Hanako Fancopter One-Shots/Misc. Stuff (2/24/21--Wet Dreams)


Hanako Fancopter
Posts: 307
Joined: Fri May 25, 2018 6:27 pm

Re: Hanako Fancopter One-Shots/Misc. Stuff (4/26/20--Contest Fic "A Lighter Touch")

Post by Hanako Fancopter »

And here's the other one. This one is an "edgy Hanako" take. She joins the esteemed ranks of Lilly and Rika. Eventually I'll make them all evil...


An Evening Rendezvous (Naomi x Natsume x ...Hisao?) [Slight lewd warning]
Mother Knows Best (Hisao x Meiko) [Lewd warning]
A Very Unusual Friendship (Lilly x Hanako) [Lewd warning]
A Friendly Competition (Misha x Shizune) [Lewd warning]
Snowed In (Hisao x Hanako) [Not lewd! For once! At least not explicitly so >.>]
Morning Stretches (Emi x Rin + special guest appearance) [Lewd! We back at it!]
Locked In (Hisao x Hanako + bonus pairing) [Snowed In follow-up; A little lewd, only a little]
In The Moment (Rika x Saki) [Lewd warning]
The Student Council Shuffle (Multiple pairings!) [Not lewd!]
Undercover (Miki x Suzu) [Lewd warning]
Lilly's Day Off (Lilly x ???)
Overnighter (Shizune x Miki) [Not lewd]
Working Women (Akira x Yuuko) [Lewd!] [Thanks to MoashLannister for this title]
An Unusual Family (Lilly x Hisao x Hanako) [Very Unusual Friendship follow-up; very lewd]
Operation Bedfellow (Kenji x Rin) [Non-lewd]
Flights of Fancy (Misha x Rin) [No lewd I promise]
An Unexpected Development (Lilly x Hanako x Hisao) ["Evil Lilly" story--big smut/edge warning]
An Intimate Game (Mutou x Shizune) [Not lewd... or is it?]
High Stakes (Aoi x Keiko x Misha) [Medium lewd]
A Most Unorthodox Christmas (Evil Lilly part 4--I think if there is a part 5 they may need their own thread) [Lewd with BONUS ART]
The Last Stand (Lilly x Kenji) [Lewd]
A Hearty Rivalry (Meiko vs Lilly) [Non lewd]
A Lighter Touch (Shizune & Hisao vs Lilly) [Non lewd]
Prying Eyes (Lilly x Hisao x Hanako) [Lewd]
Bitter Spirits (Hanako x Hisao w/ mystery guest appearance) [Very lewd]
All in the Family (Hisao x everyone) [Not smut though I promise]
Wet Dreams (Hisao x Suzu) [Lewd]


Bitter Spirits

Jazz music tinkled into the room as Hanako stirred her drink. She’d bounced between most of the bars on this side of the city over the past few years, but between phases of exploration, she always found herself settling back into this one. Something about it just felt too familiar to ignore. One shot to start, then a beer to chase it. She could feel the stirrings of a buzz as she took her first sip from the cocktail in front of her. Nothing brought Hanako comfort like this practiced routine.

The cocktail was half empty when she noticed the man eyeing her from down the bar. She looked into her drink, letting her hair hide her scars. When she finished the drink, his voice spoke up from the stool next to her.

“Let me get the next one?”

Hanako knew it was the same man without having to look up. The next drink slid in front of her and she tipped it back gratefully. As she did so, her hair fell back to reveal the scars. No gasp, no shock, no sound of the stool being pushed back as the man got up, nothing like that. Every time Hanako came this close to wishing that one of them would, but they never did. All the scars ever got was the briefest of pauses before things continued. They weren’t interested in her face. They didn’t care.

“So, uh, you alone?” the man asked her. Awkward, but confident. Direct.

Hanako gave him a shy smile, sizing him up. Tall. Large, but not fat. Leather jacket, like something out of an American motorcycle rally. He might have looked a bit silly if he weren’t so totally and fully self-assured.

She picked up her glass and stood up, walking the familiar path over to the pool table. He followed like an obedient puppy. Half of her felt disgust at the ease with which she could navigate these interactions. The men were so predictable once she finally learned to stop fearing them, a fear that alcohol had helped her to conquer. The other half of her knew that if she deviated at any point from this little dance, the man would toss her aside like a used condom, that he’d go right back to fishing for his next catch without giving her a second glance.

Hanako had what he wanted. She needed what he had.

The cue ball rolled forward into a good enough break, considering how tipsy she was. The man gave her some irrelevant compliment or another. Hanako said nothing, only sparing him the occasional glance. He played along happily, making an occasional remark, but mostly content to match her silence. The drinks ran dry. The man bought more. The balls dwindled. Even in her increasingly drunken state, Hanako managed to pull out a win. She’d been to this bar a lot. She had a lot of practice.

Another compliment from the man, this one laced with a hint of surprise. Probably not used to losing to a girl, at anything. Hanako didn’t care. It was just something to do. The room swayed around her. She turned to the man and wrapped her arms around his waist, looking up into his eyes expectantly. He leaned down to kiss her and their bodies pressed together. The spinning in her head accelerated, forming a pit of anticipation deep in her stomach. Hanako lead him back to the bar and tapped its surface.

The bartender brought her another shot. He paid.

The ride to her place was an exhilarating whirl of lights and wind as she held onto his torso, riding behind him on his motorbike. The two-wheeled vehicle was a nice change from the salarymen that Hanako usually picked up. This guy might be a salaryman too, she had no idea, but at least he was trying a bit harder than most. He half-carried her up the stairs. Hanako was very drunk, but she still played it up a bit. She wanted him to take the lead; to take her.

Her jacket and shirt were off nearly as soon as they got inside. Hanako stumbled through her little two-room apartment, reaching behind her back to unclasp her bra. She fell onto the mattress and he fell atop her, so eager to have her that he hadn’t attended to any of his own clothes. Those steadily came off as he pressed his face into hers, their mouths joined in a desperate exchange. Hanako clutched at his broad shoulders and torso, just as he squeezed at her bottom and bared breasts.

Then he was done exploring her body, just as rapidly as he’d started. They’d both been waiting for this. No point delaying it with any more formalities. She unsnapped her jeans and pulled them down to her knees along with her panties; he did the rest, dropping his own pants and taking her right there on the edge of the bed. Hanako closed her eyes and bit her lip as he slid in, quickly losing herself in the heady haze of alcohol, pleasure, and her partner’s rhythm.

