Swampie's Stories : Writings of a mad-man 3


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Re: Swampie's Stories: Writings of a mad-man: Part 2! [8/7/1

Post by swampie2 »

Shizune in the snow.

Kind of an OOC Shizune for this; This is kind of my own follow up to "After Graduation."

It takes place when Shizune and Hisao are both attending Tokyo university.

If I can last long enough to finish this, then it'll turn out as a 5 chapter mini story. (hopefully)

The image that started this all.

I step outside and immediately have to cover my eyes; the white of the snow reflecting the sun stings my eyes. Once my eyes have adjusted, I continue my journey towards the front gate, and the person stood there. Her large winter coat is adorable on her, as well as her dark scarf that covers her neck and hangs limply behind her. I hadn't noticed it before but she's let her hair grow out just a little bit longer, presumably to help with the winter cold.

[What took you so long?]

[It's been a while since I needed this stuff, had to find it all.] I gesture downwards towards my hastily donned attire, and Shizune releases a small, silent giggle behind her hand.

[We need to get you a new coat.] Her hands sign quickly, even in the cold.

[Hey! I like this coat!] I gesture with one hand as I close the low gate and step over to her, being careful not to slip.

[Well I don't.] She pouts. She's gotten really good at that, I can almost feel my heart strings being pulled.

[Fine, fine, I'll get a new coat.] I sigh, releasing a cloud of warm air from my mouth. She shakes her head from side to side, almost freeing the glasses from her nose.

[Nope! I'll get you a new coat, one that looks good.] She signs before grabbing my hand a setting off. I quickly step up to her side, readjusting our grip on each others hands. All this hand holding has done wonders for my one handed sign. We quickly make our way down the road, each paying attention to the ground as to not fall. It's strangely quiet, as it always is when it snows since it sucks up sound like a sponge. I briefly wonder if I should explain it to Shizune, but eventually decide I shouldn't, it's hard to explain a sense that the other person has never experienced.

[Where to first?] I ask. She thinks for a second, almost audibly "Hmm-ing" before responding.

[I want to get some hot chocolate.]

[I can get down with that.] She once again silently chuckles at my awkward terminology, but brushes it off. That's one of the things I love about this girl. We make our way down the road, and I find myself attempting to mess up as much "clean" snow as I can with footprints. Shizune catches on and It quickly becomes a competition to try and ruin as much perfect snow as we can.

We reach the end of the housing block and both set eyes upon the park and it's untouched snow. Shizune pecks me on the cheek before letting go of my hand and rushing over to the gate. I give chase but find my efforts wasted as Shizune lies back down in the snow, forming a snow angel in the small patch of snow that hasn't been stepped through. I've been defeated once more. I flop down next to Shizune, who is quick to bask in victory.

[I win again Hisao!]

[We never wagered anything.] I attempt to pop her bubble, but i'm quickly met with her puppy dog eyes. Damn, she must have been in contact with Emi or something, maybe a book; "how to look adorable to get your boyfriend to do your bidding." I can Imagine Shizune enjoying a book like that. I've learned a lot about her in the time since we left Yamaku, like how she doesn't really need glasses but still keeps them, and how she loves to get all dressed up but barely has the chance, how she is in the bedroom-

[Stop thinking too hard, you'll break something] She giggles, now sat up.

[Nothing has broken so far?] Aside from my heart, but I don't think my thinking has much to do with that. Wait, it is a problem with my brain since it's not sending the right signals... maybe she's onto something?

[Come on, we'll freeze if we lay in the snow all day.] She stands, offering a hand to me after wiping her clothing clean of stray snowflakes. I take it and lever myself from the ground before we make our way towards the city center, where all the best hot drinks vendors set up shop.

[I spoke to Misha earlier today.] Shizune announces, almost giddy at the thought of talking to her best freind. She fills me in on Misha's life in america, her studies are going well, but it's taken her up to now to get used to american english, and I can't blame her. Apparently she's dating somebody now, and happy with them. Shizune asked to know more, but time zones make it hard for them to speak at length. I'm glad to hear that Misha is doing well though, maybe I should call her, we used to be pretty close in our student council days. I make sure to add that to my mental checklist of things to do.

Before I know it, Shizune has lead us to the small coffee shop that we used as a replacement for the Shanghai. The food isn't as good, but the coffee is better than the tea, much to my happiness and Shizune's chagrin. We attempted all the bigger outlets but it just wasn't the same as a quaint little drinks shop. We make our way inside and shrug our winter garments before taking a seat.

