Sharp-O's One-Shots! "A Matter of Memory" 05/01/24


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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Elementary" - 27/7/15 Update

Post by Sharp-O »

In regards to Florian's last name, I did do a quick google search and confirm that it is used there. Thanks for Mirage for confirming it though! :D
Alpacalypse wrote:I currently have a big, stupid grin on my face - that was great! :D
I like having Misaki be involved, too. She doesn't get enough screen time anywhere.
Glad you liked it! I'd always thought I'd use Misaki eventually, given her photography skills and her proximity to N&N, it would make sense they'd try to poach her.
Mirage_GSM wrote:Good job on the Japanese line by the way.
That's all Google Translate, sir. I'm just glad it's good enough to make sense. :)
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Elementary" - 27/7/15 Update

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Then you got lucky.
Usually Google translate yields mostly gibberish when tasked with translating Japanese.
It is helpful if you know some basic Japanese to translate individual kanji or words, but it usually badly mangles any context.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Elementary" - 27/7/15 Update

Post by Sharp-O »

Well it's a fairly simple sentence at least so maybe that worked in my favour. I knew I wanted to show that Florian could indeed write in Japanese so I figured I'd actually show it (even if it turned out to be a mangled sentence) in it's purest form rather than the "translated into English" we constantly use for KS :)
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Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Life's a Beach" - 30/7/15 Update

Post by Sharp-O »

Life’s a Beach.


“D-d-do you th-think they’ll l-like me?” Hanako asks me nervously as we hop off the bus. I give a long, scrutinizing gaze up and down my stuttering girlfriend as she pulls her suitcase to her side. How could they not?

“I think they’ll love you.” I say earnestly, a sincere smile creeping onto my face as I do.

She bows her head, hiding amongst her silky violet locks but I can see her smiling. I get why she’d be nervous but there’s a good reason why I chose to ask her to come here rather than meet my mom. As much progress as she’s made with me, meeting my mom would be like throwing her in the deep end with a ravenous shark. She’d be eaten alive.

“H-how far is it?” She asks, looking around as the sea breeze blows through her hair.

“Not far. Maybe a little over half an hour to walk there.” I say, slinging my duffel bag across my shoulders for comfort.

“Is that n-normal person speed or your speed?” She titters, raising her hand to her mouth.

“So help me, Hana…” I sigh but give her a smile anyway. “Get moving, or I’ll leave you for the wild dogs.” I say, increasing my speed only for Hana to keep pace quite easily.

“I don’t think that’s going to be a problem.”


We reach my grandparent’s home and it looks exactly how I remember it. For a couple of old folks, it’s quite a big house but then, they did have five kids. And now two more kids are rocking up to impose on them for a few days.

I look back at Hana as I knock on the lacquered pine door. For forty-year old house made of wood, it’s been expertly maintained, even in my grandparent’s twilight years.

“H-hello?” A small voice calls out from behind the door.

“Good afternoon, madam. I’m just enquiring if your refrigerator is running?” I say with a beaming grin, looking at Hana who looks confused.

The door swings open and an elderly woman, built like a barrel, grins widely at me.

“That joke is older than I am, Aki!” She wraps her arms tight around my torso and I pat her back.

“Easy, Nana… You’re going to break me in two!” I splutter with a smile. She’s surprisingly strong

“Sadao! Aki’s here.” My grandma calls as a familiar man appears on the hall. He trots out onto the front porch, cane in hand, as I step back a little.

“Are you here asking for money again?” He glowers a little and I smirk.

“Do I look like Uncle Yoshi to you, old-timer?” I snark before opening my arms and my grandpa pulls me in for a hug. Maybe it’s just my brittle bones but their affection always seemed a tad excessive. I’m not going to complain though, I’ve missed these guys.

“It’s great to see you again, little buddy.” My grandpa says, resting his hand on my shoulder. He’s a mountain of a man, the only sign of frailty in his elderly form being the wooden cane he hobbles around on.

The pair suddenly become aware of my companion and she hides in her hair. I step back and take her hand in mine, smiling like a doofus as I pull her forward a little.

“Guys, I’d like you to meet Hanako!” I squeeze her hand and she looks up slightly.