The man grunted and groaned as he had his way. Hanako gripped the sheets when he pulled her legs apart, then held them up over his shoulders. Her face burned nearly as hot as her nethers, her body swelling and pulsing with the sensation of him slamming down deep inside. She came. He took hold of her hips and flipped her over, putting her onto her stomach with her legs hanging to the floor. She bit into the bed as he pushed her down and fucked her like a bitch in heat. Hanako shuddered and shook as his hips smacked loudly against her ass. She came again.

When it was done he laid atop her for a while, savoring his conquest. His breath felt hot on her neck and shoulders as he stroked her scars tenderly. Hanako could do little more than let out the occasional sigh, her mind and body spent by the experience. He’d been good. She wasn’t satisfied, but… right now, she could just exist. That was enough.

In the morning, he was gone. That was good too. Hanako didn’t like making them leave. She checked her phone. 4 missed calls from work. She listened to enough of the voicemail to figure out that she was fired, then hung up. A trip to the bathroom, a handful of pills—one for the morning after, the rest for her headache—and a glass of water, then back to bed. She didn’t feel like moving today.


Hanako fumbled for her phone in the darkness as it beeped and buzzed. She’d slept through the day. No idea what time it was. She tried to slap the “dismiss” button. Apparently she missed, because instead the stupid thing played its message.

“Hi Hanako, it’s me,” Hisao’s voice said in the recording. “I’m in town for a spot of business this week, and I thought maybe you’d like… to meet up? Just call or text if you’re free. If you’re busy, I get it.”

Her finger hovered over the “delete” button.


Hisao was too dressed up for the little dive bar. His formal attire stuck out like a sore thumb in here. Maybe he’d come straight from some work thing or another. The redness in his face suggested otherwise. Maybe she should’ve put on some makeup. Hanako used to think it mattered to men whether she painted over her scars or not. Now she knew better. Really, it was stupid for her to think Hisao might be different, just because they were each other’s first. He wasn’t. She knew that.

They sat and drank.

He told her about this thing and that. Work, travel. The niceties of life. Things Hanako didn’t have. His words slipped through her like sand through a sieve, carrying no weight or permanence. She had nothing to tell him in return. There was no conversation, so they had more drinks. They tried to play pool. Unlike with last night’s man, Hanako couldn’t even bring herself to go through the motions. Her insides felt sour. She dropped the cue mid-game and walked out to his car.


When they got inside, Hanako stepped over to the sink and poured them a couple shots first thing. She wasn’t drunk enough yet. Hisao shook his head when she offered him his. She shrugged and downed it herself. He said something that she didn’t hear. She’d already gone to the bedroom. Hisao sat down next to her on the bare mattress, quiet and uncomfortable. That was good. Hanako preferred him that way.

It took him a few minutes of awkward silence to get started. He wasn’t like the man from last night. Hisao’s hand started first on her knee, then slowly crept up her thigh. Hanako leaned into him and he wrapped an arm carefully around her waist. Despite everything, his body felt nice next to hers. She rested her head on his shoulder for a bit while he felt her, slowly getting more adventurous. His hands didn’t excite her, the way they groped and pinched. It just felt needy.

Hanako grew impatient. Even after all these years, Hisao was still no bolder than he’d been back in that dorm room at Yamaku. If she let him, he would just sit here squeezing her boobs through her shirt all night long. She’d have to be the one to take the initiative. Hisao might not have learned much in that respect but Hanako had. She took his hand in one of hers and pulled her shirt up with the other, pressing his fingers hard against her chest. Then she kissed him, not with passion, but with force.

The aggression caused Hisao to lean over until he fell onto his back, Hanako laying halfway atop his torso as she continued to attack his face with hers. His chest swelled and his hands clutched harder. It was working; Hisao was fighting back. He gave Hanako’s crotch a quick grasp before fumbling with her zipper. She sat up and pulled the rest of her clothes off, then swung one leg over his lap and straddled him. Now she was buck naked while he hadn’t undone a single button. Hardly seemed fair.

As if sensing the disparity, Hisao started unbuttoning his stuffy shirt while she took care of his pants. Hanako was disappointed, but not entirely surprised, to see that he was still mostly flaccid. Seventeen different pills with whiskey dick poured on top, that could be rough. His face, already red, flushed even deeper and he looked aside, refusing to meet Hanako’s eyes. That was fine with her. She gave it some strokes to little response. Sighing in annoyance, Hanako dropped to her knees and took the head in her mouth, teasing at it gently to gauge his response.

It took a bit of patience but slowly Hanako felt him start to stiffen up. She put one hand on his knee to steady herself and held his shaft with the other, then started to bob her head. Slowly at first, then a bit faster. Hisao moaned from further up the mattress. He stretched and throbbed in her warm grasp, as if trying to reach up into her. Hanako slowed and shifted, holding him still in her lips before suddenly pushing up or down, enjoying the little squirms and gasps it brought. She wouldn’t let him come quickly. Oh no, she—

A loud ringtone split the room as Hisao’s phone went off. Classical music, but still sudden enough that Hanako had to stop herself from biting. Hisao let out a hiss as her teeth grazed him. Hanako froze in place as the grating little piece played on through the phone’s tinny speaker, squeezing Hisao’s knee to signal her frustration. At last it stopped… and then Hisao spoke.

“H-hi honey, sorry, no, no no, I didn’t forget to call—I know, it’s just, this w-work meeting ran late, and…”

He blathered on, stammering out this excuse and that. Hanako was stunned for a moment, unsure what to think. Then she decided that it was impressive—ballsy, even. Hisao was telling her that she wasn’t even important enough to skip a call from the blind bitch, not even with his dick in her mouth. Part of her seethed with hatred at that, but that was the part of her long drowned in booze and pounded down in bed. The bigger part of her could appreciate the sentiment.

Hanako could play this game. She resumed sucking on him, harder and faster than before. Now the game wasn’t to tease, but to force a reaction. She took her hand off his balls and put it on his other knee, forcing her head down further until she felt Hisao pressing into her throat. It wasn’t pleasant, but she was drunk, and it wasn’t like Hanako hadn’t had bigger. Her renewed assault brought results almost right away as his voice hitched and paused.

