Yamaku: The Next Generation (COMPLETE!)


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Chapter 26

Post by guthrum06 »

The next morning my alarm goes off and I'm very happy to see my adorable girlfriend still cuddling with me. She starts to stir.

I kiss her on her forehead and say, "Time to wake up sleepyhead." She sleepily opens her eyes and smiles at me before giving me a soft kiss on the lips that I return.

She smiles wide. "S-so it wasn't a dream, huh?"

I laugh, "Nope. Seems real to me. Do you need me to pinch you?"

"No. That's okay. B-but…another kiss would do." She puts her arms around my neck, and I give her a soft kiss. She sighs happily after.

We begrudgingly get out of bed and go about getting ready for class. As we do, I notice my mom called me several times. She probably desperately wants to know what happened. This happened with Hideki too. Apparently, I am bad at remembering I have a phone when I enter a new relationship with someone. I type out a text to her, "Good news: we're a couple. Late for class, we can talk later."

My mom responds with a million smiley emojis.

As we leave our rooms, Akari asks, "Do you want m-me to push you?"

I smile at her, "Sure."

As she pushes me towards the elevator, I find myself even more frustrated about the wheelchair than usual.

"I'm kind of sad that we can't go into class holding hands. That would be nice. And funny to see reactions."

Akari frowns a little, "You want this to be…p-public?"

Shit. I do, but she might not agree. This kind of relationship is different to some people, like Daisuke says. Maybe she isn't ready for it to be out in the open. I should have thought about that.

"Yeah. It's okay if you're not, though. It doesn't have to be. I just want to be with you, I don't need everyone to know."

We get in the elevator, and she thinks about it for a moment. "I'm a little worried about my parents…" She pauses. "B-but they won't do anything other than be a little w-weird maybe. So, I'm good with it."

I grab her hand, "Okay. Only if you're sure."

She squeezes my hand. "I am. I w-want everyone to know." She giggles.

The elevator opens and we head to class.


As predicted, my wheelchair situation didn't allow us to make a grand entrance as a couple, and we were running late so even Carsten and Ai don't know by lunch.

When we get out to the quad for lunch, I am reminded of how crappy lunch on the grass is when I'm in a wheelchair, and I'm pretty sure Akari can't lift me like Carsten does Ai. But my disappointment with my wheelchair is tempered by the fact that we get to share exciting news with our friends.

When we get there, Carsten and Ai are already out on the grass. Akari stands next to me, and we hold hands. Apparently, Ai doesn't notice though,

"Kayoko, what have I told you about using a wheelchair!? You need to clear it with me firs-" Her eyes drift to me and Akari's hands and she freezes.

Carsten looks a little concerned about his girlfriend's sudden silence. "Babe?"

She waves off Carsten and looks absolutely overjoyed.

"Are…are…are… you two!?"

I nod, "Yes. We're together since last night."

Ai squeals so loud that I think every pair of eyes in the vicinity is now pointed in our direction. This relationship is more public now than we had planned. But it's cute. I guess she really wanted this for Akari since she's known about it for so long. I'm sure she's happy for me too.

Carsten looks surprised, which means Ai kept this a secret from him. Which I must admit, is kind of shocking. "You're together…as a couple?"

Akari says, "Y-yes. She's my girlfriend. And I'm hers."

Carsten raises his eyebrows for a moment but then nods and smiles, "That's really great. I knew you two really cared about each other…more than most friends. So, congratulations!"

Ai says, "That now means our group is two couples. We can double date!"

Akari and I giggle. I say, "That does sound really nice," and Akari nods.


My mom demanded that me and Akari come to her place for dinner tonight. She is very excited about this whole thing. About as excited as me and Akari. I suppose it makes sense. She loves us both and wants us to be happy, and she knows we really love each other. It's a two birds with one stone kind of thing, I guess.

When she comes to pick us up, she has as big of a smile on her face that I can ever remember seeing. She greets us both with big hugs and is very happy to have Akari to help with the wheelchair.

We mostly make small talk on the way down the hill, and it feels like any other day. The only difference so far is the size of her ever-present smile.


Only after dinner does she really broach the elephant in the room.

She says, "It's really great that you two are in love. I'm biased of course…and it's the only romantic love I've ever known…but I think starting out as friends is a great way to go."

I translate for Akari, "She and my dad were best friends before they got together."

Akari smiles at my mom, "Th-that's really nice."

"You know, there is another way that you two are like me and Kayoko's dad."

Akari asks, "What's that?"

My mom smiles, "We met at Yamaku when we ran into each other."

My jaw drops, "...wow. I hadn't even thought of that." I look at Akari and take her hand. "That's…really cute, actually."

Akari looks confused, and we realize she doesn't know the story, so my mom tells it.

Afterwards, Akari giggles and grabs my hand, "R-running into people at Yamaku is a good way to f-find love, I guess."

My mom smiles, "So it would seem. Well girls, it's gotten late. Do you just want to stay here, or should I take you back up?"

Akari and I look at each other. We hadn't really planned on staying because we really wanted to sleep together again. It would be convenient if we could do that here, though.

I say, "You're…really okay with us sleeping together here?"

"Of course. You have many times before, haven't you?"

"Well…yeah, but…"

She shrugs, "You're basically adults. I'm not worried about it." She stops for a moment and winks. "Just try and keep it down, you know?" Akari turns bright red, and from the feeling in my cheeks, I think I'm red too. My mom smirks at what she's done to us.

Surprisingly, Akari pulls herself together before I do, although she is clearly more anxious talking to my mom than she has been in quite some time.

"W-we…wouldn't d-do anything…l-like that here. So, d-don't w-worry."

I nod in agreement.

She giggles. "That's what I figured. Oh, just relax you two. I'm just teasing. Mostly. Anyway, you two sleep well." She winks again.

"Mom! Enough with the…winking and weird…encouragement or whatever it is."

She giggles, "Fine, but it's so easy to tease you two." She gets more serious and comes and hugs each of us before saying. "I'm really very happy for you both. You each got yourselves a really great girl."

I smile, "Thanks, mom."

My mom goes to bed, and we stay up a little longer.

I sigh once she's out of ear shot. "Sorry about that…I should have warned you my mom will probably get sillier with you now that we're together."

"She did that with Hideki?"

"Yeah, apparently making my significant other blush is fun for her."

Akari shrugs and smiles, "That's okay. It's funny, I guess. I'm glad I know her so well. If I had just met her and she did that, it p-probably would have given me a panic attack."

"Yeah. I guess it is nice we already know each other's parents." I have a brief vision of the time Akari's mom verbally tore me a new one in the medical building, and it gives me pause. I look down and wring my hands. "I…hope your mom likes me."

Akari giggles, "She does, actually. She just doesn't show it with hugs and nice words l-like yours."

"Yeah? Well…that's good to know."

Not sure I believe it though.

After that we both get ready for bed. Akari helps me change clothes again, and the sexual tension is once again very present.

After that, we get into bed together. We've slept together in this bed a lot, but tonight we kiss each other goodnight and snuggle much more intimately as we fall asleep, and just like last night, it feels like something we should have been doing all along.

It's been a week since Akari and I became a couple, and it's been great. In some ways our lives haven't changed that much. We still spend all our time together, but now there's this even deeper connection than we used to have. There's a wonderful energy whenever we're together. We sleep together every night too. We're snuggling in bed now, but I have something important that I need to mention. Something I've been dreading bringing up. But I really have to. Hopefully it doesn't bring an end to these blissful snuggles.

"I have chess tomorrow evening."

She nuzzles her forehead into my side, "That's cool, have fun."

"Um…to be clear. It would be chess with Koji. Are you…okay with that? I would understand if you weren't."

She sits up and smiles at me before kissing me. Then she says.

"I think it's fine. I trust you. I know you love me and would never cheat on m-me. And I know you need your chess. I certainly don't want to play." She giggles.

"Okay. Yeah. I'm going to tell him about us, obviously…and the flirty part of our interactions will stop." I sigh, "I think he's still hoping we end up together, though."

Akari puts her arms around my waist and holds me tight with her head against my shoulder. "Yep…too bad for him, huh?"

I laugh, "You're normally a very empathetic person. Not in this case, huh?"

She shrugs, "I f-feel a little bad for him, I guess. Just hard to feel right now underneath all the happy."

When I arrive in the usual place at the usual time for chess, Koji looks really concerned. It confuses me for a moment, and then I remember he doesn't know about my wheelchair. Or…my condition at all. Yeah, I guess that would be really concerning. We really don't know a whole lot about each other, come to think of it.

He moves the chair out of the way that I normally sit in, and I thank him and park my wheelchair in the now-vacant spot. He sits down across from me and asks, "What happened?"

"I hurt my leg. I have joints that dislocate really easily, so I'll be in this for a little bit. Don't go easy on me, though."

He laughs, "If I did, you'd just beat me even faster."

We get the board set up and play a game.

"Wow, you really challenged me that time. There were a couple spots where I thought you had me."

Koji is beaming with pride.

"That's a big smile for someone who still lost."

He scoffs at me, "Hey, I am happy with my progress. Turns out you're pretty cute when you're challenged too."

I sigh, "I need to tell you something."

"Did you just go easy on me?"

I laugh, "No. This is about me and…relationships."

He brightens up.

I should NOT have worded it that way. Why didn't I think this out better ahead of time? Now he probably thinks I'm about to tell him we can be together or something. Better get to the point.

"I'm not single anymore."

He deflates, "Oh. That's…cool..."

"I'm really sorry. I know…I told you I would consider your confession when I was ready, and I feel terrible about that."

He shrugs and still looks very dejected.

"It didn't happen by design. I wasn't hanging out with a bunch of other potential romantic partners or anything. I…fell in love with my best friend…it snuck up on me the day I got hurt. And then it turned out she felt the same so…we're together now. I would still really like to be friends and play chess with you. I think it would be cool if you hung out with me and my friends too. But I get it…if you'd rather not."

He smiles softly, "I am a little disappointed. I had this tiny hope we might end up together. But if you found love, who am I to argue with that? I am happy to be your friend."

I exhale and smile, "That makes me really happy. Thank you for taking this so well."

He laughs wryly, "Well, I am used to losing when it comes to you."

I giggle, very happy he's already joking about this. "I know you usually work at lunch, but if you're ever free you should have lunch with me and my friends on the main quad. I think you'd get along with all of them."

He nods, "Yeah. I don't really work in the library at lunch, it's just where I like to go. It's kind of my safe space. But I'll definitely come to lunch." He shifts in his seat a little. "I…haven't made a lot of friends here. I guess you probably know that by now. So…thanks for being one to me."

"Yep. I'm happy to do it. Although if you keep getting better at chess and start beating me, I don't think we can be friends anymore."

It's the next day at lunch. I'm still stuck in a wheelchair, but Akari has found a nice way to sit next to me despite that. She is sitting on some textbooks she stacked on the ground, it gives her enough height that she can lean against the side, and we can hold hands without it being too awkward of a position for her.

I see Koji and his distinctive hoody heading our way. I'm glad he's coming.

I tell everyone about him, and when he arrives, I say, "Hey everyone, this is my friend Koji. You would probably recognize him if any of you heathens ever went to the library."

This does an effective job as an icebreaker as everyone laughs before introducing themselves. After that he seems a little torn about where to sit. He looks like he wants to sit next to me, but isn't sure if that's something he should do. Out of everyone here he only really knows me, so it makes sense he would be most comfortable sitting near me. I think about saying it's fine, especially because Akari seems so relaxed about him, but I probably shouldn't be the one to say it.

Luckily, Akari smiles at him and says, "You c-can sit on her other side, K-Koji. I'm n-not the crazy jealous type, p-promise." I squeeze her hand and smile at her. He's a stranger to her, and one that probably still has some feelings for me. She's clearly a little bit anxious about his presence, but she was still able to talk to him and be welcoming.

He gives her a thankful nod and sits down before getting out his lunch.

He probably feels like a fifth wheel like I used to. We need to make sure we aren't shutting him out.

Again, Akari seems to read my mind when she says, "S-so, when do you think you'll beat her at chess? I'm t-tired of her always coming b-back and bragging. You n-need to knock her down a peg."

Koji laughs, and I say, "Hey! I don't brag."

Ai rolls her eyes, "I've even heard you brag about it." Carsten nods.

Koji laughs and says, "Well…I'm glad I'm helping her self-esteem, I guess. I think I might beat her…once before I graduate. I guess we'll see."

Akari laughs, "I b-believe in you!"

I cross my arms and pout. "You all just made it sound like all I talk about is beating Koji at chess. Makes me sound like a great person. Thanks for that."

Ai giggles, "What was that Kayoko? I tuned out when I heard you say something about beating Koji at chess. It is all you talk about, after all."

I stick my tongue out at her.

Well, they are making him feel included. That's good, even if it's at my expense.

Akari and I are going on our first date tonight. We would have gone sooner than two and a half weeks into our relationship, but I only just graduated from wheelchair to cane, and our options were limited before that happened. Staying in and cuddling was nice anyway.

We're not doing anything too fancy. Just going to the Shanghai. And my mom is chauffeuring us, which is a little dorky. But we needed transportation, and my mom is very excited about our first date. Maybe more excited than we are. I just hope she can keep her lewd comments to herself.

I'm getting ready in my room. It is sort of funny to think that my girlfriend is doing the exact same thing just across the hall. I'm wearing the hair clip she got me, which I do almost every day anyway. But I'm putting it in the low ponytail, which I know is her favorite.

We have taken things really slow in most ways. I guess most new couples don't sleep together every night like we do. But in terms of what we've done physically we haven't done more than kiss and our tongues have never even been involved. I'm hoping that can change tonight. I know we need to move slowly. We're best friends and neither of us has been with another girl, so that adds a complicated dimension. But I'm definitely ready to kiss her more deeply. That much I know.

Last time I went on a date, and I wanted to make something happen with what I wore, it worked out pretty well. So hopefully the same is true tonight. I had my mom bring me an outfit that Akari's never seen me in, so this would feel extra special. I'm wearing a pink tulip skirt with a white camisole blouse. The skirt stops just above my knee, and the camisole leaves my shoulders exposed and shows just a hint of cleavage. Now that we're together, I've caught Akari staring at my chest several times, so I think that will work well with her. Overall, it's a very summery outfit that I really think she'll like. I even went with pink for her. I wish my knee didn't still have an ugly bruise on it, and my ugly cane doesn't exactly go with my outfit. But whatever. She won't care about that.

My mom is going to pick us up in about five minutes. I go to knock on Akari's door and get a "J-just a minute!" in response. After about a minute she opens the door and comes out and when I see her, I am speechless for a moment. She's also wearing something I've never seen her in before and she looks beautiful. She's wearing a pink and white off the shoulder sun dress that really draws my eyes to her neck and collarbone, features of hers I didn't realize I was immensely attracted to until this moment. She's wearing the headband I got her to top it all off. When I break out of my daze she giggles, "You like it, huh?"

"Yeah. A lot. You look…wow."

She pulls me down for a kiss. "You l-look amazing too."

"Thanks, shall we?" I offer her my arm and she loops hers around mine.

When we get down to the gate my mom is waiting. She's already got the back door of the car open. She's standing next to the door gesturing for us to get in.

I laugh, "Wow…you're taking this chauffeur thing seriously, huh? I'm surprised you don't have a special hat or something."

She laughs, "You two look beautiful. I'm happy to help."

Akari gets in first when she realizes I won't really be able to scoot in all the way with my knee right now. Then I get in and we sit close and hold hands. When my mom gets in, she is all smiles. I can't help but smile at how happy she is about us. It's the happiest I've seen her in a very long time. I'm mostly happy about that, but there's definitely a bittersweet element to it, because that means she hasn't been really happy in a while.

When we get down to the Shanghai, she insists on getting out of the car and opening the door for us. She's over the top, but I guess it's nice. She gives me a hand to help me out before doing the same for Akari.

"Let me know when you're ready to be picked up and I'll be here in a flash. I am known for my speed, you know."

We thank my mom and then hold hands as we walk into the Shanghai. When we go in, we recognize a couple of other Yamaku couples who are here on a date. It's really the only restaurant in town. I bet it always looks like this on Saturdays.

We get seated at our table and sit across from each other. I accidentally nudge her with my foot when we sit down, but then I decide to leave it there, resting it on her calf. It makes her smile. She has such a great smile.

After we place our orders, we start talking.

"Summer vacation is almost here. D-do you and your mom have plans?"

"We will probably go to Sendai for a week at some point, but nothing other than that. What about you?"

"W-well I should probably go home…I haven't since winter."

I smile, "Yeah because you took care of me all spring vacation. You should definitely go, at least for some of it."

"D-do you want to come with me?"

I rub my foot slightly against her calf and smile at her, "Yeah, that would be really nice. I'd like to see your home. You know mine so well."

She wrings her hands together and looks down, "I sh-should t-tell you…I haven't told them about us yet. I w-will! I just haven't yet."

"That's okay. Should probably tell them before we show up holding hands though."

She giggles.

"You said before they might be weird about it…what did you mean?"

"Well…they…my mom especially, is a very rigid person."

I feign surprise, "You don't say?"

"They will be fine with it in every way that m-matters. They aren't against it or a-anything. But I know it will take some time f-for her to adjust. This is…k-kind of out of the b-box for her, I think."

I nod, "Well, adjusting is understandable. We're even adjusting. It's fine as long as she accepts us after she adjusts."

"She w-will. I'm sure of it."

I rub her calf with my foot again. It gets a little reaction out of her every time. It's adorable.

"You could come to Sendai with us too. I mean, I will have to ask my mom, but I can't imagine she'll say no. I know you already met Sho and my grandma, but you could see where my mom grew up and stuff."

She smiles, "That would be n-nice. I'd like to spend most of the b-break together…if we can." She blushes. "Is that clingy?"

I giggle, "I don't think so. If it is, I'm clingy too."

Our food comes and we enjoy it, but we were both really waiting for the strawberry cake which we both devour as if we hadn't also eaten an entire main course.

When it comes time for the bill, we both try to pay.

"H-how are we supposed to do this?"

I laugh, "I think we can alternate. I don't think one of us has to always pay. It's kind of silly that the guy always does anyway, isn't it? You can pay today."

She nods and goes about paying while I text my mom. By the time we leave the Shanghai, my mom is ready with the door open.

In a very formal voice she says, "Good evening ladies, I trust your meal was satisfactory?"

This makes both me and Akari giggle uncontrollably, which makes getting into the car harder, but we manage.

On the drive home my mom looks in her rearview mirror and says, "I don't have one of those privacy screens like a real chauffeur. I bet you both wish I had one right now." She winks at us, and we both turn red.

She's not wrong, but does she have to say it out loud?

When we get back to campus, she opens the door and helps us get out again. I hug my mom, "Thanks chauffeur-mom. You did a good job. I'll give you a five-star review."

Akari giggles and hugs my mom after I do.

"Well ladies…you two have a good night, okay?" She winks at us again.

We both roll our eyes before heading to the dorms.

We're staying in Akari's room tonight. Somehow, I have adjusted to the pink, and I only barely notice it now. Alhough, waking up in there can still be a bit of a shock. I don't really feel like I need caffeine on those mornings.

Once we get back to her room, we sit down on the bed next to each other and hold hands while we softly kiss. After several minutes of this, I feel bold enough to ask about going a little farther today.

I pull away from our kiss and put my hand on her cheek. "Hey…I know we're going slow, and I'm good with that. But I have a suggestion. You can say no of course."

She looks a little nervous, but smiles and says, "What do you w-want to do?"

I smile back at her and says, "Do you…want to make out?"

Akari blushes and smiles wider, "I wanted to do that too but wasn't sure you did yet." She starts to move, but then stops. "Um…c-can I get in your lap, or would that hurt you?"

I smile broadly because I like where this is going. "It won't hurt me."

Akari climbs into my lap. She's straddling me with her legs on either side of my waist. This is one of the advantages of our size difference, I would say. She puts her hands on my cheeks.

"I love you so much Kayoko. You're really beautiful. You look so good always…but I really like this outfit. I've b-been thinking of doing this all n-night. Especially w-with your footsie all dinner."

She holds either side of my face and puts her lips on mine. I put my arms around her, pressing her body more firmly against mine. Her tongue gently enters my mouth and our tongues become intertwined.

After a bit, I break our kiss because I want to tell her something too.

I look her in her eyes and stroke her hair. "I love you too...And I've always thought you were beautiful." She nods bashfully, probably remembering that I had to convince her of that once.

I laugh, "Basically we're a really attractive couple." She giggles before we go back to kissing for quite some time. We get more and more passionate. I can feel her breasts pushed up against mine as we hug each other tighter. It feels good. She's starting to move her hips against me too. I'm really getting turned on. We should probably stop soon if we don't want things to escalate. And I don't think we do just yet. If we do this much longer though, I might forget.

As if reading my mind, Akari pulls away from me and lays down on the bed, I do the same and snuggle up to her. She's a little out of breath and her face and chest are flushed, I'm sure that's true of me too.

"Th-that was…the b-best."

I giggle, "My thoughts exactly."

"I th-thought maybe it would take some work to find that…kind of chemistry because we were friends and hadn't made out with another girl before. But…nope!" She sighs contentedly.

I laugh, "Agreed. It was really easy. Kind of automatic even. And it was amazing."

She laces her fingers with mine and turns a shade redder. "I b-bet the other stuff will be too."

I'm probably redder now too. "Yeah, I think you're right. Near the end there I was starting to think about…that other stuff."

Akari giggles, "Me too. That's why I stopped for now. B-but…I don't think we are too far away from that. Do you?"

I smile, "Nope. But we better stop talking about it tonight. I don't know how much self-control I have about this."

Akari giggles, "Yeah, you're right. Let's take a cold shower."

I laugh, "Together?"

She hits me with a pillow and laughs.

"A metaphorical c-cold shower. Jeez you get your knack for witty lewd jokes from your m-mom."

My FanFics
Learning to Run (Complete) - Emi x Hisao in their 30s
Yamaku: the Next Generation (Complete) - Emi and Hisao's daughter goes to Yamaku.
Oil & Vinegar - Mutou and Nurse buddy one-shot

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Chapter 27

Post by guthrum06 »

Author's Note: Sexual Content

Summer vacation is almost here, which is great. But that also means we have a pile of tests to prepare for before it does. So, we're spending this particular Friday afternoon in the library. My friends and I are all at a big table cramming as much as we can and helping one another with the topics we're best at. Koji is working, but he's studying with us too. He's really become part of our friend group, and that makes me really happy.

Akari and I are the first to reach our limit. So, we say our goodbyes to our friends and we're planning on getting something to eat in the cafeteria.

As we're leaving the library holding hands, we hear a familiar voice call out behind us.

"So…you're dykes, huh? I guess it all makes sense now."

We both freeze in place, unsure of whether we should turn around or just try and escape from this awful human being. Ultimately, Akari decides to turn around and I follow her lead. It's exactly who I thought it would be - Hiroshi.

Must. Not. Punch.

Akari snaps, "Sh-shut up and go away! N-No one wants you h-here."

In a mocking tone he replies, "Wh-what i-if I-I d-don't? A-are y-you g-gonna d-do s-something? Listen to yourself t-t-talk, what's wrong with you?!"

Must. Not. Punch.

"Come on Akari, we don't need to listen to this." Akari hesitates for a moment, but then she turns around and we head to the elevator.

I should probably stop here and keep walking away. Things might escalate if I say something else. But…I just can't help myself.

"Besides, he's just jealous you got what he didn't."

He scoffs, "Who would want you anyway? Obviously, no guy did, or you wouldn't be with a girl. I thought I might get a look at those big tits of yours, but it's not keeping me up at night that I didn't. I've fucked lots of hotter girls since that day."

Must. Not. Punch.

Akari lets go of my hand and whirls around with a look of pure rage on her face. Something I've never seen before. It reminds me a little bit of the time I angered her mother. I didn't know she had that in her.

With clenched fists, she yells, "SH-SHUT UP!"

He takes a step forward and so does Akari. "Don't like me talking about your dyke lover's tits, huh? Don't worry, that's all she has going for her so there's nothing left to talk about." He looks her body up and down and gets a disgusted look on his face. "Of course, you don't even have tits, so you're even worse off. You two have gotta be the ugliest couple in school."

Must. Not. Punch.

If steam was ever going to come out of Akari's ears, now would be the time. Her fists are clenched and her face is a deep red. I need to keep her from making the mistake I did last time.

I put my hand on her shoulder and as calmly as I possibly can I say, "Akari…he's just trying to make us mad. He isn't worth it. We learned that last time."

She exhales and nods as we both turn back around to finally leave his presence.

As we do, he says "See you later, you ugly dykes!" Then we hear a pained grunt and a thud.

We turn around and see Hiroshi lying on his back and clutching his face. His nose is bleeding. Carsten is standing over him.

"Someone needs to teach you to shut your fucking mouth, Hiroshi. I guess it has to be me. Talk about my friends like that again and I'll do a lot worse."

Hiroshi laughs as blood trickles down from his nose and around his mouth. At first, I'm confused by his reaction. But then I see Ms. Hamada standing about 10 meters away. She just came out of the bathroom. I don't know for sure if she saw the punch, but she definitely heard the threat, and it isn't that hard to connect the dots. She walks over to the two boys.

"Mr. Leipziger, you're going to have to come with me. You too, Mr. Yamamoto. You'll need to see the nurse." Carsten has a look of dread on his face. Hiroshi gets up and smiles even bigger. It's a disturbing sight with all the blood trickling out of his nose.

In a pleading voice I say, "Please…just let this go?"

She bows her head slightly and says, "I can't. Even if I did, I'm sure Mr. Yamamoto would report this, and everything would end up the same. I'm sure you two will be expected to tell your side of the story. That's the most you'll be able to do to help your friend."

I nod and then stand by helplessly as Ms. Hamada takes the two of them.

Carsten puts on a brave face and gives us a thumbs up, but underneath it I can see that he's really concerned. Who can blame him? It's the end of the trimester. We have a ton of tests, and he's probably going to get sent home for a while. Away from his girlfriend who means everything to him. And…away from us too. While I wish he hadn't hit Hiroshi, he did it out of love for the two of us and it is heartwarming, in a way.

Akari asks, "W-what's going to happen?"

I sigh, "Remember that story about Saki my mom told us when I punched Hiroshi? It's similar…"

She thinks for a moment, recalling the story. "S-so he'll be s-suspended?"

I nod, "Yeah, probably. We…need to go tell Ai about this, I'm sure she's still in the library."

We go back into the library, and sure enough Ai is dutifully studying. Koji is still there too. Carsten must have gotten up to go to the bathroom and stumbled upon our altercation with Hiroshi, because all his stuff is still here.

I walk up to the table and say, "Hey…Ai. Something… bad just happened."

She looks up from her book with a raised eyebrow, "Um….Okay…just tell me. You're freaking me out."

"Well…Hiroshi was saying some bad stuff to us out in the hall, and Carsten heard it so he punched him so hard he fell down and his nose was bleeding…"

Koji looks up from his book and says, "Shit."

Ai smiles, "Really?! Damn…that's sexy. Where is he now?"

Akari says, "Th-that's the bad part…Ms. Hamada saw. So…she took him."

I add, "There's a very good chance he gets suspended. In fact, I would say it's almost a certainty."

She deflates, "What does that mean, exactly?"

"He'll have to go home for a little while."

She crosses her arms, "That's bullshit. If he punched him, he must have said something really horrible. Carsten doesn't just go around punching people. I don't think he's ever punched someone."

Akari replies, "W-well…he did say horrible things, but…the school will say punching him was crossing a line."

Ai sighs, "Well, this sucks." She slams her book shut. "Can I even see him or anything?"

"I don't know. We can go to my dorm and call my mom. She'll know more."

Akari agrees and we start gathering up Carsten's stuff.

Koji says, "Good luck you guys. Let me know if I can help somehow."

"We will. Thanks Koji."

We set off towards the dorms and remain mostly in silence.

In the elevator Ai suddenly looks very guilty. She says, "Shit. I'm sorry…I really should have asked. Are you two okay? What did he say?"

Akari and I look at each other. I don't think either of us is 'okay.' But we've been so focused on Carsten we haven't had time to think or talk about it.

Akari fidgets with her skirt. "…whatever offensive thing y-you can imagine someone would say about two girls d-dating…he s-said it."

"What an asshole."

The elevator opens and the three of us go to my room. Akri and I sit on the bed and Ai parks herself across from us.

I call my mom.

"Hey sweetie, how are you this evening?"

"Hey mom. You're on speakerphone. I'm with Akari and Ai. We had…an incident."

"Is everyone okay?"

"Well…yeah, mostly. Here's the summary: Hiroshi said awful things to me and Akari about us both being girls. Carsten lost it and punched him in the face and threatened him. Ms. Hamada heard the threat."

"Hiroshi? Again?!"


My mom's voice is trembling with rage, much like last time there was an incident with Hiroshi. "What did he say exactly?!"

"We…can talk about that later. Our immediate concern is what happens to Carsten now. I mean…he probably gets suspended right?"

She sighs, "Yes. Assuming Hiroshi wasn't threatening you two, that's what will happen. There will be a hearing in the morning, I'm sure."

"Hey, Mrs. Nakai, it's Ai, where would he be now?"

"Probably…in his room, with security keeping him there."

Ai scoffs, "Security?!"

"Yes. They want to make sure nothing else happens between the two of them. I'm sorry, Ai. You probably can't see him. You should be able to call him, though."

"Okay…thank you."

"Akari, Kayoko, Don't lie at the hearing tomorrow. That will make things bad for everyone."

"W-we won't lie."

"Good. I'm sure you're all tired and stressed, so I won't ask any more tonight. I'm sorry about this. Love you all."

We all thank her and end the call.

Ai sighs, "I'm going to go call Carsten. I'll let you know if there's anything to report. Thanks, you two…and I'm really sorry you had to deal with this." She hugs us both and then leaves.

With her gone, Akari almost immediately breaks down crying. I start to tear up too. I hug her and stroke her hair. Then we get into bed and hold eachother. We've been together for a month and a half, but this is the first time we've really felt…singled out for both being girls. This is something Daisuke told me about of course, but I guess we had a false sense of security since we hadn't encountered anything like this. After crying for a while Akari says,

"I-is this s-something we h-have to deal with? J-just for loving each other?"

I sniffle and wipe my own tears away. "Sometimes, I think. I wish it weren't." I pause for a moment. "But…I think it's worth it."

She sits up and smiles at me. I wipe away some of her tears and smile back.

"M-me too."

She leans forward and kisses me. I can feel the moisture on her face from her tears. It starts out as a soft little kiss but we gradually get more into it, and before we know it our tongues are involved and our bodies are pressed together. Things are starting to get hot and heavy before Akari pulls away and blushes.

"D-do you maybe wanna t-try some…other stuff?"

I smile at her, "Are you sure? We had a hard day. Tomorrow will be hard too."

"Th-that's…part of why I want to." She puts her hand on my cheek and gazes into my eyes. "I love you Kayoko…n-no matter what people say about it. No matter what we have to deal with. Saying it is good but I…w-want to really show you…physically. But…if you aren't ready…."

"I'm ready to show you how much I love you. And..I really want to show you all of me…to show you I'm yours." I realize I'm being a little too sappy so I add, "Plus you're really sexy."

She lets out one of her adorable giggles before we pick up where we left off. After a little bit, we let our hands wander places they haven't been before. I slide my hands up her shirt and rest my hands on her hips. She reaches out and starts caressing my breast over my bra and shirt. Even with those two layers of fabric in the way, I can't help sighing happily at the sensation of her touching this part of me. Before long, we both get tired of putting up with all this clothing in the way. She leans back and takes her top off before helping me do the same. When I see her exposed collarbone and neck, I feel myself powerfully drawn to them. I start kissing her up and down her neck and along her collarbone and I am pleased to hear she's deriving as much pleasure from it as I am. Eventually she lays back on the bed to get in a better position, I position myself over her and continue kissing her on her collarbone. I am surprised but also more than a little aroused when I feel her deftly undoing the clasp on my bra. Now, my breasts are hanging freely over her.

She starts caressing them as I kiss her body, running her finger around the nipple causing me to start moaning softly. After a bit of this I lean back and smirk at her, "No fair, your bra has to come off too." She doesn't seem to hear me. Her eyes are fixed on my chest and her mouth is hanging open. I realize she couldn't see them before and now they are distracting her. First Hideki, now her. I giggle, "I'm glad you like them so much. But I want to see yours too."

She smiles and reaches behind herself to take off her pink bra. I've seen her topless before of course but seeing it in this context is very different. I get on my side and start kissing her while caressing her breasts, and she reaches out and does the same for me. I can't help but think about how silly it is that she used to complain about not having boobs. Her breasts aren't large, but they aren't tiny either. They make for a nice handful and I have fairly large hands for a girl. They are soft and very nicely shaped, and I am absolutely thrilled to have my hand on them. I can tell she feels the same.

After doing this for several minutes, I start to slowly move my hand lower and lower on her body. She follows my lead and does the same to me. We both still have our skirts on from our uniform and I gently slide my hand under the hem of hers. She starts shuddering from that alone. When my hand reaches its destination, I can tell that she's incredibly aroused, even through her underwear. The moment my hand makes contact she convulses with pleasure. Seeing her body move to my touch like this is amazing.

She reaches down to do the same to me and my body starts to shudder too. I sit up and sit back so we can both have access to each other. We move so that we are both sitting with our backs against the wall, each of us with a hand down the other's skirt. We use our free hand to caress one another's breasts and we continue to kiss each other.

I continue rubbing her as we lean into kiss each other. We both moan softly as we kiss and caress each other. It feels like time is standing still. I hope it does.

Eventually, I want to make her feel even better. I reach my hand into her panties. Making direct contact with her genitals makes both of us gasp. It's nice doing this for a girl. With Hideki I was never sure what I was making him feel, with another girl, I have at least some idea. I continue to rub her up and down for several minutes, and then I begin to focus on the area just above her opening. I use my finger to circle around her most sensitive spot and the movement of her body instantly intensifies. After about a minute she is so deeply in the throes of passion that she can no longer kiss me or pleasure me. She leans back against the wall incapable of anything but allowing her body to experience the intense pleasure I'm giving her. I start kissing her breasts to add another layer of pleasure for her.

She gently puts her hand on the back of my head as she gets closer. Eventually she pulls up slightly, indicating she wants me to kiss her. So, I move up and look her in the eyes while I continue pleasuring her with my hand. I see some tears on her cheeks, so I stop for a moment.

"Are you okay?"

She smiles. "Yes…k-keep going. I…j-just love you…so much, Kayoko."

I guess that means they are happy tears, which is enough to choke me up a little too. I'm glad sex means so much to her. Because it does to me too.

I smile at her and give her a soft kiss. "I love you too, Akari."

In between moans she says, "I…I never want anyone else. J-just you, K-Kayoko...you're making me feel so…good… I've never felt so...I…I…I'm going to…"

She trails off, losing her ability to speak as she loses control over herself.

I kiss her again and whisper, "I'm so happy I'm making you feel good. I love touching you like this…"

This has the intended effect of pushing her over the edge.

To my surprise, she suddenly grabs my left breast just as her entire body begins to quake. It's a very nice surprise. She's holding it surprisingly roughly and she squeezes harder the more intense her pleasure gets. I moan softly myself as pleasure cascades throughout her body for a full minute.

Afterwards, she's breathing heavily, and she snuggles into my side for a little bit before regaining the ability to speak. She says,, "I wanna do that for you now…is that okay?"

I kiss her. "More than okay. I really loved how you grabbed me at the end."

She giggles, "Y-yeah that's what I thought." She blushes a little. "I…really like your boobs."

I smile at her and turn my body, so they are in full view for her, "Well…I really like it when you touch them." I feel my face flush. "Th-they…are just as much yours as mine now…"

She smiles at me before coming in for a passionate kiss as she gently pushes me. I get the hint and lie down. She's straddling me now as she kisses me with her body pushed against mine. Feeling our bare chests pressed together is wonderful. This kind of closeness is really great with her.

After kissing me on the lips for a while, she starts to snake down my body. She slides her hand under my skirt for a moment and then pulls it back and says, "C-can I take this off?"

I smile at her, "Of course. Like I said I wanted you to see…all of me. You can take everything off if you want to." She blushes but also looks very excited.

She slides my skirt off me. Then she locks eyes with me and wriggles out of her own skirt. She's wearing pink panties that went with her pink bra of course. She continues making eye contact with me as she removes her last article of clothing. When she does, I briefly notice her hips are very scarred, but then everything else distracts me. Seeing all of her is amazing. She's slender and has a flat tummy, but she definitely has curves in the right places. Her breasts fit wonderfully on her small frame, and she has more of a butt than I had expected.

Now, she slides my panties off too. She takes in my naked body for a moment before she lays down beside me with our naked bodies pressed against each other.

She kisses me and says, "Your b-body is…just…so beautiful."

I smile at her and lustily look at her from head to toe, "So is yours. Remember, I was checking you out even with two incredibly painful dislocations."

She giggles proudly before going back to what she was doing before we got completely undressed. She reaches her hand down and starts rubbing me. Feeling her bare hand on this part of me is heavenly. Just as I'm enjoying the touch down below, she starts kissing my breasts. Based on how passionately she is kissing them, I can tell she loves them. She increases her movements down below and starts running her tongue around my nipple I'm feeling such intense pleasure in two different places…and I love the person who is doing it so much. It…felt really good with Hideki. But it feels great with Akari. She just...means so much more to me, than even he did.

After stimulating me for some time, she changes the focus of her hand's attentions to the area just above where it's been spending it's time so far. She continues kissing my breasts and using her tongue on my nipples. As she moves her hand, my body starts intensely shuddering.

"Ak-kar-i…I l-love y-you…I f-feel s-s-so…" In the middle of my sentence, I lose control of my voice as she pushes me to the point of no return. My mouth stays open but all I can do with it is moan as she continues to stimulate me. I cover my own mouth to muffle the sound. After a minute or two, my body relaxes and Akari makes her way back up towards me. She lays on her side and wraps her arms around my naked waist. I'm out of breath but do my best to speak,

"Th-that was…"

"I'm glad you l-liked it." She sighs happily. "This was r-really nice. And...really special to me."

I'm about to agree when we both hear a knock on the door that makes us both bolt upright. Were we too loud? I briefly think it might be Hiroshi. Luckily the door is locked.

I say, "...who is it?"

In response I hear, "It's Ai. Have some updates about Carsten."

Thank God she didn't show up a minute earlier.

"Um…just a minute!"

Akri and I both giggle as we throw some clothing on. I put on my underwear and throw a shirt on. Ai is a little more conservative and puts her skirt back on too. Our clothes are all wrinkled and askew. Once we are both…somewhat clothed, I open the door.

Ai rolls in without looking at me at first, but once she turns around and looks up at us, her eyes dart between us, to my bra on the floor, and to the bed and she smiles. "It took you a while to open the door. You both have messy hair, you're both only partially dressed, and the bed is all messed up. Did you two…?"

We both stand silently, undoubtedly bright red. That's all the answer she needs.

Ai giggles, "Was it your first time together?"

We look at each other and realize it's fine for us to answer. She just wants to know as a friend. We both nod.

Ai smiles even wider, "Aw…that's really great. I'm happy for you two."

"Thanks. Enough with our sex lives, though. What did Carsten say?"

Ai's smile dissipates, "It's like your mom said. There's a hearing in the morning. He has to go talk about what happened, and you two will be going too. You probably already have emails. You were probably just too…busy to notice." She winks at us.

She is too much like my mom sometimes.

It takes us both a minute to find our phones since things are sort of chaotic in my room because of our...activities. Eventually, we find them.

Akari says, "Y-yeah…looks like we go around 9."

Ai sighs, "I wish I could do something. But I can't even comfort him or anything, other than on the phone. He's really upset. He's almost definitely going to get sent home and then I might not see him again until after summer."

Akari and I sit down on the bed. "Yeah…that's tough. I don't know what he's going to do about all the tests either. Hopefully he can still take them home or something."

Ai sighs, "Yeah. I think he'll be able to make them up. The thing I'm the most worried about are his parents. They are strict. They are nice when you don't cause trouble, but he's told me that even messing up in a small way doesn't go well with them…so I have a feeling he'll be 'grounded' or something the whole break."

"Yeah…that stinks. It's only temporary at least."

She nods, "Okay. Well…that's the update. I'll let you two get back to it."

Akari rolls her eyes, "W-we're just going to go to bed you know."

Ai laughs, "Okay. Well goodnight then. Call me after the hearing tomorrow?"

We agree and then Ai leaves. When she does, we both look at each other and giggle again before taking off our clothes and returning to the same position we were in when Ai knocked on the door.

"I think you said something about that being really special before Ai came right?"

Akari nods.

I start stroking her hair. "I agree…it really was. You're amazing at it…and I think how deeply I love you made it even better." I sigh happily.

"You were amazing too." She blushes and says, "I m-meant what I said. I didn't just say it in the heat of the moment."

"What did you say?"

She looks up at me with serious eyes. "I don't want to be with anyone else. Ever. J-just you, Kayoko."

This level of commitment should probably scare me as a 17-year-old, and there's a tiny bit of fear…but…it seems insignificant compared to how much I love her.

I smile at her, "That's what I want too, Akari."

Akari and I are in the waiting room outside the dean's office. The nurse, Ms. Hamada, and the dean are in there questioning Carsten now. Apparently, they questioned Hiroshi before we ever got here. I'm thankful that they kept us apart.

We're both very anxious and holding hands to assuage some of it, but it isn't as helpful as usual. This is stressful. We don't want our friend to get in trouble, and it sucks that us being verbally assaulted is at the center of it. That means we will both have the joy of telling them all the details all over again.

"Wh-what do you think they will ask?"

"I think just what we saw and heard."

Akari nods.

"Are you going to be okay? Anxiety wise? I can't imagine three people throwing high stakes questions at you is ideal for you."

"I f-feel okay. I think because it's for Carsten I'll be able to do it."

It looks like there is some movement inside the office. They must be done with Carsten. He is the first to exit with Ms. Hamada right behind him.

This is the first time we've seen him since the incident. He looks downtrodden, to say the least. Akari and I get up and approach him. For a moment, Ms. Hamada looks like she's thinking about stopping us. But then she turns around and goes back into the office.

We both hug him, and I ask, "How was it?"

He sighs, "Not great. I really messed up. I'm almost definitely getting suspended. I shouldn't have hit him. I just…snapped."

I whisper to him, "I've been there. At least you didn't hurt yourself."

He laughs wryly. "That's true. I'm sorry you two have to go in there and…relive the stuff he told you."

Akari shrugs, "I-it's fine. Hopefully w-we can get them to be lenient."

A security officer comes in as we're talking and when Carsten sees them he says, "Hey, if I don't see you two, good luck on your tests. I don't think I'll be seeing you until after summer."

The security guard escorts Carsten out of the room as we say our goodbyes. Not long after, Ms. Hamada sticks her head out of the door and says, "Nakai, we're ready for you."

It sort of seems like they let us say our goodbyes. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

I nod and give Akari a quick hug before I follow Ms. Hamada into the office. I sit down in front of the dean's desk. I've never interacted with or even seen him before. His job mainly consists of raising money for the school and disciplining students, and I'm not usually involved in those things.

He's a very stern-looking man in his 50s. The hair on his head and his goatee are both entirely gray, and he has wrinkles on his head that indicate he must furrow his brow a lot. He's wearing black-rimmed glasses and a designer suit. He's probably meeting with prospective donors later. I can't imagine he dresses this way just to discipline students.

"Good morning, Ms. Nakai. How are you this morning?"

"Good morning, sir. I'm…not great."

He nods, "Well, let's get through this then. What can you tell us about your interaction with Mr. Yamamoto yesterday?"

"Ms. Yoshida and I left the library. We were holding hands. As we were approaching the elevator, we heard Mr. Yamamoto behind us start to…accost us. "I pause for a moment. "Do I have permission to repeat what he said? It's…very vulgar, and I don't want to get in trouble."

I think reproducing things word for word is far more likely to help Carsten. I imagine at least one other person in this room would be tempted to punch him for what he said.

The dean nods, "You have permission."

"M-Mr. Yamamoto called us…dykes. We turned around and told him to leave us alone…but he continued. He…t-talked about wanting to see my 'big tits'."

I'm starting to tear up. I didn't know this would happen, but now that it is I may as way milk it for more sympathy for Carsten.

"H-he then started to insult our appearance, called us dykes several more times…told us about all of the hotter women than us that he has f-fucked…"

The dean raises his hand and says, "I think we get the picture. Suffice it to say, he used homophobic slurs and was generally vulgar and insulting. "

I nod and the dean hands me a box of tissues. If he's moved by this at all, it doesn't show on his face. The nurse and Ms. Yoshida look disturbed to hear these details at least. The dean gives me a moment to compose myself a little before asking the next question.

"I am given to understand you and Mr. Yamamoto have a history, is that true?"

I thought this might come up, hopefully I don't get in some kind of retroactive trouble.

I sigh, "Sort of. Last year we…kissed once, but I stopped it because he had a girlfriend and I made him leave. He came back the next day and insisted I let him into my room. I told him no several times, but he wouldn't listen. I w-was scared he was going to try to force himself into my room. Akari lives across the hall from me, and she intervened and told him to leave. He s-said some horrible things to her and still refused to leave. I w-was scared so I…punched him in the back. Then he left."

I embellished it a little. I wasn't even thinking about being threatened at the time, at least not consciously. Akari thought he was threatening me though and I agreed after the fact. That's not really a lie, right?

The dean responds, "So this isn't the first time you or your friends have gotten violent with Mr. Yamamoto."

I sigh, "No. B-but both times he acted very…aggressive, vulgar and belligerent."

The dean nods, "Yes, that is well established. What did you see between Mr. Leipziger and Yamamoto yesterday?"

"Ms. Yoshida and I had our backs turned because we were trying to get away from him. He was still hurling slurs at us. Then we heard him grunt and turned around to see what happened. When I did, I saw Mr. Yamamoto on the ground with blood coming from his nose. Carsten...I mean, Mr..."

The dean nods, "Leipziger."

I really need to learn how to say one of my best friend's names.

"Yes, he told Mr. Yamamoto to…stop saying such horrible things to us, or he'd do even worse next time."

The dean nods. "Thank you for your testimony about this. It will prove very helpful." He looks at the nurse and Ms. Yoshida. "Do either of you have any questions?" Both of them shake their heads.

"Um…can I ask something?"

"You may. But I can't guarantee I will answer."

"Since the nurse is here, I was wondering…is Mr. Yamamoto…okay?"

He looks at the nurse and nods to her and she says, "He has a broken nose."

Shit. That makes things worse. Especially because that can be permanently disfiguring.

The dean says, "Okay. You're free to go Ms. Nakai. Thank you for your time. When you go out there, ask Ms. Yoshida to come in."

"Yes sir."

I get up and go back to the waiting area outside of the office and I send Akari in after exchanging another quick hug with her.

I sit down on the couch in the waiting room and wait for her. While she's in there I start to get a little worried they might give her a panic attack even though she said she thought she could do this. Luckily it isn't too many people, she knows two of them well, and she's focused on trying to help Carsten.

After about 10 minutes she comes out a little teary-eyed. She cried about what he said to us too. Ms. Hamada and the nurse were probably even more disgusted to hear Akari relate the same things. Hopefully that helps.

As we head back to the dorms, we discuss what they asked us, and we realize we said pretty much the same stuff, which is good.

"D-do you think you will get in trouble now for punching him?"

"I don't think so. Maybe he'll try to make that happen, but I think there's a reason he never brought it up before. He knows those girls who saw would be on my side, like my mom said back then."

Akari nods and loops her arm around mine, "I hope so. Th-thinking about you getting suspended and n-not having you for a while is…hard.. Makes me realize how bad it is for Ai and Carsten."

We call Ai and she's waiting for us outside of our rooms by the time we get there. We go into Akari's room to discuss things.

Ai has a lot of hope on her face when she says, "So, how did it go?"

"Well…we saw Carsten. He thinks he's getting suspended for sure. I think he'll find out soon what they decide. But…I know we both told the truth. And we both cried when talking about what he said to us. I think…they will be a little more lenient than they would otherwise be. He…did break his nose, that part probably won't help."

Ai shifts in her wheelchair, "I'm really sorry you two had to deal with that. It makes me want to go punch him in his broken nose. But I guess I shouldn't, huh?"

Akari laughs wryly, "Probably n-not."

I sigh, "Well…unfortunately, we all probably need to study. Might be good for taking our mind off things I guess."

We drag ourselves to the library and study while waiting for news about the situation. Koji greets us and we rehash everything.

I get a call from my mom around noon.

"Hi, mom"

"Hey. Are you with Akari and Ai?"

"I am."

"Can you get somewhere private?"

"Um…we're in the library but…maybe. Give me a second."

I tell Akari and Ai the situation and the ask Koji,

"Can you let us in a private study room? My mom has something she wants to tell us…I think it's about the Carsten thing."

"Yeah, sure." The three of us follow him to one of the rooms and he unlocks it for us.

We thank him and go inside.

I put the phone on speaker phone.

"Okay, we're somewhere private now. You're on speaker phone."

"Okay well I have…poked around a little, and I have some news about everything."

My guess is Ms. Hamada and/or the nurse told her everything. She knows both pretty well.

"The bad news is Carsten is getting suspended. He'll be sent home for the rest of the trimester."

Ai sighs, "Yeah…I kind of figured but it still sucks to hear. You made it sound like there is good news too, though."

"There is. Hiroshi is getting expelled."

This brings a big smile to all our faces, but then I have lots of questions, so I voice them.

"What!? How!? Wasn't he supposed to be the victim here?"

"It turns out he has been in significant trouble before for saying vulgar and profane things to women and acting menacing towards them. That isn't much of a surprise to us of course. But apparently, he's gotten in trouble several times. He was even suspended twice. So, he was on extremely thin ice. The dean decided that this whole incident was the last straw."

Akari exhales and smiles. "Th-that is really good news. Makes me feel…safer."

"Yeah, me too."

My mom says, "Yes. I'm glad he's gone. I'm not sure what I would have done if he wasn't. But I may have done something that got me fired." She exhales, "Sorry about Carsten, but I think it'll all be fine in the end."

Ai says, "Thank you Mrs. Nakai."

"It's no problem, dear. Happy studying to you all."

As we hang up and are getting ready to head back out into the library, Ai gets a call.

"It's Carsten."