“I-I-I-I-it’s verynicetomeetyou!” Hana blushes profusely as she bows and my grandparents share a look. “YouhaveaverybeautifulhomeandI’mhonouredtobeallowedtostay.”

“Hana, breathe…” I whisper reassuring.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Hanako.” My grandpa smiles widely before my grandma steps up and takes Hana’s other hand, causing her to flinch a little. Social anxiety plus meeting my family is obviously playing havoc with her nerves.

“Thank you for looking after our dear little Aki, Hanako. I know he can be a handful.” She shoots me an accusatory glare, making Hana laugh.

“H-h-he can be…” She admits, with a demure smile.

“If he ever steps out of line, feel free to slap him upside the head or give him a swift kick in the pants. God knows he needs it sometimes.” Grandpa continues.

“I w-w-will, sir.” She nods, giggling.

“I come visit my loving grandparents and the first thing they do is encourage my girlfriend to beat my ass…” I sigh in a mockingly resigned tone.

“Language, boy!” Grandpa scolds with a smile. “There’re ladies present.”

“Would you like some tea, Hanako? Aki tells me you’re quite fond of it.” Nana asks and Hana nods.

“Yes, p-p-please.”



Akio and I share a concerned look as our phones go off in rapid succession.

“It’s from Taro. Apparently he went back to Yamaku.” Akio says, furrowing his brow as he types a reply. I check my phone and see a similar message, he must have sent one to all his friends. It’s nice that I’m counted amongst them.

“He didn’t stay with Ritsu? That’s… odd.” I say, closing my phone after I send a reply of my own. “I hope he’s okay.”

“I’m sure he’s fine. Mostly. He’d say if something was wrong.” Akio says, not entirely convinced by his own words.

“Is everything okay?” Akio’s grandmother asks as she places a tea set on the table.

“Everything’s fine, Nana. Just a friend saying he’s back at school. He went to visit his parents with his girlfriend.” Akio smiles with a nod, sliding his phone back into his pocket.

“That’s nice. I hope they had a nice time.”

“D-d-do you n-need any help?” I ask tentatively and receive a shake of the head.

“No, no… You’re a guest in this house.” She offers a teacup to me and I nod with appreciation.

“Thank you, um…” Oh balls, I didn’t ask her name!

“You can call me Rinko…” She says with a soft smile. “You must have heard me call Sadao earlier.” She gestures to her husband, who brings over two mugs of coffee for himself and Akio.

I-I-I’m sorryIdidn’tmean--” I feel Akio’s hand on my leg and his warm smile soothes my jitters a little. I don’t think I’ve stammered this much in weeks. It’s so nerve-racking to be here…

“So how did you meet?” Rinko asks, taking her place at the table.

“We’re c-classmates… W-we sit next to each other and he h-h-helped me join the Newspaper Club. I can be r-r-really shy so I asked him to h-help… He told jokes and s-sat with me until the club started…” I say with a small, blushing smile and look at Akio, who’s grinning with flushed cheeks.

“I didn’t do much…”

“Y-you did a lot. And I’m th-thankful you did.” I kiss his cheek and he goes scarlet. Behind the stuttering and the shyness, my heart beats wild for him and I’ll never shy away from those feelings.

“Who’d have thought Aki would be such a gentleman?” Sadao says, taking a sip of coffee and smirking at Akio. I guess the humour comes from the maternal side of his family.

“Oi, I’m a gentleman! I’m very gentle! And manly! Right, Hana?” He looks to me for support, a small look of desperation in his eyes.

“The p-perfect gentleman.” I chuckle a little as my fingers interlock with his. “Apart from that one time…” Okay, I have to tease him a little. He’d do the same to me.

“What time?” His grandmother glowers at him and Akio panics. It’s quite funny.

“Hana’s j-joking! Tell them, Hana! P-please?” He chokes a little and I kiss his cheek.

“G-g-got you, Aki…” I smile demurely as he goes slack-jawed and his grandparents laugh loudly.

“She’s certainly a match for you, boy!” Sadao’s compliment makes me blush

“Yeah… She really is.” Akio turns to look at me with a sincere smile that melts my heart.


