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Shredding of the Soul

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:11 pm
by Kota
Hisao and friends take up their mystical instruments and battle to the death.

Hisao "Fender" Nakai was an orphan, in one sense of the word. He was taken from his parents by the government and placed in a religious orphanage. Happy to get away from the shitty family he had, he was a bright child and immersed himself in traditional old ways. He lived in this bubble, protected from the modern customs and ideals that conflicted with the orphanage's policies, for years. One day, however, he met an older man that was visiting the orphanage. Although the man was a contributor to the orphanage's funding, he didn't quite think the orphans should be so shut off from the world. When he introduced Hisao to music, he noticed Hisao's fascination. Just before being chased out, the man gave Hisao a guitar, and told him to keep it safe. Hisao kept it hidden for years, playing in secret on the quiet electric guitar. Many a night he spent mystified by the vibrating strings' sound in a dark, shut closet at night. The guitar served as a catalyst for his discovery of the modern world. When he got older, he finally decided to leave. Though he enjoyed the orphanage, he realized how outdated many of its policies are and wished to propel himself into the "real" world.

Nearly finished with his preparations, he returns to the orphanage for one last time. When he arrives, it's in flames and not everyone has made it out. The authorities have yet to arrive, and he spots a group of people playing a rocking song. They're on top of the burning building. At first he is horrified, wondering how anyone can possibly keep playing rock moments before their deaths, but he catches a glimpse of their eyes. He felt it in his heart. Though they knew they would die, they would do it while doing what they love. The power of rock seems to envelope them, and even as the building collapses their instruments let out one last howl. The smiles and expressions on their faces engraved themselves upon his soul. The end of one's life means nothing; the music your soul releases at the moment of the end is what matters most. Music of the soul, rock of the heart.

Hisao takes the band's lesson to heart; he dedicates himself to the magic of rock and some time later asks for help starting a band...

Re: Shredding of the Soul

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:17 pm
by Kota
They fight to their instrument's destruction in standard shit, and fight to the death or severe injury in underground battles.

Battles have 2 elements: Music and Battle. These switch every so often, by a time limit or referee call. During Music, they show off their musical skills, shredding frets and breaking eardrums. Awesome solos to be had here. Once they switch to battle, they use their instruments to fight and cause damage to the opposing band.

Fights start out with both bands facing towards each other, either at an angle (for a singular audience) or directly (for stadium-style seating). They begin with Music Stages, where both bands either take turns playing, or duel each other, attempting to cannibalize each other's rhythms and beats to enhance their own sound. As the crowd heats up and time begins to go on, battle will begin to rage. While still playing, bands will begin to take potshots at each other via their team's longer-ranged weapons (no guns or instant death stuff though, that'd be ridiculous). This in turn heats up to brawls and insane fights, all while playing.

Points are awarded for great music, rate of damage, and ability to keep playing after a battle phase. Destruction of enemy instruments gives a massive bonus that typically results in a win, but is not entirely certain.

Participants can choose to give up at any time, but this is frowned upon. It is better to continue playing. Imagine: The lead's guitar's neck gets snapped/sawed/melted/headbutted in half, and to continue playing, he grips the ends of the strings in his mouth, stretches them over whats left of the fret board as tightly and accurately as possible, and does his damndest to keep shredding. The strings are slicing up his lips, gums, and teeth, blood is pooring down onto the fret board, and still he refuses to fucking quit.

Re: Shredding of the Soul

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:18 pm
by Kota
At some point during each fight, a timer starts ticking down, and once it hits 0, the lead guitarists have to step forward and versus shred. The drums and bass are able to accompany, but they can't attack at all, only the guitarists can.

Crowds counteract traps and cheating, protecting bands they like and attempting to remove advantages from bands they dislike. Typically they don't do much, but this prevents an entirely new band from competing in completely unknown territory, as no one would be "protecting" them.

Re: Shredding of the Soul

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:24 am
by ccdr
I'm not sure whats going but I can't say I entirely hate it

Re: Shredding of the Soul

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:26 am
by G3n0c1de
I suppose it's an interesting idea, but isn't really connected to KS.

Re: Shredding of the Soul

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:52 am
by cheesegrater3
All I can say

Re: Shredding of the Soul

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 1:50 pm
by Vysetron

Re: Shredding of the Soul

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 11:12 pm
by Kota
Rock past the limits of the body, past the limits of the soul.

Re: Shredding of the Soul

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 7:28 am
by ccdr
12 rapes a second?!