"Okay, do you want us to go outside?"

She nods and we step outside and wait outside the door. She comes out after a few minutes.

When she comes out, she has a gloomy look on her face. She says, "Yep, he's suspended. His parents are on his way to get him now. They are…apparently not happy, like I expected. I won't get to see him before he goes. Maybe not over the break either." She sighs. "It sucks, but at least everything is concrete now. Don't have to worry about the possibilities."

After that we resume studying. We have a week of tests and then it's summer break. Hopefully we can relax and put this whole thing behind us.

It's the first day of summer break.

I just woke up to the sound of pounding on my door. It's really loud, but Akari doesn't seem to be stirring. Who the hell is banging on my door? It can't be…Hiroshi, can it? He's expelled…right?

I grab my cell phone, select security in the phone book and cautiously say "...who is it?"

"I-it's Ai…p-p-please let me in." It sounds like she's crying.

I get up and Akari starts to stir. She grabs my hand and sleepily says, "Don't go. Stay in b-bed a little longer. N-need more snuggles." She must think it's morning. It's pretty cute, but unfortunately, we don't have time for cute right now.

I give her a quick kiss and say, "Ai's at the door and sounds really upset. So, I'm going to let her in."

This has the effect of waking my girlfriend up all the way. She sits up in the bed and nods.

I open the door and see a very distraught Ai, sobbing into her hands. This is an unusual sight and must be a result of something awful. Akari and I are crybabies, but I've never seen Ai cry before.

"…let's get inside, okay Ai?"

She nods and wheels herself in.

I sit down on the bed and Ai positions herself in front of me. I take her hands.

"What's wrong?

She can't even lift her head to look at me, and when she tries to speak, she starts sobbing.

"C-C-Carsten's p-parents are sending him b-b-back to Germany…He l-leaves in t-two d-days…"

This causes me and Akari to both tear up too. We don't want Carsten to leave, but there's some guilt too, at least for me. This is kind of my fault.

Akari says, "B-because he got suspended?"

Ai nods, "After his t-trouble a couple years ago and then this th-they decided he sh-shouldn't go to school here anymore. B-b-but…I love him so m-much. I d-don't want him to leave…I…I need him…"

I remember how much it hurt with Hideki, and they have been together for longer and love each other far more deeply. I can't even imagine what it feels like.

I hand Ai a box of tissues because it's the only thing I can do. We're completely helpless here. We can't stop his parents from sending him away…can we?

"What do you want to do, Ai?"

She wipes away some of her tears and shows some resolve in her eyes. Thinking about the actions to take must be helping her a little.

"I want to s-s-say goodbye at least. M-m-maybe convince his parents…"

Akari says, "We can try that. We can go to Tokyo tomorrow and stay with m-my family."

This is surprisingly impulsive for Akari. She REALLY cares about Ai and Carsten.

I look at her, "Your parents would be okay with that? We aren't supposed to be there for another week."

She nods, "I th-think they'll d-do it. I can check in the morning."

Ai has some new hope on her face as she wheels herself next to Akari and hugs her, crying into her shoulder.

"Thank you…Akari…I j-just….I n-need to see him before he goes…if he's going t-to."

Akari hugs her back. "I know. You deserve to. We'll m-make sure that happens one way or another."

I start tearing up again like the crybaby I am. "I'm sorry about this Ai…if we had just…completely walked away from Hiroshi…if I hadn't made one of the comments I made…none of it would have happened."

She scoffs, "Even if C-Carsten has to l-leave us, I w-would say punching him was w-worth it after what he s-said." She laughs softly.

She wipes her tears away again, "So…we'll leave tomorrow if Akari's parents agree?"

Akari nods, "Yeah."

Ai has a determined smile on her face now. "Thanks…both of you. I woke you two up from snuggling in the middle of the night and threw this at you…and then you even have a plan. I love you two."

"Of course, Ai. We love you and Carsten. We don't want him to go either."

Ai starts tearing up again, "Yeah. It's…gonna be really hard if it c-comes to that. But w-we have each other, right?"

Akari nods, "Y-yeah. We'll get through it if we have to."

The next morning Akari called her parents. Apparently, her mom was a little put out by the situation at first. But when Akari explained things, she agreed to let us stay with them without much of an argument.

Carsten's parents agreed to meet the three of us tonight. They think we're only going to say goodbye. They don't know that we're also going to make a desperate attempt to change their mind. Luckily, they really like Ai, or I don't think they would have been so willing to meet at all.

In addition to all the Carsten stuff, I'm a little nervous to meet Akari's parents as her girlfriend. Her mom still scares me. She did tell them about us a couple of weeks ago, and they took it better than she expected. So at least there's that. Right now, though, that's kind of on the backburner. We only have so much time to try to keep our friend in Japan.

We're in the car now. My mom's driving us to the train station in Sendai. We're almost there.

"You girls be safe, okay?"

I nod, "We will. Akari's parents are meeting us once we get there, and this train is direct, so we won't be on our own for too long."

My mom seems satisfied with our answer as we pull up to the train station.

"Have a good trip, you three. Call me if you need anything."

She hugs us all and gives Ai an extra squeeze before she gets back in her car.

Our luggage situation is not ideal because Akari is the only one of us with no real mobility or weight restrictions.

I packed as light as I could, but because me and Akari will be staying a week, there was only so much I could do. We did manage to only bring one piece of luggage but it's quite large. Poor Akari has to lug our huge suitcase on her own and it's about 75% her size. At least it has wheels.

Ai packed lighter than we did. She is going to visit her parents after one or two nights in Tokyo, so she didn't need to bring much. Luckily her bag is light enough for me to carry it over my shoulder.

We make our way to the train and find a nice table with wheelchair access.

Ai has been quiet and gloomy all morning. Right now, she's just sort of staring at a blank space on the table. I understand why, but I wish I could do something to help her. There is something I should probably figure out how to do before tonight and it might distract her.

"Hey…Ai, can you teach me how to say Carsten's family name correctly?"

Akari says, "M-me too."

Ai smirks at us, "Sure. Would probably be bad to start out on the wrong foot with them."

The first hour of the train ride is spent with her trying her best to get us to make the correct sounds. She's eventually satisfied.

"Carsten had to teach me to say it too. And some other German things…" She starts to tear up. "I d-don't know what I'm going to do if I l-lose him."

Akari reaches out for her hand and Ai smiles and gives it to her. "You t-two love each other so much. Even if he goes…d-don't you think you can do long distance?"

Ai nods. "We've talked about it. We w-would try. But…if I'm being realistic. It would be really hard to do that for a year and a half."

I say, "Well…that's true. But even if he has to go…it isn't all over. I know you two will fight as hard as you can to stay together."

She nods, "Yeah. We will." She sniffles. "But hopefully it doesn't come to that."


We're leaving the train station in Tokyo now. We have a few hours before our meeting with the Leipzigers.

"There's m-my dad."

Akari points and I see him. It looks like he's alone, I'm thankful for that. We head in his direction, and he greets us. I realize this is the first time I have ever been around him when his wife isn't with him. He seems far more relaxed. I guess I don't blame him.

He smiles when he sees me. It feels warmer than normal. I wonder whether it's because he knows I'm in a relationship with his daughter or because his wife isn't here.

"It's nice to see you again, Kayoko."

"Yeah, I'm happy to see you too Mr. Yoshida."

"D-dad this is Ai, my friend who I told you about."

They exchange introductions, and then we get in a cab. Thankfully, Mr. Yoshida has a much easier time with a wheelchair than my mom does. I was a little worried about that. He's bigger, a man, and at least 10 years younger, so I guess I shouldn't have been.

We arrive at Akari's home. It is not far from the university. Her parents walk when the weather is nice. It is a modestly sized two story house with a modern design. It is a very sterile-feeling clean environment. I imagine her mom runs a tight ship. But it's a little bit extreme. It's almost as if no one is living here and it is being staged to get people interested in buying it. The bland, sterile, generic decorations don't help much with that.

As Akari gives us a tour I notice there are two exceptions to this. One of them is Akari's room which is just as pink and girly as you would imagine. The other is her father's office. It's clear he spends a lot of time in it. It's kind of a mess with papers strewn about. He has lots of interesting things on the walls in there too, including what looks like a wrestling championship belt and some medieval manuscript pages with musical notation, like the one Hideki has. Those rooms must be the tiny places these two have carved out for themselves in this house that is dominated by Mrs. Yoshida.

I am sharing the guest bed with Ai tonight, and Akari has her own room. I'm guessing the configuration is a result of not wanting the two of us doing anything sexual here. Of course, I would never dare to do something like that in this house. I think I would be too scared to even get in the mood.

Apparently, her mom is teaching right now, and we won't see her until tonight. That's good, I won't have to deal with her until after we go see the Leipzigers. One thing at a time.

We decide to rest and save our energy for the tense meeting that is undoubtedly ahead.


We just arrived at Carsten's parents' home, which is quite literally right next to the German Embassy. Clearly the German government provides this housing for them.

We go through a security gate and once we do we find ourselves in a very nice garden. It is the kind of place that it would be very nice to sit down and relax if we had the time and weren't in such a tense situation. The flowers and fountain are beautiful, but nothing's going to calm my nerves right now other than confronting this situation head on.

The house is unsurprisingly in the western style. It isn't especially large, but it is very nice. When we ring the doorbell, we are greeted by Mrs. Leipziger. Like Carsten, she is tall, has blonde hair, blue eyes and very fair skin. She has a figure much like mine and a pretty smile. I think most would say she is a beautiful woman.

She greets us in Japanese that is significantly more accented than her son's, but she is clearly fluent. She seems to make some "r" sounds silent so sometimes it takes my brain a second to figure out what she's saying. It's the kind of thing I would get used to if I talked to her enough.

She smiles and says, "Hello, Ai. It's nice to see you again."

Ai smiles, "You too Mrs. Leipziger. These are my friends Akari and Kayoko."

She nods, "Yes, Carsten told us about them. It is nice to meet you both."

At the same time, Akari and I say, "It is nice meeting you too Mrs. Leipziger."

I hope we said that right. She didn't flinch or anything, so I'm going to call it a win.

She smiles and says, "Come in and we'll have a seat in the living room."

When we get to the living room, we see that Carsten is already there sitting in an armchair. I can tell Ai is more reserved than normal because she doesn't rush towards Carsten at Mach 1. Instead, she takes a leisurely pace, and once they are together, they exchange a quick hug and kiss. His parents must really be strict if their presence is enough to slow down Ai.

Akari and I also say hello to Carsten before taking a seat together on a couch. His mother takes a seat on another couch that we are all facing.

She smiles and says, "It was very nice of you all to come and say goodbye to Carsten."

Ai grimaces and I feel a pang in my stomach.

This can't really be a final goodbye…

Her husband arrives in the living room not long after this. He is a very tall man with steely blue eyes that possess a quality that makes you feel pierced by them when he looks at you. He has a strong, square jawline, almost like a comic book super hero. He's intimidating. Based on his appearance and the way he holds himself, he may rival Mrs. Yoshida. Hopefully he isn't quite that formidable, or we're in for some trouble. We all exchange pleasantries and introductions. His accent is similar to his wife's.

He sits down next to his wife and gets directly to the point. Carsten did tell me German people were blunt.

"Am I right to assume you aren't all here just to say goodbye?"

Ai says, "You are, sir."

I've never heard Ai say "sir" or "ma'am" to anyone. Note to self: be very formal with Mr. Leipziger.

Mr. Leipziger lets out an annoyed sigh, "Very well then, let's just get to the point. We have a lot of travel ahead of us tomorrow."

Ai grips the hem of her skirt tightly and closes her eyes when she says, "We…were hoping you might consider…not sending Carsten to Germany, sir."

Carsten's father furrows his brow and his steely blue eyes stare a hole through her before he says, "I understand that you want him to stay, Ai…But…it has unfortunately become clear to us that school in Japan isn't a good fit for Carsten. This isn't the first time there has been an issue. He had problems in middle school, too"

His mother adds, "We…nearly sent him to school in Germany after that. So…when this happened, we felt that it was a sign."

Just as I'm about to raise my objection, Akari gets there first. "B-but that's not true! School in Japan is good for him. A-at least…Yamaku is." She pauses for a moment and realizes she wasn't as polite as she should have been and adds a very late, "…sir."

Mr. Leipziger turns to Akari and says, "Oh? Then why did he have an altercation with another student? Why was he suspended from school? That kind of behavior is unacceptable."

Not quite as scary as Akari's mom…but not too far off either. Oh boy.

Akari wilts and then freezes up, so I say, "You're right, sir. He…shouldn't have hit the other student. But he only did it to try to protect his friends, sir."

Mr. Leipziger sighs in frustration, "Yes, the other student was calling one of you names, right? We know the story. It doesn't change the fact that he acted inappropriately."

Through gritted teeth Ai says, "It…wasn't just calling names…it wasn't as trivial as that."

Mr. Leipziger raises an eyebrow at Ai. "I like you quite a lot Ai, but I don't appreciate your tone."

She bows her head. "I'm sorry sir, that was disrespectful of me."

He nods approvingly at her apology and then continues. "Unless he was threatening one of you, it seems fairly trivial to me."

Akari has now recovered from her earlier setback. She says, "Sir, H-he…m-may not have threatened us physically. B-but…Kayoko and I are…t-together." She takes my hand as she starts to tear up, "A-and he was using slurs b-because of that…" Her voice starts to crack. "...B-because of who we l-love...so it wasn't just s-silly name calling on the playground. He w-was attacking us for who we are. It did…hurt us b-both. Just not ph-physically…sir"

Both of her parents look at least somewhat affected by what Akari said. His father's eyes have lost some of their sharpness, and his brow is the most relaxed that I've seen it so far. His mother is glassy eyed.

I don't know whether Carsten has told them all this but, even if he has, hearing it from us is different. Especially because Akari phrased it so well, and with genuine emotion.

I add, "Sir, I don't know if you know this…but the other student was expelled, because this wasn't the first time he did something like this."

His father raises his eyebrows and looks at Carsten.

Carsten says, "Father…can I say something?" His father nods.

"Sir, I know I shouldn't have hit him. I know it was a mistake. I wouldn't do it again. I should have helped them get away from him or gotten a teacher to intervene. But…I lost control because Yamaku is so good for me. I never really had friends at school…before Yamaku, but Akari and Kayoko are my best friends. I love Ai, and I love Akari and Kayoko. We're kind of like…a little family. That's why I…had a hard time hearing him say what he was saying to them."

Mrs. Leipziger says her husband's name and then whispers to him, I think in German. I can't make it out. It seems like she's been more moved by everything than he has. Maybe she can convince him.

After a rather lengthy conference, Mr. Leipziger says, "It means a great deal to us that you all came here because you care so much for our son. We can see that he has a community that cares for him at Yamaku, and we better understand his actions thanks to you."

We look around at each other hopefully, but Mr. Leipziger's next words hit us like a hammer.

"However, he still has to go to Germany for school."

Ai bows her head and starts crying, Carsten has a bitter grimace on his face. I'm on the verge of tears myself and Akari is sitting stock-still with her eyes wide open. Coming in we didn't think we had much of a chance…but then I think we all got our hopes up.

Seeing our downtrodden faces Carsten's mom adds, "He still has to go. But only this term. We have already paid the school and arranged everything. So, he will spend a term in Germany, but if he still wants to return to Yamaku after that, we will allow him to."

This lightens the mood in the room significantly. What a rollercoaster ride the last minute has been.

It's unfortunate he's going to be gone for several months but given what we thought was going to happen a minute ago this feels like a victory. Carsten and Ai give each other a quick kiss and then hug each other, and Akari and I do the same.

Carsten's father says, "Thank you all for coming, but as we have a long day of travel ahead of us tomorrow, I think it is time for us all to part."

Carsten says, "Father…mother, thank you."

His mom smiles at him and says, "Thank your friends." Then his parents leave the room.

We say our goodbyes, but luckily, they aren't as final as they could have been.

Carsten says, "Thanks for coming to help…I'm glad we made it better at least."

Akari and I give teary hugs to him, and then we leave Ai and Carsten alone. We wait for Ai outside the front door. After it becomes clear it's going to take awhile, we take a seat on a bench in the nice garden and hold hands.

"I'm glad he's going to come back…but I think this will be a hard time for Ai."

"Y-yeah. We will have to help her."

I nod, "We'll have to invite her to hang out more and stuff. Might be a little less alone time for us" I wink at her and nudge her gently, "But I guess we'll be okay."

Akari laughs and squeezes my hand, "We will s-still have plenty of time, I bet."

We hear the front door open and Ai wheels out. Her face is tear stained, but she's smiling.

We get up to meet her and I ask "How are you?"

She smiles up at me, "I'm okay. Really, really gonna miss him. But we'll make it a few months."

Akari hugs her, "Y-yeah. I know you will."

"I know we aren't Carsten, but we'll do our best to help you."

She smiles up at me. "I know you will. You already did a lot. I think it's you two who really got them to change their mind. Carsten does too."

"Well…good, I am glad we helped."

After that we make our way back to Akari's.

In the car on the way home my main concern for this visit shifts back to Akari's mom. I really hope this week goes well. I need to really mind myself around her.

My FanFics
Learning to Run (Complete) - Emi x Hisao in their 30s
Yamaku: the Next Generation (Complete) - Emi and Hisao's daughter goes to Yamaku.
Oil & Vinegar - Mutou and Nurse buddy one-shot

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Chapter 27 (Continued)

Post by guthrum06 »

When we arrive back at the Yoshida house, Akari's mother is there. She greets us with all the warmth she can muster, which isn't much. But I can tell she tried.

Akari's dad made us dinner and we all sit down at the dining table. He made some sort of Italian pasta dish. It reminds me of my dad, who liked cooking more international cuisine than my mom does. This really helps me enjoy the meal, although I think I am eating with a little more gusto than I probably should. Hopefully not like my mom, though.

Akari's mom notices. With a tiny smile on her face she says, "You quite like this, don't you Kayoko?"

I nod and swallow the bite of food in my mouth. "Yes, it's amazing. My dad made a lot of Italian food, so in addition to the taste this is sentimental I guess."

Her smile gets slightly bigger, "Well, that's nice. My husband is quite a good cook."

He smiles broadly at her praise.

I wonder if in this household you have to really hold on to every last bit of praise she gives you, like a squirrel hoarding nuts for the winter. I do feel like she is trying harder. I do really appreciate that. I should probably try not to think so negatively about her.

I smile at Mr. Yoshida, "I agree."

He says, "Thank you. So…I understand you three had some success with your mission?"

Ai says, "Yes. He'll only be leaving for a few months now. Thank you both so much for letting us stay here on such short notice. This…was really important, and I wouldn't have been able to do it without everyone at this table helping me."

Mrs. Yoshida looks at her approvingly and says, "You're quite welcome."

Ai is good at being formal and proper when she needs to be. That's useful with Akari's mom, but I feel like she's upstaging me a little. Being formal is not exactly one of my greatest strengths. Thanks, mom.

Mr. Yoshida says, "You know…part of the reason we wanted to help is because we could relate a little."

I look at Akari expecting to see that she knows what is coming, but she just looks confused.

"Wh-what do you mean?"

Mrs. Yoshida smiles at her husband with the most affection I've ever seen from her. Then she looks at the three of us.

"When we were both at Cambridge, my family encountered some financial trouble here in Japan. It looked like they wouldn't be able to afford for me to keep working on my PhD. So, we thought I was going to have to come back here." She smiles at her husband again, "Do you want to tell the rest dear?"

He smiles and nods, "I flew back to Japan with her and met her parents for the first time. I told them I would do whatever it took for them to let your mother stay at Cambridge. I knew she was brilliant and wanted her to complete her PhD…but I also didn't want to lose her. Her parents said if I could put her through school she could stay. Ultimately, I convinced my parents to give me my inheritance early, and I used it so that we could both go back to Cambridge and finish our degrees. Once we did, we got married."

Akari's mom adds, "I already thought I would probably marry him. But…when he went to the ends of the earth to keep me with him, I knew for sure."

This woman has a romantic bone in her body after all. Who knew?

Certainly not Akari whose mouth is hanging wide open.

Ai smiles and says, "That is kind of like me and Carsten. That's a nice story."

Stop commenting on things first, Ai!

"Yeah…that really is beautiful. I'm glad it all worked out."

Mrs. Yoshida smiles at me, "Me too." Then she turns to Ai and her smile gets bigger. "So, that's why we were willing to do what we could to help. We're glad your last-ditch effort was successful too, Ai."

She definitely likes Ai more than me. Probably wishes she was the one dating Akari. Good thing she's leaving tomorrow.

"Wh-why did you never tell m-me this story before?"

Akari's dad smiles. "You know we aren't big on sharing. But…there's lots of romance in the air tonight, between everything with Ai and Carsten, and the two of you looking so happy together." His wife nods in agreement.

This is the first time they've acknowledged our relationship. It feels really nice.

I blush a little and so does Akari. We hadn't been particularly affectionate with one another since we've been here because we were a little worried how her parents might react. But they could still tell we're really in love.

"Th-thank you, mom and dad. I am r-really happy."

"Yes, me too. Akari is" I smile at her, "…amazing."

Ai adds, "They are really cute together. I was very happy when it happened."

Akari's mom smiles at us both and I think for a moment she's going to agree. But then she says,

"It's gotten quite late. You have an early train right, Ai?"

She nods. "Unfortunately."

"Okay, you girls go get ready for bed." It feels more like a command than a suggestion. I was going to offer to help clean up, but I can tell it would be refused.

We do as she instructed, and once we are in our pajamas, we spend a little time together in Akari's room. There is one major theme of the discussion.

"I have n-never seen my mom like that before."

I laugh, "I'm glad it wasn't just me."

Ai says, "What was so different about her?"

Akari giggles, "She is normally not emotional and doesn't talk about…p-personal stuff."

Ai nods, "I see. I guess she got swept up in all the romance like she said."

"Y-yeah…guess so. I didn't know she even had that s-side to her. It was n-nice."

"It was." I grab Akari's hand. "I'm really glad they approve of us."

Ai smirks and starts making her way towards the door, "I'm just gonna…go to our room, okay Kayoko? See you in…a little while?"

I laugh, "Yes, Ai. Thank you."

Akari giggles after she leaves. "She's silly."

"She is. But it's nice she wanted to leave us alone for a minute."

Akari nods and I put my hand on the side of her head, and I lean into kiss her. She kisses me back and we scoot out bodies closer together as our tongues touch one another. After about a minute I pull away and rest my head on her shoulder. She strokes my hair.

"It's too bad we can't sleep together here. But I suppose I understand."

"Y-yeah…I wish we could, but most parents aren't like your mom."

I giggle, "That's definitely true. On the bright side, your mom isn't going to be trying to make us blush by bringing up sex all the time." Akari giggles and nods.

I sigh and stand up. Akari does too and hugs me while I stroke her hair.

I manage to force myself to say goodnight and let go of Akari and head to the guest room. Ai is in bed doing something on her phone. She looks surprised to see me.

"You're here? I thought you were just gonna stay with her."

I scoff as I get into the bed, "You really don't understand Akari's mom. She may not have seemed like it tonight. She is very strict and very scary. If she found out we did that…"

Ai laughs, "Okay. I guess it makes sense then."

After that we say our goodnights.

As I'm dozing off, I feel pretty good about what we achieved today. Carsten will be back, and Akari's parents approve of our relationship. When I set out this morning, those were the two things I was worried about, and they both turned out pretty well. I hope the rest of this visit is just as successful.

My FanFics
Learning to Run (Complete) - Emi x Hisao in their 30s
Yamaku: the Next Generation (Complete) - Emi and Hisao's daughter goes to Yamaku.
Oil & Vinegar - Mutou and Nurse buddy one-shot

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Chapter 28

Post by guthrum06 »

The next morning, we saw Ai off at the train station. She had a very early train, but we aren't going to see her for several weeks, so we decided to go with her to say goodbye. Her family is in Hokkaido, so she has a long journey from Tokyo.

By the time we get back to Akari's, her parents are both gone. Apparently, they will be until the afternoon. We take advantage by snuggling in Akari's bed. We're in our usual position. Me on my back with an arm around her and her on her side with her arms around my waist.

"Is there anything you want to d-do while we're here?"

I haven't thought about that in a while with all the Carsten and Ai stuff, but there are two things I wanted to do.

"I think it would be nice to see Kaito and Daisuke and…I'd like to go to Saki's grave. My dad has a gravestone right next to hers, too."

Akari sits up and kisses me before smiling. "We'll d-definitely do those things."

"Anything you wanted to do?"

She looks at me with what I've come to realize are her bedroom eyes. They are quite effective. "Well there is one thing I r-really want to do right now." She slowly moves her hand down from my waist to my inner thigh, making me shiver in anticipation.

Ever since the first time we slept with each other (in the not so wholesome way), we've been quite active in the bedroom. Unless we're really tired, we usually do something before bed. It feels amazing but also makes us both feel even closer. I've certainly fallen more deeply in love with her as a result. We're both very emotional about sex which is nice. It's far more than just a physical act for both of us. Falling asleep together afterwards might just be my favorite feeling in the world.

Akari has a very robust sex drive. More of one than I have. And mine seems to be plenty healthy. She initiates things more often than I do but it never takes her long to get me in the mood. Normally what she's doing right now would be more than enough. But…I have my reservations given where we are. I better voice them while my mind is still clear enough to do so. If she moves her hand anymore, I don't think I'll remember my objections.

"Are you sure we should? feel like it would be…disrespecting your mom. She didn't want us to share a room for a reason, you know?"

Akari leaves her hand in place while she thinks for a moment. "W-well…my door has a lock. So even if they came home, we would have t-time to get dressed and stuff. They won't find out."

I laugh, "Yeah? What if they happen to come home when one of us is being loud. I mean we can muffle ourselves, but it only does so much. What then? And wouldn't they ask why the door was locked in the first place? Wouldn't both of us coming out of your room after the door was locked clue them in on everything?"

Akari sighs in frustration and retracts her hand, "Y-you're right."

I stroke her hair "You know I want to, right? I love doing that with you. It's just…the location."

She smiles, "I know. I guess w-we can make it a week."

I giggle, "Yes, I think we'll manage. Maybe it will make things even more exciting once we go back to Yamaku. Besides, we can still have lots of nice snuggles."

She puts her arms back around my waist and smiles, "That's t-true. Snuggles are the best anyway. They are…k-kinda how I fell in love with you."

I stroke her hair, "I think they were a big part of it for me too. Even if I took longer to figure it out. You always made me so…comforted, even in hard times. You helped me fall asleep so many times."

"Good. So, f-first thing on the agenda: snuggle nap."

I laugh, "Sounds good to me."

We've been in Tokyo for a few days now. We went to the university with her mom one day, and Akari showed me the small exhibit about Saki in their concert hall. She's not only the most notable music alumni of Yamaku, but one of the most important music alumni of the University of Tokyo. Walking around the campus was nice too. It was where my dad and my aunt went to university and it's definitely a place I could end up too.

I've gotten to spend more time with Akari's mom and dad, and it's mostly gone quite well. I have a hard time around her mom sometimes because I genuinely fear her. But she's been quite nice to me…by her standards.

We're going over to Kaito and Daisuke's for dinner tonight. Turns out, they are a 7-minute walk from Akari's family home and it's on nice flat terrain so I can do it. Akari really likes walking because she was cooped up so much as a kid. She and Michi went for walks a lot and I know she enjoyed it. It is a little frustrating that I can't do it with her very often. So, I'm enjoying our little walk.

"This is it."

I look at the address on my phone and the one on the building.

"Yep, looks right. They are number 619."

Akari locates the right buzzer and pushes the button, Kaito responds.

"Yes, who is it?"

"Akari and Kayoko."

"Great, I buzzed you in. See you soon."

When we enter the building, we see it isn't exactly in the greatest condition. It is old and a little run-down. It could use a fresh coat of paint or five. I suppose it makes sense that this is a place students could afford. However, the state of the building has me a little worried about the elevator. Luckily, it seems to be functional, though I held my breath until we got off it.

We locate the right apartment and then I knock on the door. Daisuke opens it with a smile on his face. I immediately hug him a little more aggressively than someone with my condition should, but luckily, I don't pay the consequences.

Akari is a little timid of course, but she and Daisuke smile at each other before sharing a quick hug.

I look around and see a studio apartment. There's one big room that is simultaneously a bedroom, dining room and living room, and one bathroom. There is a full kitchen though, and I'm sure that was a requirement of the man who is currently busying himself in it. At first I think about just hugging Kaito, but then I realize that's a really bad idea, especially while he's cooking. So instead, I walk over and say, "Hi Kaito, can I hug you?"

He laughs, "Hello, Kayoko, of course you can." I hug him and Akari nervously says hello. I'm a bit surprised by this, but then I remember the two have only met on one or two occasions.

After the hug I see what Kaito is cooking. "You're using a wok? I figured we would be having some international cuisine tonight."

Daisuke laughs softly and Kaito crosses his arms and glares in his direction. "I'm doing quite well at culinary school in all the different types of cuisine…but I am not doing quite as well when it comes to Japanese cuisine. So…in making dinner for you tonight you could say I am studying. Daisuke, would you like me to laugh at you about the classes you have to study extra for?"

"No. You're right. Sorry Kaito."

It is kind of funny that he's not doing as well as the cuisine of the country he grew up in, but I guess he must not have spent nearly as much time on it as on everything else. Come to thing of it, I've eaten his cooking more than a half dozen times, and it was never Japanese food. Or even Asian.

"It's too bad my mom's not here. She would get an A+ in Japanese cuisine and could tutor you." I laugh softly, "She's…not so good at everything else. Kind of the opposite of you I guess."

Kaito laughs, "Well, I'm glad you'll have an A+ to compare to what I serve you. Having your review might prove quite helpful."

Akari asks "D-do you want any help, Kaito?"

"Thank you for the offer, but no. I need everything under my control or things can go a little wrong. I have everything exactly where I need it."

Akari nods and then makes a cute, embarrassed face when she realizes how futile it was. Then she says, "Okay."

Daisuke says, "Pretty nice your parents live so close."

"Yeah, it really is. It will be really easy to v-visit any time we're here."

Daisuke smiles at Akari and then looks at me. I feel like his eyes are saying, 'Oh, it's 'we' is it?'

Before much longer, we set the table and dinner is served. Kaito made Yakisoba with tofu. It's really good. As I'm enjoying it, I look up and see Kaito watching me. Well, no…that's not accurate for obvious reasons. But he's certainly observing me, I guess trying to discern what I think. He now notices I stopped eating.

"What do you think Kayoko? How does it compare to an A+?"

What an awkward position to be in. He's the host and made us a nice dinner and he wants me to critique the meal.

"Well, it's really good. An A, I would say. It might just be personal preference, but I like it a little spicier."

He smiles, "That's helpful, thank you."

"And you Akari? I trust you've had some of Mrs. Nakai 's stir fry too?"

She's quiet for a moment so I look over at her and I can see the signs of anxiety on her face. Her eyes are wide and she looks frozen. She doesn't know Kaito very well and it is a question I was anxious about myself. I rub my leg against hers under the table. It seems to work.

"Uhm…wh-what Kayoko said. It is r-really good, m-maybe m-more spice."

Kaito nods, "Thank you both."

Akari looks very relieved, and I smile at her. She smiles back and nudges my leg under the table.

After we finish, Akari and I do the dishes together. It makes me think a little of what it would be like if we share an apartment after we graduate. Everything about this visit makes me think of that. I'd really love it if we could be like Daisuke and Kaito. They got together at around the same age we did, and they're still together after Yamaku.

After that we still have some time, so we head back to the dining table as it's really the only place in the small apartment that can really accommodate four people.

When we do, Daisuke says, "So…there was something we wanted to talk to you two about tonight. It isn't something everyone likes to talk about it, so if it isn't, just let us know and we'll talk about something else. We have a bit of…kinship now, I guess…both being same-sex couples. So…I thought it might be nice to talk about that a little. We don't have that many people to talk to about it, and I'm sure you don't either."

Akari and I look at each other and she subtly nods so I say, "That would be nice. You two are good role models and we could definitely use your guidance."

Daisuke nods and asks, "We've both wondered…how do you identify?"

I think for a few seconds and then say, "I'm…not sure. I've been in love with guys...as you know. And I enjoyed…being intimate when I had a boyfriend. So, I guess I could go with 'bisexual'?" I shrug, "What really matters to me is that I love Akari. So, if someone called me a lesbian because we are together, I wouldn't fight them on it. We actually haven't even talked with each other about how we identify." I turn toward Akari. "You've loved a guy before. Do you think of yourself as bisexual?"

Akari fidgets for a moment, "Actually I…th-think I might be gay."

I don't hide my surprise when I say, "Really? What about Carsten?"

She wrings her hands and looks down. "I dunno…looking b-back I sort of think I was c-confused. I thought I loved Carsten romantically, b-but I'm not so sure now. He was nice to me and I l-liked being around him…b-but I was really inexperienced when it came to friendship. He was my first c-close friend and he was a boy s-so I thought it was romantic feelings."

"But...you were so jealous of Ai for awhile..."

She nods, "I know. But I think now it had m-more to do with her distracting him from...t-texting me, or spending time with me."

"I see. And Michi?"

"It was...similar, I th-think. I really liked spending time with him. I liked how nice he was to me, and that he c-called me pretty and stuff. But...I always t-tried to get out of…intimacy, and when we were intimate, I didn't really enjoy it very much. I figured that out once y-you and I..." She trails off, blushes, and opens her eyes very wide. I'm blushing a little myself.

Daisuke laughs. "It's fine Akari. We aren't offended. We're all adults here, more or less. There's nothing wrong with you and Kayoko being intimate. You love each other. It comes with the territory." Kaito nods.

She gives them a relieved smile and continues. "Okay w-well my point is…I think I'm gay. I do look at guys and think, 'Hey, he's attractive,' b-but now I'm not so sure that's the same as being attracted to them. S-so…If someone told me I had to pick an orientation…I would say I'm gay. But…like Kayoko said, it doesn't really matter." She smiles at me and takes my hand, "We love each other and that's that."

Kaito smiles and takes Daisuke's hand, "Yes…that's all that really matters."

Daisuke smiles at his boyfriend but then turns back to us and grimaces, "Your mom…told us about what happened with that classmate of yours. I'm so sorry about that." He laughs wryly, "I don't normally condone violence…but I'm glad Carsten hit him." He sighs, "That kind of thing comes with the territory, I'm afraid."

"Yeah…that day, I really understood why you kept things a secret for so long, that's for sure."

"Y-you two have dealt with that kind of thing too?"

Kaito nods, " On most days…nothing like that happens. But…the days where it does happen, stick with you. I'd say that on average, there's two incidents a year, or something like that."

Daisuke sighs, "That sounds about right."

"What d-do you do when it happens?"

"Ignore it, walk away, and have a phone ready to dial police."

I frown, "That's so scary…have you ever had to call?"

Kaito says, "No. We haven't ever had people try to hurt us or threaten us…but you can't be too careful."

Akari grimaces, "D-does it…ever hurt less to hear people say these things?"

Kaito says, "I think so. You…kind of learn to cope over time, I guess. But…it does still hurt."

"I-I'm glad it gets a little better. It was…hard. W-we both got really upset, even hearing it from someone we already despised."

I squeeze Akari's hand and smile at her. "Yeah. We haven't had an incident since…but we are on the lookout now."

Akari nods, "I'm g-going to add Yamaku security and local police to my phone now while I'm thinking about it…that's a good idea."

Akari takes out her phone and her face goes white.

I squeeze her hand, "Hey…what's wrong?"

"I-it's 9:30."

"Oh." I look at Kaito and Daisuke. "We were supposed to be home 30 minutes ago."

Wow, we really lost track of time. We must really have been thirsty for advice from an older same-sex couple, even though we didn't know it.

I stand up and start getting ready to leave. "Okay…well, we can get home really quickly at least."

She looks up at me with a distress, "M-my mom tried to call three times. She's going to be r-really mad at me."

Daisuke gently says, "Sorry…we really lost track of time. Tell her it's our fault, okay?"

Akari tries to put on a smile but it's not convincing anyone. I don't blame her. Daisuke's excuse won't hold any water with Mrs. Yoshida.

"Well…let's just get back to the house ASAP. Maybe she'll go easy?"

Akari nods but doesn't look convinced.

Kaito says, "Well…it was nice having you two. Let us know next time you're in the city."

"Thanks, Kaito, we will…sorry to rush out like this, but yeah…you get it. See you two!"

Akari waves and then says, "Bye!" when she realizes a wave doesn't really work with Kaito.

The walk back to Akari's house is tense. She has a look on her face like she just heard one of her family members has passed away. Truthfully, I'm really scared myself. I really don't ever want to see the version of Akari's mom I encountered in the medical building that day. I'm dreading that that's who I'm about to see.

When we walk in the door, Mrs. Yoshida quickly descends upon us. We're only about a meter in front of the door. She must have been waiting for this moment. The look in her eyes isn't quite as scary as it was in the medical building that day…there aren't any tiny explosions, but there does seem to be a fire of sorts flickering inside of them.

There's a look of deep frustration on her face when she asks, "Where were you two?"

Akari bows her head. "I'm s-sorry, mom. We never left Daisuke and Kaito's. We just lost track of time."

She shifts her gaze to me, and I start to feel weak at the knees. "Is that the truth?"

Does she think we went to a love hotel or something?

I stand up completely straight and bow my head. "Y-yes, ma'am. We were just talking with my cousin and his boyfriend after eating dinner. I-it was nice to see them after s-so long and time got away f-from us. I'm very sorry."

She shifts her gaze back to Akari, "Why didn't you even answer your phone?"

"I h-had it on silent and d-didn't take it out for a while. I m-made a mistake. I'm very sorry."

"I was very worried about you both. I thought maybe Kayoko could have been hurt, or you might have had an anxiety attack. Don't let this happen again, or you'll both be spending the rest of this visit in your rooms." She looks at me, "I need to get your number Kayoko, so something like this doesn't happen again."

I nod, "Yes ma'am." We exchange numbers in a very tense environment. Then, we both give her genuinely contrite nods. She seems satisfied with this and goes off to the master bedroom.

She isn't wrong about any of this. We messed up. My mom would be mad too if we told her we would be back at a certain time and then we weren't. And on TOP of that, we didn't answer when she called us either.

We head to Akari 's room, but I don't plan on dawdling there very long given her mother's mood.

Once we're in there we sit down on the bed.

"Th-that wasn't as bad as I expected."

I laugh, "Really? I almost peed my pants."

Akari giggles, "It was scary…but she normally would have p-punished me. I can't believe we only got a warning."

"Maybe she's getting softer?"

Akari thinks about it for a moment. "It…k-kind of seems like it. She's been…warmer this whole visit."

"Why do you think that is?"

She smiles at me, "I think she really likes you."

"Really? That's the reason?"

Akari shrugs, "You're the only thing that's d-different."

"Well…that would be nice. If I want her to keep liking me though, I should probably get out of her daughter's bedroom this late at night."

Akari giggles and we exchange a deep kiss before she rests her forehead on mine. "Not sleeping with you and not sleeping with y-you is hard."

I laugh, "I agree. But only a few more days. Then we can do a whole lot of both of those. Promise."

I give her a playful kiss on her neck before I give her a soft kiss on her lips and we part for the night.

Tomorrow is our last full day in Tokyo. We're going to visit the graves of Saki and my dad, and I'm feeling very emotional about bringing Akari with me. I love her so much. I already find it hard to think about a future without her, which scares me a little. We've been together two months and we're only 17. But I know she feels the same.

We're snuggling in her bed right now. Something we can't do too late in the night here for fear of Akari's mom, and I'm going to have to go to my room soon. But there's something I want to tell Akari before I do.

"I'm really glad you're coming with me tomorrow."

Akari squeezes me a little and smiles, "Me too. I know h-how important they are to you, so it's really special that you want me to go. Kind of like meeting your other parents. P-plus, not very often you get to go to a music legend's grave."

I smile at her, "It is special. I wouldn't be bringing you if I didn't love you so much." I give her a soft kiss. "I'm getting kind of emotional about it. It…makes me realize that there's…something I want to tell you about when my dad died. Something no one knows…b-but my family and my therapist."

Great, I'm already choking up about this.

She nods, sits up and hugs my head to her chest and starts stroking my hair. She can already tell there's going to be some crying. Just the fact that she knows I'm going to need this is enough for my tears to really get started.

"I f-found him that morning. My m-mom was there too…b-but…she kind of wasn't. I didn't know at the time b-but she was in shock. She couldn't respond. So, I was a-alone…I thought they were b-both really hurt."

The therapist said it was surprising I didn't resent my mom for that, so I should make sure Akari doesn't.

"P-please…don't think less of my mom because of it."

She's sniffling a little as she continues to hold me and stroke my hair. She softly says, "Kayoko, I would never think less of s-someone for having a m-mental breakdown. I have them all the time, remember?"

I nod, "Then…I had to figure out what to do, and I c-called the ambulance and then my aunt. A-and…my mom kind of snapped out of it when they tried to take him…" I start crying harder. "...she d-d-didn't want him to go. She started sobbing and yelled at them. She tried to physically stop them. It w-was really hard to see. But once they took him, she went back into shock. She…stayed that way for a w-week. I…I thought I lost th-them both…it w-w-was the hardest time in my life…" I trail off and start sobbing into her chest.

Akari squeezes me tighter and says, "That sounds s-so hard, Kayoko. It's amazing y-you and your mom came out of that. I can't imagine losing one of my p-parents that way…much less both." She puts her hand under my chin, and I tilt my head up and she kisses me softly. "Thank you for sharing that with m-me…I'm sure it was hard." She pauses for a moment. "I don't want to distract from your dad because of where we're going t-tomorrow. But…I'll t-tell you about my hardest times soon, n-now that you shared yours."

I have wanted to know more for a while, but I have avoided prying. I guess we've both done that. She only talks in very vague terms about everything she went through with her lupus. I have only very vaguely discussed my dad's death until now. Neither of us has ever tried to dig deeper.

I sit up and put my hands on either side of her face and pull her in for a kiss, then I tell her, "I'd like that."

Akari and I are at the cemetery. We're here to visit Saki's grave, and my dad's Tokyo grave too.

We're holding hands as we walk. I know the path well. I have visited Saki's grave every year since I was five. When we get there, we walk hand in hand and sit down together in front of them.

Saki's grave is clearly the older one, her gravestone has some signs of erosion. However, there are many fresh flowers. Clearly people apart from family visit her grave. I guess like Akari says, she's music royalty. My dad's is much newer. It's only been about two years. Somehow it feels like it has been a lifetime since that morning…and at the same time, it feels like it was yesterday.

I grab Akari's hand and say, "Well Akari, this is Saki and my dad. Saki and dad…this is Akari. She's my girlfriend."

She says, "Thank you both for helping m-make such a great girl."

I smile at her as tears start trickling down my face.

I wish you could really meet her, dad. I think you'd like her. She doesn't like science a whole lot, but she loves music. I think as much as Saki did. She's amazing like her too. I think she's going to be music royalty too one day. She's great to me and I love her very much. I think I'll be visiting your grave with her for the rest of my life, so you'll get to know her too.

After a few minutes, Akari asks "What was he like?" She has a few tears on her cheeks.

I smile at her. "Just…the b-best dad ever. Loving. Smart. Gentle. Patient. Funny. I really miss him."

Akari hugs me, "I know y-you do. I wish I could have met him. It sounds like you got those traits. So I guess in some ways…I have."

This pushes me into full on crying. I rest my head on Akari's shoulder and really let myself feel all the sorrow I still have. Akari cries with me.

Eventually, I've cried all the tears I can. As we're walking hand in hand out of the cemetery Akari says, "It's kind of amazing how understanding your m-mom was about Saki. How many w-women would have some of their husband's ashes buried with their first wife?"

"Yeah…I guess it is. I hadn't thought of it that way because that's just…how it always was. My dad never stopped loving her and my mom knew that. She helped my dad grieve for her. Came to this grave with him every year. I think she understood because of her own grief."

I haven't talked with Akari about this very much. It's up to my mom to tell her the details. I'll be vague for now.

"She lost her dad when she was 11."

Akari nods, "She m-mentioned their shared grief once. A…sad thing to bond over." She smiles at me. "But clearly, it worked."

Akari and I are heading back to Yamaku today. We are excited to have more freedom to do what we want with one another, both in wholesome and not so wholesome ways. This was a great visit. I got to know her parents better, and doing some of my family stuff with Akari was nice.

We're eating a quick breakfast with Akari's mom, and she will be accompanying us to the train station. Before he left for work, Akari's dad made us a western style breakfast and I am ecstatic about it. Mrs. Yoshida is smiling at me slightly, much as she did when I ate pasta on our first night here. She seems to like it when I enjoy food.

"You really like eggs, don't you?"

I laugh, "I do. It's…kind of like with pasta the other day. My dad used to make this a lot."

"Did your father spend a lot of time in the West? From his cooking, that's how it sounds."

I laugh, "He didn't. I'm pretty sure he never left Japan. His English was horrible. Mine is probably already better. But he really liked cooking a wide variety of things. He was a scientist; I think he sort of saw it as 'experimenting.'"

She nods, "It is an admirable quality to want to try new things." She hesitates for a moment and looks very uneasy. Then she looks at me with a hint of sadness on her face and she clumsily puts her hand on mine. She doesn't try to hold my hand, she just sort of rests her hand on mine. The physical contact is so surprising that I flinch slightly. "I…am very sorry you lost him."

"Thank you. I really appreciate that."

I really do. This is a really big thing for her, as evidenced by how hard it was to say that. But she wanted to do it for me. It makes me feel a little moved.

Once we finish breakfast, we get a cab and ride together to the train station. Once we get there, Akari 's mom gets out with us and gives her daughter a stiff hug.

"Thank you for coming to visit us, both of you. It was a nice time, and I hope you'll come back." Then she approaches me and gives me the same sort of hug she gave her daughter.

She gives me a small smile and says, "I enjoyed getting to know you better, Kayoko."

I smile back and say, "Yes, I feel the same. It was really nice."

We finish our goodbyes, and she gets back in the cab. We hold hands and walk towards the train station.

Akari smiles broadly and says, "I think my mom r-really likes you…it may not seem like it but-"

I smile. "You don't have to convince me. For her, everything she did this morning is equivalent to my mom taking care of you for a week during a lupus flare, isn't it?

Akari giggles, "Yeah, pretty much"

My FanFics
Learning to Run (Complete) - Emi x Hisao in their 30s
Yamaku: the Next Generation (Complete) - Emi and Hisao's daughter goes to Yamaku.
Oil & Vinegar - Mutou and Nurse buddy one-shot

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Chapter 29

Post by guthrum06 »

Summer vacation is at an end. Akari and I spent every day together as planned. After I went with her to Tokyo, we came back to Yamaku for a week before going to visit my grandma and Sho in Sendai. While they met her briefly at my birthday, this was the first time had really spent time with her. Unsurprisingly, they really like her and are very happy that the two of us are together.

We've been back at Yamaku for a week, and Ai got back around the time we did. She's having a hard time without Carsten, so we have spent a lot of time with her. It's been kind of nice, just the three of us.

Now, it's the night before the fall trimester begins. Akari and I are in my bed. We just finished making love and we're very cozy snuggling in the aftermath. Akari's eyes are closed and she's probably going to fall asleep any minute. She almost always falls asleep before me. But I follow her to dreamland quickly because after she falls asleep, her slow, deep breaths are like a sleeping pill for me. It's the most relaxing sound in the world.

Then, we are rudely interrupted by my phone vibrating. I pick it up and see that it's my aunt. That's unusual at this time of night. I hope my mom's okay.

I pick up and say, "Hey, what's up?"

She says, "Hey, kiddo. I wanted to give you a heads up about band this trimester."

"A heads up?"

"Yeah, a third-year pianist is transferring in. She's had a lot of changes in life recently as a result of a medical condition, and she's struggling with it."


She laughs, "I will be more direct. She could use some help, I think. And she will be in direct contact with you because of band. So…try and help her, if she lets you."

Why is she asking me of all people to do this?

"Okay, I'll try."

She's quiet for a moment, "From what I have heard…she reminds me of your dad, when I first met him. So, that's another reason I thought of you."

If she's trying to manipulate me into helping this girl, she's doing a pretty good job.

"Oh. Okay, I can see what you mean. I will do my best."

"Great. That's all I can ask. Sorry to be so vague, but I can't really tell you anything more without violating rules about student privacy. I'm probably already crossing that line a little."

"Yeah, I understand."

We say our goodbyes and end the call.

Without opening her eyes, Akari sleepily asks, "What w-was that about?"

"There will be a new pianist transfer student. She's struggling with adjusting to her new life with a medical condition. My aunt wants me to help."

"Just because you both p-play piano?"

"That's part of it. But she also knows I'll help because…it's a situation a lot like my dad's. He was a Yamaku transfer who became disabled during his last year of high school. He struggled with it. Saki and my aunt helped him." I laugh, "So…I guess you and I might be Saki and my aunt here."

She opens one eye and smirks, "Does that mean one of us is g-going to fall in love with her?"

I giggle and hit her with my capybara. "It better not."

It's the first day of band practice this trimester.

I walk into the music room with Akari and hear my aunt say, "Oh…there you are." I turn and see her walking over to me with a tall, thin girl. She's several centimeters taller than me. Girl may not be right either, as she looks more like a college student than one in high school. She has shoulder-length blonde hair that I can only speculate is the result of hair dye. The look on her face confirms that this is the person my aunt called me about two nights ago. She looks like she doesn't want to be here.

"Hana, this is Kayoko, the other pianist I told you about."

I smile at her and say, "Hi, Hana. I'm excited to work with you."

Her face doesn't really change. If there were a photographic guide to facial expressions, her face would be right next to 'apathetic.' She flatly says, "Yeah. Me too."

We head off to the piano together. I try to get her to talk to me a little before band practice, but all I get are unenthusiastic one-word responses so I give up.

To get her to feel a little better about things, I'm giving her a lot of time on the piano today. She needs to build a rapport with the rest of the band anyway. She's good and I'm jealous of her long slender hands. But she still looks like a robot and her face doesn't shift from its default expression. I thought maybe doing something she loves might improve her mood, but it didn't. At least not outwardly. I wonder what happened to her. Obviously, it wasn't good. She doesn't have any immediately visible disability to clue me in on anything. But then, neither did my dad.