“First pool, now poker… Hanako the Hustler, that’s your new name.” Akio pouts a little indignantly as he throws his cards on the table.

“No one likes a sore loser, Aki. Good game, Hanako.” Sadao groans as he gets up and steps towards his sleeping wife on the couch. “I think I better take the little lady to bed.”

He rouses her gently and they both give a wave and a smile as they head out of room, down the hall and up the creaky stairs to bed.

“So, what’s the verdict?” Akio asks as he collects the cards and begins shuffling them once more.

“They’re very nice! Wonderful, in fact.” I stretch before leaning on the table, my chin in my hands. “I’m quite jealous, actually. A-a-after the f-f-fire…” Akio looks up when I stutter at my own mentioning of the fire. Breathe deep, Hana…

“I’m not saying growing up at the orphanage was bad. It was… f-fine. But I do wish I still had s-some family who could have taken care of m-me.” I lament quietly and Akio fills the silence with the rapid-fire claps of cards being shuffled.

“I’m not even going to pretend to understand what that was like for you…” He says quietly, setting the cards down. “But I’m told that the family of the 21st Century isn’t made of flesh and blood, but friends and if that’s true, you have plenty of family. Lilly and Akira might not be here right now but they’re your sisters all the same…”

He takes my hands into his and rubs the back of them with his thumbs. “Taro and Ritsu… All those guys would go to bat for you if you needed it so I guess you can count them too.” He’s right. I might be short of flesh and blood but I have a lot of friends, a lot of people who care… And then there’s him.

“Wh-what about you? Are you my family?” I ask quietly.

He looks from my eyes down to our joined hands and slowly retracts his. Oh no

“I can’t be your family…” Akio, please, no… He reaches up his grey undershirt’s sleeve and pulls out a playing card. “I want to be more.” He turns the card over.

The Ace of Hearts. You son of a--

“You sc-scared m-m-me, you asshole!” He chuckles at my exasperated outburst and slides the card in his hand to reveal a second underneath it. Joker.

“Besides, family aren’t supposed to do what I want to do with you…” He smiles warmly and my heart only beats faster, the feeling of anxiety quickly being overridden by love. He leans across the table and kisses me deeply.

“You got me…” I admit with a sigh, feeling a mixture of relief and love.

“And you’ve got me. Forever.” He meets my eyes and all I want is to hold him close. We push the small table from between us and embrace tightly, our bodies pressed together as much as humanly possible. He’s got me. I’ve got him. In this very moment, that’s all we need.



God damn it, that cold shower didn’t help at all! I walk back from the bathroom with a towel around my waist. Last night was intense. Probably the hottest and heaviest we’ve ever been. How we didn’t escalate past kissing and some light petting, I’ll never know… Hell, if that was intense, sex with her is going to be

No, stop that! Get your libido in check, dumbass. This is your grandparents’ home and you will behave yourself. I get dressed and walk down to breakfast.

“Damn, Nana!” I exclaim, taking in the wonderful spread she’s preparing. It smells delicious.

“Language.” Grandpa calls from the back door, where he smokes.

“Sorry. But really, you didn’t have to go to so much trouble…” I smile, sitting down at the breakfast bar.

“Nonsense, Aki! We have a guest!” Nana replies.

Sooo… What do you guys think of her?” I ask, looking for their reactions.

“She’s lovely.” Nana begins, looking at Grandpa who throws a thumbs-up back at us. “Is she always so shy though?” She asks conspiratorially.

“She has anxiety because of her scars so she’s a little wary of strangers, no matter how friendly. She’ll warm up to you guys, don’t worry.” I explain.

“She certainly knows how to put you in your place.” Grandpa laughs, spluttering a little on his own smoke. “She’s something special, that one.”

“She sure is,” I admit with a smile. “I’ve never met anyone like her. She’s so smart and charming and drop-dead gorgeous.”

“F-f-flattery will get you n-n-nowhere, Aki…” A teasing voice says behind me. I turn and find my girlfriend standing just inside the kitchen. Oh wow…

Hanako stands with her arms behind her back, wearing a vibrant yellow sundress. Her hips sway a little, accentuating the flowing dress as the hem flares a little. “D-do you like it?” She asks quietly.