Our very bored looking waiter makes his was over and asks what we want. Shizune and I sign back and forth, deciding what topping we want on our hot chocolates when the waiter produces another menu and places it in front of Shizune. We both take a look and find that the waiter has given Shizune a braille version of the menu. I immediately burst into laughter, while Shizune looks like she's about to burst with anger, all the while the waiter looks increasingly more sheepish each microsecond. I stifle a thanks and tell him our orders while wiping tears from my eyes.

[Some people just aren't smart, are they?]

[He was just trying to help, even if his attempt was pretty bad.] I chuck as I sign, he must have just thought "Oh that girl is deaf, I should give her the special menu." without knowing what that entails. Eventually Shizune cracks and shares a laugh with me. He delivers our drinks shortly after and apologizes profusely, I wave him off by telling him not to worry but still can't help the smirk that's found it's way onto my face. We both begin drinking our hot chocolates after I foot the bill and conversation ceases, something that I've got remarkably used to since I've been dating Shizune; to such a degree that I'm silent through most lunches I spend with my university friends until they speak up about it.

Once we're starting to warm up a little, we continue our conversation. Don't they say that time passes quicker when you're having fun? That must be why we've been sat in this little coffee shop for almost an hour just talking and enjoying each others presence.

[I'm glad you came to Tokyo, Hisao.]

[I am too.] I respond.

[Not only because I can see you all the time though, your grades were far too high to be wasting anywhere else.]

[I'm flattered.] I respond, taking another sip of my drink. [But most of the reason I came to Tokyo was because I didn't want to miss you.]

[Bad Hisao! Your university work is far more important!] She says, but I can see her eyes holding a tinge of happiness that I tagged along.

[My stance is still the same. Coming to a bigger university was just an extra plus.] She tents her hands in front of her, expecting words to come but finding none, instead simply smiling while staring at her hands. It's always a nice little victory when I can make her feel that way.

[Come on, we need to get you a new coat!] She exclaims before downing the last of her drink and gesturing for me to do the same, however I can only chuckle as her top lip is sporting a chocolate mustache.


Thanks for reading!
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Re: Swampie's Stories: Shizune in the snow. 9/7/15

Post by brythain »

It does indeed read like one of the Mirror Shoujo versions — Shizune with Emi's personality. :D
Post-Yamaku, what happens? After The Dream is a mosaic that follows everyone to the (sometimes) bitter end.
Main Index (Complete)Shizune/Lilly/Emi/Hanako/Rin/Misha + Miki + Natsume
Secondary Arcs: Rika/Mutou/AkiraHideaki | Others (WIP): Straw—A Dream of SuzuSakura—The Kenji Saga.
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Re: Swampie's Stories: Shizune in the snow. 9/7/15

Post by Mirage_GSM »

we did used to be pretty close
either "used to be" or "did use to be"... This way it's double past tense
Don't they same time passes quicker when you're having fun?
Missing a few words?

I didn't think Shizune was too OOC in this one. She's always been playful, and Hisao might have mellowed her out some in the year since graduation.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: Swampie's Stories: Shizune in the snow. 9/7/15

Post by swampie2 »

Shizune in the snow: Part 2

Once we leave the coffee shop, we go on search for a new jacket since mine is obviously so horrible. I don't see what's wrong with it, but Shizune clearly does given the speed she's travelling toward the nearest clothing shop. She spends some time looking at dresses and I make sure to make a note of what she liked before she drags me upstairs to find a new coat.

After a half hour of modelling, Shizune decides that the rather minimal grey jacket I tried on twenty minutes ago was the best, and so I try it on again only for her to change her mind again. If I were here with anyone else I would have snapped and left by now, but the way Shizune studies me with her eyes, doing her best to make the scruffy boy in front of her to look good, warms me up as much as the hot chocolate.

[What about the black one?] She holds it against my front and studies me again.

[I liked all of them.]

[Of course you did, I picked them out.] She winks before placing the coat back onto the small seat she's been using as a dressing rack and picking up another before holding it up to me and analysing me again.

[I don't think a new coat can make me look presentable Shizune.]

[Shh! I'm getting close, don't break my concentration.] I chuckle, half hoping to be out of here soon. The clerks must think we're quite strange, trying the same couple of coats over and over.

[This one!] She proudly announces, holding up the grey jacked I tried before. Before she can change her mind again, I swipe it from her hands and receive and icy glare.

