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Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 3:12 pm
by Atario
Munchenhausen wrote:Rin a shit.
Can someone clue me in where this "_____ a shit" thing comes from? I keep seeing it…

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 3:16 pm
by Silentcook
1298225197914.jpg (20.44 KiB) Viewed 4641 times
Didn't think I'd have to pull THIS one out over this, but... no roleplay, peeps. :|

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 3:43 pm
by LordMarluxia
Well, all this is incredibility amusing. "Waifu War never changes" I chuckled a little on this one.
I may partake in it, when I'm in top form! Then, I'll write history :D

And now...

Life After Hanako, Day 2

Woke up as usual. Feeling slightly more depressed than yesterday. Went to work and all that.
Couldn't focus on anything. Managed to do all the stuff I needed to do. Co-workers noticed something as wrong. And I couldn't explain, that's for sure.
A few hours later I was feeling a little bit better. Then I had the lovely idea of listening to the soundtrack while I was sorting merchandise.

You see, I skip the tracks until Frapperies. Everything was all and good, and then... Raindrops and Puddles starts playing.
I felt like I was being shot. I felt my heart being squeezed and my eyes started to water (good thing I was alone).
Crap... now half the soundtrack can stop me dead on my tracks.

I finally figured out why Hanako's route is affecting me much more than Emi's. It's because... when I started my second route and I saw Emi for the first time (again), I was shocked and felt depressed, but seeing her all bubbly and happy, cheery and looking forward to her runs and lunches on the rooftops with Rin, made me feel that, even though I won't be there for her now, she can still be happy. That calmed me down and gave me enough strength to go on.
Hanako on the other hand, will be miserable for the rest of her life. Sure, she has Lilly, but Lilly isn't enough I think. I started my third run, just to heal faster (as the first part of the game is relatively calm) thinking nothing would happen to make even sadder. Stupid mistake, as I forgot that Hanako's first appearance is very early, in the classroom. As soon as I saw that figure in the back of the room, looking extremely shy, out of place and sad, I felt my eyes watering again and had to turn the game off immediately.

Actually, now that I think about. I should be writing most of this on my lonely journal. It help when I suffering from panic attacks every other day.
Did anyone did that?

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:07 pm
by Zarys
It reassures me that I'm not the one to take it to heart.
Me, I was strangely attached to Hanako, to the point that I had a realization but I don't know how to say it without seems ridiculous or even horrible...(or perhaps mad ?)

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:22 pm
by LordMarluxia
Zarys wrote:It reassures me that I'm not the one to take it to heart.
Me, I was strangely attached to Hanako, to the point that I had a realization but I don't know how to say it without seems ridiculous or even horrible...(or perhaps mad ?)
What? Are you serious?
I have been here one day and I have ever said are ridiculous things.
Ridiculous, but truthful things. Bloody hell, that makes me even more uncomfortable.

But, yes. I feel the same, for some reason, strangely attached to Hanako...

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:42 pm
by Zarys
LordMarluxia wrote:
Zarys wrote:It reassures me that I'm not the one to take it to heart.
Me, I was strangely attached to Hanako, to the point that I had a realization but I don't know how to say it without seems ridiculous or even horrible...(or perhaps mad ?)
What? Are you serious?
I have been here one day and I have ever said are ridiculous things.
Ridiculous, but truthful things. Bloody hell, that makes me even more uncomfortable.

But, yes. I feel the same, for some reason, strangely attached to Hanako...
Don't be afraid, I was talking about me, not you, not be comfortable for a few days because a touching story is not ridiculous, :P (It's just more difficult to explain than a common movie for example) it is a reasonable reaction.

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 6:00 pm
by LordMarluxia
Zarys wrote:
LordMarluxia wrote:
Zarys wrote:It reassures me that I'm not the one to take it to heart.
Me, I was strangely attached to Hanako, to the point that I had a realization but I don't know how to say it without seems ridiculous or even horrible...(or perhaps mad ?)
What? Are you serious?
I have been here one day and I have ever said are ridiculous things.
Ridiculous, but truthful things. Bloody hell, that makes me even more uncomfortable.

But, yes. I feel the same, for some reason, strangely attached to Hanako...
Don't be afraid, I was talking about me, not you, not be comfortable for a few days because a touching story is not ridiculous, :P (It's just more difficult to explain than a common movie for example) it is a reasonable reaction.
Oh I got it. I just expressed myself really bad.
This breakdown is taking its toll on my ability to write as well. That's horrifying.

