Swampie's Stories : Writings of a mad-man 3


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Re: Swampie's Stories : Mirrormyth 2 : 6/1/16

Post by Sharp-O »

Hmmm. Switching focus to Ritsu's past (I assume) certainly is something, not much to say on that so far but with Taro out of the picture and Hisao joining the gang for group work, methinks the focus on Ritsu is more intentional than just character development... *strokes chin ponderously*

Saying I'll stay tuned is redundant because you know I'm invested in this cast so I'll just say I'm looking forward to the next part. :wink:
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Re: Swampie's Stories : Mirrormyth 2 : 6/1/16

Post by swampie2 »

[Stay safe, don't get shanked! ◕‿↼ ]

The text brings a small smile to my face, even if they're going to take my phone right back off me before stuffing me back into OCS to work on equations. I heave a sigh and sip on my drink, the clock at the top of the screen alerts me that there are only a few minutes left of my break.

I push through the door and place my phone on the table, the rather bored looking teacher gives me a nod as I return to my seat at the front of the entirely empty room. Picking up my pencil, I once again continue to work on the questions, each more boring than the last. The session drags on until a small alarm rings from the teacher's watch.

"Arai? The head says he'd like to speak to you before you leave." The teacher stands from his seat and folds up his newspaper before strolling from the room, I'm sure today has been as boring for him as it has for me. Grabbing my notebook and placing it in my bag, I begin to make my way to the head's office, a trip I've only made once before when Miki got into a fight and I was on the witness stand.


"Good afternoon, Mr.Arai." The head-teacher speaks up in his low, gravely voice.

"Afternoon." I offer back as I take the seat opposite his desk, his eyes locked onto mine.

"Now I'm sure you know why we're meeting today, so I'd like to ask you about your side of the story." His neutral stance on the situation gives me slight hope that I won't be charged with assault right off the bat.

"Well... I was talking with Rin about her mural, the one just outside the dormitories. After a little while, Maeda came outside and started getting angry, spouting all kinds of nonsense that I'm 'distracting her' and such." I sigh, attempting to keep my anger towards a certain one eared student. Taking a breath to think out my sentence, I continue.

"We argued about how things are ran in the art club until Maeda started swearing, I believe he called me a 'fat piece of shit'." I make sure to include air quotes with my fingers. "Things elevated and we started brawling, he swung first."

"Hmm." He tents his fingers in front of his nose, considering the two stories and attempting to find out what's true. "Well, you story aligns with his somewhat, of course he described you as the aggressor. However, given his injuries, it seems you were in the wrong."

"May I ask a question?" I raise a hand, and he nods his head in return. "What should I have done in that situation?"

He hmm's and haa's for a couple moments before responding. "As the head of the school, I would have recommended you walked away. I know how things are, I was your age once as well, believe it or not, but fighting will not be tolerated, especially in a school where a small fight could easily spell dire consequences for certain students."

I nod my head in response, of course he'd say that. "One more question, please?"

"Of course."

"Will Meada be punished?" My teeth grit, I know the response already, but I have to ask.

"Mr.Maeda has been suspended from all club activities. Unless there are any other questions, you're free to enjoy your night." He gives a smile that just seems to anger me further. With a shake of my head, I stand from my seat and begin to make my way from the room. The head taps away at his keyboard as the door shuts behind me.

I attempt to clear my head as I make my way through the large auxiliary building. I did hit him, and it was in the heat of the moment. I suppose I've just got to put up with this for the time be-

"There you are!" A voice calls out from behind me, a familiar voice.

"Hey there, Miki." I respond without even having to turn and face her, I know her voice pretty well at this point.

"How's life in jail?" She jogs up to my side and falls into step with me, her tie removed an rested around her shoulders.

"Booooring." The sigh that escapes me would have been an acceptable answer.

"No gang warfare? What about your cellmate?"

"Very funny, Miki." I respond with sarcasm, even though I have a smirk on my face.

"You going to see the other guys?" She continues her questioning.

"Mhmm, Ritsu was pretty worried I'd get expelled." I chuckle, It seems unlikely I'd get kicked out after being part of a petty fight, even if my opponent got a broken nose out of the deal.

"Well, call me later, 'kay?" She gives a smile as she splits away from me, likely going to the track a field club.

"Will do, cya." I offer a wave and so does she, and for a short moment, I'm left alone.


"You're kidding me!" Akio's voice reverberates through the small lounge area.

"Yeah!" Hisao cheers in return, at least I think it's him. Turning the corner, I see both of them relaxing on the small sofa in the centre of the room, playing some sort of racing game on the large screen mounted on the wall.

