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Re: Rate The Characters

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:37 am
by ShadeHaven
Pyramid Head wrote:If he were to burst in to flames, fall out a window and get hit by a bus, i wouldn't mourn his passing for a second
You should put that under Humor.

Re: Rate The Characters

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:30 am
by Tununias
In Soviet Russia, the characters rate you!

Re: Rate The Characters

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:33 am
by ShadeHaven
Tununias wrote:In Soviet Russia, the characters rate you!
Plane ticket please!

Re: Rate The Characters

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:38 am
Tununias wrote:In Soviet Russia, the characters rate you!
If that happens then that means the characters are re-



That's it.
"Back your bags boys! We are going to Russia."

Also Hisao could be a good friend I guess.
But he better back the Fuck off until I get a girl.

Re: Rate The Characters

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 5:40 am
by Revvy
LOL WUT wrote:
Tununias wrote:In Soviet Russia, the characters rate you!
If that happens then that means the characters are re-



That's it.
"Back your bags boys! We are going to Russia."

Also Hisao could be a good friend I guess.
But he better back the Fuck off until I get a girl.
Hisao seems like a guy who has the potential to inadvertently cock-block.

Re: Rate The Characters

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 7:28 am
by theartificial
I rate Kenji high in the looks department due to this picture.

Re: Rate The Characters

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:25 am
by Pyramid Head
Tununias wrote:In Soviet Russia, the characters rate you!
I don't know about that, but in the Katawa Shoujo forums, the hairy bastard rips your fucking heart out for reminding him of Yakov Smirnoff.

Re: Rate The Characters

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 11:10 pm
Pyramid Head wrote:
Tununias wrote:In Soviet Russia, the characters rate you!
I don't know about that, but in the Katawa Shoujo forums, the hairy bastard rips your fucking heart out for reminding him of Yakov Smirnoff.
I don't know how to respond to that so... uh..


Re: Rate The Characters

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 12:24 am
by LeHarlz

-Looks: 11 (Dat back, dat letter, awwww yeah)

-Personality: 11 (She uses letters to talk and goes to the hospital. Nobody else be doing that for Hisao. She's totally nice too, and thoughtful, and most importantly, not awkward at all.)

-Plot Importance:
11 (Almost killed Hisao with her love. Thats deep. She's the reason this game happened, yo!)

-Background: 10 (Almost gave it a 10, but they didn't tell the story about HOW the two fell in love. That would of been so cute and so heart breaking when the part where she kills Hisao happens. I would of been having all the feels, even if it were just Hisao talking about it! I don't even need a fancy picture!)

-Relatability: 11 (She's controlling the whole show from the shadows, like a ninja! I'm also a ninja because I can hide my comments in the shadows! SHADOW TEXT NO JUTSU But I was defiantly seeing someone exactly like me whenever I first saw her.)

1/50 because satire, But really, I'd give her a 20/50, simply because she's plays interesting role in the game regarding Hisao.

Re: Rate The Characters

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 12:55 am
LeHarlz wrote: -Background: 10 (Almost gave it a 10, but they didn't tell the story about HOW the two fell in love. That would of been so cute and so heart breaking when the part where she kills Hisao
part where she kills Hisao
kills Hisao
Wait... So all this time Hisao was a ghost!

What a twist!

Also since this the second time I have on this thread without doing what the thread is meant for I guess I should

Lilly: Healthy Adolescent Sex Drive FTW
Emi: Cute and playful.
Hanako: Shy but Nice
Rin: Too much confusion for me.
Misha: Fucking Annoying.

Re: Rate The Characters

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 2:35 am
by Magnenntae


-Looks: 5 (I hate it when people part their hair from the center, but you've gotta love that sweatervest.)

-Personality: 4 (Stupid, stupid, stupid! It seems like he had me yelling at him half the time I was playing, at the same time, he obviously has quite a bit of charisma (Being able to charm all the girls and all that.), so that garners him a bit of respect from me.)

-Plot Importance: 10 (Do you even need a reason?)

-Background: 2 (Things before Yamaku aren't ever really explained.)

-Relatability: 7 (Being able to read his thoughts sort of forces you to relate to him. He's still an idiot though.)



