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Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:08 am
by megamanrulesall
Hmm, I thought about it for a bit, and I think the person who Pmed me won't mind if I repost the contents of my reply to him in the PM. Name will be kept private to protect the innocent.... or something like that.
******* Wrote: Damn son... You write really long posts. I can get a general understanding of you from reading them, and yes, I read it all :)

Anyway, glad to see that this game touched you just as much, if not more than it did me.

You actually somewhat remind me of Rin, in that way. When she goes on and on with her talking, it's a bit hard to understand, but the general feeling is still there.

Just popping by to say hello, or something like that. If this game's taught me anything, I think it's to not give up. I'm not even entirely sure, but I know that I can't ever truly give up after this. I doubt you'd need this advice, but it's a good reminder!

Have a good Saturday/Sunday!
People have told me on other forums that my posts are long, sometimes even "Too long". ^_^;

I do tend to think that maybe Rin is one who is one who shares the same mindset as me. Maybe that is why I partially on a partial subconscious level decided to choose her last. Maybe like, somehow looking into a mirror but instead of it reflecting me, it reflected Rin which is like, some form of reflection.

I thank you for saying hello and whatnot. I am glad you found and find my posts interesting. I already know that it is never wise to give up. Always give as much as you can. Not even 100% but more then that if you think you have the ability too. Even so, if said amount 100% or more is not good enough, sometimes there is nothing one can do but accept that fact. One should not beat themselves up over that which they simply can't change, as that in itself makes things harder on the person. For me, while I did mention in my latest reply, I wonder how I would react of if I would have the ability/willpower/strength to go on if something horrible happened, I do tend to think I would push on no matter what. And even maybe life as I could, even if say as one idea I mentioned would be where if I were paralyzed from the neck down. I am sure there are ways to live ones life. Yeah, I would probably be saddened by the fact I would be incapable of doing nothing from a physical standpoint, but at the same time, maybe hold out hope that perhaps down the line, say, there would be a fix for said problem, wait things out. I would probably be saddened by the fact if say, a family member or someone had to take care of me 24/7 (My mom even was joking with aspects of the full body paralasis, maybe to try make me not nervous for the neck surgery despite already not being as such), but I would hope they would know that my inner strength and resolve would not shatter or break and I would not wish to give up.

For me, I do tend to pretty much live in the present. Living in the past makes you incapable of growing into something more then you are and can "freeze you" in that time. But I also realize looking too far ahead in the future may not be that good either, as events within the present and near coming present are always changing. So, sometimes, it may indeed be best to live in the here and now. YOu don't stress about things in the past, and, you don't end up adding stress because of things you thought would happen in the future that didn't.

For me, I thought I would be one that would say, get a job fixing computers up. I took classes for em and stuff. They were fun & interesting. I am not upset that I don't have a job in computers. I am happy that I was able to learn what I did and that it still can be used from time to time to help others if they need it.

Hell, just recently I help my next door Neighbor Lilly/Lily (Unsure how her name is spelled) remove this damnedable things that is a "Insert OS name here" Security etc (insert year here" fake antivirus thingy. That nasty one that makes your computer almost unusable and want your credit card info. I managed to delete it from her computer and get it back to normal.

My friend who spent some time at my apartment managed to get it and I spent some time removing it from his computer, and then later, mine got the same thing, almost two nights in a row. So, despite the fact that my gaol of a tech job was not met, I am happy with the knowledge that the event of learning what I did was not wasted as it still has some uses, no matter how rare they may come along.

I am sure that you will not be one to give up, but I also tell you that you should not be saddened or angred by the fact if say, a goal of the future you set for yourself doesn;t come to pass for whatever reason it may be. Sometimes the experiances and things you learn towards that goal may have uses later on that you won't know of until the future that in turn eventually becomes the present.

I wonder if this is something kinda like, words of wisdom ir inspiration or something. You think it would be good maybe to post some of this, maybe on the board I have made a bunch of replias to, maybe see if it can somehow help others? What are your thoguhts? Part of me thinks it could be good, but at the same time, I wonder just how many people would absorb that info and not try to contradict it or something.

Man, it seems a lot of times my head does fee weird, perhaps similar to how Rin does. It is indeed like a feeling that has no words. And indeed the simple act of adding a label to it can change it into something different. Kinda why I personally try not to think too much about labels & try to make them not affect me so much. OF course, on the flipside, society seems so hellbent on labeling everything to make it fit within the collective mindset of what may be deemed as "Normal". I don't like words like "Normal" or "Abnormal" because that is also something that is subjective to every individsual.