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 3:32 am
by Broomhead
*sniffle* Okay, i'm probably going to have to take a break before I play Rin's route. Colour me yellow and declare me a Unicorn at heart, but I'm converting from Hanabro to (checks terms) Lilith, Lilitante, Lilly lover okay, a Lilitante. :) Perhaps it's the high from finishing the story, but Lilly's story took me through more introspection than Hanako's and made me happier than Emi's. (Although I think I cried a tear in the hospital, I thought that after the airport scene it was all just a escalator to heaven.)

For a full review:

Lilly's route is very well written, and the emotional arcs are very well done, even to the point of making me doubt that I was feeling sympathy for Hisao, and realizing I was feeling the actual emotion along with him for the same reasons.

I think part of the reason that Emi's route didn't grab me nearly as much is because it kinda flat-out stated that you fell in love with her rather than describing it. Great route overall though. I'd also point out I'm not the best judge of Emi's route either, seeing as how I view death in the greater scheme of things (Bushido, Pagan, etc.) so the death of her father, while understandably emotionally traumatizing, wasn't as hooking as Lilly or Hanako's route. That, and it happened in the middle of act 4 so it was a bit too late to hook me into the story since I was already most of the way through with it. Furthermore, the plot twist was fairly obvious to me. I know quite a few people similar to her, and it wouldn't stop them running if it wasn't for a similar circumstance to hers. Before I get beaten into the ground: She was a nice girl and it was heartwarming the whole way through (aside from the scenes that were deliberately sad), I even smiled for basically the whole playthrough, aside from the aforementioned scenes.

Now that I've pissed off the first majority, time to piss off the second. Hanako's route spoke to me in several ways, although towards the end it was heavier and more personal. I have a horrible white-knighting complex (I almost decked a guy over damaging school property, but tensions were high even before that between us, but the point remains.) even to the point of one of my more nerdier acquaintances calling me "The Inevitable" due to my actions surrounding a particular case at our school. (I got cold as ice and hunted them down until I could properly punish them socially or via teacher, whichever worked better. Via teacher was more common in better schools.) So I naturally tried to help her on my first time around, although I was more interested in Lily romantically than Hanako, I went through because I felt like it would be a good experience for someone like me. (God I was wrong.) I did really like her romantically, but the starting point changed it. Perhaps I've read a similar story somewhere. Someone gets bodyguard, bodyguard and person fall in love, bodyguard denies it out of sense of duty, then royal sh*t happens and they're married. Or perhaps I haven't it's a bit of a stretch even for me. Anyways, the writing was good, the traction was even better, and I wanted to like her, but it felt false because I started trying to protect her, and I know how a failed love can hurt someone. Now, I enjoyed the route a lot, and felt that I became very introspective for a reason afterwards, realizing who I was inside: a lonely little introvert hoping to meet some people without worrying about who they are and what they think of him. Of course, I've heard people talk poorly of relating to Hanako, so i won't go any further, but she is definitely my #2, and I don't think Rin will take that place.

Now onto Lilly's route. I was hooked right away since I had already played Hanako's route, making me aware of Lilly's first trip out, so a bit of a spoiler there, but it didn't affect me all that much in terms of enjoyment, just set up my understanding of Lilly's character a little bit better. (I also played Shizune's route, so I know about the family feud, but I'm not gracing her with an essay here.) Immediately I got sucked in because I am similar to Lily on the outside (not blind just putting up a front and being helpful to others etc.) and then got further dragged down by the scenes at the vacation house and how she reacted in Scotland during her trip. So I sat through two meals (and thought of her during a training event) playing the game to finish her route (fast reader, had to take break for a social visit. Trine 2 is awesome.) I also started to relate to her internally, on the level of her respect for her family, desire to help people and prevent harm to them, and the thought that I needed to put my energy into others rather than myself, often leaving me with hard situations with my friends (going away on medical and/or family reasons because I didn't talk about it, etc.) to explain, etc. So of course, the next section is going to be all spoilers, so it'll be a bit dark from here on out. During the end, I interpreted her interactions with Hisao and Hanako as trying to hide that she felt obligated by family binds to cut them off, even if it was against her gut. I've actually thought on similar subjects before, and I think my family may win in an event like that (although at that point Hisao and Hanako would be considered my "family" as well, so eh.) Either way, when you're sitting in the hospital and looking up at that light and hearing your parents coming in, I was on the edge of tears.{Actually shed one or two. I'd like to think my tear glands were damaged in a rather freak accident in middle school (involving a toy helicopter and an improvised eyepatch + ice pack for two days.} I was 50% sure Hisao was actually dead, and the other half was being stupid and screaming he would kill himself after the hospital let him out of sight. So when i heard the faint melody of the music box, I lit up like a Christmas celebration after placing it. (It too a couple of seconds of just listening) I was practically shocked into disbelief that Lilly had come back, and was sure Hisao was dead. So of course, I laughed and shivered a bit. Then the epilogue made my teary-eyed with joy. (that makes three times in my life btw. Kinda depressing to think about actually. Power to the writers) And that's why Lilly is my favorite in both route and personality. (I like Shizune's writer, not Shizune herself, so it's an important distinction to make for me.)

