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How KS Helped Me

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:34 am
by tangramman
Hi. I'm not sure if this post belongs in feedback, but looking at the rules there, I assume not. I also initially posted this on 4chan, but I figured I would post it here as a thank you to the developers. Also, if this topic is too bare bones for a discussion or just rule-breaking in some way, don't hesitate to delete it/move it/whatever, I just wanted to post this.

I just finished Emi's story today. Holy shit, these feels.

Lately, I've been extremely depressed and melancholic, for no good reason. A lot of great things have happened recently - a short story I wrote is getting published, I moved out with my girlfriend, my family life is pristine (I know it sounds like I'm gloating, and I'm sorry for that) - yet I feel like absolute shit. I procrastinate all goddamn day, doing nothing but browsing forums, wasting time. I complain about my problems without discussing what I actually feel, accomplishing nothing. I normally work out, which is completely out of schedule (could hardly squat 1 plate). I've been trying to motivate myself with typical trite platitudes of what taking action will achieve, yet I feel and do nothing. I've talked - superficially - to my family and girlfriend, clinging onto them, hoping they see my problems without my input and give me a solution. Nothing seems to stick.

After finishing Emi's story, I feel invigorated. What I truly loved about it was that I got the bad end at first, which was way the fuck too depressing to handle. I immediately reloaded and tried again. The reason I loved it is because the choices to get to the bad end are the choices in which you get the option to discuss your problems with Emi's with others; what I initially did was keep the matter private. I figured we could work it out ourselves, that is to say, I figured I could work these problems out myself. Emi subsequently told me to get out of her house and I never saw her again after she shrugged off our relationship.
However, after choosing to talk to others about the things I could do to connect with her, it slowly built to me letting Emi reveal herself to me on her terms, instead of either forcing it or retreating as if everything is okay. This is what I need to do in order to fix myself: I need to let others know what my problems on my own and discuss these problems with others. The choices you can make to get the bad end reflect the choices you can make in real life to get your own bad end, especially in Emi's story (haven't played through the others yet, so I can't be sure if they're better examples). You choose to talk as your good end, and embrace another fully, not just in actions, but words as well - Hisao may have loved Emi through his actions but he had never said it to her. Their conversation allowed both of them to grow as a result.

That's what I need: to talk. To get motivated. To have a true desire to better my life, through MY choices, and mine alone.
So, I'm going to talk, I'm going to say why I've been sad, and I'll probably cry too. I've been so afraid of my future that I haven't been doing anything to make it better. So that's what I'm doing, all because of a VN.

I probably sound like a Elder God tier cunt right now, but, goddammit, I needed this. Thank you.

So, I guess, as a further disscussion, has KS helped you in any way? Again, I realize there is another topic with the same basic premise, so if this topic is redundant, I'm sorry.

Re: How KS Helped Me

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 1:30 pm
by gRaViJa
Oh man, I know the feeling!

I had pretty much the same problems: Well, i'll just put it short here because i already wrote a blog-like thread here before, but when i was 18 i lost my girlfriend in a car accident an ever since then i kept my problems for myself and i didn't care about my future in any way really. Since I played Emi's route i came to exactly the same conclusion as you. I decided to open up again, talk to old friends again and tell my newer friends about my past. For the first time ever i'm also thinking about what i want to do with my life and now i know i'll either go for an extra year of studies or i'll go work parttime + freelance work and go live with my friends after summer. Without KS i'd just accept a random job while keep living at home. And i also started running and working out :p

So great that you decided to keep your life in your own hands too! Makes me smile that other people are experiencing more or less the same thing as i do now ^^ Keep it up!

Re: How KS Helped Me

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 2:28 am
by newnar

Re: How KS Helped Me

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 2:32 am
by Mirrormn
newnar wrote:Image
He said Emi's route helped him out of depression by showing him the value of communicating with others =O

I do love Condescending Wonka, though. And Rin!

Re: How KS Helped Me

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 2:51 am
by V_nce
Dat feel.

Re: How KS Helped Me

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 5:02 am
by gRaViJa
newnar wrote:Image
Though didn't get depressed by Emi's Arc either, i did play Rin's and i wasn't nearly as emotionally touched as by Emi's, though it was also an amazing storyline.