We just finished up for the day, and Hana and I are on the piano bench together. Akari comes up to me and I know what she's going to say, so I decide to invite my benchmate.

"Hey Hana, do you want to come get some dinner with us in the cafeteria?"


I get up and give Akari a quick kiss, and when I turn around to get my things, I see the most significant facial expression I've seen on Hana's face so far.

Her eyebrows are raised just a tiny bit. She points from me to Akari and says, "So, you two are…?"

I smile and finish for her, "A couple? Yes. This is Akari, the first chair French horn and my girlfriend." Akari puts on her best welcoming smile. She can probably relate to not wanting to be here. Her first month at Yamaku was hell.

Hana grimaces, "I'm sorry I just…acted like that. I don't have a problem with that. I just didn't see it coming, I guess. Anyway, it's nice to meet you, Akari."

I'm not exactly sure what that means about 'not seeing it coming', but she's new here and having a hard time so I'm going to move past it.

Clearly Akari feels the same. She smiles and says, "Th-that's fine. We aren't offended."

Hana nods and the three of us head to the cafeteria. On the way there I ask, "So…how's your first couple of days here, Hana?"

She frowns. "Okay, I guess. Everything's taking some…adjusting. It was nice to play piano just now, sort of felt like…nothing had changed, for a moment."

Okay, well I'm glad it helped a little. Maybe if we stick to talking about the piano, she'll feel more comfortable.

"Yeah. You are really good. How long have you been playing?"

"I started lessons when I was 10. You're good too. How long has it been for you?"

"I started around the same age. You're 18 though, right? So, you have a year on me."

She says, "Um…I'm actually 20. I…missed some school...the last couple of years."

My mom was a year older than everyone in her year. She missed a a year of school after her accident. I guess this must be similar, only whatever happened to her came much more recently.

"Well, then you have three years on me." She nods mechanically.

Once we're seated in the cafeteria, we're quiet for a while, and then Hana breaks the silence when she asks, "So, how long have you two been together?"

Other than the piano, this seems to be the other topic she's sort of interested in. It at least draws a response out of her.

Akari smiles at me, "About three m-months now. We were friends for over a year first."

Hana smiles slightly, "Yeah, I would have guessed more than three months, so that makes sense."

"Why would you think that, out of curiosity?"

She shrugs and smiles a little wider, "You just seem really close. It's cute."

I feel my face flush a little, and Akari's does too. "Thank you. We are close, so you have good observational skills. How's…romantic life for you?"

She sighs and frowns. "Not…awesome. I had a boyfriend…before, but we broke up."

I desperately want to ask, "BEFORE WHAT?!" but I think I'll keep my curiosity under wraps for now.

I frown, "That's no fun."

"Nope. But I've seen some cute guys here at least."

Akari giggles, "Y-yeah? Already seeing what might be on the menu?"

Hana smiles the biggest I've seen so far. "Maybe a little. Hey, you play French horn, right? What's that shaggy-haired guy's name?"

Akari frowns, "Michi. He's um… a-actually my ex."

Hana grimaces, "Shit. Sorry."

Akari shrugs, "It's fine. It w-wasn't a really bad break up or anything. Obviously, we sit next to each other in band, so it would b-be hard if we hated each other." She smiles, "If you want to pursue him or whatever, g-go for it. I can even introduce you."

It wasn't a bad breakup? I seem to remember things a little differently. They did patch things up after the fact, and he apologized for the awful things he said to her. But still…

Hana nods, "I don't know how ready I am to actually pursue anyone. But…thinking about the potential is fun."

Then after a moment she says, "Well…thanks for inviting me to dinner. It was nice. I think I'm going to head back to my dorm."

"Yeah, no problem. If you want, you can eat with us and our friends at lunch tomorrow too. We'll be at one of the tables right outside the cafeteria." I point out the window to where I'm talking about.

We moved where we eat because Carsten isn't here to move Ai on to the grass anymore. Koji could do it, but the two of them aren't close enough for that to not be weird. Especially because Ai sees it as something special she and Carsten do.

She nods and then in a monotone voice she says, "Yeah, okay. I think I'll take you up on that. You two seem cool. See you tomorrow."

The next day Hana joins us at lunch. I introduce her to Koji and Ai, and she takes a seat at the table in between me and Koji. I see her flinch a little when she sees Koji's scars. It annoys me a little bit that she was so obvious about it, but then I remember I had a similar reaction the first time I noticed them. She's entirely new to Yamaku too. So, I'll cut her some slack. The two of them are chatting now, so Koji wasn't offended either.

While I'm busy worrying about Hana, I also notice I have another friend who doesn't seem to be doing so well.

"Hey…Ai. Are you doing okay? You look…like you never slept."

She scoffs, "It's that obvious, is it? Well, you hit the nail on the head. I stayed up all night talking with Carsten. It was nice, but I'm paying for it now."

Hana looks confused so I fill her in, "Her boyfriend is in Germany."

She nods, "Oh, yeah? That must be hard."

Ai yawns and says, "It wouldn't be nearly as bad without the time difference. He's 7 hours behind. He's not done with school usually until 4, which is 11 p.m. here, so that's when we talk. Last night we talked until he had to go to bed, and by that time there was no point in me trying to sleep."

Akari says, "I g-get wanting to talk to him, but you need to sleep, Ai..."

She sighs, "I know. I just really miss him, and he misses me. It's hard to hang up sometimes. But yeah…I need to be getting at least six hours or something."

Hana says, "It's cool you two are trying to make things work. I…had a boyfriend, before here. I wanted to try to make it work even though I was leaving, but he didn't. And he's just like a three-hour train ride away."

Ai yawns again, "That stinks. Just tell me where he lives."

She's too tired to complete her threat.

Hana looks confused so Koji translates, "She's threatening him. She does that."

Hana smiles softly, "Oh, got it. Well, hey, I just might take you up on that."

About halfway through lunch I smell something very unpleasant. If I had to identify it in one word, that word would be 'sewage.' Luckily, I've already eaten, otherwise it would have really put me off. I look at Akari and can see from her face that she's detected the same smell. The same is true of Koji and Ai. I've never smelled something like this out in the middle of campus. I hope there's not some sort of sewage leak.

Now I notice Hana has a look on her face that is a mix of utter terror and embarrassment. She's grimacing and blushing at the same time. She has her hand on her lower abdomen, and her clothes look wet under her hand.

I whisper, "Hana…is there anything I can do to help?" She responds by standing and getting away from us as fast as she can, which is surprisingly fast on her long legs. I consider trying to follow her, but her body language made it clear that wasn't what she wanted. She left her backpack and food here.

Koji chuckles and says, "Do I have a way with the ladies, or what?"

I smile at his attempt to cover this up with humor.

If we could smell it further away from her, surely it was even stronger for him. He's probably hoping we didn't notice, for her sake. That's pretty nice of him.

Ai laughs and says, "What exactly happened?" Koji frowns when he realizes his deception wasn't successful.

"I…don't really understand, but I guess that smell had to do with her, and she got embarrassed about it."

Akari says, "I th-think she has an ostomy bag."

Ai says, "A…what now?" I echo Ai's question with a confused facial expression.

"I s-saw a lot of them in the hospital. It means part of her colon had to be removed, so her…waste gets collected in a little pouch connected to her body. It must have leaked."

Koji shakes his head sympathetically, "Yeah. I guess I can see why that would be embarrassing. Hopefully she knows we don't care. I mean…my whole face is embarrassing, you know?"

I shake my head at Koji for his self-deprecating comment and then sigh, "Maybe she'll be back before the end of lunch. She did leave all her stuff here."

By the end of lunch, she hasn't returned. We consider just leaving her things where they are, but ultimately decide against it since we aren't sure she's coming back any time soon, so we take them to the band room, since we know she'll be there later. None of us have her number, so we settle on the low-tech strategy of leaving a note on the table explaining where her stuff is.


Later that day Hana doesn't come to band and while we're there, we see that she never got her things . After band, we decide to talk to my aunt about it. I know there's a lot she can't share, but she might know what to do. After I explain the situation, she sighs.

"That's tough. I wish I had some advice."

I frown. "You helped my dad in a similar situation, didn't you? I thought you would have advice."

She laughs, "Let me think…I mean, your dad was really embarrassed about a scar he had on his chest. But that's a lot different than this. He didn't run away because of it…he just never took his shirt off. Even in the pool." She laughs softly. "Anyway. You just have to wait her out, I guess. I would think she went to the nurse to get help and then just decided to disappear for the day out of embarrassment."

I sigh, "Okay well..thanks. Hopefully we can find a way to help her."

After that Akari and I eat dinner and head back to the dorms.

When we get off of the elevator, we see a tall blonde girl walking down the hall with her back to us. From the looks of it, she just took a shower. She goes into her room at the end of the hall. I'm 99% sure it was Hana. There isn't another tall blonde girl at this school that I'm aware of. I guess she lives on our floor. That makes things a little easier. Akari and I go into her room, sit down on the bed, and discuss the situation.

"We…probably shouldn't just go knock on her door, right? I'm tempted to, but…"

Akari shakes her head violently. "I know she doesn't have anxiety l-like me, but someone knocking on my d-door was one of my greatest f-fears when I first came here. It might just scare her away m-more."

"So, we just have to be patient, then?"

"Yep." She smiles mischievously. "Do I n-need to be patient?"


She puts her arms around me and then slowly moves them down my back before sliding her fingertips just under the hem of my skirt. I wasn't even thinking about sex, but now it's all I can think about. She's far too good at this.

I giggle, "Ohhhh. You meant that kind of patient." I pull her in for a deep kiss and start unbuttoning her shirt. After I take it off her, she slides my skirt off and we get into bed together. "No, I don't think you do."

The next morning when I'm leaving Akari's room and going to mine to get ready, I see Hana in the hall walking towards me. She looks up, sees me, gets embarrassed and turns around. I think she's hoping I didn't see her. I know I'm supposed to be patient, but she's out in the open now.

I say, "Hey, Hana." She stops walking and turns around.

She frowns and says, "Um…hey."

By now Akari is standing in the threshold of her door. I guess if she lets me know this is a bad idea I'll back off, but she hasn't so far. So, I say, "Hana…can we talk to you?"

She looks down and says, "Um…I really need to get going."

Akari pokes me in the butt, and I look behind me and she shakes her head. I guess I'm going to need to be patient a little while longer. But there is one kind of important thing she needs to know now.

"Okay. Your things are in the band room if you're looking for them."

She looks up at me with a small smile and nods and then I go back into Akari's room to let her escape.

"Would have been bad if I pushed things there, huh?"

Akari nods, "Yeah. You can ask to t-talk, but if she says no, that's that."

"Okay, fine."


Hana didn't come to lunch with us today. But I just walked into the band room, and I'm very relieved to see that she's here. We make some very surface level small talk before practice, but I can tell she's still really uncomfortable. So, I don't push anything. She probably doesn't want to talk about this in public anyway. We invite her to dinner after band, but she declines.

Once we're back in my dorm room for the night and about to do some very unwholesome things there's a knock on Akari's door. She isn't in there of course, so we listen for a second and there's another knock. So, I say, "Who is it?"


The questioning tone of her voice is probably a result of hearing 'who is it' from the wrong room.

Luckily, we were only in the early stages of our night so we're still fully clothed. I get up and open it. "Hi Hana, Akari's over here."

She smiles slightly, "You two live across from each other huh? I guess that must be nice."

One of the few things she smiles about is me and Akari. That's kind of nice, I guess. Hopefully we can get her to where she smiles about other things.

I laugh, "Yep. It's convenient. Do you want to come in?"

She nods, comes in and sits down on the desk chair. Akari's still sitting on the bed, and I sit down next to her.

She's looking down at the ground in front of us. "I just…wanted to thank you for getting my stuff the other day. I sort of forgot about it after…that happened."

Akari says, "N-no problem. It made us realize we need your phone number."

She nods, "Yeah…that's a good idea." She gets out her phone and we all exchange numbers.

Then she fidgets for a second and then says, "I'm sorry for not being very friendly the last few days. You two are being nice and trying to make me feel welcome, so I shouldn't have done that. I just…I was really embarrassed, and I needed time to pass, I guess. I…don't know if I'm going to go to lunch again…because of what happened. But I won't avoid you anymore other than that…"

"You d-do'nt want to come to lunch? We'd like you to. So would Ai and Koji."

She grimaces, "I don't think I can. I'm too embarrassed. I know you two a little better. It's easier. You've been around me when…that didn't happen. But the only time I ever saw Ai and Koji…that's what happened. To them…I'm just some girl who...made that happen."

"If I tell you something really embarrassing that has happened to me because of my condition, would that help?"

She shrugs, but I'm going to do it anyway. It certainly won't hurt anything.

"I get hurt easily. That's why I have these lovely accessories on," I show her my wrist brace. "A few months ago, I fell when I was getting out of the shower and really hurt my leg. I couldn't get up. We had to call the medical staff to help me, and all I had on when they did was a shirt." I smile at Akari, "And I only had that thanks to her."

Hana raises her eyebrows and smiles a little, "That…does sound embarrassing."

I laugh, "Oh, it was."

"I have a story like that to-too. Last year I had a p-panic attack in front of dozens of people when they were trying to congratulate me after a concert. I fainted and hit my head."

Hana grimaces. "I'm…sorry those things happened to both of you. But it makes me feel a little better I guess, knowing you've been through it. I'm still really embarrassed though. This…it's new to me. I only recently became…someone who has to come to school here."

She said that last word with a little bit too much contempt. But she's struggling…I guess I'll let it slide. I wonder if my dad felt like this at first. I kind of can't believe he would, but maybe I'm putting him on a pedestal. I didn't know him when he was 18 and surrounded by people with disabilities for the first time.

"We're not trying to tell you that you shouldn't be embarrassed. We were embarrassed too. I think I'm just saying…most of us have been there. So, we understand a little better than you might think. I think that's one of the best things about Yamaku. We all understand each other a little better here than kids at a regular school. I'm sure Ai and Koji have embarrassing stories too."

She sighs, "Okay, Kayoko, I get it. You convinced me. I'll come to lunch."

I laugh, "You don't exactly sound happy about it."

She smiles softly, "I am. I'm just teasing you a little for getting all preachy there. It's like you're spreading the gospel of Yamaku or something."

Akari giggles. I glare at her, "Excuse me, are you saying I'm preachy too?"

She puts her hand on my back and smiles. "M-maybe a little. You do love it here more than…just about anyone. 'Gospel of Y-yamaku' has a nice ring to it." She waves her hand in the air. "I picture you going to every house with a disabled kid in it in all of Japan and spreading the Word of Yamaku to them. Then they w-will all come marching up the hill and join us here in utopia."

Hana laughs and it's the first time I've ever heard that, so it distracts me from being a little annoyed with Akari. It's the first time she hasn't looked uncomfortable in the few days I've known her.

I scoff playfully and cross my arms, "Yeah well…I'll tell you the whole story some time Hana, but here's the short version: my parents went to school here, and later they both worked here. I grew up in a house down the hill. So, I'm probably biased."

She nods, "That makes sense. I was just teasing. Your sermon really did help."

Akari giggles again and I playfully glare at her again.

"Well, Hana, if you're feeling comfortable enough now to tease me…you just watch out. That means I can go after you too."

She stands up, "Well, I'll be on my guard then. Thanks, you two. I'll see you tomorrow." She leaves and heads back to her room.

I wanted to hug her, but she doesn't really come off as the hugging type.

After she leaves, I glare at Akari.

"Are you actually m-mad about the preachy thing?"

I cross my arms. "Kinda. Maybe."

She puts her hand on my thigh and gently nudges me, instructing to me lay down on the bed, which I do. Then she kisses me deeply, smiles at me and says, "How will I ever m-make it up to you?"

She really is far too good at this. At some point you'd think I'd develop some immunity. So far though, I'm just putty in her hands.

Hana comes to lunch the next day. Before she sits down, she says, "Hi everyone. Um…I'm sorry about the other day. I have this…thing, and normally it doesn't have any problems…but it leaked, and I freaked out. It…shouldn't happen again."

Ai scoffs and says, "You don't have anything to apologize for. Do you want me to apologize for being in a wheelchair?"

Hana blushes and says, "Err…no, of course not."

Ai says, "Okay, then don't apologize for your thing. Now, sit down and shut up." She pauses for a moment and says, "I mean that in the nicest way possible of course."

Hana sits down next to me and across from Koji. She's still pretty red.

I sigh, "Sorry about Ai. I agree with her sentiment…but…."

Hana smiles softly, "It's okay. I appreciate what she was trying to say."

Koji starts talking to Hana about third year things like the upcoming examination hell, so I tune them out. And join the conversation at the other side of the table.

Akari says, "S-so, what's today's Carsten update?"

Ai says, "He's good. Misses us all of course, but school is going well. He really misses Japanese food." She yawns. "Nothing too interesting."

I smirk, "You talk to him at least a couple hours each night but there's nothing interesting?"

Ai blushes a little, "Well. Some interesting stuff happens. But not the kind I would tell you."

I raise my eyebrow at her, and she turns even redder.

"Yes, okay! We do…stuff over the phone, or on video chat sometimes. Call me a freak or whatever, but…"

I laugh, "I think it's kind of sweet actually."

Hana says, "Me too. Remember, I had a guy who wouldn't stay with me when I moved a few hours away. Your guy moved way farther, you talk all the time, and you're still intimate? Sounds nice."

Ai smiles at her, "Thank you. It…is kinda nice. Not the real thing, but close."

I look at Akari. As pent up as we always are for each other, I have no doubt that's what we'd be doing. Shoot, we would probably do it if one of us was gone just for the weekend.

"Did we just…?"

I'm staring at the chess board, dumbfounded. There's nowhere he can move. There's nowhere I can move.

I sigh in frustration, "Yeah, it's a stalemate."

He smiles ear to ear, "That means I didn't lose, right?"

I smirk at him, "Sure does. It also means you didn't win, though."

"Well, yeah…but neither did you. If this isn't a disruption of the status quo, I don't know what is."

I laugh, "Fair enough."

"Hey, I wanted to ask you something…"

I gesture for him to continue.

"What do you think about Hana?"

"What do I think? That she's really nice, struggling to adjust to how much things have changed for her. Akari and I are trying to help. You and Ai are too, even if you don't know it."

"Do you…think she could use more help, from me…maybe?"

I lean back in my chair and smile at him, "You like her, don't you?"

"I dunno. I like talking to her and she's pretty. I want to get to know her better than I've been able to at lunch."

I think for a minute. "Well…I can help. We eat dinner with her in the cafeteria around 6 most days. You're welcome to come."

He smiles, "Really?"

"Yeah. Although…I feel kind of bad leaving Ai out if it's everyone but her. Do you care if I invite her too?"

"No, that's fine."

I laugh, "Man, I just realized you are the only guy in the group since Carsten left, and there's another girl now. The ratio is way off."

He smiles, "I noticed. I get questions sometimes from random underclassman guys in the library, 'How are you always hanging out with a bunch of cute girls?'"

I guess we ARE all pretty cute.

"How do you answer?"

He smirks, "I usually just shrug. Makes me mysterious."

I giggle, "You're enjoying it, then."

"A little, is that bad?"

"Nope. You seem…a bit more confident these days. It's nice to see."

He smiles, "Yeah, I feel more confident. And I feel really confident after this stalemate."

I laugh, "I don't know what's going to happen when you finally beat me. We might have to have a party or something."

He laughs, "I wouldn't say no to that."

It's after band. Hana, Akari and I are heading to the cafeteria. Koji should be there. Maybe Ai too, though she said she might take a nap, so she's rested for her Carsten time.

"Hey…what do you two think of Koji?"

Is this really happening? Koji just asked about her yesterday.

"He's a really great guy. Why do you ask?"

"Well…he asked for my number at lunch today. I gave it to him. I wasn't sure if he was…hitting on me or what. But he is nice, and pretty cute. So I thought 'what the hell.'"

Maybe he doesn't even need me. And she said he's cute! I was a little worried she wouldn't be able to get past his scars.

Akari smirks at me. She knew that Koji has a crush on Hana, so she's probably as happy as I am about this.

"So, you might want to get to know him better?"

"Yeah, maybe. Or at least sleep with him."

Akari and I stop dead in our tracks.

She smirks and turns around, "Not how you two like to do things, huh?"

Akari recovers more quickly than I do. I guess I'm the bigger prude. "N-No. Sorry…we shouldn't have r-reacted like that. There's nothing wrong with just s-sleeping with people if that's what y-you like." I nod in agreement.

We continue on our path to the cafeteria. After a minute Hana says, "I haven't done it like that before either. My ex is the only guy I have been with. But I was thinking…just sex with a guy could be nice. A little rebound action." She sighs, "Of course…my whole…situation" she pats her lower abdomen "…probably means I should get to know a guy pretty well before hooking up with him anyway. So, maybe I missed my chance for that kind of thing."

Just as I'm formulating a response to this conundrum, we see Koji walking from the school building to the cafeteria.

Hana says, "Speak of the devil."

I playfully wink at her, "Looks like he's going to the cafeteria."

She smiles, "Sure does."

When we get to the cafeteria, I don't see Ai. She's probably taking that nap. I am a little worried about how she's really throwing herself into talking with Carsten so much. I get it…but I'm starting to think she is neglecting her life here.

Koji is already seated by the time we get our food. Hana is ahead of us and she sits next to Koji all on her own. For a moment, I wonder whether we should just let them be alone. But they know we are here; it would be kind of weird if we did that. I guess if we pick up a vibe that we should leave, we always can.

We take a seat across from them and when we get there, they seem to be excitedly discussing a TV show. I'm really bad at pop culture so I have no idea what they are talking about. If it isn't romance manga, Akari isn't so good at it either. They are sitting much closer to each other than necessary, and she's laughing at every little thing he says. There's some definite flirting going on here.

As I watch them interact, I realize that both are very guarded people. I've known Koji quite a while now, but I still don't know much about his past. He mentions little snippets here and there. He was in an orphanage and bullied a lot before Yamaku. He likes books and games. That's about all I have.

I've only known Hana for about two weeks, so it is less surprising that I know so little. But I know almost nothing. She has an ex, and they broke up somewhat recently, she has some sort of gastrointestinal condition, and she plays the piano. That is the extent of my knowledge.

Akari and I talk a little bit about band and our classes, but we're both pretty interested in watching our two companions interact given we know that there is some mutual romantic interest between them. It's hard not to be a little enthralled. Eventually, I realize that we should probably let them be alone. Just as I'm about to ask her, Akari says, "R-ready to go, Kayoko?"

I nod, "Yep. Let's get going."

Hana smiles the biggest I've seen so far, "I think I'm going to stay here a little while."

Koji says, "Yeah! Me too."

He didn't even really need my help in the end. This is cute. Maybe our friend group will be three couples. That would be interesting.

Akari and I are both smiling wide, "Okay, you t-two have fun."

The next morning I've just finished getting ready, and I'm about to see if Akari is ready to go. While I'm in between our rooms, I hear a door open down the hall and I see Koji emerge wearing a wrinkled uniform. He doesn't have a hoodie on, so I almost didn't recognize him. There's only one reason he would be here at this hour and have come from that part of the hall. I guess…it's possible they slept together without doing anything else. After all, that's what I did with Hideki and Akari a long time before getting sexual. But the goofy smile on his face makes me think otherwise.

As he passes me, he says, "Morning, Kayoko. See you at lunch." I find myself unable to respond.

As I'm standing in the hallway, stunned by what I just witnessed, Hana comes out of her room and heads to her shower. She sees me and gives me a playful wink confirming my suspicions. I really shouldn't say anything but…

I walk toward her and I whisper, "What happened to getting to know a guy first?"

Hana frowns and walks back to her room and invites me inside. There's not much in here other than her furniture and clothes. She did just move in, I guess. It smells…kind of musky, probably a result of their night together. It makes me realize that mine and Akari's rooms must smell funny too sometimes, we must just be nose blind to it. Oh God. I'll think about that later.

She explains, "I knew Koji already knew about my…situation and he still wanted me. And I wanted him. So, we slept together. We both had a really good time with each other. We'll probably do it again. I know I'd like to." She frowns. "Is it really that bad?"

I sigh, "No. I'm sorry. I guess I'm a little worried he will get attached and hurt or something. I know he…hasn't had a girlfriend…and you were most likely his first. But obviously you both wanted to do this."

It's just so hard for me to understand. But that doesn't mean it's wrong. My mom did this all the time all the way into her 30s, so I probably shouldn't be so judgmental.

"I won't be weird about it anymore. It's not my business. I'm sorry for meddling."

She says, "I get it. We had a talk about it before we decided to do it. I wanted to make sure I wasn't leading him on. He agreed that it was just us hooking up."

I get a bad feeling in my stomach.

I force a smile, "That's good. Okay, I'll leave you alone to take your shower now. See you later."

When Koji and I were briefly kissing buddies, he agreed to that too, but it messed with his head. So, what is THIS going to do? Whatever, this isn't my problem. He makes his own choices. But if this goes badly, I'll be there for him.

My FanFics
Learning to Run (Complete) - Emi x Hisao in their 30s
Yamaku: the Next Generation (Complete) - Emi and Hisao's daughter goes to Yamaku.
Oil & Vinegar - Mutou and Nurse buddy one-shot

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Joined: Thu Oct 05, 2023 7:35 pm

Chapter 30

Post by guthrum06 »

It's been about two weeks since Hana and Koji started their…I guess 'dalliance' would be the right word?

As far as I can tell, they are sleeping together literally and figuratively every night. They spend some time alone together apart from that too. To me at least, it seems like they are in a relationship. Except that they don't show each other any romantic affection in public. And I guess they aren't formally committed to one another. It still confuses me, but they are both much happier people now. They both had bad self-images, and they have helped build each other up. Koji doesn't even wear his hoodie anymore. That's made it very easy not to meddle.

However, the relationship between my other two friends has me far more concerned. Ai has missed about half of our classes over the last two weeks. She hasn't shown up to study for anything, and she seems to be asleep at really strange times. We hardly see her outside of class and lunch and she only shows up for those about half the time.

Right now Akari and I are snuggling in her bed and about to go to sleep. But I'm so worked up over this Ai thing, I think I need to talk about it.

"Are you as worried about Ai as I am?"

"I don't know how worried you are exactly…b-but I am worried."

"What should we do? If I try to help, am I just meddling in something that's none of my business? Like I tried to do with Hana and Koji?"

"I th-think it is your business. They are your two closest friends who aren't m-me, and what Ai's doing…c-can't be good for her. I think we have to talk to her about it."

I hug Akari a little closer, "What do we say to her?"

"That she…r-really isn't living life here. It's almost like she's in Germany with him."

"Dang, that's good."

Akari giggles, "I do get the b-better grades in Japanese."

I scoff, "Okay, I'll let you take the lead then."

"Um…I'm usually pretty good at t-talking with Ai, but this is sensitive enough that I w-worry I will get anxious and mess it up. Especially if she gets upset. You can lead, but I will provide support."

"Okay." I exhale. "We'll do that tomorrow."

The next day, Ai doesn't come to class or lunch, and she declined an invitation for dinner. So, Akari and I decided to go to her room in the evening. We knock on her door, and she cracks it open with a surprised look on her face.

"Hey, what are you two doing here?"

"Can…we come in? We miss seeing you and want to talk to you about something."

She frowns, "Does it have to be now?"

I frown back. "Kind of. We…don't seem to see you otherwise."

She sighs, "Okay. Come in."

Her room is a mess. Clearly, she's spending all her time in time here. They are junk food wrappers, soda cans, partially eaten food and dirty clothes strewn all over. There's a path for her wheelchair out of necessity, but the rest of the floor is filthy. I guess cleaning up is harder for her without Carsten, but she could ask us for help. It really is like her whole life is in this room. And I understand how hard things are without Carsten. But…this…is not good. It's even worse than we knew.

After a few moments in her room, I remember that my mom once told me she used to get so depressed around the anniversary of her dad's death that she just couldn't muster the energy to do anything, including throwing away trash.

We sit down on the bed, and she positions herself in front of us.

"So, what's up?"

I force a smile, "Well…you haven't really been coming to class. We were worried. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. Things are fine."


"What? I answered your question, okay. I'm fine."

Before I can ask, Akari says, "Th-then why aren't you coming to class?"

She sighs and crosses her arms, "I dunno. I just don't feel like it."

"That's…not like you. You like school. Some of it anyway."

"I liked it when Carsten was here. I…have a hard time making myself go now."

"Wh-what about lunch?"

"Same thing, I guess. Without Carsten there, I don't feel like going."

"What are you doing all day?"

"Sleeping, mostly."


She aggressively points at me and grits her teeth, "Stop saying my name like that! I'm not some hurt puppy for you to take care of, Kayoko! I'm fine."

"You're right. But I do think you need a little help. Will you let us help?"

She crosses her arms again. "I don't need any help. I told you I'm fine."

Akari says, "Y-you don't seem fine. All you're doing is s-sleeping all day and then talking to Carsten. And then going b-back to sleep. Does that sound f-fine?"

She glares at Akari but then her glare softens, she starts to get choked up, and she looks down. "You…you don't know what it's like. You two have each other all day every day. And every night too! Th-that's how it used to be for me. Now…I just have him for a few hours on the phone every day. And…that's the only part of the day I like. The rest of it is just a nuisance."

I take Ai's hand, "You're right that we don't fully understand. But…I can imagine what it would be like if Akari moved across the world, and we had to do a long-distance relationship. It would be hard. I could even see myself doing what you're doing right now. But you know what?"

She sighs, "What?"

"I would listen to you if you said what I was doing wasn't good for me. I'd let you help me. Will you let us help you?"

She pulls her hand away from me and scowls. "How do you think you can help, Kayoko? The person I love the most in the whole world…the man that I…hope to marry some day is gone from my life in all but the smallest of ways. Are you going to fly me to Germany? Fly him back here? Because that's the only way to fix it."

"W-we know we can't fix the problem. B-but we can help you cope with it a little better. Will you let us?"

She was worried about taking the lead, but Akari seems far more adept at this than me. She has more experience with mental health than I do.

"How will you do that?"

"Well…I think seeing a therapist here might be step one."

She rolls her eyes, "I don't need therapy. There's nothing wrong with me. I just miss my boyfriend."

Does that mean she thinks something is wrong with me and Akari? I guess I'll set that aside for later.

"…you aren't just missing him, Ai. I'm not an expert, but my mom used to really struggle with depression. She told me about it. I think that's what this is."

"Of course I'm depressed. Haven't you been listening? I miss my boyfriend. I think I'm supposed to be depressed."

"Th-there 's being sad…and then there's letting it r-rule your whole life. That's what y-you're doing. It's like you aren't even here. You may as well be in Germany."

Anger flashes across Ai's face, and she raises her voice. "I WISH I was in Germany. Then I would be with Carsten, and I wouldn't have to listen to you two BUSY BODIES criticize me." She points to the door. "Just …get OUT of my room. I've...had enough of this."

"Okay, we'll go. But can I ask one more thing?"

She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. "Whatever, sure."

"Is this what Carsten is doing? Is he not going to class? Not spending time with other people? Sleeping all day?"

She uncrosses her arms, and anger starts to fade from her face.

She quietly says, "…no."

"He loves you and misses you just as much, right?"


"H-have you told him this is wh-what you're doing?"

Nice job Akari. Didn't think about that.


"A-and why not?"

Anger is completely gone from her face. Now there's only shame and sadness.

"Because…I don't want him to know."

"So, do you see what we're saying?"

She nods slowly and then starts to cry.

"What…do I do? What's wrong with me? How…didn't I realize this?"

"Well...it can be hard when you're the one going through it. It's easier from the outside."

She nods, "Therapy might help?"

I reply, "It has helped both of us." Akari nods in support. "I…also think you should try to get out of your room more. Going to class would be great, but if you can't do that, you can at least spend more time with us. We miss you."

"B-but you two need your time…"

"W-we have plenty of time, Ai. We want to use it to help you. You would do it for us."

"Th…thank…y-you…." Now Ai is really crying, about as hard as the night she found out Carsten was getting sent back to Germany.

Akari and I get up and each hug a side of her until she's done crying. She's put an arm around each of us.

After crying for a little while she sniffles and says, "Can… you two not tell Carsten about this? I've…kind of been lying to him, I guess. At least by omission. I sort of didn't realize it…I've been dodging a lot of his questions about my day and stuff…answering vaguely. I just thought I was sad. I'm going to tell him eventually…but not right now..."

"W-we won't tell him, as long as you follow through with g-getting help."

She nods. "Thanks, you two. I…I really lost myself there, I guess."

"It happens sometimes. That's what friends are for, right?" I pause for a moment, "Do you want us to help you clean up your room?"

She looks around and clearly gets embarassed, but then she nods.

I squeeze her shoulder. "I know it's hard but…please don't be embarrassed. It's just like being sick. You couldn't help it."

It takes us a couple of hours, but we manage to get her room reasonably clean. She already seems a little more clear-headed.

When we leave her for the evening, I feel like she is on track. She's going to need our help, but I think she'll be okay.

It's been two weeks since we talked with Ai in her room. She is still struggling to come to class and lunch, but she had her first therapy session and said it helped. She's been coming to dinner with the rest of us and has been spending more time with me and Akari in the evenings. The three of us are having a little slumber party at my mom's tomorrow, but there is someone else to invite. I don't exactly know if she's going to go for this kind of thing, but it would be rude not to invite her.

We just got to band for the day, and my fellow pianist is already here seated on the bench. She waves and smiles at me. Man, Koji must be amazing in bed to turn this gloomy girl into the smiley thing she is now.

I tease her about it when I get up there "You're all smiles today, huh?"

"Am I?"


"I'm in a good mood, I guess. Stuff is going really well."

I really want to ask if "stuff" includes Koji, but if she comes to my mom's that topic will come up in a more private environment.

"So, I wanted to invite you to a little slumber party tomorrow. Ai, Akari, and I like to go down to my mom's every now and then and stay the night. Do you want to come?"

She smiles, "Yeah. That sounds like fun. I heard your mom is cool."

I laugh, "I guess she is, as far as moms go. She's also a little weird but…well, you'll see."

Akari, Ai, Hana, and I are waiting for my mom by her car.

Ai says, "If our little group gets any bigger, your mom will need a new car."

I laugh, "Whatever. You, my mom, and Akari are so tiny you could share a seat if you had to."

Ai giggles but Akari scowls at me, but mostly it's just cute. "Hey! I'm b-bigger than they are!"

I pat her on the head which only seems to intensify her scowl. "Yep, you are. But all three of you make me and Hana look like Amazons." I look at Hana, "Well, Hana always looks like one, I guess. She's taller than most guys."

She raises an eyebrow, "Is that a good thing?"

I laugh, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But I know one guy who definitely thinks it's a good thing."

She blushes a little and I smile at getting a rise out of her.

Oh crap, I'm like my mom, aren't I?

"Oh, hey, here's my mom."

"Hello girls, it's nice to see you all. You must be Hana, it's nice to meet you. Goodness, tall, pretty, and blond? The boys must love you."

She blushes and looks at her feet. "Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Nakai."

I laugh, "I was just telling her the same thing, more or less."

Hana rolls her eyes at me. After Ai gets in the car, Hana effortlessly deals with the wheelchair. She really is an Amazon. I'm thankful my mom doesn't have to deal with it.

Once we're in the car my mom says, "So, Hana, how's Yamaku been for you?"

"I like it. It…took some adjusting, but these three helped a lot."

My mom smiles, "My husband was a transfer student too. He said the same thing pretty much. Took some time to adjust but loved it in the end. So much that he came back to teach."

"That's amazing that you two got together in high school and got married and everything."

We all smile, especially my mom. We all know the story so well, it's easy to forget, not everyone does. My mom says, "It's a good bit more complicated than that. I won't bore you with the details, but we didn't start dating until our 30s."

"Oh. Still really neat that you met at Yamaku."

My mom smiles. "Yeah, I think so too."


We're at my mom's now, and Hana is looking at our family portrait from the year before my dad died.

I walk over to her and pinch the bridge of my nose. "I swear to God if you say what I think you're going to say…"

"Your dad was really handsome."

Akari and Ai both giggle and I bow my head in defeat. At this point I'm too exhausted by this recurring episode to even be outraged. I think I may just have to accept that my dad was universally attractive.

We've just finished another lovely dinner prepared by my mother. Now that we're done, it seems like she's ready for the usual proceedings.

"Well…you girls usually talk about your romantic lives at these meetings. Should we go around the table?"

I laugh, "I don't know if everyone here wants to do that mom. Hana is new, and I don't know if she's ready for that."

While fidgeting with her chopsticks, Hana says, "Um…I'd be okay with it. I have some stuff I could use help with. But I don't want to go first!"

My mom says, "Okay. Why don't you go first, Akari?"

Her eyes get big, "Wh-what?"

My mom laughs, "You don't want to?"

"Well…normally we don't talk about someone else who is here. So, I was s-surprised to be asked." She holds my hand and smiles at me. "I'm just…really happy. That's m-my update I guess."


I laugh at Ai's exclamation and then say, "Yep, me too. Very very happy. On to you, Ai."

She fiddles with her braid for a moment. "Well. I miss Carsten a lot." She pauses and looks at Hana and then my mom. "Um…Akari and Kayoko already know…but we're always really honest here, so I'll also tell you two. I'm struggling with depression. I'm getting help and trying my best now, but it's hard. My first instinct every morning is to just…stay in bed and go back to sleep. The only thing can motivate me to do stuff is talking to Carsten."

My mom smiles at her, "I've had some bouts with depression over the years. It can be tough. But it sounds like you're fighting and that's all you can do."

Ai nods, "I am, at least now. I was in…a dark place a few weeks ago. Kayoko and Akari helped pull me out."

My mom smiles at me and says, "Yes, support is very important. Take it from someone who tried to cope with depression on her own for more than two decades - it is much easier when you have friends who can help."

Hana squeezes Ai's shoulder and says, "I have depression too, started because of my…medical stuff. So, if you ever want to talk about it, let me know."

Ai smiles at her, "I would like that."

Hana smiles back and then says, "I guess that leaves me, huh?"

Akari says, "O-only if you want to."

She takes a deep breath and says, "I do. Okay, well…I've been sleeping with a guy - our mutual friend Koji - for about a month now…"

My mom raises her eyebrows and smirks.

"Err…sorry, is…talking about that not allowed?"

My mom reassures her, "It's fine dear. Nothing is off limits as far as I'm concerned. Go ahead."

She nods her head. "Okay. I have developed feelings for him. I want him to be my boyfriend now. But we also really aren't that far from graduating and we are planning on going to different universities that aren't close to one another. So…I'm not sure what to do. My last relationship ended because I moved here…and I don't think I want to do that again."

We're all silent for a few moments. Her situation really is a tough one. I'm glad she likes Koji now, but it is tough to say what she should do.

"K-kayoko, don't you have some advice?"

I look at my girlfriend in confusion.

"Hideki. Isn't it k-kinda like that?"

"Oh. I guess so." I turn towards Hana "I guess I can tell you a story that might help you." Hana nods and gestures for me to continue. "My first year I dated a third-year guy. We went into the relationship knowing it would end when he graduated. It was nice. We were each other's first significant other. We really cared about each other. But it was hard, always knowing it was going to end. And it really hurt me when he left."

Hana thinks for a moment and then looks confused, "So are you…saying that kind of relationship is good…or bad?"

I laugh, "I dunno. Both? If you do that with Koji, I bet you guys will have a nice time together, but it is also really challenging, and it will hurt when it ends. I think doing it was worth it, for me."

She nods grimly. "Okay, thanks…any other suggestions?"

My mom says, "Well, I think the only options you really have are keep doing what you're doing now, go with the kind of relationship Kayoko mentioned, or break it off with him entirely."

Hana's shoulders slump a little. "Yeah…I guess that's true. I was sort of hoping there was something else."

Ai says, "What kind of something else?"

Hana sighs, "I dunno."

I say, "How much do you like him, Hana?"

She fidgets with her napkin and blushes, "Kind of…a lot. We both really opened up to each other recently. Talked about…our pasts and stuff. It made me like him a lot more…that he wanted to tell me about his stuff, and wanted to know mine."

"Do you…love him?"

She thinks for a moment. "Yeah…I think I do. I hadn't thought of it like that until now."

"And you think he feels the same way about you?"

"Pretty sure he does, yeah."

My mom says, "I think you should confess, then. Your time might be limited, but it sounds like you've already really bonded. You might as well just go for it and let what happens, happen."

I ask, "Is there no chance you two could end up at universities close enough to each other?"

"Well, I could look into it more. I could talk about it with him, maybe there's a way."

"I-if you two are in love, you definitely should. Th-there might be a way where you c-can be together now and l-later. So, the sooner you confess, the more time you have t-to try to figure it out."

Hana smiles, "Yeah! That's the other solution I was looking for." She blushes. "I really want to be with him…more than just until we graduate, if I can. He's a great guy."


My mom says, "Hopefully you can figure that out then. Are you going to confess to him soon?"

She nods. "Tomorrow, I think."

I say, "Good luck. I hope it goes your way."

Hana says, "Thanks…all of you. I've been really struggling with this. I guess talking about your problems with friends is actually helpful huh?"

My mom laughs "It is. Like I said...it took me until my 30s to figure that out. Glad you got there sooner." She yawns. "Well, it's gotten quite late, especially for me."

Hana says, "Hang on a sec. We all said something, but what about you? Do you have any romance stuff to talk about?"

I don't think we've ever thought to ask her before. We should probably start, even though I think I know the answer.

My mom smiles at her, probably appreciating being considered one of the girls. "Nope. I'm not ready to have romance in my life again. Maybe someday."

Hana nods.

My mom says, "Okay, shall we go to bed now?"

I suddenly realize something. "Oops…I guess we didn't think about the sleeping arrangements with 4 of us."

My mom smiles, "I did. You and Akari in your room, Hana and Ai in mine, and I'll sleep on the couch."

Hana says, "You are not sleeping on the couch at your own house, especially after feeding us and helping us."

My mom scoffs, "I like the couch. I nap on it all the time. Are you telling me you and your long legs are going to fit there?"

I intervene. "There's a solution where no one needs to sleep on the couch. There's no reason Akari and I have to be alone."

Everyone looks at us in disbelief. "Oh, come on, we aren't going to start making out if someone else is in the bed with us. Someone can even sleep between us if that makes them feel better. We'll be okay."

Akari nods.

"How about, Hana and Ai in my room, me, my mom and Akari in her room?"

My mom shrugs, "Okay. That's fine with me."

Hana looks at my mom incredulously. "Really?!"

My mom shrugs. "Yeah. I guess most moms don't share a bed with their daughter and significant other, huh?"

Ai giggles.

I sigh, "Okay…when you put it like that it sounds pretty bad."

I whisper to Akari, "Are you okay if we sleep in separate beds?"

She nods.

"Okay, here we go - My mom and I in my bed, the other three in her bed. Everyone happy?"

Hana says, "Well…now I feel bad you and Akari aren't in the same bed."

My mom and Ai both nod in agreement.

I rub my eyes in frustration. "Okay, I give up. I'm just gonna sleep right here. On the floor. Everyone else can decide what they want to do."

"Sweetie, you, me and Akari in my bed is fine. Maybe it sounds weird, but whatever. Our secret is safe, I'm sure."

Ai and Hana nod.

"Okay, that works for me."

Akari and I are in bed first. We are each off to one side, leaving space for my mom in the middle. It is kind of weird being in bed but so far apart from one another since we pretty much sleep on top of each other most of the time. When my mom leaves the bathroom after brushing her teeth, she looks at us like we're crazy.

"Don't be silly you two. Get next to each other."

She waves her hands like she's herding us.

"Are you sure?"

My mom laughs, "Yes. I mean, I would prefer you not get too…intimate." She winks. "But I'm sure you'll just snuggle, right?"

Akari turns red and says, "O-of course!"

Akari gets next to me, and we assume our usual snuggling position. My mom gets in bed and smiles at us.

"You two are adorable. I mean, I already knew that. But I hadn't seen you snuggle in bed like that. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy."

Akari smiles, "Th-thank you, Emi."

My mom turns off the light. "Goodnight girls, I'll do my best not to wake you when I go on my morning run. Love you both."

Akari and I return my mom's love. Then we drift off to sleep snuggled together in the same bed as my mom.

We're a weird family.

My FanFics
Learning to Run (Complete) - Emi x Hisao in their 30s
Yamaku: the Next Generation (Complete) - Emi and Hisao's daughter goes to Yamaku.
Oil & Vinegar - Mutou and Nurse buddy one-shot

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Joined: Thu Oct 05, 2023 7:35 pm

Chapter 31

Post by guthrum06 »

I just woke up. Time to get ready for the school day. I'm a little disappointed my girlfriend isn't next to me. Since we started sleeping in the same bed, she's no longer such an early riser. In fact, she is usually the one who has a harder time getting up and I have to gently prod her for a while. Not today, I guess. I yawn and then get up and start getting ready.

Akari comes in while I'm doing my hair in the mirror and without looking at her, I say, "Good morning."

"Morning…I'm not going to be able to d-do school today. I tried to power through and get ready but I just…can't."

Without even looking at her I recognize the strained tone of voice that tells me she's in pain. We both have distinctive pain voices, so it's easy for us to recognize them in the other. I turn around and I see that she is wrapped in nothing but a towel. Her hair is wet, but it still has some shampoo in it. It looks like she started to take a shower but didn't quite have it in her to finish. Even if she didn't have a rash on her face and didn't look like she was about to faint, I would know this was a lupus flare.

"Okay, let's get you back in your pajamas and put you back in bed."

She nods feebly and sits down on the bed, wincing in pain as she does. I get her pajamas and help her put them on. "Is it okay if I finish drying your hair? That won't hurt right?"

She shakes her head and I gently dry her hair and get the unrinsed shampoo out of it.

I unmake the bed and pull back the covers. "Here, get back in bed, okay?" She nods and slowly climbs in, doing her best to avoid painful movements. I get in and gently hold her from behind, careful not to touch anywhere she might be hurting.

"Should we go to the nurse?"

"No. I still have pills from l-last time. I took one. We can call later, and she'll send a note to my teachers."

"Okay. Is there anything you need? Do you want a warm washcloth for your face?"

"Y-yeah, that sounds soothing. My face feels like it's on fire."

I give her a little squeeze. "Okay, I'll be right back."

I get a washcloth and then go to the bathroom and soak it in warm water in the sink.

This is the first time this has happened since I've been her girlfriend. Just the idea of going to class while she's suffering like this is hard.

I take the washcloth back to my room and very gently place it over her face.

"Mmm…wow that d-does feel good. Where'd you get the idea?"

"Well…I did some research. I wanted to know how I might be able to help when this happened again."

She blindly reaches out for my hand, and I give it to her.

"Thank you. That's r-really sweet of you."

"Do you want to go to my mom's after classes today, like last time?"

"I don't think I need to."

"Why not?"

"Well, I w-went down there because…I was more comfortable there." She squeezes my hand. "But if you're with me up here I feel really comfortable."

She used to never feel like she couldn't fully relax in the dorms. I knew I had helped her some, but I didn't know she felt THIS comfortable. That's about as big of a compliment as she can give me. That must also be why she doesn't wake up early anymore. I really want to kiss her. Damn lupus

I put her hand to my mouth and kiss it. "I'm glad I make you comfortable. I'm…gonna have a hard time going to class if you're hurting here."

She takes the cloth off her face and locks eyes with me, "You have to go." Then she puts it back down.

"That sounded an awful lot like an order."

She laughs "It kinda is. We don't know for sure if Ai will b-be there. So I'll…need your notes and stuff. I wish you could just stay here too. But you going to class makes me less stressed, so you're still helping me."

I scoff playfully, "Fine then, miss pragmatic. I'll come check on you at lunch." I stand up. "Um…is there…anywhere I can kiss you or does it all hurt?"

She giggles, "I can think of a few places that d-don't hurt."

I cross my arms. "Seriously? You're in a lupus flare and thinking about sex?"

She laughs, "A little. It's mostly a joke. There is zero way we will be d-doing any of that while I'm in a flare."

I gasp playfully, "I mean I knew this thing was debilitating, but that really puts it in perspective. I wasn't sure anything could take away your sex drive."

She laughs, "It's…only like that because I'm around you all the time and you're crazy attractive. What am I s-supposed to do?"

I laugh and blush a little, "Well, when you put it that way...Anyway, where should I kiss you?"

"The top of my head should be okay."

I bend over and kiss her on her head. Her hair smells amazing even when it's only partially washed. "I love you. I'll be back. Text me if you need anything. Get some rest."

When I come to check on her at lunch, she is sleeping like a baby. I leave her some melon bread and give her a little kiss on the head. It takes all my power not to just crawl into bed with her for the rest of the day, but I remind myself going to class is helping her too.


I come back to the dorms after class. I told Hana at lunch I wouldn't be going to band and texted my aunt too. Going to class is one thing, but going to band when my girlfriend is feeling so bad doesn't seem right.

When I get back, she's awake in my room and laying in bed. She looks pretty cute in her pink pajamas. She brought a couple of her manga from her room into mine. She's reading one now.

She looks up from it and says, "Hey…isn't there band?"

I scoff, "There is. But with Hana here now I'm not crucial. I wanted to come back and be with you."

She puts her manga down and smiles at me, "I guess that's okay. N-not like you can…take notes for me in there."

I sit down on the bed and put my hand on the bottom part of her calf, since it's one of the few places I can touch right now. "How are you feeling?"

"Not…great. My rash and hips are really bad today. But I got some good sleep. I think a d-dose of Kayoko will help, though."

I laugh, "Do you have a prescription for that?"

She giggles, "Shut up and come here."

She rolls over and faces the wall. I climb in bed behind her and gently put one of my arms around her and rest my hand on the lower part of her ribs, another one of the few places I can touch right now. I stroke her hair with my other hand.

"This does f-feel prescription strength."

"It helps that much?"

"Well, it's not like the pain is gone…b-but it's soothing. This is gonna be the best lupus flare ever, I think."

I laugh, "That's an interesting way of putting it. But…I do hope I can help you."

"You already have. You did when we were just friends too. B-but…you know…it's even better now."

I kiss her on the back of her head.

We're quiet for a while, then I think of something I've wanted to say for a while. "A few months ago, you said you would tell me about your struggles with your health. There's still a lot that I don't know and I…want to know everything about you. You probably don't have energy for that right now. So, I'm just saying I want to hear about it when you're ready."

