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Re: Hisao and Kenji and the Last Samurai! (Updated 10/10)

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 3:24 pm
by Hoitash
SpcPotshot wrote:By the Emperor, you're back! Or I'm back....I don't know, I've been lurking here forever.
Welcome back to the light, good sir. Whereas I merely adopted it, you were clearly born into it. Molded by it :)
Looks promising as always,
Thanks, I -Ilya reload faster!- do what I can :)
though I was hoping the next chapter would be named "Only War" or "Pimps in Space Rogue Trader."
Only War is Chapter Six. I don't have a Rogue Trader, sadly enough.

At least, not yet... (I have, incidentally, named each chapter after a 40K RPG/Skirmish game. Because I can.)

Re: Hisao and Kenji and the Last Samurai! (Updated 10/17)

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 10:55 am
by Hoitash
"Rejoice, boy. Your wish will finally come true." –Father Kirei Kotomine, Fate/Stay Night

Previous Chapter

Chapter Four: Necromunda

The sound of the closing door echoed in my ears as I caught up with the group, who all seemed a little tense. Shino had stopped whimpering, but she was chewing her lip, and I could see traces of blood on her chin and teeth. Oji was wandering slowly beside her, keeping an eye on her headset and tilting his head like a dog searching for a sound on the edge of its hearing.

Ahead of the group, Isami carefully scanned the darkened halls with the slow precision of a stalking predator, and Kenji glanced around with the frenetic energy of a startled rabbit. The poor lighting must have rendered him almost completely blind, which seemed to have made him even twitchier than usual. So, I stuck close by in case he did something stupid, or at least to contain the potential damage.

While I didn’t exactly share their anxiety, the setting and ominous evidence had put me on edge, so I was at least cautious, if not nervous. It occurred to me that turning lights on might relieve some tension, but I thought better of it; even though we had permission to be there, advertising our presence to every security guard on campus struck me as a poor idea.

So, we silently crept our way along the dark hallway, nobody saying a word about how irrationally frightened we were. Trying to focus on something other than an imaginary samurai leaping through a wall and cutting off our heads, I watched Shino's constant twiddling of dials and knobs. Considering that doing so wouldn’t help much, I was starting to think she was just keeping her hands occupied, but Isami seemed to think it was probative.

“Shino,” Isami whispered, “Getting anything else?”

“I can feel my individual vertebrae,” she grumbled, “and the signal’s getting stronger. He’s in the next hallway... or close to it.”

Kenji shot a look in my general direction. “You think there’s actually something to this, man?”

“Shino seems to think so,” I replied, shrugging as I continued, “and I wouldn’t be much of a scientist if I didn’t keep an open mind. Why, you starting to take this more seriously, too?”

Kenji glanced at Shino, then blew out a breath. “…Maybe.”

We crept along for a few more moments before stopping just short of the turn to the next hallway. Cautiously, Isami sidled up to the edge of the wall and carefully peered around.

“See anything?” Oji asked.

“Maybe,” she said, “I think I see a trail! I knew this thing would work! Shino, are you getting anything new?”

Shino shook her head. “No, it’s the same message, and it’s still static-y. He’s using a spare radio frequency to communicate, I think. Or maybe a nearby cell tower.”

Intrigued, I raised an eyebrow. “You mean all that crap about ghosts using radios to communicate is legit?”

Shino shrugged. “Seems so. Isami’s theorized that ghosts are electrical signals that use static electricity to control the world around them,” she explained, continuing to twiddle her dials, “If they have a strong enough tie to the place they’re in, they can affect the surrounding area – and possibly even manifest a physical form.”

“…Would our samurai friend qualify as having a strong enough tie to the area?” I inquired.

“That’s what we’re trying to find out,” Isami replied, “and if you have a plan on how to draw him out, I’m willing to listen... especially on the off chance that you’re right and he is, how’d you say it? Miffed... that we’re here.”

Before I could open my mouth to snark at the president, Oji raised an open palm and declared, “I got this.”

Turning to him, I asked, “What are you planning?”

“I’m gonna go out there... and establish a dialogue,” he declared.

Before anyone else could say anything, Oji sauntered into the middle of the hallway intersection. Clearing his throat, he called out and started speaking in incredibly archaic Japanese.

Watching Oji intently, I mumbled, “What’s he saying?”

Kenji's knack for languages seemed to kick in as he tilted his head and fidgeted in place. “Something like... We come in peace,” he recited, repeating after Oji, “and mean no harm to you or your demesne. We merely wish to speak with you, and seek your hospitality as guests on your ancestral ground.”

Shino sucked in a breath. “Good call. He’s invoking hospitality.”

“...Or he just challenged his mother's honor,” I quipped.

“Not helping,” Isami chided.

“It's a thousand year old dialect – mistakes could have been-”

“Will that work?” Isami asked, ignoring my inferences, “Will he honor the request?”

“Samurai were all about honor, so he should...”

Kenji snorted, “More like blind obedience to tradition.”

“Fair enough,” I conceded, “so if he might get pissy with us, what about security? They come around all the time.”

“Maybe he thinks they’re loyal retainers,” Isami mused, “Shino, you getting a response or anything?”

“No,” she said, and reached into one of her pockets. “You see anything?”

“Um,” Isami muttered, “Um… yes. I do.”

Tentatively, I looked toward Oji, whose mouth was open and eyes were wide. Taking that as a bad sign, I sidled up behind the president and peered into the hall, Kenji close behind me. Shino stepped up behind us, and I noticed she was trembling; blood had dried on her chin as more started to ooze from her self-inflicted bite marks. Suppressing a swallow, I craned my neck to look into the hallway.

When I did, my jaw dropped.

Re: Hisao and Kenji and the Last Samurai! (Updated 10/17)

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 10:55 am
by Hoitash
Part II:

Standing at the end of the hall was the pale, solid-looking form of a samurai, his ancient armor shining like silvery mist. Two sheathed swords were lashed around his belt, a bow and quiver were strapped across his back, and a bulky matchlock musket rested in his hands. The musket was aimed at Oji, and although I couldn’t see the samurai’s face because of his armor’s mask, through which I could see a set of bared teeth, he was definitely aiming at Oji’s chest.