"Oh shit!" Akio notices me from the corner of his eye and leans backwards in reflex. "Hisao watch out, there's a murderer!" He points a finger at me accusingly, his face a picture of pure terror. Hisao swivels his head to me and bursts out laughing before stifling it.

"Oh damn!" He plays along, his acting not quite as good as Akio's.

"Yeah, yeah, have your fun, I'll get you both eventually." I grin in return as I throw my bag onto the ground and flopping onto the sofa beside them. "Where's Rits?"

"In her room I think, text her." Akio's answer is short as he and Hisao start another race, the roaring of the engines coming from the tinny speakers must be annoying for the guys that live above this room.

"I'll go see her later. You guys want a drink?" I offer as I reach for my bag, flipping it open and retrieving the can of lemonade.

"Thanks, Taro." Hisao offers, while Akio opts for a "Is it poisoned?"
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Re: Swampie's Stories : Mirrormyth 3 : 7/1/16

Post by Mirage_GSM »

"Now I'm sure you know why we're meeting today, so I'd like to ask you about your side of the story."
Shouldn't he have asked that before deciding on their respective punishments? :-)
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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Re: Swampie's Stories : Mirrormyth 3 : 7/1/16

Post by swampie2 »

Mirage_GSM wrote:
"Now I'm sure you know why we're meeting today, so I'd like to ask you about your side of the story."
Shouldn't he have asked that before deciding on their respective punishments? :-)
I saw that scene as the headmaster attempting to understand why this happened in an attempt to stop it from happening again, he's pretty sure about what happened, he just wanted to see if Taro had anything to add to that. :lol:

Either way, thanks for reading!
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Re: Swampie's Stories : Weebs : 7/1/16

Post by swampie2 »

I wrote this after I realized that I hadn't read any stories about the weebs at Yamaku (besides that one fic where the guy had a fedora and was missing all of his limbs, I don't think anyone will ever top that one though.)

It's not very good, but it's been sat on my hard drive for a while so I may as well post it. Enjoy if you want to. :lol:


Sometimes I wonder what it'd be like to be the 'new guy'. I've never swapped schools midway through a term or moved away from my hometown or parents. I never made any childhood promises to anyone... I'm the most boring character there could be. Maybe I should go overseas for university. Then I could be the main character for once...

“...It's a pretty good listen if you turn the lights off before you hit play.” Yasu's words begins to reach my ears as I drift back from my daydream.

“Have I gotta' smoke a whole bunch of weed too?” I smirk. I really have no clue what he's talking about, but I know his soft spots well enough to hit where it counts.

“I told you a million times! I don't-”

“Woah, hold on.” I interrupt, throwing one arm up in front of my walking partner. Less that a second later, the living blur that is the track team star explodes from the school building and rushes past us at mach seven.

“Fuck, she almost got us that time.” Yasu chuckles before the teacher that's chasing after Emi passes by. I'd say she's only going mach two, no chance she's catching up.

“Language!” She calls over her shoulder as she makes her way towards the track, attempting in earnest to keep up with the fastest thing on no legs while wearing a pencil skirt and high heels. Yasu and I share a chuckle before continuing our way towards the dorms.

“Do you think Ryou will be around today?” My head tilts backwards as I speak. Cloud watching has been a habit I'd picked up well before I landed myself at Yamaku.

“Fuck no, he's nowhere near nerdy enough to turn up to a second session of D&D.”

“Yeah, you might be right... We'll just end up reading manga again, won't we?”

“I've got stuff to do.” Yasu grins as he pats his pocket

A short journey later and we're at the weeb cavern, the room that you'd need a passport, driving license and a folder full of signed documents to get into. I raise my arm and knock it against the door heavily, hopefully alerting the dwellee. Two more loud punches to the door and it swings open, revealing a rather sleep deprived, dishevelled K.

“What? What?” He swings his head from side to side, almost dislodging the thick glasses from his nose.

“Afternoon, K.” I chuckle as I push past him and inside his room, Yasu not far behind me, also offering a greeting.

“Fuck! What time is it?” He spins on his heels, slamming the door in one smooth motion. At least I'd consider it smooth if he were wearing more than pyjamas right now.

“Like five fifteen. You missed all your classes.”

“Dammit, fuck, fuck.” He hisses as he slides back into his desk chair, one of his monitors is displaying some visual novel, while the other just has large slabs of text. Most likely a walk-through, knowing K. Within moments, we slip into our usual routine. Myself and Yasu sit at the low table in the centre of the room and read manga or play video games while K just sits at his PC, spouting his opinion every now and again.

