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Miki's First Time

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 11:48 pm
by Oddball
Author's note: I wanted to try a slightly different style this time. Not sure if I like it. Also, don't you just hate author's notes?

“And here we are!' Miki said as she reached for the handle to the door. She used her wrong arm without thinking, but with a silent swear she quickly corrected herself before Hisao noticed. “Now get in here.”

Only a few minutes ago, they had been on the verge of tearing each others clothes off, but Hisao, acting as the voice of reason insisted on a place where they wouldn't get caught or walked in on. The interval between that suggestion and actually reaching such a gave them time to realize the seriousness in what they were doing. This was the moment that would redefine their relationship. After this, they wouldn't be just a couple anymore. They would be something more and neither of them were quite sure they were ready for that step.

“So, this is your room,” Hisao said as the door closed behind him. It was more of a flat statement than a question, just words to fill the nervous silence.

“Yeah,” Miki replied. “It ain't much, but it's home,” Miki said as she kicked off her shoes. Kicking off her shoes was always the first thing she did when she returned to her room, she tried to tell herself. It had nothing to do with getting undressed. She wasn't entirely sure she was convinced.

“It's really something,” Hisao replied as he looked around. It wasn't at all what he expected, although if asked, he would have to admit that he had no clue what he had actually expected. Something more tomboyish decorated with sports memorabilia perhaps? Instead, it was just another room with nothing that really made it stand out.

“Thanks,” Miki replied. “so...” her voice trailed off.

“Yeah...” Hisao replied with equal anxiety. “Are you sure you're ...?”

“Course I'm sure,” Miki said. “You wouldn't be here otherwise, right?”

“It's just, I don't see you … getting ready or anything.” Hisao said.

“And your pants are still on too,” she said back. She was making a show of her normal confidence but it was an obvious charade. Instead, they both just sat there for a moment longer. Then without warning, Miki grabbed Hisao by the collar of his shirt and pulled him towards her. Before he could react, she had interlocked their lips. Just as suddenly, it was over. “Okay, thought that would get me in the mood,” she said with a slight smirk. “Still nervous,” She wiped her lips and smirked at him. “and really, you have to do something about that mediciney taste in your mouth.”

“Yeah, I kinda' can't do that,” Hisao said as he softly patted his chest. The humor he had intended for his words didn't quite come across. He shrugged once he realized his joke fell flat.

“Buy some breath mints,” Miki said with a teasing smile.

“I'll make a note of that,” Hisao said as he sat down on the edge of her bed. It was an odd feeling, even knowing what they had come here to do. Just sitting on a girls bed felt like he was somehow crossing the a line. He was also somewhat disappointed to discover that a girls bed didn't really feel any different than his own. 'Another myth ruined' he thought to himself. “This isn't really like you, you know?”

“What do you mean it's not like me?” Miki asked genuinely curious.

“I mean, you're normally so confident. Seeing you like this, it ... I don't know. It doesn't feel right.” Hisao said to her.

“Hey, just because I talk a good game doesn't mean I've ever scored any points, know what I mean?” Miki said cautiously moving to sit beside him. She could see a surprised look in his eyes.

“I'm sorry. I just figure somebody like you, guys would be all over you.”

“They are, it's just never got this far with anyone,” she said. “And... hell... I'm nervous, okay? It's just that nothing- I mean... nobody's sticking anything into you. Just let me be a girl for a moment here,” she knew the words sounded stupid and boarded on nonsense as she said them. Her inability to vocalize her feeling only made things worse. Miki ran her hand through her hair only to notice she had begun sweating. The room felt a lot warmer for some reason.

Hisao simply put his hand on her still denim clad leg. He had no idea what to say in response to that.

“Argghh!” Miki cried in frustration, quickly pulling her brown t-shirt off and throwing it across the room with much the same mentality a person jumping headfirst into cold water would have. There wasn't any way this was going to be easy, but sometimes you just had to get things over with. Her bandaged stump pressed uselessly against the fabric, lacking anyway to get a grip on it and it made the whole process even more clumsy and frustrating. Once she had revealed herself however, she felt more in control. Not yet at her normal levels of confidence, but it was something. “Okay. Your turn,” she said to Hisao.

Hisao stood up from the bed. It was obvious where his gaze was locked and it was equally obvious that he was trying to hide it from her. “It's kinda not fair you have that extra layer of clothes there.” It was the best he could come up with to lighten the mood.

