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Re: what will you do when the game comes out?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 7:35 am
by Snicket
cpl_crud wrote:Take a week off and get hammered.

Re: what will you do when the game comes out?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 8:00 am
by Mercutio
download it, install it, cheer 'cause I'm so damn excited, play it, go for Hanako, maybe cry (just a little), stay away from the forums 'cause of spoilers, go for Shizune, take some time away from it, go for Rin, try to get my friends to play it, go for Lilly and Emi not necessarily in that order but I'm a completist, come back to the forums for a 100% guide, play it even more to get 100%, look back on how long it took and be glad that I finally found a game to pull me away from WoW.

and just once, get really drunk and play through, like, Shizune's path, just to see what that's like. :mrgreen:

Re: what will you do when the game comes out?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 9:34 am
by Pimmy
1) Play every route
1a) Play through only one route and slack off for the others, like what will most likely happen.
2) Fanart fanart fanart fanart

Re: what will you do when the game comes out?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 9:43 am
by delta
1. tech support :roll:

Re: what will you do when the game comes out?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 10:14 am
by vermithrx
1. Avoid the forums.
2. Play through all the paths in this order: Emi > Shizune > Hanako > Lilly > Rin (Saving my favorite for last, of course.)
3. Send everyone I know (almost literally) to the download page, so they too can experience the awesome.
4. Return to the forums and check for a walkthrough.
5a. If there isn't one, make it... and a flowchart for good measure.
5b. If there already is one, sigh in relief. Then make my own versions anyway, 'cause I'm crazy like that. :oops:
6. Go back to business as usual, which includes hanging around the forums on a daily basis.
7. Maybe write more fan fiction.

Re: what will you do when the game comes out?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 10:52 am
by Caesius
1. Download the game
2a. Play it immediately
2b. Put it off for a week or a month or more while I do other crap I've put off for months (watch animay, play vidya games, put together a mixset, etc.) but still fuck around on the forums and rage over spoilers
4a. Post serious criticism on the forums in the hopes that the devs take it into consideration for what, if anything, they have planned next
4b. Disappear from forums forever
5. Listen to power metal and italo disco

Re: what will you do when the game comes out?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 10:59 am
by Jesse
what will you do when the game comes out?
1. Lilly.
2. The Rest.

Re: what will you do when the game comes out?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:26 am
by SirMax
1) Marathon it and play every path.
2) Wait for the Misha expansion that will never come
3) Continue to make TF2 jokes

Re: what will you do when the game comes out?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:30 am
by Fatalis
1. Rush to get 100% completion (like every other VN I've played :P)
2. Post on forums as first person to get 100%
3. ?????

Re: what will you do when the game comes out?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:47 am
by Silentcook
A mix of "bask" and "WHARGARBARGL ERRORS!!!"

Re: what will you do when the game comes out?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:50 am
The Commissar wrote:1. Play it.
2. Depress over the sad parts.
3. Get over it.
4. Kill shit in other games.

I'm completely serious, this is how all my VN adventures go.
Exactly what I do and as I'm doing it, I yell "OH YEAH MOTHERFUCKA!".
So I can regain my manliness.

Re: what will you do when the game comes out?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:06 pm
by Xenokitten
1.) Geek out a lil as I'm downloading it
2.) Play it, answering naturally as I naturally would in Hisao's sittuation
3.) Which will probably lead to getting Emi (who is probably my least favorite girl so far in act 1)
4.) Pick up one of the save files (I had at least 5 in act one alone as example, I'm a frequent saver lol)
5.) Continue trying to get the other girls hitting skip for scenes I've already read
6.) Be happy and sad at the same time when I reach 100 percent
7.) Blog about it multiple times along the way between steps 1-6
8.) Maybe pop into the forums now and then
9.) Lurk and wait for hopefully another english VN by the devs here
10.) Find other VN to play in the meantime

Re: what will you do when the game comes out?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:14 pm
by chocolatebear
Xenokitten wrote:2.) Play it, answering naturally as I naturally would in Hisao's sittuation
3.) Which will probably lead to getting Emi (who is probably my least favorite girl so far in act 1)
4.) Pick up one of the save files (I had at least 5 in act one alone as example, I'm a frequent saver lol)
5.) Continue trying to get the other girls hitting skip for scenes I've already read
6.) Be happy and sad at the same time when I reach 100 percent

Re: what will you do when the game comes out?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:27 pm
by Haruhiist
1. Download
2. Play with my own choices
3. End up with Emi cuz I work that way
4. Play a few more times, end up with a assorted mix of bad ends
6. Spoil myself
7. Be sad that it's over
8. Listen to KS Soundtrack over and over, even if it means having KS open all the time
9. Make KS fanart
10. Slowly forget about KS and the epicness I am expecting.
11. Fall in love again for no apparant reason whatsoever.

Re: what will you do when the game comes out?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:57 pm
by DuaneMoody
1. Avoid forums until I've finished all the routes. This will be like going off crack, cold turkey.
2. Cry bitch tears when *REDACTED* dies.
3. Watch DeviantArt fill up with epically terrible art of the cast as Lion King / Sonic / Kingdom Heart characters and even worse ORIGINAL KARACKTER DO NOT STEAL recolors.
4. go to /jp/, /a/ and /v/ to watch the rage.