“Oji!” Shino hissed, “It’s him, isn’t it?”

Oji nodded slightly.

“Seriously?” Kenji whispered, “What’s he doing?”

“Pointing a gun at Oji,” I replied.


“Oji!” Shino snapped, and I glanced back at the surprisingly sharp tone, “I’m coming out, let him know!”

Oji nodded and spoke some more, so I glanced to Kenji for the translation.

“We come in peace, mean you no harm, one of my friends is coming out to join me. Please don’t shoot her.”

I raised an eyebrow.

“I paraphrased,” he breathed, “Shit, is this really happening?”

“Unless Oji slipped us all mushrooms,” Isami snapped.

Shino slowly stepped out into the open, her hands held out in front of her. She had wrapped a paper charm around her right hand, and I saw the samurai turn his musket to aim at Shino as she slowly stepped beside Oji.

“Oji,” she said, “Tell him we’re sorry for bothering him, and will depart his demesne immediately.”
Oji nodded and spoke to the ghost. The ghost growled and called back, waving the musket a bit for emphasis.


“He’s rambling about vagabonds and other bullshit,” Kenji grumbled, “The bastard’s lost his mind – I don’t think he’s gonna let us go.”

“Oji, Shino,” I hissed, “Back out of there slowly so we can run for it.”

Shino shook her head. “We can’t outrun a ghost; this is his house, not ours.”

Kenji growled, “Tell him his time has passed and to make way for the future before we shove a handful of salt down his throat.”

Sighing heavily, I rubbed my temple. “You’re not helping.”

“He might have a point,” Shino remarked. Biting her lip and sucking in the still oozing blood, she glared at the shining samurai and reached into a vest pocket.

The samurai ghost shouted and fired, his ancient musket booming in the hallway. A silvery ball of lead hurtled toward the two. Oji yelped and dove into the hall next to us, but Shino stood her ground, pulling a small clay charm from the pocket and tossing it at the ghost. It hit the ball in mid-air and exploded, turning both charm and ball into silvery powder that disappeared before it could settle onto the floor.

Before any of us could process what had just happened, the samurai shouted and holstered the musket on his back. Then, shouting at Shino, he reached for his katana. That would probably have been a good time to run for it, but we were all too stunned by Shino’s actions to move. How many people can say they’ve seen a poltergeist, never mind watched someone stop its attack?

Hell, I was still trying to wrap my head around the fact that my ears were ringing from what was, for all intents and purposes, a very real musket shot.

While we all stood there dumbly, Shino unraveled the charm around her right arm and started twirling it above her head like a slingshot. Eyes wide, she glared at the samurai with her teeth bared, stained with her own blood like a storybook shaman; I wasn't sure whether she actually knew what she was doing, or was just out of her mind – despite my skepticism, which really no longer made sense at that point, I was hoping for the former.

“Spirit!” she shouted, her voice echoing off the walls, “begone from this realm and return to your own!”

In response, the samurai yelled something unintelligible and drew his katana – I took that as a no.

“Spirit!” Shino called, though why she was persisting I had no idea, “This demesne is no longer yours to oversee! Begone and return to your place amongst the cycle and the embrace of your ancestors!”

The samurai placed his katana in both hands and shifted himself into a charging stance.

“Shino!” Isami snapped, “What the hell are you doing?”

“Saving our asses,” Oji replied.

“Spirit!” Shino nearly screeched, and Kenji and Isami flinched, “Begone from my sight and let us leave this building in peace!”

The samurai roared and charged. All four of us moved to grab Shino and run for it.

“Thrice I ask and done!” Shino yelled, “May you find peace across the river, for you shall find none here!”

Just before we managed to grab her, Shino threw the charm at the samurai ghost. Whether it had any effect or not, we were already scrambling toward the nearby door, but the damn thing wouldn’t open.

“It’s locked!” Kenji snapped.

“No shit!” Isami barked.

Shino groaned and reached into another pocket. “He must have locked it!” she growled, “We need space – run for the other door and stop halfway.”

Before anyone could argue, she had bolted down the hallway back the way we’d come, and this time the rest of us followed after her. As we ran, I noticed the samurai as it charged right into the charm, which hadn’t fallen to the floor quite yet due to its light weight. The charm exploded and the ghost reeled back with a startled yelp, then went out of my sight around the corner.

“Ghost’s been stalled,” I told the group, “How the hell did you pull that off?”

It looked like a smirk flitted across the secretary’s face as she replied, “Ghosts should know better than to mess with a shrine maiden.”

Digesting that tidbit of information kept me quiet through several frantic moments, after which Shino skidded to a halt halfway down the hallway. Isami and Oji bumped into her, and Kenji tripped over them. Meanwhile, I turned to the side and stuck out my hand so I’d hit the wall. It stalled my advance and kept me from risking a concussion or ending up in the tangled pile on the floor.

Kenji was the first to recover, hauling himself up along with Isami. Oji crawled free while Shino sprang up, a canister of kosher salt in each hand.

“Everyone huddle close,” she directed.

We all did, and, once we were in formation for a group hug, Shino started pouring salt around us in a circle.

Darting her head frantically from Shino to the still empty hallway, Isami snapped, "What's she doing?"

"Salt repels spirits - she's making a barrier," Kenji replied, "Assuming she knows what she's doing."

Shrugging, I added, "After that clay trick, I get the feeling she might."

“We’re about to find out,” Shino stated.

“He’s back!” Isami snapped.

Spinning around to look back down the hall, I groaned. Our pursuant samurai ghost was there, and his armor seemed to have lost a bit of its luster following the explosion, but he was still firmly holding his katana. After an almost imperceptible pause, he yelled and began a second charge. He was maybe halfway to us when Shino completed the circle.

“Almost done!” she declared, and crouched down between me and Kenji.

Wiping the blood from her face, she poured some salt into her hands, worked it together a bit with her fingers, then sprinkled the mix into the circle. The hairs on my neck stood and my heart gave an uncomfortable thump, but otherwise I was fine and didn’t see anything change. The samurai raised his sword to slice and I raised my arm to futilely block the strike, obscuring my vision and giving me a reprieve from actually seeing the blade as it split through my neck.