[Great! Then let's go do something.] I sign as I walk over to the counter, feeling her eyes burn a small hole in the back of my head. Eventually she gives up and returns the coats to their racks before joining me. She normally wouldn't give up that easily. Maybe she was getting tired of that little dance too?

It doesn't take long for Shizune and me to get into a snowball fight once we're outside. Or more of a snowball war, given how much she wants to win. This reminds me of the festival, when Shizune said she had a rule against throwing things. Either she's mellowed out, or she's totally fine throwing things at me. After a hard fought battle, I admit defeat since I'm starting to lose feeling in my fingers. I think that beating Shizune in a snowball fight can take a back seat to not getting frostbite.

[It's just not your day today Hisao.]

[At least I got to spend my lowest day with you.] I pull our my worst line.

[That was so corny!]

[You love it really.] I rejoin my hands with hers, half hoping to regain some feeling in them. She seems to agree as she gives my hand a slight squeeze before we're off again, this time looking for a present for Hideaki's birthday. We won't be able to attend, but we decided that sending something to him would be nice anyway. We try various stores and shops before I realize that I have no clue what Hideaki enjoys. Perhaps I should get him some artwork of him on top of a podium with Shizune in second. He'd enjoy it, she'd likely kill me. Best hold off on that idea then.

[We should get him some booze.] I chuckle, I wonder what Hideaki would be like drunk?

[Absolutely not.] Shizune disagrees.

[Don't you want to see what he's like when he's not worried about beating you all the time?] She raises her hands to speak but stops and thinks before raising another point.

[He's underage!]

[Didn't stop us when you stayed at my house after we graduated?] She blushes, remembering fragments of that night we spent together with a bottle of whiskey. It quickly became a game of "who could take the most shots and still win at risk." That did not end in a pretty way, I never did find those playing pieces.

[We were alone though.]

[Oh yes, I know that very well.] I give a sly smirk, and Shizune's blush starts warming the air around us. She quickly snaps herself from her thoughts to put an end the the discussion.

[We are not sending Hideaki alcohol.]

[Yes, Queen Shizune.] I bow forward, showing as much grandeur as I can. [Where to next, my majesty?]

[To the castle!] She points her arm in the air and strikes a pose while holding back a giggle.

[Back to the apartment it is then.] I shrug and we begin the walk back to our rented accommodation.


Damn I hate this job. Coffee after coffee, occasionally someone orders a hot chocolate or some random combination of ingredients that apparently tastes good and breaks the streak, but that's not often. I think the reason I prefer quaint little coffee shops is because I work at a Starbucks. It's a shitty job but it plays the bills that my student loans don't.

After the large bearded man takes his drink a shorter, recognisable girl with long dark hair steps up the the counter and makes her order. She's in the camp that lists of a million things and expects it to become a drink. Either way, I'm obliged to make it for her. Once I finish adding god knows how many servings of cream, I'm done. I realize that I hadn't asked her for her name like I was meant to, luckily it's quite a unique order so if I shout that then they should hear. As I do, the girl that ordered it steps up to the counter.

"Sorry about that, I forgot to ask your name." I say, placing the warm drink on the counter. As I say this she flinches slightly, maybe I knew this person? She opens her purse and forks over some notes, I hand her change and get a good look at her face.

"Hanako is my name. Thanks Hisao." She gives a short bow and takes her coffee to the door before stepping out into the snow, leaving me frozen in place behind the counter.

Last edited by swampie2 on Thu Jul 09, 2015 1:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Swampie's Stories: Shizune in the snow: PT 2. 9/7/15

Post by Mirage_GSM »

It doesn't take long for Shizune and I to
Shizune and me

Not recognizing a classmate after only a year? Shame on you, Hisao...
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: Swampie's Stories: Shizune in the snow: PT 2. 9/7/15

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

That image looks very familiar, but I can't figure out why... :D

Anyways, this is fun. More Shizune is always a good thing, and I like post-Yamaku stories. Its interesting to see what the KS cast has got too. And yeah, I did find it weird he didn't recognize Hanako. I'd still recognize a classmate after just a year. Maybe he just wasn't paying attention.
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Re: Swampie's Stories: Shizune in the snow: PT 2. 9/7/15

Post by swampie2 »

Shizune in the snow: Part 3

Thanks to Sharp-O for letting me use Akio and his Monomyth universe!

Ps. Though things may not turn out as well as I've written them, so this fic isn't cannon to his universe.