“Wow… You look radiant.” I whisper and my Nana chortles.

“Good morning, Hanako! Come take a seat, breakfast is ready.” Nana says as she serves up two helpings of miso soup followed by two plates, each with rolled scrambled egg, bacon and sausage. It’s a hearty meal to start your day with, to be sure.


After breakfast and a little more time spent with my grandparents, we head out into the coastal countryside.

“It’s beautiful here…” Hana sighs with a smile.

“Yeah, the view’s real pretty.” I say, purposely staring at Hana until she notices. She nudges me with her elbow with a smirk.

“Don’t smooth-talk me, Aki.”

“How long are you going to keep using that?” I ask with genuine concern. It’s fine coming from my grandparents but the way she breathes it in a husky tone strikes me as inherently wrong. Perverse, even and not in the good way.

“Don’t you like it?” Hana asks, picking up on my trepidation.

“It’s… strange. I much prefer you using my full name in that sexy voice of yours.” I joke and Hana flutters her eyes.

“Oh really? Do you like it when I talk like this? Ah-Ki-Ooooh~…” She purrs in a teasing tone. God damn

“Yeah… That’s…” I struggle to form words as my cheeks become warmer, causing Hana to laugh.

“Oh dear! I’m not going to have to throw you in the ocean to cool off, am I?”

“I may go in willingly. Between that and the dress and you just being you…” I admit sheepishly.

“I’ll be sure to restrain my h-hotness from here on out.” She gives a cute little salute.

“Speaking of, are you wearing sunscreen?” My own question seems to lead me on a tangent in my mind that leaves me stumped. “Huh…”

“W-what is it?” Hana asks, leaning against me a little.

“Can your scars get sun burn?” I ask, honestly curious and it takes Hanako by surprise. She tilts her head as she mulls the question over. Any hang-ups she might have about talking about her scars fall by the wayside when she’s presented with my conundrum.

“I… Don’t actually know. I don’t think I even considered it before.” She furrows her brow and brushes her hair out of her face. “I just applied my sunscreen all over, like the bottle said.” She chuckles a little.

“Never been sunbathing or anything before?”

“N-not really. I’m fully covered most of the time… This is my first time wearing a sundress since I was little.”

“Well you look amazing.” I say genuinely and lean in for a kiss.

“Th-thank you. Are you okay in shorts?” She looks down at the scar on my right calf and I nod.

“If it’s no problem for you to wear that amazing dress in public then I’m great. And if anyone does have a problem, with either of us… Fuck’em.” I grin mischievously and Hana nods with a smirk.


We made our way along the coastal walking trails, resting now and then before going further. A few passers-by looked at us but it was little more than quick glances before they were gone from our sight and minds. I held on to her hand the entire time, making sure to reward her with kisses when she didn’t freak out. Equal parts affection and positive reinforcement.

We walk further and admire the mossy rocks of Jodogahama Beach and finally to a more secluded spot with a crystal clear view of the ocean.

“I thought Lilly‘s summer house was beautiful but this place… It’s just so tranquil.” Hanako smiles, looking out at the ocean.

“It’s something all right. Not a lot to do other than admire the view though.”

“Is that such a bad thing, city boy?” She looks over her shoulder at me as I get up from resting my tired legs by sitting down on the mix of sand and slate.

“No, but I think I’d go crazy just sitting here on my lonesome.” I chuckle as I heave myself up on my cane.

“But you’re not alone. You have me.” Hanako turns and holds onto her sun hat as a sea breeze blows through her hair and dress. Wow.

“And I thank god every day that I do…” I say as I walk over and embrace her tightly, kissing her firmly on the lips.

“Hanako… I love you.” I whisper as our lips leave each other and I look deep into her violet eyes. A smile creeps across her face.

“I know.” She smirks. For a split second, I think about protesting her glib remark, only to be stunned into silence by a passionate kiss and the greatest words I’ve ever heard in my life, said by the most amazing woman I’ve ever known.

“I love you too, Akio.”