She slowly rolls over and faces me with a frown, "Um…I c-can tell you. I want to. It's a big downer though."

"I'm pretty sure it was when I told you about the morning my dad died, too."

She nods, "Okay. I'll t-tell you as much as I can today. I might get tired before I finish. There's…kind of a lot."

I want to squeeze her tight so badly right now.

I stroke her hair, "Are you sure? You really don't have to tell me right now, your flare just reminded me about it."

She nods, "I'm sure. I want you t-to know all of this. It's as good a time as any."

I continue stroking her hair, "Okay. Don't overdo it though. Stop when you get tired."

She laughs, "I will…I probably won't have a choice when I reach that point." She pauses for a moment. "I'll s-start by telling you how many surgeries I've had. I…g-guess that sets the stage pretty well... I've had eleven."

I try to stifle a gasp, but I can't.

I knew it was a lot…but I was thinking…maybe five. Five is a ton for a 17-year-old. Eleven is unthinkable. I really wish I could do something more to comfort her about it. Finding out about this when I can't really hug or kiss her might have been a bad idea.

"All on your hips?"

"Nine of them. A-also two kidney transplants."

I kiss her on the top of her head. "I wish I could have been there to help you…"

She laughs, "Four-year-old Kayoko taking care of me is k-kinda funny to imagine."

"Oh shush, you know what I mean."

"Anyway…I will start at the beginning. I was diagnosed with lupus when I was two. M-most people develop it in their 20s. It's always bad of course. But it's really bad when you have it so young, because there is so much more t-time for your immune system to cause d-damage to your joints and organs. It was even worse for me than most kids…because I was in a flare about 80% of the time and no medication helped. That was true from 2 until 14, when I f-finally found the medication I'm on now."

Her parents must have gone through hell. I know it was a struggle for mine…but it wasn't threatening my life. When her mom tore into me in the medical building, she mentioned being through more than I could ever imagine. She was right.

"By four, my kidneys were failing. I was on dialysis and in the hospital for a year w-waiting for a transplant." She starts crying softly. "M-m-most…of my earliest memories…are from that…time."

As I start to get choked up, I desperately feel the need to find a way to better comfort her that won't hurt her. After thinking about it, I carefully put my arms around her and rest them on her upper back. She slowly scoots closer and rests her chin on my shoulder, and puts her arms around me too.

"Do you want to stop for the day? I don't want you to keep going if it's too much."

She sniffles, "N-No not yet, I want to get through the first surgery at least."

"Okay. You're comfortable with me holding you this way?"

"Y-yeah. Very. Don't stop, please."

"I would never."

"Anyway, I needed dialysis every day and it made me feel really sick. My b-blood pressure would drop, I felt nauseous, and my kidneys were in bad enough shape that they had to m-monitor me constantly. So…that's why I had to stay."

I feel a few tears run down my face. "It was like that…for a year?"

"Yeah. My parents and the nurses tried hard to make it feel…less like I was in the hospital. They p-played games with me, got me little presents, and we watched cartoons. My mom started getting me headbands. That way I had something to pick out to wear every day, other than a hospital gown."

Well, that makes her headband obsession even cuter. This is another way it's very clear how much her mother cares for her. I was so ignorant that day in the medical building. I'm lucky she forgave me.

"But…even though they tried, I r-remember being sad about it a lot of the time. I almost constantly felt sick. I felt kind of trapped…even at 4. I didn't have any friends my own age. Most of those first memories just…aren't good ones."

"See? 4-year-old Kayoko probably could have helped."

She laughs, "Yeah, I guess you could have. After that bad year…they found a kidney for me. It was my first surgery. I was r-really scared. I think in retrospect…I had my first panic attack about it."

Four-year-olds shouldn't have panic attacks.

"B-but I felt a lot better afterwards and got to go home." She sniffles for a little while and then says, "I think that's all I can t-tell today."

"Okay. I already feel so close to you…but you telling me about this is making me feel closer. I know it isn't easy. So…thank you."

She sniffles, "I'm…sorry for not t-telling you for so long."

"You don't need to be. I took a long time to tell you all the details about my dad too, and it was a much shorter story. I pause for a moment when I feel my stomach growl. "Are you hungry at all?"

"I dunno. Are you g-gonna have to stop holding me if I am?"

"Well…for a little bit."

"Then I'm n-not hungry."

I giggle, "I guess I could ask someone to bring us something."

"Yeah, do that. My prescription says I need l-lots of Kayoko."

I giggle. "Okay, but I will still have to briefly let go of you to call someone."

She sighs, "Fine. I guess we need t-to eat or whatever."

I call Hana, and she brings us some food from the cafeteria. I chose her because it is the least hassle for her because she lives on the same floor, but I'm also curious about something. Apparently so is Akari because she beats me to the punch.

Hana just arrived and handed Akari a rice bowl, to which Akari responded, "Thank you. D-did you confess to Koji yet?"

Hana smirks, "Right to the point, huh?"

Akari laughs softly, "Y-yep, I only have so much energy right now. More efficient this way."

Hana sits down in the desk chair and frowns. "No…I'm scared. Starting to second guess things…maybe he likes it how it is. I'm afraid if I confess, I'll scare him away and…we won't have anything. I don't want that."

I scoff, "Oh come on. Do you really think it's possible you two could be having sex this long and spending so much time together and he wouldn't also have feelings?"

She shrugs, "Maybe. I think he has some feelings for me, but I don't know if they are enough to think about us…trying to live close together after Yamaku. So…maybe telling him will just ruin what we can have until then."

Akari scoffs now. "W-well, you're never going to find out if you keep sitting here w-worrying about it."

She nods, "That's true." She takes a deep breath and exhales. "I guess I'll tell him when he comes over later." She stands up. "Let me know if you need anything else, okay? Get well soon Akari."

It's 8 pm and Akari is already asleep for the night because she feels so crummy. I'm in her room doing some reading on gene editing at her desk. I'll join her before too long though.

My phone vibrates on the desk, and I see that it's Hana in the group chat with Akari.

"Hey, can I talk to you two?"

Uh oh.

I respond, "Akari is asleep, but I'm in her room, come on down."

A few minutes later, Hana knocks softly on the door, and I let her in. She looks dejected.

I frown, "Didn't go well?"

She sighs and sits down on the bed.

"It wasn't ideal…but maybe not bad either? He said he needed some space to think about it, and he left."

"I see. Well…at least it wasn't an outright 'no'."

"Yeah…but I'm worried I messed things up. Maybe I should have just kept the status quo."

"Well…let's not worry about that yet. He might say yes."

She nods, "Yeah, maybe." She sighs. "Why did the guy I just wanted to hook up with have to be so sweet and amazing in bed? He was good the first time, especially for a virgin. Made it very hard to not want to do it again. He improves every single time too. I couldn't experience all that sweet and all those orgasms without falling in love."

I know from playing chess with him that he picks things up quickly. Guess that extends to the bedroom. Good for him.

I laugh, "I didn't know about the…sex part of course…but I kind of warned you about the first part, didn't I? I told you he was a great guy when you asked about him."

She scoffs, "People say that about everyone. I didn't think much about it. I didn't know…he had such a hard life. It makes it even more amazing he turned out to be so sweet. Do you know his whole story?"

I smile at her, "I only know snippets. But I think the fact that you know bodes well for you. I'm his closest friend and he's never told me the whole story." I wink at her. "So, I think all the orgasms and sweetness you gave him had a similar effect."

She laughs, "Well…I have given him a lot of both at this point." She pauses and gets more serious, realizing how special the information he shared with her is. "I'm the only one who knows?"

I nod, "I'm pretty sure, yeah."

"He's the only one who knows all about me too."

I laugh, "I know."

She smiles bashfully, "Sorry. I'll tell you…some time."

"Yeah, when you're ready, I'd be happy to listen. It also isn't a requirement or anything for me to be your friend, though."

She nods and then stands up. "I…really need a hug."

I laugh, "Wow, you must really need comforting."

She scoffs, "I know, I'm not as touchy feely as the rest of you. But I still need a hug sometimes. And right now is one of them."

I stand up and we share a hug. She says, "Thank you. Give Akari a hug for me too."

Akari's flare is still bad today. She briefly woke up this morning when I did, for long enough to tell me her fatigue is worse than her pain today.

She is still asleep when I check on her at lunch. Luckily there's no band today, so once classes are over, I can come back to the dorms and spend the rest of the day with her.

She's awake when I get back, but barely.

She sleepily says, "Hey, I m-missed you."

I smile, "I missed you too. You don't need to make yourself stay awake for me though."

She wipes the sleep from her eyes and says, "I have been s-sleeping literally all day. I think I can stay awake with you for a little bit. B-besides…I have a story to tell you. Now, come hold me like you did yesterday, and we'll have story time."

I smile at her. "You're awfully bossy for a sick person."

She smiles back, "You know you like it."

I kinda do.

I get in bed, and we gently get back in the same position as yesterday. It's a nice position in general. Might have to make it a regular feature in our snuggle repertoire.

"We l-left off after getting my kidney, right?"


She takes a deep breath, "Well, after that th-things were a little better. I got to have a life outside of the hospital. This is when I first started French horn. But my lupus was as aggressive as ever and completely unchecked. My hips w-were starting to really hurt. My left hip especially was rapidly deteriorating. I couldn't really w-walk by the time I was 7. So…I spent a lot of time inside playing music with my dad."

I increase how tightly I'm holding her just a tiny bit.

"But they had to do something, and when m-medications weren't doing it, they had to do surgery. First, they did a small one to clean up all the inflamed and damaged tissue on my left hip. C-called a synovectomy, if you want to look it up later."

Yep, I will be.

"It…d-didn't really help. So, a few months later they tried again. By now, my right hip was in the s-same condition, so they did both. It…still didn't help."

"I can't imagine going through all the pain of surgery and not having it help…"

She laughs wryly, "It is a r-recurring theme in this story."

I kiss the top of her head.

"Basically, the goal with all of this was to avoid total joint replacement as long as possible. Artificial joints don't last that long, so giving one to a k-kid would mean I would need lots more surgery the rest of my life. So, b-because there was part of my hip that wasn't as badly damaged…they decided to…reshape my hip so when I used it, it w-would put stress on the healthier part." She starts crying softly, "Th-this is the worst p-p-part of the story..."

"Are you sure you want to keep going today?"

Her chin moves up and down on my shoulder.

"It is called an osteotomy. B-basically, they cut y-your bone and put it back together, so it works d-differently."

I have a hard time not grimacing just from the description. And painful things happen to my bones all the time.

"Every other s-surgery I ever had, I woke up and felt okay, other than k-kind of loopy." Her fingers tighten their hold on my back. "I w-woke up screaming and writhing in pain from this one. I…I d-don't even know how to d-describe the pain." She's gritting her teeth and tightening her hold on my back even more now. It's like she is reliving some small percentage of the pain. "100 times worse than what I'm feeling now doesn't seem high enough. I was screaming so loud that they could hear me throughout the hospital apparently." She starts crying harder. "I-it's the only time in my life I saw my mother cry…and the only t-time I remember her holding me to try to comfort me."

My God. It even made that woman break down. I'm a crybaby. So, what would seeing Akari like that do to me? Would I even survive?

I quietly say, "Wh-what did they do?"

"S-s-something called a n-nerve block. They restrained me and stuck a g-giant needle in the nerve that was p-producing the pain." She pauses to sniffle. "It was r-r-really scary and painful…but it worked in the end."

I join Akari now with tears of my own. "This m-m-must have all been so hard…you were a little girl…I…I don't know how you endured this…and the story isn't even over…"

We continue crying softly and holding each other until there's a knock at the door.

"It's Ai, I brought you two some food."

I look at the time. Somehow, we've been talking and crying for four hours, and the cafeteria is closed now. Thank goodness for Ai.

"Coming, just a second."

We both wipe our tears and blow our nose with tissues.

I get up and open the door, Ai winks suggestively and says, "You sure took a while, isn't Akari too sick fo-" then she looks up at me and gets very worried. "What's wrong?"

"Um…nothing wrong right now, Akari was telling me about some hard stuff she went through. We were crying…retroactively I guess."

Ai comes through the door and smiles at Akari. "Well…I'm sorry you went through it, but glad it isn't happening now."

Akari nods, "Me too. Thanks for bringing food…we l-lost track of time and didn't even ask you."

Ai smiles and reaches into the bag that hangs on the side of her wheelchair. She pulls out two noodle bowls and hands one to each of us.

"You didn't ask, but I knew you weren't there, and Hana said you hadn't asked her, so I figured you two fell asleep or something and would need it."

"Any news about Hana and Koji?"

Ai frowns and shakes her head, "He's still thinking, apparently. He wasn't at dinner."

I sigh, "I get thinking, but I'm sure Hana is on edge."

"Yeah, she is. Koji is really starting to piss me off. Makes me want to punch him."

I laugh, "What a surprise."

"H-how are you doing?"

"I'm okay. Stuff is…still a struggle. But I'm making it to most classes now. It just takes a ton of effort."

I nod, "It's impressive you have managed to do it."

She shrugs and then sighs, "I guess so. Hard not to feel pathetic when it's this hard to do something so mundane. But…everyone tells me it isn't, so I'm trying not to think about it that way."

"I-it is hard right now, though…I f-feel pathetic when I have a panic attack from doing something anyone else would consider mundane."

Ai nods, "Yeah. And see, I don't think you should feel that way…so it makes sense you all say that to me. Anyway, I'm gonna go do some homework before Carsten time. Let me know if you need anything."

After she leaves and we eat I ask Akari, "I know you're probably too tired for too much more. But I have to know. Did that osteotomy help at all?"

She frowns, "A little but I still needed a total joint replacement three years later. Hard to s-say if it was worth it."

I frown and shake my head.

"I had a lot of pain as a kid, of course. But…no surgeries so far…and nothing as scary as my organs or having entire joints destroyed. I don't know how you're still standing. I'm glad I know there is a happy ending."

She slowly stands up and then hugs me, "Yep. Very happy." She giggles. "I even got the girl."

I just woke up next to my beautiful girlfriend who I've recently learned might just be the toughest person on the planet, too.

It's the third day of Akari's flare, but at least it's the weekend now. I can just stay with her and take care of her. We'll probably get to the end of her story today too. She said the osteotomy was the worst part, so at least there's that. But there are still a few more surgeries. I can't imagine they were fun.

I get up and go to the cafeteria to get us some melon bread for breakfast. We both love this stuff so much. We already sort of live together, but when we really live together and have to get groceries and everything, there might be some fights over who gets the last of it.

When I get back, Akari starts stirring. She opens one eye and says, "Melon bread?"

I laugh, "Good morning to you too." I walk over and kiss her on her head. "Yes, I got you some."

She moves to the desk and unwraps it and digs into it.

"You know one of the sexiest things about you?"

With her mouthful of melon bread she says, "What?"

"Even when you don't feel well, you make sure not to get crumbs in the bed."

She swallows, "Crumbs in the b-bed are the worst."

I laugh, "See? Super sexy."

She rolls her eyes at me and goes back to eating.

I'm kind of serious, but oh well.

Once she's done, I ask, "How are you feeling?"

"A little better, I think."

"That's good. Anything you want to do today?"

"I should probably drag myself outside. I still can't do m-much, but we could sit on a bench or something."

I smile at her. "Sounds good to me."

She stands up from the desk and stretches a little, "Guess I should change out of my p-pajamas."

I laugh, "If you want. Do you need any help?"

She raises an eyebrow at me and smiles, "Are you just t-trying to see me naked?"

I laugh and very obviously check her out. "Maybe a little. I do enjoy seeing that. But if it's less painful or easier, I would be happy to help. You've done it for me."

"Yeah. Okay…truthfully putting underwear on is pretty bad." She winks at me. "I'm not just saying that. You'd be surprised how much you use your hips for that."

I giggle, "I believe you."

We go across the hall to her room, and she takes off her pajamas.

She smirks and says, "Well? Here's what you wanted."

She twirls, but slowly and stiffly thanks to her pain. She looks amazing, but I do take special notice of all the scars on her hips and lower back. I know the stories behind so many of them now.

"You look as amazing as I remembered."

She giggles and blushes. "You were the first p-person…other than my parents, to call me pretty."

It was early in our friendship, but I did think she was pretty the day I met her. I wonder sometimes whether I've always been attracted to her, but somehow didn't understand what I was feeling.

I walk up to her and gently hug her. Enjoying the feeling of her bare skin.

"You are pretty. Beautiful even. Outside and in."

She hugs me back, "Th-thank you. You always make me feel that way because of how you look at me."

I smile, "Good. You make me feel the same." I sigh happily. "I love you so much."

"I love you too. I r-really wish I could kiss you and…a whole lot more right now."

I pull back and laugh, "Me too. But we have plenty of time for that once you feel better."

I help her get dressed and then we head outside and sit on a bench with a nice view of campus. It's starting to get a little chilly outside but I came prepared. I brought a little blanket that I spread over our legs. She's leaning into my shoulder and has her arm wrapped around mine.

"This is r-really cozy. I might fall asleep."

"Well, you can probably doze. I'll make sure you don't for too long."

She nods and snuggles into me a little more. Sure enough, she falls asleep within minutes. I take the time to think about us.

I'm glad we've already told each other we want to be together forever. It really is how I feel. I feel surer about it every day. I know I'm young, I guess maybe feelings can change…but I just don't see how. This feels…like a permanent state of being.

I think about what Hana said about Koji. That he was too sweet and too good in bed not to fall in love with. I kind of know what she means. I loved Akari before I ever slept with her, of course. But...that physical intimacy has certainly deepened my feelings for her.

And now…she's telling me everything about her life with lupus…something that must be exceedingly difficult for her. We've always been emotionally intimate…but her telling me all of this has brought that to another level.

At this point, I can't imagine my life or future without her. And I don't think I have to.

I smile down at her adorable sleeping face. It's too bad I'm going to have to wake her up. We need to get her in bed, though.

I kiss her on the head and gently pat her shoulder, "Akari…"


God, she's cute.

"Let's go get you in a cozy bed, okay?"

She stirs a little and then nods. We head back to the dorms and get into her bed together. We snuggle in our newly discovered position and take a nap together.


I wake up from our nap first. I consider getting up to study but decide against it. I'm enjoying just having a whole day that's about Akari. I get a funny idea of how to spend my time until she wakes up.

I get up and look at her manga shelf. I guess I'll start with volume one of…one of these. The most well-worn is probably a good choice. I get back in bed with a romance manga called Bloom into You. It's only once I'm back in bed that I notice the cover has two girls on it. I smile. She mentioned when I confessed to her that sometimes she was attracted to girls in manga. I guess it makes sense she reads some about relationships between two girls.

I open it and start reading. It's about two friends at a typical Japanese high school who struggle with how they feel about boys who confessed to them, only to realize they love one another. When I'm almost done with the first volume, a sleepy Akari says, "What are you doing?" Despite just waking up, she also sounds a little surprised.

I laugh, "I thought I would try reading one of your manga. It's really good. Very cute."

She smiles, "That one is my favorite. I have probably r-read it 20 times."

"I can see why." I flip back to the cover and smirk at her. "Do you have a crush on either of them?"

She blushes, "Y-yeah. When I got that manga, it was just because I saw online that it was good, and I was looking for more romance. I had never read one with two girls, and I was curious if I would like it as much. Then…it really sucked me in and I realized I might be attracted to girls for the first time. Touko was the first manga girl I ever had a crush on."

I smile and point to her on the cover, "She's the taller one…with long dark hair?"

She blushes deeper and puts her hands over her eyes, "Y-yes. Oh God, I seriously didn't realize this until just now."

I flip my hair to emphasize it and say, "So you went out and got yourself a real life Touko, huh?"

She giggles and puts her arms around my waist, "Shut up. You're way better than her." She pauses for a moment. "It is…really cool that you're reading that. I didn't think I'd ever get you reading manga."

"Well…I realized it was another for me to get to know you even better. Now I know just how important this one is to you. And I did get absorbed in it quickly. So, I'll be borrowing the rest of them."

Akari giggles, "Does this m-mean I have to read dusty old science books?"

I laugh, "If you want to. I won't make you though."

She breathes an exaggerated sigh of relief.

"Well…shall w-we conclude the story?"

"I'd like that."

I roll on my side and hold her like I have the other times, with her chin resting on my shoulder.

"So…I got that osteotomy, but then n-needed total joint replacement on my left hip when I w-was 10. Um…they'll probably have to go back in and replace it every 20 years or so my whole life. So…I'm still not done with surgeries. But..that one isn't too bad."

"That's good. I may need joint replacements at some time too."

She giggles, "R-romantic. We can go in for them at the same time."

I laugh, "What a nice date that would be. Both wearing hospital gowns, eating food off a tray together. Hey, maybe they will hook us up to the same IV."

Akari laughs and surprises me by planting a kiss on my lips, only to yelp and recoil in pain from our faces touching.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah…bad idea. Was a r-reflex. Don't be so funny and cute."

I laugh, "Sorry. I'll try my best."

She laughs and then continues her story. "S-so after that, my other hip started to d-deteriorate. They did another couple of synovectomies that bought some time. Those were at least more effective on my right hip. But after a while they w-wanted to do an osteotomy again."

"Hell no."

Akari giggles, "You know this already happened, r-right?"

I laugh, "Yes, but after hearing about the first one…that just came out."

"Well, you'll b-be happy to hear that my mom lost it on them when they suggested it. Told them how horrible the first one was, and that n-nothing would be worth causing me that kind of pain ever again." She chuckles, "She was quite convincing. So, they skipped it and went with joint r-replacement instead. I got that one at 11."

Oh. My. God. To be a fly on that wall. I am imagining sobbing doctors and nurses stumbling out of her hospital room after receiving a verbal beating from a tiny English professor.

She sighs, "Th-then…that first kidney I got started to have problems. I w-was back on dialysis at 13, and back in the hospital for most of a year before I got a new one." She laughs. "That's when I got really into manga. Including the one you're reading now. It did make this time a lot better than the first time." Her tone gets more serious. "After I got my kidney, my parents got desperate. If my lupus kept up like this my whole life…m-most of my joints would be destroyed, so would m-more of my organs…even my heart and brain…it w-wasn't good. I p-probably would die in my 30s after living a life of pain and medical procedures."

I feel a few tears run down my face and slightly tighten my hold on her. I didn't know it was ever this bad. "I c-can't imagine how scared you all were…"

"Yeah…it wasn't good. B-but my mom kept saying she wouldn't let it happen. She would find a way. And…I always believed her."

I smile, "If anyone could do it, it's her."

"Yep, and she did. She called doctors all over the w-world who were doing clinical trials for new medication. She got m-me into one here in Japan when I was 14, and…it w-worked. My lupus went into remission. It was l-like a miracle." She cries softly. "It w-was the best day of my life, other than when y-you confessed."

I click my tongue at her, "I'm not going to be offended if the day your lupus went into remission is happier than the day I confessed to you."

"W-well…I'm not trying to keep from offending you. I'm being honest. When you confessed is n-number one."

I start crying, of course. "It…w-w-as my happiest day too…Wh-when you accepted. I love you so m-much. I want to be yours…f-f-forever…"

She hugs me tighter, "That's what I w-want too. You're everything to me, Kayoko."

She just shared the hardest part of her life with me. I thought I was deeply connected to her before, but this deepens things even further. Our connection feels unbreakable.

My FanFics
Learning to Run (Complete) - Emi x Hisao in their 30s
Yamaku: the Next Generation (Complete) - Emi and Hisao's daughter goes to Yamaku.
Oil & Vinegar - Mutou and Nurse buddy one-shot

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Chapter 32

Post by guthrum06 »

Author's Note: Sexual Content

I'm in my room now doing some homework. It's been a week since Akari's flare started and while she isn't at 100%, she did go to class today. Her only symptom now is relatively minor fatigue. Still, as soon as classes were over today, she had to take a nap. The day really took it out of her.

There's a knock on my door, when I open it I find Hana with downcast eyes and a frown on her face.

It's been a week since she confessed to Koji. From the looks of it, he finally responded but it didn't go the way we hoped.

She asks, "Can we talk?"

"Of course."

I let her in, and she sits down in the desk chair, I take my seat on the bed. She is sitting hunched over and has her arms wrapped around herself. She still won't look at me. She must really be hurting. She doesn't say anything for about a minute, but I'm sure this is hard, so I let her get there on her own time.

Suddenly, in a sharp tone that startles me she says, "Why didn't you ever tell me about you and Koji?"

"…me and Koji?"

She looks up at me for the first time since she knocked on my door. There is anger in her eyes.

"Don't play dumb, Kayoko! I know about it. He told me you and him have a history."

"Hana… He used to like me. We kissed a couple of times. Quite a while ago. That's all."

She grimaces and goes back to looking at the ground, "Well…that's not 'all' to him. He rejected me and broke things off. He said it's because he's in love with you." She raises her voice and locks eyes with me again. "So, I'll ask again, why didn't you tell me?!"


"I don't have feelings for him, and he hasn't acted like he has them for me for a long time. He…has never even told me he loves me."

She sighs, "You still should have told me about your history…I trusted you. I thought you were my best friend…and you didn't think to tell me you made out with the guy I'm in love with? Or that he used to like you?"

I don't know if I would call it 'making out' but I don't think telling her that will help the situation.

"You're right. I should have mentioned it. I'm sorry…and I'm sorry about Koji. I wanted you to end up with him. Is there anything I can do?"


"Okay. Well…let me know if there is."

She glares at me again and hisses, "Okay. Here's what you can do. Stop pretending like you want to help me. If you wanted to help me, you would have told me about this. You're always acting so nice. You're so fake. That's what I thought when I first met you, but then you managed to convince me. Now I know my first instinct was right. You don't care about me. You just like everyone to think you're nice and out to help them, but you're just doing it for appearances."

Feeling the situation spiraling out of control and worried that I'm about to lose one of my best friends, I get up and put my left hand on her shoulder, "Hana, I'm really sorry this happened…but I am really your friend. I'm here for you now, okay?"

She firmly grabs my forearm. "This is your fault, Kayoko! I don't need a liar like you trying to comfort me. You're the one who hurt me. So, get your hand off me!"

She jerks my arm to the side to get it off her shoulder and I feel blinding pain as my elbow leaves its socket. I let out a pained moan and double over while clutching my forearm. This snaps her out of her rage.

She stands up and approaches me like she wants to help but isn't sure what to do. She puts her hand to her mouth and says, "I…I'm sorry…I didn't mean to…"

Just then, a sleepy Akari comes into my room. Hana's outburst must have woken her up. She wasn't exactly being quiet. She sees how I am clutching my elbow, and she sees Hana standing near me. Her sleepy face turns to one of pure rage.

Hana looks at her and says, "I…didn't mean to…I…."

Akari glares at her. "Get away from her! She needs to go to the nurse."

"But…you're sick, Akari."

"Yeah, so? You s-sure as hell aren't taking her. Get away from her, now, or I'll make you!"

She backs away from me and moves towards the door. "I…I didn't mean…I didn't…"

Akari shoots one more glare at her, more menacing than any of the others. It clashes with her surprisingly calm voice. "I'm n-not going to tell you again, Hana."

Hana leaves as fast as she can. Then Akari gets my sling out of my closet. While she puts it on me, she asks,

"What happened?"

I sigh, "Koji…loves…me."

Akari sighs, "So she attacked you?"


Akari scoffs, "It sounds like you're d-defending her."

I shrug with my good arm.

We set out for the medical building together. Akari fumes about Hana the whole way. I'm in no condition to retort or argue, so I just listen to her.

"She knows about your condition, Kayoko. It's bullshit for you to say she d-didn't understand she could hurt you."

"Maybe we should get someone to dislocate her elbow, let her s-see how it feels!"

"I don't care how upset she was, g-grabbing you like that is fucked up!"

"Next time I see her, I'm going to grab her ostomy bag and yank on it, s-see how she likes that!"

"All you do is t-try to help her, and this is how she repays you?!"

Thankfully, once we're in the medical building Akari's tirade comes to an end. I quickly get a bed in an examination room and before too long the nurse puts my elbow back in place. Then we do X-Rays, which show this elbow is becoming increasingly arthritic.

Akari is holding ice on my elbow now. She looks exhausted. She really shouldn't have been the one to take me here. I stroke her hair with my good arm, and we smile at each other. I know she isn't going to like what I'm about to say, so I am building up some goodwill.

"I love you."

"I love you t-too. That's why I'm so pissed at Hana."

Well, no way to avoid the topic, apparently, even when I'm trying to butter her up. Might as well just say what I need to say.

I sigh. "I know you're mad, but we have to talk to Hana."

"To tell her to stay the hell away from you? Y-yeah, good plan."

I frown. "Akari…she's really hurting, and then she accidentally did this…she's going to be really upset."

Akari narrows her eyes, "She should be. She r-really hurt you."

"I know, but she didn't mean to."

Akari sighs, "Whatever, Kayoko. Do what you want. I'm t-too tired for this. Let's go back to the dorms, I need to rest if I'm going to go to class again tomorrow."

"Are you upset with me?"

"I dunno. You're too nice. I'm not going to f-forgive her so easily for hurting you. I don't know if I've ever been angrier at someone. And you're just like, 'Hi, I'm Kayoko, you may have just sent me to the nurse, but let me help you with your problems. That's what w-we do here at Yamaku Academy!'"

I can't help but giggle at her spot on impersonation of me, and she laughs too. But then I plead with her.

"Akari…she's heartbroken. She's mad. She did something that hurt her best friend in the heat of the moment. Does this sound familiar?"

She sighs, "I guess. If you decide to forgive her…I'll try. But I really do n-need to go to bed when we get back."

I stroke her hair some more. "I know. Thanks for taking care of me even when you're so tired."

"I'm g-going to get in bed, but I'm going to be awake until you get back. J-just in case."

I nod, "Okay. But she isn't going to hurt me again. Trust me."

Akari rolls her eyes and goes into her room and then I continue down the hall to Hana's and I knock on her door.

"Wh-who is it?" From the sound of her voice, she is just as sad as she is afraid. Is she worried Akari is going to do something to her? I guess...that's probably not too off-base.

"It's Kayoko."

She cracks the door and looks at me. It looks like she's been crying. She grimaces when she sees my sling.


"My elbow got dislocated. It hurts, but I'm okay."

She grimaces. "I'm so sorry Kayoko…I…wasn't thinking."

"I know. But don't worry too much about it. You're already hurting enough, aren't you?"

Her eyes look fearfully down the hall. "I think Akari wants to kill me. I didn't know she could be so scary."

I laugh, "Lucky for you she's in a flare so she had to go to bed. I think she'll cool down after a good night's sleep."

She looks shocked. "Why…why are you still trying to help me? I don't deserve it…"

"Because we're friends."

"I just…said horrible things to you and then injured you…And you still want to be my friend?"

" You were upset. I know you didn't mean to do what you did." I pause for a moment. "I…did something similar to Akari once, before we were together. Remember that guy who I told you about, the one where we broke up when he graduated?"

She nods.

"Well, he moved on…fast, and when I found out, I got really upset and Akari tried to help me. I was so upset and out of control that I screamed in her face."

She looks confused. "Th-that's not nearly as bad as what I did to you, Kayoko…"

I sigh, still feeling guilty for that day. "It…kind of is. We all have different things our friends probably shouldn't do to us. For me…well, no one should ever grab my limbs and yank on them." Hana grimaces.

"For Akari…no one should ever put her in a stressful situation if they can help it. Lupus and anxiety don't exactly respond well to that sort of thing. Yelling at her could have triggered a lupus flare or a panic attack. It didn't, but it could have. In the end I just really hurt her feelings. That was bad enough." I pause for a moment.

I just realized Akari was in love with me at the time. God, that makes it even worse. Better move past that for now.

I continue, "Anyway, I was so mad about a guy hurting me, I didn't think about my friend's well-being…doesn't that sound like what you did?"

She nods and opens the door all the way and lets me in. I sit down on her bed, and she gently sits next to me. "I'm so sorry. You're my best friend. I…really messed up." She hunches forward and puts her hands to her eyes. "I'm just…I'm a wreck. It hurts so much. So much more than when I broke up with my ex. I didn't know I would take it this hard. I just…needed someone to be mad at…"

"So, you're not mad at me anymore?"

She looks at me like my question was insane and then shakes her head.

"Well…I am sorry I didn't tell you about me and Koji's…little whatever it was. You are 100% right that I should have. Even if you…got a little carried away."

"It's okay. What I did to you is…way worse, so it doesn't matter anymore."

"Okay. Anyway, I'm going to get to the bottom of this."


"I play chess with Koji tomorrow, and I'm going to talk to him about the situation. The more I think about this, the more this doesn't add up."

"What do you mean?"

"If he loves me, why hasn't he opened up about his past to me? If he loves me, why would he be sleeping with one of my friends right down the hall from me every single night? If he loves me, why isn't there any hint of it when I'm alone with him all the time?"

She raises her eyebrows. "You…think he lied?"

"Maybe. I'm sure as hell gonna find out. I can use the fact that he indirectly hurt my elbow to guilt him into telling me the truth."

Hana looks at me with hope, "Do…you think he might want to be with me?"

I sigh, "I'm sorry, I don't know that for sure right now…but it is a possibility."

Hana starts crying softly and very gently hugs me. This is the first time I've seen her cry. I saw the evidence she had been earlier, but this is the first time I've seen it myself. She really is hurting. I'm glad I didn't hold this against her on top of everything else. I put my good arm around her.

"I'm…s-so sorry…hurting you was bad…but I think what I said to you might be even worse. I …called you fake…and you're not. You're still trying to help me…th-that's the least fake thing ever. Th-thank you s-so much…"

I'm about to meet Koji in the common room to play some chess. Except we're not actually going to play chess today. I didn't even bring my board. He's already there when I arrive. His hoodie is back.

When I sit down, his eyes dart to my sling and he says, "What happened to your arm?"

I laugh wryly, "Funny story about that. So…this friend of mine confessed to a guy, and he told her that he was in love with me. She got mad about it and wasn't thinking, and she jerked on my arm hard enough to dislocate my elbow."

Koji looks horrified.

"Care to explain? To the girl who you got hurt?"


"You're going to have to do better than that. Are you really in love with me? Let's start there."

He bows his head. "No."

I put my hand to my forehead. "What the fuck Koji? If you don't want to be with her, just tell her. At least don't tell her that one of her friends is the reason she can't. That was an awful plan. Did you not think about the consequences? In addition to quite literally putting me in danger, there's a good chance you could have destroyed our friendship too."

"I'm sorry. I…guess I didn't think something like that would happen."

"This is why you've never beaten me at chess. You don't think very far ahead."

He looks both miserable and embarrassed.

"Now tell me this, why don't you want to be with her?"

He fidgets and then without looking up he says, "I do."


"I want to be with her."

I rapidly blink several times, completely dumbfounded by his words. "Okay, now this makes even less sense."

He sighs, "I just don't think she really wants to be with me."

I see, so we're back to this. That's why the hoodie is back too.

"She doesn't know what she's getting into. If it were public that she's with me…she would regret it. She doesn't want to introduce me to her friends and family. And then she would just end up dumping me."

"You are one selfish bastard."

He looks completely flabbergasted. "What?"

"So, in order for you not to get hurt, you hurt her? And me?" I point at my arm.

He grimaces. "I told her the thing about you because I thought it was more believable than any other lie, because we had that tiny bit of history. I…couldn't outright tell her I didn't want to be with her…I couldn't say those words to her face, so I skirted around it."

I sigh in frustration, "Whatever, Koji. Let's forget about your lie and the damage it did for now." I lock eyes with him, "Look, Koji…the reason you think she would regret being with you is your scars, isn't it?"

He nods.

"Do you want to know how many times Hana has mentioned your scars to me?"

He shrugs.

"Zero. All she says about you is that you're cute, really sweet, and amazing in bed."

He looks up at me and smiles, "Sh-she really said all that?"

"Yes. All of those. Repeatedly. She wants to be with you. You want to be with her. It's simple. Be together. You really made a damn mess of everything. But I think you can fix it."

He frowns, "How?"

"Well, we're going to skip chess tonight. Instead, we're going to go upstairs, and you're going to tell her everything. Then you're going to make up and live happily ever after."

"W-will it really be that easy?"

"Probably not. It's going to be complicated. After all…you really hurt her and lied to her and got her friend caught in the crossfire. But, I do think it could all work out in the end."

He bows his head again, "I really am sorry you got hurt because of my lie…"

"Yeah, you'll be paying me back for that somehow. However, right now you need to think about the other person you hurt with that lie. Do I need to drag you up the elevator with my one good arm?"

He sighs, "No. Let's go."

We get in the elevator and ride to our floor. Koji is nervous. He won't stop swaying back and forth.

When we reach my room, I stop and he says, "Y-you're not coming?"

I scoff, "You've got this. You don't want to be showing up with the girl you fake-love, right?"

He laughs softly and nods, "Thanks, Kayoko."

I open my door and find a very cute Akari reading manga in my bed in only her underwear. She throws the volume to the other side of the room when I walk in and puts her hands behind her head as if she's trying to give me a good look at her body. If that was her plan, it's working.

I'm more than a little distracted when she says, "How did it go?"

"Good, I think. He lied like I thought. He wants to be with her."

She sits up with an angry look on her face, "So, it's his fault you got hurt too, huh?"

I nod, "Kind of, yeah. I think his guilt about that is the only reason I got him to tell the truth though…so maybe it was worth it."

Akari scoffs, "How can you be this f-forgiving?"

I sit down on the bed next to her, "I think it's partly because I understand how she lost control like that…and partly because I feel like I deserved it."

She raises an eyebrow and sharpens her voice, "Deserved it? For what? You d-didn't do anything wrong. He wasn't even in love with you!"

I look at Akari and put my good hand on her cheek, "I've…still never forgiven myself for that time when I really hurt you. Now that I'm in love with you…it hurts me even more that I did that. Especially because...I know now that you were in love with me at the time…It…makes me realize just how much I hurt you. So, it feels like karma that something similar happened to me. I paid my penance or something."

She hugs me and I put my good arm around her naked body. I'm more than a little distracted by it. But we are having a serious conversation, so I need to focus.

"It w-was hard…but I've forgiven you. You didn't need to have your elbow dislocated for my forgiveness either."

"Thank you."

I start to move my arm down her back until it's on her butt. She giggles.

"Not that I mind…quite the opposite, really...but…why are you naked?"

She laughs, "I finally feel well enough for us to m-make love. It's been long enough that I wanted to advertise it right away." She pulls back from our hug, and I lustily take in her body with my eyes, which makes her blush.

I giggle. "Your advertisement was certainly successful." I stand up and lock eyes with her as I slide my skirt off using my one good arm. I try to maintain eye contact while I unbutton my shirt for her and give her a little show of my own, but it's challenging with only one hand and it kind of ruins the moment.

Akari smiles and stands up when she sees me struggling. She very carefully unbuttons my shirt without disturbing my arm. Then she gently slides it off me. She also takes off my bra with surprising speed, and she gives me the same kind of lusty look I gave her a moment ago. Then she embraces me and pulls me down for a kiss while fondling my breasts. I use my good hand to explore her body. She breaks our kiss and takes my nipple into her mouth. My legs start to tremble.


She starts to circle it with her tongue.

I hate to ruin this moment, but I don't need another injury.

It takes all my focus and will power to say two words, "Sit…down."

Akari stops and looks up at me bashfully. She knows she got a little carried away there. She takes my hand and moves to sit down on the bed. I sit down next to her. We embrace each other again, kissing deeply while we caress each other's breasts. Then we touch each other through our underwear. After kissing and touching each other for a while we have really reached a fever pitch. We're both panting, desperate for more.

It's only been a little over a week, you'd think it had been months.

Akari pulls away and smiles at me. "I just want to do stuff for you t-tonight, okay?"

I pout at her, "Why? I wanna do stuff for you too."

"I know your elbow still really hurts even if you don't act like it. So, j-just sit back and relax tonight."

Just as I'm about to object and say she's probably still got some pain of her own from her flare, she starts kissing my breasts and I forget all my objections. My elbow does hurt, and my already very limited range of movements is even smaller than normal right now. I scoot back into the bed and lie down as she asked. She follows me on her hands and knees, never letting my breasts get far from her mouth.

She lays on her side and puts her hand on my cheek as she kisses me deeply and passionately while firmly squeezing my right breast. She already has me going crazy, desperate for more of her touch. With her every action, I really can feel in both of us all the pent-up lust as a result of us being unable to do this for a little while.

As she continues to kiss me, her hand starts to take an agonizingly slow journey down my body, and by the time it finally reaches its destination, I'm writhing in anticipation. She starts to touch me through my underwear as our kiss reaches an even greater level of lustiness. Both of our mouths are about as wide open as they can be, and our tongues are engaging in an enthusiastic embrace. When she breaks the kiss, I'm embarrassed that a sad moan leaves my mouth.

She laughs and says, "Don't worry. I'll k-keep kissing you. Just…somewhere else."

She moves down my body, kissing my neck, shoulders, breasts, stomach, and hips, before gently sliding off my underwear. After she does, I open my legs a little more widely and carefully prop them up by putting my feet on the bed. I'm offering her an obvious invitation. She's happy to respond to it. She kisses each of my thighs, and then starts to kiss my other set of lips. Then she slides her tongue inside of me causing me to moan much more loudly than I should have in a dorm room. She's exploring my insides with her tongue, and it feels incredible. I reach my hand down and stroke her hair as she does this for me. She reaches up and grabs my breast in response. Unfortunately, with my sling on she only has access to one of them right now. That's disappointing because I would love to have her hands on both.

However, she starts doing things that leave no room for me to be disappointed. After preparing me some with her tongue, she gently slides two fingers inside of me and then starts using her tongue on my clitoris. The stimulation occurring both internally and externally is starting to overwhelm my senses in the best way, but there's a third place where I want to feel even more pleasure. I move my hand from her hair and put it on top of her hand that is caressing my breast. I press down hard on it, and she gets the message. She squeezes my breast harder. But it's not enough.

"Ha-harder…" She increases the force of her grip, but I plead for more. "Ha-harder…please…" Now she squeezes really hard, which is exactly what I wanted. There's this dull ache, but it's wrapped in unspeakable pleasure, and I have found that I enjoy the combination.

She continues to stimulate me down below while roughly handling my breast. She's stimulating three very sensitive places on my body, and I can't take much more of it. My breathing and moans intensify. Akari picks up on this and increases the intensity of everything she's doing. She more forcefully pushes her fingers around inside of me, licks my clitoris more rapidly, and squeezes my breast even harder. I try to say her name but find myself unable to control my mouth effectively enough to form words. My body's pleasure centers are being assaulted on all sides and I'm about to surrender myself to her skillful assault. Pleasure in my groin and breast starts to spread throughout my body, until the two come into contact and my body starts convulsing like it never has before. Luckily, I have the wherewithal to cover my mouth, because the sounds I'm making are far too lewd and far too loud. Akari continues her assault throughout the orgasm, elongating it and resulting in a second, less intense one. I'm kind of thankful for the less intense one, as it allows my body to rest a little as I transition back to normal.

Akari ceases her activities and crawls up to me and kisses me on the cheek before putting her arms around my waist. I'm not capable of speech for a while, but she can tell from my breathing and the blissful expression on my face that she did a good job, if she didn't already know from how over the top I sounded during those orgasms. After a few minutes I say,

"Th-that w-was…incredible..."

Akari giggles proudly, "Seemed like it." She smiles. "You…r-really like me to be rough with your boobs, don't you?"

I blush and nod. "I…know it's weird. But yeah…basically…don't ever worry about hurting them. It just feels…really good to me." I pause for a moment. "I think because there's not much of my body you can even be a little rough with, I compensate for it by being really into that. Or something. That's what I'm going with, anyway."

She laughs, "I guess that makes sense. It's not weird to me…I like doing it because you like it. But…as hard as that was…you're d-definitely going to have a bruise in the morning."

I laugh, "Well…luckily no one else but you sees them." I blush. "And…the idea that you left a mark on them is kind of sexy."

She sighs happily and looks at my breasts. "I'm a lucky girl. And not just because of your amazing boobs." She kisses me softly and then I mimic her by looking her body up and down. "We're both lucky, I think."

My FanFics
Learning to Run (Complete) - Emi x Hisao in their 30s
Yamaku: the Next Generation (Complete) - Emi and Hisao's daughter goes to Yamaku.
Oil & Vinegar - Mutou and Nurse buddy one-shot

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Chapter 33

Post by guthrum06 »

It's the morning after Koji went to talk to Hana to clear things up. The second after I open my eyes, I check my phone for messages, but I only find silence. It bothers me a tiny bit that he didn't text me to tell me what happened after everything I did, especially because I got hurt! But oh well.

I don't hear anything from them all morning, but I'm hoping to see at least one of them at lunch. Not long after Akari, Ai, and I take a seat at our table, I see Koji and Hana walking our way and holding hands. Koji isn't wearing his hood either. The sight immediately brings a smile to my face.

Once they reach our table, I notice they are a little less smiley than you would expect from a new couple. But I guess that probably has to do with my arm. And Hana might also still be afraid of Akari.

With a small smile on his face Koji says, "Hey everyone, we have something we need to say. Hana forgave me for messing up, and we talked about it at length last night and now we're officially a couple."

"Well…that's really great."


As I wait for Akari to say something, I turn and look at her. Her arms are crossed and she's glaring at them.

Hana sits down next to me and looks at me with a guilty face, "I…know we both really messed up…and got you hurt because of it. We're both sorry…especially me. I never should have hurt you, no matter how I was feeling. Sorry…doesn't really cover it, I know. But…we will find some way to make it up to you." Koji nods.

Her eyes shift to Akari, who hasn't really budged. Maybe her face softened a little.

"Do you want us to eat somewhere else?" She looks down, "We…would understand. Maybe we just…should anyway for a little while, given everything that happened."

Akari sighs and uncrosses her arms, "You don't have t-to do that. Kayoko wants to forgive you. I'm trying. But…don't expect me to jump for joy about your relationship right now, when my girlfriend ended up as c-collateral damage because of stupid shit you both did." Hana and Koji nod solemnly.

I plead with her, "Akari…"

She snaps at me. "I'm trying, Kayoko. I know it was an accident. And I know I w-will get over it. It isn't a grudge I'm going to hold forever. But this happened two days ago. Give me some time."

I guess I can't ask for more. If I walked into a room and saw Hana had hurt Akari, even as an accident, I would be really pissed. Somehow, when it's me I'm less angry about it.

"You don't have to be happy about them. But can we compromise? Can you not…glare at them?"

She sighs and nods before turning off her angry face.

Koji and Hana tentatively sit down. Luckily Ai and I form a buffer between them and Akari. Lunch is definitely awkward because of the tension, but Akari avoids being outwardly negative towards them at least.


I make it to band before Hana does, and I'm sitting on the bench with my sling. I didn't tell my aunt what happened. Partly because she would tell my mom, and I think my mom would have a reaction like Akari's. She gets that accidents happen, but if she knew every detail…she would be mad at Hana.

If my aunt knew everything, I think she would suspect Hana did it intentionally so that she could play piano more. So far since she got here, we split time evenly. We are comparable when it comes to skill. I know Hana didn't do it on purpose but from an outsider's point of view, I could understand someone being suspicious.

But I have to say, I do feel less forgiving in band. Sitting on this bench and knowing I can't do something I love really sucks. Especially when the other pianist, who happened to play a very large role in my current injury, is going to be able to play just fine.

When she comes in, she looks horrified. I guess this setting is making what she did hit her even harder too. She comes and sits next to me with a forlorn look on her face.

"Kayoko…I…I…just don't know what to say. If I couldn't play…"

I sigh, "I'm grumpy about it right now. So…let's just not talk about it, or I might say something I'll regret."

She nods slowly.

"I'll be more pleasant when we aren't sitting by a piano, I promise."

"Kayoko…you have every right not to be pleasant with me right now."

She's right, I guess.

When band practice begins, my gloomy mood worsens. I start to think about my future in music. It isn't something I want to confront but…these things keep happening. Every time they do, I lose precious time to improve. Everyone else who I will compete against for spots at universities and in orchestras will have spent more time playing piano than me. No matter how hard I try to catch up I will be at a disadvantage.

Do I have to give up on piano as a career? I know Saki had to give up on the violin, and I find some comfort in that, but she still got into school partly because of her skill as a musician. I don't think I'm going to be able to do that. I have about a year left and every dislocation in my upper body is going to take more time away from me.

I don't need to decide about this now. But it is something I need to keep in mind as I continue to plan my future.

I look over at Akari who is playing beautifully as usual. She's going to get into school for music. There's no doubt about that. She's probably going to be a world-renowned musician in 10 years' time. I'm so happy for her, especially because it's her favorite thing to do in the whole world.

But…I had a little dream we might get to play in a real orchestra together some day. I always knew that my career would be cut short. I always knew it wouldn't be my long-term plan. But I thought I would have enough time for a brief career as a musician. That dream gets less likely every time I hurt one of my arms or hands.

I'm being too negative. I could always shift to composition, like Saki did. Although, it's unrealistic to think I will be as successful as she was. She was already writing songs in her first year at Yamaku. I wasn't. I still haven't written any. I could study music composition at university and follow in her footsteps. I don't have to be as amazing as Saki was for that to be worthwhile.

Plus, I'm not even sure I want to study music in university. I feel a strong pull towards science. In some ways I do feel more passionate about it. So, if I really couldn't make it in music because of all my injuries, it isn't like there's nothing else for me. I have something else I would really love to do.

Still…having that option taken away from me entirely would be hard. Maybe I would choose science in the end, whether I'm healthy or not. But I want to be able to choose. I hope I get to make that choice myself instead of being forced into it.

It's been a little over two weeks since Koji and Hana became a couple, and Akari has finally calmed down about things. I wouldn't say she has forgiven them completely, but she isn't mad at them all the time anymore. There's not palpable tension in the air anymore, at least.

I got my sling off yesterday, so I will be back playing piano on Monday, which helps me get over the little bit of resentment I was feeling.

Now that our friend group is three couples, we're taking advantage of that by going on a triple date. Sadly, we don't have much time left for this kind of thing. Koji and Hana are in the early stages of examination hell, so there really aren't that many weekends left where they will be able to do something like this. Carsten is still in Germany of course, so he will be taking part via video chat. I miss Carsten, and while we've texted regularly since he's been gone, it will be nice to sort of hang out with him like old times today.

We're going on a little picnic in a field behind campus. We're having an early dinner, which will be a late breakfast for Carsten.