That's what I expected to happen, at least.

Instead, as I cowered behind my forearm, I heard the sword slam into an invisible barrier. Stunned by my apparent survival, I lowered my arm and watched as the samurai ghost glared in frustrated astonishment at his blocked attack. We all watched in silent horror and – in my case at least – fascination as he growled like a feral dog and swiped at us several more times. Each broad swing bounced off the sodium nitrate barrier harmlessly.

We were safe.

We were also trapped.

Next Chapter

Don’t worry Ilya; I left some mapo tofu under a box to keep you safe. I also left a wad of bills under a box in case his daughter shows up.

Anywho, from that distance he probably would’ve missed with the musket anyway. Those old muskets were about as reliable as something that isn’t very reliable.

Re: Hisao and Kenji and the Last Samurai! (Updated 10/17)

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 11:54 am
by Helbereth
Hoitash wrote: Kenji shot a look in my general direction. “You think there’s actually something to this, man?”
“Shino seems to think so,” I replied, shrugging as I continued, “and I wouldn’t be much of a scientist if I didn’t keep an open mind. Why, you starting to take this more seriously, too?”
I thought it was just the formatting in the e-mail, but you missed a line break.

Re: Hisao and Kenji and the Last Samurai! (Updated 10/17)

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 1:08 pm
by Hoitash
Helbereth wrote:
Hoitash wrote: Kenji shot a look in my general direction. “You think there’s actually something to this, man?”
“Shino seems to think so,” I replied, shrugging as I continued, “and I wouldn’t be much of a scientist if I didn’t keep an open mind. Why, you starting to take this more seriously, too?”
I thought it was just the formatting in the e-mail, but you missed a line break.
Whoops. Fixed.

Also, I've been saving this for this chapter:


Re: Hisao and Kenji and the Last Samurai! (Updated 10/17)

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 7:18 pm
by Helbereth
There're several line breaks missing toward the end of the second half, as well. The bit just before the Samurai reappears as Shino is constructing the salt circle.

Re: Hisao and Kenji and the Last Samurai! (Updated 10/17)

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 7:39 pm
by Hoitash
Helbereth wrote:There're several line breaks missing toward the end of the second half, as well. The bit just before the Samurai reappears as Shino is constructing the salt circle.
Whoops again.

I blame Microsoft Word.

Re: Hisao and Kenji and the Last Samurai! (Updated 10/24)

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 11:58 am
by Hoitash
“We serve the Emperor with our faith and devotion, and with faith there must also sometimes come sacrifice.” –A Sister of Battle, Witch Hunters codex

Previous Chapter

Chapter Five: Dark Heresy

So there we were, in the psych department hallway in the middle of the night, surrounded by a circle of salt with barely enough room between us to not bump shoulders if we held still. Beyond our little circle, the crazed ghost of a feudal-era samurai had calmed considerably, but only in the sense that he was no longer wailing at the walls with reckless abandon. Instead, he stalked around our safety circle, tapping its edges, searching for weaknesses. That part was nerve wracking, but our more immediate concern was the fact that we were stranded.

After a couple minutes to collect ourselves, we had all silently claimed our little sections of the circle. Shino was kneeling on the floor near the middle of the circle, between Oji and Kenji. Isami, who had pried the helmet off her head, was sitting Japanese style behind Kenji at the circle’s edge. Kenji, meanwhile, was keeping close to Oji so he could use his sense of smell to stay in the circle. Oji was sitting samurai style in meditation facing the ghost, while I stood near Kenji to keep him from fidgeting too much.

As a result, we formed a sort of circle within a circle around Shino, with Oji facing the corner we had fled from, me to his right, Isami behind Oji, and Kenji behind Oji and to his left. The only sound for a few minutes came from the clanking, armored footsteps of our ghost stalker and his incessant tapping at the invisible wall, so I decided to spark some kind of conversation.

“So,” I said, glancing down at Shino, “Shrine maiden, Shino?”

Shino, who was still wearing her bulky headset, nodded and grimaced as she started trying to lick the blood from her teeth, “It’s kind of a family tradition. I was even part of the archery club in high school.”

Kenji glanced to Shino and smirked lightly, “That mighta been good to know earlier.”

Isami snorted, “Until he shot at us, you didn’t even think the ghost was real.”

Kenji shrugged and said nothing, but we all took a moment to glance at the aforementioned ghost samurai, who, even if he had any idea we were talking about him, seemed wholly nonplussed.

“So, Kenji, have any bright ideas for getting us out of this?” I asked.

Shaking his head, he replied, “Sorry, man, I'm currently terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought.”

Nodding, I turned to Oji. “Kenji has gone bye-bye, Oji... any chance you can talk our new friend here into stopping his Darth Maul impression?”

“I would,” Oji said, “but this is, like, the opposite of what I wanted to do today.”

“…Would you do it for a Scooby snack?” I quipped.


“How about a dooby-snack?” Kenji joked.

After a brief pause, Oji grinned, nodded lightly, and started talking to the samurai.

Isami looked up at me and raised an eyebrow, “What good will that do?”

“I want a clear head so we can try and get out of this mess,” I explained.

“Um,” Shino muttered, “I kinda figured we could just wait until sunrise...”

Everyone except Oji turned to gawk at her.

“He’ll de-manifest at dawn,” she added, shrugging lightly, “and then we can go...”

Our disbelieving stares slowly turned to nods, and we might have stayed that way if not for another loud tap coming from our spectral friend.

Kenji glanced toward Isami. “Speaking of, once we're free, you up for an interview?”

Isami grinned and nodded, “Hell, yeah! We’ll need Shino, too.”

Shino shivered and blushed lightly. “Me? Really?”

“Well, you are the secretary,” Isami stated.

“Oh,” Shino grinned and looked down at the floor, “Right.”

At that point Oji had managed to calm the samurai a bit; that seemed to have been his last swipe at our safety cage, as he was sitting across from Oji and engaging the stoner in conversation. Though I couldn’t pick out the details, it sounded like they were having some sort of theological discussion. Or maybe they were discussing crop rotation – it was hard to tell.