“…yeah I’m here, just taking a drink of water, that’s all… ahh… th-that’s good, and everything good with… yeah…”

Fuck it. Now Hanako wanted to see his face. She pulled up and stood over him. His face laid buried halfway into the pillow, phone held to his exposed ear, hand over his eyes. He peeked out between two fingers at her, visibly relaxing at the realization that she’d stopped. Fuck that, Hanako thought. Hisao didn’t get off that easy. She climbed up onto his torso then leaned back and sat down onto him with practiced ease.

“Hnnghh!… nn… nah, h-hiccups… water went down wrong…”

Hanako leaned forward and planted her hands on his chest, savoring his shame as she started to ride him. His poor little heart was pounding a mile a minute, skipping a beat every now and then. She could feel it under her right hand. Could Lilly ever make it go this fast, Hanako wondered? Probably not. Maybe at first… not for years, now. She’d grown fat from childrearing and homemaking, her once-luscious figure stretched out and bloated.

That was why Hisao came to her, of course. This was the one thing she could give him that Lilly couldn’t—a tight body and a nice fuck. That was her worth, and Hanako was happy to play it for its value. Hisao was stumbling on every other word now, struggling to stay coherent, fishing for an excuse to end the call. He clearly hadn’t expected her to do this. Hanako laid down atop him and rested her head next to his, listening to her old friend’s voice over the call, even as her hips kept at their work.

“My my, are you quite sure you’re feeling alright? If you’re coming down with something, there’s no need to—”

“…I’m j-just trying to keep up with th-this meeting, that’s a-all, it’s… l-long day… tell kids I said…”

“Don’t worry, dear, I’ll tell them you love them. Get some rest, okay? I love you.”

“…l-l-love you too…” Hisao choked out, mashing the “end call” button right after.

He still hid his face from Hanako beneath his other hand, refusing to look at her as his breaths quickly grew ragged. The phone had distracted him enough to keep his climax in check—now that he’d thrown that aside, he wouldn’t hold out much longer. Hanako embraced him and planted a deep kiss as she felt him start to twitch and jerk inside of her. She held him like that after it was done, forcing him to accept her for a little longer even after her purpose was served.

Eventually Hisao’s heartrate steadied enough that he could push Hanako off of him. She laid close to him on the mattress, one leg wrapped stubbornly around his torso. Hisao pushed that off, too, and got up. He always wanted to shower right after sex. Hanako gave him a glare that he didn’t see, having already made his way into the bathroom. She walked into the stall after him as the warm water began to run.

He still wouldn’t look at her. Hanako wrapped her arms around him from behind and rested her head on his back.

“Hanako…” he started.

But he had nothing else to say. They stood like that, the shower running down them. Hisao let her wash him. He took his turn with her body next, cleaning her scars meticulously. She’d skipped a few treatments with her lotion recently. Maybe more than a few, she realized, as Hisao rubbed soap across one crack after another, or peeled away another loose tag of dead flesh. It was hard to keep up with the places on her back that she couldn’t see or reach.

By the time he was done, he was almost hard again. Hanako grabbed him and massaged him the rest of the way there. He put up no resistance. She stood and leaned forward into the wall, obediently planting her feet apart while he fucked her again. This time was nothing like the night’s first. It was silent apart from the occasional slap of their wet skin, perfunctory and routine. No tension, no real release. Just going through the motions again, like the pool table at the bar.

They cleaned up again and dried each other. Hisao started putting his clothes on. Hanako sat on the bed, pouting, stubbornly staying naked. Normally he stayed the night. Punishment for her stunt during the phone call, she thought bitterly. That was fine. It was worth it. She followed him to the door. When he turned back, Hanako pressed herself suddenly into him and went for another kiss. He pushed her face aside, clearly annoyed by the advance.

“Look, Hanako, I—I need to go, okay?”

She glared.

“Just… not tonight, okay? Next time? Alright?”

Conceding defeat, Hanako pulled away, ready to let him leave. She went to the sink to pour herself a shot, expecting to hear the door close behind Hisao as he stepped outside. When it didn’t, she turned back to see him surveying the front room of the apartment, as if seeing it for the first time. It had only a single chair and an unused TV sitting on the floor. Dirty glasses, empty bottles, and half-eaten takeout littered the space.

“Hanako, do you need any… help?” Hisao suggested tenderly.

She responded by downing her shot and staring defiantly, waiting for him to get out. He gave her a sad look and left. Hanako picked up the bottle and drank another portion straight from it, the burn of the liquor matching the hot anger she felt in her gut. Even now, Hisao still thought he had any right to judge her, after all of the shit… the way he’d used her, the way he kept using her, treating her like his broken little sex kitten.

Maybe that was what she was. Hanako didn’t care, she thought. Hisao could go fuck himself and so could everyone else. One day Lilly would find out he was still screwing her and then they’d see who was judging who. Hanako took her bottle to bed, planning to nurse it until she passed out. She pulled her laptop up and flipped it open. The internet felt nearly as worthless as the stupid TV in the front room. Nothing worth looking at.

Rent was still a problem. She’d be three months overdue next week. Hanako opened her bank account. A little over five thousand yen. That wouldn’t even cover her alcohol budget for long, never mind her rent. She sighed in exasperation. Even if she somehow found a new job tomorrow, it wouldn’t be nearly enough. Unless… maybe… no. Or well… why not? At this point, why not?

Hanako took another swig and typed “escort agency” into the search bar. She’d looked at enough porn to know that exoticism sold. Surely there’d be scores of foreign businessmen interested in a woman with a body as unique as hers…
Last edited by Hanako Fancopter on Wed Feb 24, 2021 8:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
An Unusual Friendship (Misha x Hanako Route)
Riposte (Rika Mini-Route)
One-Shots Thread (Random Smut/Meme Stories)
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Re: Hanako Fancopter One-Shots/Misc. Stuff (8/18/20--Naughty Hanako Double Feature)

Post by Xeraeo »

Ow. That hurt to read, man.

Seriously though, very well written. I can't quite say I enjoyed it, per se, but I was certainly immersed. I feel like this is a totally valid way of seeing how things could have gone. Not all endings are happy ones. Hanako's self-hating and self-destructive tendencies could totally have spiraled into something like this after high school, given the wrong circumstances.

