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Re: Kenji's ex

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 6:49 pm
by Ryto
VIVI wrote:My theories.Warning lot of spoilers, not so important but whatever.
(based too all who i read in all the routes in the game (almost all; i need ended some bad ends)

-Kenji entered Yanmaku for his bad eyesight(who, i think, had turned worse and worse; his dad leave him to make a fallout shelter for improve his manual habilities, maybe because he will be blind very soon...and he is more older than Hisao, then maybe was absent to school a pair of years) then, in the library, meanwhile was searching books-audiobooks (about criptology or about conspiracys, or movies (he do lots of mentions about old movies)) meets Yuuko. He is a bit clumsy, very bad in know people, Yuuko is clumsy and shy too, and the two likes the same things, they turn friends very soon...and turn more than that after.
And one day, the tried to have sex together with love of course. And something was wrong. His "energy" had gone. (for stress,for shyness,even for gayness, we don´t know) Kenji turn all confused about that and no want say the true reason, but Yuuko don´t understand why (is pretty normal for first timers who no all be perfect) and cut suddenly with her.
He began to hide from Yuuko, and soon from everyone. He turned into a hikkikomori bordeline. Began to use his old glasses (who do nothing) for hide his eyes, and use that scarf even in summer, only for not be recognised for her. All this turn him a bit paranoid (his fear for feminists was indused for internet alarm, even more) and more antisocial.And conserved the last books who he was reading and never returned them, for avoid Yuuko. For obtain the books who he needed for study, stoled them from the library and leave her notes, for give her fake clues about his identity.
And remember all that shocking hints about his life, like his phobia of phones, or about his mother.Or when he said who he have "shaman eyes" who had saw horrible things. And his fixation with Hisao.Probably he talks more with Hisao than any another person in Yanmaku.Even that, he thinks who Hisao is his friend, even if only talk with him few times at day. Maybe because,after Yuuko, the only one who undertanded him (kinda)
(fujoshi mode on) or he is secretly in love with him. (fujoshi mode off)
This sounds about right to me.

Re: Kenji's ex

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:48 pm
by zall
Sardaukar wrote:Doesn't explain how she doesn't recognize Kenji when he pops by the Library a couple of times. Guess it's the glasses.
He does drop by, but when she's not there, and hides when he senses her coming.

Also, in Emi's route I don't think she ever learns who the book thief is, only some of his whereabouts, so there's a fat chance it IS Kenji.
It also fits whell with VIVI's theory.

Re: Kenji's ex

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 10:47 pm
by imperial.standard
I thought Kenji's ex would be Emi?

But with the Yuuko theory that has been forwarded they do make more sense.

Re: Kenji's ex

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 6:54 am
by crystal
I was thinking about this(Kenji's ex, not Yuuko's), but I never once considered that it could have been Kenji and Yuuko. I just assumed their partners were off screen characters. I did notice the link between Yuuko talking about cryptology and Kenji(it's hard to miss), but thought they only recently met or something. It is an interesting idea though, one that I like

Re: Kenji's ex

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 4:24 pm
by Worthington
Good to see they still left things for us to speculate over. It seems pretty obvious to me that Kenji and Yuuko used to date.

Re: Kenji's ex

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 5:19 pm
by C27
Collin wrote:The reason I interpret it as him once being a Dating Sim main character is because of the way he says "Ask me a question" and and when Hanao can't he equates the asking as a way of changing his destiny. I interpreted that to mean the questions you get that determine your path through the story, and since he seems to know about them he must have encountered them at some point. This coupled with his reference to his ex and the consequences of his past relationship imply to me that he at one point had a choice in his destiny, f*cked it up, and no longer has a chance to change things, the same as Hanao in this scene. I suppose it doesn't have to mean that he had choices before, but at the very least this dialogue shows that Kenji knows about some of the hidden rules of the world he is in. Makes me wonder about some of the rest of Kenji's "insights" :P
Guest wrote:So in other words its true that Kenji can see more then any other man?
If this is true he might actually be the last sane man in this universe!
Because he's the only one who knows that this all a Visual novel!

Which means that there might be a KS sequel/add on in which feminists do indeed try to take over the world and only Kenji can stop them!
He sees with the power of true madness, right through the fourth wall...

