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Re: Relationship Poll

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:20 am
by Brisingr

Re: Relationship Poll

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:27 am
by Tomate
25 Years old, alone by choice and proud of it.

Re: Relationship Poll

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:34 am
by Mirror Image
18, never had a relationship, never hugged anyone, never had any female friends*, not likely to change...
So yeah, foreveralone and all that.

*Women scare me.

Re: Relationship Poll

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:11 pm
by Hitman3256
GamerJM wrote:
Hitman3256 wrote:
Thrasher Thetic wrote:almost 17

forever alone

Does not compute, you'll be fine kid.
Thanks :D appreciate it.

But im a liberal pessimistic realist (if that makes sense). I don't see much going for me ahead.
You basically just described what I consider to be a cynic. You've been in relationships before and you're not yet 17. If anything I'd say you have a better chance of not being foreveralone than most people who consider themselves to be foreveralone.

Well......I guess time will tell. I know for sure that it wont be until college whatever next relationship might be, I'm tired of high school girls to be honest, they cant think straight. Thanks for be support everyone, I didnt mean to be such a downer on the forums :P

Re: Relationship Poll

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:31 pm
by Bigbishounen
Mirror Image wrote:18, never had a relationship, never hugged anyone, never had any female friends*, not likely to change...
So yeah, foreveralone and all that.

*Women scare me.
(bolding mine)

Whatever for??? If there is anything that you should have learned by playing KS, it's that women (disabled or otherwise) are people too that should be treated like you would want to be treated. Obviously there are some differences, women and men are NOT interchangeable, but still, there no reason to be AFRAID of women. That's almost as silly as putting them on a pedestal as goddesses to be worshiped or as princesses to be rescued by the White Knight.

Yes, they are often pretty and have all those nice curvy bits and soft bits and whatnot, but there's plenty more to them than that. Just treat the females you know the way YOU would like to be treated, and you'll do fine.

Re: Relationship Poll

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 3:47 pm
by InfinitiveBlue
I've had loads of short flings, some of them pretty intense at that :twisted: I've got many good and close female friends - but I've never been in what I would call a 'relationship' - you know, actually dating and what not. I've kinda given up going after a girls now in High School, in all honesty is seems a little silly; most of the girls are generally immature and the relationships themselves are often rushed and don't last very long. But I'm 16 and with High School ending in the next few months, and with Collage on the horizon; I figures I've got a good chance at finding someone soon and actually having my first legit l337 relationship. And after playing KS, I feel as if I've got a finer tuned mind now. Having learned all the lesson's it's taught me, I reckon I'm better equipped to gain and maintain a healthy, mature relationship. Though, I'm probably just being arrogant, but hey. All teenagers are ;)

Anyways, there's no rush for anything; I know I don't need to be in a relationship to be happy - I've got friends and achohol for that :lol: - and I'm pretty busy with my various musical, mechanical, literature, science hobbies. As well as my gaming rituals and frantic work-out sessions daily (and before anyone asks, this was not due to Emi, I haven't actually played her story yet, I've been working out at home for nearly a year now *haven't spent a single penny* with fantastic results; I could barely do 2 push ups when I first started now I'm doing about 150 daily). I guess I'm just trying to better myself first, before having all the responsibilities that come with a relationship.

"I'm my own man, stand alone man. Get to where I want, by executing my own plan, and that plan doesn't involve no holding hands"

To all those that are being all like "forever alone". Cheer up. I know it's completely cliche but if you wanna be loved, you first gotta love yourself. Confidence (but not overbearing cockiness) is hugely attractive to women.


Re: Relationship Poll

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 4:56 pm
by Valtameri
26 and alone... hopefully not forever. Been in a relationship 6 years ago.

Re: Relationship Poll

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 5:44 pm
by Seedling132
I'm almost sixteen, and I've been in 3 relationships, but I think during all of them I wasn't really mature enough to actually understand what I was doing, so yeah, I never really enjoyed any of them. They're all pretty terrible in hindsight, and my most recent ex was pretty damn terrible :|
Now it's been a bit over a year since making any female contact more than a hug. I'm a nice enough guy, but I'm not all too physically attractive; perfect combination for a one-way ticket to the friend zone. I'm sure I could break this if I tried, but I really just don't have the confidence in myself to go for it.

