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Re: POLL: The Various Age Groups of KS ~Revised~

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 10:36 pm
by Wannabefan
zanzarra wrote:
newnar wrote:Kids under 10 surfing the net under supervision? It's 2012.
That's right, irresponsible parents will never go out of style.
Its fairly commonplace for ten year olds to be on the Internet without supervision. And what parent wants to watch their kid play stupid flash games all day anyway?

Re: POLL: The Various Age Groups of KS ~Revised~

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 10:46 pm
by A Humbled Fan
Wannabefan wrote:
zanzarra wrote:
newnar wrote:Kids under 10 surfing the net under supervision? It's 2012.
That's right, irresponsible parents will never go out of style.
Its fairly commonplace for ten year olds to be on the Internet without supervision. And what parent wants to watch their kid play stupid flash games all day anyway?
It's true. And most parents are computer illiterate enough that they have no idea what their kids are doing. It's obvious that it's more than "playing stupid flash games".

Re: POLL: The Various Age Groups of KS ~Revised~

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:01 pm
by Wannabefan
Well if the results of the survey are trustworthy, then it definitely is more then flash games... But what I meant was that kids aren't supervised because the parents can't be bothered. Aaannd we're getting off topic

Re: POLL: The Various Age Groups of KS ~Revised~

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:15 pm
by Merlyn_LeRoy
A Humbled Fan wrote:
Benkei wrote:The borders only fail you for that infinitesimal moment in time where you are exactly the border age (e.g. 15 years 0 months 0 days 0 hours minutes 0 seconds 0 tenth-seconds 0 hundredth-seconds ...). If you take the poll before that moment, then you are below the indicated age (so to use the 15yo example, you'd be 14 years 11 months 29 or 30 days old, so you should vote "10-15"). If you take the poll after that moment, then you are above the indicated age. And if it really bothers you that the poll is going to be wrong for you in just a matter of a few days, then ffs don't vote until you're comfortable voting. But it really isn't rocket science, people. Either you're above a given border age (if even only by a few seconds) or you're below it.
Thank you.

Also, those that are voting <10 or 70+, even if they are trolls, they are considered "outliers". I know that outliers can in theory affect confidence intervals, but since this is a faux survey, then I'm saying they don't matter.
I don't think the 70+ is a troll; someone on 4chan earlier today had an anecdote about his grandfather really liked it (and him being some sort of writing professional, IIRC), and he was 91 or so.

Play me off, Rin
playmeoffrin.png (19.54 KiB) Viewed 3996 times

Re: POLL: The Various Age Groups of KS ~Revised~

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:52 am
by A Humbled Fan
Merlyn_LeRoy wrote:
A Humbled Fan wrote:
Benkei wrote:The borders only fail you for that infinitesimal moment in time where you are exactly the border age (e.g. 15 years 0 months 0 days 0 hours minutes 0 seconds 0 tenth-seconds 0 hundredth-seconds ...). If you take the poll before that moment, then you are below the indicated age (so to use the 15yo example, you'd be 14 years 11 months 29 or 30 days old, so you should vote "10-15"). If you take the poll after that moment, then you are above the indicated age. And if it really bothers you that the poll is going to be wrong for you in just a matter of a few days, then ffs don't vote until you're comfortable voting. But it really isn't rocket science, people. Either you're above a given border age (if even only by a few seconds) or you're below it.
Thank you.

Also, those that are voting <10 or 70+, even if they are trolls, they are considered "outliers". I know that outliers can in theory affect confidence intervals, but since this is a faux survey, then I'm saying they don't matter.
I don't think the 70+ is a troll; someone on 4chan earlier today had an anecdote about his grandfather really liked it (and him being some sort of writing professional, IIRC), and he was 91 or so.

Play me off, Rin
Wow that's interesting! One of the few.

Re: POLL: The Various Age Groups of KS ~Revised~

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 3:49 am
by vaektor
I turned 32 three days ago. A romantic at heart, this game's right up my alley. I feel kinda old compared to the majority of folks here, but we all have loved and wanted to be loved so it makes us all the same, I suppose.