I didn't see her as evil, exactly, although her motivations were certainly not good. More just- broken. More broken than she ever was in the VN. Someone with nothing to live for. It's a scary pit to see, because any one of us can fall into it. It's good to have a window into that potential, sometimes, so that it can scare the hell out of us, in a literal sense. Thanks for doing that so effectively here.

I haven't read much of your stuff before, but I'll have to go through and give your library some time. I'm not a huge fan of the VERY LEWD category in KS fics outside of good context, but I can stomach it if it's not the only focus of the story.
Girls: Emi=Hanako=Lilly>Shizune=Rin
Routes: Lilly=Emi>Hanako>Rin>Shizune

(Name is pronounced "Zero". Stole it from Quake, I think)

My projects here:
To Miss the Mark - An OC Pseudo-Route (Hitomi)
Rebound - A Post Lilly NE Epilogue / Iwanako Story (On Hold)
Hanako Fancopter
Posts: 307
Joined: Fri May 25, 2018 6:27 pm

Re: Hanako Fancopter One-Shots/Misc. Stuff (8/18/20--Naughty Hanako Double Feature)

Post by Hanako Fancopter »

Yet another Discord-inspired meme fic. NOT an orgy fic, though I guess it could be the setup to one.


An Evening Rendezvous (Naomi x Natsume x ...Hisao?) [Slight lewd warning]
Mother Knows Best (Hisao x Meiko) [Lewd warning]
A Very Unusual Friendship (Lilly x Hanako) [Lewd warning]
A Friendly Competition (Misha x Shizune) [Lewd warning]
Snowed In (Hisao x Hanako) [Not lewd! For once! At least not explicitly so >.>]
Morning Stretches (Emi x Rin + special guest appearance) [Lewd! We back at it!]
Locked In (Hisao x Hanako + bonus pairing) [Snowed In follow-up; A little lewd, only a little]
In The Moment (Rika x Saki) [Lewd warning]
The Student Council Shuffle (Multiple pairings!) [Not lewd!]
Undercover (Miki x Suzu) [Lewd warning]
Lilly's Day Off (Lilly x ???)
Overnighter (Shizune x Miki) [Not lewd]
Working Women (Akira x Yuuko) [Lewd!] [Thanks to MoashLannister for this title]
An Unusual Family (Lilly x Hisao x Hanako) [Very Unusual Friendship follow-up; very lewd]
Operation Bedfellow (Kenji x Rin) [Non-lewd]
Flights of Fancy (Misha x Rin) [No lewd I promise]
An Unexpected Development (Lilly x Hanako x Hisao) ["Evil Lilly" story--big smut/edge warning]
An Intimate Game (Mutou x Shizune) [Not lewd... or is it?]
High Stakes (Aoi x Keiko x Misha) [Medium lewd]
A Most Unorthodox Christmas (Evil Lilly part 4--I think if there is a part 5 they may need their own thread) [Lewd with BONUS ART]
The Last Stand (Lilly x Kenji) [Lewd]
A Hearty Rivalry (Meiko vs Lilly) [Non lewd]
A Lighter Touch (Shizune & Hisao vs Lilly) [Non lewd]
Prying Eyes (Lilly x Hisao x Hanako) [Lewd]
Bitter Spirits (Hanako x Hisao w/ mystery guest appearance) [Very lewd]
All in the Family (Hisao x everyone) [Not smut though I promise]
Wet Dreams (Hisao x Suzu) [Lewd]


All in the Family

Hisao stopped to inhale as he entered the kitchen.

“Mmmm… that smells wonderful, Misha!”

“Wahaha~! Fresh cookies, Hicchan! Chocolate chips and M&Ms… your favorite!”

“Don’t be silly. Anything you make is my favorite.”

Hisao walked up behind Misha and wrapped his arms around her swollen belly. As much as he loved her baking, something even more important to him was cooking in that tummy of hers. All around them, a small brood of pink-haired children flitted through the room, playing and laughing and stealing bits of cookie dough from the big bowl on the counter.

“Daddy, daddy! Will Santa bring our new sister for Christmas?!” one of the smaller ones asked, tugging on Hisao’s pant leg. He reached down and ruffled her hair.

“I think he just might, sweetheart. But only if you’re a good girl and don’t eat any more of that cookie dough!”

“Ahaha~, okay, yay yay!” the child replied.

He turned Misha’s face toward him and looked into her big golden eyes. The first five children had left their mark on her body, but she was strong and vigorous as ever, just as excited as he was to welcome their sixth into the world. They shared a brief kiss before he left to look after the rest of his estate. Christmas was in just a few days and the halls of the mansion showed it—they were lit with decorations and filled with the sounds of holiday tunes played on TV or radio.

In the cavernous main living room, Hisao found Shizune silently directing a small squadron of other family members in decorating the Christmas tree. Her arms chopped and slashed like a concert conductor as she ordered around seven children and two other women, their hair colors varying between blue, red, and dirty blonde. Hisao gave her a wave in greeting, only to receive a look in return that clearly said Shizune was too busy for affection at the moment. That was okay—there was more than enough affection to go around in this manor.

Instead of bothering his second wife, Hisao stood next to her and surveyed the tree’s progress. Rin and her two sons stayed near the bottom of the massive tree, where she could hang ornaments with her toes or occasionally by lifting them up in her mouth. She’d somehow managed to stay stick-thin through the two pregnancies, although her children seemed of average build. Taking after their father, no doubt. Hisao used to worry that she didn’t eat enough, but eventually he learned to just accept her as she was, mysteries and all.

Emi and her three children handled the top half of the tree, alternating between two ladders set up at different heights. In contrast to Rin, Emi had filled out quickly after she gave up running, and now resembled her mother much more than the waifish little scrap she’d been back in Yamaku. That suited Hisao just fine, of course. She handed the ornaments to her kids as they raced up and down the ladders, her prosthetic legs unsuited to climbing on them. Now approaching middle age, Emi was content to pass her athletic ambitions down to her children, who played more sports between the three of them than the rest of the household combined.

Shizune’s two children, an ever-bickering brother-sister pair, seemed too busy arguing to help in decorating the tree. They repeated everything they said to each other in sign language as they spoke, an adorable result of Misha’s many lessons, and a necessity when helping their mother around the house. She was the only one capable of getting them to do anything they didn’t want to do, it seemed. Hisao approached and discovered that they were deep in a debate over which of two ornaments they should hang on the tree. He just shook his head, promising to play Risk tomorrow when they asked.