9AM. I've been working for two hours and I'm approaching the end of my shift. Each finished drink causes me to check my watch and calculate how much time there is left until I'm free. I've been spending most of the time going over various calculations in my head, this year has been far more advanced that Yamaku's science was. I'm glad that Mutou was as supportive as he was though, without his advice I wouldn't have gotten a place in Tokyo. I suppose Mutou is one of the main reasons i'm still dating Shizune. Thanks Mutou.

"Excuse me?" Someone speaking breaks me from my thoughts.

"Sorry, what can I get for you?" I look up from my watch and see that same person from yesterday. Hanako. How could I have forgotten her yesterday? I only finished at Yamaku a year ago. "Hey Hanako." I respond, hoping that we've both forgotten my gaffe yesterday.

"Hello Hisao." She greets before reciting her overly complex order. Before long I've got the order complete. I take a look around the small seating area and see Hanako placed in the corner, alone.

"Toru, I'm done." I shout to the staff area, I hear my co-worker begin to rise from his seat. Safe in the knowledge that we'll have someone serving, I grab Hanako's drink and quickly pour myself a black coffee before walking over to her.

"Hey Hanako, do you mind?" I nod down towards the seat and she nods in return, I place our drinks on the table and seat myself. It's strange seeing her like this, not as worried about her scars. She's still sat with her scars facing the wall, but seems far less skittish than she did when we were at Yamaku.

"So how is life Hisao?" She begins a conversation. That's not like her at all, it's refreshing to see how much she's changed.

"Pretty good myself, how about you?"

"I'm doing well, thanks." She takes a sip of her drink and lets out a happy sigh. "Are you studying how to make good coffee?" She giggles.

"No, just naturally good at that." I jest. "I'm studying science at Tokyo University."

"You were always Mutou's star pupil."

"I suppose I was. What about yourself? What brings you to Tokyo?"

"Holiday actually, we're visiting my Akio's parents." She smiles, the most honest smile I've ever seen her produce.


"My boyfriend." She beams.

"Ah, first time meeting his parents?"

"Y-yeah..." She quietly stutters into her drink, her smile falters slightly. She must be nervous, I remember how nervous Shizune was when she met my parents and she doesn't usually show her weaknesses.

"I'm sure It'll go great." I reassure. She shakes her head slightly, as if shaking the thoughts from her mind.

"How are things with you and Shizune?" She redirects the conversations.

"Great, our first anniversary is coming up this weekend." I reply happily, beaming a smile not unlike hers when talking about Akio.

"Congratulations. I hope she isn't working you too hard." She giggles.

"I'm surviving." I chuckle and sip at my coffee. Conversation dries out and we are both content to sit in silence for a moment, a moment that is shattered by Hanako's phone ringing inside her pocket. She quickly pulls it out and looks to me to ask if I mind, I reply with a nod. She opens the phone and places it to the side of her head.

"Hanako Ikezawa speaking."

After a second of the other person talking, Hanako's eyes open wide in shock. She checks her watch and sighs before saying her goodbyes and closing her phone.

"Everything okay?" I pry.

"I lost track of time, I'm a little late." She sighs, placing her phone back into her pocket.

"Want me to drive you? It'll be faster than walking?" She looks up at me, almost in disbelief. "I'm am the one who made you late after all." I add after sipping at the last of my coffee.

"W-would you mind?"

"Not at all, come on." I stand and she follows. We make our way out of the shop and I make sure that Toru has a handle on things. He's never been the best at serving, but he can survive until I'm back. We both wince as the cold air waves over us, but make our way out onto the snow covered street.


Before long we've arrived at my car, one of the cheapest I could get a hold of. Luckily I don't have to use it all too often to get to the campus, only when I'm working since the shop is on the other side of the city.

"Stylish huh?" I jest while placing the key in the lock.

"Very!" She agrees before carefully placing herself in the passenger seat. She gives some basic directions and we pull away. Her destination is only about 10 minutes away, so we should be able to get there by 9:30.

"So how are things will Lilly recently?" I ask, half because I want to know and half because I don't want to sit in silence, no matter how much being with Shizune has gotten me used to silence.

"She's okay, we can't speak very often because of the timezones though." She mentions, a hint of sadness coming through in her voice.

"I know what you mean, we have a similar situation when we try and speak with Misha all the way over in the states."

