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Re: Crippling phobias

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:09 pm
by ParagonTerminus
Assertive wrote:I guess have some sort of phobia , I'm fine in small rooms and elevators, but as soon as I can't move my arms/legs I freak out, first time I realised this I was caving... I would be a bad hostage.
Never play CounterStrike. The few seconds before the round starts will kill you.

Re: Crippling phobias

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:21 am
by Comrade
ParagonTerminus wrote:
Assertive wrote:I guess have some sort of phobia , I'm fine in small rooms and elevators, but as soon as I can't move my arms/legs I freak out, first time I realised this I was caving... I would be a bad hostage.
Never play CounterStrike. The few seconds before the round starts will kill you.
Would it really have an effect beyoned the third wall?

I guess one of my most real fears is picking up stones in the desert and then getting bitten/sting by a scorpion or a snake. That has yet to happen to me, because i take precautions before i pick up rocks.
I don't think this would count as a phobia though

Re: Crippling phobias

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 4:58 am
by YutoTheOrc
Comrade wrote:
ParagonTerminus wrote:
Assertive wrote:I guess have some sort of phobia , I'm fine in small rooms and elevators, but as soon as I can't move my arms/legs I freak out, first time I realised this I was caving... I would be a bad hostage.
Never play CounterStrike. The few seconds before the round starts will kill you.
Would it really have an effect beyoned the third wall?

I guess one of my most real fears is picking up stones in the desert and then getting bitten/sting by a scorpion or a snake. That has yet to happen to me, because i take precautions before i pick up rocks.
I don't think this would count as a phobia though
Why would you be picking up stones in a desert? Just for something to do? :p

Re: Crippling phobias

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 5:48 am
by Comrade
to set up campfires of course. there are a lot of shrubs and whatnot in the desert, and you wouldn't want to start a massive fire, would you?

Re: Crippling phobias

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 5:52 am
by YutoTheOrc
Comrade wrote:to set up campfires of course. there are a lot of shrubs and whatnot in the desert, and you wouldn't want to start a massive fire, would you?
I had the impression you were just out for a stroll, and decided to go to the desert and flip over stones! :lol:

Re: Crippling phobias

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 5:55 am
by Comrade
YutoTheOrc wrote:
Comrade wrote:to set up campfires of course. there are a lot of shrubs and whatnot in the desert, and you wouldn't want to start a massive fire, would you?
I had the impression you were just out for a stroll, and decided to go to the desert and flip over stones! :lol:
Well, there are some ancient ruins here and there worth poking around in, but there are better places than the desert to do it in

Re: Crippling phobias

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 5:53 pm
by ParagonTerminus
I actually have a fear that's pretty much closing down career paths for me: fear of clumsiness. Specifically, becoming a doctor, Bomb Disposal Unit member, etc.

Basically, I'm scared that I can never become a surgeon/bomb disposal officer because I somehow know for a fact that I will fuck up and kill someone/detonate the bomb. It goes beyond that, obviously, but it means that I'm scared to do jobs that require finess and precision and I have been since thirteen or so.

Re: Crippling phobias

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 2:30 am
by Xaredian
Atario wrote:Bees are kinda cool about things. Wasps, on the other hand, can eat a bag of tiny wasp dicks.
No they're not. Fuck both. Fuck both till both die, please?
Comrade wrote:The only thing i fear is fear itself, so naturally this thread terrified me.
This is going to be weird but...

Wouldn't the fear of fear mean you're afraid of anything and everything?
Panphobia, to be exact.
Being that fear is a mental concept and an instinct. As, most things we fear in nature, would be able to kill a human. There's a such thing as "unreasonable fear" (Such as my fear of bees and wasps), which normally is caused by personal experiences, mostly in their early years.
Khalego wrote:I have a severe aversion to hospitals. Last time I was there (a relative was visiting a sick friend so I was...Moral support or something), I ended up pacing around the halls struggling to contain my trembling.

Needless to say, Hisao's scenario after that first heart attack would drive me out of my mind. Not good times.
On an interesting note. I don't have a fear of hospitals, cemeteries, and nursing homes, but I do have a weird feeling of unease while in one.
It's probably being I associate those places with death. While death is a concept I don't fear (which is unusual for a human), I don't like places associated with it. It's possible I fear other people's deaths, but not my own. As death is inevitable and consumes all, so I've accepted my own death before I was even born.

Damn, would I be a terrible person to try and help someone in depression. As a side note, I'm mentally incapable of being depressed. Don't ask how it works. So, don't worry about me killing myself, because I won't be.

Re: Crippling phobias

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 2:55 am
by Comrade
Phobophobia is not fear of fear, its the fear of irrational fear, that is phobias.

Re: Crippling phobias

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 9:38 am
by Broomhead
Xaredian wrote: No they're not. Fuck both. Fuck both till both die, please?
Would you be the Lilly to the bee's Hisao?

And now for an edit completely different:
I don't have a fear of hospitals, cemeteries, and nursing homes, but I do have a weird feeling of unease while in one.
Yeah. I guess I associate phobia with the literal translation of "The unnatural fear or hate of-" so that puts me at odds when people only use it in the context of fear. (I realize the modern definition doesn't see it that way, but eh.)

Re: Crippling phobias

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 1:43 pm
by Munchenhausen
I'm just glad people are differenciating between having a fear and having a phobia :P

Having a phobia and just having a fear is the difference between being anxious when you see a spider on a far wall and physically escaping the room, usually screaming, as soon as you see it.
I was waiting for someone to say they had a phobia of something and then go on to describe it as "X gives me the heebie jeebies!"

Kinda like people who are annoyed by something out of place and saying they have OCD, or people who get distracted during homework and blame it on having ADHD.
Fuck those guys.
/tumblr style rant

Re: Crippling phobias

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 2:37 pm
by Disposition
I'm afraid that I will enter a mental state of silent hill. I've come close one time, was not a pleasant experience, I think it was all of my inner thought turned against me, and, while on a large quantity of drugs, my mind was taken to another dimension, where everything is fighting against me, but, in reality it was my own thoughts, and problems, and basically a giant self-allegory, that I wish I could remember so that maybe I could search deeper in my shadow. But, I don't want to go back to that state, apparently my heart was beating at 220 bpms and I was having a panic attack.

Re: Crippling phobias

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 5:13 pm
by Atario
Xaredian wrote:I'm mentally incapable of being depressed.
You realize you're tempting fate, right?

Re: Crippling phobias

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 6:03 pm
by Khalego
Xaredian wrote:I'm mentally incapable of being depressed.
Get help immediately.

Re: Crippling phobias

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 9:11 pm
by azumeow
Xaredian wrote: Damn, would I be a terrible person to try and help someone in depression. As a side note, I'm mentally incapable of being depressed. Don't ask how it works. So, don't worry about me killing myself, because I won't be.
This raises so many red flags, you honestly have no idea.