-Looks: 7 (I have to admit, she is pretty attractive.)

-Personality: 4 (She's bossy and stubborn, but she's confident too, and she has a drive to finish what she starts that I can really appreciate.)

-Plot Importance: 5 (I haven't played though her route, but I've seen my friend play it a bit. It seems like most of her route is untangling the issues between her and Misha or something.)

-Background: ? (I didn't play through her route???)

-Relatability: 0 (There is absolutely nothing about her I can relate to.)



-Looks: 4 (I don't really dig the twintails, and really short girls are ehhhh, she's cute though.)

-Personality: 7 (Quality personality, she's determined and positive. Her silly sort of humor kinda reminds me of my sister.)

-Plot Importance: 10 (Nothing from her route strays away from her, she's always at the center.)

-Background: 7 (I don't know what to say about this.)

Relatability: 6 ( I can't relate to her very well, at all. But I think I can understand her pretty well.)



-Looks: 9 (I don't know, I like blondes, I like wavy hair, I like ponytails, tall is nice, but there's just some reason I can't give her a 10. :c )

-Personality: 8.5 (This is one of the weird things, I really love her personality, but if you asked me what I loved about her, I wouldn't be able to tell you.)

-Plot Importance: 6 (There were a few times in her route where the plot revolved around Hanako or Akira, that's not a bad thing, but Lilly wasn't really important in those parts.)

-Background: 6 (I like how the reason why her parents did what they did is sort of a mystery, and I like the way Lilly and Akira have different beliefs about it, or at least, they seem to, I don't know.)

-Relatability: 4 (????)


I'll probably do more later.

Re: Rate The Characters

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 3:53 am
by Satou
In order of preferability

Lilly (totally not biased)

Looks: 10 - She's perfect.
Personality: 10 - She's laid back in a way which isn't obnoxious.
Importance: 9 - Considering she completely vanished for a while, the story focused more on Hanako during that time.
Background: 10 - Whilst some people may have wanted more about her parents and life in Scotland, I feel that would just be an unnecessary detour from the actual story. Akira provided some information regarding their past which, in my opinion, was enough to conclude her general personality as well as why their parents "abandoned" them.
Relatability: 7 - Whilst I'm not blind and have no siblings, I still deem Lilly and I rather similar in ways I can't exactly explain. Perhaps I'm just trying to make false justifications.


Looks: 9 - Hanako is what I'd call "cute", and this is not at all affected by her scars.
Personality: 7 - Unfortunately, her true personality was hidden behind her shell during most of the story, and you only caught occasional glimpses of it.
Importance: 9 - Her story revolved around her a lot and didn't often sidetrack to those of less importance.
Background: 10 - What had happened was obvious from start; she was a burn victim. What exactly happened and who was involved remained a mystery however, and Hanako in general was somewhat mysterious due to her shyness and her refraining from telling too much.
Relatability: 10 - I was an outsider, and still am, and I always avoided social interactions at all costs. I dislike other people and focus on my own business. Hanako is definitely the person I can relate the most to.


Looks: 6 - Whilst she's cute, I was never particularly attracted to her.
Personality: 8 - She's funny in an unintended way. I'd say she's rather diffuse and I had trouble reading her emotions and getting used to her ways, resulting in getting the bad ending first, followed by neutral, and finally good.
Importance: 10 - Her story was very focused on her and things related to her, such as art. During the exhibition, other characters were practically forgotten completely and it focused purely on Rin.
Background: 6 - Her background wasn't really brought up whatsoever, not much to say.
Relatability: 5 - I'm not artistic in any way, and I'd say my mind is rather clear and rarely drifts away. I can't say I relate much to her.


Looks: 6 - She's cute, but she looks 12. Come on.
Personality: 7 - Ambitious, to say the least. She can be motivational, as displayed throughout her story (what with getting Hisao to exercise), but she uses the girl-card a lot for this. She uses it for a good purpose however.
Importance: 9 - Her storyline revolved a lot around her, her family and running. I'd say she was in the spotlight most of the time.
Background: 6 - The fact that her dad had died was made clear almost immediately, which was almost like a spoiler within the game itself.
Relatability: 8 - I've never met my dad, so he could just as well be dead to me, so I can relate to that quite a bit.