"Mhmm." She nods, still sipping at her coffee. She must enjoy her coffee, especially given her over the top orders, while I simply enjoy coffee as a mean to an end; Caffeine.

"Are you studying anything?" I ask, hoping to jump start the conversation since Lilly was such a sore topic. She was her only freind at Yamaku, it must be hard not to be able to talk to your best freind often, especially given how close they were.

"Literature and Narrative Writing myself, Akio joined me for literature but chose to study Advertising instead."

"You always loved the library." I add, mirroring her earlier words. "Advertising, huh?" I attempt to keep the conversation alive.

"Akio is such a smart-ass, it suited him."

Before long we arrive at our destination and Hanako jumps from the car towards a red-haired guy stood nearby. He jumps slightly as she hugs him but regains he balance using his rather thick cane.

"This is Hisao, and old freind from Yamaku. Luckily he was generous enough to offer a lift." She links her hand in his as they wander back towards the car. Akio leans down to see me through the window.

"Thanks man, she's always late." He chuckles and receives a slap upside the head.

"No problem. I'm already a living taxi service for my girlfriend, I may as well extend the offer to old friends." I joke, remembering the time that Shizune had me drive for 5 hours to come pick her up after she fell asleep on a train. He chuckles and nods, before Hanako pulls him away from the car before whispering to him for a while. Once they're done conversing Hanako leans down this time.

"Say Hisao, do you wanna bring Shizune and get something to eat with me and Akio later this week?"

"That sounds really nice actually. Hold on, we can trade numbers." I pull my phone and she does hers. Once we've transferred digits she and Akio leave towards the building behind them.

"Have a good night guys." I shout through the open window.

"You too Hisao!" Akio responds with a hand held in the air. Once they're out of sight, my thoughts return to more pressing matters; my present for Shizune. I look to the back seat and find it still resting where I left it. Perfect. I check my watch, Shizune should be on break just about now. Even better. I flick on the radio and begin my drive towards the university.


9:48. Shizune should still be on break, hopefully I can catch her. I burst through the reception entrance with box in hand. Before my heart starts acting up, I reach the small bench beneath the oak that Shizune loves to read under. I quickly glance over each seat and eventually find her, laid on her back holding the book up above her. I take a quick second to get my breathing back under control and begin a brisk walk over to her. Before she notices me I manage to sit down opposite her at the bench and place the box between us. She notices the movement in the bench and quickly sits up.

[What are you doing here?]

[I was in the area.] I sign carefully, my hands shaking from my run. She places her book down on the desk after marking her page and pulls two small juice boxes from her bag before sliding one to me.

[What's the box?]

[Open it and find out.] I return one handed while I sip my juice. She looks perplexed for a second but her curiosity gets the better of her, inspecting the box to find the opening.

[Remember the research that I couldn't tell you about?] I sign as she finds the opening, removing the small plastic strip that seals the case shut.

[It wasn't because of an NDA.] I finish as she open the box, revealing it's contents. The one piece of technology that has come to fruition during my short time studying in Tokyo.

[Is this?] She raises her hands to continue but finds nothing.

[Model number 001] I return. She tents her fingers before her again, lost for words, staring at the small box in front of her. It's contents being a small hearing aid, specifically designed for those with Shizune's problem; Sensori-neural deafness.

It was quite the adventure working on a medical device; First our professor chose the top students in our class and decided to work with us on a project of our choosing. While the other members were undecided, I was 100% sure this is what I wanted to try. It took a while to get the others to agree, the turning point was mentioning that I "know" somebody who has Sensori-neural deafness, so we can make a prototype and test it without sending it off. Of course we will have to send it off eventually, but cycles of testing will be far, far faster with Shizune's help.

She reaches forward and holds the device in her hands as if it were made of paper and could break at any second. She raises it slightly to inspect it, also catching my eye.

[On one condition.] I add. She doesn't sign anything, but the look in her eyes just says "Go on?"

[You have to be our test subject.] She sighs and rolls her eyes.

[Of course I will you Idiot.] She bursts into a full on silent laugh before holding the aid forward so I can take it and place it back into the case.

[We can fit it after you're done today if you like?] I ask, hoping she agrees since I told all the guys that I'd get her down there today.

[Nope.] She shakes her head. Oh no. What am I gonna tell the guys?

[Let's go now.] She beams, her cheeks flush and her mouth pulled into a huge grin.

And breath.


Author Notes: Yes, Shizune won't understand a word anyone says to her since she never learned spoken English/Japanese, that will be covered next chapter.

