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A Dark Place

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:23 pm
by northernlight
( A fiction where Hisao doesn't fall off the roof for Kenji's bad end.)

What is life? Is it a series of preplanned events? A random chance of infinite possibilities? Or is it merely a dream? A dream at the mercy of the mind of a dreamer...


A dull thump, thump, thump breaks the silence. Yet it doesn't doesn't offset the cloak of darkness. An awareness of the dark but a light flickers in the distance. Stepping towards the light, an audible humming of voices can be heard. Pausing here to dis-concern who or where it maybe. The voices are a consortium of various people with an almost familiar chorus. Having been concentrating on the light, a shadowy figure goes wholly unnoticed until it's ice cold fingers tap the shoulder.

Whirling around in fright the heart drowns out the noise from the light.

The Shadow points to the light and commands. "LISTEN"!

A meek reply comes forth. "Listen? To the light? .... It's noise."

The Shadow almost with a growl, booms it's voice once again. "NOISE?! Do you not hear them? Do you think so little of them that you deny knowing them? LISTEN closely."

The noise of the light becomes audible again. This time with care some voices can be heard yet still not made out. Some of the voices are joyous, some are stoic and some seem to be in sorrow.

Turning to the shadow the reply. " I hear someone... no I hear many but I can't make out what they say. I can't understand them."

The Shadow chillingly replies. "Then that is why you are here. The voices are moments. Some could have happened or could happen still. However you have refused to listen. You have forsaken the voices and what they could have meant."

The fear and uncertainty returning with confusion. "Who are you? Why are you here?"

For a startling moment the Shadow steps in front of the light and appears to absorb it, returning the total darkness. " I matter not as much as you. The answers to your questions, are yours to discover. Dare not you cower or you will come to know a true darkness. Do you? I don't think you do but dare you have the courage to face the light? Darkness comes easy but if you want your answers you must seek them."

The light becomes visible again.

The Shadow is no longer seen but it lurks menacingly in the darkness. Taunting. Daring. Or threatening?

Fear. Fear to move or the fear of not moving forward. Both can bring a peril with unknowns and cold comforts. The Shadow's forbidding threat lingers enough that a first step is followed by another. Each closing the distance to the light, and with it, the faint hope of answers.

Chapter 1: The Lost One

"Hisao! Are you alright?"
Realizing my hand is clenching my chest and I'm on the track with an equally sore knee it takes mere seconds to realize what happened to me. I pushed and I stumbled. A sense of shame befalls me as I tenderly try to get to my feet.
In front of me now is a hand. That stings. The stretched hand out to pick me up again. I knew these runs weren't going to help. After the first incident last month I shouldn't ever have let the nurse order me back to the track. It's too dangerous for me.
The hand is still there and I am reluctantly take it. Emi is looking at me. Not just looking but frowning. I don't care. I don't need her to know I can't do this. Still I let her escort me to the Nurse's office for what will surely be another unpleasant chat. Damn him. Why can't he accept what I have? My heart is broken and shouldn't be risked around a bubbling spirit that guilt's me into trying too hard.
I can't do what she did... Emi. She has prosthetics to replace her legs. In fact I think she's faster with them than she ever could be with her real ones. Another time and place I could enjoy her energy but now it depresses me.
Entering the office I immediately lie down on the examination bed before he can ask. He doesn't need to ask anyways. He should know. At the moment he's more interested in talking to Emi about what happened then with me. After a brief session she leaves with eyes that make me hurt. Sad ones, like I had let her down. Maybe I had.
" Hisao. I should be annoyed that you ignored my advice against pushing yourself. You were supposed to start slowly. We'll need to run some tests and possibly adjust your medication but for now I just want you to rest here."
After he sets up the heart monitor, he sets down at his desk frowning over what I think is my file. I feel exhausted. This realization brings a dread to me. The nightmare may return. That Dark Shadow and it's fury have caused me to loose sleep these past many nights.

As I begin to drift off a careful thought crosses my troubled mind.

What if?

(To be continued...)

Re: A Dark Place

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 8:15 pm
by Roamin12
This has my attention. Please continue.