With the brand new manga pulled from my bag and placed on the desk, my eyes begin to wander the pages. As per usual, though, nothing here looks interesting, even the mangas I'd been following. Instead I let my eyes wander the room. I think K got even more posters of his waifus in here since last time, I can barely see the walls. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if there were more posters under the posters in places.


“Who's turn it is?” K breaks the silence, causing me to jump slightly. I tuned out a little there.

“I think It's mr.main character's turn...” Yasu sighs a defeated death rattle as he places the small gaming console onto the table with a thud, his eyebrows are almost meeting in the middle with the scowl he's wearing. Must be a really hard level to get him this riled up.

“Fuck you." I return his barb with a classic. "The usuals?”

“Yeah, thanks.”
“Of course.”

The choir of irritated voices confirm my suspicions. It'll just be some orange juice and a coke then. I slide myself from under the table and close the magazine without saving my page, not like I was reading it any way.

“Oh, and take Ryou's dice. He left em.” K spins on his chair, holding a small plastic box that rattles slightly as he comes to a stop.

“I don't think he ever wants to see those dice again.” I chuckle.

“Yeah, but if he does and gets the student council to barge in here...” He trails off as he begins to think about the consequences of the mess that is K's room and what the two lonely council members would think about it.

“Well, whatever, sure.” I palm the box and K has returned to his novel mere seconds later. After making sure I have enough change, I make my way outside, down the hallway and towards our usual vending machine. Not many people know about this one since It's hidden under the stairs, so we've pretty much got our own vending machine. Though, it doesn't get re-filled all that often.

A6, D3, F9. The usual. Three cans clatter from the machine and eventually find themselves in my arms and being carried back towards the K's room. Or the 'control center' as he's been trying to get us to call it.

My mind once again returns to the 'main character' Idea. What if I am the main character and I've just got stuck with the shitty writers? Or maybe-

I freeze in place as I notice somebody other than K, Yasu or Ryou is planted square in front of the door. That paper thin door that could possibly have the worlds largest porn collection behind it.

Fuck, I think It might be Shizune, too. Man, K really Is fucked this time. I step over, calling out would be pointless anyway, that blue hair means it has to be Shizune. A couple steps later and I reach the door and the debt collector / loan shark stood just in front of it. Sorry Kenji.

I reach out with my free hand and place it on her shoulder as lightly as I can. Surprisingly, she spins around. Pretty fast too. Oh fuck-

Her knees buckle from under her and she falls. My reflexes kick in and I attempt to hold her up, but the only thing I really changed was the resting position she landed in. She's out cold, and this is definitely not Shizune. The rest of my senses kick in and the hallway rushes back to me. All the cans that were stowed under my arm are now scattered haphazardly, as well as various sheets of paper.

D&D sheets?

Forget that, this is not a situation where I should be reading her fucking stats. I carefully step over her and thump the door as hard as I can.

"Guys, it's me. Call the nurses." I half shout. Of course nobody answers, dickheads. Luckily, the door opposite K's opens up a second later, and a guy with shaggy brown hair steps out.

"Woah, you guys okay?"

"I think you should call the nurses." I notice my crouched position. Why was I crouching? Was I trying to hide subconsciously?

"R-right, one second." He slides back into his room, presumably to grab his phone. In the meantime, I place the girl up against the wall while doing my best not to grope her. Rape charges on top of whatever the fuck just happened wouldn't be too cheery for either of us I think. I don't think you're meant to move people, but that fall wasn't too bad, right? Shit, did I fuck it up?

"W-uh, ahh?" Her eyelids flicker open independently just as K's neighbor returns.

"Hey there, you okay? We're getting the nurses now." I stay crouched. It's probably better to be at eye level if she's waking up from a stroke or something. I guess? The shaggy haired guy is connected quickly and begins explaining the situation. Apparently he's got no clue who this girl is either, great.

"Aghh." She sighs in frustration as her bootup sequence seems to finish. She raises a balled fist to her head and rubs it slightly before lifting her head up towards us. "O-oh!"

"You okay?" I repeat, I have no clue if what I said before got through.

"Y-yeah, I'm alright." She continues to rub that spot on her head with her hand. The neighbor figure snaps his phone shut and announces that the nurses should be here soon and to leave her sitting down. At least I didn't fuck up her spine when I moved her.