“It's not even one of my good bras,” Miki smiled at him.

Reluctantly, Hisao began to unbutton his shirt.

“Woo-hoo. Take it off,” Miki said in a far more soft and subdued manner than the words normally warrant. Hisao simply stopped what he was doing and looked oddly at her until she burst out again in laughter.

“Can I continue?” he asked feigning disrepute.

“Just a minute. I gotta find some cash to stick down your undies before you take them off.” Miki said.

“You really make it hard to get in the mood,” Hisao said as his shirt opened. He slipped it off and held it for a moment as he looked around the room for a suitable place to put it.

“What are you doing? Just toss it anywhere,” Miki said to him. “Stop being a neat freak.”

Trying to act far more carefree than he actually was, Hisao threw the shirt over his shoulder, only to have it hit the wall and fall back onto him again. He grumbled slightly, wadded it up and tossed it gracelessly to the floor.

“So, that's the infamous that,” Miki said looking at his chest. “The way you described it, I expected something like jagged and bloody with Dr. Frankenstein stitches in it.”

Hisao shrugged. He had no idea what to make of her comment. Relief that the scar didn't look as bad as he made it out to be, or depressed that he had made it seem like such a huge thing. Miki looked at him and raised her eyebrows. “That was your cue. You were supposed to say something like 'well, it's certainly not as good to look at as your chest Miki,' Major missed opportunity there.”

“Yeah, well--” Hisao said, quickly undoing his belt and pulling his pants down. “Your move.”

“Boom, baby!” Miki says, quickly removing her own tan denim shorts. Her panties were gray and lacy which didn't come anywhere close to matching her plain black bra. She hoped Hisao wouldn't mention her miscoordination. To further distract him, she struck a series of what she hoped were sexy poses.

Miki sat down on the bed again, and began to remove her socks. Hisao did likewise without exchanging any further quips. Soon they were both clad only in their underwear, with Miki having the further covering of her ever present bandages.

“Okay. Before we go any further, you're not into anything weird, are you?” Miki asked nervously.

“Weird in what way?” Hisao asked.

“Your not going to put on a leather clown costume or pee on me or anything, are you?” Miki asked. Hisao's eyes grew wide. “Just checking, I mean, I'd hate to get into it and all the sudden, there's just piss everywhere. Piss and a leather clown.”

“I would never pee on you while dressed up as a clown,” Hisao tried to say in his sweetest voice. He tried. It turned into barely coherent laughter halfway through.

“That's the --” Miki started. She had intended to say, “sweetest thing anybody has ever said to me,” but she just couldn't bring herself to. The whole idea was just too … stupid. Instead, she settled for just waving her finger at him a few times and leaving the statement open. “Just one rule. You know my rule and it stands,” Miki said once the laughter had died down. Having said all they could think to say, they finished undressing.

Since coming into her room, Miki had been surprisingly cautious, only allowing for a few moments of laughter to bring her back into her mood cheeriness. Hisao couldn't help but worry about her, but at the same time he wasn't sure if he was actually the cause of the worry, or if it was something he was just supposed to comfort her about. Bringing up her One Rule only further confused the matter.

However, this time seemed like the one instance to overstep the boundaries. Hisao gently took her by the arm, raising her blemished limb to her lips and gentle kissed her bandages.

The next thing he felt, was a fist slamming against his nose.

“What the fuck do you think you're doing?” Miki shouted at him. “You know my rule! You do not get to touch me there!” Miki continued shouting, reminding Hisao how she had made it perfectly clear in the past that Hisao was not allowed to touch her stump. She had become so worked up that it took her a moment to realize that Hisao wasn't listening. Judging by the pained grimace on his face and the way he hand clutched at his heart, he was in-fact, having a heart attack.

“Don't Die, please don't die. I'm sorry,” she wanted to say, instead it came out as “Shit! Shit! Fuck! Shit!” she wanted to run into the hall calling for help, but as she was naked, even in her panicked state, she knew that was a bad idea. She didn't want to take time dressing either, because every second could mean the matter of life and death. More on instinct than any real thought, she grabbed a long shirt and fumbled to get it on. The idea was that it would be long enough to cover her as she ran for help, but panic got the better of her. She slipped it on and thrashed about, trying to find the holes for her arms and head, and ending up not doing a good job at either.