“There is no way I’m gonna stand in this circle and wait ‘til sunrise,” Kenji declared.

Shino sighed and said, “I don’t see a choice, unless someone has Excalibur in their pocket.”

“That's what Hisao's girlfriend calls it,” Kenji quipped.

Shino's face seemed to light on fire as I resisted the urge to punch Kenji's shoulder and instead patted the air. “No, she doesn't,” I said, attempting a disarming smile, “and sorry... I left Avalon in my other pants.”

Oji paused his discussion with the ghost – another sentence on the list of things I never thought I’d state – and asked, “What about Black Keys?”

Shino frowned in thought for a moment, then replied, “I don’t think those work on ghosts.”

“Well, I left my proton pack in my room,” I said, “So I am officially out of ideas.”

“Ahem,” Kenji coughed to get our attention, “As I was saying, rather than stay here all night like a bunch of caged animals, how about we take the fight to the bastard and douse him with salt?”

“Hey,” Oji said, “He can still hear you, you know.”

Kenji grunted and relented.

Raising my hand to get the groups attention, I changed the subject. “I feel like I should point out something: where’s security?” to which nobody responded, so I continued, “Besides their normal patrol routes, you’d think someone would’ve heard that gunshot.”

“Um,” Shino piped up, “I think they're listening to a late night replay of a baseball game. I picked it up for a moment on one of my frequencies before the ghost’s signal was clear enough to isolate… and… well…” Shino bit her lip and trailed off, her eyes darting around the hallway.

Crap, I had forgotten about her claustrophobia.

Trying to brighten the mood, I remarked, “Well, at least we won’t have to worry about them showing up – security never checks in here after four am.”

“Great...” Isami said, and though I couldn't see them, I'm sure her eyes rolled.

Kenji, who was fidgeting so much I half expected him to start pacing around the circle, shook his head and sighed. “No way am I waiting around for sunrise,” he grumbled, “Not sitting here with Samurai Jack ten feet away, thinking we're all manifestations of Aku.”

“Why not?” Isami snapped, “I don’t like it either, but I don’t see much choice.”

Glaring at the club president, Kenji growled, “You mean besides the fact that we aren’t sure if the circle will hold; besides the fact that if a security guard does wander in the ghost might snap and go after them; besides the fact that your secretary might go bananas from being stuck in a circle for hours; and besides the fact that I have better things to do then spend my night stuck in the science building like some goddamn rat?”

Isami blinked up at Kenji for a few moments, digesting the disturbingly well thought out response.

Shino looked up from behind Oji towards me and added, “He has a point.” She paused to glance at the salt circle, then continued, “In theory the circle will hold until I break it, but I’m not sure – I’ve never done anything like this for real before.”

“And it is possible security might come wandering around, too,” I said with a conciliatory sigh, “...They do like to keep things random to avoid having their patrols skirted.”

“And you and Kenji can’t stand forever,” Isami remarked, “and my legs are starting to fall asleep. We might be able to lie down in a formation somehow, but I’d rather not spend the night in a pile of bodies on the floor unless tequila is involved.”

Glancing at Oji, I asked, “I don’t suppose we can expect our buddy to get bored anytime soon?”

Oji shook his head. “Nope. He’s decided to play watchdog in lieu of hacking us into tiny pieces.”

“So…” I said, fishing for a port in the storm of lunacy that had infected my evening. Perhaps that was why I turned to Shino and said, “Back to Kenji’s plan. Would dumping salt on the thing actually work to make it de-manifest?”

Shino bit her lip. “Maybe?” she shrugged lightly and stated, “I don’t know how you’d get him to hold still long enough.”

“Dudes,” Oji interjected, glaring at the two of us, “if you’re going to plan how to take him out, at least do it in English. He’s crazy, not stupid.”

“I have some notepads,” Shino stated, “and pens, so we can just write it out.”

Kenji grinned. “Good plan.”

Shino smiled and flushed lightly as she handed out notepads and pens. She had enough for all of us, fortunately. Between Oji’s flashlight and the light glow of the ghost, we barely had enough light to be able to write legibly.

First things first, I wrote, Shino, do you have some sort of banishment charm you could use?

That’s what I hit him with last time, she replied, It didn’t work, obviously. Guess being a part-time maiden has its drawbacks.

Okay, then back to Operation Salt Shaker, Kenji scribbled, I say we shoot him.

Re: Hisao and Kenji and the Last Samurai! (Updated 10/24)

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 11:58 am
by Hoitash
Part II:

Kenji passed the note around, a confident grin etched on his face. Isami rolled her eyes and scribbled a response. Oji did as well before handing the note back to Kenji. I leaned over to read the two notes:

And how exactly do we do that? Isami had written.

Shino, do we have any food? I’m hungry.

Sighing, I looked down at the secretary. “Hey Shino, do you have anything to eat? Stoner needs food badly.”

Shino nodded and reached into her pockets, “I have some granola bars he can have.”

“Thank you,” Oji said, and resumed his conversation with the annoyingly chatty dead samurai.

Back to the plan, Isami scrawled, How do we shoot the ghost? And no, we didn’t pack a shotgun.

I could build one, I wrote.

Everyone read my message and glared up at me in a mix of astonishment and trepidation.

“Any idiot can build a potato gun,” I remarked, “and last I checked they didn’t give idiots the keys to school labs...”

Kenji chuckled and gave me a thumbs-up. “I like it. Kirk versus the Gorn.”

While I nodded, Isami held up a hand in protest. “Problem,” she declared, and wrote down, We don’t have the parts for that, whatever they are.

You don’t have a pipe, a rag, and some booze? Wait, Kenji, you have your flask, right?

Kenji snorted and gave me a glare. “Of course I do, man. Just who the hell do you think I am?”

Eyes shining, Shino blushed and pumped her fist, “You’re motherfucking Kenji!”

Me and Isami turned to stare at Shino, who quickly stared down at the circle in embarrassment.

