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New KS Fighting Game Project: Now In Vector

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 12:44 pm
by NightlyShore
Previous thread

Situation changes a lot in the past few years, thus I make a new thread.
-Due to the resolution/coding issue, now we do illustrate most of the game sprites in vector via Inkscape.
-Now Rosalilla Studio is in charge of the game engine, which is under GPL license.
-We pause the development of KSFG at this moment, now we are doing another STG project to improve the game engine.
All the new features the game engine got in the STG project will benefit KSFG project when we back to develop it.

KSFG Alpha Demo now is released, but remenber it is not ready to play since it is still Alpha, just a showcase to attract more people join the develop team.

Artist Recruiting:
Now we released the game sprites resource to public, thus artist who interested in this project could have some clue about how the game sprite were done.

Doing the game sprites step by step:
-1.Character move design.
-2.Keyframe animating.
-3.Import all the keyframe into Inkscape, and start drawing.(quite time consuming)

Currently the game engine can't completely handle vector file yet, but one day it may. Now the game engine support simple 3D object file, in the future we may use 3D object on the special effect like lighting/shading/snowing etc... so if you're capable doing 3D model, you can give it a try when we back to develop KSFG.

Click to Download Game Sprite Resource
All the content are under Creative Commons license. Image
Credit to:
Halkure (Shizune's pixel sprite/concept art)
Sajormir (Rin's pixel sprite/concept art)
Bowling Pin (Most of the keyframe animation, some concept art)
nightlyshore (All the vector art)

You're free to use as lonng as no commercial use and share alike the CC license.
And for god's sake if you want to use it for R18+, please draw it by your own, they're like my daughter now.

Coder Recruiting:
If you are interested in developing the game engine, please send a PM to Turupawn.
You can also check their STG engine, which is similar to KSFG engine.

Now the game still in early stage, we don't need voice caster. When the game is pretty much done we may need some volunteer voice caster, who have to be female(or whoever can cast girl's voice), and know how to announce japanese properly, but not now, Voice casting is the last thing to do in the game.

Oh, one more thing...


Re: New KS Fighting Game Project: Now In Vector

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 12:45 pm
by NightlyShore
New Game Project Launch!

This is what we're currently working on, all the fund for the GPL STG game engine, will help the development of KSFG when we back to work on it.
We apreciate any help, even just one "Like"! Thank you all! <3

Re: New KS Fighting Game Project: Now In Vector

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:09 am
by Turupawn
As Nightlyshore said I've been coding the fighting game engine so far.
Even if the game is not playable yet you can already download the alpha demo to see the current progress.
I want to release this game so much but our main objective right now is a shooting game made with the same engine. This shooting game engine will run on Ouya and we'll be launching an indiegogo campaign in a few days, the features added to the shooting game will be also available to KSFG which are:
*Story mode, VN style
*Ouya support
*Special graphic effects
*General engine improvement (new features, optimizations, and who knows what else)

You want to contribute coding?
This is a GPL game and you can find the code at:
Feel free to fork it, or get in touch with me via this thread or PM.

Alpha engine test and issue report
This is a great way to help us to improve the engine, since the KS Divekick release we have change the engine core a lot so if you sill have issues please let us know sending an issue report at:

Happy KS Halloween!

Re: New KS Fighting Game Project: Now In Vector

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 3:18 am
by Solistor
I would love to volunteer as a voice actor (announcer, preferably) if you're looking for stuff like that. I don't have any examples of work, since I don't really have a portfolio, but I could send in some sample clips if you'd like.

Re: New KS Fighting Game Project: Now In Vector

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 3:49 pm
by NightlyShore
Solistor wrote:I would love to volunteer as a voice actor.
That's one of the reason we start with Shizune. lol
Just kidding... the real reason is the ex-art director is a Shizune fan, so she got more attention/concept art/keyframs animation.

Usually voice casting is the last thing to do in game, now we just need few more artist and coders.
But sure when the game mostly done (like in 2015?) we may need some volunteer voice caster, in that case we probably only need female voice caster, and she better know how to speak Japanese properly.

Re: New KS Fighting Game Project: Now In Vector

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 1:13 am
by Solistor
Alright; m'afraid I can't quite fill those requirements.

Re: New KS Fighting Game Project: Now In Vector

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:55 pm
by NightlyShore
Update... Our New project is launched on Indiegogo now!
Check the 2nd post! ;)