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Re: Discussion - Emi Route (*Spoilers* Warning)

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 9:28 am
by taa_web
I think emi is my favorite character and storyline so far because i feel so many similarity between me and her. I'm a very cheerful person but also a super stubborn one too and when i think I can't solve my problem, nobody will. I just feel sorry to everyone because i can be angry to anyone and anytime i want whether the reason is rational or not :(

Re: Discussion - Emi Route (*Spoilers* Warning)

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 2:21 am
by Eclipse
Emi was my first route, so she put the impression that others were going to go just as fast as Emi, as in going to those special scenes as quickly instead of the adult scenes at the end.
But unfortunately I was wrong, nonetheless it was a good storyline.

But I've seen the bad ending, it isn't that... Saddening really, no
heart-wrenching fights, just Hisao freaking out.

Re: Discussion - Emi Route (*Spoilers* Warning)

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:10 am
by gecko
Eclipse wrote:Emi was my first route, so she put the impression that others were going to go just as fast as Emi, as in going to those special scenes as quickly instead of the adult scenes at the end.
But unfortunately I was wrong, nonetheless it was a good storyline.
This is because having the "special" scenes early on is NOT for reader-titillation sake. Those scenes totally make sense with the plot and Emi's personality.

Re: Discussion - Emi Route (*Spoilers* Warning)

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:50 pm
by uwa
gecko wrote:This is because having the "special" scenes early on is NOT for reader-titillation sake. Those scenes totally make sense with the plot and Emi's personality.
Yeah, Emi, Lilly, and Shizune were the paths where getting into the relationship was the easy part, and dealing with it afterwards was the focus. The other ones spent the whole story establishing the relationship. It's no coincidence that my favorites were in the first category. On the other hand, to rip off the terminology of your signature, the mind-worm paths fell into the second.

Re: Discussion - Emi Route (*Spoilers* Warning)

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:26 pm
by Dullfinn
A week ago I finished my first route: Emi's, obviously. Didn't really mean to go after her, in particular, but as it apparently only takes Hisao's willingness to improve his health (the most logical choice, I think) to wind up there... so that's where I got. And boy, what a ride it was! In short (no pun intented ;) she - as a character, and her story - felt very genuine and real!

When I played the demo years ago, I had my doubts about this game - I had heard of it from my weeaboo friend, and it takes place in Japan - so probably nothing of interest for me? How wrong I was! I don't usually get emotionally invested in pretty much anything, not movies, tv-shows, games - but this really got to me, hard. From moments of hysterical laughter - namely the anal scene - to surges of depression - especially at the "bad end"... very thrilling, it was.

In this thread, a lot of things have been addressed already, but still I'd like to mention a thing or two. First the good things! Because Emi's story feels so real, it think it could take place pretty much anywhere, which I really liked. I had this fear that I'd have to "compensate" for either some sort of japanese oddities, or at the very least comical and gimmicky video game characters. But no, Emi and everyone else felt very relatable. Her cheerfulness, determination and sassyness were greatly contrasted later with the revealing of the darker parts of her personality. I also liked the "bromance" stuff mentioned earlier, with the Nurse and Mutou surprisingly becoming very fun and likeable. And I absolutely loved the fact that Misha seemed to keep tabs on Hisao's lovelife, just for the heck of it. (Hopefully I'll see more of that on the other routes, too.)

But as always, then there's also some gripes. Like, most importantly, why wasn't it made more clear if Hisao guessed (or not) about what had happened to Emi's dad? He seems so painfully oblivious about it - and to top that, still doesn't even flinch when they finally pull over to the cemetary! I think the conflict should be purely about Emi not telling, and it would feel more natural if Hisao was on to her story, not just guessing and poking.

On a sidenote, is it really stated in the game that Emi suffers from PTSD, or is it just something that people suspect? Because I don't think PTSD would apply to more than her initial reactions after the accident, that is, to stuff that has happened a long time ago already, and which she apparently has dealt with, in her own way. Again, I think the key element is not pondering about her coping methods, but rather how Hisao should react to them. (And that being said, why is it that he insists on having a "deep" and/or long-lasting relationship with her? Why is it a given? I was a little put off by those mile long internal monologues of his... and I also didn't get what was his main reason to dislike anal?)

The difference between the bad-end and half-good-end puzzle me: is Misha somehow able to affect Emi's feelings about Hisao telepathicly? Because it sure seems like it. In both options (I initially decided to confide in her) Hisao resolves to apologize, but it only works if he's determined to do the right thing, not when he's just doing it to (possibly) please Misha.