We all just met outside the girl's dorm, and we're heading out to the field. I feel a little bad for Ai because the two couples she's with are happily holding hands. She doesn't look too put out by it though. She's been doing well these last few weeks. She's all caught up on school and is in much higher spirits. She comes to lunch and dinner with us every day and rarely misses classes. I know it hasn't been easy. I'm proud of her.

My mom caught wind of our plans and insisted on making us a bunch of food. This topic just came up on our walk.

Hana says, "Why is your mom so perfect?"

I laugh, "Is she?"

Akari giggles, "A little bit."

I shrug, "I kind of won the parent lottery, I guess. Especially being adopted. But trust me, there are some things about my mom that aren't so perfect."

Ai scoffs, "Like what? How much she loves you? How nice she is to your friends? How supportive she is of your relationship? How well she cooks?"

"I already admitted I won the parent lottery, okay! I'm just saying she isn't perfect. For example, one of her favorite things to do is say mildly suggestive things to me and Akari to get us to blush."

Akari nods, "That w-was pretty awkward at first. Kinda used to it now, though."

Hana says, "Well then it can't be that bad. I guess I will concede she isn't perfect. But she's the best mom I know."

All of my friends verbally support Hana's assertion.

I laugh, "Okay fine, I'm very lucky. I guess my dad was kind of perfect too."

Ai says, "Yeah he was."

I sigh as Akari and Hana giggle.

Koji says, "Is he really that attractive?" Hana nods immediately.

"Well, Carsten thinks my mom's hot." I sigh. "So, all of my friends think that about one of my parents… I'm just going to assume you will too, Koji."

Koji blinks a few times, "I mean…no offense to her, but isn't your mom like 60?"

Hana says, "There's no way she's 60. She's 40 tops, right, Kayoko?"

Akari and Ai giggle now. "Actually, Koji's almost exactly right. She turns 60 next year."

Hana stops in her tracks. "Seriously?! Jeez. I need to get some skin care advice from her or something. Plus, she's crazy fit. She definitely doesn't look 60."

He laughs, "Okay then. Well, maybe I would agree with Carsten."

I sigh, "How do we always end up talking about how attractive my parents are?"

Akari giggles and squeezes my hand, "Sorry. You're pretty d-darn attractive too."

I laugh, "Thanks, but my complaint wasn't about feeling left out." Akari laughs.

I stop walking in a warm sunny spot. It's pretty chilly, so it seems ideal. "Hey, this looks like a good spot. It has lots of sun. What do you think?"

Everyone agrees and we get set up. I spread out the blankets while Akari and Koji get out the food and utensils. We've recently discovered that Hana can lift Ai with ease and the two are close enough for it to not be weird, so she does that and the rest of us get seated.

Ai gets out her phone and video calls Carsten, who picks up almost immediately.

"Hey babe, are you with everyone?"

"Yep! Hold on, we'll try to find somewhere to put you where you can see everyone."

She hands Koji her phone and he finds a good spot for him in front of us. We can all see him, and hopefully he can see all of us.

Carsten smiles, "Wow this is pretty cool, it's sort of like I'm there. Also makes me kinda sad. I miss all of you. Only a few more weeks, though! Light at the end of the tunnel."

We all say our hellos to him and then Hana says, "Um…hi Carsten, I'm Hana, the new one in the group. Nice to meet you."

He smiles, "Nice to meet you too. I kind of feel like I know you from Ai."

She nods and smiles back, "Same."

Ai says, "Carsten, we were having a debate on the walk over here. Is Mrs. Nakai the best mom ever? She made all the food for our picnic, that's what had us talking about it."

He nods, "She's the best mom I know."

I laugh, "I will have to let her know the unanimous results of this survey."

As we start to dig into the food, Carsten asks with more than a hint of envy in his voice, "What did she make for you anyway?"

Akari says, "M-most of her greatest hits. Curry fried rice, sesame soba noodles, and a boat load of rice balls of different flavors."

Carsten whimpers softly, "I shouldn't have asked. I miss Japanese food."

Ai giggles, "What are you eating for this triple date?"

He flatly says, "Eggs and sausage."

I say, "Hey, I like eggs and sausage. I could do with a bit more western breakfast in my life, honestly."

Carsten sighs, "It is good from time to time. But every day? Germans eat too much sausage. Not even just at breakfast either. There are so many kinds of sausage too…bratwurst, blutwurst, leberwurst…"

Ai says, "Okay, enough sausage talk, Carsten."

This makes us all laugh.

Then she looks at Hana and Koji and says, "Sooo….how is our newest couple doing?"

Hana smiles and Koji grabs her hand and says, "Really well. So well that we're trying to find a way for us to stay together after Yamaku."

Hana frowns a little, "I wish getting into university wasn't such a pain in the ass. Forget western breakfast, I'll take western universities."

"So, it's n-not going well?" There's real sympathy in Akari's voice. That's a nice change for her when talking to these two.

Koji says, "It's going okay, but it's complicated…to really give ourselves a good chance, we will be taking a lot of entrance exams. If we do that, I think we will end up getting into a program we both want in the Tokyo area. There are a couple of universities where we would both be happy to get in…that would be simplest."

Hana nods, "But with entrance exams, who knows if it will happen."

"Well…good luck. It sounds like you are working hard to stay together. I hope it works."

Carsten says, "What do you two want to study? Sorry, everyone else probably knows but I'm kind of out of the loop."

He's right, we all know.

Hana confidently says, "I want to be a music teacher." Koji adds, "I don't know what I want to be as well as her…but I want to study Japanese literature."

Carsten nods, "That's cool. Is Tokyo one of the universities that would work for both of you?"

They nod.

"Akari, can your parents do anything?"

Akari scoffs, "I guess you haven't m-met my parents, Carsten." She pauses for a moment. "But actually…I'll ask. If you w-were interested in one of their faculties there might be a chance…b-but you aren't. So…don't hold out hope."

Hana says, "Well, thanks a ton for even being willing to ask. They do History and English right?"

Akari nods and Hana pokes Koji and smiles at him. "Just change to one of those."

He thinks for a minute with a finger on his chin, "English literature is pretty interesting too…might not be crazy."

Hana laughs, "Really? I was just kidding."

"Koji, I love Akari's mom, but I recommend against studying English literature with her."

Akari giggles and beams at me, "Did you just say you love my mom?"

I did, didn't I? I already really liked her after our last visit. But…hearing everything she went through with Akari, and everything she did for her…I guess I do love her now.

I sigh, "Yes, I did. But I also said Koji should avoid her at all costs."

She laughs and hugs me.

"For what it's w-worth, Koji, her students usually love her. She's intense and k-kinda scary. But fair, and a great teacher."

Koji nods, "I'll think about that. I just wanna study books. Maybe it doesn't matter if they are in English."

I say, "Is your English good? Probably needs to be."

He nods, "Pretty good, yeah. I already read a lot in English and my scores are really good. I finished in second in the mock exams."

"W-well…if you want to do that, there's a s-slightly better chance she can help. I'll ask."

Hana looks at Akari with a lot of gratitude. "Thank you. I know…stuff has been bad between us lately…because I messed up. So… it means a lot to me that you're helping."

Akari's face tightens a little for a moment before returning to a smile. She would probably prefer not to broach this subject at all. It makes it easier for her not to be mad at them. "No problem. I'm happy to help." She laughs softly. "Besides, you two better stay together forever a-after what happened to Kayoko."

This makes us all laugh, but I know there's more truth to it than Akari wants us to think.

Carsten says, "I hope it works out. If you are taking that many tests, I'm not going to see much of you after I get back in January, am I?"

They groan in unison and Koji says, "You'll see us. But definitely less of us."

Hideki was killing himself over a single entrance exam. I don't envy them. But they are willing to do it for love which is inspiring. I would do the same for Akari.

Hana says, "I think we can find time for at least one triple date after you're back though."

Carsten says, "That's good. Hey, Koji, you're running out of time to beat Kayoko."

He laughs, "I know. We have stalemated twice at least. So, I'm getting closer!"

"I bet he'll beat me at least once before he graduates. He keeps getting better."

Akari gasps, "You're reading my manga now. Does that mean you're going to make me play chess after he graduates?"

I giggle, "I'm not going to make you, no. However, if you wanted to give it a try some time it would make me very happy."

Ai laughs, "So in other words, Akari, yes - you will be playing chess."

Everyone laughs and I cross my arms and pout at Akari. "Is that really what I said?"

"Not quite. But they know you telling me it will make you happy will get me to play. I'm a p-pushover."

I continue to pout. "That makes it seem like I'm very demanding and you just give me everything I want. That's not true. Things aren't that one-sided. You get what you want a lot too. I'm a pushover sometimes."

Akari blushes and looks away from me. I think she got what I was driving at. She might be a pushover about this kind of thing, but any time she wants to have sex I'm the one who does what she wants. Not that I mind, but still.

Ai looks at us with a raised eyebrow. I think she figured out what I was getting at too. Hopefully she doesn't blurt it out. I can tell she's about to say something.

Oh God.

Ai says, "Well, Carsten. It's getting darker and colder here so we need to go. But I'll call you later tonight, okay?"

Thank goodness.

"Yeah, sounds good. Well…it was a good triple date everyone! I'm excited for the next one, when I'll be there in person and not eating sausage."

We all say our goodbyes to Carsten and start putting things away before heading back to the dorms.

On our way back to the dorms I can't help but think how nice it is that all my friends found love at Yamaku. Just like my mom and dad. Shoot, my dad did it twice. I hope we all stay together until the end just like they all did.

It's a few days until the winter holidays. It is cold out, which makes it even nicer that me and my girlfriend are warm in our bed together. We just made love, and it was as amazing as it always is. I can feel myself drifting off to sleep, but then my phone vibrates.

"Just ignore it. T-too cozy to stop snuggles."

I agree with the sentiment, so I don't move. But then it rings again.

I sigh, "I guess I better check it."

Akari nods but lets out a sad sound when I roll over.

"It's…my mom."

With obvious concern in her voice, Akari says, "This late!?" She is now fully awake and rolls over so she can listen to the call. I'm worried too. My mom has usually been asleep for three hours by now. This isn't just going to be her asking how my day was or something like that.

"Hi, mom."


She's crying.

"Are you okay?"

She sniffles. "I'm…having a hard night…I hate to do this so late…but do you think you can come home and stay with me tonight?"

Since I moved out, I stay with her around the anniversary of her dad's death to help her. But other than that, she's never taken me up on my offer to come home when she needs me. Until now.

"Yeah mom, of course. I'll get a cab. You don't need to drive."

"Okay…sweetie…I'm so sorry…"

"Mom, don't apologize. I love you and I'll see you soon."

After we hang up, Akari looks distressed. "What do you think it is?"

I get up and start getting dressed. "I don't know. But…it's not good. It takes a lot for her to ask for help."

Akari gets up and hugs me, "You're such a good daughter." She pulls me down for a kiss. "Let me know if I can help."

We exchange I love yous and I head out the door.

As I wait for a cab, I wonder if my mom will ever be okay with Akari helping with this kind of thing. They are close, but this may always be mother and daughter stuff.

When I get home, I walk towards the heartbreaking sound of my mom sobbing. A sound that brings me back to the morning my father died. I have to take a moment to push that out of my mind. If I don't, it will make helping her a lot harder for me.

I find her in bed. Her back is to me, and her shoulders are shaking violently. She's crying so loudly she didn't even hear me come in. She was probably crying for three hours before finally calling me for help. I wish she had done it sooner.

I say, "Hi mom, I'm here" and get in bed with her.

She takes a moment to gather herself and then rolls over and smiles at me. It is jarring to see her smile on her tear-drenched face. Her hair is a mess, like she's been tossing and turning. Her eyes are bloodshot.

"What's wrong? Do you want to talk?"

She nods and wipes her tears off her face. "I'm…almost 60."

I can't help but laugh softly, "So you're upset about aging? I knew you were pretty vain, but this is kind of extreme."

She laughs and then pokes me in the ribs. "Do you think I would make you get out of your girlfriend's bed in the middle of the night for that?"

That joke already seems to have put her in higher spirits. So at least there's that.

I smirk. "Probably not, no."

She starts to sniffle, "I c-can start considering retirement when I'm 60. Y-your dad and I had lots of p-p-plans and…and…."

She starts sobbing again and I put my arms around her. She hugs me and cries into my shoulder. I start crying too.

I know I'm not supposed to think about the universe not being fair…but times like these make that really challenging. She's upset because she'll never get to have retirement with my dad. I'm sure it's something they talked about a lot and looked forward to. And now that it's here…she can't have any of it.

Once she's calmed down some I say, "What kind of things were you planning on doing?"

She sniffles and then smiles, "Lots of travel. We always meant to go back to Okinawa, where we went right after we got engaged." She sighs happily. "It was the best vacation we ever took on our own…but we never had time to do it again. We always said that would be our first retirement trip."

I smile at her, "That would have been nice. I…know it's not the same, but I could go on trips with you."

She smiles at me and kisses me on the forehead. "That's a good idea. We wanted to go to Europe and America too. Neither of us ever went to either, so it was another 'Well, once we retire' thing."

I laugh, "How would you get around not knowing any English?"

She sticks her tongue out at me. "I know some English. His English was…a little better than mine. But yeah…it might have been a little challenging. We would have done okay, I think. We also wanted to travel to the Paralympics at some point."

I smile at her, "Man, you two would have really loved that."

She nods with a bittersweet smile on her face, "He was never as into it as me of course, but he did enjoy watching with me. And watching how heated I got." She laughs.

I smile at her, "What else did you talk about doing?"

"Well…just getting to enjoy our golden years together I guess." She starts to tear up again. "J-just…sitting out on the b-b-back porch together. Talking…p-p-playing chess…G-g-going on lots of runs together."

I giggle, "I don't think very many retired people plan on going on runs. But you guys were always so fit."

She laughs and sniffles, "Yeah I guess that's a little unusual."

I put my arms around her again. "I wish he was still here, so you could have the retirement you two dreamed of. You both deserved it."

"Thank you, sweetie." She sighs. "I don't know when I'm going to retire now. We were thinking maybe 60, but…I dunno. I might just keep working now."

"Well, that's great if that's what you want to do. But…I think you should probably still retire at some point."

She sighs, "Probably. I could spend more time with family, that's for sure." She smiles at me with a twinkle in her eyes. "Maybe I'll even have some grandkids."

I pull away from her. "Um…what!?"

She laughs, "At some point after I'm retired, I mean."

"Okay. I suppose that's a reasonable expectation."

"Yeah, no pressure."

I scoff, "You can't say that now, you already pressured me!"

She frowns, "I hated when my mom pressured me about that. I can't believe I just did it to you. They say you become your mother…I guess it's truer than I'd like to admit. I won't do that again…hopefully."

I laugh, "It's okay mom. You're upset. I'll let it slide. This time."

She pats me on the head and smiles, "Thank you for coming sweetie. I'm feeling less down about it all now. Just talking and laughing with you always helps. You know…I have a hard time letting you take care of me." She sighs. "But I need it sometimes."

"It's okay mom. How many times have you helped me during a hard time? Or Akari? It's okay for us to do it for you sometimes. In fact, I'd like it if you would call me sooner when you have a night like this. Have you been crying since you got in bed?"

She frowns and nods. "You're right. I try to cope myself but…I guess an hour of trying is probably enough. I hate to drag you away from Akari, though."

I roll my eyes, "She loves you. She understands mental health better than most people too. She knows you need me sometimes. She wanted me to come. So, don't use her as an excuse."

My mom nods. "You're right." Then she smiles broadly. "You two are such an adorable couple."

I roll my eyes, "Yes, you've said so before."

"I really mean it though. You're wonderful together. And so in love with each other. Hard to believe two people could find each other so young." She smiles at me. "But I guess your dad and Saki found each other at around the same age."

"Yeah…well I don't think we'll be getting married at 18. But…you're right. I…think I found who I want to be with forever. She feels the same way." I pause for a moment and decide to ask a nagging question of mine. "Is that silly? Since we're so young?"

"If you asked me that and I hadn't seen you two together, I would probably say it's silly. But…I've seen the evidence myself. I've seen how deeply you care for one another, how you look at each other. Your relationship is…very adult." She smirks, "And I don't just mean because you're having lots of sex."


She chuckles. "Sorry dear, I couldn't help it. It's the emotional depth between you that makes it so adult. How much you share with one another. How deeply you know each other. And also the sex."

I sigh, "Well. Thank you…for the part that isn't creepy. Also…what makes you say we have 'lots of sex?'"

My mom laughs, "I don't know for sure. But you told me you spend every night together, you're in love, and you've been together for a while. It was a guess. Was I right or wrong?"

I sigh and mumble, "You're right."

"What was that dear? I'm almost 60, my hearing isn't what it used to be."

"You're right, okay!"

She laughs, "Well, that's nice then. Sex with someone you love is…well, there's not much that is better, is there?"

I know it should weird me out that she is talking about sex with my dad like this. Especially in their bed. But…now that I've experienced it myself, I know what she means. She's just happy for me, and…I'm happy that she experienced it with my dad for so long. I guess I'm getting mature or something. Or just desensitized to my mom's regular discussion of sex.

I smile at her, "No…there really isn't anything better. Other than maybe falling asleep together afterwards."

She smiles at me, "That's true." She pauses for a moment. "You didn't snap at me or roll your eyes for talking about sex like that. And then you gave me a real answer. Are you feeling okay?" She reaches over and puts her hand on my forehead like she's checking to see if I have a fever.

I laugh, "I feel fine. I'm just glad you and dad had that. It's really special."

My mom smiles, "You've always been mature about things." She takes my hand, "I feel much better now. I'll probably take you up on that offer to travel with me when the time comes. That was a good idea."

"Good." I look at the time and realize it is past midnight. "Should we go to bed? Do you want me to stay in here?"

She shakes her head, "No, you can sleep in your own bed."

"Okay, but…please just get me if you're still having a hard time. Don't worry about waking me up."

She nods. "I will. I think I will be okay, though. Goodnight sweetie."

My friends and I are studying for some pre-winter vacation tests in the library. One of the perks of being friends with Koji is that we have easy access to private study rooms. And we're all in one right now. We're seated around a big table. Koji and Hana are off doing their own stuff in the corner, and right now Akari is basically teaching us a historical concept that me and Ai can't seem to grasp. How feudalism worked - both European and Japanese, because we're almost certain an essay comparing them will be on our test. On the white board she has drawn a pyramid diagram for each of them, and it's really helping me figure things out. I am getting a little distracted by how hot the teacher is, though. She's getting especially passionate right now. You can tell her parents are both professors.

"Another b-big difference is the role that women had in these two societies. Both were patriarchal of course, but women were inherently part of Japanese feudalism, there wasn't as much opposition to them owning land or being warriors. In European feudalism, women in those sorts of positions are the exception to the rule, like Eleanor of Aquitaine. B-but even she never took a position as the leader on a battlefield or fought in them herself like the onna-bugeisha. Women were pretty much forbidden from an active role on the battlefield in Europe."

Ai yawns, "Thanks Akari, I think I can finally answer that question reasonably well."

I smile and then wink at Akari, "Me too. Thank you, teacher."

She rolls her eyes at me. This isn't the first time I've decided to be flirty with her when she's teaching us. It annoys her a little, and I think it's funny. Now that she's completed her little lecture, she comes and sits down next to me and opens a textbook. I nudge her with my foot under the table and she smiles at me.

Ai says, "Well…I think I'm beat. I probably need to take a nap if I'm going to talk to Carsten tonight."

"Good idea. I'm really excited he'll be back soon."

Ai smiles, "Me too, obviously. It's been hard. But we did it." She throws her arms up in victory. "Alright, see you later everyone."

She says her goodbyes and Koji holds the door open for her. When Koji sits down, he and Hana start whispering to each other. It makes me a little nervous.

I rudely clear my throat. "You two have something you want to share with the class?"

Hana says, "Actually…yeah, that's exactly what we want to do. We thought of a way…that we can try and make it up to you two for the whole…Kayoko's arm thing."

I smile, "You don't need to do that."

Akari leans forward and says, "I'm listening. What d-did you get us?"

I playfully poke her for being so brazen, but Koji and Hana laugh.

They look at each other. Koji says, "It's…something we've both wanted to do but just haven't. Something that will prove how much you both mean to us…and maybe mend some fences."

I raise an eyebrow at them, "Well, now I'm interested."

Hana says, "We want to tell you…all the stuff about us that you don't know. The stuff that so far, we've only told each other."

Akari fidgets uncomfortably and then says, "Um…d-do you want me to leave? Aren't you both closer with Kayoko?"

Koji says, "No. We want you to know too. You're just as important to both of us."

She looks a little surprised, but then nods.

The two of them come and sit across from us. Then they look at one another. They hold hands and Hana starts rubbing Kaito's back with her other hand and smiles at him. I guess he's going first. She's already trying to comfort him. I knew it would be hard to hear, but now I'm even more sure of that.

He looks at both of us and takes a deep breath. "Kayoko…you know I was in an orphanage until my first year at Yamaku, right?"

I nod.

He narrows his eyes and grimaces. "Well…let me tell you how I got there. I was two months old when my parents put me up for adoption. And…when I say 'put me up for adoption,' what I mean is…those assholes abandoned me. In an alley. In the middle of winter. Luckily, I was crying, and someone found me, but I was out in the cold long enough for this to happen." He traces the scars on his cheeks and nose. "They are from severe frostbite."

I feel tears welling up inside of me. There are already a few on Akari's face. I guess we really are crybabies because Hana and Koji don't have any.

I put my hand on his shoulder and say the only thing that I can think of. "That sucks."

He smiles, "It does."

Akari sniffles and says, "Wh-who does that to a baby?"

Koji sighs, "My dear old mom and dad, apparently. They looked for them, mostly to throw them in jail. But they never found them. After that…I was put in an orphanage. But no one wanted to adopt a kid who looked like me. I got bullied a lot in regular schools, to the point I stopped going. They didn't know what to do. A few decades ago, the orphanage sent a student here who had some scars and got bullied because of them. That orphan is a member of the board of the orphanage now, and she's the one who suggested I come here. She mostly escaped bullying here and she flourished in the end." He smiles at the three of us. "And…I guess I did too."

I strain my brain because what he said jogged a memory of a story my dad told me. He went to school with an orphan who was at least partly the inspiration for adopting me. After thinking hard for a few seconds, I manage to dig up her name. Well…part of it anyway. "Is that board member's name…Ike-something?"

He smiles, "Ikezawa, yeah. You know her?"

I laugh, "Yeah that's it! Hanako Ikezawa. I don't. My parents did. She went to school with them. My dad was in class with her their third year. My mom's going to think that's cool. Do you care if I tell her? I can leave out the details, other than that she's on the board of your orphanage."

He nods, "You can tell her. It's cool that they knew each other. She's a great lady." He smiles. "She is…one of the few people who could really relate to me. She donated books and games to the orphanage, and she took a special interest in me because of our…similarities." His smile gets wider. "She would come a couple of times each month for a few hours and play games with me, or we'd talk about a book she recommended." He sighs, "It's…a little sad that this is true of someone I spent about three hours with every month, but she's sort of the closest thing I have to a parent. She really influenced me.""

Hana smiles at him, "You didn't tell me that. I already liked her because she sent you to me. Now I love this lady. I want to meet her."

He smiles at her, "She checks up on me some. She's going to come to graduation if she can fit in her schedule. She's a busy lady. But you can tell her how great she is if she does."

I smile too, "My mom is going to be really happy if she comes. It's been…40 years or something, but I think it will be cool for them to meet again."

Koji nods, "That would be cool."

Hana nods in agreement and then says, "I guess it's my turn?"

Hana and Koji switch places. He comforts her by rubbing her back too.

"Mine…isn't as bad."

Koji scoffs, "Let them decide that. I didn't have parents, sure. But I didn't have any health stuff. Apples and oranges."

She smiles at him and nods, "Up until I was 17, I was perfectly healthy. Went to a normal school. Didn't really know anything about people with medical conditions. I don't think most 17-year-olds do. But then…I woke up one morning with horrible pain in my stomach. I just thought I had food poisoning…but then they didn't go away for weeks. I had lots of other GI symptoms that you don't need to hear in detail." She grimaces. "I stopped eating, but even that didn't fix everything. Eventually, they diagnosed me with ulcerative colitis. Basically, it means a huge section of my intestine was chronically inflamed. For almost two years they tried…all kinds of medications to make it stop…b-but none worked. I lost…a ton of weight because I couldn't eat. I…still haven't gotten back to my orginal, healthier weight." Her voice starts to sound strained. " When medication wasn't controlling my symptoms surgery was all that w-w-was left…"

She trails off and starts to tear up. Akari moves over to her and hugs her with tears in her own eyes. Hana hugs her back. I'm surprised by this at first. I don't think they have ever hugged. But then I realize Akari can relate to trying medications to stop constant pain and having them all fail. Koji and I smile at each other. It is nice seeing these two bond after all the tension between them.

They break their hug and smile at eachother, then Hana continues, "S-so, when I was 19, they removed the part of my intestine that was inflamed. It was like night and day. I felt normal again. B-but…obviously we need our intestines. So…I have this b-bag you know about. I'll always have it. I hate it…and really struggle with it. But without it…I would be in debilitating pain. So, I kind of love it too. It's complicated."

A tearful Akari says, "I tried lots of meds and had surgery for pain too. I know how hard it is. It stinks that you know that too."

Hana smiles at her, "I probably should have told you sooner then." She frowns. "But as you both know…when I got here, I was in a bad place. Once I was better, my boyfriend, who had stayed with me through all the pain and surgeries, dumped me. He told me he stayed with me that whole time because he pitied me. But...now that I was better, and moving, he wanted to break up. I didn't want to be here. I didn't want to talk about it. I also felt like my parents were embarrassed by me and abandoning me. " She looks at Koji and smiles at him. "Something I realized wasn't true with someone's help."

I guess hearing about someone who was quite literally abandoned by their parents will give you some perspective.

"You two…helped me a lot too. Made me feel welcome. Told me about your own hardships. Introduced me to this this sexy guy. " She looks at him lovingly and Koji chuckles and then she gets serious again. "That's what makes it even worse…that I did what I did. So…thank you both, from the bottom of my heart."

Koji nods, "You both helped me too. Kayoko, you became my first real friend. You helped me start to realize that I wasn't…this repulsive thing I thought I was. And Akari, you welcomed me into the friend group despite my history with Kayoko…and yeah I guess that's how I met this sexy girl here." She laughs and smiles at him. They are pretty darn cute.

Hana says, "I know this…doesn't erase what we did. But…I hope it helps a little."

"It means a lot to me that you both wanted to share this with us. I know that can be hard. But…I fully forgave you a long time ago. It's this one you have to worry about." I point at Akari with my thumb.

She bows her head, "I'm s-sorry I held the grudge so long. It probably wasn't fair of me. But I fully forgive you both too."

Hana hugs her and says, "Thank you. But...if I walked into a room and saw someone had hurt Koji, I would do the exact same thing. So...you have nothing to apologize for."

My FanFics
Learning to Run (Complete) - Emi x Hisao in their 30s
Yamaku: the Next Generation (Complete) - Emi and Hisao's daughter goes to Yamaku.
Oil & Vinegar - Mutou and Nurse buddy one-shot

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Chapter 34

Post by guthrum06 »

Winter vacation is here. Akari and I are the only ones in our friend group still at Yamaku. Koji is meeting Hana's parents and Ai is finally reuniting with Carsten. She's doing Christmas with him and his family in Tokyo.

Akari's parents are coming to town and staying in a vacation rental, and we'll be spending Christmas with them at my mom's. I was a little surprised by this, but apparently, they want to spend more time with me and my family.

For now, though, Akari and I are snuggling in her room while snow falls outside. Snuggling is so much nicer when you can watch the snow together. There's also a very intense cold snap right now. It is several degrees colder than it normally is this time of year. When it gets cold enough, my more arthritic joints ache. My left elbow feels particularly painful. Akari's surgically repaired hips don't like the cold either. So, we've had a nice lazy day inside. We mostly read manga. I finished her favorite one and we talked about it for a while.

Now we're just keeping cozy. I'm laying on my back with an arm around Akari and she has her arms around my waist as usual. Akari has a pensive look on her face.

"Something on your mind?"

She nods. "The stuff with K-koji and Hana has me thinking about the future a lot."

I squeeze her a little, "Yeah? I'm part of it right?"

She scoffs, "Obviously. Do we want to go to university t-together?"

I nod, "Of course. Or at least…go to two universities that are close enough for us to live together."

She smiles at me, "You want us to live together?"

I chuckle, "Duh. We basically live together now. The only thing that's missing is our rooms being connected."

She laughs, "That's true. Are you still choosing between m-music and science?"

"Yep. Haven't quite figured it out yet. But I have time. You want to keep playing French horn, right?"

She nods, "Yeah. I was thinking Tokyo is my n-number one choice for that."

I nod, "Yeah, that's great for me too whether I do science or music."

She smiles, "I hope we b-both get in there. And get a nice little apartment like Daisuke and Kaito."

I kiss her. "I hope so too. Maybe in a nicer building though? And not so close to your parents?"

She giggles. "Maybe." She frowns a little. "Are we…crazy for thinking we will be t-together forever?"

"I have had that thought a few times too…but I don't think so. When I went to help my mom the other night we talked about that. She doesn't think we're crazy because she can see how deeply we care for one another."

Akari smiles.

"I think your parents think we're pretty serious too. Otherwise, they wouldn't be going out of their way to come here."

She thinks for a second and then smiles. "That's true…I hadn't thought of that."

"We learned your mom is surprisingly romantic recently. I think it works in our favor."

"I hope so." She hugs me tight. "I just…can't imagine being with anyone else. It all just feels…s-so right to me."

I kiss her and look deep into her eyes. "I agree. It's a cliche, but I guess people say it for a reason. It's like we were made for each other."

She laughs and then kisses me, "You really have been reading a lot of my m-manga."

It's Christmas Eve. Akari and I are at my mom's. Akari's parents and my grandparents are coming over for dinner, and my mom is letting us help for once. We're making cream stew with chicken, which will be extra tasty since it's still abominably cold outside.

Akari and I are staying here tonight, and then everyone is spending the whole day here tomorrow.

We hear the front door open and close. It must be my grandparents. I can't imagine the Yoshidas would just come in. I wash my hands and head out into the living room to greet them.

"Kaychan! Merry Christmas." My grandma hugs me, and I hug her back.

Akari was right behind me, and my grandma said "A-Chan! Merry Christmas!" and gives her a hug.

I raise my eyebrow at her, "Did you just…-chan her?"

My grandma smiles at Akari, "Yes, that's okay, isn't it?"

Akari is smiling broadly, and apparently appreciates it quite a lot. The only people my grandma calls "-chan" are me and my dad, so I suppose it's a big deal that she's extended it to my girlfriend. She is tiny and adorable, so I suppose I understand.

My grandpa scoffs, "I'll still be calling you Akari, if that's okay." She nods and hugs him.

Hey, wait. She got to hug him before me. That's not right! Wow, I guess I'm a little jealous.

Luckily her hug is brief, and I get to enjoy my grandfather's dad-like hug for a few moments. Then we hear a knock on the door.

I begrudgingly break my hug with my grandpa and Akari and I go to the front door to greet her parents. We exchange hellos and I take their coats and hang them up. When I turn around from hanging up her mother's coat, I am surprised to be embraced by its owner. When this woman hugs you, you can really feel she wishes she wasn't. She stands straight like a statue, and she doesn't seem to know what to do with her arms. But it's the best she can do and even this is meaningful, so I hug her back and say, "I'm glad you two were able to come."

We break our awkward hug, and she softly smiles, "Me too. Although I wish it wasn't so cold up here." She shivers. "Not quite as bad in Tokyo right now."

I smile, "The only good part about it being so cold is it will make the cream stew we're having for dinner tonight taste even better."

She nods in agreement, and then Mr. Yoshida and I exchange a quick hug. It seems more natural for him.

After that, we make our way to the living room, and I introduce my grandparents to the Yoshidas. My mom also joins us in the living room and announces that dinner is almost ready.

My grandma says, "Do you think you will play piano for us tonight, Kaychan? I'd love to hear it."

Mr. and Mrs. Yoshida both look enthusiastic about it too.

I smile, "Yeah, sure. I'll do that." Everyone looks pleased, apart from Akari who pokes me in the side and gives me a stern look. I sigh. I really didn't want to disappoint people, especially her parents. But she's right so I give her a small nod.

I sigh, "Actually…I'm not going to be able to. The cold is really hurting my elbow. I was…going to try, but Akari just reminded me I shouldn't. I'm sorry. Maybe tomorrow."

My mom frowns, "You didn't tell me that. I wouldn't have let you help me with dinner."

"It was fine for doing that, mom. Cutting up food and stirring a pot is a lot less difficult than playing piano. It's not a big deal."

My mom looks like she wants to ask me a thousand questions.

It IS a big deal and she knows it. I've never had this much pain from the cold before. Some achiness, but not so much that I couldn't play the piano. My arthritis is getting worse, and we need to talk about it. But we aren't having a conversation about it now in front of everyone.

Mr. Yoshida waves his hand dismissively and says, "Don't worry about it."

My grandma smiles, "That's okay, Kaychan. I'm sorry you're hurting. The cold hurts my joints too."

Yeah, I do kind of have the joints of an 80-year-old, thanks for reminding me grandma.

I smile at her, "Thanks, grandma. Hopefully it will warm up soon. It's crazy how cold it is for December."

My mom says, "Oh! That reminds me, before you two go to bed, you're probably going to want to turn on the space heater in there. It gets cold in…that…room..." My mom winces and trails off, realizing what she said in front of the Yoshidas.

Akari and I look at her mother, bracing for the worst. I'm waiting for the two little explosions to go off in her eyes like that day in the medical building. But there are no explosions. Instead, she softly smiles at us.

"I'm not delusional. You two live across the hall from each other and you're young and in love. If Mrs. Nakai is okay with you sharing a bed, it's none of my business."

Akari and I exhale. It may not be a ringing endorsement of our sex lives, but it isn't condemnation either. I guess it would be strange for her to rip into us about it in my mom's house when it is clear my mom and grandparents are fine with the situation, so maybe it's just a home field advantage thing. I'll take it, since I was pretty sure I was going to be excoriated when my mom slipped up.

The funny thing is we never do anything sexual here, and we wouldn't do it in her house if she let us share a bed. Well…I say that, but I did have to talk Akari out of it last time…

Akari nods, "Thank you, m-mom…" I nod to agree with the sentiment. It is met with awkward silence.

My mom says, "Akari, Kayoko, let's go to the kitchen and put the finishing touches on dinner." I know both of us are thankful for the escape.

We follow my mom to the kitchen. My mom and I start plating the food while Akari sets the table.

"I'm sorry I let that slip, but it turned out okay."

I laugh wryly, "Yeah. I thought I was going to lose my life for a brief moment, so the outcome was acceptable."

My mom gives me a little hug and smiles at me, and then we start taking the bowls of stew out to the table.

Once we've all gathered at the table and begun eating our warm, creamy meal, Mrs. Yoshida is the first to comment. "You were right Kayoko. This almost makes the cold worth it."

I wonder if this is her trying to clear the air after our awkward exchange. Either way, I appreciate it.

I smile, "Yeah. It's probably my favorite cold weather meal."

My grandma says, "I tried making this once when Hichan was a boy. It was a failure and I never tried again. Emi does such a good job."

My grandpa chuckles, "It was like steamed vegetables in water. It didn't taste bad…just not…good either."

My mom says, "The secret is making your own roux. You can buy ready-made roux, but it's just not the same. It is a lot blander than the real thing."

Mr. Yoshida says, "That is quite time consuming, isn't it?"

My mom says, "It isn't as hard as people think. Most of the time doesn't involve any real work, it just goes in the oven. Which you have to plan for, but it isn't that much actual work apart from a lot of whisking."

My mom subtly glares at me. I did a lot of whisking, and she must think I shouldn't have because of my elbow. It's like she thinks I only have one arm.

Mr. Yoshida nods and smiles, "Well, whatever you did, it's the best cream stew I've ever had."

Everyone at the table agrees. My mom really does kill it when it comes to Japanese food, even these more western-inspired dishes.

She smiles and looks genuinely proud of herself. "Thank you, I'm glad you're all enjoying it."

"Mom, Mr. Yoshida is a really good cook too. When I was visiting, he made a couple of things that really reminded me of dad."

My mom smiles at him, "Really? We might have to have you cook for us some time then."

He smiles back, "Actually, I was going to offer to make western breakfast for everyone tomorrow. We could even do it over where we're staying, so you don't have to deal with the mess."

My mom smirks, "Well, I would tell you 'You don't have to do that, you're our guest' and we could go through all of that, but you're going to insist, aren't you?"

He chuckles, "Yes, I am. We already picked up everything too, and you wouldn't want that to go to waste, right?"

She nods, "Okay, we'll come over there for breakfast tomorrow. Thank you."

My grandma says, "I used to make western breakfast for Christmas too. That's where Hichan got it from. But…it has been a while since I've really been able to cook a meal that involved, so I'm very excited. Thank you, Mr. Yoshida."

Mrs. Yoshida laughs softly, "I think Kayoko will be excited too." Akari giggles.

I blush a little and my mom smiles at me and says, "You got a little carried away when you were eating during your visit, didn't you?"

I blush a little deeper at being called out so directly. "Yes, I suppose I did."

My grandpa chuckles, "You get it from your mother. She did the same thing in one of the first meals she had with us. And we were in a restaurant." Everyone laughs at my mother's expense. No doubt the Yoshidas have noticed my mom's particular…way of eating. Although she can moderate herself and she has been when they've been around, there's still a hint of her usual gluttonous self, lurking just below the surface. If you watch her closely, you can see that it is taking serious restraint for her to eat like a normal person.

My mom sighs, "Yes, she does." She thinks for a moment. "Although…even when we had just adopted you, you were a voracious little baby. The first time I bottle-fed you, I thought there had to be a leak in the bottle." Everyone chuckles, but I'm a little embarrassed. I guess I shouldn't be, I was a baby.

"So, I may have reinforced the behavior over the years, but it seems like you had that in you even before I met you."

Akari says, "I b-bet Kayoko was a cute baby."

My mom smiles broadly, "She was. So cute her father and I fell in love at first sight." She looks at me. "Will you hate me if I get out some pictures?"

I sigh, "No. Go for it. That's what family get-togethers are for, right?"

My mom heads to her bedroom and comes back with the baby photo album I've seen many times. Now she's doing a little presentation using the pictures. It's a little embarrassing, but I know Akari is enjoying it, and her parents seem to be too.

"Here's the day we got her from the orphanage. You can see a little bit of fear in my eyes. Her father looks more confident." She chuckles. "But look how cute she is. We could already see the beginnings of her beautiful dark hair."

Akari coos softly, "She e-even had her joint braces as a baby?"

My mom nods, "She did. I didn't know they made them that small until then."

Mrs. Yoshida says, "That must have been difficult to get used to."

My mom smiles at her. The two of them can relate when it comes to this. The Yoshidas didn't choose a disabled kid, but they got one. And from everything Akari has told me, her mom was amazing at making sure she got the best care. Their struggles with Akari's health were way worse than anything my mom went through.

"It was sometimes. The…first time she dislocated a joint in the middle of the night was rough. But soon it became like anything else you do to care for your child."

Mr and Mrs. Yoshida nod knowingly.

"What did I dislocate first, anyway?"

She frowns, "Your elbow. The same one you have pain in from the cold."

Figures. I've dislocated it more than I've dislocated anything else.

Akari is flipping through the album on her own now with a big smile on her face.

She smiles and says, "Aww, I f-feel bad for thinking it's cute, but you with a teeny tiny cane…is adorable."

She shows me a picture of me when I was 4 or so and I have a cane. I must have dislocated my knee or ankle. It is pretty cute. I wish I felt as cute when I have to use a cane these days.

My mom laughs, "Don't feel bad. It is cute. She was such a good little girl with all that stuff. Teaching a 4-year-old to use a cane isn't easy, but she got it pretty fast."

Mr. Yoshida says, "Don't worry Kayoko, we'll get out Akari's pictures next time, so you'll be even."

Akari looks a little concerned and it makes me laugh, "That sounds good. I am especially excited to see her with a French horn as a tiny little girl."

He chuckles, "We definitely have that one."

Akari has passed the photo album on and now the Yoshidas are flipping through it. Even Mrs. Yoshida seems to think I was a cute little girl.

We chat for a little longer, and then my grandparents head home. The Yoshidas leave not long after that, and now it's just me, my mom, and Akari.

"It's really late for you, mom, will you let us clean up?"

She frowns at me. "Are you sure you should, with your elbow?"

"Mom, it hurts, but doing dishes and stuff isn't bad. Just let us do it.".

She relents, "Okay…but we need to talk about your elbow soon. I'd do it now but…" She yawns. "I'm too tired."

Akari says, "I'll make sure she doesn't overdo it."

My mom smiles at her and gives her a hug, "Thank you. I'm glad you stopped her from trying to play piano too. You take good care of her."

I cross my arms and pout. "You two are talking like I'm not sitting right here."

They both laugh without really acknowledging my comment in any other way. "Okay, goodnight you two. Enjoy sharing a bed." She laughs and heads to her room.

Akari and I start gathering up the dishes. She has apparently decided she is doing all the actual washing. I'm just sort of an assistant handing her the plates and putting them away. It's frustrating to be sort of sidelined against my will, but it is less painful this way, and I know she's doing it because she loves me.

Once we finish the dishes we go to my room. It's cold.

"Wow. W-we forgot to turn the space heater on."

We have a giggling fit. Once we've recovered, I say, "Good thing your mom didn't lose her mind, or it would be really frustrating that we didn't do it."

We turn it on and change into our pajamas. As I'm pulling my shirt on, Akari hugs me from behind, resting her head between my shoulders.

I pull my shirt down the rest of the way and put my hands on hers, which are around my waist.

"Well, hello there. I guess this is one way to keep warm."

She laughs and I turn around and give her a soft kiss and say, "Things went really well tonight."

She nods, "My parents l-like your mom for sure. I think she already had lots of points for taking care of me when I've been hurt or in a flare. But they definitely like her now."

"Even though she lets us share a bed?"

She giggles, "Yeah, even with that. Honestly…my mom saying she knows w-we have sex and doesn't care was really nice."

"Is 'nice' the right word?"

She laughs, "For her it was n-nice. It was kind of a weight off my shoulders. I think…I w-was wrong about her."

"What do you mean?"

Akari takes my hand, and we get into bed together. There's a nice warm blanket on it in addition to the usual comforter. It's extra cozy. We start snuggling with me holding her from behind.

"Are you going to answer my question?"

She laughs, "Yeah, I was cold though. I needed you to warm m-me up. What I mean is…I thought she would have a hard time with us b-both being girls, and then I thought she would be really disappointed we were having sex so young. I was wrong about both."

I nod, "I guess she showed us during the Ai and Carsten thing, that she actually understands romance. At least…compared to her understanding of most emotions."

She laughs, "Yeah. I'm glad. She's been…b-better about this than I ever imagined. It makes me feel…free."

I frown. "Wait…were you feeling bad about us having sex this whole time?"

"Only…a teeny tiny bit. I just…couldn't help b-but feel my mom would be disappointed in me."

"That makes sense. I can't relate obviously, since my mom is on the complete opposite end of the spectrum and actively encourages us to have sex…but I can see why you would feel that way."

She giggles, "But…she's not disappointed. She had assumed we were doing it and didn't care, b-basically said it is part of love. And I agree with that."

I think about what she said again. At the time, I felt like it was sort of a begrudging acknowledgment that such a thing is happening, but she knows her mom better than me, and seems to think it was more than that, so I won't argue.

I kiss her deeply while stroking her hair and then look in her eyes. "I'm really happy you won't feel bad about it any more. I think it's really beautiful every time we make love." I giggle. "And not just because we're both so hot."

My FanFics
Learning to Run (Complete) - Emi x Hisao in their 30s
Yamaku: the Next Generation (Complete) - Emi and Hisao's daughter goes to Yamaku.
Oil & Vinegar - Mutou and Nurse buddy one-shot

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Chapter 35

Post by guthrum06 »

It's Christmas morning. I just woke up with my left elbow in serious pain. More than I've ever had when it hasn't recently been dislocated. Merry Christmas to me.

It's a different kind of pain too. I'm starting to get worried. But I'm not going to tell my mom or Akari that on Christmas. Plus, Akari's in pain too and she isn't complaining. I took some anti-inflammatories, and it isn't as bad now.

We thought we would take a short walk to where the Yoshidas are staying, but it's too cold for that. Luckily, it is a short drive. My mom just dropped us off and now she's heading back to get my grandparents.

We knock on the door and Mrs. Yoshida quickly answers with a small smile on her face.

"Let's get you two out of the cold."

We gladly step inside and find a house much like my grandparents'. In fact, the floorplan is almost identical, and many of the appliances are the same. I bet the same guy owns it. It is small, and I wonder for a moment how seven people will eat breakfast here, but I'm sure we'll figure it out.

"How are you two doing with the cold?"

I frown, "My elbow still hurts unfortunately."

Akari says, "My hips too. B-but not too bad."

Mrs. Yoshida gives us both a sympathetic nod.

"Hey, m-mom, can we talk to you about something?"

'We'? I don't even know what she wants to talk about. I'm a little worried.

She nods and we sit down in the living room while Mr. Yoshida labors in the kitchen.

"W-we have a friend who wants to study English at Tokyo."

Oh, it's just about Koji. Phew.

Mrs. Yoshida lights up more than I've seen her light up about anything. I suppose it makes sense she's passionate about this. "Oh yeah? That's neat. Is he in his second year?"

"No, he's in his th-third year. Taking entrance exams soon."

She nods, "Well, good luck to him. Is he a good student?"

I step in since I know more about this. "He is. Does great in everything, but he really loves literature. Japanese and English."

She smiles, "That's good. What did you want to talk to me about, exactly?"

Akari grimaces.

This is a scary question to ask. Who knows how she'll respond? Akari knows better than me how best to ask her.

"Well t-to be honest I don't think he'll need it…b-but he's worried. So, I was wondering if…he didn't quite p-pass…is there anything you could do?"

Ms. Yoshida furrows her brow for a few seconds and then says, "I would want to meet him and talk to him about what he wants to study. But…yes, if there is a promising student who just misses on the entrance exam, I can probably get him admitted, provided English isn't where his problem is."

Akari smiles and so do I, "Okay. Thank you, mom."

She smiles softly, "Of course. It's nice you have friends you want to look out for, Akari." She smiles a little wider. "Yamaku has been really great for you. I'm really glad we made that choice."

She nods and smiles at me, "Me too."

There's a knock at the door, and Mrs. Yoshida goes to answer it. Akari smiles at me and gets out her phone and I watch her type out a message to Koji and Hana.

"Merry Christmas! Koji, I talked to my mom, and she can help a little if you don't quite pass the exam. I hope that helps a little."

Akari loops her arm around mine and leans into me while Mrs. Yoshida returns with my mom and grandparents. We exchange holiday greetings. Then, my mom heads to the kitchen and bullies Mr. Yoshida into letting her help, while my grandparents and Mrs. Yoshida join us in the living room. Akari and I keep snuggling on the couch, which surprises me a little. But I think she is comfortable being more affectionate around her mom after last night. I'm certainly not complaining.

My grandpa chuckles, "This looks a lot like our house." My grandma nods as she looks around.

I laugh, "That's what I was thinking."

Mrs. Yoshida says, "You two are from Chiba, right?"

My grandma says, "That's right. We both lived there our whole lives before moving here."

Mrs. Yoshida nods, "How have you liked living here? Very different from city life, isn't it?"

My grandpa says, "It is. But…at our age, a nice quiet community like this has been a welcome change. This little town and the school are special to us too because of our son, so we really enjoy it. Plus, we get to live so close to our only family." He winks at me.

Mrs. Yoshida nods, "Yes, I can certainly see the appeal. I like Tokyo well enough…but it is definitely not quiet. It's nice to get away for a few days."

Mr. Yoshida announces that breakfast is ready, and my mom sets the table. It's going to be a tight squeeze, but it looks like the plan is for all six of us to sit there.

Mr. Yoshida says, "It is buffet style, so everyone can get their plate and get what they want."

I stand up eagerly and Akari giggles at me. Mr. Yoshida laughs too, "Do you want to go first, Kayoko?"

I feel a little embarrassed. But I can smell some amazing food, so the feeling doesn't last for long. I nod and grab my plate and head to the kitchen with my mom right behind me. I guess we really do love food more than most.

He went all out. There are eggs, potatoes, and two kinds of pancakes. Are these…chocolate and blueberry?! I've only had regular pancakes. My mouth is literally watering as I get plenty of eggs and potatoes and one of each kind of pancake.

Eventually everyone gets seated, and we enjoy an amazing meal. The chocolate pancake especially blows my mind. They are soft and fluffy and chocolaty. What more could you ask for? Mrs. Yoshida watches me with the same entertained look on her face that I've seen before. I'm lucky she thinks this is cute. At least…I hope that's what she thinks when she looks at me that way.

"Mr. Yoshida…these pancakes…just. Wow." Akari giggles at my food induced stupor.

He laughs, "Thank you, Kayoko. I'm glad you like them. You can have seconds, you know."

I blush. "Um…is…anyone else getting seconds? I don't know if I want to be the only one." Mrs. Yoshida laughs softly at me.

My mom says, "I am. Let's go!"

Well…at least someone is. But it does kind of look bad that it's the two of us. Oh well, I need another pancake.

I get up and get another chocolate pancake. As I try to wedge myself back into my seat between Akari and my grandma, my elbow hits the edge of the table and I experience blinding pain that feels like it goes through my entire arm. I barely manage to stifle a pained grunt, but my eyes are watering. Luckily, no one seems to notice. For a moment, I think I must have dislocated it, but it seems fine. I guess the fact that I was able to stifle my grunt should have clued me in. Still…that's not a normal amount of pain for me to be feeling. The pain is enough to ruin my appetite a little bit. I only finish about half of my pancake. This feels even more serious now.

After we finish breakfast, my mom attempts to help clean up but is shooed away by the Yoshidas. I'm glad because she still has a dinner to make tonight.

We chat in the living room for a while, and I do my best to conceal the growing pain in my elbow. Eventually my mom realizes she needs to get back to the house, as Sho and my grandma will be there soon. I jump at the chance to ride back with her, because I need to take a pill. Akari decides to come back with us too. The Yoshidas will drive my grandparents back later.