Author's notes: With this, I think I've covered all the missing pieces I needed to cover in terms of Hanakio's behind the scenes adventures. From here on, their stories will be concurrent with Monomyth and other one-shots that take place in the new semester. There's definitely more to come so keep your eyes peel and thanks for reading!
Last edited by Sharp-O on Sun Aug 02, 2015 3:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Life's a Beach" - 30/7/15 Update

Post by swampie2 »

For some reason I read akio's grandparents as old americans with texan accents :lol:

They were very well written though, I can easily see how Akio would become as snarky as he is if he was raised by them.

I was also very glad to find out that Jōdogahama beach is a real place, +2 point for research. :mrgreen:

"...Do you like it when I talk like this. Akioooo…”

I'd change this, at first I thought she was doing an impression of when she was drunk.

"...Do you like it when I talk like this. Akioooo~” She purrs... <- Something like this.

Also, I'm pretty sure scars can get sunburns since they don't produce all the stuff that un-scarred skin does, right?
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Life's a Beach" - 30/7/15 Update

Post by Sharp-O »

swampie2 wrote:For some reason I read akio's grandparents as old americans with texan accents :lol:
You've been peeking at the English Dub script, haven't you? :?
swampie2 wrote:"...Do you like it when I talk like this. Akioooo…”
I'd change this, at first I thought she was doing an impression of when she was drunk.
"...Do you like it when I talk like this. Akioooo~” She purrs... <- Something like this.
You're bang on, what do you think now?
swampie2 wrote:Also, I'm pretty sure scars can get sunburns since they don't produce all the stuff that un-scarred skin does, right?
As soon as I knew they went to a coastal town, two things had to happen. 1) Hanako was going to wear a sun dress like the unused beta sprite and 2) Akio would bring up sunburn because if nothing else, someone here would answer the question, plus it's a really cute scene :lol:
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Life's a Beach" - 30/7/15 Update

Post by swampie2 »

Sharp-O wrote:You're bang on, what do you think now?
I like it, aside from that you should put a full stop or elipsis after the teasing sentence and the "god damn."

Very nice work as always :)

On an unrelated topic, do you have a timeline? like of when different chapters happen and overlap? If not then you should make one. :mrgreen:
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Life's a Beach" - 30/7/15 Update

Post by Silentcook »


Just for the record, that sprite is bullshit. It wasn't made by one of the 4LS artists, but by somebody with Photoshop and a bit of time (a LITTLE bit of time) on their hands.

Good thing too, since I'd have had to bitchslap you if it was, but eh.
Shattering your dreams since '94. I also fought COVID in '20 and '21, and all I got was this lousy forum sig.

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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Life's a Beach" - 30/7/15 Update

Post by Sharp-O »

swampie2 wrote:On an unrelated topic, do you have a timeline? like of when different chapters happen and overlap? If not then you should make one. :mrgreen:
I've showed it where I can but I'll put together a definitive timeline.
Silentcook wrote:
:?: Just for the record, that sprite is bullshit. It wasn't made by one of the 4LS artists, but by somebody with Photoshop and a bit of time (a LITTLE bit of time) on their hands.
Good thing too, since I'd have had to bitchslap you if it was, but eh.
Huh, guess I won't trust the wiki for info like that then, regardless, that's the inspiration for Hana's sun dress. Thanks for your leniency, Silent :)
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Sharp-O's One-Shots! "The Gathering" - 10/8/15 Update

Post by Sharp-O »

Standalone: An unlikely group is assembled by a mysterious third party.

The Gathering


“Hnnnngh… Did anyone catch the number of the twat driving that bus? I’m gonna report that wanker for negligent driving!” I spit venomously as I rise from my prone position. My head is killing me but I’m not bleeding, so that’s something. I blink several times before I realise that I’m not on the grey cracked pavement I was before.

I sit bolt up right on my knees and take in my strange new surroundings. It’s a stark black room, illuminated solely by light pouring from the cracks in the tiled floor. There’s other people here, I can tell that much but without my glasses I’m as good as blind…

Ohaiyo.” A friendly voice says in Japanese as one of the figures holds out what appear to be my glasses. Japanese, eh? So I must be somewhere close to where I was, right? I graciously accept my glasses with a nod and slip them on before switching to my third language.