Proceeding deeper into the halls from there, he found Lilly sitting in her sun room with a cup of afternoon tea, humming to herself as her twin girls worked on wrapping a huge stack of gifts. Any of the other children hated the suggestion when asked to help wrap things, but Lilly’s twins accepted the task graciously, working with silent diligence. Each time they finished an item, they presented it to their mother for inspection, whereupon she would feel their handiwork before nodding and telling them whose name to write on the label.

“Hello, husband,” Lilly said, seeming to feel Hisao’s presence before he even said anything. “Are you well today?”

“How could I not be?” Hisao said. “I hope there’s enough gifts for everyone? I know it’s a lot to keep track of…”

“As long as you remember to give me my gift tonight,” Lilly said suggestively.

“Mommy said you’re going to give us a brother, daddy,” one of the twins said hopefully.

“Yes, we should truly like another brother!” the other agreed.

“Ehehe, don’t worry dears, mommy and daddy are working on that… most nights, more often than not…”

Lilly gave him a satisfied smile and a nod as he stepped back and went off in search of his remaining family. While most of them were reliable in which areas they inhabited, Hanako remained reclusive and flighty, often staying in her room all day until dinner, or finding obscure corners of the sprawling structure to hide away and read in. Today she simply sat in her bedroom, her one child cradled in her lap as she read aloud to him. The boy had fallen asleep in her arms yet she continued reading for her own pleasure, only stopping when Hisao entered the room.

“Oh, h-hi Hisao…” she said, looking up with quiet joy in her eyes at his presence.

“He’s asleep?” Hisao asked, indicating their son. The boy was very much like his mother, highly intelligent and possessed of a quiet intensity, but often given to moodiness or bouts of anxiety. It always made Hisao happy when the child could manage to relax and rest like this.

“Y-yes, just a few minutes ago.”

“Should we put him to bed then? I’ve got some spare time now, if uhh… you want to, you know…”

Hanako gently pushed her son down onto the bed before standing and touching her forehead to Hisao’s.

“I w-want to, Hisao. You know I do, so m-much, but…”

“But… ?”

“…y-you’re wanted upstairs.”

“Oh? Did someone leave a message for me?”

“Yes. She said she knew you’d come by to see m-me, so…”

“Alright then. Fair enough, I suppose… I’ll be back later if I can manage it.”

“I know,” Hanako said, her tone conveying trust and warmth.

Hisao was a bit crestfallen at the missed opportunity—they’d been trying for another pregnancy for a couple months now with no luck. The first had taken nearly half a year, and at one point they’d feared that Hanako might be infertile altogether. This was no doubt in part due to Hanako’s simple lack of force in asserting her place in Hisao’s bed. It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy his intimate times with her, much the opposite, he treasured her delicate touch… but inevitably the other women ended up taking his attentions more often than the shy, withdrawn Hanako. Ah well… it wasn’t easy keeping six women satisfied, much less giving them all children.

Heading upstairs to the lesser-used parts of the estate, Hisao called out, hearing a reply from one of the guest bedrooms down the hall. He walked in and stopped dead in his tracks. A slim woman with short blonde hair reclined on the bed with legs crossed—fully nude save only for a short black tie draped between her small breasts.

“Hello, handsome,” Akira said, beckoning him over to her with a wicked smile.

“Well, umm. Let me just close the door then…”

“Oh, don’t be too quick about it. Go ahead and take your time. It’s not like I’ve been up here waiting naked for you all day…”

“…You know, you can go down and see everyone else, it’s not like I’ve got you locked away in a tower,” Hisao replied, taking off his clothes in a practiced routine. “I mean, you’re the one who insists on visiting for the holidays every year.”

“When else am I going to see my little sister? Or her amazingly well-endowed husband? You lot keep her much too busy to ever come across the pond to Scotland anymore.”

“I suppose that’s true. Alright, enough talking…” Hisao said, leaning over the bed and pushing Akira down onto the sheets. She put a hand on his shoulder to give him pause.

“Wait. You remember what we talked about last year? About, well, me and you, and… everyone?”

“You mean when I asked you to just move down here with the rest of us already? The offer’s the same as before, Akira. I love being with you, and I can respect that you don’t want kids, but as far as long-term goes, that’s a dealbreaker.”

“Yeah, I know, and that’s what I’m saying. Before I flew back to Japan this time, I… I stopped taking my birth control,” Akira admitted.

“You did?”

Hisao was stunned. He never thought Akira, the perennial career woman, would really come around to wanting a family.

“So you’re saying… ?” Hisao prompted.

“I am, Hisao. I want to stay here with you, with all of you. I want you to take me, and I want to have your children, Hisao Nakai,” Akira said, looking him deep in the eye.

“…I guess it’s a Christmas miracle,” Hisao said. “Only one way to celebrate.”

“That’s right,” Akira agreed, spreading her legs wide and whispering in his ear. “Now put a baby deep inside me.”

Hisao had never been happier to do so.
Last edited by Hanako Fancopter on Wed Feb 24, 2021 8:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
An Unusual Friendship (Misha x Hanako Route)
Riposte (Rika Mini-Route)
One-Shots Thread (Random Smut/Meme Stories)
Hanako Fancopter
Posts: 307
Joined: Fri May 25, 2018 6:27 pm

Re: Hanako Fancopter One-Shots/Misc. Stuff (8/18/20--Naughty Hanako Double Feature)

Post by Hanako Fancopter »

Suzu smutfic I wrote recently--never felt like I was able to write a decent one with her, maybe this is it.