Anyway, this was my first VN-experience, so I won't get to the things about Kenji/Yuuko or the letter - judging from this thread, it's customary to play several routes? And to assume that (somehow) all the routes happen simultaneously, hmm... I really wish the devs would accept Paypal donations, because I already like this game far more than some that I've actually paid for, heh.

Next up: Rin! She was the girl that originally attracted me in the demo, but seeing how well-written Emi's path was in whole, I wonder if something similar can happen with her. She's just so odd and comical, so there's probably not so much room for realism? But that's something for another thread!

Re: Discussion - Emi Route (*Spoilers* Warning)

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:43 pm
by encrypted12345
Glad to see you're enjoying Katawa Shoujo, Dullfin. I like Emi's route as well. It has a great mix of comedy and drama. Well, I suppose I like all the routes in their own way. A good aspect of this Visual Novel is that each route feels like a different love story. While you are not guaranteed to like all of them, you'll definitely love a couple.
Dullfinn wrote: She's just so odd and comical, so there's probably not so much room for realism? But that's something for another thread!
................... :|

:lol: Let's just say that I found Rin to be realistic and leave it at that.

Re: Discussion - Emi Route (*Spoilers* Warning)

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 9:25 pm
by Wakagana
Sort've out of context, but earlier in the thread people were saying that Emi was a bit scandalous when it came to sex and how quickly she jumped into it for hiaso

This is an easy to point source of lack of affection, in most cases from a persons parents at that age. I know for a fact my ex-gf, whom is now 16 had similar issues. When ever it came to my parents or anyone in my family asking her about her family. They always told me they could see tears in her eyes, and that it was painful for her to talk about, although..apparently I never noticed this, but then again, I never talked to her about her family.

Point being, she was very clingy, very needy, and very promiscuous.

Her dad is a total douchebag, to say the least, and her mother isn't really that great of a mom. Her parent figures don't act much like parent figures.

So Emi being a slut isn't really the case, more so that she just has a lack of affection that some people desperately crave.

Whether that affection is cuddling, kissing, sex, or just having someone to be with. -nod- Thats my view on it at least.

Re: Discussion - Emi Route (*Spoilers* Warning)

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 6:43 pm
by gecko
Dullfin, you have to understand that your choice don't only affect Hisao's immediate action, but set him in a state of mind.
Talking about Emi with Misha means you're open about the problem.
Racing Emi (which I would not, like you, deem 'good for Hisao's health') means you have the same kind of combative spirit as her. (You meaning Hisao, of course)

Waka, I'm not sure you're reading Emi correctly.
Emi has a loving mom, had a loving dad, and is NOT clingy (much the reverse, that's the basic problem, Hisao would like her closer). She just enjoys sex. Why is that so shocking that we need explanations for that?

Re: Discussion - Emi Route (*Spoilers* Warning)

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:05 pm
by E-Ibarazaki
Emi was my first route. Then I went for Shizune and Rin, and I'm about to finish Hanako's. All of the storylines are emotional and interesting, but Emi's has been my favorite so far. I've been able to go through all the bad endings (except Rin's) but I chickened out from Emi's because I got attached to the character and didn't want to suffer.

I think I like Emi's route better for a few reasons.
- First of all, Hisao's heart starts gettings stronger when he starts running in the mornings with Emi so she's deffinitely a good influence for him.
- Mutou takes interest on Hisao and they start that science club which eventually gives Hisao an idea of what to do with his future.
- If you like this sort of thing, Emi seems to be the sweetest girlfriend, giving Hisao unexpected kisses and hugs and all.
- I personally find Emi the cutest girl from the main ones (Lilly is second).
- I also love that scene where Hisao visits Emi in her bedroom and she's sitting on her bed, getting better from her fever, with her sporty outfit on. It's probably my favorite scene, along with the one of Lilly giving Hanako a motherly hug.
- In the end, it's a very positive route since things turn out very well for Hisao and our heroine.

I don't think Emi's a slut, like some people have been pointing out. All the other girls have sex with Hisao so what's the difference? I didn't like the anal sex scene at all, it was kinda disgusting and I wish it had been different, but ohh well.

