacles. Walking to the end of the hall, I unfasten the fire extinguisher and heave it over my shoulder, it's heavier than I expected, which matches its new purpose quite well.

When I open the door to my room I see Shizune looking up at me. I imagine what she must see, a blurred figure with a strange object held high above her head. Then nothing.

Last edited by GorisTheKing on Thu Feb 20, 2014 4:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bad Hanako (Pt4, 10/2)

Post by monkeywitha6pack »

Can't say I saw that coming, nice chapter, nice avatar
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Re: Bad Hanako (Pt4, 10/2)

Post by Frankyo »

Lol, this story should be renamed to Hanako kills everyone. A good fast-paced thriller, though I feel that Hanako is OOC
Girls: Hanako/Misha > Lilly > Emi > Shizune/Rin
Routes: I realized that every route has its own charms, but felt that Shizune's was lackluster. It has Misha though!

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Re: Bad Hanako (Pt4, 10/2)

Post by Mahorfeus »

Frankyo wrote:Lol, this story should be renamed to Hanako kills everyone. A good fast-paced thriller, though I feel that Hanako is OOC
I don't think that OOC even begins to cover it...
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Re: Bad Hanako (Pt4, 10/2)

Post by monkeywitha6pack »

OOC isn't always a bad thing
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Re: Bad Hanako (Pt4, 10/2)

Post by Craftyatom »

As I finished reading this, I actually raised both arms into the air, yelling "YESSS!!! IT HAS BEGUN!!!" Needless to say, I'm loving your work so far.
Frankyo wrote:Hanako is OOC
Actually, the way the scene with the door played out, Hanako was far more believable than I expected her to be. Well played, imo.
monkeywitha6pack wrote:nice avatar

Keep up the good work!
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Re: Bad Hanako (Pt4, 10/2)

Post by Sea »

Saying this escalated quickly is a understatemnt, whos gonna die next?
Actually, I think I've got a thing for this: Taa-Daa!
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Re: Bad Hanako (Pt4, 10/2)

Post by Craftyatom »

Sea wrote:Actually, I think I've got a thing for this
O_o Flippin 'eck...
I'd say add some sort of warning, but I guess that, given the thread we're in...
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Re: Bad Hanako (Pt4, 10/2)

Post by Oscar Wildecat »

Well, one way to win the generic VN protagonist in a harem route is to kill off all the competition ... I guess. :shock:
I like all the girls in KS, but empathize with Hanako the most.
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Re: Bad Hanako (Pt4, 10/2)

Post by monkeywitha6pack »

Now that I think about it this Hanako is a lot like Yunno Gasai from mirai nikki Killing people to be with the man the like though she seems to be a bit more sane atm
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Re: Bad Hanako (Pt4, 10/2)

Post by Munchenhausen »

Two down...
What's she gonna do about the body? HOW WILL MISHA TAKE THE NEWS?!
Like stupid, silly doodles with no point? You've come to the right place, friend :^)
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Re: Bad Hanako (Pt4, 10/2)

Post by GorisTheKing »

Thanks for the comments everyone, I'm glad people seem to like it (Or at least aren't saying bad things about it). I found the avatar by browsing all the fan art, then lost the link...
Sea wrote:Actually, I think I've got a thing for this
You should feel bad.

I have a rough Plan of what I want to do for the next part but at the moment it is a bit OTT, should have it out next week assuming I manage to make it not terrible.
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Re: Bad Hanako (Pt4, 10/2)

Post by Sea »

Sea wrote:Actually, I think I've got a thing for this
GorisTheKing wrote:You should feel bad.
I balme Xan he was (Still is, but he got transmog'd) a terrible influence and has made me see things I can't ever unsee, that pic for instance. (And if you're gonna go and get med, this story openly lends itself to that, I'm sorry it turned so violent but it wasn't my decision)
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Re: Bad Hanako (Pt4, 10/2)

Post by GorisTheKing »

Sea wrote: but he got transmog'd
Err, what? Is transmogrification something that happens here? Like he turned into a rat?
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