An Evening Rendezvous (Naomi x Natsume x ...Hisao?) [Slight lewd warning]
Mother Knows Best (Hisao x Meiko) [Lewd warning]
A Very Unusual Friendship (Lilly x Hanako) [Lewd warning]
A Friendly Competition (Misha x Shizune) [Lewd warning]
Snowed In (Hisao x Hanako) [Not lewd! For once! At least not explicitly so >.>]
Morning Stretches (Emi x Rin + special guest appearance) [Lewd! We back at it!]
Locked In (Hisao x Hanako + bonus pairing) [Snowed In follow-up; A little lewd, only a little]
In The Moment (Rika x Saki) [Lewd warning]
The Student Council Shuffle (Multiple pairings!) [Not lewd!]
Undercover (Miki x Suzu) [Lewd warning]
Lilly's Day Off (Lilly x ???)
Overnighter (Shizune x Miki) [Not lewd]
Working Women (Akira x Yuuko) [Lewd!] [Thanks to MoashLannister for this title]
An Unusual Family (Lilly x Hisao x Hanako) [Very Unusual Friendship follow-up; very lewd]
Operation Bedfellow (Kenji x Rin) [Non-lewd]
Flights of Fancy (Misha x Rin) [No lewd I promise]
An Unexpected Development (Lilly x Hanako x Hisao) ["Evil Lilly" story--big smut/edge warning]
An Intimate Game (Mutou x Shizune) [Not lewd... or is it?]
High Stakes (Aoi x Keiko x Misha) [Medium lewd]
A Most Unorthodox Christmas (Evil Lilly part 4--I think if there is a part 5 they may need their own thread) [Lewd with BONUS ART]
The Last Stand (Lilly x Kenji) [Lewd]
A Hearty Rivalry (Meiko vs Lilly) [Non lewd]
A Lighter Touch (Shizune & Hisao vs Lilly) [Non lewd]
Prying Eyes (Lilly x Hisao x Hanako) [Lewd]
Bitter Spirits (Hanako x Hisao w/ mystery guest appearance) [Very lewd]
All in the Family (Hisao x everyone) [Not smut though I promise]
Wet Dreams (Hisao x Suzu) [Lewd]


Wet Dreams

Hisao’s life had changed completely since Suzu Suzuki came into it (on top of how much it had already changed when he moved to Yamaku Academy). His first couple weeks at the school had been solemn, solitary affairs. Suzu changed everything. She was quiet, withdrawn, and kept to herself—just like Hisao. When he’d taken a chance and spoken to her in the library, their similarities had drawn them together like magnets. It sounded weird to say that sparks flew between them when she fell asleep on his shoulder that first day, after hours of reading together, but that was how it felt to Hisao.

Their relationship was the best thing that had ever happened to him, even before Suzu took his virginity. There was just one problem. While he couldn’t get enough of her body, every time they tried to make love, she just…

…fell asleep.

No matter how many times she tried to assure Hisao that it wasn’t him, it was her condition, he couldn’t help but feel hopelessly inadequate. That first time in bed together had been so blissfully perfect right up until he realized that Suzu was snoring right as he reached his climax. Things always started off hot and heavy, with lots of kissing and embracing, but as soon as Hisao started to do the deed, Suzu started to slip. Neither of them understood it, and while Suzu didn’t necessarily seem bothered, Hisao’s frustration with the situation was finally starting to get through to her.

That was why she came up with a proposal, one that Hisao hadn’t expected, and which he still didn’t know how to feel about. Technically he had agreed to it, if only because saying no felt rude when Suzu brought it up, but… could he really… do something like that?

“Hisao, I want to share my body with you… all of it… really! I can’t help my condition, but I can give you permission to, umm… I’m not sure how to say this, but… if I fall asleep and you still want to… you know, uhm, use me? Ahh, that sounds so weird! You know what I mean! Please, just do it, I swear it’s okay! I just want to make you happy! Alright?”

How could he say no when she said that to him, with her big gorgeous blue eyes? Hisao could never say no to Suzu, on anything. This was no exception. At first he just told himself he wouldn’t… well, “take advantage” of her wasn’t the right term, was it? Suzu had given him explicit permission. It wouldn’t be “taking advantage” of her, but still, the point was, Hisao told himself that he just… wouldn’t go there. And then it wouldn’t be a problem. Right. That worked for a few days. A week.

Now it had been nearly a month since he’d properly had sex with Suzu. At best, he’d gotten a couple thrusts in before her eyes rolled back in her head and her breath faded back into the familiar rhythm of a deep, deep slumber. When she came to later on, she’d wink at him, as if they’d shared some kind of dirty secret while she slept… when in reality, Hisao had simply pulled out and pulled his pants back on, too embarrassed to keep going. But that kept getting harder and harder every time. As he entered Suzu’s room tonight, he’d been thinking of nothing but her tight, petite little figure all day long… daydreaming about her in class, those firm thighs, her small but perfectly shaped breasts, the way her blue hair fell around her face…

Tonight Hisao had made up his mind. He was going to have sex with Suzu, one way or another, just like she wanted him to. And he was going to enjoy it.

“Suzu? Hey, it’s Hisao. How’s the studying?” he asked.

Hisao stepped forward into Suzu’s bedroom, now able to see the whole space. He gulped. Suzu was laying in her bed, covers up to her chin, a mathematics textbook discarded to one side of the mattress. Her face heaved slowly as her mouth hung open, the telltale signs of deepest sleep. Crap… normally they at least got some foreplay in before she passed out. Yet he’d really been looking forward to this, even psyching himself up for it. To see that Suzu was already done before he’d even started, well, that kind of took the wind out of his sails.

Then Hisao thought about how she looked under those covers, and all thoughts of surrender fled from his mind. Maybe if… he leaned over the bed and gripped Suzu’s shoulder, then shook her gently a few times.

“Suzu? Hey, Suzu? You awake? Just coming to see you, like, you know… I said I would earlier… c’mon, sleepyhead…”

Nothing. She was dead to the world. Hisao stood over the girl’s bed for a long moment, wondering whether or not he was really going to do this. But he knew he’d made his decision as soon as he walked into this room. Hisao pulled the covers back to reveal Suzu’s full form, petite but feminine, with just enough curve in the hips to convey maturity. She wasn’t even wearing a bra, just a pair of pink panties, the sight of which sent his heart thumping in his ears.

“Alright… Here goes… just like we, uhh… talked about…”

Hisao took off his clothes, quickly and methodically, a practiced routine. That was the easy part. Now came the awkward part, as he lowered his naked frame over the sleeping girl on the bed, her body fully exposed to his whims. At first he hesitated to touch her at all, not sure where to start. His fingers carefully brushed her blue bangs out of her eyes. No response, just more deep breathing. Lowering himself down a bit, Hisao planted a slow series of kisses onto Suzu’s neck and face.

“Suzu… it’s Hisao… you here?”

