Katawa Bizarro: An AU fic


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Katawa Bizarro: An AU fic

Post by Impulsive »

Hey there.

I'm going to be writing an Alternate Universe fic, which I'm naming Katawa Bizarro. Expect to see every single character you know and love from the KS universe completely changed and rearranged. Nothing is sacred :twisted:

All comments are appreciated :D
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Re: Katawa Bizarro: An AU fic

Post by Impulsive »

Prologue - Part 1

Corner kick.

It's the final of the Japanese Acadamies' Intramural Soccer cup. More specifically, the extra time in the second half of the cup final, and our team is defending a corner kick at 2-2 with 60 seconds left on the clock. I don't mean to sound overtly dramatic about a school soccer game, but you could cut the tension in the air with a knife. The players of both my team, Hatsu Gakusha Academy, and the opposing Shoki Raibaru Academy, are soaked in sweat and masked in mud. I am up the field, helpless to the situation unfolding before me. The crowd sitting on the bleacher benches are waiting with baited breath on the winger's cross.

My name is Hisao Nakai, and I am the star striker of the soccer team.

The corner is taken beautifully, sailing through the blue skies and pinpoints an enemy player. He chests it down to his feet, and wheels around the 6 yard box, causing the goalkeeper to tumble over like his ankles were broken. Before he has a chance to capitalise, though, one of our defenders slides in and pokes the ball with enough force to send it out of the penalty box. A player from both sides rush for it, and thankfully my teammate reaches it first and clears it with incredible force. It's going to land behind me.


Without missing a beat, I race off towards the opposition's goal while the man who is supposed to be marking me stands there, seemingly dumbfounded by the soccer ball curling through the air. It bounces just before the penalty box, an equal distance between the keeper and myself. Using any stamina I could muster after 90 minutes of draining competition, I charge not at the ball, but at the keeper. He responds in kind. To the crowd, we must look like two rams about to lock horns.

Time seems to slow down as the ball comes down from it's peak while me and the goalie are just meters away. The look in his eyes is one of intensity and desperation as he jumps up into the air to punch it out of my range. At this point, most players would give up. After all, he has the advantage on me, I can't use my hands and he can. He has a whole arm's reach above my body.

My name is Hisao Nakai, and I am not most players.

With every bit of strength I can gather, I crouch down as low as I can and then flex outwards with a force that causes my thighs to burn. I rear back my head, and he pulls back his hand. Time stops. My forehead is level with his clenched fist. This could go horribly wrong...


The commentator excitedly screams into his microphone, and the crowd goes nuts. I'm on all fours, absolutely exhausted, the noise surrounding me is immense. My heart is going ten to the dozen, and I feel like I can't move. Good thing my team mates have come to pick me up on their shoulders, heh. With a "one, two, three!", they pick me up as I sit on the shoulders of my keeper.

While most enjoy sitting and watching a sunset atop a hill, this view is more beautiful than any nature can produce. With my arms raised, I bask in the adulation of my standing, applauding peers as the sweat and tears come pouring down my face... I feel amazing. Maybe the best I've ever felt in my life.

And somehow, in the midst of the whooping and hollering masses, making an uproar of noise, I spot her. Iwanako, the girl I've been crushing on as long as I can remember. She simply stands there quietly, clapping slowly, with the sweetest of smiles on her face.

This day couldn't possibly get any better.


The kit bag on my back feels surprisingly light as I walk through the city streets back to my home. After the game and the cup lifting celebration, our coach decided to shower us all with non-alcoholic champagne, before barking orders at us to get in the showers and clean up the mess he'd just made. What a guy. Then, after my team had finished singing my praises for scoring the winning header, my mother came in and started crying and hugging me. My dad was much more restrained, although he had a tear in his eye.

My life is nearly perfect. Nearly.

I wonder... should I approach Iwanako at school tomorrow?

As my thoughts drift towards thoughts of a confession, the devil seems to have heard my thoughts... because there she was. Standing at the bus shelter in her school uniform, a black blazer with a puffy white blouse and a blue skirt, knee high socks and all, was Iwanako herself.

This is one hell of a coincidence.

As I stand on the curb of the road, she notices me, walks out of the bus shelter, and takes her headphones out. "Hey, Hisao." A bit more of a flat tone than I was expecting. I mean, I did just win the soccer tournament for the school. I'm the pride of Hatsu Gakusha right now.

"Oh, hey, Iwanako. Waiting for the bus to go home?" I reply, nonchalantly as I possibly can.

"Yeah. Nice goal today. You're going to be the pride of Hatsu Gakusha for a while now."

I know.

"Thanks. I saw you clapping in the crowd."

"You're welcome."

And then, silence.

This isn't right. I've just met the girl I've wanted since childhood in the street after the best day of my life. This is the best day of my life. It can't be coincidence. Looks like I'll have to take the lead here...

"So, Iwanako..."

"Mmm?" Wow. Can't even be bothered to open her mouth.

"...I was wondering..."

Her face is getting a bit concerned now. While she might look great right now... this doesn't look very good at all.

"...if maybe..."

My heart is going a hundred miles a minute again. It's like I've just played another full game of soccer.

"...you'd go out with me?"

For a moment, a brief and fleeting moment, her expression remains stoic, unchanged. Then, as if this was some kind of sick joke, she starts to giggle. Then cackle. Then just outright laugh in my face. Whooping and hollering in my face, an uproar of noise. My heart sinks deep into my stomach... Almost causing me pain.

No, that's definitely pain.

I struggle to make out a word, a cry, even a whisper, but the depressing reality I'm being subjected to is slowly ripped away from me. The world starts to spiral into black, burning the image of Iwanako's fit of laughter into my mind forever, as it's the last thing I see before I lose my sight. I stumble, and fall over.

The last thing I hear is the horn of an oncoming truck.
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Re: Katawa Bizarro: An AU fic

Post by carrion_crow »

Hmmmm...interesting. There isn't a whole lot of plot to base an opinion off of just yet but it seems like a good start. I hope to see more.
Akira=Miki>Lily>Emi>Rin>Hanako...........and shizune I guess
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