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Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:04 pm
by Munchenhausen
Nothing wrong with what you said, Zarys, I just love how blatant you were with it :P
You and d2r are right, it's quite a valid point rarely considered.

A lot of people seem to assume that because they self-insert themself into a fanfic they become irresistable in their waifu's eyes. Who knows, Hanako might think your disability (assuming your OC goes Yamaku too) is too much for even her, she may have feelings for someone else... hell, she may even think you're just an ugly fucker (but that being said, when you're more disfigured than Mah Buddy Keith you can't be too choosy).

I like to see how many self-insert fanfics I can find where the OC is transferred from America or the UK to Japan for no real reason, and then reimagine these romances with an appalling language barrier :P

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:06 pm
by Broomhead
d2r wrote: Hate to burst everyone's bubble here, but that's also known as manipulation, and doing it would make you an awful person.
So it's manipulation to find out someone's birthday via their friends? Or being warned not to touch certain subjects around her by them? That, my friend, although a form of manipulation, is called being socially adept. Blackmailing her is the closest assumption I can think of that you would come up with based on what I said, but you know I have a white knighting complex (as do a lot of people here, I'd imagine).

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:07 pm
by Oscar Wildecat
From a few pages back, on polyamory:
dewelar wrote:I'm not a big fan of such things myself, but if any three-way relationship in the KS-verse has a chance at working, it's more likely to be Emi x Rin x Hisao than either of the other two triads.
I can see it now:

"Hisao," Rin asks, "what's the word for when the boy gets the girl and her best friend too?"
"Completely awesome?" Hisao responds.
"More like, 'in your dreams,' you pervs," Emi adds.

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:15 pm
by Oddball
I like to see how many self-insert fanfics I can find where the OC is transferred from America or the UK to Japan for no real reason, and then reimagine these romances with an appalling language barrier
I've never got that.

The closest school that will be able to take care of you is six thousand miles away, oh, and I hope you can fluently speak and write in Japanese and are familiar with the culture.

I haven't looked it up, but I'm willing to bet that there are in fact schools for the disabled in the United States that don't require you to learn a new language.

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:29 pm
by dewelar
Oscar Wildecat wrote:From a few pages back, on polyamory:
dewelar wrote:I'm not a big fan of such things myself, but if any three-way relationship in the KS-verse has a chance at working, it's more likely to be Emi x Rin x Hisao than either of the other two triads.
I can see it now:

"Hisao," Rin asks, "what's the word for when the boy gets the girl and her best friend too?"
"Completely awesome?" Hisao responds.
"More like, 'in your dreams,' you pervs," Emi adds.
That is definitely a conversation I could see happening :) .

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:30 pm
by forgetmenot
Oddball wrote:
I like to see how many self-insert fanfics I can find where the OC is transferred from America or the UK to Japan for no real reason, and then reimagine these romances with an appalling language barrier
I've never got that.

The closest school that will be able to take care of you is six thousand miles away, oh, and I hope you can fluently speak and write in Japanese and are familiar with the culture.

I haven't looked it up, but I'm willing to bet that there are in fact schools for the disabled in the United States that don't require you to learn a new language.
Based on a cursory googling, it seems like most publicly-run schools for the disabled in the US focus more on mental handicaps than physical ones. Public buildings are held to a set of standards published by the American Disabilities Association, so many students with only physical ailments are able to attend public schools without much problem. We had a paraplegic boy in our graduating class, and he was able to get around the school with minimal difficulty. There are a few privately-run schools that I found, but most if not all of those seem to be religiously affiliated, which may or may not be a concern for parents.

It makes me kind of doubt that there'd be more than a handful of places in the US that could be considered close to Yamaku in mission and function.

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:55 pm
by Zarys
Well, you knows that disabilities aren't why the girls are loved, right ?

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 4:00 pm
by d2r
Broomhead wrote:So it's manipulation to find out someone's birthday via their friends? Or being warned not to touch certain subjects around her by them? That, my friend, although a form of manipulation, is called being socially adept. Blackmailing her is the closest assumption I can think of that you would come up with based on what I said, but you know I have a white knighting complex (as do a lot of people here, I'd imagine).
It seemed to me like you were hinting at using some kind of mystic foreknowledge of a person (as would be available to you if you were hypothetically inserted into the world of a story) to know what psychological levers to pull to make them (or attempt to make them) fall in love with you: "a couple of key things to make them fall over the edge", as you put it. However, using your foreknowledge in that way would be morally dubious. For example, look at the scene in Groundhog Day where Phil uses trial-and-error (via the time loop) to figure out the exact right things to say to make a woman in the town sleep with him. We're meant to think he's an asshole for doing it. It's akin to how if I were to, say, surrepitously read someone's email to figure out something they wanted and then bought it for them, I would be condemned - rightly - as a creep. It was that sort of behaviour I interpreted your comment as entailing, and that sort of behaviour which is fundamentally manipulative.