My newest companion is much friendlier than the other one, I must say. I offer my hand to the petite girl and ease her onto her prosthetic legs. They appear to be much more advanced than anything I’ve ever seen.

“Thank you… Wait, Shin!?” She beams, throwing her arms around my neck and planting a kiss on my cheek. The feeling is pleasant but the fact that she can see me and that she’s intimately familiar with me means that this is not the Molly Kapur that I know.

“Miss Kapur, while I do enjoy the attention, I believe you have me confused with someone else…” I blush slightly, something I was not aware I was capable of anymore. She steps back in shake, bringing her hands to her mouth.

“Omigosh, I’m so sorry! You just look like my friend and this is all so disorientating.” She mutters, blushing profusely.

“That’s quite alright. My name is Shin but I don’t think we have had the pleasure of meeting before.” I smile warmly and she responds with a quizzical expression. I chuckle softly and gesture to our compatriots.

“This may seem hard to believe but everyone here is someone you might know. But they may not be who you are personally acquainted with.” I explain. She looks at the rest of our bizarre little quintet, two of whom are still unconscious.


What is with that guy? He’s too polite for this situation and then there’s the fact that I couldn’t sense him to begin with. It’s like he’s not even there…

“Miss Satou, this is Molly Kapur. She’s… a fellow member of Class 3-3.” He introduces the small British-Indian girl beside him with the same placid tone. Her name, her scent and her accent all tipped me off to her nationality.

“Nice to meet someone from the motherland.” I say in English with a slight Scottish accent, I uncross my arms and hold out my hand. She takes it nervously, quivering a little as the new surroundings dawn on her. I can feel her pulse racing. Poor lamb. I bring my other hand over hers and smile.

“Don’t worry, I’ll get us out of here…”

“Th-thanks, Lilly.” She responds and I raise an eyebrow before laughing.

“I guess you know a Lilly too, huh? Please, call me Lills.” I squeeze her hand tight to reassure her.

“What was the last thing you remember?” I ask, reverting back to Japanese for Shin’s sake. He might give me the willies but we’re all in this together. Molly shuffles in place, a near silent whirr of gears emanating from her legs. Double amputee, micro gyro-stabilisers in her prosthetics. Sounds like some amazing tech. Lucky her.

“I stepped off the curb without looking… There was a bus… Then I woke up here.” Her voice shakes a little but I can tell this one’s got a brave soul. She’s British, of course she’s brave.

“Sounds like our experiences then. I was attacked from behind, woke up here…” I give the gist of my situation, no need to overwhelm the poor girl.

“I was walking through the halls at school when I… fell. I found myself here amongst the rest of you. Miss Satou was the first to wake.” Shin explains, he’s hiding something but we can worry about that later. One of the others stirs and I turn towards the noise.


“Owww… What happened?” I grumble into the room and get to my feet gingerly. I rub my head as it throbs. “Ugh, what did that bastard Nakai do to me now?” I ask to no one in particular as I take in the darkened room around me.

“Oh… H-h-hello.” I stutter at the people crowded together a little more than fifty feet from me. A grey-haired student moves around a vaguely familiar blonde girl and an Indian student.

“Hello, my friend. Are you alright?” He asks, extending his hand. I take it and tug my scarf away from my face.

“Y-yeah, I think so… Where are we?” I ask, looking at the bizarre architecture. It’s almost… Alien.

“I’m afraid I can’t answer that for you…” He says in a leading fashion.

“K-Kenji… Kenji Setou.” I smile weakly, casting my gaze down. “The last thing I remember was being pushed against a wall… I must’ve hit my head.”

“There’s a lot of that going around. I’m Shin Kyokan, by the way, this is Lilly Satou and Molly Kapur.” He gestures to the two girls and I bow deeply.

“It’s a p-pleasure to meet you both!” I declare a little too loudly to the strange women. This is crazy, that’s not my classmate Lilly, and I certainly don’t know the other two… Ohhhh, this isn’t good. What if they’re not like me? They’ll hate me, I just know it…

Waaaah~ Kenjiiii, stop whining…” Oh, no… I quickly turn and gasp at who I find waking up beside where I was.


I rub the sleep from my eyes and yawn loudly.

