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Various Topics

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:12 pm
by bahamit_147
I know I've already thanked the dev team for their amazing work however I still wish I could have been both in the right set of mind when I discovered act one as the right state of health (temporarily hospitalized and on the recovery from a severe lung infection) to have offered some of my writing ability. I hope the entire dev team feels proud of what they created as I know had I been part I would feel pride. I have attempted to offer my hand at a few projects in the past however disorganization at the top caused failures and many withered into nothing. Depressing really, just glad that wasn't the case here. I know how hard both artist and writers block can be and how the best ideas come to you randomly and unless written down, disappear as quickly as they came and you all did an amazing job not letting that show. As for myself I both desire and not desire to write a fanfic for a few reasons so I was hoping perhaps a few members of the forum would tell me their interests. I say that I don't desire as should this spark a good idea for my own novel I may vanish from my writing here to work on that. I would return although when is the question. So I'll state what I would write and gauge the yays and nays.

As its a fanfic I would say homage to KS both in name and background characters, I could write all new but many people know and care about who is already there I'll keep that much. However the main character would come from myself, a furthering of my own health problems, essentially good heart, bad lungs. I know the heart is very symbolic of the romance, however this is a fanfic not a production vn I think I can get away with it. Most likely I would include music interest in the plot and already have plans for lily and shizune. Many people wonder how I connect music and a deaf person, (at least those that don't know much about music history); however that will only be written about with interest.

If anyone, mainly dev team, would like to see a portion of the novel I have been writing, all they need to is PM me. I always welcome advice as not everyone visualizes things the same in their mind and due to this an image I see may not have been transfered to ink and paper as fully as one would like.