By the way, I just wanted to mention quickly that this isn't intended as a personal attack - I'm not accusing you of anything, and if I gave that impression I sincerely apologize. It's more a reflection on the hypothetical morality of that sort of behaviour, and it's more of an academic point than anything since it's not like anyone here is actually gonna go through the old "sucked into the story" chestnut we see in low-quality fanfic. :P

Of course, if anyone on the forums actually does get sucked into the story and subsequently escapes to tell the tale, you have the right to make me eat my words. :wink:

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 4:13 pm
by LordMarluxia
Zarys wrote:
TK8305 wrote:I want to snuggle with Hanako! She could choose what we read too. I'd love to spend a whole day with her doing that. Squee! xD
Even if Hanako was real, why she would love you and not me ?

How come nobody thought of this before? Hey, I'm well enough to even joke about shit like this. WTF!?
If you guys had been this "jackassholeish" to me when I came here for the first time a week ago I would've kill myself the next day. (jk)
Zarys wrote:Well, you knows that disabilities aren't why the girls are loved, right ?
The amount of people who misunderstands this, is too damn high.
We love them for who they are, not what they have!
I doubt a single one of you has a weird cripple fetish.

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 4:23 pm
by ogorhan

Like someone once said "They are nice girls who happen to have a disability".

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 4:44 pm
by SpunkySix
Munchenhausen wrote:A lot of people seem to assume that because they self-insert themself into a fanfic they become irresistable in their waifu's eyes
I'd love to read one where reality ensues and they end up completely ignored by the girl, maybe even outright disliked. I feel like that would happen more than we want to admit sometimes...

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 4:46 pm
by d2r
SpunkySix wrote:
Munchenhausen wrote:A lot of people seem to assume that because they self-insert themself into a fanfic they become irresistable in their waifu's eyes
I'd love to read one where reality ensues and they end up completely ignored by the girl, maybe even outright disliked. I feel like that would happen more than we want to admit sometimes...
Agreed. I'd also personally love to see (and this is not a request) one where reality ensues in that the person doesn't even speak Japanese, and eventually they get picked up by the police and deported for being a strange, unidentified dude hanging around a high school staring at the girls. :lol:

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 5:09 pm
by Atario
d2r wrote:if I were to, say, surrepitously read someone's email to figure out something they wanted and then bought it for them, I would be condemned - rightly - as a creep
As is the case with everything like this, the difference between it being creepy and romantic is whether it ends up working. Many husbands have used this as a standard practice.
d2r wrote:the person doesn't even speak Japanese, and eventually they get picked up by the police and deported for being a strange, unidentified dude hanging around a high school staring at the girls. :lol:
Shortest fanfic ever. "I approached the school that Tuesday morning feeling confident. After speaking to a few people and trying to be sociable, however, I started noticing strange looks and whispers. Pretty soon, some cops showed up and hauled me away. I never saw any of the students again. ☙fin❧"

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 5:13 pm
by Forever_ambivalent
I always thought self insert fan fiction was almost always self-indulgent masterbation material.
But I have almost no experience with fan fiction...

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 5:17 pm
by bhtooefr
The concept of a school for the physically disabled (other than blind or deaf schools) isn't really a thing in the US at all.

Most physical disabilities outside of blindness and deafness, you'd go to a normal school.

Now, learning disabilities and behavioral handicaps... some school districts will put you in "special" classes in a normal school. Other school districts will send you to another school. In my area, there's a county-run public school that's essentially prison prep, and a private school that contracts with the school districts for the kids that are found to have a chance of succeeding. I went to (an earlier incarnation of) that private school. (Before then, my school district tried sending me to another district's public special school, and before that, they sent me to the county-run public preschool in 1st grade.) There were a few kids with physical disabilities there, but they all had some sort of learning or behavioral disability as well. (And, the building was so not handicap accessible, so...)

Also, it depends on how you do a self-insert. Every time I write Hanako, the skeleton of her personality begins as a self-insert. However, I flesh that out with details about her unique characteristics. Also, more blatant self-inserts are quite fine as background characters. Just consider the damn setting and why they're there, and change the character as needed to fit the setting.