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Re: KS: The Fighting Game

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:27 pm
by Sajomir
We do not need beta testers at this point. We will post if and when this changes. Until then, please assume we do not need testers of any sort.

Yeah, something along those lines. Obviously it would be much simpler, though. If I were to do it personally, I would get a 3D model into the pose I want, then use that as a reference and draw the sprite from scratch.

You have a lot of great questions, and we're thinking along the same line on a number of things. :) We'll be using many fighting staples in here. For example, Rin's block is taken care of, and I have several throw concepts in my head. If you want to think of it this way: One of the core messages of KS is that any of these students are just normal kids, regardless of the state their bodies are in. The girls in KSFG are just like any fighter, with ways to hit all the expected fighter standards, regardless of their bodies. (does this mean stylistic liberties will be taken, though? yeah XD)

You asked how down-to-earth the flavor of the game will be. I can't say for sure one way or the other. At this point, though, we are not planning Hadoukens, mystical forces, magic, or the like.

You've got a lot of great views in here, we certainly appreciate the time you took! Wish I could address it point by point right now ^^;

Lastly, we did lose our forum early on, but we set up a new one almost right away. There's plenty going on :)

Re: KS: The Fighting Game

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 12:08 pm
by iamthenextkira

Re: KS: The Fighting Game

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 7:50 pm
by russianspy1234
i dont know how exciting this would be if it was too realistic. you would have to spend A LOT of time making the general fighting moves more unique where as "specials" let you skimp that a little. that said, here are some ideas off the top of my head. a few of these are reitirations of what was said before to maintain my train of thought since i am writing this in multiple sittings.

fighting style concept: low damage high knockback moves
i cant resist saying she should have some sort of fire blast.
a counter similar to lucario from smash bros brawl
smashing opponent over the head with a book.

fighting style: focus on jump attacks
a tackle
puppy dock eyes to stop an attack
a move where she takes off one of her prostetics, hits opponent with it, puts it back on.

fighting style: using her can like a sword
throwing tea at opponent

fighting style: delibirate and power kicks.
confusion: cause opponents controls to wig out.
a leg grapple submission move
flight (dandelion scene)
burning to ashes and reappearing as a dodge/counter (destroying herself)
blocks the way voldo does in soul calibur (just sticks head forward)

fighting style: something fairly generic
preasure point strikes (she would be methodical enough to learn them)
cause opponent to sit and freeze for 1s (do student council work!)

just download and recolor a Sindel from Mortal Kombat, shell have the sonic attacks and hair based attacks

download and recolor Mitsurugi from Soul Callibur?

fighting style: kick boxing
no weird specials, punches with hand as if it was still there.

fighting style: generic
throws bottles or cans at opponent
superman's heat vision

fighting style: similar to Hanako
specials inspired by Read or Die (using paper as a weapon)

Re: KS: The Fighting Game

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 3:03 am
by DarkmasterN
If Kenji's gonna be in it, I suggest a Scarf Grapple, an accidental headbutt, and maybe an optic blast ultimate XD.

Rin could easily fight like Chun-Li, Or maybe even painting things quickly that work as projectiles, Maybe even have a spinning "Helicopter" attack where she hits you with her sleeves.... Her ultimate could be that monster version of her seen in her little animation clip after act 1. Maybe one of her intro animations could be her climbing out of a Trash Bin.

Maybe give Emi a dash attack like Fox in Smash bros, possibly have Shizune and Misha fight as a tag team like the ice climbers... ultimate could be Shizune piloting a Gurren Lagaan version of Misha.

Just some ideas to toss out there~

Re: KS: The Fighting Game

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 5:13 am
by T7b
Hey Guys,

Looks like a really great idea, and I totally could see this working, if it's done right.

I also would be willing to help, but I'm totally not sure what you needed in the form of sprites. It would depend totally on what you need from the sprites, and currently I was working on a (NSFW) comic strip where I was able to create work ups for almost every character in KS. The models are in 3d, but they look like cartoon type sprites.