“It's … okay. It's okay. I'm alright,” Hisao finally spoke.

Miki stopped fighting with her shirt, and simply tossed it away. “Don't, don't do that to me, okay? I thought you were dying on me! And it would have been my fault! And ...”

“I'm not that easy to kill,” Hisao said with a few gasps and a horribly forced smirk. His red face and the sweat beaded up on his forehead called him a liar.

“What the hell did you do that for anyway?” Miki said. She tried to be angry, but she was on the verge of tears. “Stupid asshole,” she said as she reached down and hugged him tightly.

“I was just trying to, I don't know, let you know that I didn't care about that stuff. It doesn't matter to me,” Hisao said, his breath finally returning o him.

“Idiot. You stupid fucking idiot,” Miki said in a tone usually reserved for sweet talk. “It's not about you, okay?” Miki held her bandaged stump up and turned her wrist one way, then another, as though she were looking at it for the first time. “This is my thing.”

“You could have told me without punching me, you know,” Hisao said.

“Yeah, and you would have listened, right?” Miki asked. She lowered her arm and reached for the bandages she used as a wrap, but rather than covering her wound again, she simply held it limp in her hand.

“Probably not,” Hisao sighed. “So what do we do now?”

“You're not still up for it, are you?” Miki asked.

Hisao paused and took a deep breath. “I want to say 'yes' but I'm not sure my heart can take any more excitement like that tonight.”

“Yeah, sorry,” Miki sighed. Hisao glanced around the room looking for his pants and underwear. “Hey, I never said you had to go. We can still...I don't know, cuddle or something. The least I can do is let you stay the night.”

“I'm not exactly sure that's the best idea, considering the circumstances,” Hisao said wiping away some of the blood with his arm.

“That I won't take no for an answer for,” she said. Hisao lifted a single eyebrow as he looked at her, the honor student in him groaned at her managed grammar but then again, it wasn't something she spent a lot of time caring about anyway. “I mean, you could try to make it back to your own room, but good luck explaining why you're sneaking around the girls dorms after curfew with blood all over your face when you get caught.”

She winced slightly as she spoke. Part of her hoped that Hisao would blame her for punching him again. Then she would have tried to come up with another reason why it wasn't her fault and eventually apologize after one or two bad attempts but Hisao didn't appear to be in a fighting mood at the moment.

“You have a point,” Hisao finally said although even given his recent injury he needed very little convincing.

“Okay, and I'm just going to put my drawers back on, if you don't mind. I can't sleep naked. It's just weird. You're welcome to wear whatever you like,” Miki said as she went over and retrieved fresh underwear out of her dresser.

Hisao likewise put his underwear back on. He debated with himself for a minute about whether he should wear a shirt or not, but if Miki was in no hurry to cover herself, he supposed that his own chest could stay uncovered as well.

“I'm going to be honest here, I have no idea what's supposed to come next,” Miki said, with only a tiny bit of frustration in her voice.

“It's new to me too,” Hisao said as he dabbed his hand against his nose to check and see if he was still bleeding.

“That, and we've done a pretty horrible job of fucking things up so far,” Miki sighed. Hisao nodded in agreement. “Catch,” Miki said tossing him an old gym shirt she never wore anymore. Hisao had to stretch to grab it, as it didn't fly as far across the room as Miki had hoped. Once he did have it, however, he wasn't quite sure what to do with it. Miki looked at his confusion and waved her hand in front of her face. That only further confused Hisao. “Clean yourself up,” she finally said. Hisao wiped as much of the drying blood as he could from his face and threw the shirt in the direction of her wastebasket.

“Thanks,” Hisao said.

“Thanks? I punch you and you say thanks? Why do I put up with you again?” Miki sighed.

“Nobody else is willing to put up with your abuse?” Hisao said. Now that sex was definitely off the table for tonight, there was no more pressure. They both felt a bit more like their old selves.

“Hey, I've got people lining up to be abused by me,” Miki said with a smile.

“I can belive it. I hope you don't dress this way for them when you do it,” Hisao shot back.

“Oh, just get in the damned bed,” Miki said. “You sleep next to the wall though.”