Nothing. She was dead weight beneath him. Alright… on to the next step then… Hisao ran his hands down her slender form, appreciating Suzu’s lean torso and thighs. She shifted in her bed but gave no other response. Hisao’s lust overcame him for a moment as he brought his hand back up to her perky little breasts, giving them a brief press with his thumbs. It was barely perceptible, but he could swear he heard a sigh from his girlfriend at that. Maybe he could get through to her after all, if only he pushed past his hesitation and got down to business.

Hisao hooked his thumbs into Suzu’s panties and slipped them down, past her ankles and then off entirely. He took one of her legs then the other, pushing them gently apart to allow himself in. He was rock-hard now, quite truly throbbing in anticipation, and as weird as this felt, he wasn’t going to stop. Hisao brought himself down into position, reached between their hips, got ready to go in…

“Ah… hnngg…”

He tried to press himself gently into Suzu as he’d always done in the past, only to realize that she was dry as a bone. Without any foreplay, trying to thrust into her was like trying to force himself through a couple pieces of sandpaper. It felt weird, and wrong, and painful if he tried too hard. Those gates were not open, not in their current state. Leaning back, Hisao took a moment to assess the situation, his face red with embarrassment. He’d never considered that maybe he needed to warm Suzu up first… they always managed to take care of that before she passed out…

…How to even do this while she was asleep? Would it even… well, only one way to find out… Hisao sat between her legs, holding himself with one hand while bringing the other down to stroke her folds. It took a moment to remember where to go but soon enough his two forefingers found their way into Suzu’s tender flesh, pressing insistently into the little bundle of nerves just above her opening. Hisao was encouraged to see her jerk a bit as he found it, though she didn’t appear to wake. He pressed it again, then again, then yet more, appreciating how the pressure made her figure shudder in response.

Before long he’d worked himself into a simple up-down rhythm, by which time he could feel a distinct wetness spreading up his fingertips. That was better. Now he could… wait. What was… was Suzu… talking? Hisao bent down over her, listening carefully as her mouth gave the slightest of movements. He had to focus and close his own eyes to hear it, her voice audible only in the lowest of whispers… but once he heard it, the words were clear.

“Yes… please… inside…”

Hisao’s eyes widened. Well, that was fairly unambiguous, he thought. He gave her one last pump with his fingers before positioning himself to fulfill Suzu’s request, his lust rising again. The sensation as he slid forward was exquisite, the warm embrace of Suzu’s body immediate and unrelenting. He had barely entered before she jerked in response, one of her hands flopping up onto her chest.

“Ahh… yes… d-deeper…” Suzu whispered, her voice hoarse and desperate.

“Nnngg… ahhh!”

Once more Hisao did as she asked, flexing his hips forward until she took him in fully, a gasp rising from Suzu as he hit the very back of her walls. Hisao groaned as an intense wave of pleasure washed over him. It was so much better now that he was freed from all the anxiety about his own performance, no longer worrying how fast Suzu would fall asleep. All that mattered now was how amazing it felt to be inside of her like this. Besides, she seemed more aware of their intimacy now than she ever had when she was trying to stay awake.

He lingered there for a moment, thinking that he’d be quite happy to just stay like this, but his urges soon demanded more of him. Suzu began to twitch and squirm as he pushed into her, in and out, again and again, her voice mumbling to herself in increasingly higher tones. Hisao wondered if her eyes might suddenly pop open but they remained shut even as she turned the hand on her chest around and began clutching at herself, as if looking for something to hold onto as Hisao rode her harder and faster, the bed frame beginning to rock steadily with his motions.

“Yes, please, more… y-yes…” Suzu repeated, her voice growing louder with every hump she and Hisao made.

“Suzu, I don’t know if you’re listening, but… ahh, this is… amazing, you’re so…”

“Need it… harder… M-Miki, please, harder…”

Hisao stopped mid-thrust, his mind going blank.


No response. The hand on Suzu’s chest relaxed. After another beat, she frowned and her hand jerked awkwardly up in the air, as if she were reaching out for someone in her dream.

“No, don’t stop…” Suzu whined.

Hisao shook his head. She was fast asleep, she was talking nonsense, he must’ve thought he heard something. Couldn’t let that ruin the mood, this was the best time he’d—err, they’d had in bed together, well, pretty much ever. As soon as he got back to it Suzu squealed in apparent delight, as if the brief break in activity had primed her for more. Her exaggerated facial expressions and vocalizations felt like something out of a hentai video, Hisao thought… he might’ve found them funny if he weren’t so busy causing them.

“Haa… ahh… Miki, you’re so… b-big… ahh!!”

“Suzu, what…”

“Oh, Miki, yes… right there… I’m g-gonna…”

“…Suzu! I’m not… Miki, d-damn it!” Hisao growled, now thoroughly annoyed, but still far too gone to stop. Acting on sheer adrenaline, he did something that surprised even himself—he gave Suzu a quick slap across the face, like that might knock some sense into her. He had no time to regret it, as the moment his hand made contact, Suzu seized up beneath him as if struck by lightning.

“Mikiii!!” Suzu wailed, her thighs squeezing tight into his torso to hold him in.

Hisao clapped a hand over her mouth, both to stop her from saying that stupid name and also so they didn’t wake anyone else up, then his own climax washed over him in turn. Suzu continued moaning into his palm as he wrapped his other arm around her back, holding her thin frame close while waves of ecstasy pumped out of him and deep into her. When he was finally spent, he fell limp atop her with a sigh of satisfaction. Even despite Suzu’s… sleep-talking, that was easily the best sex he’d ever had, bar none. It felt like the first time he’d been able to have real sex at all.

“Ah, Suzu, I’m sorry about…” he whispered to her, stroking his girlfriend’s face where he’d struck her. “I just got, I don’t know… ah, what am I even saying? You’re not even there…”

“Mm… love you too…” Suzu mumbled into his ear.

Hisao looked up quickly, wondering if she had managed to wake, but her eyes were still shut and her mouth once again hung open idly. He pushed her chin up so that her lips closed for him to kiss, then brushed her hair back, taking a moment to admire how adorable she was. Even if she was secretly hiding a girl-crush from him… no, no, that was a stupid thing to think. Just because Suzu said weird things while having sleep-sex, that didn’t necessarily mean… he couldn’t let himself start assuming things about that.

