Drawings and whatnot. Mostly whatnot.

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# 2
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Drawings and whatnot. Mostly whatnot.

Post by # 2 »

So, I've decided to take up drawing again, after not having done any real art work for nigh on five years or so. Never was really a stellar artist to begin with, I just never took the time to learn the proper techniques. Heck, the only formal art training I've had is Art Class in high school, and that was thirty years ago.

Anywho, here's my first finished work.


It was supposed to be Rin, but I think I may have butchered her a bit. For that I humbly apologize.

So, my plan is to draw for at least an hour a day, every day. Mostly portraits and figures, but I'll also be practicing still life so I can try to get a grip on lighting and shadows.

Anything KS related will most likely end up here, so I ask you to bear with me while I relearn what I used to know and try to push myself beyond mediocrity.

Edit: Thumbnailed the image.
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# 2
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Re: Drawings and whatnot. Mostly whatnot.

Post by # 2 »

A quick sketch of Misha, nothing spectacular or great. Did'nt try coloring as obviously, I need lots of practice with sketching first. Be focusing on that for a while I guess.

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Re: Drawings and whatnot. Mostly whatnot.

Post by Pascalla »

Well I like the tanned look Rin has! But Misha looks so sad. D:
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