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Re: What Genre/Kind of music do the Girls listen to?

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 12:27 pm
by mainframe004
Lilly would definitely be into sophisticated music like classical and jazz. She pretty much exudes class, anyway.

Hanako's tastes are a lot harder to pin down, but considering that she likes singing, she might be into music that focuses on vocals more than anything else. Pop and soul would most likely be on her playlist in this regard. If this isn't case, then she'd probably appreciate calm, minimalistic music like post-rock. Sigur Rós comes to mind here. (Though I am secretly hoping she listens to metal, because shy girls who love metal are my thing)

Rin would be into progressive music because prog is the marriage between art and music. I can imagine her listening to Rush, Dream Theater, Pink Floyd, and the like. Then pester everyone about what music means to them.

Emi would be into energetic music considering her bubbly personality. Punk and pop would be right up her back alley (pun intended).

Misha would listen to nothing but Caramelldansen.

If Shizune weren't deaf, I'd say she'd like the really anarchistic kind of punk, considering how she must think her dad's a total douche.

Re: What Genre/Kind of music do the Girls listen to?

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 1:06 pm
by Sethkowns
Hanako would listion to Nirvana

Re: What Genre/Kind of music do the Girls listen to?

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 1:57 pm
by Mirrormn
Hanako would listen to whatever her parents listened to when she was a child, actually. It is implied pretty heavily through Shizune's route that Hanako's affinity for chess (one of her favorite pastimes) is not actually due to a love of the game itself, but rather because she has fond memories of it from her past. I think the same mindset would apply to Hanako's musical taste; she would listen to music mainly for the nostalgia. It's unlikely that she would acquire a taste for modern popular music due to her lack of friends growing up. She's probably familiar with modern artists - since she is proficient with a computer and the use of the Internet, and would likely investigate different types of music because she likes singing - but wouldn't feel any strong emotions connected to that music, and wouldn't listen to it as a purely recreational activity.

Now what, specifically, did her parents listen to? Difficult to say. 70s/80s prog rock from her father and vocal jazz from her mother are my guesses.

Re: What Genre/Kind of music do the Girls listen to?

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:03 pm
by imperial.standard
Hmmm @_@

The genre is pretty much spot on but shouldn't the artist sample be more Japanese instead?

Re: What Genre/Kind of music do the Girls listen to?

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 3:09 pm
by Wander
I guess not many people here know that many Japanese bands so in effect it's a question of "if KS took place in western countries".

I know a bunch of japanese bands, but many of them are metal. I doubt any of the girls would be metal listeners, but tbh. it's tough to judge someone's musical preferences like that. I have a feeling someone like Hanako could be into stuff like Morita Doji (psychedelic melancholic folk).

Akira liked jazz, maybe Lilly does too. When it comes to Emi/Misha, impossible to say, except that it's likely j-pop. Rin could listen to just about anything, I suppose.

Re: What Genre/Kind of music do the Girls listen to?

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 3:33 pm
by Oddball
Lilly: Prototype Lilly played cello, violin, and a bit of piano. While i didn't make it into the final game, I can see those tastes carrying over. She likes nice soft classical stuff. Although she also has a wild side so she might have some jazz or bebop CDs, but she'll claim those are Akira's if anybody finds them.

Emi: She's into Pop. She'll listen to whatever the current boys bands or solo girl teenybop singers are popular being hugely into them while they're big and then quickly forgetting them once they're no longer popular.

Misha: Much like Emi,although less impulse when it comes to what's popular and what's not.

Rin: What ever Emi is listening too, although she's never really that impressed by it. If you look though her collection all you'll find are CDs labeled things like "Beach sounds, Forrest at night, waterfall, busy city street, and other normal non-musical recordings.

Hanako: Her tastes vary a bit. Regardless she wants something to make her feel. None of that empty J-pop teeny bop stuff for her, nothing soft and relaxing. Sometimes she wants to wallow in her misery and puts on some tearjerker soft ballads. Sometimes she wants to dance around the room, jump on the bed, whip her hair around and lip sync to something that's got more of a beat to it. (And if anybody ever finds ut she does this, she will die of embarrassment.) I'm thinking she's kind of a rocker. I actually kind of like the idea that she listens to a lot of American rock and roll, but has no idea what they're saying, she just likes the sound of it.