I was using the program 3d Custom Girl, made by TechArts3d to create them, and had up until now only considered using them for Comic type panels. Since I already had character models created, and can pose them, creating sprites from them doesn't seem like it would be much of a task at all.

I loaded my models, and took screenshots, then merged them into a single image (Attachment through forum to this post) in about 20 mins.

I definitely think I could be of help with something, and at the very least if you don't require my help, maybe the program I'm using might be of use (although getting all the mods and getting the software working is something that's not exactly easy).

Are we still filling out a form to apply for the team? Is there someone I should contact directly?

My real name is Bob, and my forum name is T7b, and I'm technically more of a writer (English Bachelor's) with basic image editing skills. I have worked with lightwave and some other 3d modeling software, but I'm definitely not capable of coding, but I'd possibly like to help get this project off the ground.
Sprite Thirst Quencher
Sprite Thirst Quencher
SpriteFirstTry.png (202.84 KiB) Viewed 5963 times
Let me know what you think.

aka T7b

Re: KS: The Fighting Game

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 2:07 pm
by DannyL7773
Thanks guys for showing interest in the project, now I'm sorry for the people wanting to be beta testers but it not close to that stage yet, sorry about putting that in the OP, I should have mentioned there were non needed at this point.

I've also updated the requirements for art, also on the opening post.

@T7b The models look good, but unfortunately we're not looking for 3d sprites. As far as 3DCG goes, getting the mods and software working isn't exactly hard either, just requires a little trial and error when adding mods~ *3DCG player himself* XD Hmm. Hmm. Even though we aren't using 3d models themselves for sprites, we may be able to find some use for your work, I'll have to discuss my ideas with Hal, Saj and Nightly, who are currently working on sprites. I'll let you know what we come up with.

Re: KS: The Fighting Game

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 3:42 pm
by MikeNight
This whole thing sounds like a really cool idea.

I can tell you what I personally like from my fighters. Capcom fighters are my favourite with Street Fighter and and Darkstalkers taking top positions, Third Strike being my favourite fighter of all time. You guys have any fighting systems in mind? ie. air guarding, ex moves, supers, parrying (man I love Third Strike parrying) or are you just concentrating on art at the moment? I like six button fighters personally with light-medium-heavy attacks. As much as I love the look of Arc System fighters I have never been able to get into them from a technical standpoint, but that won't stop me from buying the upcoming P4 fighter when it drops. :wink:

Also my two cents is you guys should use the "Down System" from Darkstalkers 3. Where if Player 1 (for example) had drained the health bar of Player 2, instead of the game cutting to black and round two occurring, Player 2 would get back up and round two would commence immediately (With the damage done to Player 1 in the first round still intact.)

I could offer help with putting together endings and intros, but I would need the art assets and would be putting them together with Motion. I don't know if you can use video files with the fighting engine you are using so it may be of no help.

Anyway, I wish you guys all the luck and will be checking back to see how it's going :D

Re: KS: The Fighting Game

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 5:50 am
by ObliviousKnowledge
MikeNight wrote:
I could offer help with putting together endings and intros, but I would need the art assets and would be putting them together with Motion. I don't know if you can use video files with the fighting engine you are using so it may be of no help.
I dont think that MUGEN can play videos... danny should confirm this. But we are also discussing options for other engines, mainly to have a net play option, and more versatility.

If the issue arises and we need someone to make some animations for us we will keep you in mind. Do you have a sample of something you have made before?

Re: KS: The Fighting Game

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 4:03 am
by zettovyker
Wow, looks to be a very fun humorous game already! Is there anything else you guys wanted people to talk about like more fighting styles for characters, game mechanics like meter/guard breaks/hyper combos, or (dare I say) need for a beta tester? As a huge fan of MVC3, SCV, SF4 AE and Third Strike, I'm not the best at the games but I definitely want to say I'd love to help brainstorming. Heck, my brother even plays things like Cross Calibur and introduced me to interesting indie fighting games like Card Sagas Wars.

