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When did you come to like a particular character?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 8:37 pm
by themocaw
Simply put: What was the moment when you came to really "get" and like a particular character?

Emi: The track meet. Seeing Emi at her Emiest.

Hanako: The bar. Getting hustled in pool by a shy shrinking violet.

Lilly: The moment in the wheat fields.

Rin: Lying on the roof watching the sky.

Shizune: Stretching her arms out and showing me the world.

Misha: Sitting on the rooftop as the sun sets.

Mutou: "If you can't observe it directly. . . observe its effects on the world around you."

Re: When did you come to like a particular character?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 9:03 pm
by yipyapper
Akira, as soon as she showed up with her awesome suit.

However, I fully realized how laid back she was when she brought wine to the party and started discussing protection and how Lilly got the better of the bust size.

Re: When did you come to like a particular character?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 9:15 pm
by NoOne3
Rin: When she realised right away the problem was in Hisao's pants.
Rin: For the second time, when I realised she's nothing like the girl anyone expected after Act.1.
yipyapper wrote:Akira, as soon as she showed up with her awesome suit.
I realised now, it might have been her law-suit. Ba dum Tss!

Re: When did you come to like a particular character?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 9:30 pm
by Katase
The second Rin said "That's not good. It has to be like... like the color when you wake up and you know that you saw the meaning of life in your dreams but can't remember it.", I realized she was completely awesome.

Re: When did you come to like a particular character?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 9:36 pm
by GaseousMask
themocaw wrote:
Hanako: The bar. Getting hustled in pool by a shy shrinking violet.
It's the quiet ones you gotta look out for D: Who knows what else she can do haha

Re: When did you come to like a particular character?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 9:42 pm
by newnar
GaseousMask wrote:
themocaw wrote:
Hanako: The bar. Getting hustled in pool by a shy shrinking violet.
It's the quiet ones you gotta look out for D: Who knows what else she can do haha
That reminded me of George Carlin. "It's the quiet ones you've got to watch. Well I'm sure that while you're watching the quiet ones the noisy one will fucking kill you!!!"

Re: When did you come to like a particular character?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 9:46 pm
by myshoesarebrown
Kenji: The rooftop scene. While it was funny and ridiculous and all, I think a lot of people can relate to Kenji. Not in the insane "women are blowing up the galaxy" sense, or the "she stole my life force through sex" sense, but the despair of feeling like fate is against you. Like you don't have any choices in life. I can't help but feel Kenji was just depressed and down on his luck once, maybe was rejected by girls, and joked about hating women. He just used humor to get over it. But the despair never really went away, and he ended up believing some of what he was saying.

I am the only Kenjibro in an antikenji world. :(

Re: When did you come to like a particular character?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:02 pm
by Tezzeret
Rin: As soon as i saw her i knew i'd like her.

Emi: I think the second she cracked that running was better than sex i knew i was gonna like her.

Misha: She had me at "wahaha!".

Mutou: I can't remember which route it was but once i knew he was a profoundly deep individual that offered Hisao some excellent advice he got a lot cooler to me.

Kenji: The second he opened his mouth i started laughing my ass off.

Re: When did you come to like a particular character?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:19 pm
by yipyapper
I was hooked on Misha after seeing her drills.

Re: When did you come to like a particular character?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:30 pm
by newnar
yipyapper wrote:I was hooked on Misha after seeing her drills.
Who would've even guessed.

Re: When did you come to like a particular character?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:34 pm
by yipyapper
newnar wrote:
yipyapper wrote:I was hooked on Misha after seeing her drills.
Who would've even guessed.
What? You can run a mining operation with those things.

I guess Misha likes to...

*Puts on sunglasses*

...Drill that into your head.


Re: When did you come to like a particular character?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:43 pm
by UncleJellyfish
When I saw Rin♥ eating curry....with her foot....I knew I had to have her. The two greatest things in the world in one place: Curry, and Rin♥.

Re: When did you come to like a particular character?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:47 pm
by yipyapper
UncleJellyfish wrote:When I saw Rin♥ eating curry....with her foot....I knew I had to have her. The two greatest things in the world in one place: Curry, and Rin♥.
I must say as soon as someone sees our accounts on this kind of thread it is impossible to not know what we will say. Although I like Akira and Rin more than Misha.

Re: When did you come to like a particular character?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:57 pm
by newnar
I would join in the discussion but I have completely no idea when I fell in love with dear Hanako. It was my love for books and chess that brought us together at first, yet I knew that there was something about her I couldn't run away from at the first moment I saw her. But you could also say I fell in love with her at the end, at the hugging/crying scene, baring scene and handphone strap scene. Those ate into me so deep, I felt as if I was gonna die from lack of lung tissue.

My experience playing Hanako's good arc was so natural, it felt like a complete story, an uninterruptable process. It was the only arc where I would gladly swap Hisao's name for mine beause every action Hisao took was in complete sync with my thoughts. Well except one scene. In other arcs I often had to "leave my comfort zone" to select a choice that wasn't me. That's why I can't tell when I fell in love with Hanako. It's frustrating yet relieving to know that I share such a deep bond with her that I can't even analyze it on a timeline.

Re: When did you come to like a particular character?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:59 pm
by MoonShadow
My favorite is Rin, and it happened since the demo, when she fell asleep on top of me... on top of Hisao before the fireworks.

Lilly got me when she feels Hisao's face for the first time.

Shizune got me at the bondage scene.

I don't think any other caracther got me so deeply than those three.