Thanks ;)


Re: Discussion - Emi Route (*Spoilers* Warning)

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:11 pm
by encrypted12345
E-Ibarazaki wrote: I don't think Emi's a slut, like some people have been pointing out.
Most of it is just joking around. Most of it anyways. For the record, I'm prepared to laugh at all the Japanese otaku who bitch about Emi once this gets translated into Japanese. :lol:

Re: Discussion - Emi Route (*Spoilers* Warning)

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:27 pm
by Daitengu
gecko wrote: Waka, I'm not sure you're reading Emi correctly.
Emi has a loving mom, had a loving dad, and is NOT clingy (much the reverse, that's the basic problem, Hisao would like her closer). She just enjoys sex. Why is that so shocking that we need explanations for that?
I figured Emi had a combination of "healthy Adolescent sex drive" and escapist desire to run from her own emotions and thoughts about her past. This became rather clear when she talked about loving running because it clears her mind. I could see sex clearing the mind for other reasons. It became more evident when she couldn't run, and increased her sexxing of Hisao, but when the sex started to decline so did the relationship.

Re: Discussion - Emi Route (*Spoilers* Warning)

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:59 pm
by Dullfinn
gecko wrote:your choice don't only affect Hisao's immediate action, but set him in a state of mind. Talking about Emi with Misha means you're open about the problem.
I understand what you mean, but I don't think it comes out that clearly in the game... Like, there's not THAT much of a difference in what Hisao really says to Emi - instead, it seems like she's already made up her mind about their future, regardless of how he approaches her in the last scene. (But, as english isn't my mother tongue, I might be missing some nuances... especially since I tend to read/play while being pretty drunk. ;)
Racing Emi (which I would not, like you, deem 'good for Hisao's health')
How come? I haven't played the other routes just yet, but still, I can't come up with a reason why he shouldn't (or wouldn't want to) exercise...

Anyway, both you and encrypted12345 mistyped my username, using only one N-letter... not that it matters, and I don't really care, but just noticing.

PS: There was something I forgot to mention in my original post: the many occations Emi's SWEAT is brought up! I mean, Hisao mentions like 20 times how sweaty she is after running, or after (and during) sex - and how he likes her smell just like it is... I found it a little odd, heh.

Re: Discussion - Emi Route (*Spoilers* Warning)

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 11:34 pm
by Daitengu
Dullfinn wrote:
Racing Emi (which I would not, like you, deem 'good for Hisao's health')
How come? I haven't played the other routes just yet, but still, I can't come up with a reason why he shouldn't (or wouldn't want to) exercise...

Anyway, both you and encrypted12345 mistyped my username, using only one N-letter... not that it matters, and I don't really care, but just noticing.

PS: There was something I forgot to mention in my original post: the many occations Emi's SWEAT is brought up! I mean, Hisao mentions like 20 times how sweaty she is after running, or after (and during) sex - and how he likes her smell just like it is... I found it a little odd, heh.
You should probably play the other routes and you'll be able to find out yourself, but if you don't mind spoilers...
There are no logical reasons for him to NOT exercise in the other routes. Seems to me it's fear, depression, and/or resignation that he has about his condition that sets him up to avoid it. The other routes have Hisao take longer to come to terms with his condition than Emi's.

The sweat comment of Hisao's is actually very biological in origin. When one sweats it gives of pheromones and hormones that others can smell. Members of the opposite sex will find that sweat to smell rather great and arousing. The healthier the person and more genetically distant from family the better it smells(what a person eats also affects it). It's kinda why family stinks, and a girlfriend smells better. People tend to downplay smell or try to cover it up, but it really is an important part of attraction, just as important as looks, mentality, and personality. And now you know 8)

Re: Discussion - Emi Route (*Spoilers* Warning)

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:30 am
by Dullfinn
Daitengu wrote:There are no logical reasons for him to NOT exercise in the other routes.

When one sweats it gives of pheromones and hormones that others can smell. Members of the opposite sex will find that sweat to smell rather great and arousing. People tend to downplay smell or try to cover it up, but it really is an important part of attraction, just as important as looks, mentality, and personality.
Thanks for your thoughts, Daitengu. I read between the spoilers, and if that's the case, well... okay then. Still, I think taking up exercise IS the most logical (and also best) thing to do. ;)

About Emi's sweat; I know there are news and studies on the matter of pheromones present in human sweat, but I also think they are a little sketchy... Anyway. The sheer number of times Emi's sweat was mentioned, was the fact that had me cracking up. It's almost as if the writer had a sweat-fetish, or something!

Re: Discussion - Emi Route (*Spoilers* Warning)

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 2:35 pm
by E-Ibarazaki
Sweat is perfectly normal when you work out. It would be strange not to sweat.
In this case I think the writers mention sweat so much because it makes clothes stick to your body, revealing things that you wouldn't see normally.