“Damn right I am!” Kenji barked. Grabbing his notepad he scribbled, Shino, can you stall the ghost so we can haul Hisao to the chemistry lab? They’ll have the parts we need.

Shino read the note and bit her lip. For a few moments she didn’t move, but eventually she looked up at Kenji and nodded.

Isami groaned and scrawled out, This is a terrible idea.

Do you have a better one? I asked.

Isami glowered and didn’t write anything.

“Alright,” Kenji said, “Sounds like a plan.”

Oji swallowed a granola bar and looked up at us, perplexed. “We have a plan?”

Nodding, I glanced at Isami, who handed the notepad over to him. Oji spent a few moments reading it before nodding and hefting himself up. Shino took his place and started chanting.

The samurai ghost looked on at Shino from behind his mask and was quiet for a few moments. Eventually he caught on to whatever she was chanting, then stood up and started raving at her. Shino ignored him and instead gave thumbs-up over her shoulder.

Guessing that was our cue to leave, Isami hefted herself up and grumbled, “That's it, let's go.”

“Activate main deflector,” Kenji stated.

“We're breaking free,” I declared.

Isami sighed and muttered, “Nerds,” under her breath.

Making sure his do-rag was on right, Oji smirked and retorted, “Takes one to know one.”

Isami sighed and noded, conceding the point before looking down at Shino and asking, “You sure you can handle this?”

Shino nodded. “I’ll be fine. Besides,” she grinned and glanced back at us, “I’ve got the innumerable gods on my side; how can I lose?”

Isami smiled at Shino, then looked up at me, “You ready to roll?”

Nodding, I asked, “Shino, you want us to break the circle first?”

“No,” she replied, shaking her head, “just go before he wises up.”

Considering the ghost had drawn his katana, it was probably too late for that. Still, we didn’t have another plan, and in any case Isami had just bolted for the stairway. Sighing and bending his knees once to stretch, Oji followed. Kenji glanced at me, waiting. As I nodded, he turned and dashed after them. Taking a moment, I looked over Shino as she continued chanting, clay charms wrapped around both her wrists, almost the image of calm serenity.

Meanwhile, the samurai continued growling and swiping his sword at the circle barrier, thankfully still to no avail. Although I figured in that moment that she was the most protected among us, for a quick second an image flashed in my mind of Shino sprawled out on the hallway floor in a pool of blood, her head resting a few feet from her cold corpse. It was a disturbing thought, regardless of its unlikelihood.

Then again, our whole situation then was pretty unlikely.

Blinking away the image, I gave her a nod she couldn't see, said, “Good luck,” and ran off after the rest.

Next Chapter

Hmm, I wonder if Ghosty has enough arrows in stock.

I know dealing with these zombies is seriously affecting my ammo supply. Fortunately Helbereth is a Wizard, and thus arrives always on time.

Next week we rap up with a Halloween Special Double Feature (hopefully)!

Re: Hisao and Kenji and the Last Samurai! (Updated 10/24)

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 8:57 pm
by Helbereth
Perhaps that wasnwhy I turned to Shino and said, “Back to Kenji’s plan.
was why*
rap up
I don't have the rhythm for rapping...

Re: Hisao and Kenji and the Last Samurai! (Updated 10/24)

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 10:51 pm
by Hoitash
Helbereth wrote:
Perhaps that wasnwhy I turned to Shino and said, “Back to Kenji’s plan.
was why*
Whoops. Fixed.
rap up
I don't have the rhythm for rapping...
Darn, guess we'll just have to get some wraps and make pitas.

Mmm, pitas.....

Re: Hisao and Kenji and the Last Samurai! Halloween Update!

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 10:54 am
by Hoitash
"My role is to guard this gate. I won't let you through alive, nor shall I let you out alive." –Kojiro Sasaki, Fate/Stay Night

Previous Chapter

Chapter Six: Only War

For the record, running down stairs is a Very Bad Idea. Then again, so is getting turned into a steak house appetizer by a four hundred year old ghost. So, I mentally apologized to the safety handbook as Kenji, Isami, Oji, and I bolted down the stairs, heading for the nearest chemistry lab.

Unbeknownst to me, Shino had scrawled a charm with her blood next to the handle of the door leading to the stairwell, thereby dispelling the phantasmal lock, so that was one less obstacle, at least. We still had a lot of ground to cover, and no way of knowing whether or not our Samurai friend was in pursuit, so I didn't think we were home free just yet.

Kenji was in the lead, his hand firmly on the side rail to prevent himself from tumbling to his death if he lost track of his footing. Isami followed close behind with Oji on her heels, and I was treading a few paces back. Mentally, I realized that meant I was the most exposed to pursuit, but the adrenaline wasn't letting that lead to panic. Truthfully, I was more worried about my heart giving out than the Samurai making an appearance, but my heart’s rhythm seemed fine for the moment, fortunately.

As we descended the stairs as fast as we could without breaking our necks, Kenji gasped out, “Any idea how much time Shino can buy us?”

“No clue,” Isami panted, “Hisao, how much farther?”

“Four flights,” I replied, huffing as I caught the banister and started down another flight, “Chem lab we need’ll be the third door on the left – straight from the landing.”

“Can you handle that at this speed?” Oji asked, seeming completely un-winded by our hasty advance to the rear.

“Don’t see much choice,” I replied, “Besides, I’m goin’ downhill, so this is nothin’!”

“That’s the spirit!” Kenji barked.

We continued our mad dash down to the labs, our footsteps echoing with us as we went. On the edge of my hearing I thought I heard shouting and shrill cries, but couldn’t be sure. Isami looked increasingly grim as we descended, her gaze occasionally glancing behind her, as if she expected Shino to just appear with us partway down the steps.

There was no sign of the ghost or Shino along the way, and we managed to reach the nearest chemistry lab without incident. The metal slab of a door was locked, of course, but I had the key, of course. In true cliché horror style, I yanked out my key chain and grabbed for the right key so I could shove it in the lock then throw the door open, but I got stuck on step two.

While I was trying not to end up like a cheerleader in a bad slasher film, Kenji started rifling through his jacket pockets, hopefully to grab his flask for later, and Isami kept glancing back toward the stairwell as though she expected Shino to come bursting through the door with an angry ghost-samurai in hot pursuit.

