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Favourite Track from the OST

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:34 pm
by LordMarluxia
I was wondering, since this is a very good soundtrack, all of you should have a favourite track right?
So, what tracks do you love the most?

- "Ah Eh I Oh You", for some reason I really this one.
- "The Student Coucil", brings me some peace but also some nostalgia. I am an eternal student, and I miss my school days alot, which leads us to...
- ..."School Days".
- "Ease", what is this? I love this track. It feels so... right.
- "Raindrops and Puddles", makes me tear up alot but I still love it.
- "Parity", I really dig this one, it's sounds really rad.

There you have it.

Re: Favourite Track from the OST

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:38 pm
by CoffeeDrive

Every time.

Re: Favourite Track from the OST

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 7:15 pm
by Broomhead
For not crying:
  • Air Guitar
    School Days
    Everyday Fantasy
When I'm alone or need to get emotions out:
  • Nocturne
    Painful History
    Lullaby of Open Eyes
Confession: Part of the reason I have to make two lists is because I've developed the ability to store memories and emotions in music. If the tone is related to the feeling, it works better, but I've tied anger to "The Vampire Club" by Voltaire, so I can make do without if I have to. This has two side effects, the first being that I'm a lot more stable as a person without those memories/emotions constantly nagging. The other is that if that song plays, I immediately get hit with the memories and/or emotions tied to that song. Cool trick, bit me in the tookus once while in class when I broke down and nearly started crying because the teacher was playing some classical music I also heard when I was 10 and discovered the trick.

Re: Favourite Track from the OST

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 7:17 pm
by d2r
Parity > all

Second fav: "The Student Council"

Third place to "Stride"

Re: Favourite Track from the OST

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 7:23 pm
by ogorhan
I like many of the songs but havent really listened to them in a while so cant recall names. The ones I can recall and also my favorite ones are;

Painfull History & Moment of Decision, not exactly your feel good songs but they carry a powerfull emotional feeling for me.

Re: Favourite Track from the OST

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 8:07 pm
by Munchenhausen
As much as my disdain for Rin is near-universal, there are obviously exceptions to every rule.
Cloudland Swing has that wonderful, carefree swing to it and Parity is just straight-up my fucking jam.
Other than that, my vote'd probably be Ah Eh Eye Oh You. Dat sax'.

On a semi-related note, did Concord leave anyone else feeling strangely... off?
I don't dislike Lilly or her route at all, but for some reason her theme just makes me...
It makes me feel bad for some reason. I dont know how to explain it. Not sick, not sad, not guilty, angry, lonely, nothing.
Just a mysterious bad feeling.

I kind feel like it's that intro few chords. Something about that gets me like Lavender Town got those Japanese kids

Re: Favourite Track from the OST

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 8:09 pm
by YutoTheOrc
The soundtrack is beautiful and only helps promote the depressing parts as well as the heart warming parts, like any good soundtrack should. If I had to chose my favourite soundtracks it would be these three; in order:

-Aria de l'Etoile

They're all so good! It really is hard to decide on just three. I applauder the musicians for these excellent songs for a great Virtual Novel! Thank you. :D

Re: Favourite Track from the OST

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 8:19 pm
by Broomhead
MunchenHausen: I kinda agree. It's not sad though... just... I guess the easiest way to describe it is with synesthesia.

It's a little bit like someone accepting their fate. It gives me a picture of someone falling off a cliff, not by jumping or necessarily fowl play, just that they were on the cliff and now their not. Rather than screaming or trying to save themselves, they just let themselves fall. Perhaps sad/depressing to some, but it's not to me. So yes, I definitely see it leaving some people off, but I think it just makes me a bit introspective. Which I suppose could make some sad.

I haven't played the Lilly route, think i'll start it later today, so the association isn't there yet.

Re: Favourite Track from the OST

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 9:15 pm
by Potato
Broomhead wrote:I've developed the ability to store memories and emotions in music.
You didn't develop any ability. Everybody can connect memories and feeling to music.

The correct answer to this thread is "Shadow of the Truth", by the way. And Wiosna.

Re: Favourite Track from the OST

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 9:31 pm
by Broomhead
Potato : Well NEH to you too. The reason I say that is because I legitimately break that part of me into the song. I can't remember the memory or really feel the emotion anymore because it's in the song. Perhaps it's all a bit spiritual, but I think that counts as a skill rather than an innate function of humanity as only one other person I know can do it, and they couldn't until I taught 'em, so eh. Although, one of my friends does a similar things with full emotions and tarot cards, but that's something I doubt due to being able to pull them out of him very carefully and tediously. Perhaps I'm just being stupid, but I'd say that's a unique trait if I only know one or two other people with similar traits, which classifies it as an ability IMO.

In summary, it's not a connection of the two, but a binding which carries both in one form.

Not pissed. Just stubborn and willing to explain.

Re: Favourite Track from the OST

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 9:34 pm
by Potato
Broomhead wrote:Potato : Well NEH to you too. The reason i say that is because I legitimately break that part of me into the song. I can't remember the memory or really feel the emotion anymore because it's in the song.
Oh, well then. That isn't something everyone can do. That is, however, horrible on a few levels and potentially unbelievably unhealthy. You should probably stop.

Re: Favourite Track from the OST

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 9:40 pm
by Broomhead
Potato: Yeah you are probably right. During the summer and other breaks, I do tend to try to break the bonds between songs and emotions so I can process them correctly.

Re: Favourite Track from the OST

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 9:54 pm
by Potato
Broomhead wrote:Potato: Yeah you are probably right. During the summer and other breaks, I do tend to try to break the bonds between songs and emotions so I can process them correctly.
Processing them should be as simple as "Hey, I have emotions. *begin processing*"

That it isn't speaks to a severe problem. I'd suggest getting help.

Controversy time: I really do not care much for Parity at all.

Re: Favourite Track from the OST

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:07 pm
by Sohtak
Everything...I like every song lol

That being said...wiosna tends to be my number 1

Re: Favourite Track from the OST

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:12 pm
by KeiichiO
I'll just make a top five in no particular order since I simply can't have a single favorite track.

1: Raindrops and Puddles - Perfect encapsulation of the atmosphere brought forth by a rainy day. After playing KS - most notably Rin's Route - I now think of this song every time it drizzles.
2: Student Council - One of the most memorable songs in my opinion, it's very relaxing, and reminds me of high school days where I should have been studying...
3: Moment of Decision - Definitely one of the most powerful songs in the entire game, and one of my favorite compositions in general.
4: Painful History - A beautifully chilling track for our favorite burn victim.
5: Innocence - This song almost never fails to bring tears in my eyes. Even while I was learning to play it on the piano, I was dripping liquid emotion all over the keys. It's one of the most simple, yet beautiful songs I've ever heard.