“Sh-Shiina! What are you doing here!?” Kenji asks, worried. I was just taking a na-- My eyes go wide and I scramble to my feet and grasp Kenji’s hand.

“Kenji, barrier!” I shoot him an order and he hesitates for a split-second before his eyes flash lavender. His protective bubble expands around us, knocking the grey-haired boy back several feet.

“Shin! Are you okay?” A young Indian girl asks in Japanese, rushing to her friend’s side.

“Molly? What happened to Shin?” The blonde calls out, her murky eyes searching in front of her frantically. Is she blind?

“I’m fine, Miss Satou! Just a misunderstanding, I’m sure.” The boy says with a small smile. “Isn’t that right, Mr Setou? We mean you know harm, I assure you.” He asks as he rises to his feet.

“What the hell happened?” The blonde barks and he places a hand on her shoulder.

“Like I said, nothing to worry about.”

“Sh-Shiina… I don’t think they want to hurt us… They seem just as confused as us.” Kenji stammers, his voice little more than a whisper. I pat his shoulder with my free hand and look at the trio outside.

“You guys wake up here too?” I ask, casting a cynical look at them all. Shin seems to take the initiative, stepping closer to Kenji’s barrier.

“We did. It appears we’ve been gathered here for some reason. Will you help us?” He tilts his head with a sincere smile. How is he so calm?

“Shiina… We should help.” Kenji looks to me with his kind eyes and they flash lavender again, the barrier’s hexagonal sections shrinking away from each other and vanishing into the ether.

“Thank you, Mr Setou.” Shin places his hands behind his back and bows slightly.

“H-how did you do that?” Molly asks and I furrow my brow.

“What do you mean? It’s his element.”

She looks none the wiser, the Satou girl is still frowning and Shin raises a quizzical eyebrow.

“Fascinating, so you both possess special abilities?” He asks.

“Yeah, everyone at Yamaku does.” Kenji answers.

“Not where I come from.” Shin answers. “Hmmm. Miss Kapur, do you have anything to share with us?” He looks back at the Indian girl and she looks sheepish.

“Y-Yeah… Though I’m the only one who’s that kind of special at my Yamaku.” She looks down, stroking her left braid nervously.

“And Miss Satou… Correct me if I’m wrong, but you possess an uncanny spatial awareness?”

“Mostly… I still have my blind spots though.” She cocks her head towards the sound of Shin’s voice. She really is blind.

“Interesting…” He mutters to himself as the light pouring from between the floor tiles increases until my vision flashes white.

“What’s going on?” Miss Satou calls out as Molly whimpers.

“A blinding light, Lilly!”

Lilly? Lilly Satou!? As in… Oh.

The light vanishes and we all look around disoriented. I see vaguely see Lilly move to herd us together and then stands apart, swaying her head from side to side.

“That’s… That’s just not possible…” She mutters and takes a long, deep inhale through her nose. “This place shouldn’t be here…”

The light fades and my senses are soon overwhelmed by new sights and smells.

“Oh my…” Shin gasps, turning and taking in the new environment.

“This is… The Shanghai…” Kenji’s jaw drops as he removes his glasses.

“And the library. Both spaces merged into one. I like it.” Shin seems a little too at home with all this weirdness.

“I’m glad you approve! I wanted to make this place as welcoming as possible for you guys.” A cheery familiar voice announces. I grip Kenji’s hand tight and scan the environment for the source.

“Shiina, it’s okay!” He grins. “It’s… Her.” I follow his line of sight to the woman approaching from behind the counter.

“Hello, everyone! Welcome to The Nexus! Please take a seat.” The young woman curtsies with her cardigan before gesturing at the centre of the room, a flash of light filling my vision again before a round table and several comfy chairs appear like magic. It’s arranged neatly with drinks for all of us as well as a variety of sweet and savoury snacks.

“Quite the welcome, Yuuko. I take it you are the one who summoned us?” Shin asks, the first to take a seat at the table. We all follow his lead, a little more cautiously though.

“Top marks, Shin! I’m so sorry for the inconvenience but rest assured, I’m not some evil witch here to gobble you all up!” She giggles at her own joke and Shin chuckles, the rest of us looking at each other nervously.