Anywho, thanks for the PM. Sorry for any typos. Brain seems too odd feeling to bother to really check. ^_^
I do admit, emotions in general confuze me, like not being able to put a label on what I am feeling. Most times, it sometimes feels as though I don't feel much of anything at all. So when I do feel things, it can be confuzing to me. Kinda like, I wonder what people would call this feeling I am having now? Is it saddness, depressed, something completly different.

Gonna test and see if I can post links to my posts in that thread to make it easier on everyone. ... =15#p66311 ... =30#p66825

I think that is all, unless I missed one or two that I somehow manasged to do in a lot less then normal. So, yeah. Read and tell me your thgouhts on the subject if ya want. Part of me is curious on your thoguhts of the subject. Later all.

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:29 am
by ultrarare
Krikt wrote:
ultrarare wrote:What makes the fight between Hisao and Rin so tragic is that neither one of them can understand each other. Rin asks Hisao to comfort her and that she "needs him", however he interprets that she just is using him as some sort of artistic muse.
Unless I'm not remembering it properly, that's how it came across to me at that point. I'm pretty sure she talks about needing to paint when he stops her, confirming it.
Previously, she was able to paint again following Hisao's interaction with her when she felt like she needed to destroy herself. That leads her to feel like she relies on him as her muse to get through this point. She's desperate to continue painting so she tries to get inspiration again from Hisao.
The argument leads to him not seeing her until the gallery when she breaks down because she is being bombarded with questions. Then Hisao "saves" her and tells her that perhaps he is that one person that understands her (even a little). So obviously her attempt to let people understand her through producing all these works fails but then, in the scene following the rain they finally connect, confirming what Hisao has told her.

So yeah, I think he was right in that scene. Maybe Rin thought it was some sort of shortcut but one that she doesn't need by the end.
The reason Rin did the art exhibition was in order to find an outlet for her emotions and personality. She uses art for what her words cannot do, express her true self. Unfortunately, she eventually learns that her art is often misinterpreted and causes confusion. This is the problem that she attempts to avoid. She decided to take part in the art exhibition because she believed that the "artsy" people would be able to understand her paintings and, in essence, her very nature so that she would finally feel like she wasn't alone. Hisao wasn't her muse. He never was. He was someone who she truly cared about and feared. She cared about him because he was kind and one of the few people who she believed would be able to understand her. She feared him because she feared change and didn't believe she could be the "Rin" he wanted her to be. His confession was not shot down because it affect her art. It was shot down because she was scared she could not be what he wanted her to be. As she painted for the exhibition she got blocked because she had stopped painting for enjoyment. She tried to change how she paints so the people will understand and she fails. She tried to "destroy" herself in order to accomplish this goal. This causes her great emotional stress that Hisao can't understand and Rin can't explain. She visited Hisao after she was finished painting to find comfort in the only person she thought understood what she was going through, not to get another fix "Hisao" so she could paint some more.

Eventually it all fell apart when the art people started questioning her. It wasn't the questions themselves that made her collapse it was the fact they were asking them. The whole reason she did the art exhibition was in hopes that they would understand. They didn't. All the did was ask the exact questions she wanted them to understand. "Why did you do this...", "What were you thinking when..." yadda yadda.

I never saw Hisao as a muse. Just someone that Rin was scared of not living up to. (And technically never did )

At least that's how I saw it. I'm pretty sure Rin's path was the only one that allows for this sort of multiple interpretation. Pretty amazing.

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:24 am
by sporkaganza
I saved Rin's path for last, and boy was it ever worth it. This is definitely the most well-written out of all of them. It really did feel like literature or art. Both the good ending AND the neutral ending made me cry, although obviously for different reasons.

On the other hand, it's also the most infuriatingly difficult one to play. It's not like the other routes where the good and bad choices are fairly obvious – some of these questions require some serious lateral thinking to answer, although the further on you get in the route the easier the questions get, I think (the very last decision you make I found pretty easy). And I think the "Then explain" trap snared a hell of a lot of folks (including me), and I feel as though this was intentional.

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:00 am
by ZodiacBeast
I'm missing a scence between BADAAN! and The Edge of the World. Would somebody please tell me how to reach it?

