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Another VN Recruitment Post

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 9:16 pm
by Josh_Mac
I and another friend are recruiting for a VN development group (as it seems half the KS forums are). If you have any sort of talent, be it musical, artistic, writing-ic, or technical, please post or PM me. I'd rather not post too many plot details but it will be a romance themed VN but not necessarily in the same vein as KS...

Well, that's embarrassing. I apologize for my vagueness; even I didn't intend it to be that bad.

The tentative plan right now features a male protagonist who suffers from an accident and has to readjust to his existence in his high school. Now, it's not as KS-esque as I make it sound. Rather than getting used to an entirely new environment with a new disability or anything like that, he will have "re-learn" everything he knew, in a sense. The romance options are to be determined, but there are developmental ideas for them so far...

Hm, see, the thing is, we have the main plot twist worked out, and it's central to describing the rest of what we have so far, and obviously I can't just spill that on the recruitment post. Essentially, imagine what life would be like if you were given a second chance at it; a do-over, if you will.

If you knew what it was like to die, how would you choose to live?

Re: Another VN Recruitment Post

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 9:35 pm
by Oddball
There's a difference between not posting too many plot details and not posting anything at all.

Romantic. Okay. That's all you gave us.

Is this some dark dreary gothic romance with vampires and stuff? Is this going to be a Victorian style bodice ripper? Normal highschool? Catgirls and spiky rainbow colored anime hair? Is this going to be set in the early 1800s and feature Abe Lincoln as the main hero? What's the hook here?

Re: Another VN Recruitment Post

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 10:01 pm
by Josh_Mac
Yeah sorry, was in a hurry, and didn't even realize how bad what I posted was. I'll update the OP in a moment.

That said, I kinda like the idea of Abe Lincoln as an MC sometime.

Re: Another VN Recruitment Post

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 10:03 pm
by gekiganwing
First, be advised that not many freeware games get completed. An awful lot of projects fall apart for various reasons (lack of perseverance and passion, team conflicts, real life issues, and so on). Too many times, nothing gets released except for a few blurbs, some art samples, and maybe a demo. It's true on RPG Maker forums, it's true on Ren'py forums, and it's probably true anywhere else people talk about creating freeware.

Second, think about what sort of story you want to tell, and what your "angle" is. Ask yourself a lot of questions before you get too involved, such as the following:

* Where does it take place?
* If the setting is relatively realistic, will the story happen in a specific time period?
* How much fantasy, and how much reality? Do you want your story to be plausible? Do you want to create a world where people have unrealistic motivations, relationships, and appearances? Somewhere in the middle?
* No matter what happens, your characters will have relationships. How much emphasis will there be on friendship or romance? Will there be an overall plot, or are you writing slice of life?
* Do you want to make a harem game? If so, what sort of harem? How will you portray it? Will it be strictly worksafe content, or do you want to present unsettling or obscene content?

Finally, we'll hope to see you on the Lemma Soft forum, or the Novelty Maker forum. If you create a topic about your current project there, then make sure to provide details, and be willing to offer feedback and assistance.