In all honesty, I suspect that he has ... y_disorder - which is really nothing to laugh at.

Re: Kenji's ex

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 5:44 pm
C27 wrote: In all honesty, I suspect that he has ... y_disorder - which is really nothing to laugh at.
(hey, you are the same C27 who i know?)
i read the description...and oh wow. (Maybe his end with Yuuko was REALLY too much. (hug Kenji)) happilly no is like the "pure" schizophrenia.
...and this give him the "power" of broke the fourth wall!

Re: Kenji's ex

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 6:03 pm
by C27
VIVI wrote:
C27 wrote: In all honesty, I suspect that he has ... y_disorder - which is really nothing to laugh at.
(hey, you are the same C27 who i know?)
i read the description...and oh wow. (Maybe his end with Yuuko was REALLY too much. (hug Kenji)) happilly no is like the "pure" schizophrenia.
...and this give him the "power" of broke the fourth wall!
Why yes, as a matter of fact, I am. Hi! :wink:

Re: Kenji's ex

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 10:59 pm
by Otakumon
I know it's fiction and all, but come on, would you really not recognize somebody you cared about and had been intimate with just because they put on a pair of glasses? You'd have to be some kind of superman to pull something like that off. 8)

Re: Kenji's ex

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 4:56 am
by Zet
VIVI wrote:My theories.Warning lot of spoilers, not so important but whatever.
(based too all who i read in all the routes in the game (almost all; i need ended some bad ends)

-Kenji entered Yanmaku for his bad eyesight(who, i think, had turned worse and worse; his dad leave him to make a fallout shelter for improve his manual habilities, maybe because he will be blind very soon...and he is more older than Hisao, then maybe was absent to school a pair of years) then, in the library, meanwhile was searching books-audiobooks (about criptology or about conspiracys, or movies (he do lots of mentions about old movies)) meets Yuuko. He is a bit clumsy, very bad in know people, Yuuko is clumsy and shy too, and the two likes the same things, they turn friends very soon...and turn more than that after.
And one day, the tried to have sex together with love of course. And something was wrong. His "energy" had gone. (for stress,for shyness,even for gayness, we don´t know) Kenji turn all confused about that and no want say the true reason, but Yuuko don´t understand why (is pretty normal for first timers who no all be perfect) and cut suddenly with her.
He began to hide from Yuuko, and soon from everyone. He turned into a hikkikomori bordeline. Began to use his old glasses (who do nothing) for hide his eyes, and use that scarf even in summer, only for not be recognised for her. All this turn him a bit paranoid (his fear for feminists was indused for internet alarm, even more) and more antisocial.And conserved the last books who he was reading and never returned them, for avoid Yuuko. For obtain the books who he needed for study, stoled them from the library and leave her notes, for give her fake clues about his identity.
And remember all that shocking hints about his life, like his phobia of phones, or about his mother.Or when he said who he have "shaman eyes" who had saw horrible things. And his fixation with Hisao.Probably he talks more with Hisao than any another person in Yanmaku.Even that, he thinks who Hisao is his friend, even if only talk with him few times at day. Maybe because,after Yuuko, the only one who undertanded him (kinda)
(fujoshi mode on) or he is secretly in love with him. (fujoshi mode off)
I have to say that this is the most well written theory I have read so far, and I enjoyed reading it. Thanks for posting it <3~

What if Kenji's name really isn't Kenji but something else; it would make sense that we would want to hide his identify from everyone... or maybe he's just a figment of everyone's imagination.

Re: Kenji's ex

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 5:01 am
by Palas
Kenji clearly has Syndrome of Comic Relief.
Worthington wrote:picture related

Re: Kenji's ex

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 7:58 pm
by Makinaci
Ok, this is my Kenji theory(not much different then the one already stated in this thread):