“Hey,” Oji prompted as I finally shoved the right key into the lock, “Does anyone have some salt so we can protect ourselves while we work?”

Isami glanced at me as I managed to shove the door open and stated, “If Hisao salts the doorway it should be enough.”

“Because I have the key?” I guessed.

Isami smirked lightly and nodded, impressed.

“Alright people,” Kenji snapped, “Doors open – go, go, go!”

We all piled into the room. The chemistry lab had the standard setup of most science labs – benches with sinks and gas lines, metal cabinets filled with books, equipment, and supplies, emergency blanket, first aid kit, emergency shower, fire extinguishers, emergency eye wash, and so on. Salt is one of those basic science ingredients you use when you’re bored almost as much as it’s a needed component in experiments, so it's always around somewhere.

Nobody had left any sitting around in plain view, but we weren't in a video game so I opted for checking cabinets. Realizing we were pressed for time and I had no Earthly idea where the salt was stored, I glanced at Isami, who was by the door looking out into the hall, hoping to see Shino.

“You got any salt?” I asked.

Eyes focused on the hallway, Isami shook her head. “Shino brings that stuff.”

Kenji grinned and held out his hand, in which was a small pile of fast-food salt packets.

“Good job, man,” I said, abandoning my search and swiftly taking the packets from his hand, “You’re a hero.”

“Damn right I am, man!” Kenji declared before turning to face our stoner friend, “Oji, any idea where the stuff to make the gun is?”

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Isami asked, eyes still locked onto the hallway.

“Don’t worry,” I said reassuringly, “I has high science.”

That didn’t reassure her, for some reason. Maybe she had preferred the first KOTOR.

Oji nodded and started looking around the room. While he and Kenji began searching for components, I ripped open the salt packets and made a thin line along the door’s threshold. I didn’t have any blood to add, so I placed the anti-possession charm on the line by the door. When I was done I joined Kenji and Oji in their search for supplies, while Isami kept her vigil at the doorway.

“So, how we gonna do this?” Kenji asked me.

I gave the two a quick rundown of my ingenious though boring plan, and then we went to work.

A potato gun is both simple and complicated. It’s simple because all you need is fuel, a fuel system, and a spare pipe. Whiskey from Kenji's flask, a metal funnel with a wad of cloth stuffed inside, and a length of four-centimeter PVC pipe would stand in for the parts in question. And the salt, of course. All we had to do was load the pipe with salt, soak the cloth in alcohol, shove it in the funnel, light it, and get clear.

The expanding gasses from the alcohol lighting wouldn’t give us a lot of range or be safe to stand behind, but we didn’t have time to get fancy, and the less stuff I trashed making the gun in the first place, the better. Taping another pipe onto the barrel would give the firer a handle so they wouldn’t get hit by the back-blast or have to hold onto the barrel itself.

Once we had all the parts gathered on a bench, along with some duct tape to put it together, I went to work. While I assembled the impromptu weapon, I found myself humming Through the Fire and Flames by Dragonforce. Unfortunately, I had neglected a couple of serious design flaws in my weapon, but Oji was on hand to point them out.

“Hey,” Oji said when I was almost done cobbling the gun together, “Not to disparage your inner ork mekaniak, but if you don’t close off the funnel, we don’t get a boom.”

“Not to add to the pessimism,” Kenji interjected, “but alcohol doesn’t boom, it burns.”

“Shit, you’re both right,” I grumbled, then set the contraption down so I could think. After a few moments, I shrugged and turned to Oji. “Hmm… Grab a metal bowl,” I said, then picked up the incomplete gun, “I’ll cover the end of the funnel after we load it and leave a slot for the cloth fuse...”

Oji nodded and went looking for a bowl amongst the cabinets and drawers of supplies.

“Kenji,” I continued, “go to the second drawer on the right of the professor’s desk, there should be some firecrackers there we can use.”

“Isn’t having firecrackers in a chem lab incredibly unsafe?” Isami asked.

“The professors like to use them for safety demonstrations,” I explained.

“You sure you wanna use those?” Oji asked, grinning as he continued, “we might bust the parts, and this stuff has a substantial dollar value attached.”

“They can bill me,” I quipped.

Oji found a bowl easy enough, so I taped it partway to the funnel, leaving it open so I could load it while marking a spot for the fuse. Once he had managed to find them, Kenji tossed me the firecrackers. Hoping that I wasn't building a pipe bomb accidentally, I clipped their fuses to finger-blowing-off shortness, shoved some of them into the barrel, and held onto the rest to wrap with the cloth.

“Okay,” I said, and turned to Kenji, “Grab another bowl and dump your flask so I can soak the cloth. Then I’ll wrap the firecrackers and load ‘em up, tape it up, and we’ll have ourselves a spud gun.”

“Or a pipe bomb,” Oji stated, “We won’t know for sure until we fire it.”

“Fair point,” I conceded, then started shoving salt into the pipe.

High science, indeed.

While I loaded the barrel, Kenji grabbed a bowl from a drawer I had unlocked and pulled out his flask. After taking a swig he dumped it into the bowl.

“Where the hell is Shino?” he grumbled.

““On the way!” Isami barked, “So hurry it up, because that damn ghost is right behind her!”

“Working on it,” I said, “Never rush a mad scientist when he’s on the clock!”

“Mutou would be proud, man,” Kenji remarked.

“Hurry!” Isami barked.

The sounds of footsteps echoed in the hallway, as did the ghost’s angry yelling as I quickly soaked the cloth in the booze and wrapped the firecrackers.

“Alright folks,” I barked, “time to kick ass and chew bubblegum.”

“But I’m all outta gum,” Oji said, “Isami, do you have any gum?”

“Isami, get away from the door!” I called as I loaded the firecracker wrapped fuse and taped up the back of the gun, “Oji, focus! Get over here so you can light me when the ghost comes through.”

Oji nodded and followed me as I sidled up to the wall by the door, out of sight until it would be too late. Kenji whirled in place for a moment before heading over to Isami, grabbing her shoulder and yanking her away from the door.