No, Suzu was his, and if he had his way he’d cuddle right here with her all night long. But now that he’d had his fun, he realized that he should probably clean up his mess. Hisao pulled out with a grunt before rolling off of the bed and making for the bathroom to take a quick shower. As he washed, he began to worry about how he was going to change Suzu’s sheets while she slept, but when he came back into the room he found her sitting on the edge of the mattress, stretching and yawning.

“Mmm, hey big guy,” Suzu said, her voice still hoarse and her eyes bleary as she stretched her arms out for a hug. Somehow her dreamlike demeanor made her seem even sexier, imbuing Hisao with the desire to jump her bones again right then and there. Sadly, little Hisao didn’t seem like he could recover quite that fast. Suzu stumbled to her feet and embraced him, but he caught a wince as she did so.

“Hey sleepyhead. Are you, uhh… you alright?”

“Yeah I’m fine, just a bit… sore. You really went to work on me, I guess.”

“Ah, I’m sorry Suzu, I shouldn’t have—”

“Shhh,” Suzu cut him off, pressing a finger to his lips. “I told you to, remember?”

Hisao jumped slightly as she grabbed him below the belt and gave him a light squeeze.

“Besides, you weren’t the only one having fun. I had, mmm… such a good dream,” Suzu cooed.

Hisao gulped.

“You… really? What was it… about?”

Suzu shrugged.

“Can’t remember. But uhh, after waking up this way… you were probably in it,” she assured him with a wink.

Right. Hisao decided not to press that particular subject.

“Shower?” he asked.


They clasped hands and Hisao led Suzu into the bathroom, more than ready to bathe with her despite having just done so himself. However, as soon as they stepped in, he felt her stop behind him. Turning around, he saw Suzu examining her face in the mirror. She leaned forward, brushing at her cheek where there was a fading—but still clear—red handprint.

“Hisao, when you were… you know, uhh… did you… hit me?” she asked, her voice incredulous.

Hisao froze, his stomach suddenly jumping into his throat.

“Err… I…” he stuttered.

“I mean, I’m not mad, it’s just… that’s so… it’s so unlike you!” Suzu remarked.

Hisao expected anger from her, maybe confusion, but instead he saw her face lift into an expression of joy. Suzu turned to face him again, her eyes huge and her lips quivering.

“Well…” she asked sheepishly. “…I don’t think I’ve ever hit myself in my sleep, so… you did, didn’t you?”

There was no denying her when she stared at him head-on like this. Hisao nodded slowly, still not understanding why his answer brought such a wide smile to Suzu’s face.

“Oh, Hisao…” she sighed, wrapping him in another tight hug. “I’m so glad that… I just knew that we were… that we both wanted more… you know?”

Clearly Hisao was supposed to answer that, but he did not know how to.

“More… what?” he finally managed to respond.

“More, well, more from…”

Suzu closed her eyes for a moment, as if to get a hold on her thoughts. Then she stared up at him once more, her brows furrowed and her expression determined.

“In bed, you’re always so… always so gentle with me, like you’re scared to break me,” Suzu said. “I know I’m not… the point is, I always wanted you to be… more of a man than that. Does that make sense?”

“You wanted me to be… more… of a man?”

“Yeah. Yeah, like… rougher, you know! Right?”

“Rougher… you wanted me to… hit you?”

“Yes! I mean, no! I mean, uhh… unless… ?”

Suzu’s voice trailed off, her cheeks blushing furiously as she turned away from Hisao in obvious embarrassment. How had she been the one to end up feeling humiliated in this situation? Unless, like she suggested, she really did… like that type of thing? All of a sudden Suzu stood up to her tiptoes, a posture that was necessary for her mouth to touch Hisao’s ear.

“Hisao…” she whispered. “When I told you to use me… I really meant it… I want you to fuck me like I’m a stupid little whore, okay?”

Hisao stood shocked by those words as she fell back to her natural height and wilted away from him, that message clearly having taken all of her emotional energy to accomplish. Suzu switched between glaring at the floor or glancing nervously up at him, as if she expected him to break up with her right there on the spot, now that she’d finally been honest with him about what she wanted. It wasn’t what Hisao expected, that much was true. But to reject her just because she wanted him to be a bit more active in the sack? Not a chance.

“…Okay. If you say so,” Hisao said, embracing her and ruffling her hair. “I don’t think I’ll be… what I’m trying to say is, I might need practice, but. I’ll try!” he reassured her.

“Okay! Okay!” Suzu responded enthusiastically. “Just remember—anytime I fall asleep, or you find me asleep, you can, you know! Practice!

“Right. Practice! Maybe I can even start in here,” Hisao said, leading her ahead into the bathroom’s shower stall. Come to think of it, they never had tried out shower sex yet. Suzu tended to fall asleep anywhere and everywhere, but Hisao had never known her to pass out in the shower… hm… he took a hold of her firm little rear as she turned the water on, aiming to sufficiently excite himself before they were done in here. It seemed that little Hisao was going to have a lot of work to do…
An Unusual Friendship (Misha x Hanako Route)
Riposte (Rika Mini-Route)
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Re: Hanako Fancopter One-Shots/Misc. Stuff (2/24/21--Wet Dreams)

Post by CirnouliK »

Hey there! I've only just started reading your fics, but I gotta say, all of these so far have been great reads! Smut to story, I'd found some new ships I adore in these stories!

Like Kenji × Lilly/Rin, for instance-

Keep up the great work! 👍
Just another internet drifter that likes cute girls with short blue hair, and glasses, that are deaf-mute.

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God's Gift to Yamaku (An OC-centric Psuedo Route)
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Re: Hanako Fancopter One-Shots/Misc. Stuff (2/24/21--Wet Dreams)

Post by hdkv »

This thread is the prime benchmark for KS crackfics. I think it needs more attention :)

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Re: Hanako Fancopter One-Shots/Misc. Stuff (2/24/21--Wet Dreams)

Post by Frankyo »

hdkv wrote: Tue Oct 31, 2023 3:54 pm

This thread is the prime benchmark for KS crackfics. I think it needs more attention :)

Ikr, I mentioned to you elsewhere that I love this author’s oneshots, especially evil Lilly :twisted:

Girls: Hanako/Misha > Lilly > Emi > Shizune/Rin
Routes: I realized that every route has its own charms, but felt that Shizune's was lackluster. It has Misha though!

"No masters or kings, when the ritual begins
There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin"
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