Looks: 9 - Her looks aren't completely common, at least in my experience, but shit, I never go outside so what do I know. Either way, I find her quite attractive.
Personality: 6 - I'm uncertain how I feel about her bossiness and her use of the "girl-card" to boss people (read: Hisao) around even more.
Importance: 7 - Her storyline revolved a lot around other things which could have been ignored/made shorter, and the spotlight was somewhat jumping between her and Misha.
Background: 8 - Her background with Lilly was quite an unexpected twist which I found rather interesting. Her obnoxious dad could have been completely ruled out however.
Relatability: 4 - Well, I'm not at all deaf, I avoid bossing people around and I avoid leadership positions as I've found it usually goes pretty badly.


Looks: 7 - I'm not sure. The drills were a bit strange, and short hair didn't really fit her. Ruling out her hair, she's pretty cute.
Personality: 5 - I personally find her rather annoying and unaware of her surroundings (for example, during Hanako's anxiety attack). Perhaps I shouldn't say much about other people's social abilities, but at least I can tell approximately what someone is feeling based on their expressions.
Importance: 6 - Misha didn't have her own path, but Shizune's path would have been made a lot more different without her.
Background: 8 - Her love for Shizune was something I did not expect, and this proved to be of major importance throughout the storyline(s).
Relatability: 7 - The whole I love someone but they don't love me back and oh, now they have somebody else is most likely a common occurrence, but I can definitely relate to it.


Looks: 6 - I'm rather straight, but damn, Kenji looks pretty cool.
Personality: 9 - This guy is hilarious. He may not intend to be, but I could not have a real conversation with him whilst keeping a straight face.
Importance: 5 - I'd say he was more of a side-character despite his own "path".
Background: 4 - I don't know why he's so nuts.
Relatability: 4 - I'm a little paraniod, but not to this extent.


Looks: 8 - There isn't really much to say. She may be rather manly built, but I still find her good looking.
Personality: 10 - Probably the most laid back person I've ever "met".
Importance: 8 - Lilly's path depended a lot on Akira, which is not a bad thing.
Background: 8 - Her background goes hand-in-hand with Lilly's.
Relatability: 4 - I wish I was as cool as Akira. Unfortunately however, I'm anything but laid back and I could never hope to be important enough to wear a suit.


Looks: 10 - If it's her nervousness or the way she squishes her boobs, I don't know, but I find her adorable.
Personality: 9 - Despite being stressed out constantly, she always finds time to help and does not want to be 'in the way'.
Importance: 6 - She wasn't completely unimportant, but not particularly needed for the progress of any storyline.
Background: 2 - Her background wasn't exactly discussed. If anything, her future was brought up a lot more often.
Relatability: 8 - Going out of her way to not be in the way is something I find myself doing a lot, for good and bad.

Re: Rate The Characters

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 6:18 am
: 9 - Her looks aren't completely common, at least in my experience, but shit, I never go outside so what do I know.
Okay so that is like the fifteenth time you said something that I agreed to.

So either you are a long lost sibling
Or you are a part of a vampire cult therefore resulting in the fact that you can't go outside.

But that'd be crazy, right?




Re: Rate The Characters

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 7:16 am
by Oddball
-Background: 2 (Things before Yamaku aren't ever really explained.)
Yeah they are. Hisao's parents weren't around much so he was left alone alot. He had friends who he hung out with, played soccer with, and went to arcades with, but they weren't particularly close, and really he wasn't doing much with his life. He was just kinda going with the flow.

Re: Rate The Characters

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 11:01 am
by Magnenntae
Oddball wrote:
-Background: 2 (Things before Yamaku aren't ever really explained.)
Yeah they are. Hisao's parents weren't around much so he was left alone alot. He had friends who he hung out with, played soccer with, and went to arcades with, but they weren't particularly close, and really he wasn't doing much with his life. He was just kinda going with the flow.
Oh! That's right. Whoops.

It's pretty boring anyways, not that it should be dramatic, in the first place. ヽ(´ー`)ノ