Not a moment later, the nurse arrives at the top of the stairs, a slight gleen of sweat shining from his forehead. A short check of her eyes with a flashlight later and she's being carted off to the nurses' office. Neighbor boy returns to his room with an awkward goodbye and I'm left to pick up the cans that have been scattered around the ground since I got up here. Oh, and that girl's sheets are all here too.

"Sdiir Farsnow?" I chuckle. I've had my fair share of bad D&D names...


"God, that's so fucking nerdy, suzu."

"Shut up! It's embarrassing!"

"Yeah, I bet it is."

"You're insufferable, Miki."
Last edited by swampie2 on Sat Feb 13, 2016 5:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Swampie's Stories : Weebs? : 12/2/16

Post by Mirage_GSM »

The quire of irritated voices confirm my suspicions.
This one took me a few seconds to figure out.
I think the word you were going for is "choir" :-)

Not sure I got all references in there; for example I'm not sure what Sdiir Farsnow is referring to.

Sorry Kenji.
Is K supposed to be Kenji? Doesn't seem to be him at all. Another character just called Kenji?
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: Swampie's Stories : Weebs? : 12/2/16

Post by swampie2 »

Mirage_GSM wrote:I think the word you were going for is "choir" :-)
There it is! I knew that wasn't right but my brain just wasn't working. This is what happens when you write after an all nighter. :lol:
Sdiir Farsnow
That's not anybody, Originally I was going to try find some pun that involves Suzu but came out with nothing worth using.
is K supposed to be Kenji? Doesn't seem to be him at all. Another character just called Kenji?
K was supposed to be Kenji, but reading back I didn't really show that clearly, can't blame you on that one.

Thanks for reading, anyway!
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Swampie's Stories : Writings of a mad-man 3

Post by swampie2 »

Writings of a mad-man: Part 3
Part 1 - Part 2

This chapter came to me out of nowhere, I didn't really have anything planned when I started it but it turned into a nice little idea. I might continue, I might not. Either way, enjoy!


And here I stand, at the gates that I had such a hard time crossing before. Then it was because it seemed like my last chance to turn and run back to my 'normal' life, this time it's because I'm nursing broken bones.

I fail to hold back my smirk as I check my watch... I'm even a little early. I spend about 30 seconds fiddling with the door before somebody behind me speaks up and almost scares me off my feet.

"Hey there, you okay?"


"Ah!" My surprised sound surprises her back and we both have to take a second to catch our breaths.

"Just... I'm having a little trouble with the door, is all." I raise my arm to show off the cast adorning it. My intrepid companion takes a second to inspect the signatures lining the cast before springing into action.

"Oh, sorry, let me get that for you." She heaves open the large gate despite the numerous plastic bags lining her arms. Early morning shopping? "So you're new here then?"

"How did you guess?" I chuckle as I run a hand through my hair, showing off the large scar that runs across my hairline, covered by my fringe. "I already tried this once, you know?"

"You... mean a medical school like Yamaku?" We fall into step, apparently each of us headed for the dormitories.

"No, I mean I already tried Yamaku once." I smirk as she stares back at me, confusion swirling in her eyes. "I was in class 3-3 for about a week?"

"Oh right! You're Hisao then?" She stops walking as my name rises from her memory. As nice as it is that this pretty cute girl knows me, I was hoping she didn't. The fact she does means that Misha and Emi went way to far with... whatever it was they were planning.

"Right, nice to meet you..."

"Molly, Molly Kapur." She smiles.

"You were in my class, weren't you?" I smile back, she simply answers with a curt nod. "I'm glad." I murmur. Not glad that she's in my class, glad that I remember.

I scan my eyes over the campus as we fall into silence... it looks just the same, but somehow so much different at the same time. My whole time at this school was awful, I was super depressed for about a week and then fell off the roof... so why am I so excited to be here?

I'll answer that for you; It's the people that're here.

As I tune back into reality and away from my thoughts, I notice molly staring at me.

"What, something on my face?"

"N-no! Just..." She swivels her head away from me and I follow her line of sight... right to a small sign placed just outside of the boys dormitory. After taking a step closer to confirm what I'm seeing, I heave a sigh. On the sign is a drawing of who I can assume is me but manlier, as well as some large writing;

"Augh..." I have yet another sigh, causing Molly to chuckle. "I didn't have any part in this, I want you to know that."

"I was just wondering how accurate that picture was, is all."

"Whoever drew this is far too kind." I chuckle, causing Molly to raise her eyebrows dismissively. "Man, I better go and start getting ready if I've got to compare to this." I lean back and admire the sign from another angle, drawing another laugh out of my temporary companion.

