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Hungarian translation, is it possible??

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 7:45 am
by leslieboy
Hi everyone! First, i want to make it clear, i don't want to do any damage to the team, or to the game, i really enjoyed your work, i really liked it, and i wanted to share with my friends too. One of them is someone, who can't speak English, or any language, only Hungarian, and he is not good with computers and things like that. This is why i thought, i want to help him, and i translate the full game into Hungarian. I'm Hungarian, i can do the translation, even alone. I'm not good with script works, and programming, this is why i had big problems to translate the game. On chat i had advice to ask this in forum. I'm here now, and i want to ask help, advice, permission, or anything, that would make it possible to translate, and read/play this game in Hungarian. Thanks for every help about this, and as i said, I'm just a fan, not someone who want to make name or money with this. I want to help on my friend.
Keep up the great works in the future teams! :wink:

Re: Hungarian translation, is it possible??

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 6:24 pm
by demonix
Your first port of contact should be the team who did the Hungarian act 1 translation to see if they're planning on translating the whole game (I don't know how to contact them directly since I only checked the translation FAQ thread in the public discussion section before I responded), but if they're not planning on translating the whole game it is highly likely that you won't get approval to do it yourself (as mentioned in the previously mentioned translation FAQ thread) until they decide to release the full script.

Re: Hungarian translation, is it possible??

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 5:40 pm
by Zorg
Then again, vanishing after contacting the sole remaining member of said team (me), and agreeing on the platform for discussing things further, i can only laugh silently at the repeating occurrence of this particular event.

Re: Hungarian translation, is it possible??

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 3:35 am
by Mirage_GSM
Yeah, I know that problem really well ^^°