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Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:26 pm
by Albert Wesker
What do you think about the H-scenes in the game? (adult content, in other words)
This is the first time that i feel, that a sex scene can be so sweet and... i really can find the words, touching as fuck? ( when i mean first time i don't mean my first time playing ks, it's more like ks is the only game that made me feel like that about this)

Pic related
4225149+_11e598e90879375c58da028aae69dbda.jpg (13.38 KiB) Viewed 19204 times

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 1:55 am
by Guest Poster
I thought they were very well and tastefully handled, compared to H-scenes in a LOT of other VNs. Some of them were sweet and loving (Emi's last scene, Lilly's scenes) and others were awkward, but intentionally so. (Hanako's, Misha's, Emi's second one) But most of them were plot-relevant instead of purely there for fan service and the fact the characters barely talk throughout the whole scene and the absence of flying semen, stock porn lines and calling your orgasms is refreshing. This aspect of the game was one thing I was initially worried about and was very relieved they got right after playing through.

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 2:45 am
by Xanatos
Some were fappable, others weren't. All were well-done and story-relevant.

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 4:02 am
by Nobody in Particular
I'm going to step away from the crowd and say that I thought they were quite poor. They were handled tastefully, yes, but most of the time I don't think they particularly added anything to the story and it would have been just as good, if not better, had the devs of just left them out.

Not to say they were all bad. A couple were good for the story, the ones in Shizune's routes were quite erotic if you are into that kind of thing.

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 5:07 am
by Heartless Wanderer
Quite a few of them were relevant enough or at least added their own element to Hisao's relationship with his chosen love interest that they were worth having. Some of them just seemed to come out of nowhere because the writers thought they'd needed a sex scene, though.

"Fappable" is not something I look for in a six-plus hour visual novel, so that is a non-issue. If I were looking for porn, I would look for something that cuts right to the chase.

I enjoyed them for what they were: relatively tasteful and down-to-earth depictions of healthy sexual relationships between a guy and his girlfriend. Or... in at least two cases not-so-healthy, but those cases were the most story-relevant so it balances out. They're a small part of the whole and a good part. Not perfect, but nothing ever is.

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 5:47 am
by ook
Heartless Wanderer wrote:"Fappable" is not something I look for in a six-plus hour visual novel, so that is a non-issue. If I were looking for porn, I would look for something that cuts right to the chase.
That's why you make a save file right before each scene. :mrgreen:

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 7:34 am
by Dream
Sometimes wish they weren't there so it could be easier to share KS with people i know in real life, but aside from that they add a lot to the story i think. Not only some of them add a great to the story and push it forward, but it's interesting to see the relationship of Hisao and the girls in that context. And i wouldn't exactly call the sex scenes sweet, but rather that each girl has her own feeling, so to say, with the sex scenes. Hanako's was passionate and akward, Emi's was cheery, lively and slightly cute, And Rin's were... Quite Rin-ish.

Personally, i don't think any of the sex scenes came out of nowhere, and fit perfectly for the characters and story/route.

EDIT: And the picture is simply perfect, felt the need to say that.

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 11:49 am
by ravenlord
I found the H-Scenes well woven within the fabric of the story and they added richness and depth to it. They were realistic, and they tended to be defining pivotal points in each relationship. They also added punch to the feels that a player gets when he finishes an arc. I don't think that players would be as deeply connected (no pun intended) to their favorite heroine if they had not experienced those episodes of physical intimacy in the story.

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 12:06 pm
by yummines
Nothing worse than a sex scene in some R-rated movie.

Unfappable to me though. Rin all wet was too damn cute to fap to.

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 12:50 pm
by Snow_Storm
They were all immoral and disturbing and I hope 4LS rots in hell for artwork of cripple hentai girls getting fucked.

Naw but for reals, all of them were pretty tasteful and weren't outlandish or graphic.

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 12:56 pm
by FoxtrotZero
ook wrote:
Heartless Wanderer wrote:"Fappable" is not something I look for in a six-plus hour visual novel, so that is a non-issue. If I were looking for porn, I would look for something that cuts right to the chase.
That's why you make a save file right before each scene. :mrgreen:
Actually, with the advent of the Library system, that's not necessary.

I don't have a history in VNs, but I can always pull out the I've seen enough hentai... card. Therefore, when a guy I know started ranting about the intimate scenes of KS like it was the only part of the game, my general reaction is "why should I get caught up in a six hour storyline just for some pics?"

That, of course, is the wrong way to go about KS. Luckily, after some exploration on my own, I discovered the true nature of the game and eventually found the time and interest to get involved with it. I'm glad I did, because the stories have, to not go into a rant, affected me deeply, and those scenes are a large part of interactions with the characters. They're an essential part of a truly deep relationship (very well demonstrated in Lilly's arc). I think some of them relate pretty well to a character's overall, well, character (I understand this to be well demonstrated in Emi's, though I'm not there yet), and some of them have amazing emotional and plot depth (Hanako's was almost more of a plot device than a result of a good relationship).

They're only a small part of the game, but it wouldn't be the same game without them.

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 4:29 pm
by Silentcook
Snow_Storm wrote:They were all immoral and disturbing and I hope 4LS rots in hell for artwork of cripple hentai girls getting fucked.
So we did it right? Ballin'.
Snow_Storm wrote:Naw but for reals, all of them were pretty tasteful and weren't outlandish or graphic.


Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 4:33 pm
by Pyramid Head
I thought they were handled as tastefully as possible in most cases and otherwise showed off the expressive artwork, see the Emi anal sex scene which wasn't fappable because you were laughing too damn hard.
That said i love the fact that the only really explicit scene kills any and all sexual arousal not just with how awkward it is but how stilted the entire atmosphere is with the music, events leading up to it and what you know about the drama at that point. Hell some people used to argue that it was rape.

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 5:37 pm
by Shadowyeclipse
Well, I'm not saying they were bad, but the story would have gone just as well without them, something I've learned from playing a few other visual novels.

They made sense, and added an element of humor, awkwardness, and a bond between the characters and player. They didn't feel 'tacked on', (mostly,) and helped to contribute to the story. (mostly.)
Although with some very minor complaints that I don't feel very necessary to add in, the scenes didn't feel like sex scenes. They weren't arousing, (not in a bad way,) but were more emotionally inviting than they were sexually pleasing. What I'm trying to say, is that the story is done right, and the sex doesn't just feel random, added in there because sex was needed. It felt natural, though very awkward, which I assume is the intention.

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 5:43 pm
by Pyramid Head
Shadowyeclipse wrote:Well, I'm not saying they were bad, but the story would have gone just as well without them, something I've learned from playing a few other visual novels.

They made sense, and added an element of humor, awkwardness, and a bond between the characters and player. They didn't feel 'tacked on', (mostly,) and helped to contribute to the story. (mostly.)
Although with some very minor complaints that I don't feel very necessary to add in, the scenes didn't feel like sex scenes. They weren't arousing, (not in a bad way,) but were more emotionally inviting than they were sexually pleasing. What I'm trying to say, is that the story is done right, and the sex doesn't just feel random, added in there because sex was needed. It felt natural, though very awkward, which I assume is the intention.

I imagine they were a very welcome change of pace after the *Hyun-ae ending of Analogue.