Whatever the case, I can't wait to see the finished product!

Re: KS: The Fighting Game

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 6:53 am
by Woody Alien
So far, so good!

I think Hanako should have some special move based on Guilty Gear's Venom: an attack with a pool cue and balls!

Re: KS: The Fighting Game

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 7:19 am
by ObliviousKnowledge
zettovyker wrote:Wow, looks to be a very fun humorous game already! Is there anything else you guys wanted people to talk about like more fighting styles for characters, game mechanics like meter/guard breaks/hyper combos, or (dare I say) need for a beta tester? As a huge fan of MVC3, SCV, SF4 AE and Third Strike, I'm not the best at the games but I definitely want to say I'd love to help brainstorming. Heck, my brother even plays things like Cross Calibur and introduced me to interesting indie fighting games like Card Sagas Wars.

Whatever the case, I can't wait to see the finished product!

For the most part we have decided on the individual fighting styles of each girl already. Feel free to post any ideas you might have, I have been keeping a list of interesting posts, and plan to bring up good ideas and suggestions in our meetings.
Woody Alien wrote:So far, so good!

I think Hanako should have some special move based on Guilty Gear's Venom: an attack with a pool cue and balls!
Thanks for the support and idea. :)

Re: KS: The Fighting Game

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 2:13 am
by iLiekCorn

In regards to applying for a position on the team:

As far as "spriters" go, is that restricted only to pixel sprites (the character's in-game animations)?
I ask because, although I'm not much of a sprite maker, I could probably draw the character's "select screen portraits" and/or "special attack portraits/animations" if you planned on having any of either.
It's not my best work, but for a little fun, I drew a parody portrait of Rin in the style of Street Fighter Alpha 3.


(sorry bout the size XP)

And although she already has one (and it's a WHOLE lot better), I threw in a sprite pic I made as well.


Thank you for your time ^_^

Re: KS: The Fighting Game

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 5:26 am
by Meower

Re: KS: The Fighting Game

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 6:08 am
by Beoran
I know I'm late to the party but why don't you guys use an open source fighting/fighter game engine, much like KS did with Renpy?
PainTown is open source for windows, linux and mac, and looks like the ideal candidate for this :
It will save a lot of programming work, and make this idea that much faster to be completed.

Kind Regards,


Re: KS: The Fighting Game

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:29 pm
by Oblivious K
Forums hate me and I cannot login at the moment... :(
Meower wrote:Wouldn't it be funny if the mugshots for each character replicated the ones from the original Street Fighter II? (And for added hilarity, none of the girls should get to pose as Chun-Li, instead Hisao or Kenji could be making her gestures)
I also envisioned a bit the character select menu, instead of a world map it could have just a bird's eye view of Yamaku, with each heroine's "special place" highligted and the heart logo replacing the lil airplane.
Shizune's stage could be located in the Student Council, Rin's in front of her own mural, Lilly's in the Shangai or in front of it, Emi's near the tracks, Hanako's in either the library or the dormitories and Misha's (assuming she gets in) on the roof.
I had the same idea on the aerial view for some of the menus. The menus are still up for decision as far as what they will look like. I would like to see something cool and unique. Glad to see someone thinking of things similar to what i was coming up with.
Beoran wrote:I know I'm late to the party but why don't you guys use an open source fighting/fighter game engine, much like KS did with Renpy?
PainTown is open source for windows, linux and mac, and looks like the ideal candidate for this :
It will save a lot of programming work, and make this idea that much faster to be completed.

Kind Regards,

Thank you for the heads up!

We have taken a look at paintown already. It did look promising, but what paintown is, is a separate 2d side scroll game with mugen running inside of it as a separate thing. This engine did look very promising, but when we tested it out we were disappointed. The network capability is not available to the mugen part of the game. One of the reasons I pushed to stop going with MUGEN is that it was not open source, and that network play might make or break the game. While paintown is open source, it would require some modifications. Since non of us are versed in python (which is what paintown is written in iirc) it very well might take just as much work as making our own engine with slick.