"In that case I'll leave you to it." She bows politely before excusing herself towards the girls dorms. After taking a moment to throw my bag into my room I make my way back outside and towards the field, passing by my neighbours door without a second thought. As I reach the end of the path, the two figures I've been waiting to see come into view.

One head is adorned with blonde tied into ponytails while the other is a large mess of pink thrown into a ponytail. I suppose it's too much effort for her to do her hair just to go running. Can't blame her, I bet it takes her two hours every morning. Emi slows to a stop as she notices somebody approaching, while Misha doesn't, plowing forward until she pretty much knocks Emi off her feet colliding into her.

"Misha! Be careful." Emi swiftly chops Misha's head, causing her to reel back in pain with both hands on her forehead. Emi continues to stare up towards me, a confused look on her face. I raise my arm to wave and it clicks in Emi's brain, she bolts towards me at mach speed. Luckily she manages to slow down before she makes impact, but she still pulls me into a tight hug.


And this is one of the biggest developments during my stay at the hospital; Emi and Misha have formed a close friendship.

Misha joins Emi on some of her runs so she can lose weight despite the fact she always eats takeout as soon as she's out of Emi's sight. In return Emi helps out with the council sometimes, I hear they make quite the team. Plus she's regarded as a 'popular kid' by the younger students, so suddenly the student council is cool again. Quite the boon for Shizune, even if she hated accepting Emi into the council when she breaks their hallway rules daily.

"Hisao what are you doing here!?" Emi squeaks after our hug comes to an end.

"I was just thinking about going for a run, how about you?" I stare off towards the track and begin a fake stretch to force the point of the joke even further.

"You're are such an ass, Hisao." Emi grins that thousand watt smile again. Misha loves that smile too... speaking of Misha.

"Miiiisha..." She's laid out to the side of the track, forcing heavy breaths through her lungs. It's easy to see the difference in fitness here. She's making the effort though, and that's what counts.

"What, what? I diiiiiid my laps already..." Misha groans, her eyes forced shut.

"I know, you need to drink some water." I chuckle, fishing a bottle out of the bag and holding it towards her.

"Yes Emiiii-" Her tired sigh comes to a sharp pause as she realises that the voice offering her water is not Emi's... in fact I'd say a good two octaves deeper given Emi's pitch. Misha opens one eye, then sits up sharply before spinning around to see me.

"Hisao! Did you break out of the hospital?" Gah.

"N-no, Misha! I got out this morning!" A sweat forms on my brow as I feel Emi's gaze burning a hole in the back of my head.

"I thought you got out this friday?" Misha no!

I turn my head over my shoulder and gaze at Emi, who's staring back at with the the rage of a thousand suns in her eyes...

"Have mercy?"
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Re: Swampie's Stories : Writings of a mad-man 3

Post by azumeow »

Hisao, you fool. Escaping the hospital early is never a good idea!
"I don’t want to be here anymore, I know there’s nothing left worth staying for.
Your paradise is something I’ve endured
See I don’t think I can fight this anymore, I’m listening with one foot out the door
And something has to die to be reborn-I don’t want to be here anymore"
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Re: Swampie's Stories : Writings of a mad-man 3

Post by Mirage_GSM »

So DID he escape from the hospital, or did Emi misinform Misha?
If the former then why?

And how come Molly doesn't recognize Hisao?

This confused the hell out of me until I realized it was a continuation of a story almost a year old. Still, post-deep-end is always interesting.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: Swampie's Stories : Writings of a mad-man 3

Post by swampie2 »

Mirage_GSM wrote:So DID he escape from the hospital, or did Emi misinform Misha?
If the former then why?

And how come Molly doesn't recognize Hisao?

This confused the hell out of me until I realized it was a continuation of a story almost a year old. Still, post-deep-end is always interesting.
I intended that hisao was going to be getting out a couple days later than this story, they weren't holding him anymore but recommending he stay. He left a day or two early to surprise the two.

And Molly not recognising hisao would have worked a little better in another form of media, but I was saying that all the fundraiser drawings they put up looked nothing like him, hence her confusion.

Thanks for reading everyone!
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Re: Swampie's Stories : Writings of a mad-man 3

Post by Mirage_GSM »

But Molly knows him. He was in her class for a week...
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: Swampie's Stories : Writings of a mad-man 3

Post by Oddball »

This was a nice colelction of fun, energetic, and fast paced stories. However I think it suffers from all being in the same thread. Several times you started new stories while old ones where ongoing and it almost always threw me. I kept trying to figure out how they fit together for the first few chapters and always felt lost.
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