Now, we're in the car on the way back to my mom's after our very nice breakfast. My elbow is killing me. Akari and I are in the back seat holding hands. She's been staring at me for several minutes, and I've been doing my best to ignore her, because I have a feeling I know what's going to happen when I look at her. But eventually, the feeling of her eyes on me is too much. I look at her with an expression that says, "What?" and she responds with a concerned look on her face.

"Are you okay?"

My mom's eyes dart to the rear-view mirror to look at me.

"Yeah, what…do…you mean?"

"Your voice and face are doing what they do when you've dislocated something. Well…not quite, it isn't quite as bad…but you're clearly in p-pain."

Before I can respond, my mom says, "It's your elbow, isn't it, sweetie?"

I sigh. "I hate you both." They both look offended.

"I'm kidding. But I didn't want to talk about this…today. But you both know me too…well. It hurts. Pills help but…not as much as usual. I think we'll…need to go to the…doctor. I knew from x-rays it was starting to have some…arthritis." I sigh. "I might need…surgery to clean it up or something."

Akari winces and looks out the window for a moment and then says, "I'm going to kill Hana."

I poke Akari in her side as hard as I safely can. When she turns to look at me, I glare at her. She doesn't look particularly intimidated. If anything, she looks defiant. I didn't want my mom to know this. And she knows that. I'm pretty pissed right now. As angry at Akari as I've ever been while thinking rationally. I'm going to get even angrier if she keeps going.

My mom raises her eyebrows, "Hana?"

I intercept before Akari can respond. "She accidentally…caused my last dislocation. But it isn't her fault, it was the straw that broke the camel's back I guess…but it took a lot of straws. It was bound to…happen eventually."

My mom nods, "That's true. But…if it was an accident, why are you mad, Akari? You accidentally dislocated the same elbow once."

Akari's defiant face dissolves into one of guilt. I don't think it was my mom's intention to make her feel bad. But…I think it's good to bring that up. I don't blame either of them for this. And sure…Akari's was more accidental, but still. I'm disappointed in her. I thought she was over this thing with Hana.

Akari nods, "Y-you're right." She sighs and looks at me with pleading eyes and says, "I shouldn't be mad for an accident."

I don't want to forgive her just yet. My mom sort of bailed her out, but she was ready to hang Hana out to dry even when I explicitly asked her not to. There's going to be a real conversation about this when we get home.

I look away from her and cross my arms. I don't look at her again for the rest of our car ride. She gets the message.

Once we're back home and after I take a pill for my pain, Akari asks me to come with her to my bedroom. I sit down on the bed with crossed arms. She remains standing, and I wait for her to explain herself to me. She knows the question I have is, "Why did you do that when I asked you not to?" I don't need to say the words.

She sighs, "I don't have an excuse. I messed up. I shouldn't have d-done that. I felt a flash of fear and anger when you said 'surgery,' and it came out."

I pat the bed next to me and she sits down. "I…get that you have really intense experience with surgery, and hearing that probably scares you for lots of reasons." I sigh. "But it…doesn't excuse things entirely. It hurt…my feelings that you almost did something I asked you not to. And the only reason you didn't is because…my mom said the right thing to get through to you."

"You're right. There's no excusing it. There's n-no explanation that fixes it. I never want to hurt your feelings, and I did." She looks at me. "All I can ask is that you forgive me and I will d-do better."

"Are you over…this thing with Hana?"

"I am. Really. It was just a weak moment. I don't like seeing you hurt like this. I don't like that you might need surgery. I wanted to blame someone. But there's no one to b-blame. It is what it is."

I nod, "Okay. Just…remember that, okay? I'm going to end up getting hurt. And sometimes other people will be involved. But…like when you ran into me." I smile at her, "...when we met, it wasn't really your fault. I get hurt. It's a fact of life with me. I don't want you…blaming people all the time when it happens. I know you want to protect me, and I like that. But…this isn't really something you can protect me from. Not all the time."

She nods. "You're right. I get that n-now."

I smile at her, "Good, then I forgive you." She hugs me and I hug her back.

"Good job talking to your mom about Koji, by the way. Did he text you back?"

She smiles, "Yeah, they both did. They are grateful. I don't know that I actually did that much…s-sounds like he still has to do pretty well."

"That's true…but just a little wiggle room might be nice for him."

We can hear that her parents are here now.

"Now, we better go back out there before your mom thinks we're doing it."

She giggles and puts her arms around my neck and kisses me before we head out to the living room where we find her parents. Her dad is watching wrestling on the television, and I have to suppress a laugh. I sort of forgot that he liked wrestling. This is the first time I've seen it myself.

Mrs. Yoshida informs us that my grandparents decided to head home for a nap.

Not long after that, there's a knock on the door. Akari and I go to answer it and it's my grandma and Sho as expected. I let them in and Akari takes their coats. They both hug me, and then my grandma says,

"Kayoko, why haven't you introduced me to your friend?"

Sho smiles at her and calmly says, "Meiko, this is Akari. Kayoko's girlfriend. They came to visit us this summer, remember?"

My grandma raised her eyebrows, "No. We haven't met her. I think I would remember someone as important as a girlfriend."

Unlike other times when she's had issues with her memory, she doesn't seem to get back on track when someone reminds her. This thing is getting worse. I knew it would, but it's hard to see.

Akari smiles at me, and then at my grandmother. Then she says, "It's n-nice to meet you, Mrs. Ibarazaki."

I love her so much. She could have had her feelings hurt or something, but she gets it.

My grandma smiles back and says, "Likewise. You are quite a beautiful girl, Akari. You two make a lovely couple."

This is word for word what she said last time. I guess it's nice to hear again. I suppose we know she isn't lying.

Akari smiles, "Thank you."

My grandma looks around and then looks at me, "Where's your father?"

Akari reaches out for my hand and I'm very glad for that. This day is becoming difficult fast. She's getting a lot worse to have two of these episodes right when walking through the door.

Sho apologizes to me with his eyes and says, "Meiko…Hisao passed away, remember?"

My grandma thinks for a moment and then frowns, "Oh…yes, of course. I miss him."

Thank goodness she didn't fight him on that one.

I smile, "Me too. Hey, let me introduce you two to Akari's parents."

My grandma smiles and nods and I lead her and Sho over to the Yoshidas who are sitting in the living room. We all sit down together.

"Mr. and Mrs. Yoshida, this is my grandma, and her husband Sho."

Mrs. Yoshida smiles softly, "It's nice to meet you both." She looks at my grandma for a moment. "I think I would have known whose mother you were rather quickly."

My grandma laughs, "There is a family resemblance isn't there?"

Mrs. Yoshida nods, "There is. It's a little uncanny, actually."

Mr. Yoshida has only been half paying attention to our conversation so far because New Japan Pro Wrestling is on. Sho notices this and says, "A wrestling fan, huh?"

Mr. Yoshida laughs, "Yes. I apologize for being rude. I know it isn't exactly highbrow entertainment, but I love it." Mrs. Yoshida rolls her eyes.

Sho chuckles, "I watch it too." He sits down next to Mr. Yoshida. They start talking about…something related to wrestling, but I can't understand any of it.

Mrs. Yoshida says, "Tell me, Mrs. Ibarazaki, how do you put up with being married to a grown man who watches wrestling?"

My grandma gazes lovingly at Sho. "Well, it helps that he's so handsome. I wouldn't tolerate it otherwise."

This draws a little laugh out of Mrs. Yoshida, which is an impressive feat.

My mom comes into the living room from the kitchen and greets her mom and Sho.

Mrs. Yoshida says, "We were just teasing the men for enjoying wrestling. Care to weigh in?"

My mom laughs, "To each their own, I guess. Although…I have to say I'm glad Hisao wasn't a fan. It's a little embarrassing even having it on my TV now."

These poor men are just trying to do something they enjoy. We're mean. But they're ignoring us and it's pretty funny. It is also showing me a much sillier side of Akari's mom than I have seen before.

Mrs. Yoshida asks, "Did Mr. Nakai have any interests that embarrassed you? It doesn't seem fair if he didn't."

My mom laughs, "Let's see…" She puts her hand under chin and looks lost in thought. "I don't think so. If anything, I was the embarrassing one."

I laugh, "What embarrassing interests do you have?"

"Well…I'm a grown woman who likes stuffed animals, for one thing."

Mrs. Yoshida raises an eyebrow and says, "Really?"

I giggle, "It's true. When I was little, I wasn't allowed to play with hers."

My mom laughs, "Yep, that's right! I would make him get me one every time we went to the zoo. Even once we had a daughter." She chuckles. "I know it embarrassed him sometimes. I also get really into Paralympic track and field, and while that interest itself isn't embarrassing…the way I acted at events definitely was."

Mrs. Yoshida laughs softly, "It does sound like you were the embarrassing one."

Wow, she's getting comfortable with my mom.

My mom chuckles, "Yep! You don't have any guilty pleasures, huh?"

Mr. Yoshida chuckles, earning a penetrating glare from his wife, but then her face softens, and she looks surprisingly vulnerable. Embarrassed even.

She sighs, "I watch British soap operas. I assume that's what my husband is rudely referring to."

He nods and my mom laughs, "That's not that embarrassing. Although…I have heard professional wrestling called 'soap operas for men.'"

Mr. Yoshida laughs, "I'm going to remember that one."

Mrs. Yoshida crosses her arms and has an uncharacteristically playful grin on her face. She shakes her head, clicks her tongue, and says, "Just when I was starting to like you, Mrs. Nakai."

My mom laughs, "I think…since our daughters are in a serious relationship and we've reached a point where we're teasing each other like this, you can just call me Emi. If you're comfortable with that."

Mrs. Yoshida looks a little taken aback for a moment. I get the feeling she isn't on a first-name basis with very many people. But then she nods and smiles softly, "Okay, Emi. You can call me Chiaki." My mom smiles at her and nods.

Akari and I are both smiling at this cute exchange between our mothers. They do seem to genuinely like each other. That certainly makes our lives easier.

Without looking away from the television, Mr. Yoshida says, "You can call me Seiya."

My mom says, "Okay, I'll make sure the television knows you're on a first-name basis." This makes both of our mothers crack up. I never ever thought I would see Mrs. Yoshida laugh hysterically at anything.

Once they've recovered from their laughing fit, my mom says, "Well, I better get back to the kitchen. Enjoy your wrestling boys."

Mrs. Yoshida says, "I'll come help you. I need to get as far away from the television as I can right now."

My mom laughs and the two go off to the kitchen together.

I realize that it would probably be nice for Sho if we entertain my grandmother for a little while. That way he can enjoy his wrestling. Akari and I guide her to the couch by the piano and we all sit down there to escape the wrestling.

My grandma looks at the piano asks, "Will you play the piano later?"

I frown and Akari puts a hand on my shoulder to comfort me.

"I want to. But I'm having problems with my elbow, so not today unfortunately."

My grandma nods, "I'm sorry dear." Then she smiles and examines us briefly. "So, how did you two meet?"

Akari giggles, "Well, we were best friends first. But…we initially met when we r-ran into each other a few weeks into our first year."

My grandma smiles, "Like your parents?"

I laugh, "Yep. Pretty funny, right?"

My grandma chuckles, "That's wonderful. And your parents are here?" Akari nods. "You must be quite serious."

I smile, "We are. We love each other very much."

My grandma smiles broadly, "How wonderful. I hope you two love each other for a long time."

For the rest of the day, I tried to help my mom, but she turned me away because of my elbow. Akari and her mom helped a lot which was cute. Although it did make me feel a little left out, because all four of us cooking together would be even cuter.

My mom made ganmodoki which she makes for Christmas most years. They are delicious tofu and vegetable fritters.

Turns out, Akari's mom is quite the baker, and she decided to make a Bundt cake with what my mom happened to have, and she topped it with whipped cream and strawberries. Apparently, that is a Yoshida family tradition for the holiday.

I spent the day being less industrious, just enjoying time with my family. I played some chess against my grandpa once they came over, and there were many nice talks in the living room once wrestling was no longer dominating the television.

Now it's dinner time and Akari is setting the table. I manage to convince her to let me help, and while I do I ask.

"Did you have a nice time with our moms?"

She laughs, "Yeah, it was nice. They r-really get along. Kind of surprising."

I laugh, "Yeah they are very different."

"Sorry you didn't get to help m-more."

I sigh, "Me too, but I guess there will be lots of time for that in the future."

We finish setting the table and Akari hugs me, and we exchange a kiss that lasts a little longer than it probably should have at a family function. I guess I kind of missed her all day. We only stop when we hear what sounds like applause. It turns out it is my maternal grandmother who is beaming at us. Her applause drew the attention of others too, and everyone but our moms (who are in the kitchen) is looking in our direction and smiling.

Unsure what to do in this situation I say, "Um…thank…you?"

My grandma laughs, "It was far too lovely a thing to see without applauding."

I look down and see Akari frozen by anxiety. She probably didn't really want her dad to see us kissing. But he's smiling about it too, much to my surprise. I stroke her hair and whisper. "I think everything's okay. They all seem happy for us." It takes a few seconds, but she unfreezes and we break our hug and she smiles awkwardly at everyone. Luckily, the situation comes to an end when my mom announces dinner is ready.

I make sure to have a seat next to my girlfriend. As I dig into the ganmodoki and look at the cake, as well as all the people sitting around the table, I feel a sense of contentment. This meal…and this holiday has been kind of a fusion of Akari's family and mine. A fusion I hope we get to experience a whole lot more of.

While the ganmodoki are great, I have a hard time not thinking ahead to dessert. After all, it is sitting on the table tempting me. I notice my mom's eyes are also fixed on the cake as she eats. We have a problem. But it makes me feel less bad for taking her ganmodoki for granted.

Eventually it is time for dessert, and it is as good as I imagined it would be. She just made it out of stuff in the pantry? I like it so much that I eat a whole piece before complimenting the baker.

"That cake was amazing Mrs. Yoshida."

She laughs softly, "I thought you liked it from the dazed expression you had when you were eating it."

"Hey, mom, how come you never bake?"

My grandma laughs and my mom raises her eyebrows. "Yes, mother? Is there something funny you want to say?"

"Well…I was just thinking that you learning to bake would be dangerous."

Mrs. Yoshida looks confused, probably wondering if my grandma is having a dementia moment. "Dangerous?"

My mom sighs, "I think my mom is saying if I baked, I would eat too much cake and cookies and stuff." My grandma nods.

"And she's right. If I could just whip up a cake whenever I wanted…well, let's just say it would probably be a lot harder for me to go running every morning."

I laugh, "But we still always have store bought melon bread…and we get a cake from the Shanghai like once a week. Would it really have been that different?"

My mom laughs, "I think so. Because if I could make a cake like this one, we'd have it every day."

Mrs. Yoshida laughs softly, "I can see what your mother means by 'dangerous.' Remind me never to teach you to bake."

After dinner, Mr. Yoshida and Sho insist on cleaning up, which was very sweet of them. I offered to help but was turned down again because of my elbow.

Not long after that, guests started to leave. My grandma and Sho first because they had a bit of a drive. Then my dad's parents. Now, Mr. And Mrs. Yoshida are getting their coats.

Just as Akari and I are ready to bid them farewell, Mrs. Yoshida points towards my room and says, "Do you two mind if we come talk with you before we go?"

Oh God. She wants privacy with us? Has to be to verbally tear us a new one, right? I knew she wasn't okay with us having sex.

My voice cracks and I force a smile, "Sure..."

Akari and I go into the room, and when she sits on the bed, I make sure to sit at my desk. Being in the same bed with Mrs. Yoshida in the room sounds like a bad idea.

They follow us in, and Mrs. Yoshida gets a small rectangular wrapped gift out of her purse.

Akari looks shocked when she says, "W-we don't normally do gifts…"

Her mom smiles softly at her, "I know, but it's something small." She looks at me. "Kayoko, you can sit on your bed. I want you to open this together."

I nod and sit down next to Akari, and she thrusts the gift into my hands. I hold one half of the gift and Akari holds the other and we unwrap it together.

Once the paper is removed, I see my face and Akari's staring back at me. It's a framed picture. Mrs. Yoshida took the photo this summer at the University of Tokyo. We are standing with our arms looped together next to Saki's exhibit in the concert hall. Akari is resting her head on my shoulder as she often does. We both look happy, and we are very clearly a couple. It's a great picture of us and we're in a place that's important to me.

Akari is smiling about the gift, but I'm having a more extreme emotional reaction. This picture means so much. It's another sign they approve of us. Another sign they know we're serious. It also means that they understand what Saki means to me.

I feel tears welling up inside of me but do my best to hold them in. I imagine crying makes Mrs. Yoshida uncomfortable.

Instead, I stand up and hug each of Akari's parents. "Thank you both…so much. We really needed a nice picture together like this…" A couple of tears make their way down my cheeks.

Keep it together Nakai!

The Yoshidas both smile at me and her dad says, "We're glad you both like it. We do too. We have it at home in that same frame."

So much for keeping it together.

I start really letting the tears flow now. I'm not sobbing though. I won't let that happen. But there is a steady trickle of tears running down my face. Akari looks moved by the most recent piece of information too. She gets up and hugs both her parents now.

While she does I say, "It means a lot that you are both happy with our relationship. So…thank you. I feel…very honored to be in a picture in your home."

Akari comes to my side now and hooks her arm in mine and puts her head on my shoulder, much like in the picture.

Mrs. Yoshida softly smiles at me and says, "Of course we're happy about you two." Then she looks at Akari for a moment before looking down. Eye contact doesn't come easy for her when she isn't reprimanding someone. "When we were going through everything with your health…and your mental health…we never knew if we would truly see you happy." She frowns. "That's not something you want to think about your own child. Happiness is all you ever want for them. But happiness is fleeting when you have chronic pain and you're in and out of the hospital your whole life." She smiles "But…finding a medication that worked for you finally set you on a path towards happiness. Yamaku has made you happy. Kayoko has made you happy. So…of course, we're happy about it too."

I think her voice was slightly strained at the end there. That's equivalent to most people sobbing, I think.

Akari has a few tears on her face as she hugs her mother again, who still looks uncomfortable about it. She may have just said something really touching, but it doesn't change who she is. I take the moment to hug Mr. Yoshida again. I know he's not the one saying these things, but he feels the same way. When I do, he quietly says "Thank you." I don't think that was in response to the hug alone.

Mrs. Yoshida is clearly starting to look uncomfortable with all the emotion in the room. She is looking towards the door. Then she says, "Well, we should probably be going. We'll stop by in the morning to say goodbye."

Akari says, "Okay. Thank you, mom and dad. I love you." For a moment, I consider telling them I love them too. But Mrs. Yoshida has reached her limit. I'll save that for another time. Instead, I say, "Thank you so much for coming for Christmas, and thank you for our gift."

After they leave, me and Akari hug and cry a few happy before changing into our pajamas and putting our new picture on the nightstand.

Once we're in bed for the night Akari says, "That w-was a great Christmas huh? Minus your elbow pain and me hurting your feelings, anyway."

I laugh and kiss her on the cheek. "Yep, minus those. It's really nice having our families together."

"It is. I th-think my parents really enjoyed it. They are only children, and their parents have all passed away…s-so I think they liked having a big family get together."

"That's nice. They did seem to like it."

"It probably doesn't surprise you but…my mom doesn't have m-many friends. I've never seen her be all silly and friendly like she was with your mom today. They seem to really like each other."

I laugh, "They do. Nice to have the in-laws get along, huh?"

Akari laughs and kisses me deeply while pressing our bodies together. It's the kind of kiss that would kick off a lovemaking session if we were on campus. If it goes on much longer, we might just throw caution to the wind. I mean, my mom's the only one here, right? Just as my mind is starting to get very clouded, we break the kiss, and she rests her head on my shoulder.

"How are you doing…w-with your grandma stuff?"

"Okay, I guess. It's hard to see. But…she's still mostly herself. This isn't the first time she has forgotten about my dad though. That's hard."

"I am glad Sho can remind her. You or your mom having to do it…would not be good."

"Yeah, thank goodness for Sho…in so many ways. My grandma would probably be living here without him."

Akari smiles, "I hope we're like them one day."

I smirk, "You want one of us to have dementia?"

She pokes me in the ribs. Apparently, she has picked that one up from my mom. "No, you know what I mean."

I smile, "Yeah. You mean deeply in love in our golden years. That's the plan. We'll still be snuggling up like this every night 60 years from now."

This time I initiate a deep kiss. I stop it a little sooner than our earlier one and then we snuggle each other to keep warm.

After Akari falls asleep and I start to get hypnotized by her rhythmic breathing, I can't help but feel incredible happiness. Both of our families understand how much we love each other and how serious we are, and they approve. It makes me feel…free, sort of like Akari said about her mom acknowledging we have sex. I always had a looming feeling that they might disapprove of me, but now I know that's not true.

It feels like there are no hurdles left. I think we really can be together forever.

My FanFics
Learning to Run (Complete) - Emi x Hisao in their 30s
Yamaku: the Next Generation (Complete) - Emi and Hisao's daughter goes to Yamaku.
Oil & Vinegar - Mutou and Nurse buddy one-shot

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Chapter 36

Post by guthrum06 »

Author's Note: Sexual Content

It's a few days after Christmas and I'm at the doctor with my mom and Akari. We're in the examination room and I'm sitting up on the bed. My mom and Akari are sitting in chairs across from me. I'm seeing an orthopedist who specializes in various issues with joints. He's been doing imaging on my joints once a year since I was a baby. We just had them taken for this visit, and we're just waiting for the results.

Normally this appointment is in the summer. We moved it up because of my elbow pain. Even once the cold snap moved on, it became clear that pain in my elbow is the new normal. I can't play piano with this kind of pain. It's always been inevitable I would need surgery to clean up my joints, and maybe total joint replacement one day. I just didn't think it would be before I was out of high school.

Akari looks more nervous than I do. Medical settings really freak her out for understandable reasons. But she came anyway because she loves me. I smile at her, and she smiles back.

"Save it for when we get you back to the dorms, you two."

I scoff and scowl at my mom, "Really? We were smiling at each other. You make it sound like we were undressing each other with our eyes."

My mom smirks, "You know I'm just teasing. Are you feeling a little irritable?"

I nod. "Yeah. This sucks."

Akari gets up and hugs me and gives me a little kiss. Surprisingly my mom doesn't do anything but smile at us. I guess she's being nice because of my irritability.

"It does suck. But we can do whatever we need to. You don't need to b-be hurting like this."

I know this of course, but having it reinforced by my very attractive girlfriend helps.

I kiss her softly and then say, "You're right. Thank you."

She smiles and sits back down. Then there's a knock on the door and Dr. Kuroda steps in. He's a tall good-looking man in his 50s. I've had a little crush on him for quite a while. His hair used to be dark, but now he has a salt and pepper thing going on.

He says hello to my mom and introduces himself to Akari, who my mom introduces as my girlfriend. He seems surprised by that for a moment and then he moves on. Always interesting to see the different reactions from people.

He turns to look at me and says, "Okay kiddo, I've looked at all the X-rays."

I raise an eyebrow at him. He laughs, "I guess maybe you're too old for kiddo, huh? Sorry. It's hard when I've known you since you were a baby. Anyway…your joints look fine, apart from that left elbow. You have some bad arthritis, like you thought. It has gotten much worse in the last year."

I nod grimly and my mom says, "That means surgery?"

"We don't have to start there. We could try controlling the pain first. Inevitably though, we will need to go in and clean it up. It would just be arthroscopic. In other words, a very small incision. So, recovery wouldn't be too bad. It would be an outpatient procedure and then you'd have to wear a sling for a while and do some physical therapy. Honestly not too different from when you dislocate it."

"We may as well just do surgery, then. It hurts badly enough that I can't play piano or do a lot of other things." My mom voices her agreement.

He says, "Okay. We'll schedule that then. Sorry about this kid- "He winks at me. "I mean, Kayoko."

I smile at him, "Thanks. I'm glad you can make it better."

He smiles back, "They will come in and schedule it. Nice seeing you Mrs. Nakai, and nice to meet you Akari."

He steps out and Akari says, "You think he's cute, don't you? I think I could see it in your eyes."

I smile awkwardly as my mom chuckles, "Yeah. I've had a crush on him since I was 12 or something. But don't worry, I'm not trying to get with him or anything."

Akari giggles, "You're allowed to think p-people are attractive. It isn't cheating."

"I think he's pretty darn cute too."

Akari and I both rapidly turn our heads to look at my mom. We both smile at her.

She crosses her arms defensively, "Why are you both looking at me like that?"

"Well…I've never heard you talk like that about a man other than dad. So, I guess I'm kind of happy you're even thinking like that." Akari nods in agreement.

My mom uncrosses her arms and smiles slightly, "Yeah…come to think of it, that might be the first time I've thought something like that in…quite some time." Her smile grows. "Still, he doesn't hold a candle to your father. Anyway…enough about that, we should probably figure out when we want to do this surgery before they come in here to schedule it. When do you want to do it? You probably don't want to wait until Spring Vacation, I'm guessing?"

"No. I want to do it soon. If it's as minor as he says I shouldn't miss much school. Maybe just the day of the surgery. Then I'll be back playing piano well before Spring."

My mom says, "That's fine with me. What do you think Akari?"

She looks surprised to be consulted. "Um…whatever Kayoko w-wants to do. It's her elbow. I…want to come on that day…if that's okay."

"You're sure you want to deal with the hospital and everything?"

She waves her hand at me. "It's fine. I want to b-be there with you."

I smile, "Sounds good to me. I happen to like it when you're with me."

My mom laughs, "Goodness you two really are the cutest. But yes of course Akari, you're welcome to come. Make sure it's okay with your parents to miss a day of school."

She nods, "I will. They will definitely be fine with it though now that they love Kayoko so much."

"That makes it sound like they didn't always like me."

Akari giggles, "They have always liked you. They just like you m-more now."

I nod, "Thank you for the clarification."

After that exchange there's a knock on the door and they come in and schedule the surgery for next Friday. I should only miss school that day. Barring unforeseen circumstances, the weekend should be plenty for me to recover.

It's the day before classes start for the last trimester of my second year. Hana, Akari, Koji and I are waiting at the school gates. Ai and Carsten are going to be here any minute and we are very excited to see them both. Especially Carsten, who has been gone for 5 months. We have a little welcome back party for him waiting in Ai's room.

Akari says, "I think that's them." And, sure enough there's a cab approaching the gates. When it pulls over, Koji gets Ai's wheelchair out of the trunk. Carsten emerges from the car and while I want to rush and hug him, I don't because I know he has work to do. He goes around to the other side and picks up his girlfriend and puts her in her wheelchair. They're both smiling broadly. They've been together the last few days in Tokyo, and I bet they are feeling a bit like their relationship just started.

Kaito and Carsten get the luggage out of the trunk and the cab drives off. Now that there's an opening, I give my very first Yamaku friend a tight hug. "I missed you. I'm glad you're back." He says, "I missed you too." And then he quietly says, "Ai told me what you and Akari did for her. I can't thank you enough."

I break the hug and smile at him, and Akari is next in line for a hug. After that he and Kaito shake hands. I scoff at them, "Men can hug each other, you know!" Akari and Ai giggle. They look at each other, shrug, and exchange a very brief hug. Hana is last, and she looks very uncertain about what to do. After all, this is the first time she has met Carsten in person. However, Carsten dispels the awkwardness by just walking up to her and giving her a hug, which Hana returns.

Ai impatiently says, "Okay, enough reunions. Let's get up to my room!"

Once we get there, Carsten is surprised by what he finds and has a huge smile on his face.

We made him a "Welcome Back " sign, which is cute and all, but I think it is probably the food spread that is the cause of his smile. My mom made him all the stuff we had at the triple date picnic.

He walks over to the desk where all the food is and says, "I love Mrs. Nakai."

Ai scoffs, "The first time you're in your girlfriend's room in months and that's the first thing you say? That you love another woman? One I happen to know you have the hots for?"

This makes us all laugh. I'm a little surprised that I do. I guess I've gotten more comfortable with the fact that my friends are attracted to my parents. What a weird thing to be comfortable with.

We all plate ourselves some of the amazing food and we sit around and chat while we eat.

"Is the Japanese food as good as you remembered?"

He laughs, "Better, even."

Akari asks, "W-was there anything about going to school there that you liked? There had to b-be something…"

He laughs, "Not a lot…honestly. I felt out of place. People look more like me and speak my native language…but people definitely thought I was weird." He frowns. "Then I get back here and I don't look like anybody and I have an accent."

I frown. "So…you feel like an outsider in Japan and Germany?"

He sighs, "Pretty much. It's like I'm neither German nor Japanese. Some strange thing in between." He smiles " But…I don't feel like an outsider around you guys, at least."

Ai says, "Okay, you have to say one good thing about Germany or no more Japanese food." She takes his plate out of his hand.

Carsten thinks for a moment. "Public transportation is better, maybe? Everything runs on time and it's a helluva lot less crowded."

Ai laughs, "I guess that counts. You can keep your food." She gives him back his plate.

Carsten turns towards Kaito and Hana and says, "How's examination hell going?"

They both frown, and Kaito says "Hellish. But we are doing pretty well at preparing."

Hana nods, "I feel reasonably confident. We are each taking three entrance exams. Hopefully things line up how we want." There's a smile on her face, but something else underneath. Dread, maybe? I really hope things work out for them. I know they are going to both be heartbroken if it doesn't.

Hana turns to me and Akari, "Your turn for a couple update."

I laugh, "Oh, we're in that stage of the meeting, are we? Well…I am having surgery on my elbow on Friday so Akari and I won't be here that day. It's a minor thing though, we'll be back in class on Monday."

Hana frowns, "Is it…because of what I did?"

"Not really. It is cumulative damage from over the years. That dislocation was one of many."

She frowns deeper, "But…if it hadn't…" She grimaces, clearly not wanting to say the words. "…you wouldn't need surgery now…"

"Hana, it was bound to happen whether you did it or I dislocated it in my sleep." I hold up my arm and point at my elbow. "This stupid elbow is the most prone to dislocations in my whole body. Please don't blame yourself. I don't."

Akari says, "Y-you could blame me just as much…when I first met Kayoko it was because we ran into each other, and she fell down and dislocated the same elbow. Without that dislocation, she may not need the surgery yet either."

I smile broadly at Akari. Not only does she finally get it, but she's also helping me assuage Hana's guilt. She really is over it now.

Hana looks a little relieved. I guess we can't free her of all her guilt. She has to do the rest.

"Anyway, enough about my surgery. This is supposed to be a happy 'welcome back' night."

Ai says, "Actually…I think it is about time to wrap things up anyway."

Akari says, "R-really? It hasn't been that long."

Ai smirks, "I know. But we'd really like some alone time, you know? We have seen each other the last few days but haven't had much privacy, so…"

I giggle and we all start getting ready to give them their space. "Message received. It's nice to have you back Carsten. See you in class tomorrow."

We all say our goodbyes and leave the happily reunited couple behind. As we get on the elevator and I check out my girlfriend, I have a very hard time imagining just how pent up they must be. We get pretty crazy after a few days. I can only imagine what it would be like after months without each other.

When we get back to my room, Akari almost immediately pulls me down for a deep, sensual kiss that I happily return, and we undress one another in what has to be record time.

I break the kiss and say, "Were you also thinking about how hard it would be to go months without making love?"

She laughs, "Yeah. And then I d-didn't really want to go another minute. Same for you?"

I nod and lay down in bed and beckon for her to join me. There we continue kissing each other while caressing one another's bodies. We do this for a while and then I break our kiss. I put my hand on her cheek, and I say, "Hey…I figured out a way that I think I can do the thing we've talked about."

She raises an eyebrow at me. "Are you sure? I don't want you to get hurt…especially with surgery in a few days."

"I won't get hurt. I will just be lying down, no joints involved whatsoever."

She looks confused. "How does…that work exactly?"

I giggle. "Here. I'll show you." I lie down on my back. "Okay. Now…just put yourself right over me, right where my mouth is."

So far, she's given me amazing oral sex several times, but we hadn't really figured out a good way for me to do it. If I did it the way she usually does, which is crouching on the side of the bed, or contorting her body a bit to gain access to my genitals while she lies on her stomach on the bed, it would be pretty dangerous for me. I did some googling about different ways to do oral sex and found this, and it's perfect for me because my mouth is the only thing that moves. I am really excited to get to do this for her.

She hesitates for a moment. "You…want me to sit on you? Won't that be...uncomfortable?"

"I don't think so. I know you'll be gentle."

She still looks uncertain, so I pout and say, "Come on, let's just try. I really want to do this for you. If we don't like it, we can do something else."

She nods and positions her most sensitive place right over my face. Then she gently lowers herself on to me. She's making sure her body weight is distributed to her legs, so I don't feel too much pressure. I find myself immediately intoxicated by the smell and feel of her on my face. I soon find that I also love how she tastes. Thank goodness I found a way for me to do this for her. I didn't know I would enjoy it this much.

For a few minutes, I use my tongue to explore the outside for a while as she moans softly. Then I slide my tongue inside of her, like she has done for me, and her soft moans become louder. I can feel her body shifting in response to my actions. It is different hearing her moaning come from above me like this.

As I use my tongue to explore her insides, I feel her breathing become shallower and her body becomes more tense. Then, she moves herself slightly so that the area I now have the easiest access to is her clitoris. I get the message and start using my tongue to circle it, resulting in her body starting to vibrate along with her voice.

As I increase the intensity of my tongue movement, I am surprised when I feel her hand start rubbing the same part of my anatomy. I am incredibly aroused from our foreplay and from doing this for her, so her touching me there already has me surprisingly close. I start rapidly flicking my tongue to hit her most sensitive spot from all sides. She responds by rubbing me more quickly too. I think…we may have an orgasm together for the first time. Surprisingly, I reach that point more quickly than she does, but luckily me moaning directly on to her clitoris, and taking it into my mouth when I do, sends her over the edge too. We have both lost control of our bodies and our voices, and we enjoy the bliss of our orgasms together.

Once we've both reached completion, we are breathing heavily. Akari moves herself from my face once she has the strength to, and I'm a little sad about it. She lays down next to me and kisses me.

"W-wow…good idea."

I nod, "I really liked it too. I'm glad I was able to do that for you." I blush. "Also…having you right on me like that was…well…a special kind of intimate, I guess. It's something I want to do a lot more of."

She smiles at me, "Good. Because I will be w-wanting more of that. I can see why you like it so much."

I blush deeper, "I…could do more of it for you right now…if you want."

She raises her eyebrows and smiles, "You really aren't kidding when you say you like it."

I blush deeper still. "Is that a bad thing?"

She bites her lip, "No, it's a really g-good thing."

I roll on my side and trace her breasts with my finger. "I kind of can't get enough of you, if you haven't noticed. So…I want to do that again…now, if you want me to…"

She smiles and then kisses me, "I really do. But we probably need to get some sleep. Classes start tomorrow and you have surgery coming up."

I check the time. "Wow…what?! I didn't know it was so late. Sorry. That felt like 10 minutes…not an hour and a half."

Akari giggles and kisses me, "Time flies when you're having fun, I guess."

I'm in the hospital in Sendai for my surgery. They already called me back and got my IV set up and I changed into a hospital gown. Now I'm just waiting for them to come and knock me out for surgery.

My mom and Akari are both with me sitting in chairs next to my bed. We don't have our own room right now, but there is a curtain drawn around us for a little privacy.

I'm very grateful Akari is here. She has had so many surgeries of her own, some which went horribly. She has serious anxiety about being here. But she loves me enough to be here anyway. She always says her anxiety is better when she is doing something for someone else. She notices I'm smiling at her, and she smiles back. Then she stands up and takes my hand.

"How are you?"

I squeeze her hand, "I'm good. Just kind of antsy. Ready for this to be over with."

My mom says, "Shouldn't be too much longer from your perspective."

I laugh, "You mean because I'll be unconscious?"

She nods, "It isn't too long of a surgery either. We'll probably be home before noon, crazy as that sounds." It's 8 a.m. now.

Akari is shocked by my mother's timeline, "Really?"

I laugh and squeeze her hand, "I have a feeling this surgery is a lot more minor than…all of yours."

She smiles, "Yeah, I guess so."

Just as we're smiling at each other, the anesthesiologist arrives to take me to surgery. I say quick goodbyes to my mom and girlfriend while they administer the anesthesia. I'm unconscious before I'm ever in the operating room.


I feel funny. So funny I don't want to open my eyes. I just want to sleep.

But wait, where am I? And why do I feel funny? I open one eye for a second and see a white ceiling. Now I'm starting to recognize some voices around me.

The first speaker says, "You are the best girlfriend ever."

The second one laughs and sounds embarrassed, "I d-don't know about that."

"You have been here with her all morning. You brought a bag full of things she might want. You got her some flowers at the gift shop. And you did it all when you have really bad experiences with hospitals…"

"W-well…I love her. It doesn't feel like work or anything. It just feels natural. She takes care of me too."

There's a frustrated sigh. "I know, Akari. I'm just trying to compliment you and tell you you're amazing to my daughter. Just accept it. Please."

"Okay…thank you, Emi."

"See, was that so hard?"

Oh, it's my mom and my girlfriend. I had elbow surgery.

I open my eyes again and say, "Hello." My voice sounds…strange.

They both enter my field of vision quickly. They are both smiling.

My mom asks, "How do you feel?"

"Really weird."

Akari frowns, "B-b-but no bad pain?"

I smile at my girlfriend. Damn she's pretty. I could get lost in those brown eyes. In fact, I do sometimes.

"Nope. None. I'm sure that won't last, but yeah."

I look down, my arm has a sling, and my elbow has a bandage on it.

My mom says, "That's good. Everything went as planned, now that you're awake we'll probably be on our way pretty soon."

"Glad to hear it. Can we make the bed sit up a little? I feel weird looking up at you two like this."

My mom quickly finds the control and I am in more of a seated position now. I see some flowers on the small table next to my bed and I smile at Akari. "Are those…hydrangeas?"

Akari smiles and holds my hand, "Yeah. When they had them, I thought they were p-perfect."

"They are. Thank you, that's really sweet."

My mom looks puzzled. "Since when are hydrangeas are your favorite flower?"

I laugh, "I guess since right now, maybe? That manga I told you about has lots of flowers in it. After all it's called Bloom into You. Hydrangeas show up a lot when the two girls are falling in love."

My mom smiles, "So they are even more thoughtful than I thought. Akari really is the best."

I laugh and stare lovingly at her. "She really is."

She blushes at the praise but also seems a little proud of it.

"Um…I brought you some other things…if you need anything. Some manga, snacks, even a tiny chess board I found online."

She really is the best. Even willing to play chess with me right now.

I smile at her and squeeze her hand and don't make much of an effort to hide that I'm checking her out. "I've got everything I need right here." She blushes and shows me her beautiful smile.

My mom giggles. "You know…your father got a little…forward after surgeries too."

Ugh. Kind of forgot she was here.

Akari giggles and I cringe. "Thanks for telling me that."

Not long after that, they discharge me. I'll have this sling for about a month and then some extra physical therapy to get it back to normal.

We're in the car now, headed back to town. Akari and I are in the back together. I'm having a hard time keeping my head up. I guess I had a busy morning.

"You can lay down if you n-need to."


"Just lay on your back, you can r-rest your head in my lap."

My mom laughs, "That sounds adorable. And comfy."

I laugh, "Agreed."

I lay down and rest my head in Akari's lap. She looks down at me with her beautiful smile while she strokes my hair.

I wake up to a gentle rubbing of my cheek and Akari gently saying my name.

I open my eyes to see her smiling at me. I smile back.

"Hi there. We're at your mom's, sorry."

I sigh, "I wish I was Ai right n-now."

Akari looks confused for a moment, like I must still really be out of it from the anesthesia, but then I see that she understands.

She giggles, "Wish I could c-carry you, huh? Sorry."

I nod and slowly sit up. My mom opens the door on my side for me and I climb out. She smiles at me and puts a hand on my back. "How are you feeling?"

"Still pretty good. Tired I guess, but so far, my elbow doesn't really hurt."

As the three of us walk into the house my mom says, "Well, maybe you're so used to having it hurt you won't even notice."

I sit down on the couch and Akari sits down on my right side and takes my hand, "That would be nice. I'm just assuming the pain will come later."

My mom scoffs, "Such a pessimist."

"Better to expect the pain and not have it come than to assume I won't have it."

She sighs, "I guess." She smiles at Akari. "Well, since you have your sweet girlfriend here, I was going to go into work this afternoon. Is that okay?

I nod, "That's okay. As long as you have my dinner ready promptly at 6:30."

My mom and Akari giggle, "Okay. I'll make sure not to disappoint you."

We exchange 'I love you's and my mom leaves.

Akari says, "Anything you want to do? We can do whatever you want."

I smirk at her, "You'll do anything I want, huh?"

She blushes a little and opens her eyes wide, "Well…yeah, b-but I didn't mean…you just had surgery…" Then she starts to look like maybe it's not such a bad idea. "...right?"

I giggle, "Right, I don't think I'm up for that. I was just trying to make it sound suggestive to make you blush. I kind of want to teach you chess. If you'll let me."

She nods, "Yeah, that will be nice."

I raise my eyebrows at her, "Really?"

"Well…yeah. I know chess is important to you because of your d-dad. I should…probably at least know how to play. You read my favorite manga…so I want to."

I kiss her. "Thank you."

We get up and go over where the chess board is set up. Once Akari sits down and looks at all the pieces, she looks a little overwhelmed.

"They…all move differently?"

So cute.

"Yep. Well, all the ones that look the same move the same way."

She points at the row of Pawns. "So...these at the top all move the same?"

"They do. Those are Pawns. They can all only move one square forward. Unless it's the first time that pawn has moved, in which case it can move two squares forward. And...they can also move diagonally when capturing another piece."

Chess does sound complicated when you say it out loud. I don't think I'll tell her the part where a pawn can get promoted into a different piece if it makes it all the way across the board. Not yet anyway.

I explain how the other pieces move and that the objective is to trap the King. She seems like she gets it.

"D-do you want to play?"

I smile at her, "If you want to, sure."

She chuckles, "I might have a chance now because of the anesthesia in your s-system."

I laugh, "Maybe. But…it's your first game, so that advantage is probably negated."

We start to play a game and she's doing surprisingly well for her first time. I'm not going to crush her in just a handful of moves, that's for sure. She's been staring at the board for a while since my last move.

"How does the horse move again?"

I laugh, "The Knight you mean?"

"I mean…if they w-wanted it to be a Knight…why is the piece a horse?"

I laugh, "I guess that's a good point. Anyway…your Horse can move kind of in an "L" shape. Like this." I show her all the different ways her knight can currently move.

She scrunches up her face in confusion. "The other pieces all m-move so…normally. Forwards, backwards, diagonally. And then they look like what they are called. Then there's the Knight. The Knight is weird."

"Yeah…I guess it kind of is, huh? It can even jump over other pieces and none of the others can. I wonder why?"

Akari thinks for a moment, "I guess b-because knights were more mobile on the battlefield, or something. I bet my dad knows. This is a m-medieval European game, right?"

I scratch my head. "I'm…embarrassed to say that I don't know. Seems like a reasonable guess, though. See? I'm glad I taught you. I have never even thought about these things."

She smiles at me and uses her Knight-Horse to capture my Bishop. She fell into my trap and the game is over a few moves later.

"That w-was pretty fun."

"See? I've been trying to get you to play for a long time. If I had known sleeping with you would have convinced you to try it, I would have done it sooner."

Akari laughs, "How much sooner?"

"Hmm…that day we ran into each other I should have just ripped your clothes off and pulled you on top of me. Then we would play chess after."

Akari giggles, "R-right there in the grass huh? With your elbow dislocated and people watching?"

"Sure. Who wouldn't want to see that?"

She laughs, then stands up and walks around the table before bending over and giving me a long, deep kiss while her hand holds the back of my head. I didn't think I was up for this…but now maybe I am. I was joking about ripping her clothes off a minute ago. Now I really want to. My mom won't be home for a while. My elbow's fine. Let's do this.

I take my good arm and start to slide it up Akari's shirt. But she gently nudges my hand away and breaks the kiss.

I frown up at her. "You don't want to?"

She smiles, "Of course I do. But the day of your surgery is probably pushing it. We also d-don't really know when your mom is coming back."

"Come on. She won't be back for a while. I really want you."

I grab her hand and press it against my right breast, the only one accessible with my sling on.

I see a familiar lustiness flash in her eyes as she starts to caress me. She can't resist me, just like I can't really resist her.

She comes back down for a kiss while getting more aggressive with my breast. I really want to feel her skin on mine. I adjust myself a little so I can guide her hand under my clothes. But when I turn slightly, I lightly hit my left elbow on the edge of the table, causing me to grunt in pain and break the kiss.

This snaps her out of her lust. She releases my breast and stands back up.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah….fine. It hurt a little, but I'm okay. Come back down here." I grab her top with my good hand and try to pull her down, but she resists.

"We really shouldn't. I'm s-sorry I lost my resolve for a minute there…but you hurting your elbow brought it back. "

I pout, "Are you getting back at me for when I turned you down at your parents'?"

She giggles and kisses my forehead, "No. You were right then, and I'm right now."

Now that we aren't kissing my senses are starting to return to me.

"You're right. Sorry for being so pushy. Can I blame the anesthesia?"

Akari giggles, "You can try." I stick my tongue out at her in response.

After I cool down, we move to the living room and snuggle up on the couch. We find a silly movie on TV.

About 20 minutes later, we hear the front door open. My mom is home earlier than I expected. I guess it's a good thing we aren't naked on top of each other in the middle of the house right now. I look at Akari who is looking at me with a face that screams 'Told you so!'

Now we notice that we hear other voices. Akari and I exchange a confused look but then we start to realize who it is and we both smile.

My mom comes into the living room and says "Surprise!" Koji, Hana, Ai, and Carsten are with her. I have a feeling she didn't even go into work, she just went to gather up the four of them.

I smile, "Hey everyone! I didn't know I was gonna see you today."

Ai says, "Thank Hana, it was her idea."

I laugh, "Okay, thank you Hana."

She smiles, "You're welcome. I remembered my surgery and…how none of my friends came to see me. So…I thought it would be nice for us to drop by. How do you feel?"

"Elbow is just starting to get a little achy. But nothing too bad."

Akari gets up and starts rifling through things from the hospital. She finds my pain pills and thrusts one to me with some water.

"Um…do I really need to take one? They make me feel weird."

Akari nods, "I know, b-but trust me, for today at least let's try to stay ahead of the pain. If you d-don't, it can get out of control and then pills don't help."

I smile at her, "Okay…you're the expert. Thank you." I take the pill and wash it down with water.

Carsten says, "How long until you get weird?"

Koji chuckles, "She's always been weird."

I stick my tongue out at him and then realize something.

"Hey…this is the first time you and my mom met, right?"

Koji nods and my mom pats him on the back and says, "It is." Then she turns to Hana, winks at her, and says, "I approve."

Koji turns bright red and seems to have been rendered speechless. I have a hard time imagining he would be this red if he didn't think my mom was attractive.


"Thanks Mrs. Nakai, I'm pretty fond of him."

My mom tried to pull up a couple of chairs so we can all sit in the living room, but Carsten sees her struggling and does it himself. My mom heads off to her bedroom. I guess she wants us to be alone.

Once we're settled Hana says. "We should use this opportunity to plan our triple date. It kinda needs to be soon as things get…crazy pretty quickly for us...yayyy." She twirls her finger in the air in a celebratory fashion says the last part with faux enthusiasm making us all laugh.

Carsten says, "Well…there's always the Shanghai…but I feel like we should do something more special since it might be our only chance. Maybe in the city?"

I reach out for Akari's hand and give it a squeeze. She smiles at me. I don't know how much this idea appeals to her. She's gotten less anxious for sure, but we probably need to be careful with what we choose.

Hana says, "Yeah that would be fun. What should we do?"

Koji says, "An arcade might be fun."

We all look at Koji with disinterest. "Or…not? I guess none of you play video games, huh?"

Hana kisses him on the cheek. "Nope, just you. But I love you anyway."

He scoffs, "Gee, thanks for accepting me and all my horrible flaws."

She laughs, "You're welcome."

"My ability to play games would be pretty limited anyway."

Plus, I can't imagine a dark crowded place is where Akari wants to be.

Ai adds, "Arcades suck if you're in a wheelchair too. So few of the games are accessible. Otherwise, I might like them more."

Carsten says, "Yeah, I guess maybe we will have to do some research to see what is accessible before we make any decisions."

Akari says, "I think I have an idea that would w-work for everyone."

Smart. She can choose something that she knows won't give her any problems.

"W-we could go to dinner somewhere and then karaoke. I bet we can find a restaurant and karaoke place that are accessible, since there's lots of both."

Um…what? My pill must be affecting my perception. Karaoke was not good for her last time. She can't have said that.

Everyone seems to like the idea and now they are all looking at me waiting for my approval.

"It sounds good…but…" I look at my girlfriend. "Are you sure you want to do karaoke?"

She nods, "I know I had a p-problem there with Michi and his friends, but…I th-think I will be okay. We will have a booth with just us. You're all p-people I'm comfortable with. I w-wanna try at least. If I have an attack or s-something…well, you all understand. So, I think it is a good time to try."

I squeeze her hand and smile at her. Her mom said Yamaku was good for her at Christmas. She was right. She's come far since that day she apologized to me in band.

Hana looks around at everyone and we seem to agree, "That's a good plan. Does next Saturday work for everyone?"

We all agree. But there's still something else we have to figure out.

"I guess…there's still the question of transportation?"

Koji answers, "Does the bus work for everyone? They have wheelchair access, right?"

Ai nods, "That works for me."

I find myself worrying about Akari again. If the bus is crowded, I don't know how well that will go. She avoids mass transportation whenever she can and prefers cabs.

I squeeze her hand and she smiles at me and nods. I think she wants to do this too. She's in an adventurous mood.

"Sounds good to me. Um…I will have to take a cab down to the bus stop and back up to Yamaku."

"That's probably better for me too. Carsten could push me I guess but the hill is pretty tough."

"I can take care of that."

We turn around to see my mom has emerged from her room.

"Do you know what we're talking about?"

She laughs, "Not really. But I heard you need a ride to the bus stop. So, the city?"

I nod, "Yeah. A triple date next weekend."

My mom smiles, "Then I will definitely help."