AntonSlavik020 wrote:That image looks very familiar, but I can't figure out why... :D
Your avatar was actually what caused this fic!
Last edited by swampie2 on Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Swampie's Stories: Shizune in the snow: PT 3. 13/7/15

Post by Sharp-O »

In terms of using Akio, here's my thoughts:
Advertising, eh? Interesting... Makes a kind of sense. He's got the wit to come up with clever marketing slogans and such.
As for his parents, plural, I never really considered it but it's conceivable that his mum remarried before he went to Yamaku or even during his time there.

In terms of the writing side, there was a couple instances of freind instead of friend and the sentence "He starts slightly as she hugs him but regains he balance using his rather thick cane." confused me a little. What does he start? There's a couple other instances of weird wording but it's 4am.

In terms of the continued story of Shizune and Hisao, it's cute that he did that and I like the premptive warning about her language skills. Should be interesting to see how she adapts.

Overall, pretty damn good Swampie! Keep at it :mrgreen:
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Re: Swampie's Stories: Shizune in the snow: PT 3. 13/7/15

Post by swampie2 »

Sharp-O wrote:In terms of using Akio, here's my thoughts:
Advertising, eh? Interesting... Makes a kind of sense. He's got the wit to come up with clever marketing slogans and such.
My headcannon was that he was late to signups and ended up on advertising, but didn't have the heart to tell Hanako that wasn't the course he wanted to do in the first place because she'd be angry he was late. :lol:
Sharp-O wrote:As for his parents, plural, I never really considered it but it's conceivable that his mum remarried before he went to Yamaku or even during his time there.
Or It's possible that Hanako doesn't know yet :wink:

Really I should have just asked you though :lol:
Sharp-O wrote:In terms of the writing side, there was a couple instances of freind instead of friend and the sentence "He starts slightly as she hugs him but regains he balance using his rather thick cane." confused me a little. What does he start? There's a couple other instances of weird wording but it's 4am.
True, I'll do another pass when I wake up ;P
Sharp-O wrote:In terms of the continued story of Shizune and Hisao, it's cute that he did that and I like the premptive warning about her language skills. Should be interesting to see how she adapts.

Overall, pretty damn good Swampie! Keep at it :mrgreen:
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Re: Swampie's Stories: Shizune in the snow: PT 3. 13/7/15

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

Well glad to hear my choice of avatar inspired this. Really interested to see where this is going.
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Re: Swampie's Stories: Shizune in the snow: PT 3. 13/7/15

Post by swampie2 »

Shizune in the snow: Part 4


I step through the doors into the labs with an extra skip in my step, Shizune follows behind me closely attempting not to get lost in the science facilities. We reach the lab that our teacher commandeered for us and I reach for my keys. As we step inside we shrug our coats off, and I send a text message to my teacher so he can come down and see the results first hand. Shizune stands next to me awkwardly, I can imagine she has no idea if it's safe to touch anything in this lab given it's current messy state. Before long I have her seated in a chair by my desk and our work's product in my hands.

[This goes behind your ear.] I sign one handed while securing the battery pack and circuit behind her ear. [And this goes... right here.] I continue, placing the receiver and tranducer on the back of her head. I stand back and admire my work, we'll need to make some more hidden ones, these flesh tone models stick out like a sore thumb. Luckily this is just a test though, so I stand back and meet eyes with Shizune.

[Ready?] She gives a curt nod and keeps her hands rested on her legs. With that, I reach over towards my wireless controller and flick the switch on. As the device warms up, Shizune's face contorts into a mixture of confusion and awe. She turns her head slightly towards the sound, right now she'll only be able to hear one side of her head. Once she's gotten used to the natural sound of the room I crouch down to her level and meet eyes with her.

["How is it?"] I say slowly while signing. This only confuses her further.

[Speak again.] She signs.

["Anything you want me to talk about specifically?"] I respond, and her expression stays completely baffled. I begin talking about my lunch, and how I didn't like how the sandwich was made.

[You have a beautiful voice.] She smiles before closing her eyes and leaning back, letting the sound of the empty room fill her brain. [This is amazing.] She signs slowly. [I never knew about this side of the world.] She continues. Once she opens her eyes again, I decided to have a little bit of fun.

["Snap your fingers."] I ask, and she complies, before wincing due to the immense cracking sound.

[Why did you never tell me it was that loud?]

["I thought you knew."] I chuckle.