Now that that blurb has been done, time for disclaimers!

I used the word romantically once or twice, I meant in a attraction way. I'm not running off to Japan to get married, i was just greatly emotionally effected.

I mentioned that I accept Bushido, which puts off some people. I'll explain my understanding of it, as the term may change for scholars on the matter and those who use the words for their own purposes (me). I accept that there are fates worse than death, and if need be, I will willingly take myself to the grave if the situation calls for it. If I am ever giving a chance to Kill two others in exchange for my life, unless the two are people that deserve to die (deathrow criminals that got loose, murderers, rapists, etc.) I will always choose to die.

:idea: I also realized I could call myself a "Lilliput."

I realized I may get either flak or reassurances for the subject, and am fine with either. Just thought this was the most appropriate place to post it, rather than HBHC since this is in-game, and Random KS discussion just didn't seem like the place to put it.

I'm all better now, the sniffle at the beginning was due to happiness, and I'm also far too stoic to break on forums without having sufficient reason.

  • 1: Switched from Hanabro to Lillput/Lillith/Lilly Lover/Lillitante
    2: Offended Hanabros and Emibros (In a rather nice and endearing fashion!)
    3: Made a reference to Scotland/Alba's national animal.
    4: Made a general fool of myself on public forums by being very open and expanded. Please don't kill me. *Eep* :oops:

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 3:56 am
by Potato
Broomhead wrote:if need be, I will willingly take myself to the grave if the situation calls for it. If I am ever giving a chance to Kill two others in exchange for my life, unless the two are people that deserve to die (deathrow criminals that got loose, murderers, rapists, etc.) I will always choose to die.
Honestly, I'd love to see how you handle it if you ever actually had to own up to all this wannabe samurai stuff. "I will always choose to die" is a really easy viewpoint to hold when you never actually are ever in a scenario that puts it to the test, I'd wager... :roll: You sound like these people who talk about how they should've been born in olden times to be knights and all that, when in reality they'd have been potato farmers with parasites in their bellies who died at 17 surrounded by their own excrement. It's real easy to talk up romanticized ideas when you will literally never have to uphold them...

In short: Good lord, Jigoro, come off it...

Also, rapists don't deserve to die. They deserve to be raped. There's justice, and then there's overkill. Perspective is important. :3

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 4:19 am
by Broomhead
Potato wrote: Honestly, I'd love to see how you handle it if you ever actually had to own up to all this wannabe samurai stuff. "I will always choose to die" is a really easy viewpoint to hold when you never actually are ever in a scenario that puts it to the test, I'd wager... :roll: You sound like a cliched Bruce Willis movie character. Pardon my mockery but good lord, Jigoro, come off it...

Also, rapists don't deserve to die. They deserve to be raped. There's justice, and then there's overkill. Perspective is important.
I'd easily agree with you on the first part. I've never been given a clear binary decision in which Bushido would cause there to be only one correct answer. However, the difference between being able to do it and holding it dear is negligible in this case, since it changes my perception of death in the story, rather than how I act in day to day life (although, If you ever meet me in real life, I could tell you some stories that show why I think I'd be able to handle it. Or you can find them scattered in these forums eventually. If I ever let them out.) And I appreciate the sentiment about the cliche wanna-be samurai, I do tend to embellish on myself a little when the anonymity barrier (A.K.A. the internet) goes up, but I can say that I'm fairly logical and stupid when it comes to stuff like that, in turns. Thinking only of the task at hand, yet with perfect clarity about it's achievement. It's kinda hilarious to see from a distance, as I start walking like I'm in a brawl and growling. That plus using a computer doing cross-examinations on fellow students in my classes and practically interrogating some of their friends made me kinda taboo to certain types until they saw the pieces fall into place. Kids shut up when someone gets silently suspended for something no one told the teacher about. But that new kid was acting strange the day before... :wink:

(Although, now that I think about it, being a knight would be kinda cool, but it'd be in a period I despise, as I'd genetically be a conquistador. If you go back further, I'm probably related to some minor noble, so there's a chance, but the point remains that knighthood was less a character related thing and more circumstance of birth. I could be insane and a king if I was born at the right time.)