Ai smiles and says, "Thank you Mrs. Nakai."

"No problem, dear. Speaking of rides…when did you four want to go back?"

Koji and Hana grimace and look at each other and Hana says, "Probably now, I guess. Back to the books."

Carsten and Ai agree. They all give me well wishes and hugs on their way out the door.

After they leave and we snuggle up on the couch again. Akari is so cozy. My eyes start to feel heavy.

Someone is gently touching my cheek and softly saying my name.


"Hmmmn?" I open my eyes and realize my head is on Akari's shoulder. I sit up straight and look at her smiling face.

I frown, "I fell asleep again?"

Akari giggles, "Yep. It was cute. It's time for dinner now, though."

"How long did I sleep exactly?"

"Two hours or so."

"And you just…stayed here with me sleeping on you?"

She laughs, "I napped too. Your mom woke me up and said I should wake you up because you'd respond to that better."

I give her a gentle kiss. "She was right. You're real nice to wake up to."

She laughs, "You still in your 'anesthesia' mood?"

I softly kiss her neck. "Maybe."

"Okay silly. Let's g-go wash our hands and get ready for dinner."

I nod and we go to the bathroom together to wash up. After we do, I close the door and put my good arm around her and kiss her neck some more. She sighs happily for a few seconds before gently pulling herself away from me and giggling.

"Is this what I'm like all the t-time?"

I laugh, "Kinda. Except you usually wait to do it until we're in our dorm room. So I'm even worse right now." I sigh. "I'll stop."

"You better or I'll be s-sleeping on the couch."

I nod. "Well played. I can't let that happen. I really don't know why I'm being like this."

Akari smiles, "Well…I do look a-amazing."

I'm so glad she's confident now.

I laugh, "That's definitely true. But normally I can contain myself. I'm not sure what's going on with me."

"I think it could be medication. But…I bet you are really r-relieved the surgery went well, and this is sort of a result of that. Subconsciously, m-maybe."

I laugh, "Like I want to celebrate or something?"

Akari giggles, "Yeah, something like that. Now, let's go eat d-dinner. You promise you're going to be a good girl?"

I smirk, "If your goal is to keep me from wanting to have sex, calling me 'good girl' doesn't seem wise."

Akari crosses her arms and gives me a stern look. Suddenly, she looks a lot like her mother. It sobers me up.

I sigh, "Yes, I will behave."

We leave the bathroom where we find my mom waiting at the table with all our food served.

She looks at us with a mischievous grin. "You two sure took a while to wash your hands. With the bathroom door closed."

I laugh, "Yeah well, we wanted our hands to be really clean, right Akari?"

Akari nods. My mom doesn't really look like she buys it, but she doesn't push any harder. I wonder if she really thinks we did it. Makes me think we just should have then, so maybe…after dinner….


I can't believe I'm this obsessed with sex today. I think Akari's right that it has to do with the surgery. When I really reflect on my feelings, I have a strong sense of relief. But why am I relieved? I never consciously felt afraid of the surgery, but…deep down maybe I was worried that they might get in there and things would be bad, and they couldn't do anything. Instead, I got just about the best news I could hope for. It makes sense that I want to celebrate with the woman I love. She doesn't seem to think it is a bad idea either…she just doesn't want to do it the day of the surgery or at my mom's house. Luckily one of us is being rational about it.

My FanFics
Learning to Run (Complete) - Emi x Hisao in their 30s
Yamaku: the Next Generation (Complete) - Emi and Hisao's daughter goes to Yamaku.
Oil & Vinegar - Mutou and Nurse buddy one-shot

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Chapter 37

Post by guthrum06 »

Author's Note: Sexual Content

We're riding up the elevator in the dorms. After spending two nights at my mom's after my surgery, I'm feeling very pent up. It is taking everything I have not to just grab Akari right now and make out with her in the elevator. But I guess I can make it to her dorm room.

The minute we enter it, I drop my bag on the floor and put my good arm around her. She puts her arms around my neck, and we share a long, deep kiss. I slide my hand down to her butt and give it a little squeeze. She breaks the kiss and smirks at me.

"Still in your 'anesthesia' mood, I see."

I frown, "Yeah…is that okay? We aren't at my mom's now and…surgery was two days ago so I thought-"

Just as I'm starting to feel a little rejected, Akari puts her finger on my lips and takes off her top, putting a huge smile on my face. "You thought right…it was r-really hard to tell you no so many times. So, I'm in a mood too." She sits on the bed and wiggles her finger for me to follow. Probably a good idea for us to sit to avoid further injury.

I sit down next to her and start kissing her neck and collarbone like I have so desperately wanted to for the last two days. She puts her hand on the back of my head as she enjoys my affection. I feel her hands start to find their way under my top, she's holding my hips now. I lean back and smile at her.

"We can take it off, but we have to be extra careful."

She grins, "I'm always careful."

She really is. Ever since my mom's 'training' before I moved in across the hall from her, she seems to know just how gentle to be with me. Even in the heat of the moment. It's an important trait for someone I'm sleeping with. And I intend for her to be the only one I sleep with for the rest of my life, so it's even more important.

I sit up and grab the right side of my shirt and get my arm and head out of it. But it still isn't quite off on the left because my sling is complicating things. Akari gently takes that side and maneuvers it around my surgically repaired elbow without hurting me. Once we get it off, she locks eyes with me and removes her bra before doing the same for me. She had to help me put it on this morning. It makes sense she gets to take it off too.

We sit on the edge of the bed and start passionately kissing each other while caressing one another's bodies. Only having one arm is really frustrating right now. Before long, Akari removes her skirt before doing the same for me. We resume kissing and each of us slides a hand inside the other's underwear. We gently caress and kiss each other, really taking our time, which surprises me a little given how pent-up we're both feeling. But going at this pace allows us to really savor everything.

Eventually, Akari breaks our kiss and stops touching me, causing me to let out a sad little moan. She smiles at me and says, "Th-there's something new I want to try. It w-will be good since your arm is hurt."

I pout at her. "You better not say I don't get to do stuff for you."

She grins, "I won't. We both get to f-feel good."

Akari is more timid than me in most situations. But that's not the case in the bedroom, where she usually takes charge. It started because my condition limits how I can move. So, she has to lead the way. But I think she has come to relish the role, and I've found that I quite enjoy mine too. I guess that's a good thing. It wouldn't be good if I always had to be in control to really get into this.

Now that it's clear I get to pleasure her, I excitedly nod, "Y-yeah…let's do it."

She giggles, "You d-don't even know what it is yet."

I feel a little embarrassed at how obviously submissive I was, but I may as well just go with it. "I know, but…I just want to do whatever you want to do. I trust you. I'm sure it will be good. It always is."

She smiles at me, "Okay…lay down."

I do as instructed, deriving more than a little arousal out of the fact that she told me what to do. She smiles at me as she slides my underwear off. I feel myself tremble with anticipation as she does. She locks eyes with me as she takes off her own. Then she positions herself over me. Almost like a guy would if we were going to have sex. She turns herself at an angle, and pushes her genitals against mine. At first I'm a little confused about what she's doing. Then, she adjusts herself some, making sure that our most sensitive spots of them all – the little mounds above our openings – are in direct contact with each other. As usual, she's taking great care not to move me. Eventually, she finds the right configuration, and pleasure overtakes me. She starts rubbing herself against me by moving her hips. I briefly worry that this might be painful for her given all the damage and surgeries her hips have experienced, but the pleasure I'm experiencing quickly drowns out those concerns. It feels…better than anything else we've done. And that's saying something.

So far, we've only used our hands and mouths to pleasure one another. This…this is different. Using a part of our body that experiences pleasure to produce pleasure in the other isn't something that I had even considered. It results in an even more intense sensation. I can feel my own pleasure of course, but to know my body is producing pleasure for her at the same time really enhances things for me. It seems to be having a similar effect on her. We're both panting and moaning, and trying not to be too loud.

I love that in this position I can look at her and see her entire face and body, which I'm running my hand all over. She can do the same and she takes advantage of it by watching my breasts lightly bounce as she gently moves my body. I always love how she looks at me. I instantly know she thinks I'm the sexiest person in the world any time she does. She reaches out with one hand and caresses my right breast while she continues pressing herself against me.

We were at it for a while before this new experience, and now that we've arrived at the most intense form of pleasure, we're both already very close.

As I caress her body and watch her move, I say "Ak-akari this i-is…amazing…"

She smiles at me and says, "I l-love…y-you…Kayoko…so…much""

I'm about to respond in kind, but then she increases the speed of her hips, and my mind starts to go blank. We both begin having tremors in our legs and abdomen. She starts to squeeze my breast more roughly. It makes my moans even more intense. We reach our climax at almost the same instant, our dual moans forming a kind of eerie erotic melody as Akari continues to move her hips and squeeze me even harder. We're so into it that neither of us remember to muffle ourselves. We both cascade into a second orgasm that for me at least is more intense than the first.

We both reach the end and Akari collapses to my side, exhausted. She did a ton of work. I roll on my side and give her a kiss. We both have a few tears on our face, not an unusual occurrence for either of us after we make love. But now that the moment has passed I remember my concerns from earlier and start to worry that the tears might not just be from emotion.

"Hey…are your hips okay?"


I frown at her, "That's not a yes."

She sighs, "It hurt a l-little near the end. But I'm n-not going to damage them more or anything. They j-just hurt a little." She smiles at me and pulls me in for a deep kiss. "But it was worth a little pain."

"Okay, but if it ever hurts too much you can stop."

"Okay. I will."

I start tracing her face with my finger. "I'll stop nagging you now. That was amazing. It might be my new favorite."

Akari giggles, "Me too. It was a great way to celebrate your successful surgery."

I laugh, "Does that mean I have to have another one for us to do that again? Because I'll sign up for one."

It's the day of our triple date. We found a wheelchair accessible pedestrian mall in Sendai. It has a really nice food court and a karaoke place, so it's perfect.

Akari and I are riding down in the elevator. She is wearing jeans and a white peasant blouse along with a pink cardigan. I'm already looking forward to her taking the cardigan off when we're at karaoke. She's also wearing the headband that I got her, as she always does when we go out as a couple. I should probably get her a new one soon.

I'm wearing jeans and a black cable-knit v-neck sweater. I have a black wool coat over it, and I'm of course also wearing the hair clip Akari got me.

I take my girlfriend's hand. "If you ever feel anxious tonight, just let me know and we can remove ourselves from the situation. I'll be watching too."

She smiles at me. "P-part of the reason I can do this is because I know you'll be watching." She puts her arms around my neck and pulls me down for a kiss. "I love you."

The elevator doors open, and I say, "I love you too" as we walk out hand in hand.

We find the other two couples waiting at the gate. Ai and Carsten aren't dressed any differently than the norm for them, which means casual sweaters and jeans this time of year. Meanwhile, Hana and Koji are overdressed. Hana is wearing a beautiful red sweater dress that is a little big on her. I imagine the dress is something she has from before she developed her condition and lost so much weight. She's also wearing white wedges that make her tower us even more than she usually does. Koji is wearing slacks with a blue button-down shirt. He's wearing a hoodie over it which seems a little out of place, but I imagine he still isn't comfortable without it once we are out in the open.

We are going to make for an interesting group, that's for sure. We exchange greetings and then Hana smiles and says, "You two look great."

"Thanks, I love your dress."

"Yeah, me too. It might be my favorite thing I own. Maybe a bit over the top for what we're doing tonight, but oh well. I don't get much of a chance to wear it. Koji likes it too." She winks at him.

Koji smiles and says, "It's true. Should we head down the hill?"

I nod. "My mom will be here soon, and we'll meet you down there." Hana and Koji go down the hill, and the other four of us wait at the gate for my mom.

I notice Ai looks very jittery and she's playing with her braid. I'm about to check on her, but Akari beats me to it.

"A-are you okay, Ai?"

She nods. "Just a little anxious. I haven't gone out like this in a long time. Not since…before Carsten left. I'm worried about my wheelchair and stuff."

Carsten bends down and gives her a little kiss. "It'll be okay, we made sure everywhere is accessible. I'll be here if you need me, too."

She nods, "I know. I will be okay once we get there. Just anticipating it all makes me overthink things."

Akari says, "I know what you m-mean. I'm anxious too."

Ai smiles, "We'll look out for each other then."

My mom pulls up shortly thereafter, and we make it down the hill without incident. My mom is very excited for our triple date, of course.

Luckily, making our way to the city was also uneventful. The bus wasn't very busy, and we were able to sit together. I did notice that Koji pulled his hood up as soon as the bus pulled up.

We got some looks of course. After all, between the six of us there is a wheelchair, a sling, facial scarring, and a prosthetic leg. Carsten is also very clearly foreign, which always seems to draw attention.

We're getting off the bus now. The pedestrian mall is a short walk away. It's crowded, but every time I look at Akari she squeezes my hand and smiles at me. Without even realizing it, this has become our little code for me checking on her and her letting me know she's okay.

When we get to the food court, Ai, Hana, and I find a table while the others get food for themselves and their significant other. I am surprised Akari volunteered to do it. I only have one arm of course, but I could have gone with her just to soothe her nerves. She insisted on going on her own, though.

The food court has dozens of options, and there's a live band playing light acoustic music. It has a relaxed, fun atmosphere. I had a hard time making my food choice, but I eventually went with pizza. I haven't had it in a long time. My dad made it sometimes, and I don't think I've had it since he passed away.

Hana looks a little funny in an outdoor food court dressed as elegantly as she is, but she does look good. Ai, however, doesn't look like she is doing super well. She's fidgeting with her braid again.

I reach over and squeeze her shoulder and whisper, "Are you okay?"

She smiles, but it seems a little forced. "I think so. I'm more anxious than I used to be in this kind of situation. I think I avoided social contact so much last trimester that it is kind of overwhelming to see all these people now." She takes a deep breath and exhales. "But I'm dealing with it."

Hana says, "I feel it a little too. I haven't really done this since before my surgery."

I was worried about Akari, but it almost seems like these two are more anxious right now. Maybe Akari is just better at hiding it thanks to her lifelong experience.

Not long after that, our beaus return with our food and theirs. Akari sits down next to me with a whole cheese pizza.

I give her a quick kiss. "It'll be fun to share. You wanted pizza too, huh?"

"Y-yeah, it sounded really good."

"Getting it went smoothly?"

"I was a little anxious and froze up a little, b-but they were patient."

I rub her back with my hand. "Good."

I look to see what everyone else went with, and we have cuisine from the world over. Carsten went with some Yakisoba of course. After all, he's only been back in Japan for a couple of weeks. The rest of us went for international cuisine. Koji and Hana got hamburgers and Ai has some Korean bulgogi.

Our pizza is excellent, probably better than anything my dad ever made to be honest, but it does still remind me of him and that always makes things taste better. Everyone else is happy with their food too, so much so that we don't do a whole lot of talking. The silence is broken by Ai saying, "Is that a Baskin Robbins over there?"

Carsten laughs, "You haven't finished your dinner and you're already looking ahead to dessert?"

Ai shovels the last few forkfuls of food into her mouth and gives Carsten a "There, are you happy?" kind of look that makes all of us crack up.

Akari says, "Y-yeah there is one. I saw it. I was thinking we might get ice cream for dessert."

Hana says, "I can't do dairy because of my…thing. But you all should get some."

"W-well, we don't have to get it. That doesn't sound f-fun for you."

I look down at what little is left of our delicious cheese pizza and feel bad for enjoying it so much in front of her.

Koji says, "Actually, I think they have some dairy free flavors. I'll go check." He tightens his hood, which hasn't come down at any point during our outing so far.

Hana says, "Thanks babe, that's really sweet." He kisses the top of her head and heads off towards Baskin Robbins.

I smirk at her. "That's some man you've got there. Willing to go check for you so you don't have go in there and be disappointed."

Hana laughs, "It's true. He is the sweetest. He does a really good job with my dietary stuff in general."

Ai says, "How restricted is your diet? I feel bad for not noticing before."

"It's mostly just dairy that I can't have. It isn't common in most Japanese food, but it shows up in most foreign food. He's always checking labels and stuff to make sure."

Koji returns with a satisfied smile on his face, "They do have dairy free. But only vanilla and chocolate."

Hana smiles, "I think I can make do with those."

By now everyone has finished eating. We gather up our things and head to Baskin Robbins together. When we get there, we find a colorful ice cream wonderland. In a freezer that is behind glass, there are dozens of big tubs of ice cream with a variety of classical and exotic flavors. Just like the food court, there are so many options that it is a little overwhelming. I'm kind of jealous that Hana only has to choose between two right now.

As I try to make my choice, I see Koji and Hana have made theirs and are paying. I need some inspiration.

"What did you get, Koji?"

"Um…not one you would like."

I scoff and cross my arm, "How do you know?"

Hana laughs, "Because his is disgusting."

"Okay…now I have to know."

"It's habanero."

"You lost me."

Hana laughs, "It's really spicy. He gets spicy ice cream. Spicy-sweet is his favorite thing. He's a weirdo."

I laugh, "Well, look who his girlfriend is, you know? It isn't too surprising he likes spicy-sweet."

Koji chuckles and gets a slap on his arm as retribution. I think she probably would have slapped my arm too, but ever since she hurt me she tends to treat me like I'm made of glass. I suppose erring on the side of caution is better than going in the other direction.

"But yeah, definitely gonna have to pass on the…halagueno, or whatever."

I turn around and look for my girlfriend, who is looking at the ice cream through the glass. Her face isn't right up against it, but it's not very far away from the glass either. Her face is scrunched up in the kind of cute expression a young child would have in the same situation. She's having a hard time making a choice too.

"What are you getting?"

"I'm trying to decide between a couple. What about y-you?"

"Same problem. I think…maybe rainbow sherbet or raspberry."

She giggles, "I was trying to decide b-between raspberry and chocolate."

"Okay, why don't I get raspberry and you get chocolate. That way you can have both."

"B-but what about sherbet?"

"I'll be okay. Raspberry sounds better now anyway, since we can share." I wink at her, making her giggle.

Now that we have finally made our decisions, we make our order. I get a cone because of my arm situation, but I actually really like cones. Just not the mess they make. It means I sort of have a time limit in which I must finish my ice cream. Hopefully I don't get brain freeze. We rejoin our friends who are at a new table closer to the Baskin Robbins.

There we find Ai and Carsten sharing ice cream in a way that reminds me of when they were first dating. Ai has the cup of ice cream and is getting spoonfuls and saying, "Say ahh…" and then Carsten does exactly that and she puts the spoon in his mouth. It takes a lot of effort to stifle a laugh. I'm just going to have to ignore them to make it through this. I can't spend too much time laughing if I'm going to finish my ice cream before it melts.

Koji and Hana are the more mature couple. They are eating their ice cream like normal people, and like me they are doing their best to ignore the spectacle their friends have created. I guess they never knew Ai and Carsten when they first got together so this must be extra weird to them.

However, Akari has decided on a path different from the three of us.

"H-hey Carsten, how's that ice cream?"

He blushes a little. "It's good."

"Does it taste b-better when she feeds it to you?"

Ai frowns. "We're...being over the top, aren't we?"

The four of us laugh and Akari says, "M-maybe a little. But you two just reunited a few weeks ago. So that's okay."

I whisper to Akari, "You know…I was kind of wanting to feed you a couple bites of my ice cream. Guess we can't now, huh?"

Akari giggles, "Nope. We can share without b-being like that can't we?"

I sigh, "I guess. I know it's kind of obnoxious, but the idea of being like that sometimes is kind of appealing."

She pats my thigh under the table. "Well, w-we can do it sometime if you really want. B-but not now. We don't want to be hypocrites."

I pout at her for a moment and then nod.

After we finish our ice cream, we head to karaoke which is a short walk from the food court. We reserved a large room for the six of us.

When we get there, we are guided to our reserved room. It has lots of seating and a large screen for music videos and song lyrics. Koji and Hana get settled on the couch, and now that we're in a private environment he pulls his hood down, which makes me smile a little.

Akari excitedly heads to the machine before anyone else can. Last time she went to karaoke with Michi and his friends, she didn't want to sing. But with us, she wants to go first. Can't say I expected that.

She flips through the song choices with a sense of purpose. She must be looking for a specific song. Suddenly, her eyes light up and she gets a huge smile on her face.

In a surprisingly loud voice she asks, "K-kayoko…will you do one with me!? Please!?"

I laugh, "You don't have to plead so hard. Of course, I will. What do you want to do?"

"It's the theme song for Bloom into You."

"It has a theme song?"

"Well…the anime does, y-yeah."

"There's an anime?"

Carsten chuckles and shakes his head at me, "Most good manga gets made into anime. Are you even a Japanese teenager?"

This makes us all laugh, given the very non-Japanese-looking person asking the question.

I walk up to where the machine is and take a microphone. This is really meaningful to both of us, as silly as that sounds when talking about an anime theme song. But…it's the manga that made her realize she liked girls, and when I read it, it really did bring us closer together. It was like learning about a very special, intimate part of her. Especially because it's something she read when she was stuck in the hospital. Plus, it's just a beautiful love story. I wish I could put an arm around Akari. Stupid sling. Luckily, she gets next to me and puts an arm around me, and we start singing the song together. I don't know the song, so I don't sing the words quite as confidently as Akari, who already seems to know them.

Even though we're both musicians, neither of us is what you would call a 'good' singer. Adequate might be the best description. But we try our best.

Author's Note: You can listen to the song they are singing here

"The sunlight wavers as it shines through the road of trees / I can hear your voice with the usual 'good morning' / What are you hiding inside that locked glass chest?"

This is already a cute song. It feels like they did good justice to the source material. Akari is smiling while she sings it, and it might just be the cutest thing I've ever seen.

"In this story that has just begun, I want to know more about your world / Now I grasp onto those fingers I've touched by mere chance / Your show of courage, your weakness, your everything. I'll embrace it all / Firmly"

Yep, starting to tear up now. Of course this is going to make me think about us. She must have known that, of course.

"I can't forget, the day I first met you was outside in the sun / The time that we had gradually accumulated is engraved in my heart. / The future that had once looked so far off, feels so close by."

I'm struggling to keep my composure and keep singing this song, but Akari's doing it. I can too.

"These irreplaceable feelings grow little by little. / I had simply wanted to find what's "special" together with you. / Hold onto this hand until it's enough to erase your insecurities, forever / "I want to tell you, 'Because I'll be by your side."

I am REALLY angry about this sling now. I want to hold her hand like the song says.

"In this story that has just begun, I want to know more about your world / Now I grasp onto those fingers I've touched by mere chance / Your show of courage, your weakness, your everything. I'll embrace it all / Firmly"

When the song ends our friends applaud with very sincere smiles on their faces, Ai even looks like she teared up a little. All our friends love that we're together, but I think it's extra important to her because she was the only one who knew Akari had been in love with me so long. We're smiling too. There is a steady trickle of tears down my face, and I can see that the same is true of Akari. We put down the microphones and hug each other.

As our hug lingers for a while, Ai laughs and says, "Just kiss already!"

Akari and I giggle and then I put my hand on her cheek and give her a soft long kiss, which causes our friends to whoop and holler with excitement. We break the kiss and walk back to the couch hand-in-hand. Her face is bright red, I'm sure mine is too. We don't usually make a point of kissing like that in front of our friends. When we sit down, Akari snuggles into me and sighs happily.

Hana beams at us, "That was really beautiful."

Ai says, "She means how much that song meant to you both is beautiful…the actual singing, not so much."

I stick my tongue out at Ai, even though she's probably right. There's a reason we both play instruments.

Akari says, "W-well, Ai…now's your chance to show us how good you are."

She smirks, "Oh, I will."

Carsten says, "Do you want to do one together too babe?"

She waves him off. "Maybe later. You'll hold me back. I want to show off first."

As she heads towards the machine I whisper to Carsten, "Is she a good singer?"

He laughs, "Not that I know of. I've never heard her sing. But maybe she has a hidden talent."

Ai selects a Taylor Swift song that I'm not particularly familiar with. She has a look of extreme confidence on her face. Then she raises the microphone to her mouth and…

She's horrible. She can't carry a tune and she is butchering the pronunciation of every other word. Her voice is very high-pitched and grating. She's smiling as she looks at all of us, and we all have smiles plastered on our faces. But if you watch closely, our eyes flinch every few words. Even Carsten isn't immune to this. Mercifully, she finishes the song and returns the microphone to the machine.

She smiles proudly at us and says, "So, am I amazing, or what?!"

We all sit in an awkward silence with fake smiles on our faces, unsure of how to answer. Should we lie? Or tell her we never want to hear her sing again? Maybe something in between. Neither I nor any of my friends produces a response.

After a while she laughs and says, "Come on, I know I'm awful. I don't have a musical bone in my body. I just thought it would be funny to pretend like I think I'm good. I even exaggerated how bad I am."

Carsten laughs, "Well, it was pretty funny then. It's a relief to know you know you aren't good though. I was a little worried I would have to pretend you were a good singer for the rest of my life."

Ai rolls close to him and smiles, "Did you just propose?"

Carsten realizes what he said and blushes. "Um…not quite a proposal. But a hope, maybe?"

Ai gives him a quick kiss. "I guess I probably don't want you to mention how bad of a singer I am when you do propose."

He laughs, "Noted."

Koji says, "Hana actually can sing, if we'd like a change of pace."

Hana laughs, "Don't oversell it."

"Have you heard the other performances? I'm not sure I could oversell you. By comparison you're going to sound like a professional."

I scoff, "I know Akari and I weren't good, but don't lump us in with Ai!"

Ai giggles, "Seriously. They were way better than me."

"Yeah, maybe we should hear you sing if you're going to be such a critic."

Koji's face becomes very fearful. "Oh…I'm not going to sing."

Hana slaps his arm, "You shouldn't have been so mean to them, then. You have to now."

Akari says, "N-No he doesn't. If he doesn't want to, he doesn't want to."

Koji looks surprised to have found an ally in Akari. I guess they don't know what happened during her last karaoke experience.

Koji frowns, "I was mostly trying to compliment Hana. I got carried away. You two were good. It was really meaningful to you both, so it doesn't really matter what you sounded like anyway."

Akari smiles, "It's okay. I am looking forward to hearing her now, so you d-did a good job."

Ai laughs, "Are you apologizing to me too?"

Koji smirks, "Nope. You were awful."

Ai giggles, "Fair enough."

After that Hana heads to the front of the room and picks a song. She chooses a Japanese pop hit from a few years ago.

She is surprisingly good. She sounds like the original song and can hit every note. Her range is especially impressive. Koji didn't oversell her at all. Now that she's singing, the ostentatious red dress she wore for this outing seems to suit her and the situation. It makes sense she wants to be a music teacher. She can probably teach choir just as well as she can teach band. When she finishes, we all applaud enthusiastically. Koji gives us his best "I told you so" look.

She laughs, "Thank you. I did choir at my old school. I kinda miss it, I guess. Anyone else want to sing?"

I laugh, "Well now that we have a professional, you can just be our musical entertainment for the rest of the night, can't you?"

She chuckles, "I can sing a few more. But I'd like to hear more from everyone. Well…except Ai." We all laugh. "And, if you really don't want to Koji, you don't have to."

After that, Hana does a few more pop songs. Then Akari does a few more anime theme songs that I'm not familiar with. Carsten joins her for one of them that they apparently bonded over when they first met, and they had a blast. He has a surprisingly smooth baritone voice and is likely the second-best singer of our group.

We just heard a buzz that indicates we only have five minutes left. Hana kisses Koji on the cheek and says, "You still don't want to do one? I really want to hear you sing." He looks like he isn't going to budge. Then, Hana whispers something in his ear. He gets a goofy smile on his face and then says "I will do one but…I don't want you all looking at me. I know none of you are bothered by my face but…having so many people looking at me is hard."

He walks up to the machine and starts flipping through the choices.

"Okay, w-we'll all turn around." We nod in agreement with Akari and then do exactly what she suggested.

Hana says, "Are you okay with me watching?"

"Yep, you're allowed." He continues flipping through choices.

I whisper to Hana, "I have to know - what did you say to him to get him to change his mind?"

She giggles, "Just promised to do a little something special in the bedroom later."

This makes both me and Akari crack up, making Ai and Carsten wonder what's up. Before they can ask, Koji starts singing.

He chose a 1980s English-language power ballad of all things. He doesn't sound bad or good. Probably about what me and Akari sound like. His pronunciation of everything sounds exactly like the song, though. He really is good at English. Mrs. Yoshida would be proud, I think.

When he finishes Hana cheers him on and applauds enthusiastically. We join in the applause. Then things go quiet and I ask "Can we turn around now?"

There's no response. But he isn't singing, so I'm sure it's fine.

When I turn so does everyone else. We see Koji and Hana enjoying a rather deep kiss that goes on for quite some time. It wouldn't be incorrect to refer to it as 'making out,' so we all avert our eyes. It's only stopped by Carsten clearing his throat. They both blush and apologize.

Just what did she promise to do I wonder? Seemed like they were about to get started right here.

Ai grabs Carsten's shirt and says, "You have to kiss me now. We're the only couple that hasn't shared a long kiss in the booth now." She laughs, "And to think, these perverts were giving us a hard time about the ice cream…"

Carsten laughs and kisses Ai, just as our time in the booth runs out.

We leave the karaoke place and head back to the bus stop. Now we're waiting for the bus. We all had a really great time, but it feels bittersweet. I go and hug Hana without warning, startling her a little.

She laughs, "What's this about?"

"Just shut up and hug me." She does.

"I'm sad you two are leaving before too long. This is probably the only time we got to do a triple date with us all here. It was fun. I wish there was time for more."

We break the hug and Hana sighs, "It does suck. I really didn't get very much time with any of you. Not even a whole year."

Koji says, "It's true…but we aren't leaving just yet. We're just busy. So…probably no more triple dates, but you'll see lots of us."

I nod, "Yeah, I know. Sorry for bringing the mood down, everyone."

Just as I'm apologizing, our bus pulls up. It is packed full of people. I wonder if we should wait for a later bus that might be emptier. I look at Akari and squeeze her hand and she smiles and squeezes back. Okay, she's ready for this.

The six of us find our way on to the bus, but we have to separate. Ai and Carsten are near the front where the wheelchair spaces are, Koji and Hana are somewhere in the middle. Akari and I end up in the back standing near the back door of the bus. Despite being surrounded by people, it feels like we have privacy in our own little corner. I know Akari agrees because she has her arms around my waist and is resting her cheek on my shoulder. I have my good arm around her. I can hear her softly humming the Bloom into You theme which puts a huge smile on my face. I guess that's our song now.

However…it soon becomes clear our feeling of privacy is an illusion.

From behind us, a gruff male voice says "Do you two have to be doing that in public? It's disgusting."

I wince and Akari's contented expression shifts to one of horror. She pulls herself away from me and her body tenses up.

Shit. What did Daisuke and Kaito say? Ignore, get away, and be ready to call the police.

I ignore him. I don't even look back to see who it is. I get out my phone and text everyone, "Someone harassing us back here. We are getting off at the next stop. We will get a later bus." Then I dial the police without hitting the call button.

I put my phone away and look at Akari, who is now experiencing a full-blown panic attack. She's breathing quickly, is white as a sheet, and has a pained expression on her face. Her therapist told her that physical contact could help in this type of situation. I don't care what this man has to say, I need to help her by holding her or she might faint. With one arm I can't really hold her up. There's no way she won't get hurt fainting on a bus. I put my arm around her and pull her close to me while humming our song to her. Luckily, we don't hear anything else from those around us. I feel her breathing start to steady, and her body start to loosen up after about a minute. She's still not fully out of it, but things are moving in the right direction. And that's a good thing because the bus is coming to a stop.

I whisper, "We're going to get off here, okay?"

She nods slowly with a blank look on her face. When the bus stops, I take her hand and guide her off. I have to let go of her hand to get my phone back out of my pocket. If that man follows us, I'll be hitting the call button. No one gets off the bus. It was short notice, so I'm not surprised none of our friends got off. I cancel the call and then take Akari's hand and guide her to the bench at the bus stop. I put my arm around her and stroke her hair while I hum our song to her. She comes back to me after about five minutes.

When she does, she gives me a squeeze and pulls back from me and says "Thank you. I a-almost fainted."

I frown, "I thought so. Fuck that guy. Whoever he was."

She frowns, "Were we…being t-too affectionate?"

"No. We were basically just hugging. We didn't even kiss. He wouldn't have said the same thing if we weren't both girls. He probably would have just said, 'they're young and in love.'"

Akari nods. "Y-you're right." She frowns. "I…don't want to get on a bus again tonight. Is that okay?"

"Yeah." I get out my phone to see where we are. "It looks like we are 20 minutes from town. My mom can probably get us."

"B-but she has to give Ai a ride when they get there."

"That's true. We could get a cab on one of the apps, then."

Akari hugs herself and looks down at the ground ashamed, "I'm s-sorry…I d-don't want any more s-strangers t-tonight. They might s-say something about us. I know it p-probably isn't r-rational and I'm b-being annoying b-but-"

I interrupt her. "Akari, will you look at me?"

She does as I ask.

"Something really scary and upsetting just happened to us. It's okay to be worried about it happening again."

She nods. "B-but how do we get home?"

"I'm going to text my mom about the situation. She can probably come get us after giving Ai a ride. We may wait for a little while, but this bus stop is deserted."

Akari grimaces, "I'm s-sorry for making this harder than it needs to be."

I take her hand and look into her eyes. "You never have to apologize to me for your anxiety. I'm not upset or annoyed or anything, okay?" I squeeze her hand. "I love you. You could never be a burden to me. I just want to do what you're comfortable with."

She nods. "Thank you f-for understanding." She looks around and once it's clear there isn't a soul around, she gives me a quick kiss. "I love you too. I'm sorry for apologizing for my anxiety."

I giggle. "You don't have to apologize for that either."

She smiles bashfully, "I guess I w-was apologizing for apologizing huh?"

"Yes. Jeez you're cute." I give her a kiss that is interrupted by my phone vibrating in my pocket.

Oops. I never texted my mom.

"Hey, mom."

"Are you two okay!? Your friends told me about your text, and I was really worried."

"Yes, we're safe. I was about to call you. We're at the first bus stop outside of town, can you come get us? We…don't really feel like getting on another bus."

"Of course. I'm on my way. Love you both."

"We love you too. Thanks, mom."

We're in my mom's car now headed home.

My mom is looking at us in the rearview mirror. "Do you two want to talk about what happened? I understand if you don't want to."

I'm not sure if Akari wants to, so I'll let her answer.

Akari sighs, "S-someone said we were disgusting because we were hugging. It gave me a panic attack, so Kayoko got us off the b-bus."

My mom clicks her tongue. "You two are the exact opposite of disgusting."

"Thanks, mom."

"I hope you didn't let that ruin your night."

Akari smiles, "We didn't. It was a good night." She sighs. "I just don't know why some people are like that. I know I sh-shouldn't let it hurt me…b-but it does."

I take Akari's hand. "It hurts me too. That someone would feel such…hatred when all we are doing is loving each other."

My mom frowns. "It's better than it used to be…but still not anywhere near perfect. I know it doesn't really help, but I love you both, and I love your relationship."

Akari smiles softly, "It helps a l-little. Thanks, Emi."

When we get off the elevator and head towards my room, I see Hana stick her head out of her room. She must have been listening for the elevator. She and the rest of our triple date party emerge from the room and wave to us and come down the hall to my room. They all look concerned. I probably should have updated them, but it was easy to forget.

I open my door and we all go into my room. Akari and I sit down on the bed and explain what happened.

Through gritted teeth Carsten says, "I'm glad I wasn't back there. I might have been sent back to Germany again."

I laugh, "I'm glad you weren't then, we like having you here."

Koji says, "Maybe we should try not to split up in the future?"

"Y-yeah…if possible, that might help. B-but…this is just going to happen to us every now and then. I don't think there's m-much we can do."

Hana frowns, "Don't think like that…"

"Actually…I think it's better if we do. I know it sounds pessimistic…but we need to be prepared for it to happen. We don't have to expect it, but we are ready if it comes." I take Akari's hand and smile at her. "We did what we needed to tonight. We will next time too. We'll be okay."

Hana says, "But…that isn't fair. None of us have to be prepared for that kind of thing."

Koji says, "Well…we kinda do, though."

Hana looks at him like he just said something in another language.

"It isn't exactly the same…but at some point, I can guarantee you someone will make comments about my face. It isn't most people…and it probably won't happen to us as often as what happens to them, but it will happen. It has before."

She nods and puts a hand on his cheek directly caressing one of his scars, "Okay. But that's still not fair."

Ai says, "It definitely isn't. But it's a fact. I have to be prepared too. I mean…I'm in a wheelchair, do you think there's no one out there who will say horrible things to me about that?"

Carsten frowns, "The fact I'm foreign is what comes up the most for me…people don't even notice my leg most of the time. At least, not before they notice my face."

Hana sighs and makes a guilty face. "I guess I am still new to this world compared to all of you. I don't want to believe that there are enough people like that that you actively have to be prepared to encounter them. But…you all know from unfortunately extensive experience, obviously."

Koji nods and puts an arm around her.

Ai says, "Anyway…we kind of got off topic here. We all have shit that people are mean about sometimes. But…I think it's worse when it's because of who you love." Ai turns to us and says, "It sucks that happened. I'm glad you're okay. Fuck that guy." Then she hugs us by getting between us and putting one arm around each of us.

Our other friends follow suit. Akari and I stand up so we can hug them.

"Thanks everyone. It means a lot that you waited for us to see if we were okay. It was a really great triple date, even if this last part was a bit of a speed bump."

Everyone agrees and we say goodnight to everyone. We get ready for bed and climb into bed together.

Before long, Akari starts to sniffle. I give her a little squeeze. "It stinks that happened to us tonight. Do you want to talk about us some more?"

"Just…sad about what happened." There's a long silence. Then she says, "D-do you think…we should act more like we're just friends in public?"


She raises her eyebrows. "That w-was a quick answer."

"I've thought about it before. Maybe it would be slightly safer if we did that, but it isn't worth the price."

"The price?"

"I want to love you how I want to love you where I want to love you. I'm not going to let these sorts of incidents stop me from doing that."

Akari cries for several seconds without responding. I feel my heart sink.

"...do you disagree?"

"It's m-more complicated for me. B-because I also had a panic attack. I think if that happens in public again…I'll probably have another one. My anxious b-brain tells me to avoid things I'm anxious about, and acting differently is one way to d-do that…"

I'm an idiot.

"You're right. It is different. You could get hurt." I take a deep breath and force the words out. "If…you think it's best we don't act like a couple when lots of strangers are around…we can do that. I was being selfish."

She hugs me tight. "My anxious instincts want me to d-do that. But I'm trying not to listen. It takes a lot of energy on m-my part to ignore them, though. Especially the day I had a panic attack. That's why it isn't such a quick 'no' for me…and why I'm asking these questions. But…you're r-right. We shouldn't let it make us hide who we are. And who we love."

I squeeze her as tight as I can with my one good arm. "If this does start happening a lot…we really can consider toning it down. But I don't think it will happen too often. And when it does…I want you to know that I will my best to help you. Like I did tonight."

She sits up and kisses me. "I know you will. You make me feel s-so much safer. I worry less about panic attacks. You take good care of me."

I pull her down for another kiss. "We take good care of each other. I think it's one of the best things about us."

She giggles, "Yeah? What else is on that list?"

I put my hand to my chin and let out an exaggerated "Hmmm…" Then I say, "Our sexual chemistry, how much fun we have together, how we are willing to do anything for one another." I pause for a moment. "Basically, I guess all of that is just 'how much we love each other', isn't it?"

"Yeah…sounds like it. I love you so much, Kayoko…every day I think, 'There's no way I could ever love her more,' but…every day I'm proven wrong."

I pull her down for a kiss and then say, "I know the feeling."

My FanFics
Learning to Run (Complete) - Emi x Hisao in their 30s
Yamaku: the Next Generation (Complete) - Emi and Hisao's daughter goes to Yamaku.
Oil & Vinegar - Mutou and Nurse buddy one-shot

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Chapter 38

Post by guthrum06 »

Author's Note: Minor Sexual Content

"Is there anything I should know before meeting her?"

Koji and Hana are going to Tokyo to take their entrance exams tomorrow. They passed the national test, so now their focus is a series of entrance exams, with Tokyo the most important to them both. It's the ideal school for both of them, and if they both get in, it will make it very easy for them to stay together. Koji is also meeting Akari's mom during the visit. That way, if Koji stumbles a little, she will be more likely and able to help. We're with Koji in a private room in the library having a meeting about it. The three of us are seated at a large table.

"Well…first sh-she is less scary than she seems."

"So…she seems scary, huh?"

Akari looks at me, I guess she wants my input. "She does. Although…I didn't think she was that scary until I got into an argument with her. So, as long as you don't do that…you're okay."

Koji raises his eyebrows, "You got into an argument with your girlfriend's mom?"

"Luckily we were only friends at the time. But…yeah. I don't think there's another human being who would succeed in a verbal altercation with her."

Koji's eyes get wide like saucers, "You're not exactly a shrinking violet. That does sound scary."

I laugh, "Don't worry though. I don't think she'll be scary at this meeting. She's a little cold and aloof maybe, but honestly because you like English literature so much, you may not even notice. She loves talking about that."

Koji smiles, "That's mostly what we will talk about so that's good to hear."

"Speaking of English, th-there's a good chance she'll just switch languages with you. I know she d-does that with her students."

Koji nods, "I think I can handle that. I will make sure to read a lot in English that day to have my brain ready."

I add, "I would recommend sticking to fairly formal speech too, in both languages. She likes that."

He nods, "I can do that." He looks at his phone and sighs. "I guess I better get back to cramming for the exam."

The three of us stand up. As we're heading for the door he turns around and says, "Hey, Akari…it really means the world to me that you did this. It makes me feel a little less stressed, and right now that is really important."

He hugs Akari and she hugs him back.

"I'm glad I could help. You and Hana g-go show that exam who's boss, okay?"

They break the hug, and he laughs, "That's the plan. Thanks for your help too, Kayoko."

I smile, "No problem. Have a good trip and an even better exam."

He nods, "See you in a few days." Then he leaves the room.

I turn to smile at Akari, but I'm surprised to see some serious signs of anxiety on her face. Her eyes are wide, and she looks like she wants to cry. Her breathing is becoming fast and shallow. I have no idea what triggered this. This has never happened when she is alone with me. By reflex I put my arms around her and rub her back.

"Akari?" She doesn't respond, so I just keep doing what I'm doing, and I start humming our song to her too. After a few minutes, she starts to come out of it. Her breathing slows to normal, but her entire body is still tense.

Suddenly, she quietly says, "I d-don't know how I will handle n-next year."

"You mean…examination hell?"

I feel her nod.

"I'm stressed about it too."

"Wh-what if I have a lupus flare when I'm supposed to take an exam? I'll be s-so stressed it will be very p-possible."

"That's a good point. We should talk to Ms. Hamada. Ai has mentioned that you can take entrance exams here if you have a disability or condition that might complicate things."

Her body loosens a little.

"We'll look into that, okay? In fact, it probably isn't a bad idea for me either. If I need a wheelchair at the time, dealing with getting to Tokyo doesn't sound fun."

Her body loosens a little more.

"I bet your mom and dad can help too in a pinch, at least with Tokyo."

Her body loosens all the way, she slowly exhales and then hugs me. "Y-yeah, hopefully it won't be too bad. B-but it is scary. Especially b-because if we don't get in together somewhere" She starts hyperventilating again. "I…I…I…don't-"

I gently put my hand under her chin and angle her face up to look into my eyes.

"I think we will. But even if we don't, we want to be together forever, don't we?"

She nods and her breathing starts to slow.

"So…we'll figure it out if it happens. But nothing can stop you and me from being together. Certainly not some silly tests."

She smiles and puts her arms around my neck, and I bend down to kiss her.

"Y-you're right." She frowns. "I think…I am going to have lots of trouble with this. This is s-something everyone gets anxious about, so I don't know what it will do to me. I'm scared."

"We still have lots of time to plan. It's good to think about this now. You can talk to your therapist about it, and I'll do whatever I can to help you, okay?"

"Yeah." She exhales and looks up at me. "If you're stressed about it you can talk to m-me too."

"I know. I'm sure I'll need to. We'll help each other, like we always do."

Hana and Koji just got back from Tokyo and are meeting the rest of us in the cafeteria for dinner tonight. We don't know too much about their trip. We didn't want to pester them during it, but we are all anxiously awaiting an update now. The four of us have our food but we are too distracted to start eating. We are just making small talk with an eye towards the entrance. I think we are genuinely concerned about them, but we also see our future selves when we look at them. If they end up not able to go to school together, it wouldn't be great for our morale.

Finally, the two of them come into the cafeteria hand in hand with smiles on their faces. Even this is enough to make me relax a little. They wave to us and go through the line. It feels like it has taken an eternity when they finally come and sit with us.

They both laugh at having our rapt attention.

Hana says, "You all know we won't have our results for a while, right?"

Carsten says, "Well…yeah, but how do you feel about how you did?"

They look at each other and Hana says, "We both think we did pretty well, Koji is a little more confident than me."

He nods, "I bet we'll both get in. Still, we have other exams in the next two weeks so we can't really rest for long."

"How was m-my mom? She said she met you but was vague about the details."

He smiles, "She was really nice."

"Nice!?" I feel my face flush, embarrassed at my outburst. I meant to say that in my head. Koji and Akari both laugh at me.

"Yeah. She said she was very impressed with my English, and we talked about a lot of classical literature. We hit it off, I guess. She wasn't scary at all. If I get in, she said she'd be happy to mentor me."

I mutter, "Maybe I should like English more."

Akari giggles and gently pokes me. "Stop that. I know you two had y-your…problems but you get along now."

I smile, "I know. I'm still a little jealous of Koji, though."

Koji laughs, "I'll put in a good word for you, okay?" I stick my tongue out at him.

Ai says, "Well anyway, I'm glad you feel like you did well. We have our little tests coming up too…I feel less worried about them than normal. You two give me some perspective."

Hana laughs, "I'm glad our misery is helping you, Ai."

She smiles, "Me too."


Later that evening, Akari and I are reading manga together in my bed. When I finished Bloom into You, I told her I wanted to read another one that was important to her. She handed me the first volume of Komi Can't Communicate. The main character is a girl who suffers from severe social anxiety and has a hard time talking to people. She only has one friend, a guy who does his best to help her and understand her despite her inability to speak. They haven't gotten together yet, but there is clearly a romance bubbling beneath the surface.

It makes a lot of sense that this would appeal to a socially anxious Akari when she was stuck in the hospital and on dialysis at age 13. Just as I'm about to comment on this, Akari's phone rings and she answers.

"Oh…h-hey, Ai…sure you can come down." Akari blushes and giggles, "N-no, we're just reading manga. Okay, see you soon."

I raise an eyebrow. "This is a weird time for her to come down. Shouldn't she be with Carsten?"

"Yeah…that's true. I w-wonder what's up?"

We don't have to wonder for long because Ai knocks on the door a minute later. When I let her in, I notice she doesn't appear to be in high spirits. She's frowning and has a thousand-yard stare, like she's really thinking something over.

After we exchange hellos, she's quiet for a little while, but I grow impatient.

"Everything okay, Ai?"

She sighs and tugs on her braid, "I don't know. Carsten has been…different since he came back. I'm worried he wants to break up."

Akari and I look at each other. We've noticed this a little bit ourselves. It hasn't been alarming, but he seems less happy than he used to be. It's like something is weighing on him. But…we didn't think it was this bad.

"Wh-what do you mean?"

She frowns, "Well…the biggest thing is he doesn't stay with me every night anymore. He comes up with some excuse not to do it half the time. He just went back to his dorm for the third night in a row."

That is alarming. That would be like if me and Akari stopped sleeping together. I would certainly think it meant something bad.

"What kind of excuses?"

"Like his stomach is upset, or his head hurts or he has to stay up later to study."

I frown. "That does seem…flimsy, especially because he didn't used to make those excuses. Have you talked to him about this?"

"If I try to bring it up, he just dodges the question,"

Akari frowns, "You're r-right…it doesn't sound good. But…he still tells you he loves you? You're still intimate? All that stuff?"

Ai nods, "Yeah. Lots of things haven't changed but…this one thing is really bothering me."

"Well…I think there's definitely something going on to make him act differently. But if most stuff is the same…I don't think he wants to dump you."

Akari nods, "I think she's right. You still s-seem really happy together."

Ai smiles, "Yeah. I am happy overall. But…I wish he would tell me why this has changed. That's all I want to know."

"Yeah…the fact he won't really answer you is kind of messed up. I think you just need to keep asking. Be relentless."

Ai giggles. "I can do that, I think." She breathes a sigh of relief. "I feel better just talking this out. Thanks, you two. Sorry if I interrupted anything." She winks at us.

I laugh, "Do you think all we do in here is have sex?"

Ai giggles, "Wellllll, not all…but…I know some things."

She looks at Akari who blushes.

I widen my eyes and turn to Akari. "Wait…what!? You talk about our sex life with her?"

"S-sometimes. Is that bad?"

I forget that they are so close. They don't spend that much time together just the two of them, but they are constantly texting each other. There was a time when Akari was in love with me and could only talk to Ai about it. That's what really brought them together. With that in mind, it does make sense that they talk about our relationship.

I shrug. "I guess not…I just didn't know."

Ai grins and says, "Oh, don't worry about it. I don't know all the juicy details, as hard as I try to get them out of her." Akari laughs, "But I do know you two are… quite active and that you're really good, Kayoko."

I blush about what she knows. But I'm thankful she doesn't tell her every detail. Ai knowing what I liked in the bedroom would be pretty awkward, especially because some of it is kind of weird.

Ai frowns, "Sorry if I shouldn't have said anything."

I wave my hand at her, "No, it's fine. We do have a lot of sex and I am good." This makes them both giggle.

After Ai leaves, we lay back in bed, and for a moment we settle back into reading. But then Akari puts her manga down and kisses my cheek, then my ear, then my neck. I put my manga down too and smirk at her.

"Did Ai plant the idea in your head?"

She laughs. "A little. I was kinda thinking about d-doing this before she called anyway."

I roll on my side, outstretch my arms, and in my best sultry voice I say, "Well, come here then."

She scoots as close to me as she can, and we wrap our arms around each other, firmly pressing our bodies together while kissing passionately. We break the kiss, and Akari helps me pull my shirt over my head. As she's removing hers, my phone rings.