Together, they climbed into her bed. Miki had tossed her thicker blanket to the floor so only a thin sheet was left to cover them. On top of that, the bed was small and only made for one person so they had to press together to fit, although neither complained. Just being together like this felt good. Anything else could wait for later.

“So, was it good for you?” Hisao said with dried blood still smeared on his face.

“I've had better.”

Re: Miki's First Time

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 12:25 am
by Craftyatom
Ansolutely wonderful... I was laughing almost the whole time in elation/surprise. Job well done!

Re: Miki's First Time

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 5:04 am
by Mirage_GSM
The first "realistic" depiction of a "first time" I've read in a long time ;-)
the honor student in him groaned at her managed grammar

Re: Miki's First Time

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 5:06 am
by NotSoClassy
I Imagine what would someone think after skipping the whole thing and reading just the two last lines.

Re: Miki's First Time

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 5:19 am
by brythain
I'm still chuckling. This is a sweet tale which answers one particular question I had in my mind while writing something else a few days ago. When I get it up (the piece I was writing, that is), you'll know why. Synchronicity. Thanks very much, Oddball!

Re: Miki's First Time

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 5:36 am
by Feurox
Wow, love this. Only 1 or 2 grammatical errors, and they don't even take you away from the flow of the story. A job very well done here Mr Oddball.

Re: Miki's First Time

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 7:39 am
by Helbereth
NotSoClassy wrote:I Imagine what would someone think after skipping the whole thing and reading just the two last lines.
They would probably assume this fic was not so classy.

Re: Miki's First Time

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 9:17 am
by NotSoClassy
Helbereth wrote:
NotSoClassy wrote:I Imagine what would someone think after skipping the whole thing and reading just the two last lines.
They would probably assume this fic was not so classy.
Ba dum tss

Re: Miki's First Time

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 10:31 am
by dewelar
Wait, what's this? A Miki story where I didn't find Miki annoying? And is funny as hell? Yes, please!
NotSoClassy wrote:
Helbereth wrote:
NotSoClassy wrote:I Imagine what would someone think after skipping the whole thing and reading just the two last lines.
They would probably assume this fic was not so classy.
Ba dum tss
Tsk. These are the KS boards. You're contractually obligated to use this.

Re: Miki's First Time

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 12:09 pm
by AntonSlavik020
Really well done story. One of the most realistic "first time" stories I've read. Honestly the only reason I didn't overly enjoy it was because I'm not big on really awkward situations, but that's more a personal taste thing than anything.

Re: Miki's First Time

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 12:50 pm
by Oddball
brythain wrote:I'm still chuckling. This is a sweet tale which answers one particular question I had in my mind while writing something else a few days ago. When I get it up (the piece I was writing, that is), you'll know why. Synchronicity. Thanks very much, Oddball!
I really hope it doesn't involve clowns peeing on anybody.
Mirage_GSM wrote:The first "realistic" depiction of a "first time" I've read in a long time ;-)
I hope your first didn't involve getting punched in the face.
AntonSlavik020 wrote:Honestly the only reason I didn't overly enjoy it was because I'm not big on really awkward situations, but that's more a personal taste thing than anything.
Oh, I love them. I think you can get a lot of mileage out of them for both characterization and humor.

If nothing else, it felt good to get another thing I've written actually out where people could see it. I've been starting and then deleting a lot of stuff latley.

Re: Miki's First Time

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 1:42 pm
by Mirage_GSM
Oddball wrote:
Mirage_GSM wrote:The first "realistic" depiction of a "first time" I've read in a long time ;-)
I hope your first didn't involve getting punched in the face.
No, but I'm honestly considering whether that would have been preferable...

Re: Miki's First Time

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:08 am
by Flarezium
Hey! Look who actually found a mistake with his idiot brain.
Oddball wrote:Hisao threw the shirt over his should, only to have it hit the wall again and fall back onto him

Re: Miki's First Time

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 10:01 am
by Oddball
Flarezium wrote:Hey! Look who actually found a mistake with his idiot brain.
Oddball wrote:Hisao threw the shirt over his should, only to have it hit the wall again and fall back onto him
It is one of my stories. I'm not exactly know for my flawless writing. :oops:

Re: Miki's First Time

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 10:14 am
by Mahorfeus
Y'know, after reading the title, I was expecting something totally different. Like Miki being a crazy, manipulative nympho.

I liked it, though.