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Re: First H-scene will be in what act

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:44 am
by G3n0c1de
Caesius wrote: Maybe if there was some sort of Victorian-era rule about how girls can't enter the boys' dorms and vice-versa, but seeing as how Shizu and Misha went to Hisao in his dorm I don't think it's an issue.
It's possible that there's a curfew for students to not be in the opposite-sex's dorms past a certain time... though that would have no effect during the day.


Shizune: Student Council Room sex.
Lilly: Tea Room sex.
Rin: Art Class sex.
Emi: Track sex. (Okay... maybe that's a bit out there. Locker room maybe?)
Hanako: Library sex. (Once again, a bit unrealistic. Tea Room, perhaps?)

Misha: Sex during class.

Re: First H-scene will be in what act

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:54 am
by Suriko
10:30 curfew, teachers patrol between dorms afterwards.

Re: First H-scene will be in what act

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:41 am
by Snicket
Suriko wrote:You are mistaken, Catholic schools are filled with lovely pure young maidens.

[school girl Image]

And yes, Lilly comes from a private girls school.
:shock: why does that remind me of School Days?


My knowledge of Private school and religious school is fairly limited. So i really can't say what they frown upon regarding student relations.

What i got from the demo is that they encourage students to mingle with one another. (thus all the clubs, activities, events, and what not) Which may not be intended to encourage student relations, but wouldn't be considered an issue unless its effecting there school work and the others around them. (Doing lewd acts in the main school building)

Then again, this is just mere speculation. Like i said, my knowledge of non public schools is fairly limited.

Re: First H-scene will be in what act

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:17 am
by Deimos
Snicket wrote: What i got from the demo is that they encourage students to mingle with one another. (thus all the clubs, activities, events, and what not) Which may not be intended to encourage student relations, but wouldn't be considered an issue unless its effecting there school work and the others around them. (Doing lewd acts in the main school building)
You seem to forget that the parents are a main factor in this. They pay the school in order to get an educated, well-mannered child and to have it and its disability under "constant" supervision. Most parents who sent their children to boarding schools are also quite conservative and it is doubtful if they would like their child wasting their money while goofing off with its sexual experiences.
They would most certainly threaten the staff to take their offspring from this school and that would mean no money for the teachers, nurses et cetera and thus no jobs for them. So it is vital for them to keep the students from doing such stuff (or at least makethe students clever enough not to get caught).

Re: First H-scene will be in what act

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:54 am
by Snicket
Granted there are some parents like that. (a lot actually) that wish for their child to under the watchful eye of the school. Though it can't be expected that their child goes to class and no anything else. (If they wanted that, they'd home school them with an iron fist) School isn't just about building an education, its almost about creating social skills. (at least that what i was told)

Now i'm getting off topic a bit. My point it that unless the child is doing something; immoral, unjustified, or illegal. I can't see the school taking any major steps to change that. Hell attendance or class participation dosen't seem to be something they worry about.

Re: First H-scene will be in what act

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 10:21 am
by Deimos
Snicket wrote: School isn't just about building an education, its almost about creating social skills. (at least that what i was told)
You are right, school is inevitably imortant for character growth. Sadly, it's just easier for some peole to evaluate their children via their scores than via their personality.
Snicket wrote:My point it that unless the child is doing something; immoral, unjustified, or illegal. I can't see the school taking any major steps to change that.
If the school has restrictive regulations about the conduct of sexual activities of their charges then the school has every right to punish these students. It's another point of character growth: Realising that life is unfair. :roll:
Snicket wrote:Hell attendance or class participation dosen't seem to be something they worry about.
Yeah, letting the kid, who could die from a heart attack, while being chased by an aggressive dog or simply physically taxing himself, wander through town sounds extremely careless to me. Good point!

Re: First H-scene will be in what act

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:48 pm
by Caesius
Suriko wrote:10:30 curfew, teachers patrol between dorms afterwards.
Teachers patrol? You mean the people who have to get up at 6:00AM to teach? All night long?