Re: Relationship Poll

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 7:59 pm
by Mirror Image
Bigbishounen wrote:Whatever for??? If there is anything that you should have learned by playing KS, it's that women (disabled or otherwise) are people too that should be treated like you would want to be treated. Obviously there are some differences, women and men are NOT interchangeable, but still, there no reason to be AFRAID of women. That's almost as silly as putting them on a pedestal as goddesses to be worshiped or as princesses to be rescued by the White Knight.

Yes, they are often pretty and have all those nice curvy bits and soft bits and whatnot, but there's plenty more to them than that. Just treat the females you know the way YOU would like to be treated, and you'll do fine.
That part was meant rather tongue in cheek really, although not totally.

In seriousness, I've had to group up with three sisters, two of whom are older than me. My dad worked most of the time, so the household was almost always female dominated. Whether that had any impact, I don't know.

Regardless, treating women like anything is going to be difficult, considering my interaction with them is, well...

Re: Relationship Poll

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 8:01 pm
by Thrasher Thetic
I recommend hookers. Hookers and cocaine.

Re: Relationship Poll

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 8:23 pm
by Valtameri
Thrasher Thetic wrote:I recommend hookers. Hookers and cocaine.
But what about the romance??? :lol:

Re: Relationship Poll

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 8:29 pm
by Thrasher Thetic
Hey, you can have a super romantic relationship with cocaine. Just ask Tony Montana.


Re: Relationship Poll

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 8:39 pm
by Valtameri
Well give me few pounds of it then, but what about them hookers? We want real romance, not payed one! Or wait, is it always paid one... hmm. Now i'm confused.

Re: Relationship Poll

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 9:13 pm
by Bigbishounen
Mirror Image wrote:That part was meant rather tongue in cheek really, although not totally.

In seriousness, I've had to group up with three sisters, two of whom are older than me. My dad worked most of the time, so the household was almost always female dominated. Whether that had any impact, I don't know.

Regardless, treating women like anything is going to be difficult, considering my interaction with them is, well...
Well now is as good a time to change that as any.

Remember, the worst thing about rejection is the deal YOU make out of it. That girl you like (or even find mildly attractive) has NO IDEA what you think of her, or the emotional build-up you've got going on about her. Just be calm, be relaxed, and say hello. You don't need a cheesy line, just introduce yourself. If you flame out, grab a good stiff drink (If you are of legal drinking age, that is. And just ONE drink. It's too early to drown your sorrows in a bottle of gin.) and climb right back on that horse and try again with another girl. (believe it or not, the SECOND try is usually the toughest. Just nut it up and go again.) Get a wingman, preferably someone experienced in dealing with women (someone in a stable relationship. NOT the local gigolo!) If you need to, go for Internet dating. You can maximize your results that way. Just be up front in what you are looking for.

Honestly, growing up with three sisters you have an advantage many other guys would kill for. Not only are you reasonably familiar with the vagaries of the "female of the species" but, assuming you have a solid relationship with your sisters, you can go to them for advice on what women like. I'm sure they would love to help you. (and maybe hook you up with one of their hot friends!!!)

An often overlooked place to find a wonderful woman is your local church or synagogue. Evangelical Christian "Mega-churches" are some of the best places of all. Of course, you really should be either interested in or already a member of that faith if you are date-hunting there. Dishonesty does NOT go over well with women, particularly religiously inclined women. (Seriously, You don't need a woman AND God mad at you! :P )

Believe me, when your eyes are open you will find your soulmate in the most unlikely place. I met my wife at a PET STORE. I was buying fish food, of all things. I was so worried about making it to work on time I didn't even notice her, but she noticed me. (I still laugh when I think of her saying "Who was that cute guy with the Tetra-Min fish flakes?" ROFL!) She talked to her friend, whose boyfriend was working at the same place I worked (car wash. I was wearing my uniform.) He let me know and passed along her phone number and name. Our first date was a coffee house (Mid 90's. They were HUGE back then.) and I brought her a single rose as an introductory gift. It worked, we've been married for over 15 years now. I'm sitting here typing this with my 5 month old daughter on my lap as my two others run around and cause trouble. It's not a perfect life, but it's a life, and one I'm happy with. That kind of happiness is available for anyone. You just have to go out and get it.

Good luck Brother.

Re: Relationship Poll

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 10:21 pm
by ran
Just in case this hasn't been stated before, women care about your looks, a lot. Chances are, unless you're damn rich or something, you don't want to look fat as fatass when trying to find a woman or you'll just make a fool out of yourself.

just my two cents.