Akari frowns and I say, "I'm not answering it, don't worry." She smiles and takes her top off before removing my bra. She slides herself down and starts kissing my breasts while her arms are wrapped around my waist. I put my hand on the back of her head and stroke her hair. Then my phone rings again. Akari stops what she's doing.

"Hey, don't stop…just ignore it."

"What if it's your m-mom, though, and she needs you?"

I sigh, "What are you doing being rational at a time like this?" Then I roll over and look at my phone. I'm too late for the call, but I see that both missed calls were from Carsten.

I inform Akari of this, and she says, "W-well…call him back. That's…weird."

It really is. I can count on one hand the number of times Carsten has called me in the last two years.

I sit up in bed and call him back. To my surprise, Akari starts kissing my breasts again while I do. I want to object for a moment, but then it feels too good. How am I supposed to talk on the phone, though?

Carsten picks up, "Hey, Kayoko."

I respond, "Hey…C-carsten."

"You sound…strange. Everything okay?"

Now she's kissing one of them and squeezing the other one. She definitely heard that he could tell something was up, and this is how she's responding. It's like she WANTS it to be obvious to Carsten that something's going on. This is torture. Torture that feels really good, though.

"Mmmostly…yeah. I…sssaw that you…called?"

"Yeah. I am having a really hard time with something and want to talk it over. Can I stop by?"

Akari stops what she's doing, frowns, and then nods. Like me, she's realized this is probably something we need to do now, based on what Ai told us earlier. We can put off our amorous activity for this.

"Yeah, sure. We're in my room."

"Okay, see you soon."

Akari and I reluctantly get up and put our bras and tops back on and not long after there's a knock at the door. Carsten's face looks similar to Ai's from earlier. He is lost in thought. He takes a seat at the desk chair, and then for a little while he's quiet. Unable to wait any longer I say,

"Shouldn't you be with Ai right now?"

He sighs, "Probably. But that's what I wanted to talk about. She's…different than she was when I left. It's hard sometimes."

I have a pretty good idea what he means. Her depression changed her. She isn't always the happy go lucky girl she used to be. She's still Ai of course, but she has some struggles she didn't used to have. But I'll let him say it.

"What do you mean?"

He runs a hand through his hair, "She's still really depressed sometimes."

"It's not too bad, though, right? Not like it was?"

He frowns, "No. I guess not, although…I never really saw it before."

"Well, she's still going to class and spending time with friends, so I would say it is better."

He nods, "I guess it is then. I just…I didn't think she'd still be struggling once I came back."

Akari, who has been quietly observing so far, snaps at him, sounding more than a little bit like her mother. "Y-you really thought you would come back and cure her like some hero?"

He frowns. "From your tone…I can see that I shouldn't be thinking that way. I thought she was upset because she missed me. I thought me coming back would help."

I shake my head. "It has helped, I'm sure. But she wasn't just sad you were gone. That was kind of the trigger. She really has it under control for the most part…but her depression is part of who she is now."

"Y-yeah, like my anxiety."

He puts his elbows on his thighs and cradles his forehead with his hands. "I just don't know what to do. It's hard to be around her sometimes. She gets depressed most often at night. She usually cries at some point when I stay over and…I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do."

I cross my arms and scowl at him a little more than I meant to. "...what are you saying, exactly?"

He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "I don't know. It was just…never this much work before. I mean she was self-conscious but-"

Akari snaps at him again. "If y-you don't love her enough to work through this and support her, you may as well dump her now."

He recoils at Akari's words. "I don't think I'm saying that. I do love her. I'm not going to dump her. I guess…I'm just saying it's harder now. It weighs on me some. I wish she was as happy as she used to be, I guess."

"We get that. It's okay to feel that way. It's okay if sometimes you need time to yourself too. You probably need it, in fact. But like Akari is saying…if you love her, you'll support her through all this stuff."

He nods. "I will. Clearly…I didn't understand everything about this."

"You should talk to her about this, by the way. She has noticed you're acting differently too. You both need to clear the air."

He nods, "You're right. I'm going to go talk to her now. Thanks for helping me without being too mean about it." He winks at Akari.

She smiles, "S-sorry if I was mean…it just hits close to home for me, I guess. You reminded me of Michi a little."

He grimaces. "That makes sense. And puts things even more in perspective for me, because I thought he was a jerk when he struggled with your anxiety." He sighs, "So, thanks for that."

He gets up to leave and Akari stands up and hugs him.

"Y-you're not Michi. Now that you understand better, I know you'll be good to her."

He nods, "I will. You're right."

I smile at him, "If you ever need to talk about this…we're here."

He lets go of Akari. "Okay. Thank you both. I'll let you two get back to…whatever it was you two were doing when you called me."

Dammit Akari!

Akari giggles and I feel my face flush. Then, I throw my capybara at him and yell, "See you later, Carsten!"

Koji and I are meeting for what will be one of our last chess nights. He's in between entrance exams this week, so we had time to play for the first time in a while. The closer it gets to time for Koji and Hana to move on, the more I realize how terribly I'm going to miss them. But I can't focus on that now because we're in the middle of a game. Koji has gotten really good at chess. He still hasn't beaten me, but every game is a challenge that takes all my attention. It's kind of amazing. I've been playing chess a lot longer than him, and at this point he's close to being my equal. He's good enough now to exploit a minor slip up, so I can't have those. We don't even talk very much when we play anymore, because the games have gotten so intense.

I heave a sigh of relief, as I wriggle my way out of a trap that he left for my Queen. Now that I've dealt with that, I should be able to win this one. A few moves later my assumption proves correct. I look at Koji and notice a few beads of sweat on his brow.

He sighs, "Damn, I thought I finally had you."

"Me too, for a minute there. You're really good now."

He laughs, "It's funny to hear that from someone I've never beaten."

"Well, I'm really really good, so it makes sense. Seriously though, you're amazing for someone with so little experience. Do you just pick up everything quickly?"

He raises an eyebrow at me, "What else have I picked up quickly?"

I scratch my head awkwardly, mulling over whether I should say this. It's kind of an awkward topic, but we're close. I'm just going to go for it.

"Oh um…well…Hana told me once that you get better in bed every time you two sleep together, and it kind of made me think about how you are with chess. You get better every time."

He blushes a little but also looks very proud. "I do pick things up quickly. I learn them faster, too. I honestly don't think I'm that smart, but I realized recently that I have a much better memory than most people. It gives me certain advantages."

I raise an eyebrow at him, "You're one of those people who can remember every game of chess we've played, aren't you?"

He smiles, "Pretty much, yeah."

Good things he's leaving. He has a massive database of games at this point, he's going to find a way to beat me soon and then get way better than me after that.

I laugh, "And every time you have sex too, I guess?"

He laughs awkwardly and the nods, "I can remember what worked and what didn't pretty well. My memory helps with English too. It seems to just stick in my head better than most people."

"That's pretty cool." I sigh. "I'm going to miss you, Koji."

He shakes his head at me like he's embarrassed by me. "This again? I'm still here for several more weeks."

"I know. But I can't help but look ahead. I'm a crybaby, you know that. It's not going to be pretty when you two graduate."

He laughs, "We'll keep in touch, promise. And if we're in Tokyo, it seems likely we'll see you every now and then because of Akari's parents."

"I know…but it won't be the same. Sorry if that's negative but…my cousin and his boyfriend went off to college there too, and we see them sometimes and it's great when we do. But he used to be one of my best friends and while we're still close…it's hard to say we're best friends now. I'm going to miss things being exactly how they are here at Yamaku."

Koji nods, "Things change, I guess. I can't deny that." He sighs, "I'm trying to be all thick-skinned about it, but I'm really going to miss you too, and this place." He looks around the room fondly. "I think I'll always love it."

"Really? The girls' dorm common room saved you, huh? Chess with me that important to you?"

He clicks his tongue at me, "I have loved playing chess with you, but you know I mean Yamaku."

I nod, "I know. But I had to make a joke so I wouldn't cry. Mission accomplished."

I'm leaving the nurse's office this evening in a very good mood. I got my sling off, and while my elbow is stiff – far stiffer than it would be from a dislocation – I also don't have any pain in it. Physical therapy should fix the stiffness and I should be able to go right back to playing piano. However, my good mood can't last for too long. We find out today how Hana and Koji did on their Tokyo entrance exams and I'm about to go join them and anxiously wait for their scores to get posted.

All six of us are crammed into Hana's dorm room anxiously watching her refresh the screen on her laptop. Their scores should be posted any minute now.

They both already know they got into other schools, but all the other options involve them living at least two hours apart by train. Getting into Tokyo is the only way they can live together after Yamaku.

Right now, she has Koji's profile pulled up. We figure his will be posted first because his last name comes first alphabetically. All of us look equally anxious, as if our own futures are all riding on this. We're just waiting around in silence with the rhythmic clicks of Hana's mouse the only sound in the room.

"Oh, it's posted!"

"Did I get in?"

"It's loading."

"Then how do you know it was posted?"

"Because it didn't need to load before."

"Okay, well can you wait to announce it's posted until you actually see it?"

Hana slaps his arm and then holds onto it with her eyes fixed on the screen. "You got in! Easily, too. Only a few points from a perfect score."

Given what I recently learned about his memory, that isn't too surprising. I have to imagine a memory like that is useful when taking exams.

We all congratulate him, and then Koji excitedly shakes Hana's shoulder and says what we're all thinking, "Check yours now!"

She nods and logs into her profile. Her screen takes some time to load too, and the suspense is even worse now somehow. My eyes are fixed on her face, and I see a shadow pass over it. Then she frowns.

"I…didn't get in." She starts to tear up and her body crumples into her chair. Koji puts his arms around her and pulls her close. "We'll make it work, babe."

A moment ago, we were overjoyed for Koji, but now the mood in the room is noticeably darker. We all have grim expressions on our faces. Except for Akari, who turns the laptop around and raises an eyebrow at what she sees.

Ai and Carsten have approached the couple and are trying their best to comfort them.

I'm about to join them, but then Akari takes my hand and says, "We're gonna g-go. You probably want to be alone anyway."

What? I guess maybe leaving them alone is better, but she didn't even say sorry or express any sort of empathy for them.

Akari starts leading me out of the room. "Um…I'm really sorry Hana, I think you two will be okay, though."

She nods but doesn't really seem to buy it. I don't blame her. I was too flustered by Akari's behavior to say anything more supportive than that.

Once we're in the hallway I say, "You weren't very polite. Don't you feel bad for them?"


"No!?" I take my hand back from her, stop walking and cross my arms. "You still haven't forgiven Hana, have you? I can't believe you! We're going to go back in there right now and support them. At least I am. You go do whatever the hell you want."

Just as I'm starting to turn around, she laughs at me. Not exactly the reaction I was expecting. I look back at her, trying to figure out what's going on. She says "J-just come in my room with me. I'll explain."

I sigh and follow her in.

She sits at her desk and writes something down. "I d-don't feel bad b-because I'm not gonna let it happen." She gets out her phone.

"Okay, hold on, what are you doing exactly?"

"I'm calling my parents."

"But…she isn't in their faculties."

"I know, but she barely missed a passing score. I think… maybe they c-can do something."

"Oh. That's what you were looking at on her computer?" She nods. "Okay…well why didn't we tell them that?"

"Because I'm not completely sure it will work. If I told them I might be able to do s-something and then couldn't…"

I nod, "Okay. Let's call them then." I give her a kiss. "This is really sweet of you…sorry for accusing you of still being mad at Hana."

She laughs, "I can understand why you thought that."

She calls her mom,

"Hello Akari, how are you?"

"HI mom, Kayoko is with m-me, you're on speakerphone. "

"Oh…Good evening, Kayoko."

"Good evening, Mrs. Yoshida."

"Mom, are you with dad? We need to talk about something with both of you. It's k-kind of urgent."

"Umm…yes, he's with m-me. I will switch to speakerphone too." She sounds flustered. I didn't think that was possible for her.

We exchange greetings with Mr. Yoshida.

"S-so, you m-may not like this, but just hear us out, okay?"

Her mom's voice sharpens, "Akari, I think I know what this is about, and the answer is no. You're both too young. I can't imagine Emi is okay with it either."

What does my mom have to do with this?

Akari and I exchange a confused look, and then we both realize what she must have thought we were going to say and we giggle.

When she hears us laugh Mrs. Yoshida says with a hint of shame in her voice, "So…you two weren't asking permission to get married?"

I didn't know she was capable of shame either.

"No. N-not yet. One day, though."

Mr. Yoshida says, "So, what's this about then? You have us both very nervous."

"Well, we just found out that Koji got into Tokyo."

Her mom's voice gets a lot brighter, "That's wonderful. I had a feeling after meeting him that he wouldn't need my help. He's a bright and lovely young man. I'm looking forward to teaching him."

Still feel a little jealous of how much she likes Koji, but let's move past that for now.

"R-right, well his girlfriend…didn't get in."

"That's too bad. She isn't doing English too, is she?"

Akari sighs, "No. She's doing music education."

There's silence for a moment, "Akari…I know you care about your friend, and that's wonderful…but there isn't much we can do. I'm very sorry."

Akari grabs the paper she scribbled on earlier and looks at it. "She g-got an 84.9, mom."

There's silence again and Mr. Yoshida responds, "So…she missed passing the exam by a tenth of a point?"


"I might be able to do something."

"Seiya, I know you want to help, but are you sure? You could get into trouble."

"W-well…if it gets you in trouble, dad, don't do it."

He scoffs, "It will be a slap on the wrist if anything. I have tenure, they can't do much."

"Excuse me, Kayoko here, why would you get in trouble?"

Mrs. Yoshida says, "They don't like it when people meddle with things in other faculties. Everyone is supposed to stay in their lane."

"Right, but I will be doing this informally. I won't be the one saying she should get in even though she didn't pass the exam. I have a friend in the music faculty. If I can just convince him, he will be the one to advocate for her. I don't think he'll turn me in to his faculty head or anything."

Mrs. Yoshida says, "Okay. That's a good idea. It's worth a try."

"Akari, text me your friend's number, my friend will likely want to talk to her before making a decision. And what's her name?"

"Hana Tanaka."

"Okay. I'll do my best. I can't promise anything, though."

"Th-thank you dad. I really appreciate this."

"Yes, thank you both."

We say our goodbyes and hang up. Then Akari texts Hana's info to her dad.

I say, "We should go tell them now…she might get a call tonight for all we know."

Akari nods and we leave her room and go back down to Hana's. I knock on the door. Koji says, "Who is it?"

"It's Kayoko and Akari."

There's some quiet conversation on the other side of the door and then Koji says, "We don't really feel like company right now…sorry. We'll talk to you tomorrow."

Akari loudly says, "Th-this can't wait!"

There's another quiet conversation on the other side of the door. Then Koji cracks the door and looks at us in confusion, "Is one of you hurt or something?"

Akari says, "No. B-but I wanted to let Hana know she might get a call from a Tokyo music professor tonight or tomorrow."

Hana lets out a bewildered "Huh?!" We hear her getting off the bed, and then she opens the door the rest of the way. She has very clearly been crying. I don't blame her.

She lets us in and Akari says, "I c-called my parents. That's why we left so abruptly. M-my dad is going to try to help."

Hana sits down on the bed with a confused look on her face. "But I thought he could only help if I studied history?"

"That's m-mostly true, but your score was literally the highest it could possibly b-be without a passing grade."

She scratches her head, "It was? I just saw that I didn't pass, and sort of shut down."

"It was. M-my dad has a friend in the music faculty, and he was going to try to convince him to talk to you. He could get you in."


I nod, "Yeah, it's not a guarantee, but Mr. Yoshida is doing what he can. You will have to have a little interview on the phone."

"Wow…you're amazing, Akari." She stands up and gives her a very warm hug. "Thank you so much…just for trying. I was…more than a little hurt when you both left how you did. It makes sense now."

She breaks the hug and takes a deep breath. "I need to pull myself together and think about what I'm going to say if they call."

Koji nods, "I'll help."

Just then, Hana's phone rings. She grimaces and picks it up. "I-it's a Tokyo number. So much for preparing." Koji gives her a quick kiss, "You'll do great, babe. Do you want me to stay?" She nods, takes a deep breath and answers the phone. Akari and I see ourselves out.

In the hallway I say, "Your dad works fast."

She giggles, "Apparently."

We go back down to Akari's room and try to distract ourselves with conversation, cuddling, music and manga, but none of it works. We're both incredibly anxious and can't stay still. We just end up alternating between pacing and fidgeting, largely in silence.

It's been 45 minutes since the call started. Are they still talking? Did she not get in and they don't want to talk about it tonight? Or did she get in and they are having a celebratory lovemaking session? I guess I wouldn't blame them, I would just like an update first!

Just as I'm about to suggest we go listen outside her door to see what's going on, there's a knock on Akari's door. It makes me and Akari jump, then she dashes to the door and swings it open. No time for 'Who is it?' right now.

Hana is standing there and there are tears in her eyes. Her face is just ambiguous enough that I can't determine whether they are happy or sad tears at first. But then she smiles and throws her arms around Akari.

"I g-got in…the conversation was long and stressful…b-but at the end he said I was a promising student, and he'd make sure I got into the program. Thank you so much, Akari."

I smile and join in on the hug. We stand there for a few moments, reveling in Hana's achievement.

Eventually, we separate and I ask, "Where's Koji?"

She smiles and closes the door, "He went to procure a little something to celebrate."

I raise an eyebrow as Akari and I take a seat on the bed, "Like a sex thing?"

She giggles and sits down in the desk chair, "No. Although I'm sure that's coming later too. He went to get some wine. There's a guy on his floor who sells it."

I nod, "Oh, well that will be nice."

"We wanted to share it with you two, it's the least we can do."

Akari says, "I've never had alcohol, m-might be nice to try a little."

I smile, "I can't have any, but I will join you three while you do."

Hana raises an eyebrow at me, "You…can't? On a medication or something?"

I see the light bulb go off in Akari's head. "It's because you could g-get hurt, isn't it?"

We've never talked about alcohol before. Neither of my parents really drank and I always knew I couldn't, so it isn't something I even think about very often. It's nice that Akari understands my condition well enough to figure out why I can't have it.

I nod, "Everyone gets a little stumbly when they drink. For me that's bad. I have to be really careful with how I move my joints, and that will be harder to do if my senses are dulled at all."

Hana frowns, "Oh, sorry. I should have thought of that."

"Don't worry about it."

Akari takes my hand. "I won't have any either, then."

I smile at her, "You're sweet. But you don't have to do that."

"B-but I will feel bad if you can't enjoy it too."

"Okay, if that's what you want to do, I won't object. But…do you really never want to drink? You don't have to give it up on account of me."

Akari thinks for a moment, "It wouldn't hurt your feelings?"

I squeeze her hand and smile at her. "Not in the least. Does it hurt your feelings that I drink caffeine when you have to stay away from it because of your anxiety?"

She shakes her head, but still doesn't look convinced.

"There's lots of things I can't do that you can…I don't want you to miss out on all of them just because of me."

She tentatively says, "Okay...I'll try it, then."

There's a knock on the door, followed by "It's Koji."

Hana is closest to the door, so she opens it. In steps Koji with a huge smile on his face. He greets us and gives me and Akari quick hugs before he puts his backpack down and pulls out a bottle of red wine and some plastic cups and puts them on the desk. He gets out a small tool that has a corkscrew on it and opens the wine.

"You two haven't had alcohol before, so be careful."

I explain to him that I won't be drinking, and then say, "But I'll make sure Akari is careful." I wink at her.

He nods and apologizes to me, which I try to tell him isn't necessary. Then he abruptly leaves the room.

I look at Hana, "What was that about?"

She laughs, "I don't know. Sometimes the man disappears without cluing me in on what he's doing. Usually, it's because he's doing something nice, though."

Akari says, "I think I know. I w-was going to do it, but he beat me to it. He probably didn't say anything because he didn't want to f-fight with me over who would do it."

I raise an eyebrow at her, "What do you think he's doing?"

She shrugs and smiles at me, leaving me frustrated. It doesn't last long though, because Koji comes back carrying a bunch of drinks from a vending machine. He puts them down on the bed next to me. There's soda, juice, sparkling water, and two kinds of tea to choose from.

He smiles, "Sorry, I didn't know what your favorite was, so I kind of got everything."

"Thank you, that was very nice of you." I go with the soda. I drink it the least often of all of these, and this is a special occasion after all.

He pours the wine in three cups and hands one to his girlfriend and one to Akari. He sits down on the floor and Hana gets out of the chair and sits down next to him. He puts his arm around her.

He raises his cup and gestures towards me and Akari. "Cheers to you two, for working just as hard as we have to keep us together." He and Hana push their cups together. Akari and I do the same. We all take a drink of our beverages. I look at Akari, whose face indicates she doesn't appear to have loved her first taste of wine.

"Thank you…we are happy to have helped, but that can't really be true, can it?"

Hana taps her pointer finger on her chin and says, "Hmm…you two introduced us, convinced me to confess to him, stayed friends with me and helped us reconcile after the incident with your arm…"

Koji chimes in, "Kayoko convinced me to tell the truth about my feelings, Akari got her mom to help me with Tokyo…"

Hana says, "And then Akari got her dad to help me tonight."

I laugh, "Okay…when you list it all out like that it does sound impressive."

Akari laughs, "W-we did it for you…but maybe it isn't as selfless as you think."

Koji laughs, "What are you possibly hoping to get out of helping us?"

"N-nothing." She takes my hand. "B-but we want to follow in your footsteps. So…seeing it work out for you…m-makes us feel better about our future."

Hana nods, "That makes sense. But it was all still very sweet of you both." She looks at me with sad eyes, "Kayoko, I–"

"Hana, If you apologize again, I'm going to have Akari dislocate your elbow."

She laughs softly and bows her head.

"We really are very happy for you both. Cheers to you two for accomplishing what you did." We push our drinks together again. Then I sigh and bow my head. "I'm really going to miss you both."

Akari says, "Me too." I notice her speech sounds a little funny. Her cup appears to be empty. I guess it didn't taste so bad after all.

Hana stands up, refills her own empty cup, and then kneels in front of us and smiles.

"I know we haven't really known each other that long. But you two, and Ai, are the best friends I've ever had. I didn't know…friendship could be like this. Before I came here…friends were just people I got along with and that I liked spending time with. But with you three…" Her voice cracks. "...there's a real bond. We help each other with serious things and really care for one another." She smiles at me. "I teased you once about how much you love Yamaku, back when I first got here. But…you were right. It's a special place. I'm happy my parents sent me here." She frowns, "I'm really going to miss you both. I know…things will change, but I'm going to stay in touch, and you two will always be very special to me."

By some miracle, I managed to hold back my tears until the very end, but now a steady torrent of tears is issuing forth. Akari has some tears too, which makes me feel a little better about losing my own composure. Hana stands up and we make space between us for her. She sits down between us and puts an arm around each of us and we each cry on one of her shoulders. She's tearing up too, though not nearly as much as us crybabies.

Koji, meanwhile, looks very uncomfortable.

He stands up and says, "Um…should I…?"

Hana laughs, "If we're making you that uncomfortable, you are free to go. I'll head to my room in a little bit."

Koji nods, "Thanks again, Akari, Kayoko….I know I'm not crying, but I'll really miss you too."

We wave to him, and he leaves. Hana lets us cry on her for a little while longer, but she has her limits too. Eventually she laughs, "Well…I better get to my boyfriend." We nod and let her stand up. She looks at the bottle of wine. "Do you want the last of it, Akari? Koji and I already had two cups." Akari nods.

Hana pours the last of it in Akari's cup and then pats both of us on the head and says, "See you two tomorrow."

After she leaves, we both pull ourselves together.

"Hopefully that's all the crying I'll do about that."

Akari scoffs, "Doubt it."

I cross my arms and pout at her. "You make it sound like you aren't a crier too."

She takes the last drink of her wine and says, "I am. I will denifitely cry about it again, but I ditn'd say I woultn'd "

Her speech is more relaxed than it ever is. Normally, even when she's just with me she usually stutters a little. I guess alcohol has really relaxed her. Of course, her words are getting jumbled, and her speech is getting slurred, but it's pretty cute.

I laugh, "So, you enjoyed the wine, then?"

She nods, "Tatsed bad at frist but it grew on me."

I laugh, "That a fact?"

She nods, "I feel kidna funny, but it's kidna nice."

I laugh, "Good, I'm glad."

She smiles mischievously and crawls toward me on all fours, when she gets close enough she lightly pushes me, her signal that I should lie down. I do as she instructed, and then she gently straddles my waist and bends over to kiss me passionately. I'm a little surprised by how quickly her tongue gets involved, and how aggressive it is, but I suppose that's the alcohol. I like it once I adjust to it.

She breaks the kiss and sits back up to take her top off. I'm excited to have access to both my arms for the first time in a while. I immediately roll up her bra and start touching her breasts. She starts grinding herself against me as she enjoys my touch. After doing this for a little bit, she helps me take my top off and then removes my bra. She caresses my breasts while straddling me and grinding herself on me, sometimes squeezing quite hard. Normally that's something she saves for when one of us is close, but I'm not complaining. It draws some loud moans out of me. Then she climbs off me and lays at my side. She starts kissing my neck, and then my collarbone, while she continues to stimulate my breasts. Then she starts using her mouth on them too. She's making me squirm and my eyes are closed from all the pleasure. But then…she stops. I expect to feel her mouth somewhere else, or for more of my clothing to be removed, but it doesn't happen. I start to hear a familiar sound. It's the rhythmic breathing that indicates she is asleep. I open my eyes and see a cute Akari completely passed out on her side.

I am a little hurt that she could fall asleep in the middle of this, but she did have a long day and she had alcohol for the first time. That's a recipe for sleepiness. She'll apologize in the morning anyway, and probably feel far worse than she needs to. I get up and turn out the light, before undressing down to my underwear and climbing back in bed with her. I put my arms around her and as I drift off to sleep and I think about how amazing it will feel when we find out we get to go to the University of Tokyo together.

That day is only a year away.

My FanFics
Learning to Run (Complete) - Emi x Hisao in their 30s
Yamaku: the Next Generation (Complete) - Emi and Hisao's daughter goes to Yamaku.
Oil & Vinegar - Mutou and Nurse buddy one-shot

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Chapter 39

Post by guthrum06 »

It's the night before graduation and we are having a party at my mom's house. It is for Koji and Hana, and a couple of my mom's track students. There are lots of students and parents here, many of whom I don't know particularly well. Akari is feeling a little anxious about the whole thing. Right now, we're standing off in the corner of the kitchen so she can adjust to this environment. We are at the periphery of the party, so it's a good spot.

However, it looks like some socializing is about to be thrust upon us. Hana has just entered the kitchen with two people who must be her parents and is walking towards us. Her mother is about the same height as Hana. Her hair is the same shade of blonde as Hana's too, which makes me think I might have been wrong about her dying her hair, unless the two of them get it dyed together. She has a curvier figure than Hana does, and she has very high cheekbones. I wonder if before she developed her condition, Hana had a figure more like her mother's. There is an air of elegance about her.

Her father is probably the tallest person I've ever met. If I had to guess, I'd say he has a height of more than two meters. Unlike his wife and daughter, he has very dark hair and eyes. He has the same feeling of elegance about him. Both are dressed quite formally, and Hana is wearing a familiar red sweater dress. I realize that I don't know much about Hana's parents, but if I had to guess, I'd say they are wealthy.

I take Akari's hand and squeeze it. She smiles at me and squeezes back. She's okay with us interacting with them.

Hana smiles at us and gives us both a brief hug before saying, "Mom, dad, this is Akari and Kayoko." To my surprise, Mrs. Tanaka mimics her daughter's greeting to us, by giving us both a quick hug.

Then she says, "It's very nice to meet you both. We've heard a lot about you." She looks at me, "It was very nice of your mother to invite us into your home."

I smile, "I'm happy to meet both of you too, Hana's great, so it's nice to meet the people who made her."

Her father laughs, "I don't think I've heard it put quite that way before. But I suppose it is accurate."

Akari is frozen. She's just standing still with a fake smile on her face. She's not having a panic attack, but she hasn't found the courage to talk to them yet either. Their air of elegance and formality probably doesn't help.

Mrs. Tanaka says, "Akari, I understand we have you and your family to thank for helping Hana get admitted to Tokyo. We are in your debt."

Akari's mouth comes open, but nothing comes out. I give her hand a little squeeze as encouragement. If she's not ready, I'll distract them somehow.

Just as I'm considering offering to give them a tour of the house, Akari says, "Y-yes, I was h-happy to help, and s-so were my p-parents."

The Tanakas smile at her and thank her.

Then Hana asks, "Is Koji here yet?"

I shake my head. "I haven't seen him. But we've been back here, he might be in the living room." Hana looks at Akari and gets a guilty expression on her face. I think she realized we were trying to avoid socializing for a little bit for Akari's sake. She smiles at me and directs her parents back to the living room.

The Tanakas head off to the living room and then I hear more people approaching the kitchen. Dammit. This may not have been the best spot for Akari. Just as I'm considering what we should do for her, I breathe a sigh of relief because the people in question turn out to be Carsten and Ai. I see Akari relax noticeably too.

After we exchange our usual greetings, Ai says, "This is quite the shindig. Your mom's going to have to top it next year when all four of us graduate."

Akari laughs, "Why? It c-can't be the same?"

Ai scoffs, "No. All four of us are graduating. Kayoko's her daughter. She likes the three of us more than Koji and Hana too. So, I will be disappointed if she doesn't kick it up a notch."

Carsten laughs, "Are you going to jot down every detail of the party to compare to next year?"

Ai gets out her phone, "I'll have photographic evidence."

I laugh, "And what, pray tell, will you do if the party next year isn't up to your standards?"

She thinks for a moment, "I haven't worked that out yet."

I hear my mom's voice in the living room, "I'm not sure where Kayoko is, let me see if I can find her."

"You three stay in here for now. I'll go see what my mom wants."

Akari will do well if the two of them stay with her. Eventually she'll feel well enough to venture out into the main party. I'll come back when I can.

I head out into the living room and find my mom. She's chatting with two male third-year students who I vaguely recognize. We greet one another. They must be her two students who are graduating.

"There you are, dear." She pulls me aside and we sit on the couch. "I was going to ask them to go in your room and get the two chairs in there, so we'd have more seating. I didn't really want to send them in there without your permission, though."

I laugh, "What do you think I have in there, mom? Of course they can go in there." She smiles, nods, and returns to her students to send them off to do her bidding.

I'm about to return to the kitchen, but then I see Koji come in the front door with an interesting companion, so I stay on the couch. She's a beautiful woman in her 50s. She's a little shorter than Koji. She has purple eyes and long dark hair that gives me a good idea of what mine might look like at 60. When dark haired people go gray, you hear people refer to it as "salt and pepper." In her case there's just barely more pepper than salt. She is wearing a long, elegant blue dress that showcases her slim yet curvy figure while showing very little of her skin. It even has long sleeves. When she gets closer, I notice she has light red scarring on the right side of her face.

I was already fairly sure of her identity, but upon seeing the scars I know for certain that she is Hanako Ikezawa. When I talked to Koji yesterday, he still wasn't sure she was going to be able to make it to this party, but I'm overjoyed that she found the time. I want to thank her for helping Koji so much and I'm also very interested in meeting an old classmate of my father's, especially one that I heard him talk about several times.

After Koji told me about her, I did a little research. She's a big deal. She's the editor-in-chief of Tokyo's biggest newspaper and has won pretty much every journalism award one can win during their career. It's more than a little intimidating to think about meeting someone like her. But as I watch her and Koji, I notice she seems surprisingly approachable. Maybe even a little timid. When I looked at her resume, that isn't something that I thought would be part of her personality.

My mom has spotted her now too. She walks up to her and says, "Hanako! You look beautiful as ever. It's amazing to see you and have you in my home. Do you mind if I give you a hug?"

Hanako smiles and nods, and my mom hugs her. I think I must have been right when I thought she seemed timid. My mom doesn't ask most people for permission to hug them, and she gave her a much more reserved hug than she would give most people.

When she hugs my mom back, I see that her right hand and wrist are also scarred. Does she have scars covering that entire side of her body? If so, it makes Koji's scars look like nothing. I start to think about what horrible event might have caused her body to experience trauma on that level, but I quickly abandon that train of thought as it becomes gruesome.

By now, Koji has come and taken a seat next to me on the couch. We're both smiling and taking in this interaction between the important women in our lives.

In a soft voice Hanako says, "You look good too. How long has it been, Emi?"

My mom breaks the hug, laughs, and looks up at her. "We don't want to say that number out loud, do we?" Hanako laughs softly and shakes her head. Then my mom says, "Would you like to meet our daughter?"

It's a little jarring to hear my mom say 'our' these days, but Hanako knew my dad. She knew him much better than my mom, in fact. So, it makes sense.

They approach us and my mom invites her to sit down across from me, and my mom sits next to her with a big smile on her face. She says, "Hanako, this is Kayoko. She's friends with Koji, as you probably know. That's how this little reunion came about."

She nods, "I'm very happy to meet you Kayoko."

"I'm happy to meet you too, Ms. Ikezawa. My dad spoke fondly of you, so it is nice to meet you myself."

Her face gets somber, and she quietly says, "I was very sorry to hear about your father. He was…important to me. More than he probably ever knew. He's someone I always wished I had thanked…" her voice cracks "…and I missed my chance." She looks down and closes her eyes, as if remembering the moment she's about to share. "He…spent the day in the library reading with me once, and it was the first time I felt…accepted by someone for who I am. I didn't feel like he pitied me, or was repulsed by me, or wanted to protect me. I felt those were the three main reactions people had when they saw me. But not him. He just…spent time with me, doing something we both enjoyed. We barely talked that day. We just sat and read. We…never became particularly close after that either…" There's a hint of regret in her voice and she trails off for a moment.

She continues, "But, we'd chat sometimes in class, or in the library. We saw each other a few times in university too. Every time I interacted with him…no matter how small it was, I felt like he saw me as a regular person. Something…no one else made me feel before I met him." She laughs softly and opens her eyes, "That might sound silly, I guess. He wasn't much more than an acquaintance. But he helped get me started on a path to overcome…some of my hardships. He helped me see myself differently. And I think about that every day." She blushes. "I'm sorry to dump this all on you the moment I came through the door…but when I knew I was coming here tonight, I knew I wanted to tell you both that while I had the chance, since I missed my chance to thank him."

My mom and I are both tearing up and Hanako is visibly choked up too. The fact we're in the house where my dad lived, and Hanako just missed him by two years is extra heartbreaking. It would have been great for them to meet again. I hope he's watching somehow.

My mom puts her hand on Hanako's shoulder and smiles at her, "I'm glad he helped you. He tended to do that, didn't he?" Hanako smiles at her and nods.

I sniffle a little bit and then say, "I want to thank you too…because I think you're part of the reason I got adopted."

She looks at my mom with a befuddled expression. My mom explains, "We decided to adopt a child with a disability…Hisao and I felt we were very well qualified given our lives and our professions…we knew that that sort of child could end up never getting adopted. I'm the one who suggested it, but when I did, Hisao mentioned you. I think his memory of you is what convinced him it was a good idea."

A few tears fall down Hanako's face and then she turns her eyes back to me, "That's lovely. I'm glad you got adopted by such great parents, Kayoko. I'd be happy to say I played a small role in making that happen."

I smile, "Me too." I look over at Koji, who is tearing up a little himself, something he never does. We all need to get sillier now or we're going to bring down the entire party. I pat him on the shoulder and laugh, "Thanks for making sure Koji likes to play games. If you hadn't, I wouldn't have a chess buddy."

Hanako raises an eyebrow, "You play chess, Kayoko?"

I nod, "Yep, my dad taught me."

Koji laughs and says, "I've played her 50 times and still haven't beaten her."

That's only because he ran out of runway. I think if he had more time, he would start beating me regularly.

Hanako's eyes sparkle in response to Koji's words and she smirks confidently, "Do you have a chess board here? I'd love to play you."

I laugh, "Yeah, sure, we can play a game. My dad's old chess board is over here."

I stand up and I lead her over to the small table where my dad's beautiful marble chess board sits. Hanako spends a moment admiring it and feeling its smooth surface. As we set up the game, I notice that my mom and Koji are spectating.

I wonder how good she is. She seemed confident even after Koji told her he has never beaten me. I have to imagine that means she's pretty damn good.

This is the most intense game I've ever played. My dad was really good and the only way I ever beat him was by doing really wacky things that caught him off guard, but that would only work sometimes. Even using those tactics I only beat him a handful of times.

Hanako is on a similar level to him. But I've gotten better over the last two years, and I'm proud to say I have mostly been able to stand toe-to-toe with her. It gives me some idea of what playing my dad now would be like and that puts a smile on my face.

It's been going on for an hour, and neither of us has very many pieces left. However, she still has her Queen, a Bishop, and two Pawns, while I've only got four Pawns, so I'm in a horrible position. Still, the game hasn't been lost yet. Despite the duration of the game, we've only gained more of an audience as the game has drawn on. This surprises me a little, but I suppose the intensity with which we are both playing has drawn people to us.

The party has become eerily quiet as people watch with rapt attention. Hanako has been thinking about her current move for 5 minutes. I'm about to complain when she moves her Queen and says, "Checkmate!~" in a surprisingly sing-songy voice.

I cross my arms and sit back in my chair and let out a frustrated huff. When I look around, I see that Koji is laughing hysterically, like he beat me himself. I'll let him have it because he's lost to me so many times. However, I don't give my other friends as much grace. Ai, Carsten, Hana and Akari are all having a good laugh at seeing me lose too. I glare at each of them in succession, taking special time to really stare down my girlfriend until she stops laughing and mouths the words, "I'm sorry, okay!"

Hanako smiles at me, "You're very good Kayoko. Your dad taught you well. I've been playing regularly for more than 50 years and you more than challenged me."

I smile at her, "Thank you. You're amazing. I'd like to play you more somehow so I can get better."

"I'd like that too. We can play online if you like."

I nod, "That's a really good idea."

By now, Akari is at my side, undoubtedly trying to make up for me catching her laughing so hard at my failure. She isn't getting her way out of the doghouse with the question she decides to ask though.

"Does that mean I won't have t-to play?"

I scoff at her and unenthusiastically say, "Ms. Ikezawa, this is my girlfriend, Akari."

Hanako smiles at her, "It's nice to meet you." Then she raises an eyebrow at her, "Why don't you want to play chess with your girlfriend?"

Akari looks around and freezes. People are still watching me and Hanako, even though we're just talking now. Akari has just realized that she is now the center of attention, and she was just asked a very pointed question by a stranger. She also doesn't know many of the people who are looking at her. She's starting to hyperventilate.

I stand up and say, "Excuse me, Ms. Ikezawa."

She nods and looks at me with surprisingly understanding eyes.

I rub Akari's back with my hand, "Hey…let's go over here, okay?" She nods without blinking. I take her by the hand, and we go back to the living room which is empty right now. We sit down and I hug her and hum our song to her. After a few minutes she comes back to me and gives me a soft kiss. "Thank you. Th-that…snuck up on me. I didn't realize I had basically walked on to a s-stage until it was too late." She sighs, "That w-was embarrassing, especially in front of someone like Ms. Ikezawa."

"You don't need to worry about that." We turn around and see that Hanako followed us part of the way. Was she watching us? That's…a little weird given what we were doing. Akari blushes, but with just Ms. Ikezawa around, she's not too anxious.

She smiles, "Sorry to startle you. I have panic attacks too. So, I just wanted to make sure you'd be okay. Your girlfriend knew what she was doing, though." She sits down on the couch across from us with a soft smile on her face. She doesn't have the kind of smile where she ever shows her teeth, but the expression is simply adorable.

Akari looks at her with eyes as wide as saucers, "Y-you have anxiety? But y-you're…so important!"

Hanako laughs and smooths out her dress, "I don't agree that I'm especially important. But…I will say there are lots of important people who struggle with it. World leaders, actors, scientists…a whole lot of people."

I smile at Akari, "You're basically one of the best French horn players in the world already. I bet a lot of people would be surprised you have anxiety too."

She blushes, "I…d-don't know about that…"

I wink at Hanako, "She's being modest."

Hanko smiles at her, "I'm sure she is." Suddenly she looks distracted. She gets up and walks over to Saki's bookshelf. I guess she hadn't noticed it yet.

Akari and I get up and follow her. She smiles and says, "These are nice pictures. Your dad, how I remember him." She taps the glass of the picture frame right underneath my dad's face and studies him closely. This is a picture that also has Saki in it. Someone else she must have known. But she makes no mention of her.

Between what she said earlier and how she's looking at him now, Hanako must have been in love with my dad. It makes me a little sad. Even though I'm obviously happy he ended up with Saki and then my mom.

Just as I'm thinking this, Akari nudges me and winks, picking up on the same thing.

She turns around, "Well…I think I need to go meet Koji's girlfriend and her parents." She smiles bashfully. "I probably shouldn't have gotten distracted for so long. But it was a nice distraction. It was lovely meeting you both. I'm very happy you both befriended Koji." She looks back at me, "I look forward to more chess with you, Kayoko. I'm going to give you mom my contact information, you can get it from her."

I nod, "Thanks for coming. It was amazing to meet you."

Akari, my mom and I just collapsed on the couch after cleaning up after the party. Hana and Koji tried to help, but we sent them on their way because the party was in their honor.

Now that I'm sitting still, I have a burning question that I have to ask my mom.

"Mom…exactly how many girls had a thing for Dad in high school?"

She laughs, "You think Hanako was one of them?"

Akari answers, "Definitely."

My mom smirks, "Based on what she said tonight…I think you're probably right." She pauses and thinks for a moment. "I think…most every third-year girl at Yamaku had a crush on him at some point."

"Seriously?! I get that he was good looking or whatever, but what made him that popular?"

My mom smiles, "Well…I think it was a combination of things. There was the fact that he was handsome of course, but…that was just part of it. I think one of the big things is that he was someone new."


"Yeah. He transferred in, you know? Classes at Yamaku don't change a whole lot across three years. You know everyone. So…someone new was big news. It sent ripples through the school, especially once word got around that he was cute. It meant new possibilities to many girls who felt their romantic options weren't very appealing."

"That makes sense, I guess. I wonder if Hana got that kind of attention from third year boys."

My mom laughs, "Probably. Good thing Koji snatched her up!" She pauses for a moment, "Your aunt told me once that the fact he was new was a big deal for Saki, especially. Everyone at Yamaku knew what happened with Kayoko. Everyone at Yamaku knew her father was overbearing. Your father was this sweet handsome guy who didn't know these things that she wished no one knew. It was probably hard for her not to be attracted to him."

I smile, "That makes sense." I look at Akari. "I like to think about the two of them falling in love at Yamaku sometimes. I wonder…if me and Akari are anything like them."

My mom smiles, "You are in some ways. Being so in love is one of them."

As if wanting to prove her love, Akari snuggles up and hugs me around my waist. I smile at her and stroke her hair.

My mom yawns. "I'm getting tired, so let me tell you the other thing that made your father popular."

"Oh, there's more?"

She nods, "He really needed help. He was depressed about his condition and didn't know how to behave around students at Yamaku because of their disabilities."

I raise my eyebrows, "That's…attractive?"

She laughs, "Yes. When you factor in that he was handsome and new, it meant many girls wanted to help him find his way. He was a project of sorts. A rewarding one, since if you helped him, who knows what might happen between the two of you?" She winks suggestively then thinks for a moment. "I know a few other girls for sure thought they could be his guide. Hanako's best friend was one of them. The student council president at the time was too." She laughs, "Even me, to some extent. I felt really motivated to help him get fit. I didn't like him right away like some of the others, but…I think I would have if he kept running with me. Heck, even Rin seemed concerned about him and wanted to spend more time with him, and she had never expressed that kind of interest in a boy. But in the end, it was Saki who became his guide. She helped him come to terms with his own condition. She helped him better understand the right way to interact with others with disabilities. And well…" She laughs softly. "She reaped those rewards I mentioned." She pauses again, "Funnily enough…Saki is probably a big part of why your dad was so good with Hanako."

Akari says, "I mean, we didn't like Hana that way…b-but her situation did make us want to help her and be friends with her. S-so it makes sense that there were so many people who felt that way about your d-dad…just with a more romantic element mixed in."

"Yeah…I guess it all adds up. Still strange to imagine the girls of Yamaku all chasing after my dad like that, though."

My mom laughs. "So, there you have it. The Reasons Your Dad Was the Most Eligible Bachelor at Yamaku." She giggles. "It isn't exactly the title of a bedtime story, but I know I'm tired after telling it. Goodnight girls."

We're at the graduation ceremony inside the athletic center. I'm sitting in the stands with my mom, Akari, Ai, and Carsten.

After the ceremony, our friend group is going to meet at the front gates for a picture. After that, we are getting scattered to the winds. Okay, that's maybe a little bit dramatic. But I'm feeling very emotional.

Hana and Koji are going on a trip to Okinawa for Spring Vacation. That's what her parents got them as a graduation gift, so I think my instinct that they were wealthy was probably correct. I don't know when I'll see them again. Ai and Carsten are also going to Hokkaido today to spend time with Ai's family. However, I know I'll see them again after the break.

We're traveling too. Akari's parents invited me and my mom to come stay with them for a week. My mom is only able to come for a few days because of my grandparents, but it will be nice for her to get a break. We'll be having a joint birthday party for me and Akari, which should be fun.

When they call Koji's name and he walks across the stage, we stand up and get as loud as we can, because we know there just aren't that many people here for him. Hanako isn't sitting with us, but when we see her do the same thing elsewhere in the stands, we smile and wave to each other in thanks.

We do the same for Hana, though we know her parents are here, so we aren't quite as boisterous.

We're at the front gate now waiting for Hana and Koji. I'm doing my best not to cry, since I don't want to look terrible in this picture. I'm not sure how much I'm going to be able to keep it together after I lose that motivation though.

Akari can tell I'm struggling, and now she's the one who squeezes my hand to check on me. I squeeze and smile back at her.

Koji, Hana, and her parents arrive, and the six of us set about figuring out how to take the picture. In the end, we decide Carsten will kneel next to Ai in front of the other two couples. We take a series of pictures, some with silly faces, some more serious. My mom and Hana's parents seem to be enjoying the experience.

Eventually though, photograph time is over. I decide I'm going to hold it together a little while longer, because I don't think Hana and Koji would appreciate me bawling. Plus, it would look like I was begging them to stay or something. We all exchange hugs with one another, and when Koji hugs me, he surprises me when he says, "Hey, can I talk to you for a second in private?"

"Um...sure. Where do you want to go?"

He says, "What about the girls' dorm common room?"

I laugh, "Sure. Trying to fit in one more game of chess? I'll have to go get my board."

He laughs, "No, that's not it." He turns around and waves to Hana, who gives him a knowing nod and then whispers something to Akari. She smiles.

What exactly is about to happen?

When we get to the common room, we sit where we usually do, and Koji is silent for at least thirty seconds so I break the tension with a joke.

"You're…making me uneasy here. You're not about to tell me you really do love me, are you?"

He laughs, "No. But I'm not that good with emotional stuff so I had to gather myself a little." He takes a deep breath. "Last night…what Ms. Ikezawa said to you about your dad really got to me."

I smile, "I noticed you got choked up. I hadn't seen that before. I wasn't sure you were capable of tears."

He smiles, "Yeah. Well…what she was saying about your dad hit close to home for me. I think you must be a lot like him."


He sighs, "You're going to make me say it outright, aren't you?"

"Uh…yeah, I think so, because I don't know what you're trying to say."

"What she was saying…what your dad did for her…helped her see herself as more than just…something repulsive, someone to be pitied…all that. It made me realize…you did that for me, Kayoko."

I've been trying to hold back a torrent of tears for more than an hour at this point, and now all that effort was for naught. The second Koji says my name, I start bawling.

It means a lot that he thinks I helped him so much, but I think I might be even more moved by the fact that it means that I am like my dad. It means he'd be proud of me.

Koji comes and sits on the arm of the chair I'm in and puts an arm around me and through my blurry eyes I can see that he has a few tears of his own, "Thank you…so much, Kayoko. I do love you, you know? Just not…in a romantic way." He clears his throat, clearly trying to hold back his tears. I wish he would just cry with me. "Speaking of which…Ms. Ikezawa was completely in love with your dad, wasn't she?"

I laugh, and it prompts me to pull myself together. I'm sure that was his intention.

I sniffle, "Yes, she definitely was. My mom thinks so too." I wipe away my tears on my sleeve. "I'm glad you feel like I helped you, Koji. You've been a great friend. I'll miss you, but I'm sure we'll be seeing you."

He nods, "You will. I'm sure of it."

After that, I take a few more minutes to pull myself together, and then we head back to the gate where the rest of our party is waiting. Hana approaches us when she sees us coming, and I think she's coming to greet her boyfriend, but then she hugs me and quietly says, "Did he tell you? Or did he chicken out?"

I laugh, "He told me. Can't you tell I've been crying?"

She breaks the hug and looks at me, "Well, yeah. But you cry about everything, couldn't be too sure."

I scoff, "Shut up. I'm just very in touch with my emotions!"

She smiles at me, "Well…thanks for everything, Kayoko. I don't think I would have survived here without you and Akari."

I start crying again. Hana tries to comfort me a little but then yells, "Akari…I think I broke her. Come help."

Akari laughs and comes to hold my hand. Then she smiles mischievously at Hana. "Interesting ch-choice of words, Hana…you b-broke her, huh? Didn't you do that once b-before?"

Hana winces, "Yeah…I did not think that through." She looks at me with a guilty face and says, "Kayoko, before I go, I just want to apolo-"

I wipe away my tears and say, "Akari, dislocate her elbow."

Akari laughs and says, "On it." She grabs her arm and smirks for a moment, but then, instead of attacking her, the two share a nice hug.

After that, we rejoin the rest of our friends at the gate and say our farewells. I'm crying the hardest, but I'm happy to be joined in my tears by all my other friends. Carsten, Koji, and Hana are only crying a little, but Ai, Akari, and my mom are crying almost as hard as I am. Hana's parents patiently watch the spectacle with smiles on their faces.

I think they are as happy as she is that they sent her to Yamaku.

My FanFics
Learning to Run (Complete) - Emi x Hisao in their 30s
Yamaku: the Next Generation (Complete) - Emi and Hisao's daughter goes to Yamaku.
Oil & Vinegar - Mutou and Nurse buddy one-shot

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