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Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:57 am
by inquisitivenegro
Hisao logic:
Rin route: Let me comfort you... With my hands which you don't have lololo
Shizune route: Let me comfort you... with my dick which you don't have lololo

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 8:38 pm
by Loonie
Okay, getting a bit personal with this post here but what the heck it's probably the best way to make a point about what these scenes are like at their core for me.

When I first went through any and all the scenes on my first playthrough, I quite simply did not have an erection.

And that's not because I couldn't find some of them as hot as hell (do notice that I stated 'when I *first* went through them'). It didn't stem from some misguided moralistic crap like "If you masturbate to this, seek therapy you sick fuck! You do not deserve to sully this beautiful work of art with your semen!!"

It was simply because the emotional element of the story was powerful enough to not only make them an integral part of the story, but to also completely forget my own physical reaction - even to the point of my subconscious.

That's how good the H-scenes were. Because unlike most H-scenes, these ones are actually an integral and indispensable (for me at least) part of each of the girls' story. The way they happen reveals a lot about each of the girls and Hisao in that arc. The way they play out also does and beautifully shows off each of the girls' uniqueness in how they go about it with their specific disability. And the time at which they occur, as well as how they conclude, also greatly serve the story.

But yeah...moreso than my rationalizations, I'm impressed by the fact that they managed to amplify the story to the point where I found them moreso romantic as opposed to sexual even on the subconscious level that governs wether or not I have an erection. That really impressed the hell out of me.

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 11:07 pm
by Xanatos
Loonie wrote:I quite simply did not have an erection.
I...I had to do this...


Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 3:05 pm
by Loonie
Xanatos wrote:
Loonie wrote:I quite simply did not have an erection.
I...I had to do this...
I knew you'd be right here soon to pull off some shit like this hahah...ah man. That's the second time you welcome me to these forums by trying to embarass me with spinning my quotes out of context (and funnily enough both times you centered it around Emi). Bet you really making a name for yourself by now huh? ;)

But hey - take it as it is. It ain't nothing to brag about that you can or can't get a stiffy over something I think. It's just how it is from my point of view.

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 5:47 pm
by ravenlord
It is actually a know side-effect (and now meme) of the game called KDS (Katawa Dick Syndrome). It ususally wears off in a week or two . You can google it, or read about it more here:

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 6:17 pm
by Loonie
Lol. Fair nuff and funny, but I don't think it went quite *that* far for me. In regards to every other thing sexual it was working just fine, just not with the KS H-scenes, but well...I'm sure it's different from person to person. I'd say it's just that your mind gets preoccupied with other things than sex either in my case during those scenes or, as it seems to me, during the week or two it takes most others to process it all, but yeah...eventually when your mind's had its field day thinking about why it went down like that, it goes back on those moreso basic tracks. But yap, probably was the same thing.

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 4:23 pm
by pandaphil
I've played through two so far and had two different reactions. Emi I thought was rather sweet, and funny in its awkwardness. Hanako's on the other hand bothered me a lot and seemed to happen way too suddenly. To me Hisao came off as kind of a jerk for not backign off. Especially when it was obvious he was hurting her. Seems to me that just cuddling with her in that scene would have been so much better.

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 4:52 pm
by Guest Poster
In Hisao's defense, it came very suddenly to him as well. Neither really knew what they were doing. Physically, Hanako was ready for intercourse. Emotionally...not so much. Neither was Hisao. No amount of cuddling would have changed that.

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:57 pm
by pandaphil
I guess you're right. It just to me. I remember facepalming as soon as I saw Hisao started to get undressed. Hanako showing her scars was meant as a way of opening up to him, not an invitation to come and get some. It just seems like holding her and kind words would have made a lot more sense. but hey, I guess that's not the point the game was trying to make.

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 1:29 am
by Oddball
Hanako showing her scars was meant as a way of opening up to him, not an invitation to come and get some.
Can't it be both?

I have a feeling Hanako knew exactly what she was doing.

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 1:33 am
by pandaphil
I hope you're right. Just wish he'd been more gentle with her is all (Uh-oh, I'm white knighting again).

See, this is why we need a sequel! :)

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 1:55 am
by Guest Poster
Can't it be both?

I have a feeling Hanako knew exactly what she was doing.
Same here. Hanako felt Hisao was slipping away from her because he only saw her as a little sister to protect. By letting him have sex with her, she tried to tell him: "See? I can be girlfriend material." It was a bit of messed-up reasoning, but Hanako's and Hisao's relationship was pretty rife with misreadings and misunderstandings up to that point.

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 2:37 am
by bobly81
I thought several of the scenes were uncalled for, just random really. In several of them hisao hasnt even kissed his woman yet and hes just straight on to fucking. If they had one scene per character, the last one, it would be fine then. Its just im getting all into the story and then at the worst time just WHAM theres porn on my screen.

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 5:52 am
by newnar
bobly81 wrote:I thought several of the scenes were uncalled for, just random really. In several of them hisao hasnt even kissed his woman yet and hes just straight on to fucking. If they had one scene per character, the last one, it would be fine then. Its just im getting all into the story and then at the worst time just WHAM theres porn on my screen.


Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:25 am
by Nobody in Particular
newnar wrote: Errr???
How does having a different opinion make him a troll exactly?