Re: POLL: The Various Age Groups of KS ~Revised~

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:14 pm
by russianspy1234
Benkei wrote:The borders only fail you for that infinitesimal moment in time where you are exactly the border age (e.g. 15 years 0 months 0 days 0 hours minutes 0 seconds 0 tenth-seconds 0 hundredth-seconds ...). If you take the poll before that moment, then you are below the indicated age (so to use the 15yo example, you'd be 14 years 11 months 29 or 30 days old, so you should vote "10-15"). If you take the poll after that moment, then you are above the indicated age. And if it really bothers you that the poll is going to be wrong for you in just a matter of a few days, then ffs don't vote until you're comfortable voting. But it really isn't rocket science, people. Either you're above a given border age (if even only by a few seconds) or you're below it.
thats completely arbitrary though. it could just as easily go the other way. i am 25, i dont say "i am 25 and X months and X days" so either of the categories that include 25 look equally applicable to me. your explanation makes sense, but its 6 pages in, and its still gonna throw off your results.

Re: POLL: The Various Age Groups of KS ~Revised~

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:01 pm
by A Humbled Fan
Added Benkei's explanation to the OP for those still confused.

Re: POLL: The Various Age Groups of KS ~Revised~

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:24 pm
by CNB
vaektor wrote:I turned 32 three days ago. A romantic at heart, this game's right up my alley. I feel kinda old compared to the majority of folks here, but we all have loved and wanted to be loved so it makes us all the same, I suppose.
I know that feel, bro. I've got the same birthday coming up in less than 2 weeks.

Re: POLL: The Various Age Groups of KS ~Revised~

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 4:26 am
by vaektor
CNB wrote:
vaektor wrote:I turned 32 three days ago. A romantic at heart, this game's right up my alley. I feel kinda old compared to the majority of folks here, but we all have loved and wanted to be loved so it makes us all the same, I suppose.
I know that feel, bro. I've got the same birthday coming up in less than 2 weeks.
Yeah... life's getting pretty serious and I'm trying to figure out what to do with the rest of it. KS kinda opened my eyes to some possibilities, but I'm pretty sure whatever happens it's gonna be a solo act for a while. No worries tho. Hope your birthday is as chill as mine

Re: POLL: The Various Age Groups of KS ~Revised~

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 6:13 am
by asakayosapro
Voted with real age.

I am surprised to see young ones playing this game, and / or voting.. But then again, it is one of the unwritten rules of 'growing up' and 'the Internet':
No matter what you do to stop them, if they really want it, the children will find pornography. And if they can't find it, they will make it themselves. That is the reality of the current society we have in the world.
Which is why I find that case of two minors being charged as adults for sending nudes to each other on their phones as ridiculously idiotic. Oh, the irony of how 'we want to protect the children' has turned upon and against the children themselves. Curse those uptight paranoiac puritans for doing this to our law system..

Re: POLL: The Various Age Groups of KS ~Revised~

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 7:26 am
by ForLackofaBetterName
asakayosapro wrote:Which is why I find that case of two minors being charged as adults for sending nudes to each other on their phones as ridiculously idiotic. Oh, the irony of how 'we want to protect the children' has turned upon and against the children themselves. Curse those uptight paranoiac puritans for doing this to our law system..
Uh oh, I feel like this thread is about to get crazy.
*Bracing for impact*

Also, A Humbled Fan, I haven't check any other pages than this one and the first one, did you say your age?

22 here (am I too old to say 22 and a half??? ;D)

Re: POLL: The Various Age Groups of KS ~Revised~

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 8:28 am
by asakayosapro
Just for clarification, I am not referring just to KS, but the content easily available online with just one search and click, and most other content that isn't just as easily accessible. Every protection system has it's workarounds, and most 'children' as well as almost all teenagers, so to speak, are already smart enough to figure it out. It is not necessarily as bad as people might think it is; what is bad is how much stigma and paranoia they put on such things to the point of saying "it is wrong to satisfy your curiosity, even if responsibly so".

We don't need more rules to enforce, we need to provide proper information so that whatever they do find on their quest to stave off boredom and satisfy curisoity, they won't make mistakes with the new knowledge they have found.

Anyway, this discussion is best continued somewhere else; let us get back on topic while we still can.

Re: POLL: The Various Age Groups of KS ~Revised~

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:20 am
by jsc_tidus
70+.. Really..?? I mean, really??

Re: POLL: The Various Age Groups of KS ~Revised~

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 12:11 pm
by encrypted12345
jsc_tidus wrote:70+.. Really..?? I mean, really??
I'm sure senior citizens spend plenty of time on the web. They have to do something in those retirement homes.