“Let go of me!” she snapped.

“You ain’t gonna be any help there!” Kenji snapped back, “Shino’s the expert and Hisao’s about to blast the spot your standing in with flaming salt, so get clear if you don’t wanna end up as the understudy for his fiancé!”

“Hey!” I barked, “Low blow, man!”

“Not cool, man,” Oji added.

Word choice aside, it seemed to snap Isami out of her funk, as she let Kenji haul her behind the nearest bench so they’d be out of the line of fire.

A few moments later, Shino burst through the doorway, her feet avoiding the salt line as she dashed into the room. Her clothes were singed and she had light cuts on both arms. Her hands looked burned, and the charms she had wrapped around her fingers were gone. Nearly a quiver’s worth of spectral arrows were imbedded in her backpack, though they fortunately hadn’t gone deep enough to hit her.

Once Shino was inside, she leaned on the nearest bench and tried to catch her breath. “He’s… right… behind me!” she wheezed, “Please… tell me… you have… a plan.”

“As much as we ever do,” I replied, “You got any charms left?”

Before she could answer, the ghost appeared, his katana swinging down toward Shino even though she was out of range. The sword bounced off the threshold, and the samurai ghost, his armor dented and wispy, howled in rage.

Shino nodded, plodded over to us, and mumbled, “Warding charm. Last one.”

“Shove it in the barrel and break the line of salt,” I muttered, “Make it look like an accident.”

Shino nodded and pulled out a tiny rolled up sheet of paper from her sleeve, shoved it down the pipe while shielding her actions from view of the ghost with her body, then groaned and fell to the floor in a ball. On the way her foot kicked at the salt line, just barely breaking it. The ghost roared and took a single, tentative step into the room. Then he took another step and raised his sword to stab down at the shrine maiden.

“Hey!” I snapped at the ghost to get his attention, “Smile, you spectral son-of-a-bitch!”

Taking that as his cue, Oji lit me without being told.

The alcohol-soaked cloth burned quickly, and after a brief, muffled sizzling of fuses, the firecrackers went off, their explosion making my ears ring and my heart thump uncomfortably as the spud gun fired. Seconds later, the barrel hummed and a burst of fiery salt and cloth shrapnel exploded out at the samurai, hitting him in the stomach with a blast about the size of an open fist. Howling in pain, the samurai staggered back a few steps.

“Like I said,” Shino groaned from the floor, “May you find peace across the river, because you’ll find none here.”

The samurai bounced against the wall somehow, dropped his sword – which promptly vanished – and tried to clutch at his stomach wound. As he did the area surrounding the wound started to fizzle and turn into puffs of silvery mist. Giving a feeble, defiant snarl, the samurai took a step forward. With one hand he tried to draw his other sword, but it was gone, as was most of his torso.

Slowly, as his entire body dissolved into silvery mist and vanished into the air, he seemed to give into the inevitable. With the last of his strength, he snapped to attention with the remains of his body and bowed to me. Still feeling a bit numb from the explosion, I returned the bow. Then he promptly vanished, leaving only a last whispering declaration echoing off the walls of the chemistry lab.

Next Chapter

A wise man once said there are few problems that can’t be solved with proper application of explosives.

Or maybe that was my gunslinger in a Pathfinder game after too many beers. In any case, we have one more chapter, which should be up later -Ilya, why did you alert the witch NOW?

Re: Hisao and Kenji and the Last Samurai! Halloween Update!

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 3:07 am
by Serviam
Kaboom. Still in fighting form, I see.

Re: Hisao and Kenji and the Last Samurai! Halloween Update!

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 9:33 am
by Hoitash
Serviam wrote:Kaboom. Still in fighting form, I see.
Thanks, I do what I can :).

Alas, the zombie horde may have proved too much for my stalwart ally. Ilya, suit up, it's magical girl time!

Re: Hisao and Kenji and the Last Samurai! Conclusion Update!

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 11:32 am
by Hoitash
“Ladies, gents, what a treat it's been scraping out of a mess by the skin of our teeth with you. Godspeed.” - Binder, Skin Game

Previous Chapter

Epilogue: Age of Sigmar

For several long, silent moments, we all just stood in the chemistry lab, our brains desperately trying to make sense of the last hour. I had one hand against the wall and the other on my heart, just to make sure the explosion hadn’t set it off or anything. Isami was fussing over a still floor-bound Shino, whose backpack was now devoid of any embedded arrows. Oji was using a small vacuum cleaner to clean up our mess before it set off the sprinkler system, and Kenji was tentatively poking around the spot where the samurai had vanished.

“Damn,” he breathed, “There ain’t nothing left….”

Shino hefted herself into a crouch, and almost as soon as she did Isami started rifling through the secretary’s many vest pockets. Shino, apparently too worn out to inquire about Isami’s efforts, turns to Kenji and explained, “The salt combined with the warding charm severed his ties to the building, so he couldn’t manifest. I don’t think we got rid of him for good, but he’s gone for now.”

“So he’s still here?” I asked, straightening up and turning toward Shino as I added, “and any idea why he manifested in the first place?”

“I have a theory,” Kenji said, “based on what I was able to dig up when I did my research on that rumor, I think today mighta been the day he died.”

Shino bit her lip and nodded, “That combined with the lunar positioning might do it. And yes, his spirit is probably still here, but with no tie to the building he can’t affect anything, though whether that’s permanent or not I can’t say.”

“If his tie to the building was what kept him here,” Oji interjected, “and that’s gone, it’s also possible he’s Moved On.”

Shino nodded and raised a weary eyebrow at her club president, “Isami, what are you doing?”

“Looking for alcohol swabs for your cuts,” she replied.

“I’m fine,” Shino stated, and started batting Isami’s hands away.

Isami pouted but desisted her search and with a weary grunt levered herself up. Kenji, meanwhile, ambled over and offered Shino his hand to help her up. Shino blushed, took his hand, and with a grunt managed to pull herself up, though she had to lean against the wall to stay standing.

“So,” I said, looking at the mayhem around me, “What now?”