Re: First H-scene will be in what act

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 4:05 pm
by Lawls
Caesius wrote:
Suriko wrote:10:30 curfew, teachers patrol between dorms afterwards.
Teachers patrol? You mean the people who have to get up at 6:00AM to teach? All night long?
teachers never sleep they just make more work for you

Re: First H-scene will be in what act

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 4:16 pm
by ZystraL
Lawls wrote:
Caesius wrote:
Suriko wrote:10:30 curfew, teachers patrol between dorms afterwards.
Teachers patrol? You mean the people who have to get up at 6:00AM to teach? All night long?
teachers never sleep they just make more work for you
Wrong. they sleep with their eyes open whilst you do tests. (My science teacher does, anyway.)

Re: First H-scene will be in what act

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 8:00 pm
by Poli-Gluttanous
I'm guessing...

...Hanako will get at least two, one early for a bad end, one late for a good end. The late one will be story-appropriate, feel-good love-making. The early one may be with the best intentions, but will involve you pressuring Hanako out of her comfort zone and will get you a heart attack for your troubles, as well as leaving Hanako an emotionally-devastated, guilt-ridden wreck.

...Shizune's I see happening mid- to late-game, after she's gotten to know you and trust you, and after you've earned that trust by showing your commitment to the student council and by learning (though by that point, probably not perfect) sign. I figure she'll retain her normal confidence and assertiveness, even if her going all meek dere-dere would have a certain appeal. Also, I figure that the sex is the least likely to be a source of relationship conflict with her; it might get brought up in a fight, but neither side really thinks it's the problem.

...Emi's will be late game; even if she does express interest before, her concern for your heart won't allow it unless she's sure it wouldn't kill you. There might be a sex-driven bad end like Hanako's, but you'd have to be damn-well trying for it.

...I see Rin happening the earliest, but still not until mid-game. She'll come to rely on you almost as much as Emi, and you'll be fascinated by her creative ability and...unique manner.* I couldn't for the life of me say why, but I figure if sex is to be a source of drama with any of the girls, it'd be Rin. Again, I don't know why; just a feeling.

...Lilly, I have no idea what stage it'll happen at, but I'm betting the trigger will have something to do with the two of you helping Hanako through a really hard time; you'll show a nature that has a strong tendency towards self-sacrifice for the sake of others' happiness, and that's what'd win her over.

tl;dr Some chump plays oracle.

*I can't get out of my head the image of her saying "Now Hisao, I'm not a hundred percent sure on this, but I think I've fallen in love with you." Probably with the same deadpan expression and just a hint of blush at the cheeks.

Re: First H-scene will be in what act

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 4:11 am
by EternalLurker
Oh god, what has caused this flood of people necroposting the fuck out of everything? It started before Act 1 v2, so I don't get it.

Re: First H-scene will be in what act

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 6:17 am
by Poli-Gluttanous
EternalLurker wrote:Oh god, what has caused this flood of people necroposting the fuck out of everything? It started before Act 1 v2, so I don't get it.
Yeah, in this case it was me forgetting to check the date of the last post; I only noticed after I'd posted it, and I fail at foruming to the extent where I'm not even sure if I can remove posts I've made, much less how I'd go about doing it. In all honesty, though, I hate removing posts more than I hate looking like an idiot for necroposting (hell if I know why, but I do), so I figured I'd keep my mouth further shut and hope the topic faded back into the background.

Look how far that got me.

Edit: Dammit, it's the big, gray [x] button at the top! Only reason it's not on my other posts is because you can only delete your posts if it's the most recent one, Christ's sake I'm bad at this.

Re: First H-scene will be in what act

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 6:20 am
by coldacid
EternalLurker wrote:Oh god, what has caused this flood of people necroposting the fuck out of everything? It started before Act 1 v2, so I don't get it.
Better necroposting than starting the whole issue over again from scratch with a new thread, though...

Re: First H-scene will be in what act

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 6:47 am
by TheHivemind
EternalLurker wrote:Oh god, what has caused this flood of people necroposting the fuck out of everything? It started before Act 1 v2, so I don't get it.
Dude, chill out.

Re: First H-scene will be in what act

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 11:51 am
by HeMeido
H-scenes are always relevant.