1- Kenji tries to disguise himself through his words and through his outfit. At some point, Hisao is astonished at how different Kenji looks without his glasses. Obviously if he can fool the rather sharp Hisao, it would certainly work on more naive characters. Also his eyes don't like those of an insane paranoid person, but more of an heartbroken sleep deprived one.
2- Kenji mentions that his rather shy ex-girl friend used to text him a lot and that he hated texts, probably since he would have a hard time reading them. Yuuko on her part, told Hisao that she used to date a younger guy.
3- Kenji thinks that the Shangai is the headquarters of the feminist organisation. Its not a coincidence that Yuuko works there.
4- Kenji told Hisao that he had sex once with his ex-gf, and that he felt like the life was sucked out of him afterwards. Hard to determine what he means by this, but I think he might have figured out he was gay.
5- On the rooftop, after getting wasted, Kenji tries to "romance" Hisao. It might be joke (it most likely was considering his drunken state) but if you combine it with 4) it suddenly is more believable.
6- In order to not flunk his literature class, Kenji needs to read a different book each month. This would force him to go the library and even worse, to meet the librarian. Hence, he steals the books.
7- Kenji still misses his ex. This means he either got dumped, or he had to break up for other reasons then not liking her. Of all the things Kenji recalls loving doing with her, none of them are really romantic. They really seem like things a girl and her gay friend would do.

What if our Kenji does not realise he is gay, or doesnt want to admit it. He cannot connect with girls, and thus he imagines this big feminist conspiracy so that he hides his homolust in it. It is not that he hates girls, but he is simply uninterested in them. In such a close community like yamaku, word of a guy that doesnt like girls would go around fast, something that kenji would like to prevent at all costs. Maybe even to protect Yuuko's feelings.

What if this novel isnt about Hisao, but about Kenji. It forces you to connect with a girl, and if you choose to not do that, you will end up dead , falling of a rooftop. You either choose a girl, or you die.
You need to pick a disabled girl. You want a normal one? TOO BAD, ITS ME(sha). Sounds pretty feminist to me. Suddenly everything that Kenji said, starts to make sense.

When he took his glasses of, didnt you get the feeling that his eyes were indeed lasers, capable of piercing your very soul?

Re: Kenji's ex

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 8:54 pm
1.-oh yes, that eyes look really tired.Like if really had seen horrible things.
2.-oh a thing who no had seen,wow. (this makes me wonder:Kenji can read Braille?)
3.-And that is why he NEVER go there.In the Shanghai you can eat ice cream, he loved ice cream, and ate it with his ex girlfriend...but after broke with her,he began to eat pizza. And the Shanghai is a cafe, then no serve pizza.
4.-This is interesting because he would had an atracction for Yuuko, but probably because was his friend, or for same interests-ideas etc. But if Yuuko femenine figure (who looks really atractive, right?) can´t do any effect to an very active young Kenji,something really weird happened. i follow your theory in this.
5.-Is probably. before the accident, he was talking about "trolling" girls.This means broken their hearts...first conquest and after leaves them. (The bigest trolling is, then, romance girls beign gay.) He finally gives up to his fight with the "destiny"... ...and after he began to approach to Hisao.Is interesting the dialogue,completly out to context with the rest of things who he had speaking before...Maybe he tried clumsyly to seduse him,thanks to the courage who the alcohol give him. But all turns wrong...
6.-That is why stole books, and leave notes for Yuuko for confuse her.Is funny because the notes are FOR HER DIRECTLY. We don´t know what this notes said...Kenji put some love notes for make dream in another person and not him? he is protecting her heart? if this is true...Kenji is more sensible that we believed. (snif)
7.-Probably no wanted said the truth about him (or his suspictions)...because don´t know HOW say it. He is really shy, like Yuuko.

And this is why we only saw ONE scene in the bathroom with Kenji. We don´t see the "special effects" because 1.-is a leaf there and 2.-he is legally blind, he can´t see the details of Hisao´s body, only a blurly color.The strange thing is who Hisao said who Kenji appears to take showers (sometimes with him, im not sure) before class, but Kenji is absent in lot of classes.Why Kenji takes showers in same hours than Hisao? :wink:

that eyes really enters in my soul, but after i want know WHY he look like this. And make me think in sexy images with him and Hisao in the bathroom. VERY sexy images.

Re: Kenji's ex

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 9:33 pm
by C27
Yes, both of you are right in my opinion. Even the "comic relief" character is complex and tragic in his own way, and becomes a bit less comic.

Re: Kenji's ex

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 10:01 pm
by Worthington
I think you people are mistaking homosexuality for ennui. Kenji felt the strange boredom and restless content, along with physical fatigue, after intercourse and didn't expect it. He only ever said it made him feel "tired", not that his "life was sucked out".