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Re: Beige Alert

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:15 pm
by Worthington
It had been so long since a blog update that occasionally I would have dreams of, first, logging onto my computer and seeing that Katawa Shoujo was released, and then it got to the point where the dreams were just of me logging onto my computer and seeing the BLOG was updated. These dreams made me inexplicably happy, which is quite sad. Last night was one such dream, and when I log on today I see the blog actually HAS updated.

And there was much rejoicing!
(Judging by how quickly this thread has grown, i'm guessing i'm not the only one that was itchin' for an update.)

Re: Beige Alert

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:18 am
by Synoptic
Konlik wrote:I made this wallpaper
Oh so you're that Anon who was getting laughed at on /a/ last night for considering 1280x1024 a wallpaper size; who then proceeded to post his "battlestation" which lay on 2 stacked cardboard boxes and was shortly after getting praised for LIVING THE DREAM! Thanks man, I saved it too. Everyone was like "OMG WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? DOUSHIYOU?" after seeing the blog post. Pretty funny stuff to witness lol

Re: Beige Alert

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 3:48 am
by Xuan
This is so them haha...