“I’d rather leave the cleanup to the experts,” Isami stated, her eyes turning from me to Oji, “as for Shino and I, we have a story to work on.”

I nodded, “Fine with me. No offense or anything, but I’ve had enough fun with the occult club to last me until I graduate.”

Isami smirked and nodded, “Fair enough. Shino, are you sure you’re alright?”

Shino nodded and eased away from the wall, “I will be. Do you wanna start on that column tonight? There’s a café near here where we can work, and my laptop is in my bag.”

“Um… okay,” Isami turned to me as I continued to survey the damage, “Thanks for your help, Hisao. Oji. I… I had no idea what we were getting into, but I’m glad you were there to help.”

“We wouldn’t have gotten far without Shino, either,” I said, grinning at the secretary, “she saved our collective asses twice, really.”

Shino grinned bashfully and shuffled in place, “It wasn’t a big deal. I mean, I never thought I’d ever put any of that stuff to use, but I guess that just shows it pays to be prepared.”

“Damn straight!” Kenji declared, “You two gonna be okay here?”

Oji held up the remains of my potato gun and nodded, “We’ll be fine, man. Have fun with the club.”

“Oh,” Isami turned to Kenji, “right, I forgot, you wanted to coordinate our work, right?”

Kenji grinned and nodded, “Hell, yeah! This’ll make a great opening story for the trimester, and it’ll be good publicity for you guys, too.”

Oh, sure, now that it turns out there actually was a ghost, now he takes them seriously. Although he probably admired Isami’s gumption, too, and Kenji’s reputation with the paper meant anyone is authority probably wouldn’t bother following up whatever happened too closely, especially with one of their star pupils involved.

Isami sighed, “I doubt anyone’ll take anything you write about this seriously, though.”

Like I said, though I refrained from mentioning the sentiment out loud.

Kenji snorted, “Don’t underestimate my readers. I am constantly shining the light of truth on them and they’ll realize the truth even if I have to beat them upside the head with it!”

Isami chuckled, “Fair enough. Let’s get going so Shino can sit down.”

“I’m fine,” Shino stated, “I’m just… a little unsteady.”

Isami rolled her eyes and sidled up to Shino, supporting the shorter secretary with her left shoulder. Shino sighed but gave in, and the two slowly walked out of the chemistry lab, Kenji close behind.

“Hey, wait,” I said, “Let me give you these batteries back.”

“Whoops,” Isami growned and smacked her forehead with her free ahnd, “Almost forgot.”

I gave Isami the battery pack and she stuffed it into Shino’s bag, and while she was there she took Kenji’s, too. If I had had more time to think I probably would’ve just used them to ignite the spud gun, but that’s hindsight for you. We decided to keep the anti-possession charms on for a while, just in case, and I put mine back around my neck while Isami and Kenji stuck the batteries into Shino’s pack, which Kenji threw onto his back so Shino wouldn’t have to bear the weight.

Shino blushed and mumbled a thanks to Kenji, who grinned and waved to show it was nothing.

“Don’t worry about it,” he insisted, “Now, let’s get goin’ -we gotta hurry if we’re gonna get this story ready in time!”

Isami grinned, nodded, then frowned and turned to Oji, “Hey, what did the samurai say before he de-manifested?”

“Oh, right,” Oji said, “He said the battle was well fought and his lands are in good hands.”

“Huh…” Isami grunted. Shaking her head slightly, she glared at her secretary and stated, “You are getting bandaged up if I have to tie you down to do it.”

Shino sighed, “Fine…” Shino, blushing lightly, looked up at Kenji and mumbled, “um, Kenji?”


“…Do you have any hobbies?”

Kenji grinned and declared, “I collect secrets on the Illuminati, Knights Templar, and Freemasons.”

This time she, Kenji, and Shino left for good, leaving me and my lab partner to survey the damage from our little battle.

The potato gun had taken the brunt of it, really. The metal funnel and bowl were dented and warped a bit from the firecrackers, and the pipe had cracked from the stress. The spray of incendiary salt had scorched the door, floor, and wall, and the explosion had left a mess on the floor. I scrubbed off the residue from the blast as best I could and tossed the towel in the trash, while Oji stashed the spud gun for later retrieval.

“Why don’t we just toss it?” I asked, “Those parts are toast anyway.”

“I want something to remember the occasion,” Oji replied, “and so I know I wasn’t just hallucinating the whole thing.”

“Fair enough,” I said, “now let’s get outta here and get to bed.”

Oji nodded, and we left the lab. I locked it up behind me and we made our way back to the stairs, the oppressive silence of the empty building only partially interrupted by our echoing footsteps.

Suppressing a yawn, Oji glanced at me as we neared the stairs and said, “So, that was a thing that happened.”

I nodded, “Yep. When Hana reads Kenji’s article she’s gonna have a fit.”

Oji shrugged, “Maybe. I’m more worried about security when they find that mess.”

I grimaced at the thought. We had cleaned the results of the encounter up as best we could, but you can only do so much on short notice when explosions are involved.

I sighed and rubbed my temple, “Kenji’s article should do the trick –anyone who takes him seriously’ll be considered a nut.”

Oji shrugged again, “True, besides, if you’re involved they probably won’t make much of a fuss –we’re both two of the best students in the Science Department.”

I snorted, “There’s a disturbing thought.”

Oji chuckled and patted my shoulder, “Hey, look on the bright side- we just threw down with a four hundred year old ghost and kicked it’s ass with a box of spare parts and a part time shrine maiden. That’s pretty cool, ain’t it?”

I smirked and admitted, “Yeah, I guess. Still, that is definitely not something I want to make a habit.”

“I hear you man,” Oji stated. With a weary look behind him at the door to the lab, he said, “I doubt we’ll have to worry about anything like this ever again –there’s no way anything that freaky could happen twice.”


Oh, Oji, why do you tempt fate so?

Alas, I have lost contact with the East Coast. Ilya and I have fought valiantly, but she needed cupcakes and I ran out of ammo. We sent Michone to investigate what’s going on, so hopefully we’ll get word back before she’s killed off for dramatic reasons.

Until Christmas then. Happy Delayed Halloween!