[Your laugh sounds adorable too.] She stands, taking in the sounds of her clothes rustling and the hum of machinery, an experience that I take for granted. The door swings open and mashes against the door block, crashing loudly. Shizune's head snaps to the source of the sound, something that freaks me out to no end. In the doorway stands my teacher, still dabbing his mouth with a napkin from his lunch.

"Good afternoon, Hisao. I assume this is Miss Hakamichi?" He states before striding into the room and taking a look at the device now planted firmly on my girlfriend's head. "Everything working fine?" He asks her, complete forgetting the fact that she never learned spoken Japanese.

[His voice is not attractive.] She grimaces, and I almost burst out laughing.

"What?" He asks.

["It's nothing, she just said your voice is much different to mine"] I respond, chuckling the whole time.

"Well it's good that she can tell the difference, that means that Ikoma's work actually made a difference." He states dryly, frowning slightly at the thought of Ikoma slacking off like he usually does. He sits and his desk and flips open a folder before taking a sheet out and a pencil, and act that has Shizune completely enraptured. I'd never thought that the sound of a pencil writing could give so much joy, but it's a sense that I've had since I was born so I suppose I would see it that way, Shizune has only been able to hear for less than half an hour.

[Can we go outside?] Shizune asks, and I nod. Our short walk through the building is in silence as Shizune is simply enjoying the sound of her footsteps echoing around. The door beeps as the receptionist releases the lock, causing a small click that makes Shizune jump. We step outside and Shizune once again closes her eyes and raises her face to the sky, carefully listening to all the sounds she can. I do the same, and listen to the distant sounds of cars and conversations. My stomach grumbles and Shizune's head snaps to me, making me feel like a deer in the headlights.

[What was that?]

["My stomach grumbled."] I sigh and rub the back of my head.

[Want to get some food then?] She signs back, smiling. [I'll pay, it's the least I can do.]

["That'd be fantastic. I've got one last present as well."] I add as we begin to walk. I pull my new phone and slide the lock open, most of the reason I bought a smartphone was so I could do this as soon as I could. I scroll through my meager contacts list and find "Misha" before clicking the video call button. After a short while she picks up.

"Hi Hisao!~" She whispers, it must be quite early in america, especially given her pyjamas and loosely tied up hair. Her brunette looked funny for a while, but it really suits her now.

"Hey Misha. I was wondering if you could speak to Shizune for me?"

She looks confused for a second before retorting. "Oooh! You gave her the thingy?"

"Right, I want her to hear your voice." I add with a grin, before wrapping my arm around Shizune and breaking her out of her little world filled with sounds, and holding the phone between us.

[Hello Misha!] She signs energetically, and the call takes a second for the message to reach Misha.

["Hey Shicchan!~ Can you hear me okay?"] She signs back, her voice ringing out of the small speakers. Shizune raises her hands to continue as if nothing were different, but quickly realizes that something is different. This is the fist time she's heard her best friend's voice.

[I can, I can hear you!] She signs excitedly, a huge grin adorning her face.

["That's fantastic! Good work Hicchan!~"] She continues after a small buffering pause, and I feel my cheeks turn a half a degree hotter. I give a smile and leave the two girls to their conversation while I consider what I want to eat. Sandwiches are off the table given my experience earlier today, perhaps something traditional will be good. Dumplings sound fantastic right about now. My phone beeps and Shizune ends the call before stopping dead center in the path.

[She has such a pretty voice.] She signs, hands shaking. [I...] She begins, but stops herself, something that she doesn't do often. [It's the most wonderful present in the world Hisao. I love you so, so much.] She launches into a hug that nearly asphyxiates me. I lift her from her feet and spin around, happy to be in the company of this beautiful girl. This girl that I love so dearly.

"I love you too Shizune." I speak, unable to sign because of our hug. I know she doesn't understand me, but I know she got the message, as she presses her lips against mine. Her lips are cold, but the moment we're sharing is enough to stop us from caring about the cold, the upcoming bills, the tests, life. We break away from each other and share a moment before Shizune lets go of me and signs.

[There is something I've never told anyone.] She stops, putting the words together. [I'm mute by choice.] She finishes. Woah.

["Really? Why?"] I ask, why would she choose not to use her voice if she could?

[Because deaf people speaking sounds dumb.] She chuckles behind her hand. [But now I can learn.] She beams a smile I've never seen before, a smile so filled with happiness that it makes me feel warm despite the cold breeze blowing through my jeans.