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:03 am
by sporkaganza
ZodiacBeast wrote:I'm missing a scence between BADAAN! and The Edge of the World. Would somebody please tell me how to reach it?
It's a really ambiguous set of choices leading up to the end of Act 2, but I think the ones that you have to make to get that scene are "It feels refreshing" and "I should be more like Rin". It's strange that you'd ask that question, because most people get that scene easily and have a lot more trouble getting BADAAN! instead.

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 8:02 am
by lostgryphon
I just finished the story, after a rather lengthy break to better grasp it.

I got the good ending. No mistaking there. Absolutely beautiful artwork and a truly heartwarming finale. A little bit on the bittersweet side, but no less beautiful a culmination because of it.

Can't say I don't envy Hisao.

Oh, something confusing here though... I hit "Then Explain" and still wound up with the good dandelion ending. I tried the other two options really quickly after finishing the path and found that each ended in a conclusion.

Now, on to Hanako...though I get the feeling it'll be a bit underwhelming in comparison, since I did Rin's story first. Though she's adorable in her own right. Also, I have a habit of reading her in Fluttershy's voice. >.>

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:05 am
by Merlyn_LeRoy
lostgryphon wrote:Oh, something confusing here though... I hit "Then Explain" and still wound up with the good dandelion ending. I tried the other two options really quickly after finishing the path and found that each ended in a conclusion.
It's possible Rin's path uses more of a plus/minus point system, and you get the good ending if your score is high enough, so you got the good ending by having a high score going into the last branch, even though your last choice reduced your score.

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:22 am
by Nightydreams
I'm not sure about you guys but...

I part of why I enjoyed Rin's ending was Nomiya's felshing out as a character,

at first he seems to doting art teacher who is over zealous in his efforts, but slowly you realise there is a darker reason for this, though it is never elaborated it is hinted storngly and more than once you can feel that Nomiya seems to be living through Rin.

This is most promintly featured during the scene where Nomiya shouts at Rin for throwing her chance away at the art gallery, his comments on when an artist cannot paint any more and "watch the shadow of a chair grow across a room" seems to bespeak of his own deep experiance and would explain his moving away from the painting aspect of the art scene.

this fleshing out of Nomiya also gives insight into Rin as time goes on, how Nomiya does not understand Rin either but does nto care where as Hisao does not understand and this causes him great discomfort. signalling perhaps that While Nomiya is no mroe helpful than Hisao in much of the path what Hisao does could not possibly be thought of as worse than what Nomiya does.

This does not cause me to Hate or dislike Nomiya as much as I pity and relate to him. As a parent might try to fix his mistakes and live through his child Nomiya does so too, partly of his own hatred of himself but mostly because he to genuinly cares for Rin and her well being and does not wish her to fall into the pit he did.

this kind of strong side character who while not appearing much but somehow becoming so much mroe central to the story than a simple event starter makes me enjoy Rin's path all the more.

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:40 am
by Merlyn_LeRoy
Nightydreams wrote:part of why I enjoyed Rin's ending was Nomiya's felshing out as a character,
There are two ways to resolve that typo; one requires brain bleach.

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:41 pm
by Mirage_GSM
I'm glad I seem to be innocent enough not to see the second one then...
Regarding the missing scene, there is a flowchart for Rin's path...

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 1:19 pm
by DaMan65
LordQ wrote: It was touching. The last CG really moved me... And it was an amazing read to see Rin actually reacting.
I must agree with you. Rin's good end really struck a cord with me emotionally as well as the nature of the relationship Rin and Hiaso end up sharing.

The final CG... I found myself staring for a while before I could move on.

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:42 pm
by Yuno
Did anyone else notice this?


Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:49 pm
by Krikt
I finished playing through all paths today and for some reason my mind still keeps coming back to Rin. I think it's because that the future she shares with Hisao is so uncertain.
Maybe their will to work through their problems makes it the sweetest?

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:55 pm
by ihatepeace22
My favourite part of her path was that even though they flat-out admitted they would never understand each other, in the good end they come to peace with that and achieve happiness anyways.

This entire game is fantastic.

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:37 pm
by Guest
sporkaganza wrote:
ZodiacBeast wrote:I'm missing a scence between BADAAN! and The Edge of the World. Would somebody please tell me how to reach it?
It's a really ambiguous set of choices leading up to the end of Act 2, but I think the ones that you have to make to get that scene are "It feels refreshing" and "I should be more like Rin". It's strange that you'd ask that question, because most people get that scene easily and have a lot more trouble getting BADAAN! instead.
I also couldn't get that scene between BADAAN! and The Edge of the World. Thanks for the advice.