The second part, however, may be an old wound we never really healed. The psychological and emotional fissures of being raped would most likely be worse in my mind than death. :| I'm not much for morals when it comes to stuff like that, because, as we know, I'm fairly screwed up, but I'd rather see someone die an innocent man than deal with the shame and effects of being raped for the rest of their lives. (People get over it, I know, but even getting over it changes people.) *See our infinite suffering discussion. Death < Emotional trauma on a massive scale. Multiplication and all that.*

Update: This conversation has since been taken to PM. Apologies for getting off track.

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 6:16 am
by SpunkySix
Know what Broomhead? Not even mad. 8)

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:15 am
by LordMarluxia
I feel ya bro. I do.

I've only done Emi's and Hanako's but Shizune will be next. Then Lili, and finally Rin.
I was told to not do Rin's for the sake of my heart and tear ducts. Not sure what to think.

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:29 am
by Pyramid Head
I had a reaction, that's quite an accomplishment.

But seriously though? It was a pretty big one. I was still watching anime when i first checked out Katawa Shoujo, and kind of aimless in my approach to life. I knew the drama genre could be good thanks to things like Law and order, but i never saw it in even imitation Japanese media. Close i got to Clannad, but to paraphrase myself on it... "While Clannad is kind of interesting, if you want a good drama with good characters who you can become attached to from start to finish, you'll have to eat shit as no such thing exists."

Then the controversy lands on The Escapist, i check it out, and get kind of interested after the demo and downloaded the full version as soon as it was available...

Katawa Shoujo actually really opened my mind. That Hanako arc, i got real damn invested for a change, and while in the long run it did wind up killing my interest in anime, it ironically lead to me discovering my interest in life as a cook because i on a whim decided to make a character for a planned Katawa Shoujo fanfiction (coming any day now!!) a cook, more and more invested into that lifestyle as i studied it, and eventually just took a damn professional cooking course.

Thank you Hanako, your toasty buns and fascinating arc might have created the most horrifying chef Missouri will ever see.

Though yeah, that was roughly my reaction. It woke up a part of my personality that was almost dead in the long run.

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:58 am
by LordMarluxia
Pyramid Head wrote:I had a reaction, that's quite an accomplishment.

But seriously though? It was a pretty big one. I was still watching anime when i first checked out Katawa Shoujo, and kind of aimless in my approach to life. I knew the drama genre could be good thanks to things like Law and order, but i never saw it in even imitation Japanese media. Close i got to Clannad, but to paraphrase myself on it... "While Clannad is kind of interesting, if you want a good drama with good characters who you can become attached to from start to finish, you'll have to eat shit as no such thing exists."

Then the controversy lands on The Escapist, i check it out, and get kind of interested after the demo and downloaded the full version as soon as it was available...

Katawa Shoujo actually really opened my mind. That Hanako arc, i got real damn invested for a change, and while in the long run it did wind up killing my interest in anime, it ironically lead to me discovering my interest in life as a cook because i on a whim decided to make a character for a planned Katawa Shoujo fanfiction (coming any day now!!) a cook, more and more invested into that lifestyle as i studied it, and eventually just took a damn professional cooking course.

Thank you Hanako, your toasty buns and fascinating arc might have created the most horrifying chef Missouri will ever see.

Though yeah, that was roughly my reaction. It woke up a part of my personality that was almost dead in the long run.
Aren't Pyramid Heads mostly dead though?

I can't believe how strong this game affects people. It truly is a work of art.
I'll post "Life After Hanako Day 3" later.

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 11:07 am
by ogorhan
Well you can like both girls no? :lol:

I like Lilly & Hanako's route for different reasons aswell. Lilly's because of the (bit cliché but) excellent love story and Hanako because of the emotional rollercoaster feeling it gave me during it.