Re: What Genre/Kind of music do the Girls listen to?

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 3:47 pm
by Mirrormn
Oddball wrote:Lilly: Prototype Lilly played cello, violin, and a bit of piano. While i didn't make it into the final game, I can see those tastes carrying over. She likes nice soft classical stuff. Although she also has a wild side so she might have some jazz or bebop CDs, but she'll claim those are Akira's if anybody finds them.
This makes me envision Lilly playing an acoustic bass in a jazz combo, which is absolutely hilarious.
Oddball wrote:Hanako: Her tastes vary a bit. Regardless she wants something to make her feel. None of that empty J-pop teeny bop stuff for her, nothing soft and relaxing. Sometimes she wants to wallow in her misery and puts on some tearjerker soft ballads. Sometimes she wants to dance around the room, jump on the bed, whip her hair around and lip sync to something that's got more of a beat to it. (And if anybody ever finds ut she does this, she will die of embarrassment.) I'm thinking she's kind of a rocker. I actually kind of like the idea that she listens to a lot of American rock and roll, but has no idea what they're saying, she just likes the sound of it.
One problem with that: she wouldn't lip sync, she would sing!

Re: What Genre/Kind of music do the Girls listen to?

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 5:24 pm
by Alexbond45
They probably listen to Japanese music, except Lilly, who probably listens to English music too, and hanako, who might listen with Lilly occasionally

Re: What Genre/Kind of music do the Girls listen to?

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 7:45 pm
by harlequin
I don't think Lilly would like Wagner much. He can be very brash. I think she'd be more into Chopin, Beethoven, Rachmaninoff, some Liszt, maybe some Mahler. She'd also probably like Bach. She'd probably like some smoother contemporary music as well, maybe James Blake (with his interesting production, there's definitely a lot to listen to with him), maybe something like Bon Iver.

Re: What Genre/Kind of music do the Girls listen to?

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 3:07 pm
by Genesis
amentoraz wrote:
zanger wrote:Rin would listen to metal cans banging together in the wind and ask whether music is what the listener perceives it as, or if it is simply because the author desires it so.
Now that you say that, its likely she would listen to Merzbow, bonus points for him being japanese
Or Masonna or C.C.C.C. ... lol.


Lilly - Obviously classical. Jazz and stuff. Things like Mouse on the Keys, Midori and what have you.
Emi - I should think pop or anything energetic. Things she could run to.
Rin - Like someone said earlier, anything and everything.
Hanako - I can imagine her liking The Pillows, or even calming artists like World's End Girlfriend or something.
Misha - Freaking Kyary Pamyu Pamyu.

Re: What Genre/Kind of music do the Girls listen to?

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:47 pm
by Snow_Storm
You guys are wrong about Lilly's taste in music. here's a list of shit she would listen to!

Re: What Genre/Kind of music do the Girls listen to?

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:53 pm
by alien.marksman
Snow_Storm wrote:You guys are wrong about Lilly's taste in music. here's a list of shit she would listen to!

If that the case.. this is Hisao's favourite song.

Re: What Genre/Kind of music do the Girls listen to?

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 7:04 pm
by FlyingPiranha
For some reason I can see Emi rocking some Dropkick Murphys.

Re: What Genre/Kind of music do the Girls listen to?

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:02 pm
by PyramidSong
Lilly- Classical and maybe a little jazz. The girl has class :D .

Emi- J-Pop and maybe some more upbeat rock.

Hanako- When you get past her shyness she seems like a very passionate and emotional person so she probably likes bands who's songs tend to be on the emotional side. Think Alice in Chains and The Smashing Pumpkins. But genre probably doesn't mean much to her. As long as she can feel emotions she can relate to in the song. Music probably means alot to her.

Rin- She probably doesn't focus on lyrics much so maybe some ambient post-rock to help her get in a painting or cloud viewing mood or whatever. I don't know. >_>

Misha- Death Metal

Re: What Genre/Kind of music do the Girls listen to?

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:06 am
by The O.H.L.
"I understand that the game is set in Japan, but imagine them with Western style tastes."

This is exactly what I stated, so please don't go changing your ideas because of where they are.