Tough crowd. Anyway, each of your drinks are personalised to your preferences, so please enjoy!” She bows like the waitress Kenji and I once knew and her demeanour seems to put everyone at ease.

“I will have to regretfully decline, Yuuko.” Shin says as we all take sips of our drinks. Oh god, is it poison? Why didn’t you warn us, you shithead!

“Don’t worry, Shin… I’ve made yours special! I know you’ve always wanted to try the Shanghai’s special blend.” She winks and he cautiously takes the mug in front of him, bringing it to his lips and taking a tentative sip.


Oh my word… I take the mug away from my lips and then look down my body. My eyes dart to Yuuko and she nods enthusiastically. I grip the mug with both hands and gulp the delicious coffee down. I haven’t done this in so long. It’s the greatest thing I’ve ever tasted.

I breathe a contented sigh and my companions glance at me with weird looks. Heh, I guess I overreacted a tad. I sheepishly offer my mug to Yuuko.

“If I may?”

“Have as much as you want!” She snaps her fingers and the mug is refilled.

Thank you… Though all these… theatrics make me question why we’ve been gathered here. I don’t believe it’s just for tea and crumpets.” I place the mug down and Molly looks over to me with a buttered crumpet half-stuffed into her mouth.

“Very astute, Shin! I’ll start with the obvious question: This is The Nexus, a multiversal Lagrange point. Simply put, a way station at the crossroads to parallel worlds. As for the why…” Yuuko’s shoulders slump a little and I lean in, holding my hands together as I rest my elbows on the table.

“I need your help.”
Last edited by Sharp-O on Mon Sep 07, 2015 7:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "The Gathering" - 10/8/15 Update

Post by Hesmiyu »

Sharp-O wrote: The Gathering - snipped -
Not sure if it is because I'm trying to read this at 2am while trying to sleep, but I'm confused I think?
The line below is false.
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Being disabled is just differently abled differently labelled.

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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "The Gathering" - 10/8/15 Update

Post by Sharp-O »

Hesmiyu wrote:Not sure if it is because I'm trying to read this at 2am while trying to sleep, but I'm confused I think?
I had the idea for a more sci-fi fantasy story and thought an Exiles/Sliders/Kamen Rider Decade team of KS characters might be cool to play with. :D
Last edited by Sharp-O on Sun Aug 09, 2015 9:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "The Gathering" - 10/8/15 Update

Post by brythain »

Sharp-O wrote:
Hesmiyu wrote:Not sure if it is because I'm trying to read this at 2am while trying to sleep, but I'm confused I think?
I had the idea for a more sci-fi fantasy story and thought an Exiles/Sliders/Kamen Rider Decade team of KS characters might be cool to play with. :D
That's not a one-shot! That's a prequel of some sort. No fair! :)
Post-Yamaku, what happens? After The Dream is a mosaic that follows everyone to the (sometimes) bitter end.
Main Index (Complete)Shizune/Lilly/Emi/Hanako/Rin/Misha + Miki + Natsume
Secondary Arcs: Rika/Mutou/AkiraHideaki | Others (WIP): Straw—A Dream of SuzuSakura—The Kenji Saga.
"Much has been lost, and there is much left to lose." — Tim Powers, The Drawing of the Dark (1979)
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "The Gathering" - 10/8/15 Update

Post by brythain »

Sharp-O wrote:
brythain wrote:That's not a one-shot! That's a prequel of some sort. No fair! :)
Well I thought of throwing the reader in at the deep-end but it still required set-up and I kind of went overboard. Think the idea has legs?
I think it requires a lot more careful set-up and planning if you're going to start with such a big idea. I know whereof I speak. :D
Post-Yamaku, what happens? After The Dream is a mosaic that follows everyone to the (sometimes) bitter end.
Main Index (Complete)Shizune/Lilly/Emi/Hanako/Rin/Misha + Miki + Natsume
Secondary Arcs: Rika/Mutou/AkiraHideaki | Others (WIP): Straw—A Dream of SuzuSakura—The Kenji Saga.
"Much has been lost, and there is much left to lose." — Tim Powers, The Drawing of the Dark (1979)
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