["I'm sure you wouldn't sound dumb."] I jibe and receive a jab in the side with an elbow. [Practice makes perfect after all.] I offer. She brings her hands up to speak, but takes another second to make sure she's worded it right.

[Will you teach me?]

["Spoken Japanese? I'll give it my best shot, for sure."] She releases a tiny squeal of happiness and then grabs my hand before jogging down the road with me behind her. As we reach the more densely populated areas she slows down, taking in the sounds of the city that she never had the chance to before. Taxis roll by and conversations pop in and out of earshot as we continue towards the best hot chocolate vendors.


POV: Misha

The screen goes dark and shows my reflection, the messy, useless girl that I am. I didn't even realize how long I've been staring at it since my call with Shicchan ended. I blink at my reflection a couple of times, staring at myself and seeing a sorry excuse for a person. I ditched my pink hair when I came to america, hair dye is super expensive here, and my eyes are framed by dark bags since I haven't slept for 3 days.

I have to pay my landlord tomorrow and I still haven't got more than 10$ on me. I could always ask my parents, but they're starting to get pretty unhappy with me always asking for money. There is Shicchan and Hicchan, but asking friends for money just doesn't seem right. I stand from my bed and stretch my legs, making my head feel light for a second. Down the hatch goes my two daily antidepressants that cost me more than my rent and don't seem to do a damn thing.

I take a deep breath and clear my head for a second, I wouldn't want Shicchan to see me like this. I stroll into my bathroom and force a smile into the mirror, seems good enough, not my most convincing smile but I feel like death warmed up today. I shrug on my bustiest white shirt and slide into some jeans. I've had to put another two notches in my belt since I moved from Japan, food is super expensive here as well. I check my clock, should be about time for my landlord to arrive. As I expected, two hard knocks at the door ring through my empty apartment.

"Shiina, it's rent day!" He shouts through the door with his desperately boring general american accent.

"One second!~" I hum as I hop my way over to the door, practicing my act. I swing to door open and lean forward against the door frame, extenuating my chest. "What brings you to my room today?~" I purr, hoping for the best.

"You owe me rent Shiina." He flatly states.

"I told you to call me Mishaa~, John" I give my best smile and push my body forward even more, almost falling over.

"Just... ugh." He sighs. "Listen, I've been as accommodating as I can Shii- Misha. But you're going to have to pay for the space." He rubs the bridge of his nose between two fingers in exasperation.

"Jooohn~ I'll have it real soon, I promise!" I exclaim, hoping that my faked energy will convince him.

"One week." He replies, and my face drops. "Two weeks of rent or I'll have to make the room vacant. I hate to do it, but I have to make money here."

"Are you suuure?~" I growl, leaning forward and starting to undo the top buttons of my shirt.

"I'm sure." He retorts bluntly and turns on his heel before walking down the stairs and out of sight.

"Ughh..." I sigh and slide down the door frame, landing on my rear. With my knees pulled up to my chest and my head in my hands, I cry. I cry like I've never cried before. What am I going to do?

Author notes:
Not everything is peaches and cream in this story ;)
One Shots - My stories thread.
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Re: Swampie's Stories: Shizune in the snow: PT 4. 16/7/15

Post by Sharp-O »

swampie2 wrote:["Snap your fingers."] I ask, and she complies, before wincing due to the immense cracking sound.

[Why did you never tell me it was that loud?]

["I thought you knew."] I chuckle.
Fried gold! :lol: This interaction is fantastic and the whole Hisao/Shizune portion of is the sweetest, most heartwarming thing I've read in a while.
swampie2 wrote:POV: Misha
Author notes:
Not everything is peaches and cream in this story ;)
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Re: Swampie's Stories: Shizune in the snow: PT 4. 16/7/15

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

Sharp-O wrote:
swampie2 wrote:["Snap your fingers."] I ask, and she complies, before wincing due to the immense cracking sound.

[Why did you never tell me it was that loud?]

["I thought you knew."] I chuckle.
Fried gold! :lol: This interaction is fantastic and the whole Hisao/Shizune portion of is the sweetest, most heartwarming thing I've read in a while.
swampie2 wrote:POV: Misha
Author notes:
Not everything is peaches and cream in this story ;)
You... you...
I was gonna comment this exact same thing, but you beat me to it so I'll just second this. I hope depressing Misha doesn't last TOO long since I don't find that kind of thing enjoyable to read.
Best girl

Best route
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