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What order are you going to play in?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:09 am
by Shintai
Is there a certain order you have in mind what girls's playthroughs you're planning on going through? This isn't the same as the order of which you like and dislike the girls, as you can still like, Hanako the most, but would want to to do her route last because you prefer to leave "the best for last" so to speak. So anyways, here's my list.

First, it's Rin. She's just such a unique girl that, I really want to go through her route first and see what quirky stuff she puts Hisao through right away. Next is gonna be Emi since she and Rin are friends, I think it makes sense to jump into hers when chances are, Rin's route would have already given some exposure to her character. Next is Shizune since, her, Lily, and Hanako's characters are all related somewhat, I think starting with hers would be best for me. Next up is Lily, and then finally Hanako. Hanako is last because, she's my favorite. :P

Re: What order are you going to play in?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:14 am
by Khantalas
I considered this, and decided to go with the order I got on the demo. Namely, Emi-Hanako-Lilly-Shizune-Rin. This has nothing to do with my order of favorites (even in reverse, everyone's place is all wrong), but how I think I would do things if I never played the demo.

Re: What order are you going to play in?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:19 am
by Mirage_GSM
This thread's name doesn't make it obvious at first glance, but it's about the same topic.

Re: What order are you going to play in?

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:29 pm
by ND92
The first time I played through act 1, I got the Emi path. I love Emi, I really do.

So I chose her path in the full version, and really enjoyed it. I went through something very similar, so I really connected with it and bought my girlfriend a bouquet almost immediately after. Very well done.

Re: What order are you going to play in?

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:23 pm
by spencer7x7
The order is easy hehehehe: Hanako, Emi, Lilly or Rin, Lilly or Rin, Shizune.

Im not big fan of Shizune, and I don't think it will be that interesting so i saved it for last, maybe I'll get a surprise hehehe :D .